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Create your Avatar for your

Ideal Client

Identifying the Ideal Client

Ideal Client Avatar

Start to create your avatar for your ideal client and preparing for your client consultations.
Having a client avatar will help you improve your marketing efforts, and often VAs will say
that they can work with anyone and that’s true but if know who we are trying to attract, and
if we understand the person fully, it is easier to develop our content, and write in such a way
that will appeal to that person.

Your client avatar – this template needs you to be specific - the more specific you can
be the greater value it will bring you. (Don’t forget you can have more than one of
these ideal clients for the various strands of your business.)

Describe your ideal client (their personality, style, industry etc):

Are they male or female or are you focusing on both?

What is their age?

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Identifying the Ideal Client

Are they educated and to what level?

Are they married or single – with a family? How many children do they have?

Do they have a religion or are they spiritual? (You don’t need to ask this question but its
one of those questions that the information might flow out of them when you are talking

What are their hobbies and interests?

What is their likely income?

What are their personality traits and attributes?

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Identifying the Ideal Client

What industry do they work in?

How long have they been in business?

Who are their customers?

What is the one main purpose for them in life?

What is the one main purpose for their business?

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Identifying the Ideal Client

What skills or services are they looking for to be outsourced in their business?

What are the biggest challenges for them in life and business? Think about what do they
desire or want to move towards? Why do they want their desired outcome?

Having now created your person – name them!

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Identifying the Ideal Client

Now identify, where the person you named above (your ideal client) is likely to be found –
both on and offline? Which social media channels do they use?

I hope this Ideal Client Avatar workbook has proven useful to you to determine who you
wish to work with.

If you are now in a position to know the next steps for growing your Virtual Assistant
business and would like my support then be sure to head over and check out the VACT
Blog, where I share tips and tricks for getting clients and making money with your own VA
business. If you are ready to get more detailed support either in starting out then check
out The VA Mastery Course or The VA Membership. Not sure which is right for you –
please feel free to book a Discovery Call with Amanda.

Now for the Legal Stuff…

The Virtual Assistant Mastery Course, The Kick-Start Your VA Business, and The VA
Toolbook, the VA Training Academy® are Copyright to VACT Limited 2003 to 2020.

No part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted to a third party, via the
internet or any other form of communication, in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval
system, without prior written permission from VACT Limited. Last Updated March 2020

Any questions please feel free to reach out to Amanda by email on:

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