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Q. No. Answer Marks

1. (C) Parthenium 1
2. (C) a)-(iii) b)-(iv) c(ii) d)-(i) 1
3. (B) 21th Chromosome 1
4. (C) Fossils 1
5. (B) D E C A B 1
6. (C) (i) and (iv) 1
7. (B) Escherichia coli 1
8. (A) lac z lac y lac a 1
9. (B) Life comes from pre-existing life 1
10 (D) Neanderthal Man 1
11. (B) Wuchereria and Plasmodium 1
12. (A) High High 1
13. (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. 1

14. (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. 1

15. (D) A is False but R is true. 1

16. (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. 1

17. -It is an expanding age pyramid. 1
-The number of individuals in the pre reproductive stage group is more than that in 2
reproductive stage; hence the population will grow in size in the future. 1
18. (a)-A is a plasmid. 1/2
-B is a bacteriophage. 1/2
(b)-They are used as vectors to introduce a desired segment of DNA into a host cell. 2
-The link DNA can be made to multiply its number equal to the copy number of the
plasmid or bacteriophage. 1
19. (a) Sense codons are those that code for amino acids. Out of the 64 possible triplet 2
combinations in the genetic code, 61 are sense codons. The other three are termed
nonsense codons because they do not code for an amino acid. 1
(b) Unambiguous code means that one codon codes for only one amino acid, e.g. AUG
codes for only methionine. Universal code means that codon and its corresponding
amino acid are the same in all organisms, e.g., from bacteria to human, UUU codes for
phenylamine. 1
20. (i) B= Natality, A = Mortality 1/2+1/2
(ii) Growth rate = No of individuals added/Total population 2
= ½ = 0.5 1
21 Cu++ released suppress sperm motility and fertilizing capacity of sperms. It increases 2
phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus. 1
-It is one of the safest method. 1
22 In birds, the sex determination is by Z Z-ZW type. Female birds are heterogametic
ZW. Male birds are homogametic ZZ type of chromosomes. The W chromosome 3
contains the female determining properties. 2

Any two correct differences. 1

23 Since blood group O has appeared in the progeny, both the parents must be
heterogyguos for their blood groups, i.e. genotype of the father is IAi and that of mother 3
is IBi. 1
Correct representation with punnett square board. 2

24. (a)-A is placenta, works as temporary endocrine gland. 1

- It facilitates the O2 / nutrient supply to embryo, so called as functional junction. 1 3
(b) B is umbilical cord. It facilitates transport of substances to and from embryo. 1

(a) Correct derivation. 2
(b) Genetic drift/Mutation/Recombination/gene flow. Any two. 1
26. ‘a’ Restriction endonuclease 1/2
‘b’ Agrose gel 1/2
‘c’ Nitrocellulose membrane 1/2 3

‘d’ VNTR 1/2

‘e’ Hybridisation with VNTR probe 1/2
‘f’ Autoradiography 1/2
27 (a) (i) Fluid filled alveoli of lungs and difficulty in breathing, fever cough. 1/2
(ii) Salmonella typhi 1/2
(iii) Common cold 1/2 3

(iv) Blockage of internal passage, internal bleeding and muscular pain. 1/2
(b) Typhoid and Ascariasis. 1
28 Impacts of loss of biodiversity on the ecosystem:
(a) (i) Decline in plant production
(ii) Lowered resistance to environmental perturbations such as drought
(iii) Increased variability in certain ecosystems – processes such as plant productivity,
water use, pest and disease cycles. 2

(b) (i) Habitat loss and fragmentation (ii) Over-exploitation
(iii) Alien invasive species (iv) Co-extinctions 1
29. (a) They carried out their experiments to prove that DNA is genetic material not protein. 1
(b) (i)They used radioactive phosphorus (32P) and radioactive sulphur (35S). They grew some
virus on radioactive phosphorus and some on medium that contain radioactive sulphur 35S. Virus
grown in the presence of 32P contain radioactive DNA but not radioactive protein. Virus grown
on radioactive sulphur contained radioactive protein. 1
(ii) To separate the viral protein coats that attached with bacteria. To separate lighter
supernatant from the denser residue. 1
(iii) Observation: Bacteria infected with viruses having radioactive DNA were found to
contain radioactive DNA.
Conclusion: DNA is genetic material not protein. 1 4
(a) If active site of permease enzyme is blocked by an inhibitor, it suppress the entry of
lactose molecule, which ultimately reduce the efficiency of lac operon. 2

(b) If repressor molecule is abnormal, lac operon will work normally. 1

(c) No, lactose is needed as inducer. 1

30. (a) ‘C’ peptide is removed. 1
(b) r-DNA technology / Recombinant DNA technology. 2
(c) Disulphide bonds. 1
31. (a) If AIDS is diagonosed in our area, as it is a fatal disease we should create
awareness among the people to combat such situation and not to isolate the AIDS
infected person from the society. 1
(b) It is important that HIV/AIDS is not spread by more touch or physical contact, it
spreads only through body fluids. Hence, imperative, for the physical and
psychological well being, that the HIV/AIDS infected persons are not isolated from
family and society. 2
(c) Symptoms of AIDS: HIV-AIDS is characterized by a decrease in T-helper (T-H)
lymphocytes. The patient suffers bouts of fever, diarrhea and weight loss. 2
Sewage mainly includes human excreta and contains large amounts of organic waste and
pathogenic microbes. Thus it is necessary that waste should be made less polluted before
discharging into water bodies. 1
The process of sewage treatment is explained in the following steps:
(a) Primary treatment - In this treatment, filtration and sedimentation. The sediment is
known as primary sludge and the supernatant is known as primary effluent. The effluent
then enters the secondary treatment. 1
(b) Secondary treatment - In this treatment, large aeration tanks containing primary
effluent are constantly agitated with a continuous supply of air. Thus aerobic microbes
grow vigorously consuming a major part of the organic effluent reducing biological oxygen
demand (BOD) of the effluent. The sewage is then passed into the settling tank where
bacterial flocs settle and now it is known as activated sludge. Some of the activated sludge
is again passed into aeration tank to serve as inoculum while rest of it enters into large
tanks called anaerobic sludge digesters. Here anaerobic bacteria grow to produce a
mixture of gases such as methane, hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide to form biogas.
This effluent can then be released into natural water bodies. 2
It is essential to avoid pollution of the natural water bodies by excessive
accumulation of harmful chemicals, organic matter and nutrients which may lead to
eutrophication. 1

32. Plasmid are the extra chromosomal small circular DNA molecules in addition to the
chromosomal DNA. 1
ADA is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder that causes immuno-deficiency. ADA
deficiency is due to a lack of the enzyme adenosine deaminase. 1
This is often treated through gene therapy. Lymphocytes from the blood of patients are 5
grown in-culture medium outside the body. A functional ADA DNA is then introduced to
this lymphocytes, which are subsequently return to patients. 2
As these cells are not immortal, patient require periodic infusion of such genetically
engineered lymphocytes. So this is not a permanent cure. 1
(i)Primary productivity has two aspects-
(A) Gross primary productivity: It is the rate of production of organic matter during
(B) Net primary productivity: It is the amount of energy left in the producers alter
utilization of some energy for respiration, i.e., GPP R = N PP, it is the amount of energy
available in the producers for the consumption of herbivores.
Primary productivity is influenced by some physical options as, Light intensity light-weight
length Temperature Soil pH convenience of nutrients carbonic acid gas levels. 2

(ii) Consumption of oxygen is the elementary step for decomposition that is directly
associated with the quantity of oxygen within the atmosphere. Chemical nature of detritus
and environmental condition regulates consumption of oxygen.
Detritus which is rich in nitrogen and water soluble substances decomposes rapidly
whereas the detritus having chitin and lignin decompose at a very slow rate.
Decomposition. 3
33. (a) Orange has polyembryonic seeds. The nucellar cells surrounding the embryo sac
starts dividing and protrudes into the embryo sac and develops into many embryos.
That is why, when a seed of an orange is squeezed, many embryos, instead of one are
observed. 3 5

(b) Yes, these embryos are genetically similar with parental characters. They are
produced from nucellar cells by mitotic division. So, they are genetically similar. 2
Correct developmental stage. 5

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