Beauties of The Hidden Feather (Draft) - HUMSS 11-1

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Section: HUMSS 11-1

Group number: 1

Beauties Of The Hidden Feather

Once upon a time on a faraway island, there was a dove named Divi.
A dove who was known for being warm and friendly. One day while flying a
pretty creature caught her eye, a Peacock. "What a beauty that she has," she
said. She observed it for a long time and flew back home. She stand in front
of the mirror and wondered why can’t she be beautiful as the other birds.
“Why am I plain? Covered in boring white”

The next morning she decided to take off a journey on how to be beautiful
like the peacock. while going on a stroll Divi saw some leaves that is shaped
just like the tail feathers of a peacock, she quickly come up with an idea.
"Sticking it on my back would be great!" as soon as she was done putting it,
Divi felt a sudden weight on her back. It was difficult for her to carry. She
found it tough to accept that it didn't work out, but she thought about what
else she could do.

On her way, she saw a field, and an idea pop-out in her mind. "I should try
putting some of these greenly grass, maybe it would work," she said in an
optimistic tone. But after a while, she started to itch and quickly removed it.
She gave up and sadly flew away.

Little Divi continued her journey when suddenly, she saw a big beautiful
garden. Flowers scintillating all around. "Oh, there was a pink flower! a red
one too; waaah blue and green!! what perfect flowers for me"

The interaction between her feet and the ground, The cold wind blows while
the little dove picking beautiful flowers in the garden. Her tails move like a
real peacock; Divi tried to put every flower she picked into her tiny tail. She
observed herself after all the hard work. The little bird with a sad face a
while ago, turn around humming and proudly said "What a beautiful
peacock I am!" she giggled and admired herself for a minute. Little Divi
flaps her wings once again.
She flew around the island all day, face filled with joy, and shouted
everywhere " I am beautiful like a peacock!" Sunset came and Divi landed at
a newly sprouted branch. Then, suddenly her face changed after seeing her
tail. The flower withered.

She wanted to continue, but the bird felt so dejected and decided to simply
return home.

The little dove came home feeling devastated because everything didn't
work for her. She runs into her mother's arm and cried. Divi's mother is
confused, but she didn't question it, instead, she allowed her daughter to cry
until she was ready to explain what was wrong.

"Mom, I tried everything to make myself pretty, but I got nothing but

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