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Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A 12 (2023) 176-183


The Management of Environment Cost Caused by

Ballast Water

Nikolaos Karfakis, Odysseas Kopsidas and Michael Moros

Aegean College, Athens, 10564, Greece

Abstract: According to classical economic theory, external cost is the indirect, and uncompensated, social or environmental cost
caused to an uninvolved third party that arises as an effect of another party’s activity. In light of this, the environmental cost caused
by ballast water is considered as a negative externality. This paper aims to contribute by proposing that the environmental cost
caused by ballast water can be determined through questionnaires, and that the imposition of a Pigouvian retributive tax is required to
compensate for the environmental damage caused. The paper proceeds as follows. Firstly, ballast water management is discussed.
Second, the environmental cost is discussed and it is asserted that it is important to have clear regulations and to update them
frequently to prevent or minimize ballast water’s negative impact on the environment. Finally, it is suggested that the environmental
cost caused by ballast water can be determined by questionnaires and, more specifically, by the WTP (Willingness to Pay) method,
and that a special Pigouvian corrective taxation which can internalize this cost should be imposed.

Key words: Ballast water management, external environmental cost, maritime transport, Pigouvian taxation.

1. Introduction other matters, helping ship-owners to be proactive in

complying with regulations. Ballast water treatment
Shipping carries about 80% of world trade by
solutions provide the technical as well as other
volume and 70% by value [1]. Ships are designed and
considerations for the design and production of ballast
built to operate safely when carrying cargo but need
water treatment equipment to suit the characteristics
extra weight when sailing unladen or partially laden to
of ships. Legal policy and ballast water solutions work
ensure proper stability and pressure management in together to effectively address the problem of ballast
the hull. The added weight is called ballast. In Article treatment. The International Convention on the Control
1 of the Ballast Water Convention (BMWC), ballast and Management of Ships’ Ballast and Sediments
water is defined as the water with its suspended matter (IMO, 2004) in force sets the basic provisions for the
taken on board a ship to control the ship’s course, heel, management and treatment of ballast water on ships
draft, stability or strains. In the past ships used stones, worldwide. Still, more specific regulations are
sand and metal as ballast, but technical developments necessary and regularly amended and supplemented to
led ships to use water as it is easier to load and unload suit different marine areas.
and more economical than solid ballast. Therefore, Ballast water treatment solutions play a very
today ballast water is essential for ships to operate important role in helping to reduce the negative
efficiently and safely [2]. impact of ballast water on the environment. Ballast
Environmental maritime management is a challenge water treatment requires little or no use of chemicals.
of our time and is obliged to obey international and This helps prevent harmful chemicals from being
national legislation. The legal policy regulates specific released into the environment after the ballast water is
issues related to ballast, ballast water treatment and treated. To be able to easily complete and implement
shipping activities under the BWMC, countries should
Corresponding author: Odysseas Kopsidas, Ph.D., Lecturer,
research field: environmental economics. come up with a specific policy for each country,
The Management of Environment Cost Caused by Ballast Water 177

corresponding to each region based on the BWMC [3]. ships do not need to use ballast water, while ensuring
This will help the world’s maritime countries to be buoyancy and operational stability.
able to both comply with international regulations and The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The
have their own country-tailored development policies. second part provides an overview of the external,
Handling costs are also an issue, however, in line with environmental cost caused by ballast water and
the current trend of sustainable development, shipowners discusses the history of the adoption, current status of
are also being asked to be more responsible for the BWM Convention. The third part discusses the
international waters and ports. This is notable in the importance of clear regulations and of management
current development process that affects the environment. strategy in regard to ballast water and environmental
Regulatory policy and solutions for ballast water pollution. The paper concludes with the suggested
treatment have always been an open issue for proposal that the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)
regulators, researchers and environmentalists. and Willingness to Pay (WTP) method could be used
There are different policies and solutions for ballast to determine the value of the environment, and that,
water treatment, however, each different policy and correlatively a Pigouvian corrective taxation should be
solution brings with it both advantages and disadvantages imposed to internalize the external cost.
when technical, environmental, and economic aspects
2. The Environmental Cost of Ballast Water
are examined. The rapid development of industries
worldwide pollutes the environment more and more. Pollution from ships is caused by emissions, oil
In particular, ballast water from the shipping industry spills, heavy metals, and cargo, a problem that presents
has a major impact on the environment. This is why formidable difficulties for environmental security [5].
legal policies are being introduced to control ballast Exhaust gases like CO2, NO2, and others have a detrimental
water for all ships in the world to ensure that ballast effect on the atmosphere’s ecosystem. Emissions from
water from ships does not affect the environment. diesel engines are usually released directly into the air
Achieving this also means that maritime organizations or water, thus causing environmental pollution [6]
and governments must act decisively. The although intelligent control techniques to successfully
introduction of the WBMC in 2004 [4] and the formal lower carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions in
entry into force of the Convention in 2017 provided diesel engines also dramatically lower harmful
clear regulations for ballast processing. pollutants released by ships [7]. Additionally, ships
Stricter regulations on ballast water and ballast emit ballast water, which has a negative impact on the
handling are needed to ensure that ballast water from marine habitat. Depending on the cargo being carried,
ships does not have a negative impact on the environment. ballast water can either be accepted or rejected in
Along with updating and supplementing appropriate order to maintain a ship’s stability.
legal policies, there is also a need for more research On the other hand, ballast water introduces Invasive
on ballast water treatment technologies. Ballast water Alien Species (IASs) that pose a severe threat to
treatment will directly address invasive organisms, marine ecosystems all over the world. IASs are
harmful chemicals and bad actors in them. If the species that are introduced outside of their natural
solution is good, the ships’ ballast is clean and the habitats and brought to places they are not typically
environment will not be adversely affected. However, found. Under certain circumstances, they establish
current treatment technologies still have many themselves, and in the absence of natural predators or
limitations, such as high cost, existence of toxic pests, they grow and become invasive, endangering
chemicals, etc. It is necessary to find solutions so that the native ecosystem and its species.
178 The Management of Environment Cost Caused by Ballast Water

IAS cause environmental and economic damage subscribes. This is done by developing, implementing
and can pose a threat to human health. The main and maintaining processes, plans and procedures to
concerns currently about IAS are that their impacts are ensure this compliance;
already large and are rapidly becoming larger because d) Minimizing any significant adverse environmental
the international movement of goods and people is impacts of new developments. This is done by using
increasing due to globalization. Since it is nearly environmental management and planning processes
impossible to completely eradicate the issue produced and through environmental impact assessment, before
by IAS once they are established in the marine starting a new activity or project.
environment, they are regarded as one of the most Shipping companies should develop and provide
significant dangers to global biodiversity [8]. The their services in a way that minimizes their environmental
exotic invasive species directly causes huge damage to impact and improves its understanding at all stages by
the economy. The result of negative impacts on any of its customers and the international community,
different occupations such as fishing, aquaculture and while ensuring that they are safe for their intended use
tourism is the reduction of economic output and even and efficient in the consumption of energy and natural
other indirect effects such as human health. resources. They should also develop environmental
Now, in regard to the estimation of the external cost performance assessment procedures and related
discusses above, It have been provided a useful review indicators in order to measure the results of the
of external costs (e.g. air and water pollution) of management of environmental aspects, and should
maritime transportation, but they do not include the manage their activities with the objective of pollution
effects of ballast water which, as they say, will be prevention, using processes, practices, techniques,
treated in a different paper. We, as will be discussed materials, products, services or equivalents, to avoid,
later, instead follow a different route, proposing that reduce or control the generation, emission or disposal
the CVM and the WTP method could be used to of any type of pollutants or wastes in order to reduce
determine the value of the environment. adverse environmental effects, always promoting and
achieving zero leakage. Pollution prevention can
3. Regulations and Management Strategy
include source reduction or elimination, changes in
Shipping companies should be committed to protecting processes, products or services, efficient use of
the environment and managing environmental issues resources, conservation of materials and energy, reuse,
as an integral part of its operations both on land and at recovery, recycling, restoration and treatment.
sea. In particular, it is the policy of the Member States Furthermore, shipping companies should educate
to ensure the environmental integrity of the processes, and motivate employees to increase their awareness of
the equipment used and the working environment at the strategic importance of environmental management,
all times. Shipping companies do this by adhering to encourage interest and respect for the environment to
the following principles: enhance their skills and enable them to conduct their
a) Recognizing environmental management among activities in an environmentally responsible manner.
the highest corporate priorities and as a key Moreover, they should communicate its commitment
determinant of sustainable development; to environmental issues with all stakeholders
b) Establishing policies, programs and practices to (employees, vendors, customers and any other person
conduct business in an environmentally sound manner; or group interested in or affected by the shipping
c) Complying with all applicable legal requirements companies’ environmental effects) and showcase their
and other requirements to which the Member State environmental expertise, anticipating and responding to
The Management of Environment Cost Caused by Ballast Water 179

concerns about potential risks and impacts of and supporting material such as fleet instruction
operations, services or issues and encourage the use of manual, circulars, letters, notices, operating and cargo
the environmental management system by suppliers handling manuals, forms and checklists, emergency
and contractors. [9]. management plan, fire training manual, waste
Where there are significant risks, shipping management plan, ballast water management plan,
companies should develop and maintain emergency refrigerator management plan, bilge/engine room oil
preparedness plans in cooperation with the emergency waste management plan, overboard recovery plan and
services, the competent authorities and the local procedures [12].
community with the aim of responding quickly and The HSE Management system policy manual is
effectively to incidents arising from its activities. They available to all company employees and selected
should continue to improve policies, programs and customers and describes the shipping company’s actions
environmental performance, taking into account regarding service quality, safety and environmental
technical developments, scientific understanding, protection, states the company’s policies and related
customer needs and community expectations, always principles, defines the scope of the management
taking legal regulations as a starting point [10]. system and the organization of the management
The top management of the company should system, and provides brief descriptions of the
operate the companies in a systematic and visible responsibilities and authority of key management
manner. The objective of top management is to create personnel/departments. It addresses the requirements
a customer-oriented organization by: a) defining of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code
systems and processes that can be clearly understood and refers to the relevant system procedures. It
through management and improvement in terms of describes the ways in which Shipping Company
effectiveness and efficiency and b) ensuring the completes its activities in the functional areas referred
effective and efficient operation and control of to in the HSE Management System, the assignment of
processes and the measures and data used to determine responsibilities and identifies the relevant records. The
satisfactory company performance. To achieve this HSE Management system’s procedures [13] include:
goal, top management should define and promote a) Procedures for preparing plans and instructions
processes that lead to improved organizational for activities affecting safety, pollution prevention and
performance, acquire and use data and process service quality;
information on an ongoing basis, directing progress b) Incident and non-compliance reporting procedures;
toward continuous improvement, and utilize appropriate c) Emergency preparation and response procedures;
methods to evaluate the improvement of processes, d) Procedures for internal audits, management
such as self-assessments [11]. inspections and implementation of corrective and
The nature and extent of the documentation is such preventive actions;
that it meets contractual, statutory and regulatory e) Procedures for maintenance of ship and
requirements, the needs and expectations of customers equipment on board;
and other stakeholders and is appropriate for the f) Procedures for document control and record
company and the vessels managed. The HSE (Health, keeping;
Safety and Environmental) (HSE) management system g) Procedures for ensuring the provision of
documentation consists of the HSE Management qualified personnel for the various tasks involved in
System Policy Manual, HSE Procedures (Quality the basic operations ashore and on board;
Procedures). These include, among others, instructions h) Procedures related to HSE issues, the objectives
180 The Management of Environment Cost Caused by Ballast Water

and the corresponding programs of the Company; practical control and influence the company may have
i) Risk assessment and management procedures; over the environmental aspects considered and
and planned, or over new developments or new or
j) Procedures to ensure compliance with trust modified activities, products and services. The
requirements, where required by ship management determination of the environmental aspects of a
agreements. shipping company is carried out by taking into
Records should be created and maintained to provide account the inputs and outputs related to its current
evidence of compliance with specified requirements and relevant past and future activities carried goods
and the effective operation of the HSE management and services. The initial determination of
system as well as to record the extent to which planned environmental aspects is carried out after a thorough
goals and objectives have been achieved. HSE records review of the following four main areas:
may include information about applicable HSE a) Legal and other requirements;
legislation or other requirements; complaint files; b) Review of all existing environmental
training records; inspection, maintenance and management practices and procedures;
calibration records; incident reports; information on c) Evaluation of feedback from the investigation of
emergency preparedness and response; suggestions for previous incidents; and
improvement and best practices; and audit results. d) Evaluation of future activities and services.
The records to be kept are indicated in the In all cases, normal and abnormal, operation on
respective procedures. These records must be legible, board and the possible emergency situation are taken
identifiable and traceable and will be retained for into account. The process for identifying significant
specified minimum periods. Authorized persons in environmental aspects takes into account both the
accordance with a specified filing system and in company’s on-board and offshore activities. In
storage facilities must keep them suitable for easy addition to those environmental aspects that the
retrieval and for protection against damage, Company can directly control, the company also
deterioration and loss. Where contractually agreed, examines aspects that it can influence, such as
HSE records will be available for inspection by the packaging and transportation of supplies used by the
customer (or their representative) for an agreed period. company and environmental performance and
Appropriate records are also made available when practices of contractors and suppliers.
necessary and upon request to classification surveyors In relation to each identified environmental aspect,
and port and flag authorities [14]. as many actual and potential positive and negative
Shipping companies have established, implement environmental impacts as possible are identified by
and maintain a process for determining the the Environmental Team, consisting of the Chief
environmental aspects of its activities, products and Executive Officer (CEO), Designated Person Ashore
services within environmental scope of the (DPA), HSE Director and Technical Director. To
environmental management system that can control determine the significance of each of the identified
and influence and determine those aspects that have or environmental impacts, an assessment is carried out
can have significant effects on the environment. This taking into account, among others, environmental
process takes into account [15] the following: a) the concerns such as the scale and severity of the impact;
cost and time of undertaking the analysis; b) the the duration of impacts, business concerns such as
availability of reliable data; and c) information already potential regulatory and legal exposure; and impact
developed for regulatory purposes and the degree of change costs and stakeholder concerns.
The Management of Environment Cost Caused by Ballast Water 181

4. Discussion and Concluding Remarks income [25-30]. Finally, cost-benefit analysis

supporters frequently view it as a method for enacting
Having discussed ballast water management,
either Pareto-efficiency or Kaldor-Hicks efficiency,
environmental cost, and the importance of regulations
two standards that many welfare economists consider
regarding environmental management, we should not
to be normatively fundamental [31].
turn out attention to the determination of the
Environmental taxes help implement the polluter
environmental cost and the corresponding Pigouvian
pays principle since they make polluters face the full
retributive tax that, according to our view, could
cost of their polluting activities [32-35]. In practice,
compensate for the environmental damage caused,
there are a lot of data on the economic costs of
which is the main thrust of the paper.
externalities or their distribution, thus policymakers
When markets work efficiently, using the market
set the price of environmental taxes at those levels that
price is a good approximation of social cost. When it
they believe will achieve their policy goals [36, 37].
comes from inefficient markets, the price does not The impact of environmental taxes on competitiveness
reflect the true social costs. With Cost-Benefit is a subject of constant debate. The potential adverse
Analysis (CBA) all critical parameter problems are effects on international competitiveness are of concern
attributed to a single basic evaluation which facilitates to environmental policy makers when considering
the decision-making process. The basis of the their application to energy and other products related
evaluation is the comparison of benefits and costs to environmental problems. Some factors that
[16-20]. If the gains are greater, then the program or influence the effectiveness of environmental policy
activity is socially desirable. Otherwise, they are and outcomes in international trade are: the size of
considered socially beneficial. each economy and its influence on pricing
From the point of view of the public interest, a internationally, and the homogeneity or variety of
policy or program is justified and contributes to social products produced in areas affected by taxation.
welfare if the benefits received exceed the estimated Certainly, environmental taxation, especially for
costs. This approach is consistent with Kaldor-Hicks’ heavily polluting industries results in losses and
principle of potential compensation, a widely accepted demands for technical innovation, pollution reduction,
variation of the Pareto criterion. The Weak Pareto and energy conservation, which raise production costs
Condition refers to a program or policy measure that and harm the enterprise’s financial performance and
is socially acceptable when it improves the well-being profitability [38-40]. However, it has been argued that
of every member of society, while the Strong Pareto in the long run, they will have a positive impact on the
condition refers to a program or policy measure that is economic benefits of enterprises [41].
socially acceptable when it ensures improved welfare The method proposed for the determination of this
of even one person without reducing the welfare of retributive tax is the CVM [41, 42]. This method
another person [21-24]. adopts the circulation of a questionnaire with the
The Pareto principle is based on the individual question of WTP, i.e. the maximum amount that
perception of well-being, where people are seen as the someone is willing to pay in order to compensate for
best interpreters of their personal well-being through the inaction caused to the environment by his activity.
their choices. It has limited use as there is almost no The solution proposed by the authors is the
action to improve it as one can continue while making imposition of a Pigouvian retributive tax to
others worse off. Furthermore, it does not include compensate for the environmental damage caused.
concepts such as social justice or redistribution of The solution to the present problem of environmental
182 The Management of Environment Cost Caused by Ballast Water

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