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How to start Mahavidya Sadhana:

Mahavidya sadhana are meant to subdue- Sumbha (mula avidya, aham agyam) and Nisumbha (Asmita,
mama) and bestow Self-realization ultimately hence, they are Maha vidya not samanya vidya.

Tamas, moha, mahamoha, andha and avidya are the five- fold scaffolding of Shakti.

Tamas, moha and mahamoha provides what collectively are material ignorance thereby giving raga and
dwesha (the dual mental vasanas) leading to andha.

Working with sushkma sarira thus requires understanding this threefold nature of vasanas, karma and
chakra thus creating tirobhava – the concealing nature of shakti.

Shakti is in bondage because of this five-fold avarana and making multiple scaffoldings in various bodies
and various levels and various sheaths thereby creating a false play of duality and multiplicity.

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