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New Cage Design for Laying Hens

U. A. LUESCHER,1 J. F. HURNIK,' and J. POS 2

Department of Animal and Poultry Science and School of Engineering, University ofGuelph,
Guelph, Ontario, Canada NIG 2W1

(Received for publication August 26, 1981)

ABSTRACT Battery cages for laying hens are being increasingly criticized as providing an inade-
quate environment for the welfare of birds. A prototype cage design, which should come closer to
meeting the ethological needs of chickens, presently is being developed at the University of
Guelph. Its basic principle focuses on varying the internal cage environment in time rather than in
space according to the circadian behavioral rhythms of the birds.
(Key words: laying hens, cage design, behavior, animal welfare)
1982 Poultry Science 61:606-607

INTRODUCTION environment in time rather than in space,

Battery cages for laying hens are widely used allowing all the hens to conduct various be-
in the commercial production of chicken eggs. havioral activities during the period of time
The reason for their widespread acceptance is when such behavior is generally performed in
high production efficiency due to high bird natural circumstances. This might be achieved
density, better feed conversion, lower labor by equipping a battery cage with devices which
costs, and easier visual inspection of birds. could be presented to the hens at the appro-
However, battery cages have been heavily criti- priate time of the day (Hurnik, 1979). Having
cized as being inadequate for animal welfare. the approximate dimensions of a commercial
There exists, therefore, good reason to develop battery cage, it could sustain densities of birds
an alternative cage system which accommodates similar to the ones found in commercial opera-
the behavioral needs of the birds without im- tions.
pairing the economic interests of the producer Such a cage is presently under development
and the affordability of the poultry products at the University of Guelph. As a first
for consumers. step, the use of a moveable roost is being
tested (Fig. 1).
Attempts to do this have been made, inclu-
ding the development of colony cages and "Get
Away" cages (Bareham, 1976; Brantas, 1978).
The colony cage actually yields no improve- EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
ment for the birds and even increases social
interference. The "Get Away" cage provides a Shallow cages (45 cm wide, 32.5 cm deep,
more complex environment, allowing the hens and 37.5 cm high) are equipped with a wooden
to manifest more of their natural behavior perch extending from one side of the cage to
repertoire. However, it requires more space and the other, parallel to the feed trough at a dis-
a pronounced decrease in stocking density. tance of 12.5 cm from it. The perch is 3.5 cm
Most behaviors follow a distinct circadian wide and kept level with the cage floor when
rhythm and are influenced by social facilita- not in operation, allowing eggs to roll through
tion. Consequently, there is competition for the cage. Controlled by a timer, it can be raised
certain features of the cage at certain times of approximately 4 cm, providing the hens with an
the day, while at the same time other parts are opportunity to roost comfortably. The slot in
not in use. Since this results in poor utilization the cage floor for the roost is sufficiently wide
of space, it may be more efficient to alter the so that toes are not caught between the roost
and the wire floor. The movement of the roost
is slow (taking 5 sec) to provide enough time
for the birds to leave the descending roost with-
Department of Animal and Poultry Science.
out undue disturbance.
School of Engineering. A unit of 108 cages with roosts and an iden-


Preliminary observations reveal that the best
use of the roost is made at a stocking density of
two hens per cage (up to 90% of their resting
time at night is spent sitting on the roost). Up
to the third month of production, no signifi-
cant differences have been found in number of
eggs laid and egg quality traits. Similarly, the
scores for feathering and excitability do not
differ so far between experimental and control
groups. A further step planned in the develop-
ment of the cage is to shelter the cage during
the peak of oviposition so that the whole cage
is changed into a laying nest during that time.
In addition, feed delivery will be synchronized
with the time of maximal feed intake.
FIG. 1. Schematic illustration of the cage showing
the roost in raised and lowered position.
Bareham, J. R., 1976. A comparison of the behaviour
and production of laying hens in experimental
and conventional battery cages. Appl. Anim.
tical unit w i t h o u t roosts are being used for the Ethol. 2:291-303.
investigation. The roosts are raised 15 min be- Brantas, G. C , 1978. Ethologische Betrachtungen an
fore the lights go out and lowered 15 min after Legehennen in Get-away-Kaefigen. Arch. Geflue-
the lights come on. A stocking density effect is gelkd. 42-129-132.
Hurnik, J. F., 1979. Behaviour and cage design. Pages
also being studied, and 1 to 4 hens have been 18—24 in Poultry Industry School. University of
assigned randomly to each cage. Guelph, Ontario.

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