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EDUCAN - Values Beyond School PS30/1 BIOLOGY PAPER | (THEORY) November 2023 TIME; 25 HOURS Educan EDUCAN EXAMINATIONS BOARD UGANDA ADVANCED CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION BIOLOGY PAPER ONE (THEORY) 2HOURS: 30 MINUTES Instructions to Candidates * Attempt all questions in section A and B. # Answers to section A must be filled in boxes on the right-hand side, with out gambling # Answers to section B must be written in the spaces of the question paper provided. Advice You are advised to take utmost /0 minutes; reading through all questions in this booklet, 20 nsinutes answering the questions carefully and with utmost accuracy, and 20 minutes reading through your answers and correcting errors where necessary. Page 1 of 16 School SECTION A (40 MARKS) (Answers to Section A must be written in the boxes provided) In the chloroplast complex carbohydrates are made in the; A. Inter-membrane space B. Stroma C. Inner membrane D. Thyroid Oxides of nitrogen are greenhouse gases because they; A. Trap long wave radiation emitted by the earth’s surface B. Prevent short radiation from reaching the earth’s surface C. Produce acid rains when dissolved in water D. Destroy the ozone layer Red-green colour blindness is a sex-linked condition, which of the following always shows. normal vision A. Homozygote male B. Homozygote female C. Heterozygote male D. Heterozygote female }. The extra-cellular matrix of cells is made up of. A. Polysaccharide only B. Monosaccharide and glycoprotein C. Glycoprotein and phospholipid D. Phospholipid only Prokaryotic cells divide by: A. Mitosis: B. Meiosis. C. Budding D. Binary fusion How many reproductive stages does the malaria parasite undergo to complete the life cycle? A. 1 B. 2 c 3 D. 4 Identification of how characteristics are identified in humans | sometimes difficult because; A. Most gene are linked B. Rate of mutations are high Page 2 of 16 EDUCAN ~ Values Beyond Sehoo! C. Inheritance may be polygenic D. The environment changes very often 8. The results of the first mitotic divisions during early embryonic development is, Increase in number of chromosomes per cell Decrease in amount cytoplasm per cell Growth I the size of the embryo pomp Increase in the size of the cell 9. Genes P,Q, R, S are located on the same chromosome. the crossover values between them are, P-Q=20%, P-R=30%, P-s=15%, Q-S=30%, R-S=40%. What is the sequence of these genes in the gene map? SRQR RP.QS Pare PS.QR \¢ first identifiable product of carbon dioxide is . RUBP BRS.Q _— . Triosphosphate Th A B. Glycerate-3-phospate. ¢ D. . Acetyl COA Which statement I true for cellul0s¢ but no proteins/ it Is found in the cell surface membranes Is synthesized rom identical cell units a> Maybe a structural component Is used as an energy source 90 12. The property of water responsible for minimizing temperature changes in a cell is its ‘Cohesion Heat of vaporization maximum density at 4°C 1. Specific heat capacity GomP ich soil will have the highest number of denitrifying bacteria . Poorly drained forest soil . Water logged clay soil Whi A. Compressed agricultural soil B. c. D. Well acrated garden soil Page 3 of 16 EDUCAN - Values Beyond School 14, Cells which do not have nucleoli die because they do not have, . Centrioles and cannot divide Mitochondria and cannot release energy mRNA and cannot transcribe DNA ribosome and cannot synthesize proteins pope 15. which one of the following is true fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane? A. The less unsaturated the fatty acid tails of the phospholipids the more fluid the membrane. [] B. The more unsaturated the fatty acid tails of the phospholipids, the more fluid the membrane C. The higher the temperature the less the fluid membrane. D.. The lower the temperature the more the fluid membrane 16. Which one of the following is not a major function of lipids in the human body? Lipids; A. Are ashort-term energy store B. Synthesize hormones. C. Are long term energy store D. Are insulators 17. The total energy available to a second-class consumer in a pond will change if; A. Some secondary under consumers are removed B. Higher light intensity is used C. All third order consumers are removed D. Aconstant biomass of producer is maintained 18. The female of the butterfly Hypolinrnas missipus occur in different colour forms. This is an illustration of; A. Polymorphism B. Mimicry CC. Industrial metanism D. Sexual dimorphism O UU 19. Bird reared by another mother of another species later attempt to mate with birds of the foster Moher’s species: this is an illustration of; . A simple reflex A conditioned reflex Imprinting . Trial and error learning pop 20. Which of the following is the most highly specialized tissue? A. Nervous B. Epithelial C. Blood Page 4 of 16 Ou EDUCAN Values Beyond Schoo! 21. 24. 26. 27. . Uniform dispersion in plants is most often associated w D. Bone Which of the following is a characteristic of organelles? They are; A. Only found in Eukaryotic cells B. Only found in prokaryotic cells — C. Sub cellular structures D. All membrane found Regions of the plasma membrane with a higher concentration of cholesterol molecules are: A. More fluid than the surrounding membrane B. More rigid than the surrounding membrane C. Able to move the inside to outside of the membrane U4 D. Detach from the plasma membrane and clog arteries . Plants, fungi and prokaryotes all have cell walls but are placed different taxa because; A. Some closely resemble animals which lack cell walls. B. The cell walls are composed of different bio chemicals C. Some have cell walls only for protection from herbivores D. Some have cell walls only for support. Resource partitioning would best be described as; A. An exclusion that results in the success of superior species. B. Slight variations in niche that allow similar specie w to co-cxist C. Two species that can evolve to share identical niches D. Differential resource utilization that results in a decrease in community species diverting community species divert. A. Chance B. Patterns of high humidity CC. Random distribution of seeds. D. Competitive interactions between individuals of the same species Green algae differ from green plants in that many green algae; A. Are heterotrophs B. Are unicellular C. Have plastid D. Shaw alternation of generations Protein synthesis will not occur in a cell lacking — A. Nucleoli and ribosome B. Ribosome and nucleoplasm L__] C. Nuclei and nucleoplasm D. Endoplasmic reticulum Page Sof 16 EDUCAN = Values Beyond School 28. The major difference between cells in Gi phase and a cell in Gz phase of the cell cycle is? ‘A. Acell in Gz phase will be smaller than a cell in Gi phase B. Acell in G, phase would have more mitochondria than a cell in G; phase C. Acell in the G; phase would have more DNA in its chromosomes than in Gz phase. D. DNA replication occurs in the G, phase but no in the Gz phase 29. Which one of the following colours, is absorbed the most in chlorophyll? A. Blue B. green C. yellow D. orange 30. What is the mechanism of a natural selection? ‘A. Any individual in population can be selected entirely by chance B. Aftera change in the environment a species will evolve adaptations to the new conditions. C. Ifan adaptation to the environment is useful, an individual will develop kt and pass it of its off springs. D. Variations amongst individuals of a population are selected by a changing environment 31. Which one of the following best describes the structure of a protein? nto LI The interaction of polypeptide subunits and prosthetic groups Interactions forming hydrogen bonds between the amino acids The sequence of the amino acids in the polypeptide chain The structure formed in the interactions between the amino acid side groups poOp> 32. Which of the following processes results in the production of recombinants? 1. Grossing over between linked genes 1. Re-assortment of non-linked genes 1. Mutation A. Lonly B.landonly C.Jand only. 1, I, and Ill 33. Which of the following effects is produced by the high surface tension of water? A. Lakes don’t freeze solid in winter, despite low temperatures. B. A water strider can walk across the surface of a small pond. €. Organisms resist temperature changes, although they give off heat due to chemical reactions. D. Water can act asa solvent, 34. The tertiary structure ofa protein is the A. bonding together of several polypeptide chains by weak bonds. B. order in which amino acids are joined in a polypeptide chain. C. unique three-dimensional shape of the fully folded polypeptide D. organization of a polypeptide chain into an a helix or fs pleated sheet. Page 6 of 16 EDUCAN ~ Values Beyond School 35. An animal cell lacking oligosaccharides on the external surface of its plasma membrane would likely be impaired in which function? A. transporting ions against an electrochemical gradient B. cell-cell recognition C. maintaining fluidity of the phospholipid bilayer D. attaching to the cytoskeleton 36. Which of the following causes excessively high levels of toxic chemicals in fish-eating birds? A. depletion of atmospheric ozone B. tumover C. biological magnification D. greenhouse effect 37. Which of the following describes the relationship between legumes and nitrogen-fixing bacteria? parasitism muti inhibition facilitation 38. Which of the following isan example of Miillerian mimicry? two species of unpalatable butterfly that have the same colo ur pattern a day-flying hawkmoth that looks like a wasp — achameleon that changes its colour to look like a dead leaf two species of rattlesnakes that both rattle their tails. SOpPr eon wp 39. Chloride ions are vital for efficient functioning of salivary amylase because they; A. Are activators. B. Are coenzymes C. Are co-factors D. Form alkaline medium 40. Learning in which an associated stimulus may be used to elicit the same behavioural response as the original sign stimulus is called A. concept formation B. trial-and-error. C. classical conditioning D. operant conditioning. Page 7 of 16 EDUCAN - Values Beyond School SECTION B (60 MARKS) (Answers to this section must be written the spaces provided and not elsewhere) 41. Graph A shows the absorption spectrum of a solution of pigments extracted from bean leaves and the action spectrum ofa bean plant determined by measurement of the rate of photosynthesis when illuminated by different wavelengths of light. Graph B shows the absorption spectra of three pigments which have been extracted from bean leaves and examined individually. Graph A action, spectr z i = 8s z SE =§ § £6 a absorption spectrum) ES i i 400 500 600 700 wavelength /am: a). With reference to graph A, Graph B Chlorophyll b i chlorophyll a absorption 400 500 600 700 wavelength /am (i) Comment on the biological significance of the relationship between the action spectrum and the absorption spectrum (02 marks) (02 marks) Page & of 16 EDUCAN - Values Beyond School b) With reference to graphs A and B account for the difference between photosynthetic rate and light absorption at 490 nm. (03 marks) c) Explain the roles of carotenoids during photosynthesis. (03 marks) 42.a), ATP is described as a phosphorylated nucleotide. Make a simple labelled diagram of ATP. (02 marks) b) State three ways transcription differs from replication. (03 marks) Page 9 of 16 EDUCAN ~ Values Beyond School ¢) The table below shows the mode of action of three drugs that inhibit replication and protein synthesis. Drug Mode of action ‘A | Aphidicolin | Inhibits DNA polymerase R | Rifampicin Inhibits RNA polymerase T Tetracycline Prevents attachment of t-RNA to the A-site of the ribosome ) Explain the effect that; i) Drug A has on replication (02 marks) ii). Rand T have on protein synthesis (8 marks) 43. Amos alternates between two distinct forms in its lifecycle; as a gametophyte and a sporophyte. a) Describe how; Page 10 of 16 EDUCAN - Values Beyond School i) A gametophyte forms a sporophyte (04 marks) ii) A sporophyte forms a gametophyte (04 marks) b) Explain why mosses are restricted to living in wet environment (02 marks) 44. Graph A and B show biotic interactions between different species of paramecium bred in two mixed cultures in different beakers. Page 11 of 16 EDUCAN = Values Beyond Schoo! Graph A Groph 6 P. aurelia P.aurelia Yonwltionafaramedan palatial paramere Time/minutes Time/minutes a) Identify the interaction shown by; (02 marks) i) Graph A Gi) Graph B b) Explain the interaction between the two species shown by graph A (03 marks) Page 12 of 16 EDUCAN - Values Beyond Schoo! ) Suggest the adaptation of 2 Aurelia as shown by graph B (02 marks) d) What is the evolutionary significance of the interaction of species in graph B (03 marks) 45. (a) What is meant by the term adaptive radiation? (02 marks) (b) Define the following terms, giving an example in each case. (i) Homologous structures. (03 marks) Page 13 0f 16 EDUCAN - Values Beyond School (ii) Analogous structures. (03 marks) Gi) Vestigial organs. (02 marks) collenchyma sclerenchyma Page 14 of 16 EDUCAN = Values Beyond School two structural features shown in the diagram which are characteristic of collenchyma. (02 marks) (b) (i)Give two ways in which sclerenchyma differs from collenchyma. (02 marks) Gi) Collenchyma is often present in the petiole and midrib of leaves. Suggest two reasons why collenchyma is more suitable than sclerenchyma for support in these locations. (02 marks) (©) Both tissues are shown in transverse section. Make a drawing of a sclerenchyma cell as it would appear in longitudinal section (04 marks) END Page 15 of 16

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