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sft PETITION TO RESEAL LETTERS OF Sti BELIZE, 2017 34/208 me) bee Pro IN THE SUPREME COURT sf Inthe Goods of | WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO Deceased of | George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands To His Honour SIR KENNETH BENJAMIN, Chief Justice of Belize ‘The Petition of Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe of #1 Mortuary Street, Belize City, Belize HUMBLY SHEWETH:- 1, That letters of administration of the personal estate of Wilhelmina Belandrina Rivero late of George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, deceased, was granted to Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe by the High Court of Cayman Islands on the 11"" day of May, 2017. 2. That the notice hereunto annexed was inserted in the Gazette on the 23" day of September, 2017, 30 September, 2017 and 7" October, 2017. 3. That the value of the personal estate in Belize of the deceased without deducting debts amounting in value to the sum of Four Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Dollars and 0/100 ($475,000.00) and no more to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. YOUR PETITIONER therefore humbly prays that the letters of administration of WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO, deceased, may be sealed. DATED the ...12... day of ..../Vavensber......... sos Two Thousand and Seventeen. aga afgarct Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe (For Affidavit see back of page / next page) t AFFIDAVIT VERIFYING PETITION BELIZE, 2017 IN THE SUPREME COURT In the Goods of | WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO Deceased of George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands L Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe of #1 Mortuary Street, Belize City, Belize MAKE OATH AND SAY "’ that the statements contained in the annexed Petition are just and true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. SWORN, at Belize City, Belize ) this .. 2"... day of Movember. ) [prt 2017 ) Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe Before me, Afi Sealy or solemnly, sincerely and truly affirms. DELIZE GAZETTE, 23RDSEPTEMBER, 2017 1822070.807; thence on a bearing of 377° L1' 27" for» distance:of 958.423 meters to a conerete pill thence on a bearing of 187° LI" 27° for ¢ distance of 377.990 meters to a concrete pillar; thence bearing of 134° 42" 04" for a Wistance of 1043.271 meters toe conarete pillar; thence on a beeritg of 15: 49°58" for a distance of 1053.339 meters to a concrete pillar; thence on abearing of 82° 351 21°: for a distance of 39 meters £0 a point being 66 feet from the said Sennis River; thence in 2 ottherly digection ” ‘slong the 66 feet reserve aloaig the asters bank of the saié Sennis Kiver fora distance of 2280 mets, more oF ess, back: to the point of eommenceiment. (2) ALL THAT piece o parcel of land sitmate onthe West Side of the Road linking the Southern Highway to Monkey River Village being & portion of Harvest Caye Work containing 45 neres mote of ess the sid piece or parcel of land being shown on a Plan recorded at the Survey Department in Betmiopan it Register No.2 at Entry No. 1760. Daled the 338 day of September2017 ‘The Belize Bank Limited Market Square Belize City Belize 1 Ara) INTIEGOODSOF WILTELMINA BELANDRINARIVERO, deceascs, ° NOTICE ISHEREBY. GIVEN thot application willbemade tothe SupremeCoue forthe sealingofleters ‘ofagnsinistration ofthe personal estaloof Wichita Belandeina Rivera, lete of George Tova, Grand ‘Cayinan, Cayman Islands, deceased, granted by the High Court of Cay mai Islands, at Cayman Tsnnds on the 1th day of May; 2017. Sarhira Misa Pott & Co. Aitomey-at:Low for Margaret Awe ‘Administratrix in the Goods of WilhefnineBelandrine Rivero FP lG 0257 O¥RL) | Aa.780 eee PF | nares | RE&G LIFE INSURANCE | COMPLETED DISSOLUTION a COMPANY LTB. sie fe | SALISBURY-VENTURES CORR. ata | #156.286 ‘ Date: September 15,2017 | @theBompany) Adrian Mendecof26tStreet,SanTgnacio, | © Pucsiline’ to “Sexton 1028) “of “the cago District having made writen decaraion | _{itetmatonalasiness Compenigh Act Char that Ptiey 67522617 under RFAG Lif Insurance watice is ioreby given that SALISBURY Company Ltd has been lest and having made | VENTURES CORP. tas been dissalved 9 a request tothe Company fhe» duptonteof the | HA September, 2047 aa hasbeen sate ‘of International Business Policy. wotice is hereby given chat unless cK INTIEGOODS OF WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO, beceased, NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN. thatapplicationwillbemade tothe Suprem@ Court forthesealingfletters offidministraton ofthe porsonal esate of Wilhelmina Belandrina Rivero, late of George Town, Grand ‘Cay, Cayinan Islan, deceased, granied hy the High Court af Cayinan Islands, af Cayman islands on the Heh day of May, 2017, Samira Muse Pott & Co, Assorney-al-Law for Margaret Awe “Auministratix in the Gots of ‘Witheimina Belandrina Rivers . (ad. 754)" fe “FOR SALE '- BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES THE BELIZE BANK LIMITED, a company duly formed and hvorporated under thie Laws of Bolize with resistored Olfice situate. at No. 60 Market Square, Belize City, Belize hereby gives notice of its ‘inteition to exercise its power of sale as Morigiigee under a Deed of Mortgaiie Geberiture dated the 30th ‘day of Jamunry, 2006.made betivéen Go'Bansnas 1 Liinited, Go Bannins Limiteil, Go Buninas 3 Limtied, Go Bananas 6 Limited, Go Bananas 11 Limited and Go Bananas 12 Littited of the Gne patt and THE BELIZEBANK LIMITED of the other part which js tedorded at the Land Tides Unit inthe Belmopan City in Deeds Book Volumes of 2006 et Folie 937-1034, The sid bank wilat ic explralion of yo mons om the date of the first publication of this notice sell the properly described in the SCHEDULE hereto. ALA. offers io prchase'the said properiy must be imads in writing {6 ‘The Belize Bank Limited from whom fat patticulars and consditigns of sale may be obtained. THE SCHEDULE ABOVE “REFERRED TO GO BANANAS ¢ LIMITED . Ff ALL THAT the property comptised ina Deed of Conveyance dated th 23°°Gay of Jantary 2006 ant! aiade between The Belize Bank Lintted ofthe one part, Stanley Enmeay of de second part, Go ins. | Limited of the third part which isresorded atthe General Regisley bi Daca Huo VolunieS of at folios 677-696, being ands earlier granted wo Banana Conteal-Boaed by the Minister's Fin dCi) Gated the 20" day of November 1973 and numbered 281 of 1973 and entered at the General Registry inthe Xailonal Lands Book (Grants) Book No, 31 of 1975 a folio $6 helng that piece or pacesh of lid etuats ot Cowpen, Swasey Branch, Monkey River containing approximately 1,140 aeras and shown as Farm No. ona plan recorded atthe Lads and Survey Depastient at Belopan in Register Ehiry 495 fod bell snare particularly deseribed ws follows: inbefore mention o due yrid east far ach Commencing af @ concrete pillar nun tid east fora distance af 1,650.5 fed 4 on the said plan he to a conerete pillar vaen 864 INTHE GOODS OF WILHELMINA BELANDRINARIVERO, deveased, NOTICE ROTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN, tht opplicstion willbe madoto te Suprente ote forthe salingetiers ‘of sdministrtion ofthe personal estate of Wilkotralna Betandrina: Rivero, late of George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islan, deceased,-gsented by the High Court of Cayman Islands, at Cayman Islands 00 the 11th day of May, 2017. Samira Must Pott & Co, Attorney-at-Law for Marguret Awe Adininisteatis in the Goods of Wilhelmina Bolandrina Rivero 1h v S¥19-VO= A100 oa.reol® . Bede ee Sre,09158 ’ HE Tyo Aes FOR SALE G8 . 550-58 BY-ORDER OF THE MORTGAGES Scotishanik (Belize) Ltd, accompany duly registered under the Companies Act; Chapter 250 ef the Lavis of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having itsregisigred office wt Corcthert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Bole, hereby gives ndtice ofits intention to exorcise its power of sale as Martzegee under ‘aDeod of Morigage made the 29th dey-of May, 2002: betwoen ICEVIN ENRIQUEZ and ANDREA CAIN ENRIQUEZ of9 Mahogany Street, Belize City, Belize District, Belize (hereinafter called “the Borrawer) of the one part, end SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD. (hereinafter celled “the Mertengee") of the other part, and recorded jn Deeds Book Volume20 of 2002 a1 Folios 857-884, the said Seotlabank (Belize) td \ill atthe expiration of two montis fron the date of the first publication of this notice sel the propeety described in the schedule hereto, ‘AlLoffers to purchase the sald property must be made in writing and full particulars ad Gonditions of sale may be obtained from the seid Scotiabank (Belize) Lad. SCHEDULE : ere ALL THAT piece or pareel of land being Lot No. 1 comprising 886.493 Sqilae Meters sitiate in | described as shaywn by-Plan No, 299.0F2001 fttached to of 2001, TOGETHER withall bujidings, erections and standingand beig =. + Lord's Bank Village, Belize Distt; ound Minister's Fiat Grant No. 299 thereon. DATED this 3rd October, 2017 MUSA & BALDERAMOS 11: 91 Noxth Front Street Retive City APPRAISEMENT BELIZE, 2017 IN THE SUPREME COURT In the Goods of WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO Late of George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, Deceased We? Tatiana Amoa —_ Suite 308, Marina Towers Newtown Barracks Belize City, Belize AND Kadine Mendoza Suite 308, Marina Towers Newtown Barracks Belize City, Belize MAKE OATH AND SAY:- 1 We have well and truly, according to the best of our respective judgments and conscience, appraised all and singular the estate which were of the above named WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO, deceased, according as the same were shown to us by ©) Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe or which we knew did belong to the said deceased at the time of her death, In accordance with such appraisement, we say, respectively, that the value of the whole of the said estate without deduction debts amounts to the sum of Four Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($475,000.00) and no more, SWORN by the above named) ee a ‘Tatiana Amoa ) : AND : ) Tatiana Amoa Kadine Mendoza ) ie at Belize City, Belize, this ) 17" day of November, 2017) Before me, (Affs Seal) Commissioner of the Stipretme Court This form may be altered in the case of one appraiser only being required by the Court, © Here insert name of the Petitioner or person showing the same. BOND OF ADMINISTRATRIX BELIZE, 2017 IN THE SUPREME COURT Inthe Goods of || WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO Deceased of George Town,, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands KNOW all men by these presence that We, Margaret Therese Awe of #1 Mortuary Street, aka Belize City Margaret Theresa Awe Belize [Principal] Patricia Staines 27 Eve Street Belize City. Belize [Surety] Henry Locke 1 Mortuary Lane Belize City Belize [Surety] of the letters of administration of WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO, deceased, ate jointly and firmly bound unto His Lordship, Sir Kenneth Benjamin, Chief Justice of Belize in the sum of Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and 0/100 (930,000.00) of good and lawful money current in the said Belize for the time being, for which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us for the whole, our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. SEALED with our Seals and dated the CAL retard; eet! Patricia Staines ) : i ) iF day of . November... 2017 ) ) Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe NOW THE CONDITION of this obligation is such that if the above bounded Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe [Principal], the intended Administratrix of the letter of administration of the said WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO deceased, who died on the 23 day of December, 2016 do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the personal estate, effects and credits of the said WHILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO, deceased, which shall or have come to her hands, possession or knowledge or into the hands or possession of any other person for her and the same so made shall exhibit or cause to be exhibited in the Office of the Supreme Court Registrar, Belize City, within the period of six (6) months from the date of the letters of administration herein; and the same personal estate, effects and credits and all of the personal estate, effects and credits of the said deceased, at the time of her death, which, at any time after shall come into the hands or possession of the said Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe, Administratrix or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for them do well and truly administer according to the law; and further to render or cause to be rendered into the Office of the Supreme Court Registrar a true and just account of her administration, and of the said estate at or before expiration of one year from the date of the letters of administration herein; and at or before the end of each succeeding year thenceforward, until the said estate be finally wound up according to law; and, further, all the rest and residue of the said personal estate, effects and credits which shall be found remaining, belonging or appertaining to the said estate do deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively as shall be duly limited and appointed according to law, then this obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to remain of full force an virtue ii this JZ... day of Novemhew.., 2017. SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED CoD isin danas Patricia Staines by Patricia Staines And Henry Locke ary Locke And Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe ca Degas Witness Before me, (Abi Seat) PY) Mee Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe AFFIDAVIT OF JUSTIFICATION OF SURETIES BELIZE, 2017 IN THE SUPREME COURT In the Goods of |-WHILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO Late of George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, Deceased 1, Patri Staines of 27 Eve Street, Belize City Belize AND I, Henry Locke of 1 Mortuary Lane Belize City “Belize severally MAKE OATH AND SAY: THAT WE are the proposed sureties on behalf of Margaret Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe, the Administratrix of the Estate of Whilhelmina Belandrina Rivero deceased in the penal sum of Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and 0/100 ($950,000.00) for her faithful administration of the said Estate of the deceased, AND I, the said Patricia Staines for myself further MAKE OATH AND SAY that I am after payment of all just debts, well and truly worth in real and Personal Estate in Belize the sum of Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and 0/100 ($950,000.00). AND I, the said Henry Locke for myself further MAKE OATH AND SAY that | am after payment of all just debts, well and truly worth in real and Personal Estate in Belize the sum of ‘Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and 0/100 ($950,000.00). SWORN by the said ) Patricia Staines ) ‘And ) Henry Locke ) nh) at Belize City, Belize, this LF. ) ) fenry Locke day of November.....,2017. Before me, (Affe Sea! ee ? ¢ 4 MOL Commissionts aes Supreme Courk BELIZE, 2017 In the Estate of a a ® deceased of who died at on Propet (wheter Rea cr Prseral) rust be classed sccording othe ate of dy to which is subject, under fubhaad a ions a) Subject octy at Half Rate” (b)Subjectio duty Pull Rate” Both Rel and Personal Property mist described fn valved in deta, fed the tems separately spied items are umerous they may be dered in brief inthe inventory, and ideal in Staemors annexed, ‘House bold Furniture and Effects sper statement fnexed marod A" “Stockinitede as pe statement fnexed marked B" Reasonable funeral rs fis ovn bene ‘State filly how the propery pases epee of feltonship tothe fecesed oF persons tomhom ites passed IN THE SUPREME COURT WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands George Town Hospital, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands 23rd day of December, 2016. INVENTORY Of all the personal and Real Property which were of the said deceased in respect of which Estate Duty has become payable on the death of the deceased, delivered in accordance with section 15 (1) (@) of Chapter 197 of Laws of Belize, 2000. PERSONAL PROPERTY: “ NIL ~~ REAL PROPERTY: “? All that piece or parcel of land situate at 18" St. King’s Park Area being parcel number 407 $405,000.00 All that piece or parcel of land situate at Corozal North Registration Section, Block 1, Parcel 1832 comprising of 900.48 s,y. 40,000.00 All that piece or parcel of land situate at Corozal North Registration Section, Block 1, Parcel 1833 comprising of 886.33 s.y. $30,000.00 DEDUCTIONS: ” NIL DEVOLUTION: © ‘In the goods of the deceased WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO, who was not married or in a common law union and had no children and whose parents were pre-deceased, devolves as follows: that all the real property being divided equally among her surviving siblings namely Olga Matilda Gabb, Norma Francis, Daphne Rivero- Craig, Aida Mae Ginter, Estate for Jean Locke, deceased (died on 14" February, 2017), Ernesto Rivero and Margaret Awe in accordance with the Letters of Administration of the deceased dated 11'* May, 2017 and in accordance with the Administration of Estate Act, Chapter 197 of the Laws of Belize, 2000. oy Dated this !P".. day of. NO¥ember Pn Ae —_ Margatet Therese Awe aka Margaret Theresa Awe , 2017 o ® BELIZE,2 In the Estate of Deceased of who died at on Strike out Unnecessary Word Insert “the Executor" or “the intended ‘Administrator.” Insert the total ofthe items specified in the Inventory, 017 IN THE SUPREME COURT WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands George Town Hospital, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands 23rd day of December, 2016. STATUTORY DECLARATION (Section 15 (1) (b) of Chapter 197 Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000) 1 MARGARET THERESE AWE aka MARGARET THERESA AWE of# 1 Mortuary Street, Belize City, Belize ‘The ® Administratrix of the goods of the above-named deceased, who died on the 23" day of December, 2016 at George Town Hospital, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:~ The inventory delivered herein, truly and correctly sets forth all the property of the said deceased and also the names and degree of relationship to the deceased of those persons to whom the property has/shall pass, and also the true value of all the said property, and that such property is to be the best of my or exe “” knowledge, information and belief of the value of $475,000.00 made up as follows:- PERSONAL PROPERTY $s NIL. REAL PROPERTY “? 3 475,000.00 TOTAL (without deduction of debt) s NIL Less deductions under Section 10 of the said Ordinance s S_ 475,000.00 Amount on which Duty is payable s 0.00 AND I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and, by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Ordinance ~ Chapter 130 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000. Declared by Margaret Therese Awe 7 z 1 (ete. eee ) = aka Margaret Theresa Awe ) Margaret Therese Awe aka this..1Z.".. day of ) Margaret Theresa Awe -- November 2017 ) Before me, (Aff Seal) IN THE GRAND COURT OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS CAUSE NO. P ACOF 2017 3 s PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION NO.P = OF 2017 IN THE ESTATE OF WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO, deceased & = LETTERS OF ISTRATION 3 Ey “wo : BEIT KNOWN that onthe /DA day of . 2017 letters of administration ofall the estate : which by law devolves on and vests in the péfsonal representative of WILHELMINA BELANDRINA ‘ RIVERO late of George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, who died on 23 December, 2016, intestate, were granted by the said Court to MARGARET THERESA AWE of 33 Starapple Road, Lower " Valley, Grand Cayman, Cayman Island, the sister of the intestate, she having been first sworn well and J faithfully to administer the same by paying her just debts and distributing the residue of her personal iP) estate and effects according to law, and to exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the sai i ‘esieto.and effects, and to render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do. day of Wenn, 2017 deeae \ oe s-hyles, AWM Chambers, Attorney-et Law forthe Applicant horein whose adress for service i that of her Filed by Rosie Whitaker lzabethan Sauare, George Town, P.O. Box 2642, Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islan -tomay, 3 Floor Amerigo Hause, BELIZE: 2018 IN THE SUPREME COURT-- IN THE ESTATE OF WILHELMINA BELANDRINA RIVERO DECEASED OF GEORGE TOWN, GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS. I certify that the Inventory and Declaration in respect of the above estate have been duly delivered and that there is no estate duty payable DATED this oe day of Bry 208. For aa

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