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Basubas, Renz Walter O.


Reaction Paper on Pia Ranada’s blog titled, “2022, the year to be political”

Indeed, when we talked about politics here in the Philippines, it might sound too boring
for others and might one avoid the topic because it is too toxic to even discuss. But, it is the
year to be political. As a criminology student, I think it is time to be political because politics
determines who governs, and governance affects every aspect of life – from how big the
electricity bill is today, to the traffic jams that make us late for class, to who lives and dies in a
COVID-19 hospital. I think who we choose will greatly affects our lives.
So why should I involve myself in politics? As a criminology student who will abide and
enforce the law in the future, it is important for me to choose a leader that will make laws for
the marginalized people that can benefit from it. It is important to choose a leader who will
make laws that can help our people and makes our country progressive. I will choose a leader
that will not only makes laws but also enforce it correctly. I will not be silenced myself and will
participate actively to politics and it will help me and us Filipinos in the future. I know that if a
person will not help itself to make out a better future, one will still remain poor. But I think
otherwise. If a person will be hardworking as ever but still not given opportunity by the
government, one will still remain poor. You see, government plays a large role to the society so
it is on us that we choose kind of leaders that will govern us correctly, the kind of leader that
will cater to our needs, the kind of leaders who will think of its people, not only for themselves.
I think it is time for us to be political and leave the area where we used to be apolitical, where
we don’t care what is happening in our economy because we felt that we are not affected by it
because we still do things we enjoy to do.
To my fellow youth, I think it is time for us to voice out our voice. Our future really
depended on this election. I hope that we critically think who to choose. Our vote matters to
future generations.

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