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Hoarding disorder is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a

perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding disorder experiences distress at the
thought of getting rid of the items. Excessive accumulation of item, regardless of actual value,
occurs. People hoard common possessions, such as paper, books, clothing and containers. Some
people hoard garbage or rotten food. More rarely, people hoard animals or human waste
2. Panic buying is the action of buying large quantities of a particular product or commodity due to
sudden fears of a forthcoming shortage or price increase. In a crisis, people may thing that they
will run out of certain products and goods, which causes them to buy them in large quantities.
Panic buying due to fear of running out of supplies is generated by emotions and social
influences, and gives people a sense of control over the situation.
3. Overpricing is the act of setting a price over the actual value of the product. Like, these shoes
are very nice, but they’re terribly overpriced. Most of these stocks are way overpriced relative to
their expected earnings.
4. If possible, within the few seconds before shaking intensifies, quickly move away from glass,
hanging object, bookcases, cabinets, or other large furniture that could fall. And do the duck,
cover and roll and slowly get out of your building. Especially, go to an open area so you won’t
stay in your building. Don’t panic because being on a panic stage can cause you out of what
you’re supposed to do. If available nearby, grab something to shield your head and face from
falling debris and broken glasses.
5. As a NSTP student, yes I will volunteer in such an endeavor, I’m a soft-hearted person and if I
can help, I will help. Helping our fellow Filipino is in our blood, it comes from our ancestry.

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