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The Healing Power of Music

Autism Research Explores Response to Specific Frequencies

e all have to be concerned with loud sounds
these days, whether it's making sure our kids [Applied Behavioral Analysis is]
don't suffer from "iPodili.s"' or taking care not
to destroy our own eardrums in the course of trying to very focused, and there are
do our jobs. But there is a group of people for whom
even normal .sounds—at least ones that sound normal specific programs in reading, math
to most of us—can be extremely harmful.
That's the crux of a theory developed by French and printing—teaching through
physician Dr. Guy B^rard about autism. And people I
know and respect in the audio industry are finding it to repetition. It is one of the
be correct—and profoundly helpful. Autism, a disorder
affecting both children and adults in which the sufferer few therapies that provides
foils to respond to normal sensory stimuli or responds in
highly distorted ways, has been diagnosed for centuries, tangible data showing an individual's
but in recent years, it has apparently been showing up
more frequently, particulady in highly developed areas progress. It's sort of like having a
of the world. A new survey by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention shows that approximately one really intense music tutor.
in 150 children born today in the U,S, will show symp-
toms of autism, while the incidence in Great Britain is —Tom McCurk
reported to be even higher.
It's well-established that there is some genetic basis
to the syndrome, and there are a number of theories rambunctious, sarcastic, disruptive and very talented. He
about environmental factors that may contribute to the became a composer, sound designer and mixer for the
incidence of autism. Likewise, a variety of methods smash PBS kids' show Bill Nye, The Science Guy. He and
of treating autistic children have been tried over the his team won seven Emmys and eventually bought the
years—particulady to help kids who are more severely studio where they were working, Danielle—thoughtful,
withdrawn. Some of these experimental treatments have .sensible and methodical as a .student—is a product sup-
been pointless, expensive and cruel; others give cause port engineer at Silicon Graphics, where she had been
for hope. According to Tom McGurk, an award-winning part of the now-defunct audio group.
composer and one of the owners of legendary Seattle They noticed when Connor was just out of infancy
studio Bad AnimaLs, an unusual therapy involving expos- that he was different from other children his age. He was
ing autistic children to recorded music may be the key the last in his play group to roll over and sit up. He never
to helping many victims of the disorder. pointed or made eye contact with anyone, he avoided
Before I get into the story, though, let me point other kids and he recoiled at loud noises. At 18 months,
out two things that might be obvious: One, I'm not a when he still wasn't talking, his parents knew something
neurologist or child therapist, but there are many ex- was wrong. He was diagnosed as heing autistic, and they
cellent people in those fields and others working with were urged to take early action.
auti.stic children. If you have a child who is showing So they researched the .syndrome intensively. One
signs of slow development or unresponsivene,ss, then treatment they pursued and have had success with is
please consult a professional right away. If there really called "Applied Behavioral Analysis," or ABA. "It teaches
is something wrong, the sooner you find out, the bet- skills that typically developing children learn on their
ter the child's chances for improvement. Two, autism own," says Tom. "The principle behind it is to break
comprises a whole range of symptoms and syndromes, down complex skills into component skills, like how to
and while this particular therapy has been helpful in imitate and read facial expressions, and both receptive
this case, different children will respond to it in dif- and expressive language, and teach the skills so that they
ferent ways, or perhaps not at all. Again, profe.ssional build on one another.
guidance is crucial. "It involves carefully charting and graphing what the
Torn and his wife, Danielle, are the parents of a child understand,'! and what he doesn't," he continues,
6-year-old autistic child, Connor, I've known Tom and "If you look at a chart of Connor's skill levels at the
Danielle for a long time—they were both students of time, it would look like a city skyline. There are deep
mine nearly two decades ago. As a student, Tom was spikes in scjme areas that would just not lie noticed in

20 MIX, Afay ,2007 •


a classroom. So it's very focused, and tbere that one of the causes of autism may lie school asked me if we bad a Theremin be-
are specific prngnun,s in reading, matli and the way its sufFcrcrs rt'S[X>ncl to sound—lliat cause .she said he was doing a really great
printing—teacliing through repetition. It the sounds around them are simply over- imitation of a Theremin. And we did,
Is one of tbe few therapies that provides whehning them. "When we did an audiogram on him,
tangible data showing an individiuil's prog- "Connor always had stuff going on with it was all over the place." he continues,
ress. It's sort of like having a really intense sound," says Tom, "There are two floating "There are anomalies between the two cars
music tutor." bridges near us, and when he was little, and within the ears themselves; it's not flat.
But Tom and Danielle were Interested whenever we'd drive (wcr them, he'd cover One ear showed a spike and tbe other a
in going turtiicr, supplementing AliA with his cars. We have a friend who has a very drop at the .same frequency. Well, if your
at least one unconventional treatment each quiet voice, and when he would visit, Con- cars arc interpreting whai llu-y'rc bearing
year, "I found a book, Ihe Sound of falling nor took to him so much that he even sat completely dilferently from each other, it's
Sncav, and one of tlie stories in it sounded in his lap. Before he talked, he used to impcssiblc to understand sounds. It affects
just like Connor." Ibm rcmemlx.Ts, The make tbis noise, whicb one day I realized language ticvclopment because you can't
book was edited by Annabel Stehli, a was a siren going by because we lived on a get meaning or emotions. It's why some
writer and parent of an autistic girl. Stehli main road. So after that, every time I heard autistic kids go into a corner: They can
is an advfxratc of a theory developed by him make a weird, I knew he was contnil and localize everything they hear
French ololaryngoiogist Berard, who .says imitating something. One of his teachers al by turning their heads. Or some make a lot
of noise; They're trying to balance out the
sounds tbat are around them,
"Going through tbe audio training I did,
I realized that if you don't get the sounds
coming at the same lime, it's horrible. Once
you understand that environmental sound
is having an impact on someone, you think,
if I were having these problems, it would
drive me crazy, too.' If you're in sch(X»l
and you can't follow directions because
ytju can't understand them, they think it's
emotional. And soon it becomes emolional:
•This environment lor me is driving me
out of my mind; 1 have a huge spike right
where fluorescent lights buzz—get me out
of tbis room! I can't learn because all I bear
is "hzzzz." Hut they think I'm dumb,'
"Wlien they rang the bell in church, he
would cover hi.s ears and shake his head,
and people would think, 'Hey, hc'.s just a
bad kid,' I a.skcd the therapist about the
frequency band where a bell would ap-
pear, and she said he's got a huge spike-
right there. One time he told u,s he didn'l
want to go to school, but he loved sc^hool.
So I started looking for causes, and it turns
out there was a kid screaming on the bus,
which was driving him nuts.
"Kids can't articulate what's wrong and
so they become withdrawn," he adds, "Witb
some children, it's the stomach. Put them
on a gluten-free diet and they get lietter.
Once you try to .see through bis eyes, you
realize he perceives things differently llian
we do. So you're trying to figure out what
thai perceptit)n is and .somehow iry to Ixil-
ance il out."
Dr, Berard has developed a technique
for retraining cbildren with these kinds
of hearing issues; he calls it "Audio ln-
legralion Training." or AIT It comprises
iUi unbeatable sound quality, state-of-the-art clock technoiogy, a number of 30 minute ses.sions, twice
low-latency, flexible monitoring for control room or foldback, a day over 10 days, listening to specially
Orpheus by Prism Sound is the professionals choice recorded music CDs, "The practitioners
don't talk much about the technology."
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quency bands and modulations, and you pist got Connor's reactions from his facial couldn't figure out why. After therapy, about
don't want to listen to it yourself My in- expressions," two-and-a-half weeks later, he's on every
terpretation of it is that it's retraining your AIT is not an easy thing for a child to ride. And his therapist laughs and says.
ear to recognize what a level frequency get started on; initially, children can respond •What the heck did you do to this kid?' Now
response would be." very hadly, even violently. "At first, we had he's skiing, and he's into speed and turns,
According to Stehli's Website (www, to hold the headphones on him," says Tom, and the instructor says, "Your kid's got great, "By means of au- "and he acted like he had hot pokers in balance,' Well, he didn't two years ago,
diometric testing using a standard audiom- his eyes. But at the end of the week, he "His speech bas improved incredibly.
eter, it can, in some cases, be determined at was falling asleep with the headphones on. His lEP [Individualized Education Pro-
what frecjuencies a person has hyperacute They warned us that there would be nega- gram—the format u.sed in special-needs
and/or hypoacute hearing. If such an nudi- tive changes in his behavior, too. After the education] no longer involves academics;
tory test is possible, then one or two of the second week, we saw this beast we had now he's alx>ve a grade in some areas like
frequencies at which hearing is most acute never seen, reading. Everything that remains is behav-
may be filtered," In other words, the CDs "But then we started lo see positive ioral. I'm not saying that AIT alone did all
reflea the child's own hearing anomalies changes," he continues. "It wasn't like this; I believe in a comprehensive program.
and allow him or her to hear music that this big Hollywood, 'Mom, Dad, 1 love But we can definitely point to this specific
Is not bothersome. The underlying theory, you!' but incremental things, like all of a time as a big turning point and spike in
which is still a long way from proven, is sudden he became intere.sted in the fam- his development, Bifi. The therapists who
that somehow the brain—especially in a ily dog, whereas before he used to hale didn't know we had done this treatment all
young child—compensates by physically it when she'd bark. He understands hi.s noticed the marked change at the time and
reorganizing itself to be less sensitive to the own behavior now. As he knows more, commented on it,"
missing frequencies, his other systems take over for them. He's The recommendation of practitioners of
"Of course, we were skeptical," says able to tell me that the problem wilh those AIT is that it should l>e done several limes
Tom, "But we said, 'We're going to do this floating bridges was that when we drove during childhood, "The body is changing,
and not tell any of his therapists, but just gel over the diamond-plate, he was hearing the brain is growing," .says Tom, "and they
empirical evaluations afterward and see if subsonic stuff thai we couldn't, and it think we should do it every two years.
he's getting lietter.' We wanted people who bothered him, The .second time we did it, Connor was
could evaluate the improvement, if there "Tbere are apparently inner-ear issues, fine with it—he knew what was going to
was any, witbout biases. The t1rst training a.s well. Putting him on an amasemenl park happen. It even works with older people.
was when he had limited speech; tlie ihera- ride was like throwing him into hell. We We've read about 40-year-olds who get





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24 M]X, May 2007 •


treatment who say their lives have changed. matic or musical elements. He responds to to be a growing talent there. "We have a
Rut it's so important, as we were told, to get vocal pans, piano and instrumented mu.sic piano in the living room, and when he wa.s
lo them early. If you wait until they're 12 differently. Some makes him absolutely mad at us, he would pound the low keys,"
years old, there are all those layers of pro- calm, some really jumpy. When we visited recalls Tom. "But later, at 3 or 4, he was
tection they've built up against the outside my family over the .summer, my nephew doing scalar stuff, and I'd notice there was
world. You tiave to strip away all that stuff wa.s really into the Icelandic group Sigur a tonal center to everything he played. It
and build it up again. With a kid who's 2 Ros. They are an ambient/sound collage- freaked me out.
or 3, thai hasn't happened yel," type band, and thai music really affected "It's not a savant kind of thing, but he's
Connor's sensitivity to .sound is now Connor in a ptwitive .sense—calming. He musical. His teacher just told me, 'I ihink
evolving into an appreciation for music. really docs hear differently than the typical your kid has perfect pitch. Fverything thai
"I am amazed at the responses he has to person, and it never ceases to amaze me. we sang in class, that kid was firing back
specific pieces of music a.s they are play- We've got a lol to leam about sound and perfectly' We went into Guitar Center, and
ing," says Tom. "They're all about the actual how it affects the individual." he saw a drummer, so he .sal down behind
acoustic elements, as opposed to the ttie- Besides appreciation, there also appears a kit and tried to imitate him. The drum-
mer said, 'Wow, you should get your kid a
drum set."'
Not surprisingly, Tom and Danielle
have become vocal advocates for early
PORTABLE AUDIO M!V intervention when it comes to dealing
with autism. "If you put your money into
these kids, they'll be in society," says Ibm.
"They might be a little different, but if we
help them along Ihe way as they develop,
they will he able to go to school and have
productive lives. Bui if you don't, they say
it could be a million bucks a person on
the back side. How we choose to help
these kids will have far-reaching effects in
ihe next few decades, both societal antl
financial. Finding innovative treatments to
enable the kids to learn is paramount, and
we really don't have time to wait for the
government to come rescue them. Many
people are currently .searching for ihc gene,
the envirormiental effect, the triggers that autism, and that's great. But just as
important is the education and ihcrapy of
ihe kids here now, and also educating the
Rolls makes a variety of battery powered mixers to accommodate most any portable audio population in general as to how U) interact
application. From live remote radio broadcasts to professional video recording, a Rolls with the one.s living among us."
mixer will fit the need.
And Tom sees a role for ihe audio
industry in all of this: "Our industry ha.s
The MX56c MiniMix A/V mixes a microphone with two stereo line inputs a profound effect on these kids in many,
and a single mono line input. Individual line level and mic level outputs are many facets of their lives. We have so
provided. many great pet>ple who could he involvetl
and supplying the resources needed to as-
The MX34 LiveMix features two mic inputs, switchable phantom power, pan sist and train the therapists, and to create
controls, and phone outputs designed to connect directly to most video cameras the technologies needed to get therapies
- or any line input. to a wider range of individuals for a more
affordahlc (iricc. In IIK- future, there may
The MX54S ProMix Plus and MX124 ProMix IV each feature XLR mic he liandheld devices a kid can use to help
inputs, switchable phantom power and low-cut filters, pan controls, phone out- him focus and calm down using sound—as
puts, and transformer-balanced XLR outputs. The MX54s has three mic inputs, opposed to Ritalin. Imagine that!"
the MX124 has four. I think there are a !ot of parents who
would be pretty happy atxjut that. •
For complete info on these and alt Rolls products, check
out our website:

All Rolls mixers are manufactured in the U.S.A.

lO 5968 South 350 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Paul Lehmmn is the director of music tech-
nology at Tufhi University. You can catch
up on 11 years of his scrihhlinfis in The
(801) 263-9053 - FAX (8011 263-9066 Insider Audio tiatliroom Reader, published
WeVe got something for the job. hy nomson Course I^TR and available at

26 , May 2007 •

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