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Bài tập

Học viên phân tích 4 criteria của 3 bài viết sau đây

The bar chart compares the cost of an average house in five major cities over a period of
13 years from 1989.
We can see that house prices fell overall between 1990 and 1995, but most of the cities
saw rising prices between 1996 and 2002. London experienced by far the greatest changes
in house prices over the 13-year period.
Over the 5 years after 1989, the cost of average homes in Tokyo and London dropped by
around 7%, while New York house prices went down by 5%. By contrast, prices rose by
approximately 2% in both Madrid and Frankfurt.
Between 1996 and 2002, London house prices jumped to around 12% above the 1989
average. Homebuyers in New York also had to pay significantly more, with prices rising
to 5% above the 1989 average, but homes in Tokyo remained cheaper than they were in
1989. The cost of an average home in Madrid rose by a further 2%, while prices in
Frankfurt remained stable.
1 Task response:
The Chart shows percetage percentage change in average house prices in five cities
1990-2002 compared with 1989
 The bar chart compares the cost of an average house in five major cities over a
period of 13 years from 1989
Introductions: The chart -> The bar chart
Shows -> Compares
Percetage percentage change in average house prices ->the cost of an
average house
1990-2002 compared with 1989-> a period of 13 years from 1989
Oview Overview: between 1990 and 1995: the cost of an average house -> fall
between 1996 and 2002: the cost of an average house -> rise
London experienced by far the greatest changes in house prices over the 13-
year period.
Body 1: Over the 5 years after 1989 : the cost of average homes in Tokyo and London
->dropped by around 7%
Newyork New York down by 5%
Madrid and Frankfurt: rise 2%
Body 2: Between 1996 and 2002:
- London house prices jumped to around 12% above the 1989 average,
- Newyork New York:-> rise to 5%
- Madrid : rose by a further 2%
- Frankfurt: remained stable
-> Chú ý chính tả (Spelling)
2. Coherence and Cohesion:
The bar chart compares the cost of an average house in five major cities over a period of
13 years from 1989.
We can see that house prices fell overall between 1990 and 1995, but most of the cities
saw rising prices between 1996 and 2002. London experienced by far the greatest changes
in house prices over the 13-year period.
Over the 5 years after 1989, the cost of average homes in Tokyo and London dropped
by around 7%, while New York house prices went down by 5%. By contrast, prices rose
by approximately 2% in both Madrid and Frankfurt.
Between 1996 and 2002, London house prices jumped to around 12% above the 1989
average. Homebuyers in New York also had to pay significantly more, with prices rising
to 5% above the 1989 average, but homes in Tokyo remained cheaper than they were in
1989. The cost of an average home in Madrid rose by a further 2%, while prices in
Frankfurt remained stable. Good
3. Lexical resource
- average ( v) : Trung bình
- a period of (n) : giai đoạn
- prices (v) : giá
- overall (n): nhìn chung
- between 1990 and 1995: giữa năm 1990 và 1995
- experienced (adj); trải qua, có kinh nghiệm, chứng kiến
- dropped ( v) hạ xuống
- By contrast: ngược lại
- approximately (adv ): khoảng chừng
- jumped (v): tăng , nhảy
- Homebuyers (n): Người mua nhà
- significantly (adv) đáng kể
- remain (v) duy trì
- cheap: rẻ
- stable (adj) : ổn định
4. Grammer
We can see that house prices fell overall between 1990 and 1995, but most of the cities
saw rising prices between 1996 and 2002-> S+ V( tăng, giảm, biến động, ổn định )+ ADV(
nếu có) + giới từ+ data + năm
London experienced by far the greatest changes in house prices over the 13-year period.
->-> S + experience/witness/see + a/an/the + ADJ + Noun
Over the 5 years after 1989, the cost of average homes in Tokyo and London dropped by
around 7%, while New York house prices went down by 5%. ->Dùng cấu trúc while để chỉ
2 xu hướng đối lập nhau
Between 1996 and 2002, London house prices jumped to around 12% above the 1989
average.-> Between time1 and time2, S + Verb + ADV + to + Data
Homes in Tokyo remained cheaper than they were in 1989.-> so sánh hơn : S + V +
Adj/Adv + -er + than...
The cost of an average home in Madrid rose by a further 2%, while prices in Frankfurt
remained stable.-> Dùng cấu trúc while để chỉ 2 xu hướng đối lập nhau
Bài tập 2:
The three bar charts show average years of schooling, numbers of scientists and
technicians, and research and development spending in developing and developed
countries. Figures are given for 1980 and 1990.
It is clear from the charts that the figures for developed countries are much higher than
those for developing nations. Also, the charts show an overall increase in participation in
education and science from 1980 to 1990.
People in developing nations attended school for an average of around 3 years, with only a
slight increase in years of schooling from 1980 to 1990. On the other hand, the figure for
industrialised countries rose from nearly 9 years of schooling in 1980 to nearly 11 years in
From 1980 to 1990, the number of scientists and technicians in industrialised countries
almost doubled to about 70 per 1000 people. Spending on research and development also
saw rapid growth in these countries, reaching $350 billion in 1990. By contrast, the
number of science workers in developing countries remained below 20 per 1000 people,
and research spending fell from about $50 billion to only $25 billion.
1 Task response:
The Charts below show the levels of participation in education and science in developing
and industrialised countries in 1980 and 1990
->The three bar charts show average years of schooling, numbers of scientists and
technicians, and research and development spending in developing and developed
countries. Figures are given for 1980 and 1990.
Introductions: The Charts-> The three bar charts
show the levels of participation in education and science in developing and
industrialised-> show average years of schooling, numbers of scientists and technicians,
and research and development spending in developing and developed countries
in 1980 and 1990-> Figures are given for 1980 and 1990
overview: - developed countries higher than developing nations
- From 1980 to 1990 : education and science -> increase
Body 1: Developing nations: average years of schooling-> slight increase from 1980 to
On the other hand, the figure for industrialised countries -> rise significantly
Body 2:
- From 1980 to 1990 industrialised countries: scientists and technicians-> almost
doubled to about 70 per 1000 people. In 1990 Spending on research and
development-> reaching $350 billion
- By contrast developing countries: science workers-> below 20 per 1000 people.
Research spending fell from about $50 billion to only $25 billion

2. Coherence and Cohesion:
The three bar charts show average years of schooling, numbers of scientists and
technicians, and research and development spending in developing and developed
countries. Figures are given for 1980 and 1990.
It is clear from the charts that the figures for developed countries are much higher than
those for developing nations. Also, the charts show an overall increase in participation in
education and science from 1980 to 1990.
People in developing nations attended school for an average of around 3 years, with only a
slight increase in years of schooling from 1980 to 1990. On the other hand, the figure for
industrialised countries rose from nearly 9 years of schooling in 1980 to nearly 11 years in
From 1980 to 1990, the number of scientists and technicians in industrialised countries
almost doubled to about 70 per 1000 people. Spending on research and development also
saw rapid growth in these countries, reaching $350 billion in 1990. By contrast, the
number of science workers in developing countries remained below 20 per 1000 people,
and research spending fell from about $50 billion to only $25 billion.

3. Lexical resource
- years of schooling (n) : số năm đi học trung bình
- average (adj): trung bình
- figures for (n): các con số của
- developed countries (n): các con số của -> Những quốc gia đã phát triển
- overall increase (n)sự gia tăng tổng thể
- participation (n) sự tham gia
- attend school (v) đi học
- slight (adj) : nhẹ
- slight increase: tăng nhẹ
- On the other hand: Mặt khác
- nearly (adv): gần như
- double (v): gấp đôi
- rapid growth (n): sự gia tăng nhanh
- …. per … people : bao nhiêu người trên bao nhiêu người
- reach (v) : đạt
- by contrast : ngược lại
- remain (v); duy trì
- research spending (n): chi tiêu cho nghiên cứu

4. Grammatical range and accuracy

It is clear from the charts that the figures for developed countries are much higher than
those for developing nations –> So sánh hơn S + V + Adj/Adv + -er + than...
Also, the charts show an overall increase in participation in education and science from
1980 to 1990 -> S + V + ADV + Time Show + a/an +N (tăng/giảm/biến động) + In +
N(một đại lượng nào đó)
People in developing nations attended school for an average of around 3 years, with only a
slight increase in years of schooling from 1980 to 1990. On the other hand, the figure for
industrialised countries rose from nearly 9 years of schooling in 1980 to nearly 11 years in
From 1980 to 1990, the number of scientists and technicians in industrialised countries
almost doubled to about 70 per 1000 people- > The number of + Noun + V (con số/chỉ số
của một đối tượng nào đó làm chủ ngữ -> Verb chia số ít) Very Good!


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