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1. Demonstrate how ….…………………

2. Show how can you….…………………
3. Show how you can apply…...………… Answer by Elements with in performance criteria!!!
4. Explain how can ……………...……….
5. How to demonstrate……………………
1) Participate in OHS (occupational health safety) Processes
1. Work safely
 Keeping work place clean
 Using protective equipment.
2. Implement workplace safety requirements
 Identify the types of hazards
 Identifying appropriate persons to report for concerns.
3. Participate in OHS consultative processes
4. Follow safety procedures
 Completing required documentation
 Local, state and federal legislation
 Materials safety data sheets (MSDS)
 National health and medical research council guidelines
 Following OHS guidelines relevant to workplace
 Maintenance and use of cleaning apparatus in a work
2) Use Business Equipment and Resources
1. Select equipment or resources
 Examples
 Printers  Telephone
 Photocopy machine  Human resource

2. Operate equipment
 Identifying any faults of equipment's.
3. Maintain equipment or resources
 Cleaning the equipment.  Service call
 Adding accessories  Clearing paper jam.
 Replacing paper
3) Work Effectively in a Business Environment
1. Work within organizational requirements
 Employee right and responsibility.
 Attendance  Punctuality
 Confidentiality  Right of union representation
 Knowing terms of employments  Protection from harassments
 Employer right and responsibility.
 Provide safe environment  Commit a criminal offense
 Right to dismiss  Provide fair payment
2. Work in a team
 Complete allocated tasks

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3. Develop effective work habits

4) Operate Personal Computer
 (Folder/Subfolder Creation)
5) Develop Keyboard Skills
 (Typing, Save, Copy, Paste, Underline, Bold, Font(size & style), Margin, Alignment, watermark,
drop cap, column, line spacing, indent and others)

6) Create & Use Spreadsheet (Excel)

 (Table, merge, sum/total, average, min, max, color, chart, x-axis, y-axis, chart title and
mathematical & accounting concept
7) Plan Skills Development
1. Seek advice on future career directions
 Discussing different directions with appropriate persons
2. Conduct self-assessment of skills
 Identifying experience relating to business.
 Identifying relevant competencies. (3P or 4 Skills or AIO )
 Personal Attributes  Interpersonal Skills
 Personal Skills  Practical Skills
 Organization Skills  Academic Results
3. Prepare portfolio of evidence
8) Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices
1. Identify current resource use.
 Examining invoices from suppliers.
 Examining relevant Information and data.
 Report from other parties.
 Measuring resources under different condition.
2. Comply with environmental regulations
 Follow workplace procedures to ensure compliance
3. Seek opportunities to improve resource efficiency
 Opportunities for improvements (Coaching, mentoring, supervision, Internal/external training
provision, Personal study, and Workplace skills assessment

9) Organize and Complete Daily Work Activities

1. Organize work schedule
 Agreeing up on work goals
2. Complete work tasks
 Identifying factors that affects our daily activities:

 Change procedure,  Other work demand,

 New procedure  Competing work demands
 Equipment breakdown  Environmental factor like weather
 Resource shortage, conditions

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3. Review work performance

 Receiving feedback from others.
 Applying the feedbacks received.
10) Receive and Respond to Workplace Communication
1. Follow routine spoken messages
 Listening attentively to gather the required information.
2. Perform workplace duties following written notices.
 Internal Memo
 Business Letter
Business Letter and Interoffice Memorandum are discussed as part III
11) Work with Others
1. Develop effective workplace relationship
 Identify duties and responsibilities.
 Job Description,  Employment agreement,
 Code of conduct,  Organizational structure
2. Contribute to work group activities
 Provide support to team members. (Explaining ,Clarifying , helping, encouragement)
12) Demonstrate Work Values
1. Define the purpose of work
 Work Practices (2E2P or QRS)
 Effectiveness  Quality of work
 Efficiency  Resourcefulness
 Productivity  5S
 Punctuality
2. Apply work values/ethics
 Work Values (4Sense or 3C)
 Sense of purpose  Caring attitude
 Sense of responsibility  Competence
 Sense of nationalism  Commitment
 Sense of urgency
3. Deal with ethical problems
4. Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
13) Apply Quality Standards
1. Assess own work
 Identifying how to complete work activities.
2. Assess quality of service rendered.
Techniques to assess /Check quality service
 Visual Inspection  Check against design / specification.
 Physical measurement  Measuring materials.
3. Recording basic information on the quality performance.
4. Study causes of quality deviations
5. Complete documentation
14) Develop Understanding of Entrepreneurship (Form & Run Enterprise)
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1. Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of entrepreneurship

 Identifying the classifications of enterprise/Business.
 Small vs. Large,  Manufacturing vs. Service,
 Private vs. Public,  Formal vs. Non formal,
 Profit vs. Nonprofit,  Individual vs. Community.)
 Local vs. Foreign,
2. Discuss how to become entrepreneur
 Alternative means of becoming an entrepreneur?)
 Buying an existing business.
 Starting new business.
 Franchising.
 Characteristics of entrepreneur:- (FIRST)

 Focus,  Take risk

 Intelligent,  Creativity
 Responsibility  Persistence
 Self-confidence,
3. Discuss how to organize an enterprise
 Factor to select business location (ECO POP)
 Competition
 Economy and
 Population
4. Discuss how to operate an enterprise
5. Develop one’s own business plan
15) Apply 5S Procedures
1. Sort needed items from unneeded
 Eliminate all unnecessary items.
2. Set in order
 Arrange necessary item in proper order.
3. Shine the items
 Keeping work place clean.
4. Standardize activities.
 First identify my own activity
 Follow procedures
 Keep the area to specified standards.
 Follow checklist for activity.
5. Sustain 5S system
 Practicing the above 4s procedures as a way of life.

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