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Computer science SS1 (answer key)

First Half (chp 1,2,3,)

Section B 11*2=22

i.Write down the technological advancement in the generations of computer?

Technological advancements in computer generations:

• First generation: Vacuum tubes, punched cards

• Second generation: Transistors, assembly language

• Third generation: Integrated circuits, high-level languages

• Fourth generation: Microprocessors, personal computers • Fifth

generation: AI, parallel processing
• ii.What role does Information technology play in various careers? Write
any two.
Information technology in careers:

• IT enhances efficiency and productivity in business management.

• IT is crucial in healthcare for electronic health records.

iii.Explain the concept of file management?
The process and act of creating an organized structure in which you store
information for easy retrieval. Drive: A drive is a computer storage device that holds
information. It is the top-level location (or "Root" directory) for file storage. iv..
Explain the basic structure and purpose of motherboard.
Basic structure and purpose of motherboard:

• Main circuit board connecting components.

• Connects CPU, RAM, storage, and peripherals.

v. Why RAM is known as a volatile memory?
RAM is volatile memory used to hold instructions and data of currently running
programs. It loses integrity after loss of power
vi. . What is the role of computer CPU? How does it relate to a computer’s
The CPU interprets, processes and executes instructions, most often from the
hardware and software programs running on the device. transform data input into
more usable information output.
What is office automation how does it improve work place efficiency and
Office automation is a general term that describes the different types of computer
systems and software that are used to collect digitally, store, transfer, alter and
utilise office information to execute tasks. In essence, office automation helps to
manage data.
they play a role in reducing human labor for menial or repetitive tasks and in
improving the storage of data
vii. . What does terms ALU and DOS stands for. ALU: Arithmetic Logic
Unit; DOS: Disk Operating System.
viii. What is MS Excel? How is it used in business?
Microsoft Excel is a computer software program that uses spreadsheets to organize
and analyze stored data. Businesses use Excel for budgeting, analysis, forecasting,
spotting trends, reporting, and more..
Write purpose and formulas for sum and average in MS Excel.
One of the common Excel functions is SUM, which totals the values in a range of
cells. For example, the formula =SUM(A2:A10) totals the values in the cell range
A2:A10. The AVERAGE function is similar to SUM, except it finds the average of
values in a cell range
ix. . Give two uses of computer in school library?
Uses of computers in school library:

• Cataloging and managing books.

• Providing online access to library resources.

X. Name two operating systems which are used in modern mobile phone?
Operating systems in modern mobile phones:

• Android

• iOS
.Name any two areas where MS Excel is being used and how?
business analysis; collection and verification
of business data;

data analysis; data entry and

storage; performance
reporting; strategic
analysis; accounting and
Xi. Differentiate between vertical and horizontal scroll bar?
A horizontal scroll bar enables the user to scroll the content of a window to the left
or right. A vertical scroll bar enables the user to scroll the content up or down.
Differentiate between ROM and RAM?
Q3.Describe two types of application software with examples. (1.5+1.5+1+1) pg 30
Q. Describe two types operating systems with examples? Pg 44

Q4, differentiate between single user computer and

multiple use computer .

1. Lack of User-Friendly Interface: DOS primarily used a command-line interface,

which means users had to type commands to perform tasks. This required users to have
a good understanding of commands and syntax, making it less user-friendly for those
who were not familiar with programming or command-line interfaces.

2. Limited Multitasking Capability: DOS had limited multitasking capabilities, which

means it could only run one program at a time. This made it less efficient for handling
multiple tasks simultaneously compared to modern operating systems.

Q.5. Define minicomputers and write their applications in daily life? Compare
microcomputer with minicomputers?


Uses of minicomputers

Minicomputers were used for scientific and engineering computations, business

transaction processing, file handling, and database management Difference between
minicomputer and microcomputers

Explain spreadsheet in MS excels and write steps to calculate the product of 15 and
25 in MS excel.

Ans: Spread sheet is used to organize and analyze data in grid like format. It can be
used for creating charts and tables.


1) Select cell, such as A1 and enter digit 15.

2) Select another cell, such as B1 and enter digit 25
3) Now put in another cell formula for product. ‘=PRODUCT(A1,B1)’ 4) Enter the
result which is 300
Q#6 Why storage devices are important for computer. Justify your answer with
suitable reasons. What will happen if storage devices are removed from a

Storage devices

The storage unit is a part of the computer system which is employed to store the
information and instructions to be processed. A storage device is an integral part of the
computer hardware which stores information/data to process the result of any
computational work. Without a storage device, a computer would not be able to run or
even boot up. Or in other words, we can say that a storage device is hardware that is
used for storing, porting, or extracting data files. It can also store information/data both
temporarily and permanently.

If the storage devices are removed, the computer will lost its abilities to store any data
locally. All softwares will be in some other place outside the device like in what is called
cloud computing.. All other personal work related data and information may also be stored
on a cloud based servers.

Q#6 Explain an operating system with examples and what are its primary

Operating system:-

An Operating System acts as a communication bridge (interface) between the user and
computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide a platform on
which a user can execute programs conveniently and efficiently.

The main task an operating system carries out is the allocation of resources and services,
such as the allocation of memory, devices, processors, and information. The operating
system also includes programs to manage these resources, such as a traffic controller, a
scheduler, a memory management module, I/O programs, and a file system. The
operating system simply provides an environment within which other programs can do
useful work.

Primary functions

Operating System handles the following responsibilities:

• It controls all the computer resources.
• It provides valuable services to user programs.
• It coordinates the execution of user programs.
• It provides resources for user programs.
• It provides an interface (virtual machine) to the user.
• It hides the complexity of software.
• It supports multiple execution modes.
• It monitors the execution of user programs to prevent errors.

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