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We speak about the existence or un existing of something

There are need of focusing of what is evidence lather than on focusing on phrase
law of evidence

Law of evidence is the branch or group of rules from different laws governing
what facts may be proved in court, what material may be placed before the court to
prove the fact and the form in which that material should placed before the court


There is use of evidence as material in reconstruction of past event

Case of joseph kakuru

Law of evidence is the most technical part of law

According to philosopher Jeremy Bentham

He is unitaritanium philosopher who acknowledge his philosophical idea about law

of evidence he describe that

Rules of evidence are nothing more than artificial restriction on science of

evidence invented by lawyers for less than honorable

The purpose and nature of evidence can be defined any material which would aid
the court to established the probability of past events.

Historians, journalist any other inquires also seek to establish the probability of
past event but inquire different past event
The principal characteristics of judicial trial distinguish from other inquires
journalist and others

Parties framed issues to be inquires by the court

An issue is something which alleged by one party and disputed by other party

Legal disputes must be resolved within reasonable time (speed stuck)

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