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Terms of Reference

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Consultants (GESIC)

A. Background

1. The Government of India has applied for financing from the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) under the Project IND: “Enhancing Connectivity and Resilience of the
Madhya Pradesh Road Network Project” and intends to utilize part of this loan towards
the cost of the contract for consulting services related to implementation of gender
equality and social inclusion action plan under the proposed project.

B. Purpose of the assignment

2. The implementation arrangement includes one gender equality and social

inclusion consultant (GESIC) to assist MPRDC in implementing the gender equality and
social inclusion action plan in close coordination with the independent engineer (IE,
being recruited). GESIC will have a core unit and will be expected to visit the project
locations and conduct GESIAP activities. GESIC will work closely with IE including their
gender expert and the social and gender staff. Where there is a requirement of engaging
third party agencies (e.g., NGOs) for the purpose of outreach activities like awareness
programs or livelihood trainings, GESIC will be responsible for coordinating with them
and supervising their work.

C. Duration and Location of Services

3. The GESIC will be appointed for a period of 36 months. The work will be
performed within Madhya Pradesh.

D. Scope of Services

4. GESIC is expected to effectively mainstream gender in the project activities.

Towards this end the consultants are expected to:
 Work in close coordination with IE in identifying the needs of the community to
enable incorporation of EWCD responsive features in road and road facilities
 Assist MPRDC in taking affirmative actions to enhance involvement of women in
project works during construction, operation and maintenance
 Assist MPRDC by working in close coordination with IE to ensure women's
involvement in community consultation for selection of appropriate locations and
design for bus shelters. The consultations will assist MPRDC and IE in
enhancing gender responsive features in the design and location of bus shelters
as per the GESIAP requirements by collecting community perspectives and
preferences and informing IE to include them in the design and location
 Facilitate capacity building initiatives such as workshops, trainings, exposure
visits for knowledge transfer for GESI in relevant sector. In doing so,
developguideline/toolkitfor GESI-responsive features in road infrastructure which
will be implemented by IE as per the target defined in the GESIAP.
 Assist in enhancing the skills of staff including women staff in GESI-responsive,
climate and disaster resilient design features in road sector and other project
related trainings, workshops, and knowledge transfer activities.

INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with
appropriate permission.
 Work in close coordination with IE in designingand producing short video on
EWCD friendly features in roads and bus shelters and opportunities for woman
labor in the project
 Assist MPRDC to implement an internship program for women graduates aimed
at providing women with professional work experience in a technical field through
the project. For this purpose, the consultant shall:
a. assist MPRDC in identifying potential institutes
b. prepareMoUs and assist MPRDC to sign the MoU with the partner
c. assist MPRDC is implementing a stipend-based women internship
d. with the support of IE, organise exposure visits for women interns for
onsite orientation on technical works in road construction and
e. conduct orientation and completion to assess the learning gains
 Assist MPRDC in developing a GESI strategy for MPRDC
 Assist in strengthening gender parity in private partners institutional and
operational strategies, including (but not limited to): developing a gender parity
index based on:
a. workforce
b. workplace environment
c. women friendly workplace policy
d. gender sensitization of staff
e. strategies to strengthen institutional as well as operational gender
mainstreaming capacities of MPRDC and private partners for the project
f. enhance female workforce participation in roads and associative activities
during planning, construction and maintenance in the project
 Assist MPRDC to demonstrate business opportunities for women entrepreneurs
alongside the project roads. For this, the consultant shall:
a. work closely with IE and identify suitable locations and potential
b. work closely with IE in consultations for the construction of way side
market place
c. train community women on financial inclusion including safe
d. liaise with local government / administration and design an exit strategy to
handover the asset created
 Identify potential women SHG members to develop a cadre of master trainers to
lead road safety awareness programs in schools and habitations alongside the
 Prepare toolkit for women self-help group members (SHG) to enable them lead
road safety campaign for school going children and community
 Work closely with IE and contractors and deliver road safety awareness
campaigns at schools and habitations alongside the project roadsensuring equal
participation of women and girls
 Coordinate with IE in the organisation of health programs/ camps to mobilise
community members at different habitations alongside and participate in the

INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with
appropriate permission.
 Aligned to the targets in GESIAP,ensure targeted equal participation of women
and girls in the health camps/ programs and include sex disaggregated data of
attendance in the reports
 Conduct skill gap mapping in project area to identify non-traditional livelihood
skills training needs and potential beneficiaries
 Aligned to the targets in GESIAP, assist in ensuring community women including
women from disadvantaged groups gain non-traditional livelihood skills
 Where there is a requirement of engaging third-party agencies (e.g., NGOs) for
the purpose of outreach activities like awareness programs or livelihood
trainings, GESIC will be responsible for coordinating with them and supervising
their work
 Coordinate with line departments, district administration as per the projects
requirements to implement project activities related to GESIAP
 Implement GESI plan as per the approved framework and conduct GESI related
training / orientations
 Ensure collection and reporting on sex disaggregated data of project staff,
consultants, workforce, labourers, and project related consultations, orientation
and training programs is maintained and reported in progress reports
 Ensure pre and post assessments in GESI related training learning programs to
assess learning outcomes
 Collect and report sex-disaggregated data on staff, consultants, construction
workforce participation, labor, and project related consultations and training
 Implement, monitor, and prepare GESI action plan progress for every quarter to
be submitted to MPRDC and IE for onward submission to ADB with the project
 Prepare GESI action plan completion report highlighting lessons learned and
submitted at project completion
 Provide support to PMU, PIUs, and IE on documentation and reporting
requirements and timely submission

E. Team Composition and Qualification requirements

5. The proposed assignment is for 36-month duration. The consultant’s team will
comprise of national consultants who will work collectively as a team in close
coordination with MPRDC PMU and PIUs, IEs, and Contractors towards the outcome
and outputs of the project. The core team is expected to visit the project roads regularly.
Women are encouraged to be a part of the team. The expertise andinputs requirement
of GESIC team are as follows:

Expert Number Total Person-

GESI expert cum Team Leader (1 position 30-month 1 30
Livelihood expert (1 position 6-month input) 1 6
Community mobilisers (2 positions 15-month input 2 30
Total 4 66
* The deployment schedule will be to be reviewed periodically

F. Educational qualification and experience

INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with
appropriate permission.
6. The details of educational and experience requirements for each position
indicated above are provided below.

S.N Expertise Qualification Requirement Responsibility

1 GESI  Postgraduate in Social  Responsible for all the outputs under the
expert Science/ Mass consulting services
cum team Communication/  Decide the responsibilities, inputs,
leader Journalism schedule and activities of all the team
 Minimum 10years members
experience in  Overall project management and
community development administration of community awareness
projects and mobilisation activities
 Experience ofdesigning  Overall supervision of team personnel
and implementing  Coordination with MPRDC, PMU, PIU,
community-based IEs, contractors and line departments
programs of which  Design community awareness and
atleast oneis in the road participation activities
sector  Selection of third-party NGOs, CBOs as
 Experience of required
conducting Information,  Work closely with Contractors
Education and  Develop an exit strategy for the market
Communication (IEC) place constructed in the project to be
activities taken over by local administration for
 Experience of working in operation and maintenance
ADB/ World  Report to MPRDC PMU and ADB as
bankprojects will be required
preferred  Implementation of ADB compliant GESI
plan specifically for
o holding meaningful consultations with
community for selection of
appropriate location and design of
bus shelters
o coordinating with IE for inclusion of
eligible MPRDC women staff in
technical trainings
o ensuring post training assessments
to assess learning gains
o assisting MPRDC in developing a
GESI friendly workplace
o assisting MPRDC in implementing
internship program for women
o identifying potential SHGs building
their capacities with handholding to
deliver road safety awareness
 Monitoring GESI activities and capturing
gender equality results
 Facilitate collection of sex-disaggregated
data at all levels that could be used to
monitor potential project gender benefits
and impact
 Conceptualising, drafting training
modules and learning materials for

INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with
appropriate permission.
S.N Expertise Qualification Requirement Responsibility
various gender related capacity building
 Preparation of toolkits, guidelines,
learning material aligned to the needs of
 Prepare periodic reports on GESI
progress and project completion reports
highlighting lessons learnt and good
practices and submit to PMU for onward
submission to ADB
2 Livelihood  Postgraduate in Social  Co-ordination with MPRDC, PMU, PIU,
expert Science/ Business IEs, Contractors, and line departments
management  Conceptualising, drafting training
 Minimum 10 years of modules and learning materials for
experience in various livelihood and skill development
community development activities aligned to GESIAP
projects  Skill gap mapping to identify non-
 Experience of designing traditional livelihood skills training needs
/ implementing at least 3 and potential beneficiaries
livelihood programs for  Training of community women including
women women from disadvantaged groups on
 Experience of nontraditional livelihood skills for
conducting IEC activities employment opportunities in the road
 Experience of working in and/or transport sector
ADB/ World bank  Training to community women on
projects will be preferred financial inclusion including safe digital
 Reporting with sex disaggregated data
 Documentation of good practices
3 Communit  Graduates in related  Under the guidance of Gender expert and
y field livelihood expert, implementcommunity-
mobiliser  2 years’ basedinterventions
(2) experienceworking in  Liaison with line departments for
community based implementation of GESIAP activities
programs  Provide all field support for
 Experience of working in implementation of GESI plan
MP/ Chhattisgarhwill be  Provide all field support for collection of
preferred. field level data for planning,
implementing, or monitoring purposes.
 Provide all field support for organising
field level programs,camps,
consultations, trainings,events and
 Provide information for monthly,
quarterly, and other reports and

G. Deliverables and Reporting Requirements

7. GESIConsultants will be reporting to the PMU established in MPRDC. Reports

from project roads will be compiled at PMU level for overall project review and
monitoring and onward submission to ADB.The reporting requirements are as follows:

INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with
appropriate permission.
S.No Submission Frequency Content Timeline
1 Inception Once Project understanding Completion of 1
Report Refined approach and methodology month and 15th day
for GESI work plan, staffing of succeeding
schedule, and schedule of month
Any other specific issue
2 Monthly Monthly Brief report on tasks and 15th day of
report activitiesconducted for GESI succeeding month
Progress on management
components,e.g.action plan,
mobilisation schedule,
input days consumed, etc.
3 Quarterly Quarterly Progress on GESI plan as per the 15th day of
Progress prescribed monitoring format, succeedingquarter
Report including toolkitfor GESI-responsive
features in road infrastructure and for
women SHG member-led road safety
campaign for school going children
and community, guidelines,
trainingmodules, training material,
GESI friendly workplace strategy,
report on strengthening gender parity
in private partners’ institutional and
operational strategies.

Progress on internship program,

non-traditional skill training, road
safety, health awareness activities.

Awareness raising content, success

stories,sex-disaggregated data on
staff, consultants, construction
workforce participation, labor, and
project related consultations,
4 Project Once Completion of GESI action plan with Last quarter of the
Completion results as annexures consisting of project
Report training learning and communication
material, toolkit, GESI friendly
strategy,report on strengthening
gender parity in private partners’
institutional and operational
strategies, internship program, non-
traditional skill trainings, road safety,
health awareness
activities,highlighting lessons
learned, submitted at project
6 Other ( As As required As required
feedback required
surveys, etc)

INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with
appropriate permission.

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