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The most famous Libyan cuisine

1- Couscous: A popular dish spread in Libya and North African countries. This

meal is one of the Amazigh meals that appeared in the seventh century AD.

There are several types of this meal, such as couscous with meat, couscous

with onions, couscous with asparagus, couscous with bread, couscous with

sausage, and this meal is one of the main meals . in Libya .

Libyan couscous ingredients

 500 grams of couscous

 1 kg of lamb, boiled and cut into cubes

 2 chicken stock cubes

 2 onions, chopped

 1 cup chickpeas, boiled

 3 carrots, cut into cubes

 2 potatoes, cut into cubes

 3 zucchini, cut into cubes

 2 tablespoons of tomato paste

 3 tablespoons of olive oil

 5 cups of water

 ½ teaspoon black pepper

 1 teaspoon hot red pepper

 1 teaspoon of turmeric

 Salt, to taste

Libyan couscous method :

1. In a frying pan over low heat, heat the oil. Fry the meat in the oil until it changes

color with constant stirring.

2. Add the onions and stir until wilted, then add the tomato paste, spices, chicken

broth, and water, stirring constantly.

3. Cover the pot and let it cook for 60 minutes, until the meat is tender.

4. Add the potatoes and carrots, continue to cook for 10 minutes, then add the

chickpeas and zucchini. Leave the pot on the fire for an additional 6 minutes.
5. In a separate saucepan over high heat, add a small amount of broth and bring

to a boil.

6. Add the couscous to the broth and cover the pot, stirring occasionally.

7. Remove the pot from the heat and set it aside to cook the couscous on the


8. Pour the couscous into the serving plate and over it the meat mixture.

2- Labazin: A popular dish in Al-Libiba, which has its roots in the western region.

This meal is served at parties and weddings. It is also one of the dishes that are

prepared on the tables of Libyans during the blessed month of Ramadan on a

daily basis, and in the winter season due to its ability to extend the body with

great energy. The meal is in two phases. In the beginning, the soup is prepared

with meat, fish, milk or eggs, then tomatoes, tomato juice, spices and the rest of

the ingredients are added, then hot water is poured on it and potato circles are

added to it .
Bazin stock amounts

 One kilo of lamb, veal or camel.

 chopped onion.

 half cup of olive oil.

 3 tablespoons of tomato paste.

 A spoonful of fenugreek seeds, half a kilo of potatoes «potatoes »

 Half a tablespoon of turmeric (yellow seeds), not mixed with anything.

 A tablespoon of red pepper.

 salt.

Bazin amounts

 A kilo of barley flour.

 salt.

 A little oil, half a cup of Arabic coffee (two and a half tablespoons).

 2 to 3 liters of boiling water, as needed.

3- Al-Mubkabka : The most famous pasta recipe in Libya, and it is suitable for

cold days as it provides the body with great energy, and it is prepared for lunch,

dinner and on special occasions. This meal consists of onions, tomatoes,

peppers, turmeric and some spices, and it is distinguished by its ease and speed

of preparation .
Ingredients for Libyan Mubbka :

 ½ kilo penne pasta or snails .

 ½ kilo meat, cut into very small cubes (or chicken breasts, or minced meat )

 2 potatoes , peeled and cut into cubes of medium size .

 A large onion, sliced .

 2 A crushed garlic clove .

 Hot pepper pod (to taste )

 6 cups of water .

 2 A tablespoon of tomato sauce .

 2 One tablespoon of oil .

 One tablespoon of chopped parsley .

 ½ teaspoon mixed spices .

 Salt and black pepper .

4- Onion rice : One of the most popular dishes in the Libyan cuisine, which is

famous for its presence in social gatherings and events. Learn how to prepare it

in simple and quick steps .

Ingredients :

 Half a kilo of lamb with bone .

 Five medium-sized onions .

 A cup of soaked chickpeas .

 750 grams of rice .

 Two tablespoons of ghee .

 Two tablespoons of tomato paste .

 A teaspoon of red pepper .

 Half a teaspoon of heat and the same amount of bezar (Libyan seasoning )

 Salt, to taste .

 Cinnamon stick .

 water while cooking .

road Preparation :

We do bakliya Onion chopped and meat and tomatoes And the bazaar and pepper the

Red and salt in spoon Ghee We leave it on fire Quiet to homogenize batter, And we

put In which Oud cinnamon And we add water, then We do chopping up onions wings

Slender something like what, And we put onions

with chickpeas drenched in Couscous ( cooker Dedicated to cook ) to level by doing

steam And he goes down a hundred on broth meat . we wait to that level onions then

We take it down from steam, And we put it in a pot small And we put on him broth the

meat And we leave him above fire Quiet until drink gravy And he curses you . We
wash the rice under water neighbor And we do cum in couscous to scold for a quarter

hour from Without any extras, after a fourth hour We go down the rice And we put it in

Dish deep And we add mechanism spoon Ghee and broth meat . We do cover it And

we leave him until drink gravy for approx ten minutes to a fourth hour, after that drink

gravy We do by moving it and put it on steam Once other with a job holes small until

permeated steam and ripen quickly . and remains the rice on steam to level from a

fourth to One third hour, Then We take it down And we put it in tray Dedicated to

apply And we put above it the meat And onions And we spray it with spices or

cinnamon milled And we present it with Authority green and pepper the green or

pickles And olives.

5- Libyan asban : Libyan asban is one of the well-known popular foods in Libya.

It is a nutritious food and has a wonderful taste. It differs in its name from one

country to another, as it is called mumbar in Egypt and sausages in Syria. It is

an intestine or tripe of sheep or cows that is stuffed with a mixture of rice, liver

and lamb heart, then boiled. And put it under the oven grill to become brown

and delicious .

 ½ kilo of lamb liver and heart, cut into cubes

 250 grams of finely minced lamb

 2 tablespoons of tomato paste

 ½ cup of olive oil

 2 finely chopped tomatoes

 4 cups of chopped parsley

 3 cups chopped cilantro

 3 cups of chopped basil

 3 cups chopped green onions

 1 cup chopped green mint

 2 green hot peppers, chopped

 1 ½ cup rice, soaked for 10 minutes and drained

 1 tablespoon: dry mint, black pepper and ginger

 ½ tablespoon: red hot pepper and turmeric

 Lamb's small intestine

 For cooking water: 1 tablespoon of salt + ½ teaspoon each of red hot pepper

and turmeric
How to prepare

1. We clean the intestines (or tripe) well several times, then put them in a bowl and

soak them with lemon juice for 10 minutes, then put them aside .

2. Mix the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl until well combined .

3. We put the rice filling in the intestines in the traditional way, leaving room for the

rice to fluff up after its maturity, then we close the ends with thread .

4. hot red pepper and turmeric, and let it boil over a fire, then we change the water

and add new water .

5. After that, we fry the sticks with a little oil so that it acquires a brown color, or it

can be placed under the oven grill, and thus the dish is ready to be served.

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