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 A null hypothesis is a hypothesis that says there is no statistical significance between the two

variables in the hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis is a position that states something is
happening. The level of significance is the probability that the test statistic will fall into the
critical region when the null hypothesis is true. This level is set by the researcher.
 A test statistic measures the degree of agreement between a sample of data and the null
hypothesis. Its observed value changes randomly from one random sample to a different
sample. The sampling distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis is called the null
 A p-value is a measure of the probability that an observed difference could have occurred just
by random chance. The lower the p-value, the greater the statistical significance of the
observed difference. P-value can be used as an alternative to or in addition to pre-selected
confidence levels for hypothesis testing.
 The conclusion is the final decision of the hypothesis test. The conclusion must always be clearly
stated, communicating the decision based on the components of the test.
 Test scores are interpreted with a norm-referenced or criterion-referenced interpretation, or
occasionally both.

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