ADA Tutorial Index 23-24

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Tutorial Index

No Aim of practical Date Teacher’s


1 Write and explain the working of the Selection Sort algorithm.

Derive the order of growth.

2 Write and explain the working of the Selection Sort algorithm.

Derive the order of growth.

3 Write and explain the working of the Insertion Sort algorithm.

Derive the order of growth.

4 Write and explain the working of the Merge Sort algorithm. Derive
the order of growth.

5 Write and explain the working of the Quick Sort algorithm. Derive
the order of growth.

6 Write and explain the working of the Heap Sort algorithm. Derive
the order of growth.

7 Write and explain the working of the Counting Sort, Bucket Sort
and Radix Sort algorithm. Prove that the order of growth is O(n) in
these sorting algorithms.

8 Write and explain the Masters theorem for solving recurrences.

9 Explain with examples the recurrence tree method of solving


10 Explain with examples the substitution method of solving


11 Explain amortised analysis.

12 Write the algorithm for Longest Common Subsequence and explain

its working.

13 Write the algorithm for Chain Matrix Multiplication and explain its

14 Write the Dijkstra’s algorithm for Shortest Paths in a graph and

explain its working.
15 Write the Bellman Ford algorithm for shortest paths and explain its

16 Write the Floyd Warshall algorithm for shortest paths and explain
its working.

17 Derive the order of growth of Kruskal's algorithm for minimum

spanning tree.

18 Derive the order of growth of Prim’s algorithm for minimum

spanning tree.

19 Write the Rabin Karp String matching algorithm and explain its

20 Explain the process of string matching with finite automata.

21 Write the KMP algorithm for string matching and explain its

22 List down NP Complete problems and NP Hard problems.

23 Write a note on Polynomial reduction.

24 Show the relationship among P, NP and NP Complete and NP

Hard problems.

25 Categorize the Travelling Salesman problem and Hamiltonian

problem according to hardness.

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