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A. Choose the correct answer from the multiple choice (simple present tense)

1. Eko, Yoga, and Nanda …………… my best friends.

a. Is c. was
b. Am d. are
2. My father doesn’t…………… coffee every morning.
a. To drink c. drinks
b. Drink d. drinking
3. Does your friend ……………about this problem?
a. Understands c. understand
b. To understand d. understood
4. The earth …………… once within 24 hours everyday.
a. Rotating c. rotate
b. Rotates d. rotated
5. Do your parents …………… in a hotel?
a. Stays c. stay
b. To stay d. staying
6. I usually ……………to the park on Saturday.
a. Drive c. drove
b. Drives d. driving
7. Jane always ……………a lot of time with her friends.
a. Spend c. spent
b. Spended d. spends
8. ……………your brother heavy?
a. Are c. is
b. Was d. were
9. My mother sometimes ……………dinner.
a. Made c. make
b. Makes d. making
10. ……………he have brown eyes?
a. Do c. does
b. Is d. are
B. Choose the correct answer ! (present perfect tense)

1. I …………studied for two hours.

a. Have c. has
b. Been d. had
2. We ………… here since yesterday.
a. Has been c. had been
b. Have been d. has
3. Sinta has ……… to the school for 3 hours.
a. Go c. gone
b. Goes d. went
4. Shane ………… around the world with his best friend.
a. Travel c. have traveling
b. Is traveling d. has traveled
5. Tian ………… this movie three times.
a. Sees c. has been seen
b. Has seen d. is seeing
6. Jack ………… in the same house for twenty years.
a. Lived c. leave
b. Living d. has lived
7. They have …………me about this story.
a. Tell c. told
b. Telling d. tells
8. Priscila ……… the results of the experiment.
a. Is recording c. has recording
b. Has already recorded d. had record
9. Diana ………… the material for her next exam.
a. Has yet to learn c. has been learning
b. Learns d. is learning
10. We have ………… this novel together since yesterday.
a. Read c. reading
b. Reads d. readed
C. Organize the words into appropriate sentences

1. has – it –for – rained – days – three.

Answer :______________________________________

2. five – has – Gunawan – worked – for – years – here.

Answer :______________________________________

3. gone – police – they – have – to – the – office.

Answer :______________________________________

4. novel – yet – finished – I – reading – this – haven’t.

Answer :______________________________________

5. she – coffee – three – of – drunk – today – cups – has.

Answer :______________________________________

D. fill in the chart with correct forms of the verbs

base form present tense past tense present perfect tense

clean he cleans he cleaned he has cleaned

sit I _________ I ________ I ________________

teach you ________ you_______ you ______________

buy she doesn’t_______ she didn’t______ she hasn’t__________

eat she _________ she________ she_______________

take she doesn’t______ she didn’t______ she hasn’t__________

give we___________ we_________ we________________

write I don’t________ I didn’t_______ I haven’t___________

sleep Vicky__________ Vicky ________ Vicky______________

travel they__________ they_________ they_______________

choose the correct answers

1. Present perfect tense has …………

a) A main verb only b) an auxiliary and past participle
2. In present perfect tense, the pas participle is ………… the past tense form.
a) Always the same form as b) sometimes a different form from.

E. Answer the following questions by selecting the best answer! (past continuous)

1. The bridge…………(repair) yesterday so the traffic was delayed.

a. was repairing c. was being repairing

b. were repairing d. was being repaired

2. Change the sentence into negative form!

When the phone rang, I was cooking rice.

a. The rice was being cooked by me when the phone rang

b. I was not cooking when the phone rang
c. Was I cooking rice when the phone rang
d. When the phone rang, the rice was being cooked by me
3. Change this sentence into positive form!
Were you eating your dinner when Sally visited you?
a. You was eating your dinner when Sally visited you
b. You were not eating your dinner when Sally visited you
c. When Sally visited you, you were not eating your dinner
d. You were eating your dinner when Sally visited you.
4. Change this sentence into interrogative sentence!
a. Was not I cooking the cake while my mother was washing the clothes?
b. Were not you cooking the cake while your mother was washing the clothes?
c. Was I cooking the cake while my mother was washing the clothes?
d. Were you cooking the cake while your mother was washing the clothes?
5. They ……… in the stream.
a. Was fishing
b. Were fishing
c. Was being fished
d. Were being fished
F. Choose the best answer! (perfect continuous tense)

1. Rena : why don’t you reply my text?

Wawan : oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you that I …… to Ambon since last year.

a. Am traveling c. have to travel

b. Was traveling d. have been traveling

2. All these years, Vina …………in apartment.

a. lived c. had lived

b. has been living d. was living

3. They ……… talking for the last hour.

a. have been c. has been

b. had been d. will be

4. John ………… since 3 hours ago

a. have sleeping c. has been sleep

b. have been sleep d. has been sleeping

5. I ……… in my house for almost 30 years.

a. live c. have been living

b. lives d. had lived

G. Common and Proper Noun

Direction : Circle C or P depending on whether the underlined noun is a common or proper


1. Jack borrowed his bike C P

2. He lives in forest C P

3. Her birthday is in February C P

4. He wants to go Paris C P

5. She didn’t know the name of animal C P

6. Most people watch television C P

7. Russia is the largest country in the world C P

8. The New York Yankees are a baseball team C P

9. Lilik was learning over the counter C P

10. He adopted a cat from the shelter C P

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