Narrative Report Report PHASE 2

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Narrative Report

Baseline Phase 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3
Scope of Work ................................................................................................................. 3
General Details ................................................................................................................ 4
Milestones ....................................................................................................................... 4
Calendar .......................................................................................................................... 5
Activity List ...................................................................................................................... 6
Durations and Resource Estimation ................................................................................. 6
Manpower Histogram ................................................................................................... 7:8
Work Breakdown Structure WBS ................................................................................ 10:9
the Critical path ............................................................................................................ 11
Cash Flow & Planned Value Chart .................................................................................. 12

The process of showing the general location of the second phase next to the Shamiya
warehouses in preparation for the opening

Scope of Work
The process of preparing the four-zone roads is as shown
The below snapshot is showing the project layout:

General Details
The below table is representing the project details:
The Employer ORCHID
The consultant Dar Mac Urban Development
The Contractor Mac Construction
Number of Activities 67
Number of Relationships 147
Critical Activities Number 21
Critical Activities Percentage 30%
The Project Start Date 10-SEP-2023
The Project Completion Date 09-Nov-2023
Constrains No Constrains Used
Percent Complete Type DURATION
Duration Type Fixed Duration & Units

The following chart is showing the project milestones dates:

The calendar used in the schedule is 6-Day Work Week, the detailed as the following:

The calendar is considering vacations and holidays () as non-working days:

Activity List
The activity list is extracted from the original BOQ to cover all project scope as Shown in
Appendix A.
The Activity Id Structure as shown in Appendix B and the below table:

Activity ID is containing the following information:

(Project ID).(Work Type).( Zone. ID).(works).(Activity NO.)

For example, )PH2.CON.Z1.RD.10( that is meaning this activity is located in project

PHASE 2, construction work, , Zone 01, , Road work, Activity NO

Durations and Resource Estimation

It was depended on two methodologies in estimate duration and resources for each
activity, analogue estimation and parametric estimation, parametric estimation is used
for all activities that have clear productivity rates, but analogue estimation is used for
lumpsum work or activities that don’t have productivity rates, after that we depend on
expert judgments to evaluate the estimation,

Manpower Histogram
Manpower histogram extracted from the original programme as shown in the below
charts and Appendix F:

The detailed manpower histogram is showing the required budgeted unite during the
project duration for each required position as shown in the above chart.

Work Breakdown Structure WBS
The project is divided according to the following:

The below charts shows WBS as presented in Primavera software:

The Critical Path

Cash Flow & Planned Value Chart
The below charts is showing the planned value per week during the project period:


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