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2 @ ae Listen and colour. Then match. small nose white a ) short beard “Mum ) green eyes Peter ) blond hair @ a Look at Activity 1 and write. 1 2 3 4 5 Grandad has gota short beard ,a and eyebrows. Mum has got blond anda Peter a small nose and Grandad _ grey hair, green Mum and Peter have got blue eyes small glasses red hair grey hair thick eyebrows moustache nose. hair. and small kn ecaind neem > @® @ Choose, draw and colour. Then write. I've got and - Thaven'’t got @® oe Look and write. (He's got He hasn't got She’s got She hasn't got ) 1 He’s got _ thick eyebrows. 5 a small nose. 2 longhair. 6 — long hair. 3 glasses. 7 ___ glasses. 4 _abeard. 8 blond hair. = ® ae Listen and number. Mary —— _ { strongarms strong legs long eyelashes long neck round chin in short-fingernaits eS John hasn’t got _short fingernails . Mary has got a 2 o c¢ Tom has got He hasn't got d Sally has got a She hasn't got oe Write about your family. has got hasn't got 2 has got hasn't got 3 _ has got _ hasn't got a (8) « Listen and tick (/). Then write. ¢ 6 He's got hair and arms. He hasn't got ® ae Read. Then write. My name's Meesoo. I'm 10 years old. I love swimming and dancing. I've got black hair and thin eyebrows. I've got strong arms and legs. I’ve got a flat stomach. I haven't got broad shoulders. I haven't got glasses. 1 Has she got blond hair? No, she hasn't 2 Has she got thin eyebrows? 3 Has she got strong legs and arms 4 Has she got glasses? 5 Has she got broad shoulders? ae Write about a friend. Friend’s name: _ 1 Has __ got glasses? 2 ____? No, hasn't. 3 ? Yes, has. ne eT @ oe Read the story again. Has Dr Bones got a white beard? Write. (a) e Read the sentences and write T = True or F = False. 1 Dr Bones has got a moustache. She's got long blond hair. 2 3 She hasn't got glasses. 4 She hasn't got tickilitis. ‘And she's got a Everyone on the bus white beard has got tickilitis. She's got blond hair. (4) rf Find the mistakes and write. 1 Dr Bones has got a tifftiff plant. Dr Bones hasn’t got a tifftiff plant_. 2. Kate and Kim have got tickilitis. 3. Dr Bones hasn't got glasses and spots. | (45) & Read the words. Circle the pictures. (say dinner “letter play J 1 aR wn ES |. : @) ae Listen and write the words. 1 os ay 2 3 4 = : (48) ee Read aloud. Then listen and check. Dad has his dinner. Mum has got a letter. The girl plays with the dog. eT (a9) oe Read and write T = True or F = False. 1 Martin has got two classmates 2 Kenny was born in Glasgow. 3 Roberta is from Jamaica. 4 — Roberta has got blond hair. oe Write about Tanya, her family and friends. Nate: Tanya Smith Age: 8 Friends: Beth (glasses) and Sammy (long hair) From: Canada Mum from: Scotland Dad from: Canada Grandad from: India ® 000000000 Tanya Smith is * years old. Here is Tanya with her family and friends. Tanya is from? . Her mum is from > and her dad is from ‘ . Her grandad is from ® Here are Tanya's friends, Sammy and Beth. Sammy has got ¢ and Beth has got” ® ws Look and match. { small eyes ) (Tong eyelashes ) (Pouch ) (tong legs ) ‘two wings ) (ong tail ) long body ) (long neck ) ‘| small head ) a be Ayr y) - (22) @ Draw a wild animal. Then write. This is a It’s got It hasn't got @ Sg Look and write. (_ moustac (moustache hair nose glasses - beard eyebrows ) 1 © hair 2 €3 _ 3 .©O— @ ‘© ; (24) oe Unscramble and write. 1 nich chin 2 sthec - 3 mahctos __ 4 msra : 5 hsudolres 6 aleeshsey (as) & Write. Use the words in Activity 24. She's got long and a round strong 5 broad 3 eee eee a anda strong _ . I-can recognise words for people's appearance. I can ask and answer about what people look like. Ican understand texts about Australian animals. ET) (26) oe Look and write. CD) oe Read and write about yourself. 1 & Have you got a round chin? Have you got a black moustache? Have you got short fingernails? 4 fo. 5 Have you got strong arms? = (28) e Write about a friend or family member. My has got and He/She hasn't got . i sini ceetemtmcaataataaaaicnieed 2

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