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Systems Analysis and Design 10th

Edition Shelly Solutions Manual

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Systems Analysis and Design

Tenth Edition
Chapter Six: Object Modeling
A Guide to the Instructor’s Manual:
We designed the Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience with classroom activities
and a cohesive chapter summary. For instructors who teach online, most of the suggestions and Teaching Tips will also
work well in guided Web-based discussions and assignments.

This document is organized chronologically, using the same main heading in red that you see in the textbook. Under
each heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the section, Figures and Boxes found in the
section, if any, Teaching Tips, and Classroom Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared
towards quizzing your students, and enhancing their critical thinking skills.

In addition to the Instructor’s Manual, the Instructor’s Resources also contain PowerPoint Presentations, Solutions to
Exercises, Figures, Test Banks, and other materials to aid you as an instructor.

For Your Students:

The Tenth Edition includes Video Learning Sessions, an end-of-chapter exercise called Critical Thinking Challenge,
and online CourseCasts that can keep your students posted on technology developments and trends.

• Video Learning Sessions. Eighteen multimedia Video Learning Sessions describe key systems analysis skills and
concepts and provide students with a self-paced, interactive learning tool that reinforces the text. The sessions
provide step-by-step explanations that are easy to follow and understand. Each session includes practice tasks,
sample answers, and challenge tasks to keep students interested and engaged as they learn. A Your Turn feature
in every Video Learning Session challenges students to apply their skills and check their work against sample
answers. This hands-on practice can help students better handle actual assignments and tasks. Instructors may
use the Video Learning Sessions as classroom presentations, distance-education support, student review tools,
and exam preparation.
• Critical Thinking Challenge. This feature stresses critical thinking skills, including perception, organization,
analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making. Students complete Practice Tasks, view sample answers, and
then apply their skills to the Challenge Tasks.
• CourseCasts. Our online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up-
to-date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to, where they
can download the most recent CourseCast to their mp3 player. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty
member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching
technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in emerging technology, and he
highlights the most pertinent news and information. CourseCasts enable your students to spend their time
enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. We suggest that you open or close your lecture with a
discussion based on the latest CourseCast.
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Table of Contents
224: Introduction
226: Overview of Object-Oriented Analysis
234: Relationships Among Objects and Classes
235: Object Modeling with the Unified Modeling Language
237: Case In Point 6.1: Hilltop Motors
240: Case In Point 6.2: Train the Trainer, Inc.
242: Case In Point 6.3: TravelBiz
244: Organizing the Object Model
244: Case In Point 6.4: Cyber Associates
244: A Question of Ethics
Key Terms
End of Chapter Material

Students will have mastered the material in Chapter Six when they can:
 Explain how object-oriented analysis can be  Describe Unified Modeling Language
used to describe an information system (UML) tools and techniques, including use
 Define object modeling terms and concepts, cases, use case diagrams, class diagrams,
including objects, attributes, methods, sequence diagrams, state transition
messages, classes, and instances diagrams, and activity diagrams
 Explain relationships among objects and the  Explain the advantages of using CASE tools
concept of inheritance in developing the object model
 Draw an object relationship diagram  Explain how to organize an object model

224: Introduction
• Present the Preview Case: Mountain View College Bookstore on page 225; this introduction case
sets up the material developed in the chapter
• Review the background, participants, project status, and discussion topics for the case
• Discuss Figure 6-1


1. Assign a Project: Consider assigning students to each role in the Preview Case: Mountain View
College Bookstore on page 225 and having them enact the case dialogue.

226: Overview of Object-Oriented Analysis

• Define object-oriented (O-O) analysis and object

This would be a good time to view a Video Learning Session that explains this topic. In this session you
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will learn basic object modeling terms and concepts, how to use symbols to create object models, and
how you can use a CASE tool to create object models.

• Define object model

• Redefine Unified Modeling Language (UML) from Chapter 4 and revisit the DFDs from Chapter 5,
which treated data and processes separately; contrast this with an object, which includes both
data and the processes that affect that data
• Define attributes, methods, and messages, and use Figure 6-2 to show the attributes, methods, and
messages for a car object
• Define class and instance, and use Figure 6-3 to illustrate what a class is
• Using Figures 6-4 through 6-6, review how the UML describes a family with parents and children
(not to mention a dog)
• Use Figures 6-8 through 6-10 to extend this discussion to another topic, the fitness center shown in
Figure 6-7
• Discuss the analogy of the parts of speech on page 229, and use this in an explanation of what an
attribute is
• Point out the attributes in Figure 6-10, for example
• Define state
• Continue the analogy of the parts of speech begun on page 230 in an explanation of what a method
• Use Figure 6-11 to introduce the real-world example to be used: preparing fries
• Use Figure 6-12 to review the method
• Use Figure 6-13 to review the other sample method, of registering students in the database
• Describe message
• Use Figure 6-14 to review the attributes and messages associated with the Student class
• Define polymorphism
• Use Figure 6-15 to review an example of polymorphism, and use Figure 6-16 to review a real-world
example from a school information system
• Define black box
• Define encapsulation
• Define class and subclasses
• Use Figures 6-17 and 6-18 to show subclasses associated with the Vehicle and Employee classes,
• Define superclass and use Figure 6-19 to show a superclass of the Employee class

FIGURES: 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7, 6-8, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, 6-12, 6-13, 6-14, 6-15, 6-16, 6-17, 6-18, 6-19

1. Video Learning Sessions: Introduce the Video Learning Session and encourage students to visit the
Web site mentioned for more information about object-oriented terms and concepts.

Instructors who teach online will be especially interested in the Video Learning Session in this section,
on object-oriented terms and concepts as a resource to which they can send their distance-learning
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Object-oriented analysis and design brings object-modeling techniques to bear on the analysis of the
requirements for a context (e.g., a system, a set of system modules, an organization, or a business unit)
and to design a solution. Most modern object-oriented analysis and design methodologies are use case
driven across requirements, design, implementation, testing, and deployment.

Explain to students that polymorphism allows you to treat child class members just like their parent
class's members; it is the ability of objects belonging to different types to respond to method calls of
methods of the same name, each one according to an appropriate type-specific behavior. An advantage
of this approach is that the programmer does not have to know the exact type of the object in advance,
so this behavior can be implemented at run time. Though it is not required, it is understood that the
different methods also will produce similar results (for example, returning values of the same type). In
practical terms, polymorphism means that if class B inherits from class A, it does not have to inherit
everything about class A; it can do some of the things that class A does differently. This means that the
same “verb” can result in different actions as appropriate for a specific class, so controlling code can
issue the same command to a series of objects and get different results from each one (but results that
are appropriate to each one). The implications of polymorphism are that future extension in the form of
new types of objects is easy, if the new objects conform to the original interface.

Mention that, in computing generally, a black box program is defined as one in which the user cannot
see its inner workings (perhaps because it is a closed source program) or one which has no side effects
and the function of which need not be examined.

1. Group Activity: Reviewing the doctor-patient example from the text, ask students to come up with
other examples of objects.

2. Group Activity: Reviewing the customer object example from the text, ask students to come up with
other examples of objects and their related processes. Ask students to sketch a figure like Figure 6-2 for
an object of their own choosing.

3. Group Activity: Reviewing the family or the fitness center examples from the text, ask students to
come up with other examples of their own, with the appropriate attributes and methods.

4. Group Activity: Reviewing the more fries example from the text, ask students to come up with other
examples of methods of their own, with the appropriate steps.

5. Group Activity: Reviewing the examples from the text, ask students to come up with other examples
of polymorphism, and ask students to sketch a figure like Figure 6-15.

6. Class Discussion: Assign Discussion Topics 1 and 2 on page 248.

7. Assign a Project: Assign Project 2 on page 248.

8. Quick Quiz:
1) Assign Review Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 on page 248.
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234: Relationships Among Objects and Classes

• Define relationships
• Define inheritance, including the terms child and parent in the definition
• Use Figure 6-20 as an illustration of an inheritance relationship between the Instructor and
Employee objects
• Use Figure 6-21 as a sample object relationship diagram

FIGURES: 6-20, 6-21

1. Class Discussion: Reviewing the examples from the text, ask students to come up with an inheritance
relationship of their own.

2. Group Activity: Using Figure 6-21 as a model, ask students to sketch their own object relationship
diagram from the objects they have already brainstormed.

235: Object Modeling with the Unified Modeling Language


This would be a good time to view a Video Learning Session that explains this topic. In this session you
will learn how to create various types of object diagrams, including use-case, class, sequence, state-
transition, and activity diagrams, and how you can use a CASE tool to create object models.

• Remind students about the use of the UML to document and model systems
• Discuss its main use as a support for object-oriented system analysis and for the development of
object models
• Using Figure 6-22, define use case and actor
• Review the use case examples in Figures 6-23 and 6-24
• Define use case description
• Use Figure 6-25 to show a detailed use case diagram for the ADD NEW STUDENT use case
• Define use case diagram
• Use Figure 6-26 as a jumping-off point for a discussion about a typical auto service department, and
review the use case diagram shown in Figure 6-27
• Define system boundary and point out the system boundary in Figures 6-27 and 6-28
• Define class diagram
• Compare class diagrams and DFDs
• Review the steps to creating a class diagram
• Define cardinality, and use Figure 6-29 to review the UML notations and cardinality examples
• Discuss the class diagram for the use case in Figure 6-30
• Define sequence diagram
• Discuss the sequence diagram and accompanying symbols shown in Figure 6-31
• Explain how classes are identified in sequence diagrams
• Point out the classes in Figure 6-31
• Define lifeline
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• Explain how lifelines are identified in sequence diagrams

• Point out the lifelines in Figure 6-31
• Explain how messages are identified in sequence diagrams
• Point out the messages in Figure 6-31
• Define focus
• Explain how a focus is identified in sequence diagrams
• Point out the focuses in Figure 6-31
• Discuss Figure 6-32
• Define state transition diagram
• Use Figure 6-33 to step students through the components of a state transition diagram
• Define activity diagram
• Use Figure 6-34 to step students through an activity diagram for a cash withdrawal from an ATM
• Define business process modeling (BPM) and refer students back to Chapter 3 for its initial
• Use Figure 6-35 to discuss the Bizagi Modeler site, where students can download free BPM software
• Define pool and swim lanes
• Remind students what they learned about CASE tools in previous chapters

FIGURES: 6-22, 6-23, 6-24, 6-25, 6-26, 6-27, 6-28, 6-29, 6-30, 6-31, 6-32, 6-33, 6-34, 6-35

1. Toolkit Time: Refer students to Part B of the Systems Analyst’s Toolkit for a more detailed
description of modeling.

2. Video Learning Sessions: Introduce the Video Learning Session and encourage students to visit the
Web site mentioned for more information about object-oriented diagrams and models.

Instructors who teach online will be especially interested in the Video Learning Session in this section,
on object-oriented diagrams and models as a resource to which they can send their distance-learning

In software engineering and system engineering, use cases are a technique for capturing functional
requirements of systems. Each use case provides one or more scenarios that convey how the system
should interact with the users (called actors) to achieve a specific business goal or function. Use case
actors may be end users or other systems. Use cases typically avoid technical jargon, preferring instead
the language of the end user. Use cases are often co-authored by business analysts and end users. During
the 1990s, use cases became one of the most common practices for capturing functional requirements.
This is especially the case within the object-oriented community where they originated, but their
applicability is not restricted to object-oriented systems, because strictly speaking, use cases are not
object oriented in nature.

In the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a class diagram is a type of static structure diagram that
describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, and the
relationships between the classes.
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Explain that a sequence diagram shows (as parallel vertical lines) different processes or objects that
occur simultaneously, and (as horizontal arrows) the messages exchanged between them, in the order in
which they occur. This allows the specification of simple run time scenarios in a graphical manner.

1. Group Activity: Reviewing the examples from the text, ask students to come up with use cases of
their own.

2. Assign a Project: Point out the Toolkit Time. Refer students to Part B of the four-part Toolkit that
follows Chapter 12 to learn more about the CASE tools in the Systems Analyst’s Toolkit.

3. Class Discussion: Assign Discussion Topic 3 on page 248.

4. Assign a Project: Assign Project 1 on page 248.

5. Quick Quiz:
1) Assign Review Questions 8 and 9 on page 248.

237: Case In Point 6.1: Hilltop Motors

You were hired by Hilltop Motors as a consultant to help the company plan a new information system.
Hilltop is an old-line dealership, and the prior owner was slow to change. A new management team has
taken over, and they are eager to develop a first-class system. Right now, you are reviewing the service
department, which is going though a major expansion. You decide to create a model of the service
department in the form of a use case diagram. The main actors in the service operation are customers,
service writers who prepare work orders and invoices, and mechanics who perform the work. You are
meeting with the management team tomorrow morning. Create a draft of the diagram to present to

Comments: A sample answer follows. The operation involves customers, service writers who prepare
work orders and invoices, and mechanics who perform the work.
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240: Case In Point 6.2: Train the Trainer, Inc.

Train the Trainer develops seminars and workshops for corporate training managers, who in turn train
their employees. Your job at Train the Trainer is to put together the actual training materials. Right
now, you are up against a deadline. The new object modeling seminar has a chapter on cardinality, and
the client wants you to come up with at least three more examples for each of the four cardinality
categories listed in Figure 6-29 on page 239. The four categories are zero or many, zero or one, one and
only one, and one or many. Even though you are under pressure, you are determined to use examples
that are realistic and familiar to the students. What examples will you submit?

Comments: Students usually enjoy this exercise, because it involves real-world, everyday experience.
Answers will vary, but some possible examples for each category follow:

Cardinality Examples

Zero or many A customer can place no orders this week, or many orders.
A library borrower can take out no books this week, or many books.
A flight can have no scheduled stops, or many stops.

Zero or one A person can have only one best friend, or none.
A product can have only one UPC code, or none.
A person can have only one spouse, or none.

One and only one A vehicle must have one, and only one VIN (vehicle identification
A person must have one, and only one SSN (Social Security Number).
A 12-month period, December must have one, and only one December

One or many A work order can contain one or many requests.

A house can have one or many rooms.
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A menu can have one or many choices.

242 Case In Point 6.3: TravelBiz

Jack Forester and Lisa Turner are systems analysts in the IT department of TravelBiz, a nationwide
travel agency that specializes in business travel. TravelBiz has decided to expand into the vacation travel
market by launching a new business division called TravelFun. The IT director assigned Jack and Lisa to
create a flexible, efficient information system for the new division. Jack wants to use traditional analysis
and modeling techniques for the project. Lisa, on the other hand, wants to use an object-oriented
methodology. Which approach would you suggest and why?

Comments: The methodology used for the existing system will probably affect the decision. Sample
answers for both methods follow:
• Object-oriented approach: If the current system uses an object-oriented language, some of the
code could be used as modules in the new system. This would save time and development effort.
If the current system is not using an object-oriented approach, creating the new system will
provide modules for future development projects that will inevitably occur as the company
continues to grow.
• Traditional structured approach: If the current system uses structured analysis, it might be a
good idea to continue using that approach. This would allow the two systems to be integrated
more easily if that should become necessary.

244: Organizing the Object Model

• Review the object-oriented tools and techniques introduced in this chapter
• Discuss the advantages of using a CASE-generated model, and offer the caveats about the failure to
use a CASE-generated model

1. Class Discussion: Assign Discussion Topic 4 on page 248.

2. Assign a Project: Assign Projects 3 and 4 on page 248.

244: Case In Point 6.4: Cyber Associates

One of your responsibilities at Cyber Associates, an IT consulting firm, is to assign new systems analysts
to various tasks and projects. Some of the senior people believe that inexperienced analysts should start
with object-oriented techniques, which are easier to learn and apply. Others think that an analyst
should learn structured analysis first, and then proceed to object-oriented skills. What is your
viewpoint, and why?

Comments: Sample answers for both viewpoints follow:

• Object-oriented approach: New systems analysts should begin with object-oriented techniques
because the future of systems analysis and design seems to be heading in that direction. It can be
difficult to switch gears to an object-oriented way of thinking if you are accustomed to the
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structured analysis approach. Keeping on top of current trends is vital when technology changes
so rapidly.
• Structured analysis approach: There are several reasons why structured analysis should be
learned first. One is that experienced systems analysts will expect you to be familiar with this
approach and the terminology associated with it. It is better to understand the traditional
approach, especially because some experienced analysts might be hesitant to embrace the
object-oriented trend and not be comfortable with working with someone who only knows that
approach. Another reason is that in order to understand fully and appreciate the advantages of
object-oriented analysis and design, you must first understand the traditional structured

244: A Question of Ethics

Last month, your company launched a peer review process for IT projects. At the end of each project,
team members rate the performance of the overall team, and his or her co-workers individually. The
stated goal was to obtain honest, peer-based feedback. Unfortunately, like many good ideas, there was a
downside. Although the input is anonymous, the results are submitted to the entire team. Some
members, including you, are uncomfortable with the new process because it could encourage cliques
and actually undermine a team-based culture. Others see it as an opportunity for honest input.
One team member, who is a close friend of yours, is not very popular with her teammates. To
make matters worse, she recently had some personal problems that affected her work, and she is
worried that her ratings will be quite negative. She has not specifically asked you about your feedback,
but you know she is hoping for a favorable review from you. Even though her work was not great, you
don’t want to see her get hurt by a process that you yourself are not comfortable with.
Is this a question of ethics versus friendship? Would it be wrong to tilt the scales in her favor
just a bit?

Comments: Peer-based feedback can be the best of worlds – or the worst. As readers of the Dilbert
cartoon strip know, much depends on the integrity of the process, and the motives of the participants.
Especially with a cloak of anonymity, it would be wrong to submit feedback that was not honest –
whether positive or negative.
An ethical approach requires honesty. That said, we often deal with shades of gray, rather than
black and white. Suppose a question requires a response on a scale of one to ten. If you are favorably
inclined toward a person, is it wrong to give them the benefit of the doubt? Each situation is different,
and students must realize that in the real world, judgments often are subjective and based on feelings as
well as facts. Even when a person tries to separate personal bias, there is some risk that their feelings
could affect the outcome. That is why judges recuse themselves if they know any of the parties to a
lawsuit, or have any interest in the outcome. However, in many business-related situations, you cannot
just step away from the process. So, the best approach is to try to be balanced and fair. At the end of the
process, you have to be comfortable with your own conscience, and that probably is the bottom line in
this case.
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Key Terms
• activity diagram (242)
• actor (235)
• attributes (226)
• black box (231)
• business process modeling (BPM) (242)
• cardinality (238)
• child (234)
• class (226)
• class diagram (238)
• encapsulation (232)
• focus (241)
• inheritance (234)
• instance (226)
• lifeline (240)
• message (226)
• methods (226)
• object (226)
• object model (226)
• object-oriented (O-O) analysis (226)
• parent (234)
• polymorphism (231)
• pool (242)
• relationships (234)
• sequence diagram (240)
• state (230)
• state transition diagram (241)
• subclass (232)
• superclass (233)
• swim lane (242)
• system boundary (238)
• Unified Modeling Language (UML) (226)
• use case (235)
• use case description (236)
• use case diagram (237)

Top of Document
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End of Chapter Material

 Chapter Exercises The Chapter Exercises include short exercises and review questions that
reinforce concepts and provide opportunities to practice skills.

 Apply Your Knowledge The Apply Your Knowledge exercises let students apply their
knowledge of systems analysis and design in four mini-cases.

 Case Studies In each of three assignments, realistic business scenarios are presented, requiring
students to answer questions of varying difficulty.

 CASE Tool Workshop Students complete a set of tasks with the Visible Analyst® CASE tool (or
a similar tool) to learn more about CASE tools.

 MIS CourseMate Features MIS CourseMate offers students the opportunity to reinforce and
extend their learning with premium content created for this textbook, including an Online Case
Simulation, a Critical Thinking Challenge, Video Learning Tasks, and a set of Learn It Online

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