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(CNN) What do you get for the billionaire who has everything? Perhaps his own town.

Entities connected to Elon Musk and his companies have reportedly been acquiring
thousands of acres of land in Texas with the hope of starting a town where his employees
could live and work, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal Thursday. These
entities have purchased at least 3,500 acres near Austin and are in the process of working
toward incorporating a town called Snailbrook, an apparent reference to the mascot of
Musk’s tunneling firm, the Boring Company, according to the Journal.

The report cites county deeds and other land records, as well as city and county emails,
internal company communications, state licensing records and interviews with land owners
and city and county officials. (CNN has not reviewed all of the land and other records cited in
the Journal report.)

According to the report, Musk wants employees at his companies Boring Co., Tesla and
SpaceX — all of which have major production facilities near Austin — “to be able to live in
new homes with below-market rents.” The Snailbrook effort also reportedly includes plans to
build more than 100 homes, as well as neighborhood features such as a pool and outdoor
sports area.

That same entity also owns a number of parcels of nearby property comprising commercial
and residential building plots and pasture and farming land, public records show. The
Journal reported that Musk’s team has discussed incorporating the town in Bastrop County.
The county told the Journal that it had not received an application for incorporation, which
requires a certain number of residents, from Musk or any of his entities.

(Duffy, Clare. 2023. Wall Street Journal: Elon Musk is planning to build his own town. Taken
on March, 09, 2023 from Wall Street Journal: Elon Musk is planning to build his own town |
CNN Business)

1. Which statement includes a fact about the passage? A Fact and opinion)
a. Near Austin, these entities have acquired at least 3,500 acres.
b. The town in Bastrop County may or may not be founded, according to Musk's
c. Musk wants their employees to have access to "new residences with
upper-market rents."
d. People see Musk’s project as too ambitious.
e. Musk’s employees feel they are needing new residences.

Soal menanyakan tentang fakta yang ada di dalam teks. Fakta adalah segala
hal yang bisa ditangkap oleh indra manusia berupa data dari keadaan nyata
yang telah terbukti kebenarannya.

Pilihan B salah karena pernyataan tersebut bimbang, tidak menjelaskan

apakah kota di Bastrop County benar-benar ada atau tidak.

Pilihan C salah karena Musk justru ingin para karyawannya memiliki sewa
yang murah.

Pilihan D salah karena tidak ada pernyataan bahwa para karyawan Musk
merasa proyeknya ambisius, jika ada pun maka bukan termasuk fakta, tetapi

Pilihan E salah karena tidak disebutkan bahwa karyawan Musk merasa butuh
tempat tinggal baru, jika ada pun maka bukan termasuk fakta karena hanya
pernyataan perasaan.

Jawaban yang benar adalah A.

2. Which of the following best expresses the idea of the text? (main idea)
a. Employees protesting how far their homes are from the office
b. Musk's plans for his employees by providing exclusive new housing in Texas
c. Companies owned by Musk and their achievements
d. Elon Musk's concern in building his own city which will be very expensive
e. Analysis of the nature and environment of Texas which will become Elon
Musk's new city


Soal menanyakan ide pokok dari teks. Ide pokok bisa kita dapatkan dari
gagasan utama setiap paragraf. Seluruh paragraf membicarakan tentang
rencana Elon Musk dalam membangun kota barunya di Texas untuk
memudahkan karyawannya dalam bekerja.

Pilihan A salah karena teks tidak membicarakan para karyawan yang

memprotes tempat tinggalnya yang jauh dari kantor

Pilihan C salah karena teks tidak membicarakan pencapaian-pencapaian

perusahaan yang dimiliki Elon Musk.
Pilihan D salah karena tidak dijelaskan bahwa Elon Musk mengkhawatirkan
biaya pembangunan kota.

Pilihan E salah karena teks tidak membahas kecocokan kota Texas serta
lingkungannya untuk kota baru Elon Musk.

3. The main point of the passage is to.. (purpose of the text)

a. To connect Elon Musk employee families with their children who work at Tesla
b. To promote companies that are being run by Elon Musk
c. To elaborate to readers in detail Elon Musk's plans for building a new city
d. To deny the fact that many competitors are looking to bring down Elon Musk
e. To compare cities in America with the cities that Elon Musk would build


Soal menanyakan tentang tujuan dari penulis membuat tulisan tersebut.

Pilihan yang tepat adalah C karena dapat kita lihat dalam teks bahwa penulis
berusaha menjelaskan apa saja rencana Musk dalam membangun kotanya.
Pilihan A salah karena penulis tidak berusaha menghubungkan para pekerja
Tesla dengan keluarganya melalui informasi tersebut.
Pilihan B salah karena penulis tidak mempromosikan
perusahaan-perusahaan Musk dalam teks tersebut.
Pilihan D salah karena penulis tidak terlihat mengadu perusahaan Elon Musk
dengan kompetitornya.
Pilihan E salah karena penulis tidak membandingkan kota-kota di Amerika
dengan kota impian Elon Musk.

4. According to the information in the passage.. (detailed info)

a. In addition to neighbourhood amenities like a pool and outdoor sports area,
the Snailbrook project apparently includes plans to develop less than 100
b. Plans for more than 100 residences as well as neighbourhood amenities like
a pool and a sports field are apparently part of the California project.
c. More than 100 homes will purportedly be built as part of the Snailbrook
project, along with neighbourhood amenities including a zoo and an
d. More than 100 homes will purportedly be built as part of the Snailbrook
project, along with neighbourhood amenities including a pool and a sports
e. Plans for more than 1000 residences as well as neighbourhood amenities like
a pool and a sports field are apparently part of the Snailbrook project.


Soal menanyakan informasi detail yang ada pada teks. Jawaban dibuat mirip
satu sama lain untuk melatih fokus pembaca.
Pilihan yang tepat adalah D karena disebutkan bahwa Musk berencana
membangun lebih dari 100 rumah dengan fasilitas kolam renang dan
lapangan olahraga (paragraf 3).
Pilihan A salah karena menyebutkan pembangunan rumah kurang dari 100.
Pilihan B salah karena projectnya bernama Snailbrook, bukan California.
Pilihan C salah karena fasilitas yang direncanakan adalah kolam renang
(pool) dan lapangan olahraga (sport field), bukan kebun binatang dan
Pilihan E salah karena jumlah rumah yang direncanakan adalah lebih dari
100, bukan 1000.

5. Who needs to see the passage? (target reader)

a. Employees of Tesla
b. Architects
c. Civil engineers
d. Texas Governor
e. All of above


Soal menanyakan tentang target pembaca dari teks di atas. Seperti yang
diketahui bahwa teks tersebut menginformasikan bahwa Elon Musk akan
membangun sebuah kota baru miliknya pribadi di daerah Texas untuk
membantu akomodasi para karyawannya. Informasi tersebut tentu penting
untuk para karyawan Tesla, para arsitek dan teknisi sipil, serta pemerintah
setempat yang ingin berkolaborasi dengan Elon Musk. Sehingga, jawaban
yang tepat adalah bahwa semuanya benar (E).

(CNN) At the Louis Vuitton show in Paris on Monday, all eyes were on Zendaya — who
wasn't even walking the runway. The "Euphoria" and "Dune" star made a surprise
appearance at the brand's unveiling of its Fall-Winter 2023 collection, hosted at the Musee
d'Orsay, wearing a head-to-toe tiger print. The Louis Vuitton ensemble included a matching
striped suit jacket, short shorts and knee-high boots, which she paired with a black micro
bikini top and a monogrammed black LV handbag.

Sitting front row with long-time stylist Law Roach and LV ambassador Emma Stone,
Zendaya looked on at the latest womenswear collection from creative director Nicolas
Ghesquière, which was an update on classic French style. Models wore playful silhouettes
that mixed feminine and masculine in mostly neutral tones: billowing bubble-hemmed suits;
oversized outerwear and knits; slouchy trousers; and sculptural takes on sweetheart,
one-shoulder and collared necklines. Other A-List guests included actors Sophie Turner and
Ana de Armas.

Zendaya's attendance has since led to internet rumors that she is deepening her relationship
with the brand. She took photos front row with Stone, who has been an ambassador since
2017, and posed for more snaps with Ghesquière and Pharrell, the latter of whom will take
over as creative director for LV menswear following the death of Virgil Abloh.

(Palumbo, Jacqui. 2023. Look of the Week: Zendaya steals the show at Louis Vuitton in
head-to-toe tiger print. Taken on March, 10, 2023 from Look of the Week: Zendaya's surprise
appearance at Louis Vuitton - CNN Style)

6. What is the same meaning of the word “Slouchy” (line 11)? (synonim
a. Dirty
b. Clean
c. Pretty
d. Gorgeous
e. Dusty


Soal menanyakan tentang sinonim dari kata “Slouchy” yang artinya “jorok”.
Kata ini paling mirip dengan “dirty” atau “kotor”. Sedangkan kata lainnya
berbeda makna, yakni clean (bersih), pretty (cantik), gorgeous (menawan),
dan dusty (berdebu).

7. Another way of saying ”The "Euphoria" and "Dune" star made a surprise appearance
at the brand's unveiling of its Fall-Winter 2023 collection, hosted at the Musee
d'Orsay, wearing a head-to-toe tiger print” (paragraph 1) is that… (paraphrase)
a. The "Euphoria" and "Dune" star made an expected entrance at the brand's
Fall/Winter 2023 collection presentation, held in the Musee d'Orsay, sporting
a head-to-toe tiger print ensemble because everyone is wearing it.
b. At the brand's Fall-Winter 2023 collection debut, held at the Musee d'Orsay,
the "Euphoria" and "Dune" actress made a surprise presence while revealing
a tiger print from head to toe.
c. The "Euphoria" and "Dune" extra player made an unexpected entrance at the
brand's Fall/Winter 2023 collection presentation, held in the Musee d'Orsay,
sporting a head-to-toe tiger print ensemble.
d. At the brand's Fall-Winter 2023 collection debut, held at the Musee d'Orsay,
the "Euphoria" and "Dune" actor made a surprise presence while revealing a
tiger print from head to toe.
e. At the brand's Fall-Winter 2023 collection debut, held at the Musee d'Orsay,
the "Euphoria" and "Dune" actor accidentally did not give any presence.


Soal menanyakan sebuah kalimat parafrase yang cocok dari kalimat yang
dimaksud. Kalimat soal berarti, “Bintang "Euphoria" dan "Dune" membuat
penampilan kejutan pada peluncuran merek koleksi Musim Gugur-Musim
Dingin 2023, yang diselenggarakan di Musee d'Orsay, mengenakan setelan
harimau dari kepala hingga kaki”.

Pilihan A salah karena disebutkan bahwa penampilan Zendaya sudah bisa

diprediksikan, padahal penampilannya adalah sebuah kejutan.

Pilihan C salah karena Zendaya adalah bintang kedua film tersebut, bukan
seorang figuran atau tenaga ekstra.

Pilihan D salah karena Zendaya adalah seorang aktris, bukan aktor.

Pilihan E salah karena Zendaya hadir secara mengejutkan, bukan

mengejutkan karena ketidakhadirannya.

8. Which of the following statements is an opinion from the passage? (fact and opinion)
a. With experienced stylist Law Roach and LV ambassador Emma Stone,
Zendaya is seated in the front row.
b. Zendaya looked on the most recent womenswear collection designed by
Nicolas Ghesquière.
c. Following her appearance, internet speculations have circulated that Zendaya
is strengthening her relationship with the company.
d. Zendaya posed in front of the crowd with Stone, an ambassador since 2017.
e. Zendaya is the star of “Euphoria” and “Dune”.


Soal menanyakan opini yang ada dalam teks di atas. Opini adalah tanggapan
terhadap rangsangan yang dibangun melalui interpretasi pribadi dan
pernyataan yang sering digunakan secara subyektif dan belum persuasif.

Pilihan yang tepat adalah C, karena laporan bahwa Zendaya menguatkan

hubungan dengan sebuah brand adalah asumsi masyarakat dan belum
terbukti kebenarannya.

Pilihan A salah karena benar bahwa Zendaya duduk di barisan depan dengan
Law Roach dan Emma stone.

Pilihan B salah karena benar bahwa Zendaya terlihat dalam pakaian terkini
yang didesain Nicolas Ghesquière.

Pilihan D salah karena benar bahwa Zendaya berpose dengan Stone, duta
sejak tahun 2017.

Pilihan E salah karena benar bahwa Zendaya adalah pemain dari “Euphoria”
dan “Dune”.

9. Which of the following best summarises the author’s main idea? (main idea)
a. Zendaya is a great actress who has starred in many great films
b. Louis Vuitton is a well-known brand in the field of women's fashion and sales
are very high in various countries
c. Louis Vuitton held a big show and invited many ambassadors to the event
d. Celebrity of "Euphoria" and "Dune" actress, Zendaya, surprised with her
unexpected appearance at the Louis Vuitton show.
e. Stone is an ambassador of the Louis Vuitton brand who is very beautiful and
talented in modeling

Soal menanyakan ide pokok dari teks. Ide pokok bisa kita dapatkan dari
gagasan utama setiap paragraf. Seluruh paragraf membicarakan tentang
Zendaya yang hadir secara mengejutkan dalam Louis Vuitton show dengan
penampilannya yang tidak biasa.

Pilihan A salah karena teks tidak membicarakan tentang karir Zendaya

sebagai aktris yang sukses.

Pilihan B salah karena teks tidak membicarakan tentang kehebatan Louis

Vuitton dalam perdagangannya di berbagai negara.

Pilihan C salah karena teks tidak membicarakan acara pertunjukkan Louis

Vuitton yang mengundang banyak duta, akan tetapi lebih fokus pada
pembahasan Zendaya.

Pilihan E salah karena teks tidak membahas Stone sebagai duta LV sejak

10. What is the purpose of the text? (purpose of the text)

a. To discuss Zendaya's future in movie making.
b. To persuade readers that Zendaya is the best actress in the world.
c. To promote Zendaya’s movies, Euphoria and Dune.
d. To support Zendaya connecting with Louis Vuitton.
e. To portray Zendaya’s attendance at the Louis Vuitton show.


Soal menanyakan tentang tujuan penulis menuliskan berita tersebut. Dapat

kita ketahui bahwa penulis menggambarkan penampilan Zendaya dengan
detail sehingga pembaca seakan-akan bisa melihatnya. Maka, jawaban yang
paling benar adalah E, untuk menggambarkan penampilan Zendaya dalam
pertunjukan Louis Vuitton.

Pilihan A salah karena teks tidak mendiskusikan karir Zendaya dalam

pembuatan film.

Pilihan B salah karena penulis tidak berusaha meyakinkan pembaca bahwa

Zendaya adalah aktris terbaik di dunia.
Pilihan C salah karena penulis tidak mempromosikan film Zendaya.

Pilihan D salah karena penulis tidak mendukung Zendaya untuk menjalin

kerjasama bersama Louis Vuitton, meskipun penulis mencantumkan persepsi
masyarakat tentang itu dalam paragraf terakhir.

(CNN) Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet’s titles weren’t the only updates to the monarchy’s
website this week. On Friday morning, Buckingham Palace announced that the King had
conferred the title of Duke of Edinburgh upon his youngest brother, Prince Edward, on the
prince’s 59th birthday.

The title – which was previously bestowed upon their father, Prince Philip – will remain with
Edward throughout his life and revert to the Crown upon his death. Though he is still
technically also the Earl of Forfar, Edward will now use the title of Duke of Edinburgh as it is
more senior.

Edward’s wife, Sophie, now becomes the Duchess of Edinburgh, while their son, James,
Viscount Severn takes his father’s other previous title of Earl of Wessex. There is no change
for the couple’s daughter, Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor, due to the centuries-old law of
primogeniture, which puts male heirs ahead of women.

Like the acknowledgement of the Sussex children’s titles, Prince Edward’s new title isn’t
entirely unexpected. Back when he and Sophie wed in 1999, it had been announced that the
dukedom would pass to him following Philip’s death. However, the lack of movement in the
two years since his father’s passing sparked speculation over whether it would actually

Foster, Max and Said-Moorhouse, Lauren. 2023. Prince Edward, Archie and Lilibet granted
new royal titles. Taken on March, 10, 2023 from Prince Edward, Archie and Lilibet granted
new royal titles | CNN)

11. According to the information in the passage.. (detailed info)

a. Prince Edward is now a Duke of Edinburgh and Earl of Forfar
b. Prince Edward is now an Earl of Wessex
c. Although Prince Edward is now a Duke of Edinburgh, his wife, Sophie, is not
becoming a Duchess of Edinburgh
d. Lady Louise Mounbatten-Windsor is waiting for her title in a month
e. James is now a Duke of Edinburgh.


Soal menanyakan tentang informasi detail yang ada di dalam teks. Teks ini
cukup sulit karena membutuhkan fokus tentang silsilah serta anggota
keluarga kerajaan Inggris.

Jawaban B salah karena Pangeran Edward diberitakan baru saja mendapat

gelar Duke of Edinburgh.

Jawaban C salah karena seiring dengan diangkatnya Pangeran Edward

menjadi Duke of Edinburgh, istrinya pun mendapat gelar Duchess of

Jawaban D salah karena di dalam teks disebutkan bahwa Lady Louise tidak
sedang menunggu gelar apapun dari kerajaan.

Jawaban E salah karena James mendapat gelar Earl of Wessex

12. Who needs to see the passage? (target readers)

a. Government of Indonesia
b. England Royal Family’s fans
c. The United Nations
d. Academicians
e. Archaeologist


Soal menanyakan tentang kepada siapa penulis menargetkan tulisannya.

Dalam teks tersebut, penulis menjelaskan tentang perpindahan gelar di
dalam Keluarga Kerajaan Inggris.

Teks tersebut tentu ditujukan secara umum untuk masyarakat Inggris, akan
tetapi lebih khusus untuk penggemar/pemerhati Keluarga Kerajaan Inggris.
Pemerintah Indonesia, PBB, akademisi dan para arkeolog dapat mengetahui
hal ini namun bukan kepentingan untuk mereka, dan juga bukan target utama
13. Which of the following has the closest meaning with “primogeniture”? (line 12)
a. Youngest child
b. Second child
c. First child
d. Only Child
e. Middle Child


“Primogeniture” adalah bahasa Inggris dari “anak sulung”, atau anak pertama.
Pilihan A, B, D, dan E adalah salah karena tidak mendefinisikan anak

14. The sentence “Like the acknowledgement of the Sussex children’s titles, Prince
Edward’s new title isn’t entirely unexpected.” could possibly be restated as…
a. Prince Edward's old title is not wholly unexpected, much like the recognition
of the titles held by the children of the Sussex family.
b. Prince Edward's new title is wholly unexpected, much like the recognition of
the titles held by the children of the Sussex family.
c. Prince Philip's new title is not wholly unexpected, much like the recognition of
the titles held by the children of the Sussex family.
d. Prince Edward's new title is not wholly unexpected, much like the recognition
of the titles held by the children of the Sussex family.
e. Prince Edward's new title is not wholly unexpected, much like the recognition
of the titles held by the elders of the Sussex family.


Soal menanyakan tentang kalimat terbaik yang dapat menggantikan kalimat

yang disebutkan dalam soal, atau parafrase. Kalimat tersebut berarti “"Seperti
pengakuan gelar anak-anak Sussex, gelar baru Pangeran Edward tidak
sepenuhnya tidak terduga."

Pilihan A salah karena yang dibahas adalah gelar baru Pangeran Edward.
Pilihan B salah karena gelar Pangeran Edward sudah dapat diduga

Pilihan C salah karena yang disebutkan dalam soal adalah Pangeran

Edward, bukan Pangeran Philip.

Pilihan E salah karena pengakuan gelar yang dimaksudkan adalah

anak-anak keluarga Sussex, bukan tetuanya.

15. Which of the following statements is an opinion from the passage? (fact and opinion)
a. Prince Edward is now 59 years old.
b. James is the son of Prince Edward.
c. The title Earl of Forfar belongs to Prince Edward alongside with the title Duke
of Edinburgh.
d. Sophie and Edward married in 1999.
e. Two years ago, people speculated about the dukedom that was unlikely to
pass to Prince Edward.


Soal menanyakan tentang sebuah opini yang ada di dalam teks. Opini adalah
tanggapan terhadap rangsangan yang dibangun melalui interpretasi pribadi
dan pernyataan yang sering digunakan secara subyektif dan belum persuasif.

Pilihan yang tepat adalah E, karena dua tahun lalu, rencana kepemilikan
gelar Duke oleh Prince Edward masih simpang siur dan publik menyangka
hal tersebut tidak akan terjadi. Sangkaan adalah opini.

Pilihan A salah karena Pangeran Edward berusia 59 tahun adalah fakta.

Pilihan B salah karena James adalah putra dari Pangeran Edward adalah

Pilihan C salah karena gelar Earl of Forfar dan Duke of Edinburgh adalah
milik Pangeran Edward adalah fakta.
Pilihan D salah karena Sophie dan Edward menikah pada tahun 1999 adalah

(GUARDIAN) More than 7,000 tonnes of foul-smelling rubbish and waste

continued to pile up in Paris, blocking doorways and pavements, as refuse

collectors extended their nine-day strike for at least another five days in
protest at Emmanuel Macron’s plan to increase the retirement age. With bin
lorries grounded at depots and at least three waste incinerators in the Paris
area at a standstill, the national government and the capital’s socialist-run city
hall were engaged in a bitter standoff over rotting debris in the city.

The interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, instructed the Paris police chief to
make city hall force bin collectors to break their strike and go back to work.
But the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said that while the city was working on
its own solutions for urgent cases, it supported the strikes against pension

Rubbish has piled up in about half of Paris’s arrondissements since 6 March,

as municipal teams went on strike but some private contractors continued to
work. Bins were also overflowing in Antibes on the Mediterranean coast,
where warm spring weather caused pungent smells, and in other cities
including Rennes and Le Havre.

In the 14th arrondissement in southern Paris, Caroline Chesnay stood in her

furniture shop looking at the pavement outside, which was almost totally
blocked by a towering pile of bin bags spewing pizza boxes, banana skins,
drink cartons and food waste. “Soon it’s going to look like the leaning tower of
Pisa – by Saturday customers won’t actually be able to open the door,” she
said. “It’s a nightmare. I’m afraid there will be rats soon. First we had Covid,
now the plague. I’m losing income. I just want this to be cleared straight away.
It’s a fire risk. Soon it will be spreading right across the street, blocking cars.”

(Chrisafis, Angelique. 2023. It’sdisgusting: paris rots under mounds of rubbish

as bin collectors extend strike. Taken on Mar 15, 2023 from ‘It’s disgusting’:
Paris rots under mounds of rubbish as bin collectors extend strike | Paris | The

16. On the basis of the fourth paragraph, it can be predicted that… (implicit)
a. The furniture shop of Caroline Chesnay will be closed entirely and
she will lose her income really soon.
b. The 14th arrondissement in southern Paris would be blocked by
bin bags.
c. Pizza boxes, banana skins, drink cartons and food waste are
making a pile in front of Caroline’s shop.
d. There will be Covid.
e. Rubbish has piled up in Paris since 6 March.


Soal menanyakan prediksi penulis berdasarkan paragraf keempat.

Paragraf keempat membahas tentang kekhawatiran Caroline
Chesnay, seorang pemilik toko furnitur, terhadap tokonya yang
akan tutup dan pemasukannya akan berkurang, apabila
sampah-sampah di depan tokonya tidak segera dibersihkan. Hal
ini ada dalam pilihan A.

Pilihan B salah karena Paris selatan sudah terhalang oleh banyak

kantong sampah.

Pilihan C salah karena jenis-jenis sampah tersebut sudah ada di

depan toko Caroline.

Pilihan D salah karena Caroline menyebutkan bahwa Covid sudah

terjadi, dan yang akan terjadi adalah wabah sampah.

Pilihan E salah karena sampah sudah menggunung di Paris sejak

tanggal 6 Maret adalah benar terjadi.

17. Which of the following statements is a fact from the passage? (fact and opinion)
a. There will be rats on the streets of Paris
b. Rubbish has been piling up in Paris since 6 March and it is
reaching more than 7,000 tonnes.
c. Income decreasement is a nightmare for Caroline.
d. People won't be able to open shops’ doors.
e. Cars won’t be able to go across the streets of Paris.


Soal menanyakan fakta yang terdapat dalam teks. Fakta adalah

segala hal yang bisa ditangkap oleh indra manusia berupa data
dari keadaan nyata yang telah terbukti kebenarannya.

Pilihan B adalah benar sebuah fakta karena data 7000 ton

sampah sejak 6 Maret di Paris adalah benar adanya.

Pilihan A salah karena ketakutan akan adanya tikus di jalanan

Paris adalah ketakutan Caroline.

Pilihan C salah karena penurunan pemasukan adalah

kekhawatiran Caroline.

Pilihan D dan E salah karena itu adalah asumsi Caroline terhadap

kasus sampah ini, dan keduanya belum terjadi.

18. The sentence “The interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, instructed the
Paris police chief to make city hall force bin collectors to break their
strike and go back to work.” could possibly be restated as… (paraphrase)
a. Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister, gave the Paris police chief
orders to order city hall to compel the strike of bin collectors to
end and order them not to continue their work anymore.
b. Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister, gave the Paris soldier
head the order to pressure city hall into forcing bin collectors to
end their strike and report to work.
c. Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister, gave the Paris police chief
orders to order city hall to compel the strike of bin collectors to
end and order them back to work.
d. Gérald Darmanin, the exterior minister, gave the Paris police
head the order to pressure city hall into forcing bin collectors to
end their strike and report to work.
e. Gérald Darmanin, the minister of the interior, gave the Paris
police head the order to order rural areas to compel the strike by
bin collectors to end and to resume work.


Soal menanyakan sebuah kalimat parafrase yang cocok dari kalimat yang
dimaksud. Kalimat soal berarti, "Menteri dalam negeri, Gérald Darmanin,
menginstruksikan kepala polisi Paris untuk memaksa pengumpul tong
sampah balai kota dan menghentikan pemogokan mereka untuk kembali

Pilihan A salah karena perintah dari Darmanin adalah agar mereka lanjut
bekerja, bukan memecat mereka dan menghentikan pekerjaan mengelola

Pilihan B salah karena Darmanin memerintahkan kepada polisi, bukan


Pilihan D salah karena Darmanin adalah menteri urusan dalam negeri, bukan
luar negeri.

Pilihan E salah karena Darmanin memerintahkan untuk membersihkan

sampah kota, bukan sampah di area pedesaan.

19. What is the same meaning of the word “standstill” (line 6)? (synonim
a. Agitated
b. Excited
c. Forbid
d. Stagnancy
e. Rejection


Soal menanyakan tentang sinonim dari kata “standstill” yang

artinya adalah “macet” atau “mandek”. Jawaban yang paling tepat
adalah D, “stagnancy” artinya adalah “kemacetan”. Sedangkan,
pilihan lain salah karena berbeda makna. Agitated (gelisah),
excited (bersemangat), forbid (melarang), dan rejection
(penolakan) adalah kata-kata yang tidak berhubungan dengan

20. Which of the following best summarises the author’s main idea?

a. Concerns of tavern owners in Paris

b. The possibility of a new disease outbreak in the city of Paris
c. Macron's policies during his 5 years of government
d. Travellers who start complaining about the dirty city of Paris and
they prefer travelling to other countries
e. Trash has littered the city of Paris and is increasingly mounting as
a result of workers' protests over increasing the retirement age


Soal menanyakan tentang ide pokok dari teks di atas. Ide pokok bisa
kita dapatkan dari gagasan utama setiap paragraf. Seluruh paragraf
membicarakan tentang banyaknya sampah di jalanan Kota Paris akibat dari
mogoknya para pekerja sampah yang disebabkan kebijakan Macron atas
kenaikan usia pensiun.

Pilihan A salah karena teks tidak secara khusus membicarakan kekhawatiran

para pemilik toko di Paris.

Pilihan B salah karena teks tidak membahas tentang kemungkinan adanya

penyakit baru di Paris.
Pilihan C salah karena teks tidak menjelaskan apa saja kebijakan Macron
selama masa pemerintahannya.

Pilihan D salah karena teks tidak menceritakan sama sekali terkait para
pengelana yang datang ke Paris.

(GUARDIAN) n Rancho Tehama Reserve, residents are used to getting by

without everything they need. The price, or the perk, of living among the oak
trees and rolling hills where cattle graze in this rural northern California
community is its isolation.

People typically come to the Ranch, as residents call it, looking for space and
quiet – they only got proper cellphone and internet service three years ago.
The settlement is at the end of a two-lane road that meanders through the
hillsides of California’s Sacramento Valley and offers glimpses of the
snow-capped peaks of Mounts Lassen and Shasta. The gas station has snacks,
propane and phone chargers, and the hardware store carries alfalfa pellets,
kerosene and bolts, but most anything else requires at least a 30-minute drive.

But lately the seclusion of this community of 1,750 has presented a dangerous
dilemma – residents say when they call 911, they are frequently unable to get
any help. In places like Rancho Tehama, residents say, the issue is not a lack of
police, but neglect. The staffing challenges only exacerbated a longtime
problem – residents say that for years, even when the sheriff’s office had more
deputies, the county’s remote settlements received little attention. Though the
absence of patrol deputies affected the entire 3,000sq mile county, it hit those
living in rural areas particularly hard due to their distance from major
population centers and the lack of other law enforcement agencies.

“People out here are ready to take it into their own hands. They’re tired of not
getting any help. It’s kind of a ticking time bomb out here,” said Cheyenne
Thornton, an office manager with the local homeowners’ association. “Unless
you’re bleeding or dying, you’re probably not going to get a sheriff or anyone
to respond. “You feel like you don’t matter out here – you’re on your own.”

(Anguiano, Dani. 2023. ‘We’re on our own’: the rural US town where police
refuse calls. Taken on Mar 16, 2023 from ‘We’re on our own’: the rural US
town where police refuse calls | California | The Guardian)

21. Sueyfuey
a. Kasgdwiuf
b. Skfgfuie
c. Dkvgdu
d. Sjgef
e. Sjvhegf
22. Sjhgeyfg
a. Djhfge
b. Sjfhhgef
c. Svjejgfe
d. Sjgejf
e. Sjfee
a. Jwfgeygf
b. Jvgdygf
c. Sfjhegfg
d. Sfgefyge
e. Jvhgdf
24. Fjdgfeyf
a. Sjfgef
b. Kvgduf
c. Dvjhdgf
d. Vbejhgfe
e. Dvjhgdjf
a. Hjfbegf
b. Vbejhg
c. Dvbejhg
d. Dvjhjhv
e. jfhgdjfh

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