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Students will find this a lucid and reliable source of essential information.
Patricia Clavin, Keele University

A–Z of Modern Europe since 1789 is a succinct guide to the major issues and personalities of the past 200
years of European history. It is thoroughly cross-referenced and will surely prove indispensable.
Ruth Henig, University of Lancaster

A–Z of Modern Europe since 1789 is a comprehensive historical dictionary which defines
modern Europe through its important events and people. It includes entries on:

• key people from Napoleon Bonaparte to Hitler

• key political, military, diplomatic and economic events
• influential political movements and ideologies
A–Z of Modern Europe since 1789 offers accessible and concise accounts of over 400 subjects.
The book is cross-referenced and thus provides associated links and connections, while the
appendix contains essential extra information on European monarchies. The book also contains
six helpful maps of the continent’s geopolitical organisation.
A–Z of Modern Europe since 1789 is a valuable companion for school and undergraduate
students of history and politics, and is a source of ready information for anyone interested in
Europe’s past and present. It is intended to complement A–Z of Modern Britain by John

Martin Polley is a senior lecturer in history at King Alfred’s College, Winchester, and author of
Moving the Goalposts: A History of Sport and Society since 1945 (Routledge, 1998).
SINCE 1789

Martin Polley

London and New York

First published 2000
by Routledge
11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE

Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada

by Routledge
29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001

Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group

This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2001.

© 2000 Martin Polley

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any
electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Polley, Martin, 1965–
A–Z of modern Europe since 1789 / Martin Polley.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Europe–History–1789–1900–Dictionaries.
2. Europe–History–20th century–Dictionaries.
I. Title

D299.P64 2000
940.2–dc21 00-027724

ISBN 0–415–18597–1 (hb)

ISBN 0–415–18598–X (pb)
ISBN 0-203-18591-9 Master e-book ISBN
ISBN 0-203-18714-8 (Glassbook Format)
for Victor Bennett

Acknowledgements ix
Introduction x
Note on names xii
Further reading xiii


Appendix: European monarchs, 1789–1999 167

Index 179

I am grateful to the staff of the following institutions and organisations for the help they have
provided during my work on this book: Martial Rose Library, King Alfred’s College,
Winchester; Hampshire County Library Service; the Associated Examining Board; Edexcel; the
Northern Examinations and Assessment Board; the Northern Ireland Council for the
Curriculum; OCR; the Scottish Examination Board; and the Welsh Joint Education Committee.
My colleagues in the School of Humanities and Heritage Studies at King Alfred’s College have
provided me with a supportive environment in which to work, and the students who have taken
my modern European history modules have contributed to my enhanced understanding and
enjoyment of this period.
Heather McCallum, Victoria Peters, and Emma DeVita provided excellent editorial guidance
and support. Thanks also go to Chris Aldous for his generous technical assistance, and to Rachel
Martin for her hospitality during the latter stages of the writing. Patricia Clavin of Keele
University and David Grace of Beaufort Community School, Gloucester, read the manuscript
and made many useful suggestions and comments, for which I am grateful. Any errors that
appear in the book are my own.
Finally, thanks to Catherine and James for everything: ‘It’s time to hold your loved ones while
the chains are loosed and the world runs wild.’

Martin Polley
November 1999

This book is designed to provide you with accessible reference information on the major issues
and personalities in continental European political history since the French Revolution. It also
covers military history and, as appropriate, social and economic issues. As such, it aims to
provide you with basic factual coverage of the most significant themes and events covered by its
timespan and geographical remit, which excludes the British Isles: these will be covered by
another book in Routledge’s A–Z series.
Norman Davies began his monumental Europe: A History with the folowing words: ‘History
can be written at any magnification. One can write the history of the universe on a single page,
or the life-cycle of the mayfly in forty volumes. The history of Europe, too, can be written at any
degree of magnification’ (Davies 1996: 1). Remember this when using this book: to cover the
French Revolution in under 1,000 words, or Hitler in under 500, has involved a very narrow
focus, and selections have been made. However, if you use this quick reference guide in
conjunction with textbooks and monographs, it will provide you with a good introduction to each
individual subject; while cross-references, indicated by small caps, will allow you to build on
the information given in each entry. An appendix provides details of the major European
monarchies of the period.
Looking back over two centuries of European history from the late twentieth century, there
are two important points about perspective that you should keep in mind when using this book.
The first point is that apparent certainties implicit in our idea of the nation state are far from
stable. We need to remember that ‘Germany’ emerged only in the 1860s and 1870s; that the
former Soviet republics, such as Belarus and Ukraine, have regained independence only in the
1990s. This phenomenon is nowhere better illustrated than in international sport, where the
range of entries to the Olympic Games or football’s European Championships through history
show the fluctuating existences of nations as units. Try to remember this aspect of geopolitical
organisation when using this book, as it can keep you from treating ‘Italy’ or ‘Russia’, for
example, anachronistically as single units over time.
The second point to appreciate is historiographical. The end of the Cold War has helped
historians to appreciate a variety of new perspectives on the past. Some of these are very obvious:
having witnessed the collapse of communism in the USSR, we now have a different view of the
Russian Revolution and all that came after it than our predecessors enjoyed; while having access
to previously restricted primary sources, we now know more than they did about a whole range
of issues, such as Stalinism and the Final Solution. Beyond this important development, our late
xi Introduction

twentieth-century perspective, influenced by the end of the Cold War and the growth of both
federalism and regionalism, can give us a greater appreciation of the diversity of events that can
be hidden under inherited and orthodox titles. The best example of this as it relates to this book
is, perhaps, the Russian Civil War, which we are now far more likely to see as more imperial and
international than the purely domestic traditional title would suggest. For this reason I have used
the phrase ‘umbrella term’ in some of the entries. By keeping an open mind on how we name
events, we can also gain a greater understanding of how some of the titles we use uncritically
were invented by historians. The two most obvious examples of this phenomenon from this book
are the First International and the First World War: but many others exist. When using the
convenient labels that we have inherited, and which I have used here because of their familiarity,
make sure you think about how those labels came to be applied.
Note on names

For ease of use, I have employed the following conventions for individuals’ names: modern
European forms for non-royals; and English forms for monarchs (for example, Francis Joseph
rather than Franz Joseph; Catherine II rather than Ekaterina II). Where an individual is best
known under one name, but has used another name for a significant part of their career, I have
entered them under their best known name, but included a name-only entry under the other name:
for example, Kemal Atatürk’s entry is under that name in ‘A’, but readers searching ‘M’ for
Mustafa Kemal will find a name-only entry there which will refer them to the Atatürk entry.
Where an individual changed their name early on in their career, and was widely known under
an adopted or assumed name, then there is no separate entry: so, for example, there is no
‘Ulyanov’ entry for Lenin, or ‘Frahm’ entry for Willy Brandt. However, in these cases the
individual’s name at birth has been included in parentheses as part of the entry heading: for
example: Brandt, Willy (Karl Frahm). For place names, I have generally applied those in
common use at the time of the events under discussion (for example, Laibach not Ljubljana in
the entry on the Congress of Laibach; and Stalingrad not Volgograd for the entry on the battle of
Stalingrad). Such usage does not reflect any personal views on political and ideological debates
over the naming of places.
Further reading

This book is introductory, and you need to use it alongside more detailed books. It would take
another book of the same size to provide even an introductory bibliography that covered all of
the countries and issues included here. As this is beyond my remit, I recommend the following
texts, and encourage you to follow up your reading on specific topics by using these books’
bibliographies and notes. Some of them cover more than just the post-1789 period, some cover
less; but together, they will provide you with a thorough overview.

Blanning, T. C. W. (ed.) (1996) The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern Europe, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Briggs, Asa and Clavin, Patricia (1997) Modern Europe 1789–1989, Harlow: Longman.
Davies, Norman (1996) Europe: A History, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gildea, Robert (1987) Barricades and Borders: Europe 1800–1914, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hayes, Paul (ed.) (1992) Themes in Modern European History, 1890–1945, London: Routledge.
Laqueur, Walter (1992) Europe in Our Time: A History 1945–1992, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Lee, Stephen (1982) Aspects of European History 1789–1980, London: Routledge.
Pilbeam, Pamela (ed.) (1995) Themes in Modern European History, 1780–1830, London: Routledge.
Thomson, David (1966) Europe since Napoleon, revised edn, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Waller, Bruce (ed.) (1990) Themes in Modern European History, 1830–1890, London: Routledge.

It is also essential for you to use this book in conjunction with a historical atlas so you can follow
the territorial changes covered. I recommend the following, both of which cover far more than
continental Europe since the French Revolution, and thus put the period’s shifts in wider

Boyd, Andrew (1998) An Atlas of World Affairs, 10th edn, London: Routledge.
The Times Atlas of European History, 2nd edn, London: Times Books (1998).
1 Aix-la-Chappelle, Congress of


backing, and helped to form a new party, the
Christian Democratic Union (CDU). He was
influential in the framing of the Basic Law in
1948, and was elected as the first Chancellor
Abyssinian War see ITALO-ABYSSINIAN of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in
WAR. 1949, a position he retained in elections in
Acerbo law Italian electoral law, passed in 1953, 1957, and 1961. From 1951 to 1955, he
1923. Under the law, any party gaining one also served as Foreign Minister. Adenauer
quarter of the vote, and more votes than any of played a significant role in the FRG’s
its rivals, would automatically receive two rehabilitation after 1945: his achievements
thirds of the seats in the Assembly. While it here included the promotion of Franco-
was presented by MUSSOLINI as a way of German relations, the entry of the FRG to
halting the series of weak coalition NATO in 1955 and to the EUROPEAN
governments, and was supported by the ECONOMIC COMMUNITY in 1957, and
Liberals on those terms, the law helped to the 1952 Restitution Agreement with Israel.
strengthen the Fascist government in its early See FINAL SOLUTION.
stages. See also FASCISM. Adrianople, treaty of (September 1829)
Action Française French political Peace treaty between Russia and the
movement. Action Française was founded by OTTOMAN EMPIRE that ended the conflict
the poet and journalist Charles Maurras in that had started in 1828 as part of the GREEK
1899 in the wake of the DREYFUS AFFAIR WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. The treaty
as an anti-republican and anti-semitic (see established Greece as an autonomous state;
ANTI-SEMITISM) movement which Russia gained navigation rights to the Black
promoted NATIONALISM, militarism, and a Sea Straits; Moldavia and Wallachia were
restoration of the monarchy. From 1908, established as autonomous states under
Maurras edited L’Action Française as a daily Russian protection; and the Ottoman empire
newspaper. The movement had some middle- ceded territories in Armenia, Georgia, and on
class appeal, but was never populist and never the Danube to Russia.
gained much influence in parliament. In the Aix-la-Chappelle, Congress of (September–
inter-war period, it moved close to FASCISM, November 1818) First of the post-1815
and it was proscribed in 1936, although the meetings under the CONGRESS SYSTEM.
newspaper continued publication. The The Congress was called to deal primarily
movement reemerged during the SECOND with France and wind up the work of the
WORLD WAR, giving its support to the conference of ambassadors which had
VICHY government and promoting managed the occupation (see PARIS,
collaboration with the German occupation. TREATY OF 1815). The Congress agreed to
The movement and its newspaper were end the occupation in November 1818, as the
banned in 1944 after the allied victory in French government had repaid the indemnity
France (see NORMANDY CAMPAIGN), set at Paris, and France was duly admitted to
and Maurras was given a life term of the Congress System on an equal footing to
imprisonment. the QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE powers,
Adenauer, Konrad (1876–1967) German thereby creating the Quintuple Alliance. In
politician. A lawyer from Cologne, Adenauer addition, ALEXANDER I proposed the
first rose to prominence as the city’s Centre formation of a common army, and called for
party mayor in 1917. He achieved higher the Alliance to give military support to any
office in 1920 when he became President of monarch facing a revolution: he was mainly
the Prussian State Council. He lost both thinking of the Spanish colonial revolts, but
positions in 1933 when the Nazis removed was also attempting to set the Alliance up as a
him, and was imprisoned twice during the conservative enforcer. These moves were
THIRD REICH. He re-entered politics after resisted by Viscount Castlereagh, the UK’s
Alexander I 2

representative, and by METTERNICH. Aix- REVOLUTION of 1863 led to a more

la-Chappelle also saw the secret renewal of repressive rule (see also IMPERIALISM).
the Quadruple Alliance on its original lines as Russia’s main foreign successes under
a defender of the treaty of Paris of 1815. Alexander II were in central Asia and in the
Alexander I (1777–1825) ROMANOV Tsar Balkans, including a number of moves
of Russia, 1801–25. Alexander I succeeded designed to increase the Russian empire and
his murdered father, Paul, in 1801. Having its influence, and to reduce the influence of
had a relatively liberal education, he began his Turkey (see RUSSO-TURKISH WAR). In
reign with the promise of some significant this process, PANSLAVISM played a part.
reforms: and, under the influence of his The later years of his reign saw a number of
adviser Count Speranski, he introduced some tensions emerge as Russia’s new industrial
limited modernisation to Russian society and cities grew rapidly and the emancipation of
politics. This included the establishment of the serfs created problems in the agricultural
state schools and some new universities, some economy. In this context, a number of
initiatives for local and regional oppositional movements grew on the left and
representation, and the limitation of both the right, and Alexander followed a more
censorship and torture. However, the impact repressive line. This began to change in 1880
of these changes was limited, and in the latter as a way of diluting the opposition, and by
part of his reign he became far more early 1881 he accepted the idea of a
repressive. This reaction was seen most constitution. However, he was assassinated
clearly with the establishment of the military by members of the People’s Will, a populist
colonies. Alexander’s foreign policy involved group, before this could be followed through
a number of territorial gains, including (see POPULISM). He was succeeded by his
Finland, Bessarabia and parts of the son, ALEXANDER III.
Caucasus, and he was a leading figure in the Alexander III (1845–94) ROMANOV Tsar
diplomatic and military aspects of the of Russia, 1881–94. Alexander III succeeded
NAPOLEONIC WARS and their aftermath in his assassinated father ALEXANDER II, and
the CONGRESS SYSTEM, and in the HOLY much of his reign was characterised by a
ALLIANCE with Prussia and Austria from reaction to the limited LIBERALISM that his
1815. His death in 1825 gave rise to a father had overseen. Influenced by
succession crisis, and provided the conservative advisers, he immediately
opportunity for some Russian liberals to stage introduced a range of repressive measures
the DECEMBRIST CONSPIRACY. He was designed to limit the opportunities for
succeeded by his brother, NICHOLAS I. oppositional views to be discussed. These
Alexander II (1818–81) ROMANOV Tsar of included greater censorship, state control of
Russia, 1855–81. Alexander II succeeded his the universities, and increased police powers.
father NICHOLAS I during the CRIMEAN He also reduced the rights of the non-Russian
WAR. His reputation as a reforming monarch nationalities within the empire through
was earned through his attempts to modernise Russification policies in language, law and
Russian politics and society after this military administration, and promoted ANTI-
defeat. In the 1860s and 1870s, he oversaw a SEMITISM (see also IMPERIALISM). His
number of reforms, including, most famously, economic policies encouraged
the limited EMANCIPATION OF THE industrialisation and urban growth but failed
SERFS in 1861. Other steps included reform to prevent agricultural decline, despite some
of central and local government, the efforts to improve peasants’ income through
establishment of a legal code, expansion of the reducing the redemption repayments
education system, the introduction of established by his father’s EMANCIPATION
conscription, and the encouragement of OF THE SERFS. This broadly repressive
industrialisation. Liberal reforms were also regime provided the context for the growth of
introduced in Finland and the Kingdom of a significant underground opposition, which
Poland, although the POLISH became more evident during his son
3 anarchism

NICHOLAS II’S reign from 1894 to 1917 returned other colonies to France, the
(see RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1905, Netherlands, and Spain (see also
RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS 1917). Under IMPERIALISM). France withdrew its forces
Alexander, and in response to changes in from the Papal States and Naples, and
German policy, Russia moved closer to returned territory to Portugal and Turkey,
France, culminating in the formation of the while the Ionian islands were established as a
FRANCO-RUSSIAN ALLIANCE in 1894 republic and Malta was returned to the
for mutual support in case of war with Knights of St John. The treaty thus settled a
Germany. He was succeeded by his son, number of territorial issues that had been
NICHOLAS II. contested by the British and the French during
Alfonso XIII (1886–1941) King of Spain, the latter stages of the FRENCH
1886–1931. Alfonso XIII succeeded his REVOLUTIONARY WARS as well as the
father Alfonso XII posthumously, with his early stages of the Napoleonic Wars, although
mother, Archduchess Maria Cristina, ruling it was seen by both sides as a temporary respite
as regent until 1902. He was unable to from fighting rather than a solution. The treaty
maintain the role of constitutional monarch collapsed in 1803.
established by his father, preferring instead to anarchism Umbrella term for a number of
by-pass parliament and work by intrigue with strands of political ideology which share
military figures. His reign saw frequent common ground in the notion that
expressions of discontent, particularly over government and authority are undesirable,
Spanish IMPERIALISM, and he survived and obstruct human development. The
five assassination attempts. He was concept developed during the seventeenth
implicated in the military coup of 1923 that century as a way of describing the belief that
brought PRIMO DE RIVERA to power, and people could live well without leaders, but
he worked with the dictator until the latter’s became more focused on some of the ideas of
resignation in 1930. Alfonso XIII left Spain in individual liberty that were disseminated
1931 after republican victories in local during and after the FRENCH
elections, but refused to abdicate. His REVOLUTION. From the mid-nineteenth
departure heralded the establishment of the century, anarchism developed into various
Second Republic. He lived in exile in Italy, forms. One form, based on the idea that people
and carried on working with monarchist could organise on small, local scales, without
politicians and soldiers throughout the 1930s. any need for authority, was developed in
However, he was not called back to Spain France by PROUDHON: this shared some
when the Republic was defeated by features with LIBERALISM, and later fed
nationalist rebels in the SPANISH CIVIL into SYNDICALISM. Another form had
WAR. He abdicated in favour of his son, Don more in common with COMMUNISM and
Juan, in 1940, and died in Rome the following SOCIALISM, developed in the Russian
year. tradition by BAKUNIN. It was marginalised
Alma, battle of (September 1854) see by mainstream communist thought after
CRIMEAN WAR. Bakunin split with MARX and the FIRST
Altenkirchen, battle of (September 1796) INTERNATIONAL in 1872 over the role of
see FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS. political parties. The Russian tradition was
Amiens, treaty of (March 1802) Peace treaty also focused on the more utopian ideas of
between France and the UK during the Peter Kropotkin and Lev Tolstoy. From the
NAPOLEONIC WARS. The treaty brought 1870s, a number of revolutionary
peace between the two countries, following organisations committed to political violence
on from the withdrawal of Russia from the represented another form of anarchism: and
Coalition and the French defeat of Austria the publicity created by high-profile anarchist
(see treaty of LUNÉVILLE). By the treaty, the assassinations, such as those of President Sadi
UK was allowed to keep its colonial Carnot of France in 1894, and King Umberto
acquisitions of Ceylon and Trinidad, but of Italy in 1900, forged a popular link between
Andrássy, Julius 4

anarchism and terrorism. Anarchists in advanced within the party after the war,
France, Italy and Spain developed the most gaining his first major role in 1957 when
formal identities, particularly around the time KHRUSHCHEV appointed him Soviet
of the FIRST WORLD WAR and its Ambassador to Hungary, a position he held
aftermath, with trade union links adding to until 1962. Here, and in his role of
their significance. In Spain, anarchists joined coordinating the USSR’s relations with other
one of the coalition governments of the communist countries, he helped to enforce
SPANISH CIVIL WAR period. However, the Soviet centrality (see also COLD WAR,
USSR’s hard line against deviation ensured IMPERIALISM). He headed the KGB from
that the anarchist tradition became 1967 until 1982. On BREZHNEV’S death in
marginalised on the left. On the right, 1982, Andropov became effective ruler of the
anarchism has shared some common ground USSR, his position confirmed in 1983 with his
with CONSERVATISM, particularly on the appointment as Chairman of the Supreme
issue of individual liberty, although Soviet. During his brief time in office, he
mainstream European conservatism has began to address the inefficiencies that were
rejected this. Anarchism enjoyed something becoming apparent in the USSR’s polity and
of a revival in some radical student and economy, although he died in office before
intellectual circles in the 1960s and 1970s, achieving much. This process was taken up
with some violent revolutionary groups, such more fully by GORBACHEV.
as the Red Army Faction, basing their terrorist Anglo-German Naval Agreement (June
activities on anarchist ideas. 1935) Bilateral agreement between Germany
Andrássy, Julius (1823–90) Hungarian and and the UK on the relative sizes of their naval
Austro-Hungarian politician. A trained forces. Germany was allowed to develop a
lawyer, Andrássy was elected to the navy 35 per cent the size of the Royal Navy,
Hungarian Diet in 1847, where he supported and to have parity in its submarine fleet. The
KOSSUTH and the Hungarian nationalist agreement effectively recognised the
movement in the 1848 revolution (see redundancy of the relevant arms limitation
REVOLUTIONS OF 1848). After the clauses of the treaty of VERSAILLES, and
revolution’s failure, he lived in exile, and was caused a rift in the STRESA FRONT. For
condemned to death in his absence. He Germany, the agreement was negotiated
returned to Hungary after an amnesty in 1857, through the RIBBENTROP Bureau rather
and re-entered politics. He was influential in than the Foreign Office, and was thus an
the establishment of the Ausgleich of 1867, example of the Nazi government’s practice of
and was appointed as the first Hungarian by-passing official state channels.
Prime Minister that year, a post he held until Anglo-Russian Entente see TRIPLE
1871. Through this post, and through his role ENTENTE.
as Foreign Minister for Austria-Hungary from Anschluss (German: ‘union’) The idea and
1871 until 1879, he consistently worked for practice of political union between Austria
the promotion of Hungarian influence and and Germany. With its roots in the common
identity, and for the limitation of Russian language and some shared history, the mid-
influence in the Balkans (see nineteenth century idea of an Anschluss for a
PANSLAVISM). He played a leading role at ‘greater Germany’ became viable when the
the BERLIN CONGRESS in 1878, helping to HABSBURG empire collapsed in 1918, at the
secure Bosnia-Herzogovina from Russia, and end of the FIRST WORLD WAR. However,
helped to establish the DUAL ALLIANCE such a union was specifically barred by the
with Germany in 1879 on grounds favourable treaties of VERSAILLES and ST
to Austria-Hungary. He resigned in 1879. GERMAIN. It remained an attractive option
Andropov, Yuri (1914–84) Soviet politician. to many Austrians and Germans in the
Andropov joined the Communist party in following years, and was one of the Nazi
1939, and fought as a partisan in the SECOND party’s declared aims (see NAZISM). In
WORLD WAR (see also RESISTANCE). He 1931, the two countries’ governments tried
5 anti-socialist laws

unsuccessfully to establish a customs union: ideal form of political organisation: as there

this was blocked by opposition from France was no Jewish nation state, Jews were easy to
and the LITTLE ENTENTE. In 1934, the characterise as alien.
German government attempted to achieve a Under such influences, anti-semitism was
union through an Austrian Nazi coup in influential in many parts of Europe in the late
Vienna. This failed, despite the murder of the nineteenth century. In the Russian empire, for
Austrian Chancellor DOLLFUSS, when the example, officially backed pogroms against
Italian government threatened to intervene on Jewish communities killed thousands and
Austria’s behalf. In 1937, MUSSOLINI forced millions to migrate. In France, the
changed his anti-Anschluss policy: and the DREYFUS AFFAIR demonstrated that many
following year, Germany successfully in the political, military, and religious
managed the Anschluss. After pressure from establishments had anti-semitic beliefs; while
Berlin to admit Nazis to his government, predominantly anti-semitic organisations
Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg resigned, were active throughout the HABSBURG
and Arthur Seyss-Inquart, the Austrian Nazi empire and in Germany. ZIONISM emerged
leader, duly invited the Germans into Austria as a reaction to this development. There was a
to maintain order. This peaceful invasion took striking revival of anti-semitism in Germany
place in March 1938: and while the after the FIRST WORLD WAR, when older
subsequent plebiscite results of 99.75 per cent traditions of scapegoating in a time of crisis
in favour of Anschluss were dubious, the were merged with allegedly scientific views
union was welcomed by many Austrians. It in a number of political parties’ agendas,
provided Germany with economic, particularly that of NAZISM. Anti-semitism
manpower, and strategic advantages, became a key feature of the THIRD REICH,
weakened Czechoslovakia, and effectively involving legislative persecution (see
destroyed the LITTLE ENTENTE. See also NUREMBERG LAWS), economic sanctions,
APPEASEMENT. and, during the FINAL SOLUTION, mass
Anti-Comintern Pact see AXIS. murder; while in some of the areas occupied
anti-semitism Racial and political ideology by Germany, notably Poland, Lithuania and
based on antipathy towards Jews. Jews had France, local traditions of anti-semitism were
historically been persecuted and evident in native collaboration. Anti-
discriminated against in most European semitism as government policy survived the
countries with Christian establishments SECOND WORLD WAR in the USSR, where
before the nineteenth century, a tradition discrimination was consistently evident from
justified variously on religious, cultural and the early 1950s onwards, although elsewhere
economic grounds. In the late nineteenth it became essentially a fringe ideology.
century, influenced by NATIONALISM and However, its attraction to the neo-nazi and
by developments in science (especially those fascist organisations that emerged in many
on evolution associated with Darwin), more countries from the 1970s onwards, in which it
rationalised forms of anti-semitism emerged, became blended with a wider racism against
particularly in France, Germany and Russia. colonial migrants, gave it a higher profile.
Under this, Jews were defined in anti-socialist laws (1878) German legislation
predominantly racial terms – that is, ‘blood’ designed to limit socialist politics.
rather than culture or religion was seen as their BISMARCK’S antipathy towards
defining characteristic – and were accused of SOCIALISM was exacerbated by the
diluting and corrupting non-Jewish races. The formation in 1875 of the Social Democratic
emergence of these ideas was strongly linked party (SPD) in Germany. On similar lines to
both to economic depression, in which the the Kulturkampf, which was based in part on
Jews were blamed as scapegoats, and to the the notion that Catholics could not be loyal
growing belief after ITALIAN both to Germany and the church, the
UNIFICATION and GERMAN government denounced socialism for its
UNIFICATION that the nation state was the internationalist tendencies. In 1877, the SPD
Antonescu, Ion 6

gained twelve seats in the parliamentary appeasement Label used to describe the
election. In this context, Bismarck attempted policies of the French and British
to link an assassination attempt on WILLIAM governments towards Germany, Italy and
I with the socialists by using the moment to Japan in the 1930s, although its basic
introduce anti-socialist legislation in May principles were established in international
1878. This failed due to the lack of liberal relations after the FIRST WORLD WAR.
support: but after a second assassination Based on the notion that disputes could be
attempt, Bismarck reacted by dissolving the settled by negotiation and compromise rather
parliament and calling for new elections. The than war, appeasement came to be discredited
SPD still won nine seats, but with a decline in when the SECOND WORLD WAR broke out.
liberal support the new law against socialist Although the British and French governments
groups came into force in October 1878. The of the inter-war period had different interests
Exceptional Law banned socialist meetings, and agendas in relation to continental Europe,
publications, and fund-raising, proscribed there was significant feeling in both countries
socialist trade unions, and created new police that the settlements arising out of the PARIS
powers for the deportation of suspected PEACE CONFERENCE may have created
socialists, but it did not affect socialists’ new problems (particularly territorial) that
electoral rights. Despite the state’s subsequent should be settled peacefully. Moreover, the
promotion of conservative welfarism from costs of rearming in readiness for future
1881, seen, for example, in the introduction of conflicts, the problems posed by imperial
medical and accident insurance for workers commitments (see IMPERIALISM), and
and their families, socialism did not die out in popular anti-war feelings after 1918, added to
Germany: and when parliament allowed the the view that negotiation could be preferable
law to lapse in 1890, the SPD re-emerged as a to conflict. This view can also be seen in some
significant party. of the key assumptions underpinning the
Antonescu, Ion (1882–1946) Romanian LEAGUE OF NATIONS.
soldier and politician. Antonescu served in the In relation to Italy, appeasement was seen
FIRST WORLD WAR, and remained in the most clearly in 1935 when France and the UK
army afterwards, serving as Military Attaché failed to oppose Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia
to Rome and London, and as Chief of Staff (see ITALO-ABYSSINIAN WAR), and when
from 1934. He was strongly associated with Italian involvement in the SPANISH CIVIL
the IRON GUARD, and was briefly WAR was not resisted or punished. In relation
imprisoned in 1938 for his activities. to Germany (see THIRD REICH), in which
However, he was quickly rehabilitated on revision of the treaty of VERSAILLES was a
release, and served as CAROL II’S Minister key feature of NAZISM, appeasement was
of War from 1938. In 1940, Carol appointed evident in the 1935 ANGLO-GERMAN
Antonescu as Prime Minister with dictatorial NAVAL AGREEMENT, by acceptance of
powers, a position he used as the base for a full rearmament beyond the Versailles limits, and,
military dictatorship under the title of in 1936, by France and the UK’s acceptance of
Conducator. A pro-Nazi, he took Romania the remilitarisation of the RHINELAND.
into the war against the USSR in 1941 (see From this stage, rearmament and strategic
BARBAROSSA, SECOND WORLD WAR). planning in both France and the UK suggest
As the war turned against Germany, that appeasement could be seen as a time-
Antonescu’s position became difficult, and he buying policy until Germany could be met
was deposed by Michael I in 1944 as the Red militarily. Major acts of appeasement that
Army invaded Romania and the new followed this included the lack of opposition
government changed sides. Antonescu was to the 1938 ANSCHLUSS, and the negotiated
tried for war crimes, and executed in 1946. settlement of the Sudeten crisis in the
Anzio landings (January 1944) see ITALIAN MUNICH AGREEMENT of 1938. From
CAMPAIGN. March 1939, when Germany invaded the rest
of Czechoslovakia, French and British policy
7 Austerlitz, battle of

shifted more obviously away from meaning ‘Father of the Turks’, in 1934. He
appeasement, with both governments died in office in 1938.
guaranteeing Poland: although even after the Atlantic, battle of the (1939–45) see SEC
German invasion of Poland in September OND WORLD WAR.
1939, the British government sought a Auerstadt, battle of (October 1806) see
negotiated settlement before declaring war. NAPOLEONIC WARS.
The apparent failure of appeasement in this Ausgleich 1867 ‘compromise’ agreement on
period, for which it is frequently presented in the structure of the HABSBURG empire. In
purely negative terms as a policy of weakness, 1865, the Austrian government of Emperor
informed some aspects of international FRANCIS JOSEPH began negotiations with
relations in the post-SECOND WORLD prominent Magyar politicians, led by
WAR period. ANDRÁSSY, over the relationship between
Aragon offensive (February 1939) see Austria and Hungary within the Habsburg
SPANISH CIVIL WAR. empire. The need for a compromise, based on
Arcola, battle of (November 1796) see the growing strength of the Magyars, became
FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS. more pressing during the negotiations after
Ardennes campaign (December 1944) See defeat in the AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR of
NORTH-WEST EUROPE CAMPAIGN; June and July 1866. In February 1867, the
SECOND WORLD WAR. Ausgleich was signed. It gave Austria and
Arnhem, battle of (September 1944) see Hungary equal status, and established
NORTH-WEST EUROPE CAMPAIGN. national legislatures and executives for each
Asiago, battle of (June 1916) see FIRST country. They were to share a defence and
WORLD WAR. foreign policy, and were to raise money for
Atatürk, Kemal (Mustafa Kemal) (1881– military purposes jointly. The Habsburg
1938) Turkish soldier and politician. Kemal monarch became the Emperor of Austria and
was involved in the YOUNG TURKS’ the King of Hungary, with the title ‘the Dual
rebellion of 1908, and served in the Monarchy’ coming into usage for the area.
OTTOMAN EMPIRE’S army in the ITALO- The Ausgleich also involved a commercial
TURKISH WAR of 1912, the BALKAN union, to be renewed every ten years.
WARS of 1912–13, and the FIRST WORLD Although the Ausgleich was seen as a triumph
WAR of 1914–18. At the end of the war, he of Hungarian nationalism, it was essentially a
began a national resistance movement to narrow deal between two dominant
Greek and allied intervention, which focused nationalities: the Germans and the Magyars.
around removing the Greeks from western Other national and ethnic groups in both
Turkey and overturning the treaty of countries and the rest of the Habsburg empire
SÈVRES. This included the establishment of were marginalised culturally, politically,
a provisional republican government in economically and linguistically (see also
Anatolia, which Kemal led to victory in the IMPERIALISM). The deal lasted until the
GREEK-TURKISH WAR of 1921–22. His end of the FIRST WORLD WAR, and while it
success here, which included the signing of provided the Habsburg monarchy with some
the treaty of LAUSANNE in 1923, provided stability in the short-term after its losses in the
the foundation for his republican constitution processes of ITALIAN UNIFICATION and
for Turkey. Kemal became the republic’s GERMAN UNIFICATION, it failed to
President for life, a position he held as an address the nationality issue within the
autocrat in what remained essentially a one- empire, and contributed to the rise of
party state. His main remit was to modernise PANSLAVISM.
Turkey, a process which included the Austerlitz, battle of (December 1805) Battle
disestablishment of Islam, the introduction of between France and a joint Austro-Russian
western forms in various cultural spheres, and army in the NAPOLEONIC WARS,
central planning on Soviet lines to establish an sometimes known as the battle of the Three
industrial sector. He took the name Atatürk’, Emperors. After taking Vienna in November
Austrian State Treaty 8

1805, NAPOLEON marched north to fight the Austro-Piedmontese War (1848–49) War, in
combined Austrian and Russian force in order two stages, between the HABSBURG empire
to end the war in central Europe before the and the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia and
winter set in. After concealing some of his Italian nationalist groups. In late March 1848,
troops, Napoleon contacted the Austro- after Habsburg troops had been driven out of
Russian army near Austerlitz and asked for an Milan and Venice (see REVOLUTIONS OF
armistice. The Austro-Russian army moved 1848), King Charles Albert of Piedmont-
in to attack the French rear, but as they passed Sardinia declared war on the Habsburg
by the French flank, Napoleon attacked and empire. Although this was primarily driven by
split the force, inflicting heavy losses. The Piedmontese anti-Habsburg interests, for
Austrians and Russians began to retreat to which the revolutions provided an
Austerlitz under artillery fire from the French, opportunity, a number of Italian nationalist
who then cut off their retreat to Olmütz. The interest groups attached themselves to the
numerically superior Austro-Russian force war, thus giving it the flavour of a liberal
suffered approximately 16,000 casualties and national rising (see ITALIAN
lost 11,000 men as prisoners, compared to UNIFICATION). The Habsburgs responded
8,500 French losses. Austria sued for peace by sending an army under RADETZKY,
the next day (see PRESSBURG, TREATY which captured Vicenza in June 1848, and the
OF), while the Russians immediately drew Piedmontese forces were beaten at Custozza
back to the Russian frontier. The battle was in late July. When help from revolutionary
one of Napoleon’s most successful, and it France failed to appear, Charles Albert agreed
proved decisive in destroying the Third to an armistice, under which the Habsburg
Coalition and keeping Prussia out of the war. forces reoccupied Lombardy. In March 1849,
Austrian State Treaty (May 1955) after fresh revolutionary activity in Hungary
Multilateral treaty on Austria, signed in and some parts of the Italian states, Charles
Vienna in May 1955. The treaty, signed by Albert broke the armistice and attacked the
representatives of the four post-SECOND Habsburg army. The Habsburgs regained
WORLD WAR occupying powers (France, control at the battle of Novara in late March.
the UK, the USA, the USSR), re-established Charles Albert abdicated in favour of his son,
Austria as an independent republic for the first VICTOR EMMANUEL II, who sued for
time since the ANSCHLUSS of 1938. The peace. Under the treaty of August 1849,
treaty restored Austria’s preAnschluss Piedmont-Sardinia had to pay an indemnity,
frontiers, thus reaffirming the treaty of but was not deprived of any territory.
TRIANON, and committed the new republic However, the Habsburg empire ensured its
to remaining out of any military alliances. It right to intervene in a number of the Italian
also prohibited any future Anschluss and any states in which it had interests. Overall, the
restoration of the HABSBURG monarchy. In war showed that even Piedmont-Sardinia, the
return, the four powers agreed to end their strongest of the Italian states, was unable to
occupation by October 1955. The treaty was dent Habsburg hegemony in the Italian states
welcomed for ending the occupation of without the backing of other countries.
Austria without the kind of geopolitical Austro-Prussian War (1866) War between
divisions that had taken place in Germany, and Austria and Prussia and Italy, also known as
for allowing Vienna to return to a unified the Six Weeks War. After the Austro-Prussian
status after the withdrawal of the four allied victory over Denmark in the SCHLESWIG
powers, unlike Berlin. However, the potential WAR of 1864, tensions between the two most
thawing of COLD WAR relations that this powerful German states were exacerbated.
treaty signified was diminished by the Prussia, under BISMARCK and WILLIAM I,
simultaneous creation of the WARSAW was pressing for greater leadership within the
PACT, which continued the Soviet military German states, which challenged Austria’s
presence in eastern Europe. For Austria, the historical dominance. These tensions came to
treaty formed the basis of the second republic. a head in June 1866 when Bismarck suggested
9 Azaña, Manuel

that the GERMAN CONFEDERATION pretext to act against parliamentary

should be dismantled, a direct threat to opposition.
Austria’s influence, and that Prussia should Axis Term used from November 1936 to
gain control of Schleswig and Holstein. describe Germany and Italy’s relationship,
Bismarck had strengthened Prussia’s position which later extended to cover the alliance
before taking this step by ensuring French system of the SECOND WORLD WAR
neutrality and Italian involvement: the former involving Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan,
was kept out of the conflict by the suggestion Romania and Slovakia. Relations between
of territorial gains in the Rhine, while the Italy and Germany improved in the autumn of
latter was brought in through the promise of 1936 in the face of the two governments’
Venetia if Austria was defeated. hostility towards the republic in Spain (see
War started on 14 June 1866. Prussia SPANISH CIVIL WAR), and in the light of
quickly conquered Hanover, Hesse-Cassel German assurances that it would not attempt
and Saxony, which effectively removed an ANSCHLUSS. In October 1936, CIANO
Austria’s major allies from the war. Austria and HITLER concluded a treaty of
started well, beating the Italians at Custozza in cooperation, which MUSSOLINI
late June, but then lost the battle of SADOWA subsequently described as an ‘axis’ between
in Bohemia to Prussia on 3 July. The Austrian Rome and Berlin. Germany and Japan’s
commander, Ludwig von Benedek, had mutual condemnation of the THIRD
advised Emperor FRANCIS JOSEPH to sue INTERNATIONAL, the Anti-Comintern
for peace before any conflict in Bohemia, but Pact of November 1936, brought Japan into
his view was overturned. The smaller this relationship. The relationship was
southern German states continued to fight formalised by the ‘Pact of steel’, Germany and
against Prussia during July, but this was Italy’s bipartite mutual defence alliance
relatively ineffectual. The war was settled by signed in May 1939, and furthered by Japan’s
the treaty of PRAGUE of 23 August 1866. mutual defence treaty with Germany and Italy
As well as confirming Prussia’s position as in September 1940.
the most dominant German state, the war Azaña, Manuel (1880–1940) Spanish
weakened Austria’s standing within the politician. A civil servant and successful
German states. It made Austria more writer with a legal training, Azaña became
vulnerable to challenges within the active in party politics in the mid-1920s when
HABSBURG empire, which led to the he helped to form Republican Action. He
AUSGLEICH with Hungary in 1867. The war became the Minister of War for the Second
also helped the process of ITALIAN Republic on ALFONSO XIII’S departure in
UNIFICATION through the award of Venetia 1931. Subsequently Prime Minister, a post he
to Italy by the treaty of Vienna in October held until 1933, his modernising agenda was
1866. evident in both posts, exemplified by his army
Aventine secession Incident in Italian reforms, his limitations of Church authority,
politics, taking its name from an episode in and in his backing for Catalan autonomy. He
classical Roman history. In June 1924, in was imprisoned in 1934 for his apparent
protest over the murder of Giacomo Matteotti implication in the general strike in Barcelona.
(see MATTEOTTI AFFAIR), a majority of In February 1936, he became Prime Minister
opposition deputies left the parliament. King again after the POPULAR FRONT’S election
VICTOR EMMANUEL III refused to act on victory, becoming President in May.
their demands to curb the Fascists’ tactics, and However, tensions within the Popular Front
MUSSOLINI reacted by annulling the and the worsening crises in Spain formed the
deputies’ seats and passing anti-opposition context for the nationalist rising which began
legislation. The protesters thus failed to limit the SPANISH CIVIL WAR that summer.
Mussolini’s growing dictatorship, and Azaña remained in office, attempting to keep
presented the Fascist government with a the republican parties together, and he
attempted to establish a negotiated peace in
Badoglio, Pietro 10

1938. He left Spain for France, and resigned revolutionary societies through workers’
the presidency, in February 1939, shortly after associations (see ANARCHISM). Although
the fall of Barcelona. He died in exile the Bakunin and his supporters were expelled
following year. from the IWMA for their anarchist views in
1872, the ideas he developed were influential
on Russian nihilism and on SYNDICALISM.
He died in Switzerland in 1876.
Balaclava, battle of (October 1854) see
B Balkan rebellions (1875–78) Series of
nationalist and panslav revolts in OTTOMAN
territory, 1875–76 (see NATIONALISM,
Badoglio, Pietro (1871–1956) Italian soldier
PANSLAVISM). With long-term ethnic and
and politician. After serving in Africa and the
religious differences creating tensions,
FIRST WORLD WAR, Badoglio became
rebellions broke out in many parts of the
Chief of Staff in 1919, and MUSSOLINI’S
European Ottoman empire. The rebels were
Chief of General Staff in 1925. After a period
variously pressing for greater religious and
as Governor of Libya, he returned to active
political freedoms. The rebellions started in
service in the ITALO-ABYSSINIAN WAR in
Herzegovina in July 1875. spreading to
1935. However, he unsuccessfully opposed
Macedonia and Bosnia by December, and to
Italian involvement in the SPANISH CIVIL
Bulgaria in 1876. The rebellions took on a
Europe-wide significance, as foreign interests
led the abortive invasion of Greece in 1940,
in the fate of the Ottoman empire gave
and resigned after it. When Mussolini was
Austria-Hungary, Russia and other powers a
deposed in July 1943 (see ITALIAN
stake. This became more crucial in mid-1876,
CAMPAIGN), Badoglio was appointed
when the Ottoman massacres of Bulgarian
Prime Minister. He negotiated peace with the
Orthodox Christians were publicised abroad,
allies in September 1943, and led the Italian
and when Serbia and Montenegro declared
declaration of war against Germany in
war on the Ottoman empire in support of the
October 1943. He resigned this post in June
risings. Serbia’s calls for Russian intervention
1944 when it became clear that some of the
in August 1876, combined with the
partisan groups (see RESISTANCE) would
condemnation of the Ottoman tactics being
not work with him.
expressed in many countries, led to an
Bakunin, Mikhail (1814–76) Russian
international conference in Constantinople in
political theorist. A career soldier from a
December 1876. Here, Sultan Abdul Hamid II
noble family background, Bakunin left the
promoted a reformist line as a concession to
Russian army over the treatment of the Poles.
the visiting powers. Peace was made between
Through his writing and journalism, he
the Ottoman empire and Serbia in March
became involved in revolutionary politics,
1877. However, the issues raised by the
and was active in Paris, Prague and Dresden
rebellions were not satisfactorily resolved,
during the REVOLUTIONS OF 1848. He was
and, in April 1877, Russia used the crisis as an
imprisoned for his role in the Dresden risings,
opportunity to declare war on Turkey. See
and was extradited to Russia and exiled to
Siberia. After his escape in 1861, he lived in
Balkan Wars (1912–13) Two conflicts in the
western Europe. He joined the International
Balkan region. In 1912, at a time when the
Working Men’s Association (IWMA) (see
OTTOMAN EMPIRE was involved in the
ITALO-TURKISH WAR, Bulgaria, Greece,
diverged from the predominant theories of
Montenegro and Serbia formed the Balkan
MARX and ENGELS: in particular, Bakunin
League, with Russian support. In October, the
argued against the need for political parties in
League attacked the Ottoman empire, quickly
a revolutionary situation, and called for
defeating its forces in Europe and pushing the
workers to take direct action and run post-
Turks out of their European possessions bar
11 Basic treaty

the area around Constantinople. The war Einsatzgruppen (special action groups), who
attracted the attention of other European carried out massacres of civilians, particularly
powers: Austria-Hungary threatened to Jews (see FINAL SOLUTION), political
intervene and mobilised against Serbia; while commissars from the Red Army, and others.
Russia threatened to defend the League if war However, despite its early successes, the
came. Representatives of the major powers northern and central attacks did not capture
created the treaty of LONDON in May 1913, their target cities by December 1941. The
which was designed to end the war and to southern attack was more successful, gaining
impose a territorial settlement. While this the vital economic resources of the Ukraine
worked in the short term, the settlement was for Germany. This limited success was not
unstable, particularly due to Serbia’s lack of enough: the planning assumptions behind
access to the Adriatic, and due to the creation Barbarossa had been based upon a quick
of Albania. In June 1913, a second war broke victory that would cause the destruction of the
out when Bulgaria, dissatisfied with the Soviet government, and would allow the
division of Macedonia at London, attacked its invading army to be replaced by an
former partners Greece and Serbia. However, occupation before the winter weather
their response, plus Ottoman and Romanian conditions hindered movements. It also
intervention, led to Bulgaria’s defeat. The war required limited action on Germany’s other
was settled by the treaty of BUCHAREST in fronts. By December 1941, not only had the
August 1913. weather turned against the invaders, but
Taken together, the Balkan wars Germany had declared war on the USA, and
strengthened Serbia’s position in the region, the British were gaining ground in north
considerably weakened Turkey, exacerbated Africa. Moreover, the Soviets were able to call
a number of long-running territorial disputes, on huge reserves of manpower specifically
and demonstrated that major powers were trained in winter conditions for which the
prepared to mobilise and act over Balkan Germans had not planned; while Soviet tanks
conflicts. See also FIRST WORLD WAR. and artillery proved to be successful, and
Barbarossa Codename for the German military production increased under
military campaign of the SECOND WORLD STALIN’S planning system (see FIVE YEAR
WAR against the USSR, launched in June PLANS). By November 1942, the southern
1941. Despite the NAZI-SOVIET PACT of branch’s attack on STALINGRAD began to
1939, HITLER and the German military be repulsed. After losing there in January
planned for an invasion of the USSR from 1943, and at KURSK in July, the German
December 1940, when the invasion was set for invasion turned into a retreat.
May 1941. It was finally launched on 22 June Basic treaty (December 1972) Bilateral
1941, and proved to be a turning point in the mutual recognition between the Federal
war. With support from Finland and Romania, Republic of Germany (FRG) and the German
the Germans staged a huge invasion along a Democratic Republic (GDR). Under
front of almost 2,000 miles, using over BRANDT, the FRG pursued a friendly policy
3,000,000 troops (75 per cent of the entire towards the GDR (see OSTPOLITIK), leading
German army at the time). The campaign to the signature of the Basic treaty in
began with BLITZKRIEG tactics: air attacks December 1972. By the treaty, each country
destroyed large parts of the Soviet air force recognised the other’s independence, and
and other strategic targets, and were followed agreed to treat each other as normal
by fast, penetrating ground attacks which neighbours. Despite some objections from
enveloped Red Army units and cut them off parties in both countries, the treaty was
from supplies and retreat routes. This was ratified, and set up an improvement in
extremely successful to begin with on all three relations that allowed, for example, former
of the German attack lines: to Leningrad in the East Germans in the FRG to visit their
north; to Moscow in the centre; and through relatives in the GDR, and facilitated better
Ukraine towards the Caucasus in the south. transport links across the border. However,
The regular army was followed by SS neither country abandoned its aspirations for
Basle, treaties of 12

a reunified Germany. The Basic treaty signed in London in August 1939 two days
provided the legal framework for inter- after the NAZI-SOVIET PACT had
German relations until GERMAN effectively left Poland open to German and
REUNIFICATION in 1990. Soviet intervention. When Germany invaded
Basle, treaties of (1795) Three treaties Of the western Poland in September 1939, Beck fled
FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS. to Romania, where he was interned. He died
After French successes in Holland, Piedmont there in 1944.
and Spain, a number of the states with which it Benelux Union Customs union between
was fighting made peace in the spring and Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands,
early summer of 1795. The treaties were signed in 1948. Building on early monetary
signed at Basle. In April, France signed the and customs unions between Belgium and
first treaty with Prussia, which gave France Luxembourg, the union was agreed in
territory on the west bank of the Rhine and left principle by the three countries’
Prussia neutral in France’s continued war governments-in-exile in London in 1944. The
against Austria. France also agreed to view the union was established in January 1948,
north German states as neutral. The second providing common tariffs and internal
treaty, signed in May, made peace with freedom of trade between the member states.
Holland, and re-established the Netherlands It gained the status of a regional union under
as the Batavian Republic, a French the 1957 treaty of ROME. In November 1960,
dependency. The third treaty was made with the three countries enhanced the original
Spain in July. By this, France returned to customs union by establishing an economic
Spain the territory it had conquered, but union, which included free movement of
gained half of the island of San Domingo. As labour and capital. As well as the economic
well as the territorial gains, the treaties advantages accruing to the member countries,
demonstrated that the Coalition against the union improved these relatively small
France was at an end, and allowed France to countries’ standing in Europe.
concentrate its efforts against just two Benes, Eduard (1884–1948)
enemies, Austria and Great Britain. Czechoslovakian politician. A professional
Bastille, storming of (July 1789) see academic from a peasant background, Benes
FRENCH REVOLUTION. was a supporter of Czechoslovak
Bautzen, battle of (May 1813) see independence from Austria-Hungary before
Beck, Josef (1894–1944) Polish politician. worked in Paris with Tómas MASARYK and
Beck became PILSUDSKI’S Foreign the Czechoslovak National Council, a group
Minister in 1932, pursuing a policy over the that effectively became the first government
next seven years that was designed to of independent Czechoslovakia from 1918.
minimise Poland’s chances of being invaded. Given the foreign affairs brief, he was the
To this end, he played key roles in establishing main Czechoslovak delegate to the PARIS
non-aggression pacts with the USSR in 1932 PEACE CONFERENCE, and Foreign
and with Germany in 1934. From the mid- Minister from 1918 until 1935. He was active
1930s, he attempted to encourage western in promoting the LITTLE ENTENTE, the
action against German expansion, notably LEAGUE OF NATIONS, and Franco-
over Germany’s reoccupation of the Czechoslovak relations, the latter embodied
RHINELAND in 1936. He represented in the 1924 treaty. He was Prime Minister
Poland at the Munich conference of from 1921 until 1922, and President of the
September 1938 (see APPEASEMENT, League of Nations Assembly in 1935. He
MUNICH AGREEMENT), by which Poland succeeded Masaryk as President of
gained some territory from Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia in 1935, a position he
In March 1939, he was involved in getting resigned after the MUNICH AGREEMENT
France and the UK to guarantee Polish of September 1938 (see also
integrity. This was supplemented by the APPEASEMENT). In 1939, he helped to
Anglo-Polish pact for mutual assistance, establish and lead the Czechoslovak
13 Berlin Wall

government-in-exile in Paris, moving to sides’ insistence on maintaining a presence in

London in 1940. In 1945, he went to Moscow, Berlin.
and re-entered Czechoslovakia with General Berlin Congress (1878) International
Ludvik Svoboda’s Soviet-backed army. He conference on the Balkans, held in Berlin in
formally regained the presidency in 1946, but June and July 1878. The treaty of SAN
resigned in 1948 in the wake of the communist STEFANO, which ended the RUSSO-
take-over when he refused to sign the new TURKISH WAR of 1877–78, was
constitution. He died the same year. unacceptable to Austria-Hungary, the UK and
Beria, Lavrenti (1899–1953) Soviet others with Balkan interests, due to its
politician. Beria became a BOLSHEVIK in creation of a large Bulgaria which would
1917 while still a student, and became director provide Russia with access to the Aegean Sea
of the secret police, the Cheka, in Georgia in (see also STRAITS CONVENTION).
1921. In 1931, he became First Secretary of Threats of war over the treaty forced Russia to
the Georgian Communist party. His career in renegotiate, with BISMARCK hosting the
central politics developed in 1934, when resultant Congress. Attended by delegates
STALIN appointed him to the Central from Austria-Hungary, France, Germany,
Committee of the Communist party. Viewed Italy, the OTTOMAN EMPIRE, Russia and
as an ally by Stalin, he was given a major role the UK, the Congress demonstrated the
in 1938 when Stalin appointed him widespread acceptance of the Ottoman
Commissar for Internal Affairs, from where empire’s decline.
he ran the secret police (now renamed the The act of the Congress, which replaced
NKVD) and the prison camp system, the treaty of San Stefano, covered a number of
establishing himself as a brutal and feared Balkan issues. Bulgaria’s autonomy was
enforcer of the Soviet police state. He confirmed, but its territory was reduced: it lost
deputised for Stalin during the SECOND Macedonia and its Aegean coast. Eastern
WORLD WAR, and helped the communist Roumelia was given limited independence,
parties of a number of eastern European while Montenegro, Romania and Serbia had
countries to establish their internal security their independence confirmed. Russia was
systems in the early years of the COLD WAR. allowed to keep some of its territorial gains
Viewed by many as a potential successor to from San Stefano, notably those in the
Stalin, he was arrested during the intrigues Caucasus and Bessarabia, while Austria-
that followed Stalin’s death in 1953, and Hungary gained Bosnia and Herzegovina as
secretly executed. protectorates, which it had been promised by
Berlin blockade Incident in the early COLD Russia before the war. Other countries also
WAR. In June 1948, the differences of gained: the UK received Cyprus from the
approach to Germany’s post-war position Ottoman empire, while Tunisia was
from the USSR and the western allies reached recognised as a French sphere of influence,
a crisis point over the French, US and British and Albania as an Italian one. The Congress
attempt to introduce the new West German thus averted a major European war, although
currency into their zones of Berlin. As Berlin it alienated Russia, destroyed the
lay well within the territory that became the DREIKAISERBUND, and set up nationalist
German Democratic Republic (GDR), the and territorial issues in the Balkans that were
USSR responded by closing the city’s western subsequently to reemerge in the early
zones off to land and water transport in an twentieth century. See BALKAN WARS,
attempt to force the western powers to FIRST WORLD WAR.
abandon it. In order to maintain their Berlin Wall Fortified structure around West
presence, the US and the UK organised an Berlin, 1961–89. In August 1961, the German
airlift of foodstuffs and fuel, which lasted Democratic Republic’s (GDR) government
from June 1948 until May 1949, when the responded to the heavy flow of migration
USSR backed down after eleven months. The through the zonal crossing points in Berlin by
incident demonstrated the deterioration of closing the majority of the crossing points,
relations between the wartime allies, and both and constructing an armed barrier of wire and
Bernadotte, Folke 14

cement around the western sector of the city. favour of evolution towards socialism
This soon became a heavily fortified, through existing political systems. Although
permanent structure that was widely seen as this revisionism was rejected by the party, his
symbolic of the divisions in COLD WAR writings remained influential. He returned to
Europe. In its twenty-eight year history, over Germany in 1901, and served as a deputy from
100 people were killed in their attempts to 1902 to 1906, and again from 1912 to 1918.
cross the wall. In 1989, as East Germans He opposed the FIRST WORLD WAR, and
began again to emigrate in large numbers briefly joined the anti-war Independent Social
through other routes, the government re- Democratic party. He rejoined the Social
opened the crossings and suspended visa Democratic party in 1918, and supported the
requirements. Parts of the wall were constitution of the WEIMAR REPUBLIC.
demolished spontaneously by the crowds that His final spell as a deputy was from 1920 to
celebrated this relaxation, and the rest was 1928.
officially demolished (see REVOLUTIONS Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von (1856–
OF 1989–91, GERMAN 1921) German politician. From a civil service
REUNIFICATION). The removal of the wall background, Bethmann Hollweg emerged
became a popular symbol of the end of the into national politics through provincial and
Cold War. state politics in Prussia, where he was
Bernadotte, Folke (1895–1948) Swedish Minister of the Interior from 1905 to 1907. He
diplomat. The nephew of King Gustavus V of held the interior portfolio for Germany from
Sweden, Bernadotte served in the Swedish 1907 until 1909, when he succeeded BÜLOW
army before switching his attention to as Chancellor. He was involved in building up
diplomacy and humanitarian issues through the German army in the years before the First
the work of the Red Cross. He was involved in World War, although he did attempt to limit
organising prisoner-of-war exchanges during naval growth as he did not wish to alienate the
the FIRST WORLD WAR, and remained UK. In 1914, believing that a localised war
involved with the Red Cross when the war was inevitable, he committed Germany to
ended. During the SECOND WORLD WAR support Austria-Hungary’s war against Serbia
he organised prisoner exchanges, and also (see FIRST WORLD WAR). His
helped to organise the rescue of miscalculation over Russian and British
approximately 30,000 people from Nazi reactions weakened his position in the
concentration camps. In early 1945, wartime government, although he was able to
HIMMLER used Bernadotte as a contact in an limit the use of U-boats until January 1917,
unsuccessful bid to establish peace rightly recognising that the destruction of
negotiations with the British and American shipping would bring the USA into the war.
governments. Bernadotte became President He retired in 1917 after the two leading
of the Swedish Red Cross in 1946. In 1948, he military figures, HINDENBURG and
was appointed as UNITED NATIONS LUDENDORFF, threatened to resign their
negotiator in Palestine, where he was killed in posts.
a terrorist attack. Bidault, Georges (1899–1983) French
Bernstein, Eduard (1850–1932) German politician. Bidault came to prominence
politician and political theorist. Bernstein through the RESISTANCE movement during
joined the Social Democratic Workers’ party the SECOND WORLD WAR, particularly
in 1872, but was forced abroad by through his leadership of the National
BISMARCK’S ANTI-SOCIALIST LAWS. Resistance Council from 1943. At the end of
He edited the party’s newspaper from Zurich the German occupation in 1944, he was a
and London, and became an established figure founder member of the Popular Republican
in the émigré left of the period, associated Movement. He held the roles of Foreign
with ENGELS and others. Under Fabian Minister (1944–6, 1947–8, and 1953–4) and
influences, he created an evolutionary social Prime Minister (1946, 1949– 50 and 1958) in
democratic model for left-wing parties, one the post-war caretaker government and in the
that rejected Marxist revolutionary tactics in Fourth Republic. Here, he was influential in
15 Blum, Léon

promoting a broadly pro-European line, and Black Redistribution see POPULISM.

in building relations with the Federal Blanc, Louis (1811–82) French politician and
Republic of Germany. From 1959 he diverged political theorist. Blanc worked as a journalist
from DE GAULLE’S policy on the Algerian and writer in the 1830s and 1840s, writing a
War of Independence, and became involved in history of the French Revolution and
both the Union for French Algeria and the influential works on economics and politics.
controversial Secret Army Organisation (see He was involved in the campaigns against
IMPERIALISM). Accused of treason, he left LOUIS-PHILIPPE in 1847, and was a
France in 1963, and stayed in exile until 1968, member of the provisional government
when the warrant for his arrest was established in 1848 after the King’s fall (see
withdrawn. REVOLUTIONS OF 1848). Blanc worked on
Bismarck, Otto von (1815–98) Prussian and a number of employment and industrial
German politician. A conservative and schemes, including the Luxemburg
royalist from a Prussian Junker family, Commission and the National Workshops
Bismarck entered politics in 1847 as a programme. He left France for England after
member of the Prussian Diet. From 1851 until the June Days of 1848, and remained in exile
1859, he represented Prussia at the German until 1871. He was elected to the THIRD
Diet in Frankfurt, where he developed the REPUBLIC’S National Assembly in 1871,
view that Prussia and Austria were rivals for and to the Chamber of Deputies in 1876. His
the role of dominant German state. After a writings were influential on the development
brief diplomatic career as Prussian of SOCIALISM.
Ambassador to St Petersburg in 1859 and Blitzkrieg (German: ‘lightning war’) Military
Paris in 1862, Bismarck was appointed strategy used by Germany in some of the early
Minister-President of Prussia in September campaigns of the SECOND WORLD WAR.
1862, a time of constitutional crisis. He The idea of rapid, localised attacks developed
reformed the army, dissolved the Diet, and towards the end of the FIRST WORLD WAR,
established a strong government. It was from although the full potential of the Blitzkrieg
this position that he initiated policies which was not realised until fast tanks and armoured
helped to secure Prussian domination of the vehicles, and powerful air support, could be
German states. GERMAN UNIFICATION linked. The technique was used in the invasion
under Prussian leadership was gained during of Poland in September 1939, where aerial
the 1860s and early 1870s through a series of bombardment was quickly followed by
wars and alliances, in which Bismarck played ground attacks on small areas by fast
a leading role. Bismarck became Imperial armoured units. Once the small front was
Chancellor of the newly unified Germany in broken, the units (with further air support)
1871. His domestic policies maintained a were able to spread out behind the Polish
strong central governmental style, with lines. Western Poland was defeated in under
opposing groups, including Catholics and three weeks. The technique was also used very
socialists, often marginalised (see ANTI- effectively in the German invasion of the Low
SOCIALIST LAWS, KULTURKAMPF). Countries and France in the spring of 1940:
Despite some welfare provision and universal apart from the escape of allied troops from
suffrage, democracy was not given a chance to Dunkirk, Belgium, the Netherlands,
flourish. Bismarck’s foreign policy focused Luxembourg and France were conquered in
on maintaining the new balance of power in just six weeks.
post-1870 Europe, and on isolating France. Blood Purge see NIGHT OF THE LONG
These aims were pursued through the KNIVES.
DREIKAISERBUND and the TRIPLE Bloody Sunday (January 1905) see
ALLIANCE, and through Bismarck’s leading RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1905.
role in the 1878 BERLIN CONGRESS. Blum, Léon (1872–1950) French politician.
Bismarck resigned and retired from public life A civil servant, journalist and critic, Blum
in 1890 over policy differences with the new joined the Socialist party in 1899. He became
Emperor, WILLIAM II. the party’s Secretary in 1916, and was elected
Bolsheviks 16

to the Chamber of Deputies in 1919. Blum REVOLUTIONS 1917) by developing links

was influential in the party’s moderation after with the Soviets (workers’ councils). In
the FIRST WORLD WAR: for example, he October, the Bolsheviks planned and
led the majority in their rejection of THIRD executed the coup that overthrew the
INTERNATIONAL membership in 1920, provisional government, and thereafter
while a minority split to form the Communist managed the All-Russian Congress of Soviets
party. He became the party’s leader in 1925, in order to gain total control. The party
and France’s first socialist Prime Minister in renamed itself as the Communist party in
June 1936 in the POPULAR FRONT 1918, although the name ‘Bolshevik’
coalition. After introducing some welfare and remained in use until 1952.
industrial reforms, this government split over Bonaparte, Napoleon see NAPOLEON
non-intervention. The government fell in June Boris III (1894–1943) King of Bulgaria,
1937. Blum returned to the premiership 1918–43. The eldest son of Ferdinand I, Boris
briefly in March 1938 at the head of the second commanded the unsuccessful Bulgarian army
Popular Front government. When France fell in Macedonia during the FIRST WORLD
in 1940 (see SECOND WORLD WAR), he WAR. He succeeded to the throne when his
was arrested by the VICHY authorities. Their father abdicated in the aftermath of the war.
attempt to try him in 1942 for his role in He worked alongside a number of prime
France’s military failure was unsuccessful. ministers during the 1920s and early 1930s,
When the Germans occupied Vichy France, but emerged as dictator in his own right in
Blum – who was Jewish – was taken to 1935. Boris III established links with both
Germany and interned. He was released in HITLER and MUSSOLINI. In March 1941,
May 1945. In 1946, he helped to negotiate a he signed the Tripartite Pact, gaining territory
loan for France from the USA, before in Macedonia and Thrace from Yugoslavia
returning as Prime Minister of the caretaker and Greece respectively. However, he limited
government from December 1946 until his Bulgaria’s military commitment to the
retirement in January 1947. He was one of the SECOND WORLD WAR by refusing to send
architects of the constitution for the Fourth troops to support BARBAROSSA in June
Republic, introduced in 1947. 1941, and by failing to act on the declaration
Bolsheviks Russian political party. The of war against the UK in December 1941. He
Bolsheviks, a name taken from the Russian also worked to protect Bulgarian Jews from
term for ‘majority’, emerged in 1903 as one of deportation during the FINAL SOLUTION.
the main factions in the Russian Social He died shortly after refusing to change these
Democratic Workers party. The faction won a policies, although rumours that he was
vote at their London congress over control of murdered have never been proven.
Iskra, the party’s paper, with the losing faction Borodino, battle of (September 1812) see
becoming known as MENSHEVIKS (from NAPOLEONIC WARS.
‘minority’), who subsequently won votes on Bosnian crisis (1908–9) International crisis
other matters. Between 1903 and 1912 the two caused by Austria-Hungary’s annexation of
wings co-existed: but in 1912 LENIN, the Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 1908–
leading Bolshevik, established an March 1909. Austria-Hungary had occupied
independent party structure for the the OTTOMAN territories of Bosnia and
Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks stressed the need Herzegovina since 1878 (see BERLIN
for peasant involvement in any revolution in CONGRESS). In October 1908, the
Russia, and so developed agrarian policies HABSBURG Foreign Minister Alois von
and propaganda, and also viewed the ideal Aehrenthal counselled the annexation of these
party structure as one based on a small group territories. This was in the context of the
of dedicated activists who could influence YOUNG TURKS movement in the Ottoman
events in decisive ways. The Bolsheviks empire, which was calling for a removal of
gained ground in the immediate aftermath of foreign influences; but it also offered the
the February revolution (see RUSSIAN Habsburg government a chance to
17 Brest-Litovsk, treaty of

demonstrate its power and to expand the Boulanger, Georges see BOULANGER
empire in the Balkans at a time when Russia AFFAIR.
was unlikely to offer much resistance, due to Brandt, Willy (Karl Frahm) (1913–92)
its recent defeat by Japan. Despite having German and West German politician. A
been promised gains in the Straits in return for member of the Social Democratic party (SPD)
recognition of the annexation, Russia from 1930, Frahm left Germany in 1933 on
objected, as did Serbia and the Ottoman the Nazi accession to power (see THIRD
empire. It was seen as a contravention of the REICH), and lived in Norway until 1940,
act of the Berlin Congress, and was read by where he gained citizenship and took on the
some in Serbia as a step towards further name of ‘Brandt’. When Norway fell to
Austrian IMPERIALISM in the Balkans. The Germany in the SECOND WORLD WAR, he
UK also objected to the annexation, while moved to Sweden, working from there for the
Germany supported it. In January 1909, German RESISTANCE. He returned to
Russia and Serbia were both threatened by Germany in 1945, and rejoined the SPD in
Austria-Hungary and Germany that their 1947. He was elected to the Federal Republic
continued non-recognition of the annexation of Germany’s (FRG) parliament in 1949, and
could lead to war. They accordingly backed to Berlin’s city assembly in 1950. He was
down in March 1909. However, the crisis President of the Parliament from 1955 to
demonstrated that the Balkans were once 1957, and Mayor of West Berlin from 1957
again becoming a contested area in until 1966. He offered skilful leadership to the
continental politics, while the annexation city during the BERLIN WALL crisis of 1961.
itself fed into the growth of NATIONALISM Chairman of the SPD from 1964, he joined
and anti-Habsburg opinion in Bosnia, President Kurt Kiesinger’s coalition in 1966
Herzegovina and Serbia. as Foreign Minister. In 1969, he formed the
Boulanger affair French political crisis of SPD/Free Democrat coalition government,
1888–89. In 1886, the popular progressive serving as Chancellor until 1974. He was
General Georges Boulanger became Minister instrumental in refocusing the FRG’s external
of War in France’s coalition government. The relations by promoting OSTPOLITIK, for
following year, he was removed from office as which he won the 1971 Nobel Peace Prize.
the government began to fear that, with his Brandt resigned as Chancellor in 1974 after a
popularity and army contacts, he might stage spying scandal. He remained active in party
a military coup. When he was also dismissed politics, and, from 1977 until 1989, chaired
from the army in 1888, Boulanger and his the UNITED NATIONS North–South
followers began successfully to contest by- Commission on international economic
elections under the banner of the National development.
Republican party, with a promise to reform the Brest-Litovsk, treaty of (March 1918) Peace
THIRD REPUBLIC’S constitution. He was treaty between Russia and Germany and
supported mainly by right-wing politicians, Austria-Hungary that ended Russian
including monarchists and Bonapartists, but involvement in the FIRST WORLD WAR. In
he also gained some popular support as a October 1917, as part of the Russian
potential alternative to the Republic itself. Revolution (see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS
However, he did not attempt the coup that the 1917), the Bolsheviks promulgated their
government feared. In May 1889, the decree for peace, arranged a ceasefire in
government attempted to remove this threat December 1917, and started talks at Brest-
by preparing to prosecute Boulanger with a Litovsk. The Russian delegation, under
dubious treason charge. Boulanger left TROTSKY, attempted to delay the
France, and committed suicide in Brussels in negotiations, hoping that Germany and
1891. Although the ‘Boulangist’ movement Austria-Hungary would experience their own
did not long survive him, it served, along with revolutions: but in response, Germany broke
the DREYFUS AFFAIR and other scandals, the cease-fire in February 1918. The treaty
to show up the tensions and frailties of the was duly signed in early March, a day after the
Third Republic. German occupation of Kiev. Russia’s
Bretton Woods Conference 18

disadvantages and the Bolsheviks’ desire for The two organisations were set up after the
peace meant that the terms of the treaty were war.
harsh on Russia. Estonia, Finland, Georgia Brezhnev, Leonid (1906–82) Soviet
and Ukraine were made independent, while politician. Born in the Ukraine and trained in
Lithuania and Poland were taken from Russia engineering, Brezhnev worked for the
but controlled by Germany and Austria- Communist party from 1938, and served in the
Hungary. Russia thus lost approximately half Red Army during the SECOND WORLD
of its European territory, along with WAR. His early post-war posts in local and
significant agricultural and industrial areas regional party roles paved the way to his
(see IMPERIALISM). The treaty caused elevation to national politics under STALIN
splits within the Russian government, and and KHRUSHCHEV, and he joined the
helped to inspire some of the conflicts that party’s Central Committee in 1952. In 1957 he
developed into the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR, joined the POLITBURO, and became
notably the conflict over the Ukraine and the President of the Praesidium in 1960. In 1964,
intervention of France and the UK. In after Khrushchev’s retirement, Brezhnev
November 1918 the treaty was formally became the party’s First Secretary, a post he
denounced by the Bolsheviks, and was held until his death in 1982. As the USSR’s
annulled by the allies on Germany and leader, he oversaw some limited domestic
Austria-Hungary’s surrenders. However, reforms which eased some of the restrictions
most of the territorial losses stood, although of his two predecessors’ terms: for example,
Ukraine was regained during the course of the the government became more tolerant of
Civil War, while Polish involvement in that religion, and some minor individual liberties
conflict led to a renegotiation of the Russo- were introduced. Internationally, Brezhnev
Polish border. See treaty of RIGA. was involved in some efforts to dilute COLD
Bretton Woods Conference (July 1944) WAR tensions, including arms limitation
International conference on trade, finance and negotiations and the Helsinki conference (see
credit, held at Bretton Woods, New CONFERENCE ON SECURITY AND
Hampshire. As part of the development of the COOPERATION IN EUROPE). However, he
culture and structure of the UNITED also initiated a number of moves which
NATIONS, and as a response to the contributed to a worsening international
international DEPRESSION of the late 1920s situation. In August 1968, for example, he
and 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt of authorised the WARSAW PACT’S invasion
the USA hosted the Bretton Woods of Czechoslovakia (see PRAGUE SPRING),
Conference. Representatives of forty-four a move justified by the ‘Brezhnev doctrine’
nations’ governments attended. The which stressed communist countries’ duties to
conference developed an outline structure for act to protect COMMUNISM in other states.
post-SECOND WORLD WAR international In 1979 Brezhnev led the USSR’s military
trade and finance based on two organisations, intervention in Afghanistan (see also
both of which became UN agencies: the IMPERIALISM). Overall, his term of office
International Bank for Reconstruction and saw a weakening of the Soviet economy
Development (later the World Bank), which mixed with a rise in political expectations, a
would lend money to individual countries to mood which was exploited by subsequent
help finance development work; and the reformist Soviet politicians, notably
International Monetary Fund, which GORBACHEV. Brezhnev died in office in
individual countries could use for short-term November 1982. He was succeeded by
loans to cover trade deficits and to help soothe ANDROPOV.
currency crises. Both were to be based on Briand, Aristide (1862–1932) French
reserves provided by member countries. Due politician. Briand was active in the Socialist
to its economic strength, the USA became the party from 1894, and was elected to the
major contributor, and the US dollar replaced Chamber of Deputies in 1902. He took up his
the GOLD STANDARD as the currency first ministerial post in 1906 when the Radical
against which exchange would be gauged. coalition appointed him as Minister of Public
19 Brussels, treaty of

Instruction and Worship, an appointment that including deflation, tax rises, and
led to his expulsion from the Socialist party retrenchment in government spending, while
(see SECOND INTERNATIONAL). His also attempting to break down the
main achievement in this post was the VERSAILLES settlement by stressing
disestablishment of the Catholic church. He Germany’s economic instability to the allies.
was Prime Minister from 1909 until 1911, and He banned the Nazi party’s paramilitary
again in 1913 and from 1915 to 1917. He was organisations in April 1932, and encouraged
one of the most prominent French politicians Hindenburg to stand for re-election to the
of the post-FIRST WORLD WAR period, presidency in 1932 as an attempt to limit
holding office as Prime Minister from 1921 to HITLER’S advances. He lost Hindenburg’s
1922, 1925 to 1926, and in 1929, as well as the support in 1932 after attempting to resettle
Foreign Ministry from 1925 until 1932. In this unemployed workers on bankrupt Junkers’
period, he worked for disarmament, Franco- estates as a public works scheme. He left
German conciliation, and collective security. Germany in 1934, and settled in the USA.
He was an architect of the LOCARNO Brusilov offensive (June–August 1916)
agreement of 1925, for which he shared the Russian campaign of the FIRST WORLD
Nobel Peace Prize with STRESEMANN, and WAR. In June 1916, four Russian armies
of the KELLOGG-BRIAND PACT of 1928. under General Alexei Brusilov launched an
He also made plans for a federal Union of attack on the Austro-Hungarian lines. As well
European States. His work in this area was to as aiming to gain ground for Russia, the
provide important precedents for Franco- offensive aimed to help the allies on the
German reconciliation and western European western and southern fronts by forcing the
cooperation after the SECOND WORLD Germans to move troops and resources to the
WAR. He lost the presidential election of east. The offensive was successful at first,
1931, and retired and died the following year. with the Russians taking 250,000 prisoners,
Britain, battle of (June–September 1940) see routing the Fourth Austrian army, gaining up
SECOND WORLD WAR. to 12,000 square miles of territory, and
Brumaire French coup of 9 November 1799 persuading Romania to declare war on the
which brought NAPOLEON to power, taking central powers. It also managed to divert
its name from the month in the German forces from the west, thus helping the
REPUBLICAN CALENDAR. The coup was French and British efforts in the long-running
largely engineered by SIEYÈS. It replaced the battles of VERDUN and the SOMME, and
Directory system that had been in place since some Austro-Hungarian forces were moved
November 1795 with the Consulate. This east from the southern front. However, Russia
system was less democratic than the lost approximately 1,000,000 men in the
Directory, giving extensive executive power offensive, which ended in August when
to Napoleon as First Consul. See also supplies failed.
FRENCH REVOLUTION. Brussels, treaty of (March 1948) Mutual
Brüning, Heinrich (1885–1970) German defence and economic cooperation treaty
politician. After serving throughout the between Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the
FIRST WORLD WAR, gaining an Iron Cross Netherlands and the UK, signed in March
in 1918, Brüning entered national politics in 1948. Building on the BENELUX UNION
1924 as a Centre party deputy, and was and the Anglo-French alliance of the treaty of
appointed Chancellor in 1930 thanks to his DUNKIRK, the treaty of Brussels involved all
knowledge of economics (see WEIMAR signatories in pledging to aid any other
REPUBLIC). Lacking a majority in the signatory if it was invaded or attacked by a
Reichstag, particularly after the 1930 third party. This was aimed at both Germany
election, Brüning worked closely with and the USSR, and was to be binding for fifty
President HINDENBURG to secure years. The treaty also included clauses on
legislation by decree. He introduced various social and economic cooperation, and it
radical measures in an attempt to lessen the established a permanent organisation with
impact of the DEPRESSION on Germany, specialised committees. Politically, the treaty
Bucharest, treaty of 20

helped to convince the USA to remain helping to draft the USSR’s 1936 constitution.
involved in European military issues after the However, he was targeted by Stalin’s 1937
SECOND WORLD WAR, as it showed that purge of the old Bolsheviks, and was executed
the leading western democracies were after a show trial in 1938 (see
initiating greater cooperation in this sphere. It YEZHOVSHCHINA). In 1988, the USSR’s
thus served as something of a model for Supreme Court rehabilitated him.
NATO. In 1954, the treaty of Brussels was Bulganin, Nikolai (1895–1975) Soviet
revised in order to turn the organisation into politician. Having served in the FIRST
the WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION, WORLD WAR, Bulganin joined the
involving the Federal Republic of Germany BOLSHEVIKS in 1917. He worked for the
and Italy, a sign that the organisation had secret police (Cheka) from 1918 to 1922. He
become predominantly anti-communist in rose to greater prominence in the 1930s as
focus. Chairman of the Moscow Soviet from 1931 to
Bucharest, treaty of (May 1812) see 1937, and played a role in organising the
RUSSO-TURKISH WAR. defence of the city during the SECOND
Bucharest, treaty of (August 1913) Peace WORLD WAR. He was appointed Deputy
treaty that ended the second of the BALKAN Minister of Defence in 1944, and succeeded to
WARS, between Greece, Montenegro, the the ministerial post in 1947. In 1949 he
OTTOMAN EMPIRE, Romania and Serbia became Deputy Prime Minister, and served as
on one side, and Bulgaria on the other. Vice-Premier to MALENKOV after
Bulgaria lost most of its gains from the first STALIN’S death. In 1955 he became Premier,
Balkan War, formalised in the treaty of ostensibly sharing power with
LONDON of May 1913. Part of eastern KHRUSHCHEV, although the latter quickly
Thrace went to the Ottoman empire, some of emerged as the effective leader. Khrushchev
Bulgaria’s Macedonian gains were ceded to removed Bulganin from office in 1958 due to
Greece and Serbia, and southern Dobruja his links with Malenkov. He worked in a
went to Romania. relatively minor banking role until his
Bukharin, Nikolai (1888–1938) Soviet retirement in 1960.
politician and political theorist. Born in Bülow, Bernhard von (1849–1929) German
Moscow, Bukharin joined the BOLSHEVIKS politician. Bülow served in the FRANCO-
in 1906, and became a leading figure in their PRUSSIAN WAR before entering the
Moscow group by 1908. He was arrested and diplomatic service, a career that led him to be
exiled to Siberia in 1911, but escaped and Germany’s Ambassador to Rome in 1894. In
spent the next six years in various parts of 1897 WILLIAM II appointed Bülow as
Europe and the USA. During this period, he Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and in
developed relationships with LENIN, 1900 he became Chancellor. His main
STALIN and TROTSKY, and became a initiatives came in foreign affairs, where he
prominent writer on COMMUNISM. He promoted German naval and imperial
returned to Russia in 1917, and played a expansion, although these were not generally
leading role in the Bolsheviks’ actions in successful. For example, he dismissed the
Moscow during the October Revolution (see possibility of an Anglo-German alliance in
RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS 1917). He 1900, and alienated France in 1906 over the
supported Stalin in the leadership struggles MOROCCAN CRISIS. He also over-
after Lenin’s death, joined the POLITBURO committed Germany to supporting Austria-
in 1924 and chaired the THIRD Hungary’s actions during the BOSNIAN
INTERNATIONAL from 1925. A supporter CRISIS of 1908, thus setting a precedent for
of NEW ECONOMIC POLICY, he lost 1914 and alienating Russia. The fragmentary
Stalin’s backing in 1929 when the latter nature of his support in the Reichstag was
introduced collectivisation: labelled as a exposed in 1908 when his proposed tax
‘right deviationist’, Bukharin lost his place on increases were rejected, and he was dismissed
the Politburo. He briefly regained influence in in 1909 after losing William II’s support. His
the mid-1930s, editing Izvestia from 1934 and final public role came in 1914, when he was
21 Carlism

re-appointed to the Rome Embassy with the were able to address this front more fully as
main aim of keeping Italy apart from the their commitment to the eastern front
TRIPLE ENTENTE powers. He was diminished (see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS
unsuccessful in this (see LONDON, 1917), and a joint Austro-Hungarian and
TREATY OF 1915), and left the post in 1915. German force was built up to attack the Italian
line. The offensive began on 24 October with
an artillery attack being followed by a heavy
infantry attack. Caporetto was taken after two
days, followed by an Italian retreat back to the
Piave river where they were joined by French,
C British and American troops. The Italians
suffered approximately 45,000 deaths and
lost 300,000 troops as prisoners, while many
Cambrai, battle of (November 1917) see
also deserted. The consolidation of this force
prevented an invasion of Italy: and, despite the
Campo Formio, treaty of (October 1797)
long-term humiliation of Caporetto, the force
Peace treaty between France and the
provided the basis of the successful attack on
HABSBURG empire during the FRENCH
the central powers at the battle of Vittorio
Veneto in October 1918.
the Habsburg empire made an armistice with
Caprivi, Georg Leo (1831–99) German
France after NAPOLEON’S successful
politician and soldier. At the end of his
campaigns in the Italian states. Peace was
military career, Caprivi succeeded
made at Campo Formio in October after
BISMARCK as Minister-President of Prussia
Napoleon’s force had advanced into Austria
and Chancellor of Germany in 1890. He
itself. By the treaty, France’s conquest of
initiated a number of changes in policy that
Belgium was recognised, as was its
became known as the New Course, including
establishment of the Cisalpine Republic in
backing further INDUSTRIALISATION and
northern Italy. France gained the Ionian
commercial developments, and promoting a
Islands, and its western frontiers were
central European trading area through tariffs
recognised. The Habsburg empire kept
and customs agreements. His foreign policy
Venice, part of Venezia, and its Adriatic
was aimed at improving relations with the
territories. The treaty also contained secret
UK, in the process of which he pushed Russia
clauses which gave French recognition to
closer to France (see FRANCO-RUSSIAN
Habsburg claims for Bavaria and Salzburg, in
ALLIANCE). Caprivi also shifted from the
return for the Habsburg evacuation of its
CONSERVATISM of the Bismarck era by
defences at Mainz. The treaty was significant
in bringing an end to the first main stage of the
These moves helped to alienate both Junkers
French Revolutionary Wars, allowing France
and the Centre party, and the growth of
to concentrate on its war against Great Britain.
socialist representation in the Reichstag
It also demonstrated Napoleon’s rising
caused WILLIAM II to lose confidence in
political power: leading the negotiations
Caprivi. He resigned in October 1894.
without proper reference to the French
Carlism Spanish political movement. In
government, he effectively conducted his
1833, King Ferdinand VII was succeeded by
own diplomacy.
his three-year old daughter Isabella II. This
Caporetto, battle of (October–November
succession was resisted by Ferdinand’s
1917) First World War battle between Italy
brother Charles, who put forward his own
and the central powers. After joining the war
claim as the rightful Bourbon heir. His cause,
against its former TRIPLE ALLIANCE
which came to be known as Carlism from his
partners by the treaty of LONDON in May
name, was characteristically conservative and
1915, Italy had fought against Austria-
Catholic, and it proved attractive to many
Hungary, mainly in north-east Italy and into
rural anti-liberals and anti-capitalists,
Austria. In October 1917, the central powers
particularly in the Basque area and in Navarre.
Carlsbad Decrees 22

He was able to mobilise a military force of over student politics; for the widespread
roughly 30,000 men against the government censorship of the press and literature in
in a civil war which lasted from 1833 until general; and for the establishment of a
1840. The Carlists conducted this mainly commission at Mainz dedicated to identifying
through guerrilla and terrorist tactics, which and closing down revolutionary societies
were met with terrorist tactics from the army. throughout the Confederation. These ideas
The Carlists took Morella in 1838, but were fed into the subsequent constitutional reform
already over-stretched logistically by that of the Confederation. The decrees
time, particularly as their ambitious march on successfully suppressed the open discussion
Madrid failed. A peace was negotiated in of radicalism, progressivism and
August 1839, whereby the Carlists dropped NATIONALISM in the German states until
their royal claim, and the movement’s leading the 1840s.
figures, including Ram-n Cabrera, left Spain. Carnot, Lazare (1753–1823) French soldier
Carlism re-emerged in 1846 when and politician. An army officer and military
guerrilla attacks on the Spanish army started engineer before the FRENCH
again, this time in support of Montemolin, REVOLUTION of 1789, Carnot entered
Charles’ son, but this failed to gain the full politics in 1791 when he was elected to the
backing of the rebels of the 1830s and was Legislative Assembly. In August 1793 he
defeated by 1849 (see also REVOLUTIONS joined the Committee of Public Safety, taking
OF 1848). The movement was clearly on the role of military advisor. He was
splintered by this time, with only some responsible for a number of military reforms
common issues – such as distrust of urban that helped France’s efforts in the FRENCH
capitalism and Madrid-backed centralism – REVOLUTIONARY WARS, including
holding the Carlists together. Carlists were conscription, regimental restructuring, and
involved in the plots against Isabella that led state control of munitions production. He also
to her departure from Spain in the SPANISH continued to take an active military role,
REVOLUTION of 1868, and in the leading the French counterattack on the
subsequent civil war. Carlist traditions of anti- invading armies of 1793. He was a member of
LIBERALISM and anti-centralism survived the Directory from its foundation in 1795, but
into the twentieth century, and it became fell during the Fructidor coup of 1797, and
politically significant again during the Second was exiled. He returned to office as
Republic of 1931–6, during which time NAPOLEON’S Minister of War in 1800, but
Carlist risings fed into the country’s retired the following year. His final recall
instability. FRANCO subsequently merged came during Napoleon’s return from exile in
remaining Carlist organisations with the 1814–15, when he served as Minister of the
FALANGE. Interior and organised the defence of
Carlsbad Decrees (August 1819) GERMAN Antwerp. He was exiled by LOUIS XVIII.
CONFEDERATION legislation of 1819. Carol II (1893–1953) King of Romania,
After the murder of the writer and spy August 1930–40. The son of King Ferdinand, Carol
von Kotzebue by a radical student, moved to France after being disinherited in
METTERNICH saw an opportunity to 1925. He returned to Romania in 1930, three
introduce tighter internal security throughout years after his father’s death, and took the
the Confederation, thereby maintaining throne from his son, Michael, who was ruling
Austrian leadership and limiting the with a regency. He was supported in this move
opportunities for the discussion of alternative by the Prime Minister, Iuliu Maniu. He
politics. Metternich by-passed the maintained the role of a constitutional
Confederation’s General Assembly by monarch until 1937, but then moved towards
chairing a meeting of Confederation a corporate-style royal dictatorship,
representatives at Carlsbad in August 1819. influenced by FASCISM, by assuming full
The meeting agreed to three decrees, all of political control and closing down political
which were passed by Frankfurt the following parties in February 1938. Carol’s foreign
month. They allowed for greater state control policy was designed to keep Romania out of
23 Ceauçescu, Nicolae

military commitments, and he aimed to gain Empress in her own right in 1762 after
HITLER’S protection by supplying Germany deposing her husband, who then died in
with oil. However, Hitler refused to provide captivity. An enthusiast of French and
any support when Romania was faced with German philosophy, Catherine introduced a
territorial demands in the realignments that number of reforms in administration and
followed the NAZI-SOVIET PACT of education which earned her the reputation of
August 1939, and Romania lost significant an ‘enlightened despot’. Her main
territories to Bulgaria, Hungary and the achievements came in foreign affairs. Under
USSR. In the face of public criticism over her rule, Russia gained the Crimea from
these losses, Carol abdicated in favour of Turkey in wars of 1768–74 and 1787–92, and
Michael in September 1940, and left annexed Sweden in 1790. Catherine also
Romania. He died in Lisbon in 1953. oversaw Russian gains in Poland, in 1772, and
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) again in the partitions of 1793 and 1795 (see
Inter-allied planning conference of the POLISH PARTITIONS). She died in 1796,
SECOND WORLD WAR. With allied and was succeeded by her son, Paul.
successes in North Africa, and pressure from Cavour, Camillo di (1810–61) Piedmontese
the USSR for the western allies to open a and Italian politician. Before he entered the
second front in Europe to relieve the German Piedmontese government in 1850, Cavour
pressure, British and American was active in promoting the idea of an Italian
representatives, led by Prime Minister nation state, most notably through his work on
Winston Churchill and President Franklin the journal Il Risorgimento. As Minister of
Roosevelt, met at Casablanca to discuss the Industry from 1850, and Prime Minister from
next steps of their strategy. The FREE 1852, he played a leading role in the
FRENCH, who controlled Morocco, were diplomatic and military manoeuvres that led,
also represented, a move which stressed the by the time of his death in June 1861, to the
western allies’ acceptance of DE GAULLE’S unification of the bulk of the Italian peninsula
group as the French government-in-waiting. (see ITALIAN UNIFICATION). His most
Despite major differences over the issue of the important acts as Prime Minister included
second front, particularly on the wisdom of gaining the support of France and the UK by
the invasion of northern France for which backing their efforts in the CRIMEAN WAR
STALIN was calling, the allies agreed on a in 1855, and the brokering of the Pact of
number of key issues. They rejected an PLOMBIÈRES with NAPOLEON in in 1858.
invasion of France in favour of an invasion of He was out of power between July 1859 and
Italy, through Sicily (see ITALIAN January 1860, due to his resignation over the
CAMPAIGN), designed to remove Italy from terms of the treaty of VILLAFRANCA, but
the war and divert German resources to his last eighteen months saw him take a
southern Europe. The USA committed itself leading role in the formal creation of the
to further bombing offensives against Kingdom of Italy. His pragmatic backing for
Germany, while the UK committed itself to GARIBALDI’S Sicilian expedition, his work
further intervention in the Far East after the in establishing the first Italian parliament,
defeat of the AXIS in Europe. A final key which met at Turin in 1860, and his successful
issue was the declaration that the allies would negotiations to bring Parma, Modena,
fight on until Germany and its allies Tuscany and the Romagna into the union of
surrendered unconditionally. Piedmont-Sardinia, helped to establish the
Cassino, battle of (January–May 1944) see structure of a unified nation state.
ITALIAN CAMPAIGN. Ceauçescu, Nicolae (1918–89) Romanian
Catherine II (Princess Sophia of Anhalt- politician. Ceauçescu joined the Communist
Serbst) (1729–96) Empress of Russia, 1762– party in 1936. After the Communist takeover
96. Born in Stettin, Sophia married the heir to of 1948, he emerged as one of GHEORGHIU-
the Russian throne, Peter, in 1745, taking the DEJ’S supporters, and was promoted to the
name ‘Ekaterina’ on her conversion to the party’s secretariat in 1954. He was
Russian Orthodox faith. She succeeded as Gheorghiu-Dej’s deputy leader from 1957
Charles X 24

until his death in 1965, when Ceauçescu Charles was forced to abdicate in favour of his
succeeded as General Secretary of the Party. Orleanist cousin, LOUIS-PHILIPPE. Charles
He became President of the State Council in died six years later.
1967, a role redefined as national President in Chaumont, treaty of (March 1814) see
1974. Domestically, Ceauçescu’s NAPOLEONIC WARS.
government was authoritarian, with internal Chernenko, Konstantin (1911–85) Soviet
espionage, repression of minorities, and an politician. Chernenko joined the Communist
excessive personality cult. He also practised party in 1930, and worked in both secret
nepotism: for example, Elena Ceauçescu, his police and propaganda posts. He became a
wife, held the office of Deputy Prime colleague of BREZHNEV in the 1950s
Minister. Internationally, Ceauçescu through their mutual involvement in
promoted the cause of sovereignty for Moldavan politics, and he was subsequently
communist states, a line that led to his advanced by Brezhnev, who viewed
criticism of BREZHNEV and to the non- Chernenko as a possible successor. He joined
communist states seeing him as an the party’s Central Committee in 1971. He
independent: however, he kept Romania missed out on the succession after Brezhnev’s
within the WARSAW PACT and death due to ANDROPOV’S advance, but he
COMECON. Ceauçescu was highly critical became Chairman of the Supreme Soviet on
of GORBACHEV’S reformist policies from Andropov’s death in 1984. He was, however,
the mid-1980s, and reacted brutally to popular seriously ill, and his brief period as head of
anti-government demonstrations in 1989 that state was an ineffective one. He died in office
led to a revolution (see REVOLUTIONS OF in March 1985. and was succeeded by the
1989–91). In December 1989 he was arrested more reformist GORBACHEV.
when the army leadership turned against the Chetniks Serbian guerrilla forces of various
government. After a brief trial, he was periods. The name was first used by anti-
executed. OTTOMAN Serbian nationalists in the late
Charles X (1757–1836) King of France, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
1824–30. Charles, Comte d’Artois, was during which time they were involved in
LOUIS XVI’S youngest brother. He left guerrilla warfare in Macedonia and
France soon after the outbreak of the elsewhere. Chetniks fought for the Balkan
FRENCH REVOLUTION in 1789, and was League during the BALKAN WARS of 1912
involved in anti-revolutionary activities from and 1913, and attacked German troops during
his exile in the Great Britain, including an the FIRST WORLD WAR. Chetnik groups
unsuccessful part in the Vendée revolts of were revived in Yugoslavia in the early stages
1795. He returned to France at the restoration. of the SECOND WORLD WAR, under Draza
He succeeded his brother LOUIS XVIII in Mihailovich. Alongside TITO’S communist
1824, and quickly established a reactionary partisans, they were an effective force in the
style of government that went against much of RESISTANCE to the German and Italian
the post-Napoleonic settlement. For example, invasion, and received backing from the UK.
aristocratic and religious influences in politics However, the Chetniks’ predominantly
and society were increased, and émigré nobles Serbian and monarchist ideologies placed
were compensated for lands lost during the them apart from Tito’s forces, and the anti-
revolution. His reaction was most evident communist acts of some Chetnik groups were
from 1829 when he appointed Prince de effectively acts of collaboration with the
Polignac as his Prime Minister; and when the occupation. When the war ended, Tito, with
1830 elections produced a predominantly Soviet backing, moved to suppress the
oppositional parliament, Charles dissolved Chetniks, which led to a brief period of civil
the Chamber and introduced the St Cloud war that ended with Mihailovich’s execution
Ordinances, which included a limitation of the in March 1946. The Chetnik legacy was
franchise and press censorship. These acts revived again by Serbian nationalists in the
directly provoked the French revolution of late 1980s and 1990s during the break-up of
1830 (see REVOLUTIONS OF 1830), and
25 Cold War

Yugoslavia. See YUGOSLAVIA, new Assembly refused to accept him as

DISSOLUTION. president.
Ciano, Galeazzo (1903–44) Italian Coalition, First see FRENCH
politician. A career diplomat with a legal REVOLUTIONARY WARS.
training, Ciano’s political advancement was Coalition, Fourth see NAPOLEONIC
linked to his 1930 marriage to Edda WARS.
Mussolini, MUSSOLINI’S daughter. After Coalition, Second see NAPOLEONIC
serving as Envoy to China, Ciano returned to WARS.
Italy and worked for the propaganda Coalition, Third see NAPOLEONIC
department, becoming Minister of WARS.
Propaganda in 1935. He served as a pilot in the Code Napoleon Codification of civil law in
ITALO-ABYSSINIAN WAR, and then France, March 1804. Various attempts were
returned to office as Foreign Minister in 1936. made during the period of the FRENCH
Despite being involved in the negotiations REVOLUTION to rationalise and coordinate
that established the AXIS, Ciano attempted to France’s civil law, which was divided
follow a policy that would give Italy some between Roman and customary traditions in
freedom of action. He advised Mussolini to the south and north respectively, and was
stay out of the SECOND WORLD WAR in complicated by the decline of church
1939, and promoted intervention in the influence after 1789. NAPOLEON forced the
Balkans to offset German expansion. His issue through during his time as First Consul,
influence declined from June 1940 when Italy and the code was published in March 1804.
joined the war, a decline that was hastened by Some of the liberal ideas of the revolutionary
the unsuccessful Greek campaign of 1940– period were consolidated, including the
41. In February 1943, Mussolini appointed notion of individual equality, and the land
Ciano as Ambassador to the Vatican, an reforms of that time were rationalised. Less
effective demotion. Ciano supported liberal strands included restrictions on the
Mussolini’s deposition in July 1943. Later rights of women and of trade unions. In 1807
that year he was arrested in Germany, and the code was renamed as the Code Napoleon.
returned to Mussolini’s Salo government. He It was revised in 1904, and has influenced the
was tried for treason, and executed in 1944. civil law codes of a number of countries.
Clemenceau, Georges (1841–1929) French Cold War The name popularly used to
politician. Clemenceau came to prominence describe relations between the USA and its
in 1870 as the Mayor of Montmartre during allies and the USSR and its allies from the end
the PARIS COMMUNE. He entered national of the SECOND WORLD WAR until the
politics in 1876 when, as a Radical, he was early 1990s. The phrase was used in 1947 to
elected to the Chamber of Deputies. He lost stress the non-military conflict that existed
his seat in 1893 due to his implication in a between the USA and the USSR. The Cold
financial scandal. He returned as a senator in War had its immediate origins in the Second
1902, and became Minister of the Interior and World War itself, and in the divergent interests
then Prime Minister in 1906. This term of of the anti-AXIS allies beyond their desire to
office was characterised by repression of force Germany into an unconditional
strikes and trade union activities. He spoke out surrender. The different views of STALIN and
against military failures during the FIRST President Franklin Roosevelt of the USA
WORLD WAR, before being appointed as towards the post-war settlement of eastern
Prime Minister by POINCARÉ in 1917. He Europe were, for example, evident at the
provided successful leadership for the final TEHRAN CONFERENCE and YALTA
stages of the war, and attempted to promote CONFERENCE. When Germany was
French interests and a strongly anti-German defeated in May 1945, these differences
line as convenor of the PARIS PEACE immediately became apparent in the
CONFERENCE of 1919. The perceived victorious allies’ attitudes towards the parts of
leniency of the final settlement damaged his Europe in which their armies had won. While
standing, and he left office in 1920 when the the USA promoted the establishment of
Cold War 26

democratic and capitalist systems in western occurring in Korea from 1950 until 1953, the
Europe, the USSR promoted communist tensions developed a global dimension.
systems in eastern Europe: despite the Despite STALIN’S death in March 1953,
obvious ideological clashes involved, which which some commentators thought would
characterised a great deal of Cold War cause a relaxation in the Cold War, tensions
discourse, both policies must also be linked to continued to build in many areas. The
the two countries’ strategic and economic communist suppression of demonstrations in
interests. the GDR in June 1953 and in Poland in June
In Poland, the USSR installed a 1956, the accession of FRG to NATO in May,
communist government; while in Germany, and the formation of the WARSAW PACT as
the two powers clashed over the management the USSR’s own military alliance system in
of their occupied zones. This growing May 1955 all showed a further formalisation
division of Europe found a contemporary of Cold War fault lines: the latter example,
resonance in British politician Winston coming just after the AUSTRIAN STATE
Churchill’s March 1946 speech in which he TREATY had been seen as a positive sign by
described an ‘iron curtain’ descending across the USA, was significant as it maintained a
Europe. The Cold War developed Soviet military presence throughout eastern
dramatically in 1947. In March, in response to Europe (see also IMPERIALISM). These
the GREEK CIVIL WAR, in which tensions were exacerbated in late 1956 when
communists were gaining ground, the USA’s the USSR used force against the
president, Harry Truman, committed the USA HUNGARIAN RISING, and by the failure of
to provide financial and military support to Adam Rapacki’s plan for central Europe as a
counter communism; while the MARSHALL nuclear-free zone under joint NATO-Warsaw
PLAN of June provided economic aid to help Pact inspections. This phase of the Cold War,
with reconstruction in non-communist with little constructive discussion and much
countries. By the end of the year, the USA had mutually reinforcing propaganda on both
sent both money and military advisers to sides, peaked in the early 1960s. In Europe,
Greece. In response, the USSR refused to this came over the construction of the
allow any of the countries in which it had a BERLIN WALL, which became symbolic of
controlling interest through military presence the divisions in Europe; while globally, the
and communist control from receiving crisis that developed out of the USSR’s
Marshall Aid, and established the placing of nuclear missiles in Cuba led the
COMINFORM to help coordinate communist USA and the USSR very close to open
party activities. The continued division of conflict.
Europe was hastened in 1948 by a number of There was some improvement in relations
events, including a Soviet-backed communist in the 1960s, including treaties in 1963 and
coup in Czechoslovakia (see BENES, 1968 on the limitation of nuclear weapons, but
GOTTWALD, MASARYK) in February, the the indirect confrontation of communism that
signing of the BRUSSELS TREATY for characterised the USA’s intervention in
mutual defence in March, and the BERLIN Vietnam, and the USSR’s suppression of the
BLOCKADE and subsequent airlift. These PRAGUE SPRING in August 1968,
divisions were formalised in 1949, when maintained the Cold War’s high profile. This
COMECON was established in January as a was clarified by BREZHNEV’S claim that
Soviet-dominated trading area for the east, communist countries had the right to
NATO was established in April as a US-led intervene in other countries where
military alliance for the west, and Germany communism was under threat. The 1970s,
was formally split into two separate states as however, saw some constructive moves to
the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and decrease the tensions. In the FRG,
the German Democratic Republic (GDR). BRANDT’S OSTPOLITIK improved
The stakes were also raised at this time due to relations between the FRG and the GDR,
the USSR’s development of the atomic bomb. Poland and the USSR; the Strategic Arms
With armed conflict on Cold War lines Limitation Talks (SALT) between the USA
27 Cominform

and the USSR led to treaties in 1972 and 1979; and the USSR, the USSR’s domination of its
while multinational talks in Helsinki and strategies ensured that it was effectively a
Geneva from 1973 until 1975 resulted in form of Soviet IMPERIALISM. Albania
statements on human rights and security, and joined later in 1949, as did the German
in the formation of the CONFERENCE ON Democratic Republic (GDR) in 1950. From
SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN the early 1960s, Comecon attempted to
EUROPE (CSCE). However, the USSR’s develop an integrated union through
invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979, coordinated planning, although this was
and the use of force and martial law against resisted by some member governments due to
strikes and demonstrations in Poland in 1980 the limitations that central planning would
and 1981 (see JARUZELSKI, impose on individual members’ economies.
SOLIDARITY, WALESA), and the west’s Comecon expanded in the 1960s: although
reactions to these actions (including the Albania left in 1961, Mongolia joined, and
boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games Yugoslavia gained associate membership;
over Afghanistan) maintained clear Cold War while Cuba and Vietnam joined in 1972 and
divisions. The stationing of nuclear missiles 1978 respectively. In 1976, informal talks
in eastern Europe by the USSR and in the UK between Comecon and the EUROPEAN
by the USA in the early 1980s diluted some of COMMUNITY (EC) began, but few results
the promise of the Helsinki period. However, were achieved until the late 1980s, under
an improvement in relations became evident GORBACHEV’S leadership in the USSR. In
from 1985 under GORBACHEV’S 1988, Comecon and the EC formally
leadership in the USSR, not least through his recognised each other, and signed commercial
recognition that the USSR’s resources were treaties allowing for greater trade. Comecon
over-committed to defence. This change broke down during the REVOLUTIONS OF
resulted in the US-Soviet Intermediate 1989–91, and formally dissolved in the
Nuclear Forces Treaty of December 1987. summer of 1991. A number of former
Politically, his promotion of GLASNOST and Comecon countries quickly established links
PERESTROIKA fed into reform movements with the EC with a view to future membership
in much of eastern Europe (see (which the former GDR managed in 1990
REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91): and while through GERMAN REUNIFICATION)
the USSR responded with force in some cases, through Europe Agreements, including
as in Estonia and Latvia in early 1991, the Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland in
Brezhnev doctrine was explicitly rejected. In 1991.
this climate of change, the issues that had Cominform Abbreviation for Communist
maintained the Cold War broadly Information Bureau, an international
disappeared. In the aftermath, new tensions communist organisation under Soviet
developed around such diverse issues as leadership (see COMMUNISM). In mid-
NATIONALISM, the political power 1947, STALIN and MOLOTOV promoted the
struggles in the wake of communist idea of re-establishing an international
domination, and the development of former organisation through which communist
communist countries as capitalist markets. parties in different countries could discuss
Comecon Abbreviated title of the Council for issues under Soviet guidance, although the
Mutual Economic Assistance, a Soviet-led revival of the THIRD INTERNATIONAL
trading area for eastern Europe. Comecon was was rejected. The timing was linked to the
established under STALIN’S leadership in announcement of the MARSHALL PLAN,
January 1949, both as a way to boycott and fitted into the early COLD WAR context.
Yugoslavia, and as a response to the The Cominform was subsequently
MARSHALL PLAN and the established at a meeting in Poland in
ORGANISATION FOR EUROPEAN September 1947, attended by delegates from
ECONOMIC COOPERATION (OEEC). the communist parties of Bulgaria,
Consisting originally of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Hungary,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Yugoslavia.
communism 28

French and Italian involvement was all parts of Europe, some of which were used
particularly problematic for the USA, as it was in the immediate post-SECOND WORLD
seen as evidence of Soviet influence beyond WAR period as the basis of Soviet
the areas taken by the Red Army at the end of IMPERIALISM (see COLD WAR) until the
the SECOND WORLD WAR. In June 1948, REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91 destroyed the
as part of the wider clash between Stalin and party’s power base in the USSR. Although
TITO over Balkan policy, the Yugoslav some communist parties remained active in
communist party was expelled. The eastern Europe and elsewhere, these
organisation subsequently served as a channel revolutions were widely interpreted as
of communication between communist signalling the death of communism.
parties until the early KHRUSHCHEV period However, the re-emergence of communism in
in the USSR. In April 1956, Khrushchev Russia in the mid-1990s, and the survival of
dissolved it, both as a bridge-building non-European communist governments (such
exercise with Tito, and in order to demonstrate as those in China, Cuba and the Democratic
to the USA that the USSR did not plan to People’s Republic of Korea), suggest the
infiltrate non-communist countries through short-term perspective of such an
front parties. interpretation.
Comintern see THIRD INTERNATIONAL. Compromise of 1867 see AUSGLEICH.
communism Political and economic Confederation of the Rhine Political
ideology. Communism, as it emerged into organisation of the southern and central
mainstream continental political discourse German states under French control during
through the writings of MARX and ENGELS the NAPOLEONIC WARS. In 1806, after
in the mid-nineteenth century, had some roots France’s defeat of HABSBURG and Prussian
in earlier models of utopian, classless forces at the battle of AUSTERLITZ,
societies, often with Christian connotations. NAPOLEON organised a number of the
Under Marx and Engels, however, medium-sized central and southern German
particularly through the Communist states into a federal alliance system, thereby
Manifesto of 1848, communism was reshaped destroying the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.
as an ideal, ultimate state of human social The Confederation was expanded between
development which would come about 1807 and 1810, finally covering an area from
inevitably as a result of classes struggling over the French border to the Austrian border, and
power and resources. It was projected to from the Baltic in the north to the Tyrol in the
follow a period of proletarian control, and south. The Confederation was forced to
would be characterised by common comply with the CONTINENTAL SYSTEM
ownership of all goods and services, and by an of economic warfare against the UK, and
end to state control: in this, it shared some member states had to provide troops for
ground with both ANARCHISM and Napoleon’s campaigns. The Confederation
SOCIALISM. It differed from these other dissolved in 1813: as France’s military defeats
ideologies in its emphasis upon economic mounted after the battle of LEIPZIG, so
determinism, with all political change being individual states deserted the system.
caused by economic forces. While socialism Conference on Security and Cooperation
remained the more significant ideology in Europe (CSCE) International
through the rest of the nineteenth century, the organisation. The CSCE was formed as a
appropriation of the label ‘communist’ by the result of the Helsinki conference of 1973– 75.
BOLSHEVIKS from 1918, and their Originally composed of thirty-five nations, it
promotion of Marx as read by LENIN as the was established by treaty in August 1975 to
ideological foundation of the revolutions of act as a forum for the discussion of a wide
1917 (see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS range of issues – including disarmament,
1917), recast communism: it became closely security, human rights, economic and
identified with state economic planning, and a technical cooperation, and the environment –
repressive management of political activity. that were of mutual interest to nations from
This model influenced communist parties in NATO and the WARSAW PACT, as well as to
29 Constantine I

neutral states: as such, its creation was a key conservatism Political and economic
event in the détente period of the COLD ideology. While conservatism has developed
WAR. The CSCE held irregular but lengthy most fully as a partisan ideology in the UK,
meetings, at Belgrade in 1977 and 1978, particularly from the mid-nineteenth century
Madrid from 1980 to 1983, Vienna from 1986 onwards in the form of the Conservative party,
to 1989, and an extraordinary meeting for it also developed in continental Europe. It
heads of governments took place in Paris in emerged in the wake of the FRENCH
November 1990. This meeting concentrated REVOLUTION as an anti-reformist
on the issues raised by the ending of the Cold ideology, in which the dramatic changes
War and the REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91: it caused to established and inherited forms of
included the signing of the Conventional authority – the state, the monarchy, the church
Forces in Europe treaty, and the Charter of – were condemned, and attempts were made
Paris which set out agendas for post-Cold War to reverse them. Theoretically, this came
developments. The CSCE continued to work through in the writings of Joseph de Maistre
on the same common interests, developing and others; while practically and politically, it
closer links with the UNITED NATIONS. In was evident in the anti-revolutionary work of
1994, by which time it had fifty-three states as the QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE. However,
members, it changed its name to the the growth of LIBERALISM,
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in NATIONALISM and SOCIALISM that was
Europe, a change which reflected its altered evident by the third quarter of the nineteenth
status and institutional growth. century, and the changes in various countries’
Congress System Structure for international economies being caused by
meetings between the victorious powers of INDUSTRIALISATION, encouraged
the NAPOLEONIC WARS, 1815– 23, with conservatives to develop a more dynamic and
France from 1818. At the end of the Congress progressive ideology which could challenge
of Vienna (see VIENNA, CONGRESS OF) in the growing numbers of alternatives on
1815, Austria, Prussia, Russia and the UK (see display. By the end of the century, parties and
QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE) agreed to meet alliances based on some form of
in congress at intervals to discuss their conservatism, often involving land-owners,
common concerns. The system, devised industrialists, peasants, the military and the
mainly by METTERNICH, recognised that Church, were active throughout Europe. In
the wartime allies had diverse peacetime the twentieth century, conservatism continued
objectives and interests, but created a forum to influence a number of parties, particularly
for the mutual discussion of both general and those historically specifically linked to
specific issues. In all, four other congresses religious denominations, such as the Catholic
were held: at AIX-LA-CHAPPELLE in 1818 Centre party in Germany, and Christian
(which included France); TROPPAU in 1820; Democrat parties in the Federal Republic of
LAIBACH in 1821; and VERONA in 1822. Germany and Italy after the SECOND
The system increasingly came to be used as a WORLD WAR.
conservative agency working against the Constantine I (1868–1923) King of Greece,
development of LIBERALISM and 1913–17, 1920–22. The eldest son of George
NATIONALISM anywhere in Europe, with I, Constantine led the Greek army in the
increasing pressure from France, the BALKAN WARS of 1912–13 before
HABSBURG empire, Prussia, and Russia for succeeding to the throne on George’s
the powers to intervene in civil wars. The assassination in 1913. He opposed
UK’s opposition to such moves weakened the VENIZELOS’ pro-allied policy during the
Congress System, which effectively FIRST WORLD WAR, a line which led to
dissolved after France invaded Spain in 1823 Anglo-French pressure on Greece in 1917. In
without the formal backing of the other June 1917, Constantine abdicated in favour of
powers. Despite these failings, the system can his son, Alexander; but after Alexander died
be seen as an experiment in international in 1920, a plebiscite supported Constantine’s
diplomatic cooperation. return to the throne. However, the loss of
Constantine II 30

territory through the GREEK-TURKISH rejection of British influence. See ATATÜRK,

WAR forced him to abdicate again in 1922. He GREEK-TURKISH WAR.
died in Sicily the following year. Continental System France’s economic
Constantine II (born 1940) King of Greece, blockade against the UK during the
1964–73. The son of Paul I, Constantine NAPOLEONIC WARS, lasting from 1806
succeeded to the throne in 1964 at a difficult until 1813. After the battle of Trafalgar of
time in Greek politics caused by the ongoing October 1805, NAPOLEON shifted his style
ENOSIS struggle and by tensions between the of war against the UK to an economic one by
military leadership and the constitutional introducing the Continental System, first
politicians. In April 1967, Constantine decreed at Berlin in November 1806. By
supported the anti-parliamentary coup by the closing French, allied and satellite ports to
GREEK COLONELS; but his change of British trade, the system aimed to disrupt the
attitude and attempt to oust the colonels in UK’s economy and so force the British
December 1967 ended in failure. He left government to sue for peace. It was also
Greece for exile in Italy. In 1973 the military designed as an internal imperial economic
government declared Greece a republic, and policy to allow French industry and
Constantine’s rejection was finalised by an commerce to develop without British
anti-restoration vote in a referendum of competition (see IMPERIALISM). The
December 1974. British government responded in January
Constantinople agreement (March– April 1807 by imposing duties on all neutral ships
1915) Secret FIRST WORLD WAR treaty trading with continental Europe. The French
between France, Russia and the UK on response to this came in the Milan Decree of
OTTOMAN territories. In March 1915, the December 1807, which ordered all neutral
naval part of the Franco-British ships to comply with the blockade. The treaty
DARDANELLES CAMPAIGN was called of TILSIT brought Prussia and Russia into the
off. In the context of this failure to set up a system, while Portugal and Spain were
speedy defeat of the Ottoman empire, and of included in 1808, one of the acts which
Russia’s early defeats in eastern Prussia (see precipitated the Peninsular War.
TANNENBERG), France and the UK The blockade worked to a point, as the UK
negotiated a secret agreement with Russia as a suffered a recession from 1808 until 1811, and
way of maintaining Russian interest in the it forced the UK into a war with the USA in
war. The Constantinople agreement 1812 over neutral shipping. However, it was
recognised British and Russian interests in the difficult to enforce without a greater naval
Ottoman empire, and provided mutual force, and it was undermined in many areas by
assurance for control of those areas after the smuggling and corruption. It was also diluted
war. The UK had interests in Arabia, by official exemption licences which were
Mesopotamia and Syria: in return, Russia was issued to allow an exit for some French
to be allowed to incorporate Constantinople, surpluses, including grain and wine, from
the Bosphorous, the bulk of European Turkey, 1809, while the UK partially offset the
and the Dardanelles. The magnitude of the blockade’s effects by developing its trade
agreement lay in the fact that it went against a links with South America and Asia.
long tradition in British policy of limiting Internally, the system did help the
Russian interests in the Straits. In 1918, when development of some French industries,
the BOLSHEVIKS declared themselves free particularly textiles. Russia’s abandonment of
of inherited treaty obligations, they published the blockade from 1810 precipitated
the Constantinople agreement (see RUSSIAN Napoleon’s Moscow campaign of 1812, and
REVOLUTIONS 1917). The embarrassment the system collapsed in 1813 in line with
caused by this helped to confirm the post-war France’s military reverses.
mood for an end to secret diplomacy (see Corfu incident International crisis of 1923.
FOURTEEN POINTS). It also fed into In August 1923, five Italians working in Corfu
Turkish republican nationalism and its on an international mission to establish the
Albanian-Greek border were murdered.
31 Crimean War

MUSSOLINI reacted with force by COMMUNITY). The Council has expanded

bombarding Corfu and by sending in an in each decade of its existence, with new
invading force. The Italian grounds for this members including the Federal Republic of
intervention were to gain recompense for the Germany in 1951, Austria in 1956,
dead men, and also to help protect Albania’s Switzerland in 1963, Spain in 1976, Hungary
interests, although Corfu’s location made it in 1990 and Czechoslovakia in 1991: the
strategically worthwhile in its own right. timing of many of these memberships stresses
Greece appealed to the LEAGUE OF the Council’s role as a promoter of democratic
NATIONS, which found broadly in favour of traditions, as does the suspension of Greece
Italy, and ordered the Greek government to during the period of the GREEK
pay compensation. However, Mussolini did COLONELS. By 1996, the Council had forty
not immediately withdraw the Italian forces: member states.
this did not occur until late September, after Crimean War (1853–56) War between
British and French pressure. Although the Russia and Turkey, the latter allied with
incident left Corfu in Greek hands, it France, the UK and others. In March 1853,
demonstrated Mussolini’s preparedness to NICHOLAS I attempted to claim special
use force at this early stage of his government, protection rights for Orthodox Christians in
and helped to boost his domestic popularity. It the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. This came in
also showed up the League of Nations’ response to NAPOLEON III’S acquisition of
weaknesses, particularly the fact that without similar rights over Ottoman Catholics. The
an armed force of its own it was unable to religious and ethnic issues brought longer-
remove occupying armies.
term strategic interests in the Balkans to a
Council of Europe International
head, with France, the HABSBURG empire,
organisation. In May 1949, in the wake of the
Prussia, Russia and the UK all showing an
SECOND WORLD WAR, the Council of
interest in the affair. In June 1853 the Turkish
Europe was set up by ten governments. It was
designed to be a truly European organisation government denied Nicholas I the requested
that did not affect the political rights or rights. Russia invaded the Ottoman territories
sovereignty of any member nation, and was of Moldavia and Wallachia in October 1853,
thus welcomed by some governments which led Turkey to declare war. The
(notably the UK) which were more sceptical following month, a Turkish fleet was beaten at
of any supranational model. The original Sinope. The fear of Russian success in the
members – Belgium, Denmark, France, Straits led to Franco-British intervention. In
Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, January 1854, a combined naval force entered
Norway, Sweden and the UK – were soon the Black Sea and sailed for Varna, where it
joined by Greece, Iceland and Turkey, and the met with a land force in April, having jointly
Council began work in Strasbourg in August declared war on Russia in March and
1949. Its two main bodies were a consultative attempted an ineffective campaign in the
assembly and a committee of ministers: and Baltic. Russia withdrew its troops from
while both had powers to debate issues and Moldavia and Wallachia in August 1854 after
recommend responses to member Habsburg threats, and had to face an allied
governments, it was given no executive or landing at Eupatoria in the Crimea in
legislative power. In 1955, it established the September. The allies were aiming to capture
European Court of Human Rights. From the the port of Sevastopol: and after battles at
outset, it concentrated on political, social,
Alma in September, Balaclava in October, and
cultural and humanitarian issues, and
Inkerman in November, they were able to
emphasised the notion of a common heritage
besiege Sevastopol from January 1855.
amongst European democracies while
Piedmont-Sardinia joined the alliance that
encouraging both sectoral and general
integration (see EUROPEAN COAL AND month, and Russian interests changed after
STEEL COMMUNITY, EUROPEAN Nicholas I’s death in March 1855 and the
COMMUNITY, EUROPEAN ECONOMIC accession of the less belligerent
Curzon Line 32

ALEXANDER II. In September 1855,

Sevastopol fell. Russia’s economic crisis, and D
its inability to continue the war against the
militarily superior allies, furthered its decline,
which was underlined in November 1855
when Sweden joined the alliance and
Daladier, Edouard (1884–1970) French
threatened to attack Russia in the Baltic. In
politician. Daladier entered the Chamber of
January 1856 Alexander sued for peace,
Deputies in 1919 as a Radical. He gained
which was settled at the treaty of PARIS in
extensive ministerial experience in the 1920s
March 1856. The Crimean War dead totalled
and early 1930s, notably as Minister of War
approximately 675,000, of whom some 80 per from 1932 to 1934, and was Prime Minister
cent died of diseases. for two short periods in 1933 and 1934. He
Crystal Night see KRISTALLNACHT. returned to the War Ministry in 1936, and
Curzon Line Nominal Polish-Russian became Prime Minister again in April 1938.
frontier. Poland’s eastern frontier was left His domestic record of public works was
unsettled at the PARIS PEACE largely over-shadowed by his pro-
CONFERENCE and in the resultant treaties. APPEASEMENT foreign policy, which led
In December 1919, in the context of growing him to support the MUNICH AGREEMENT
tension between Poland and Russia, the of September 1938. He resigned in March
Curzon Line (named after the British Foreign 1940, but stayed on as Minister for War until
Secretary, Lord Curzon) was proposed by the the fall of France in May 1940 (see SECOND
British government as a new frontier. It was WORLD WAR). He unsuccessfully
based in part on the idea of self-determination attempted to establish an anti-VICHY
(see FOURTEEN POINTS), taking account government-in-exile in North Africa, but was
of ethnic and religious groups in the disputed arrested and tried by the Vichy authorities for
areas. Running from Frodno in the north to the his part in taking France into the war. He was
Carpathian mountains in the south, the line imprisoned until 1945. He returned to politics
left majority Ukrainian, Russian and after the war, as a member of the National
Belorussian areas with predominantly Assembly from 1946 until 1958.
Orthodox populations outside Poland, while D’Annunzio, Gabriele (1863–1938) Italian
Poland retained majority Polish and Catholic writer and politician. A successful novelist
areas. However, the plan was not accepted by and poet, D’Annunzio was a deputy from
either the Polish or the Russian governments, 1897 to 1900. He favoured Italian expansion
and was not applied. A war between Poland in the Balkans, and argued in favour of Italy
and Russia in 1920 (see RUSSIAN CIVIL joining the FIRST WORLD WAR in 1914.
WAR) left Poland in a stronger position, and When Italy declared war the following year,
the treaty of RIGA established the new D’Annunzio volunteered, and served with
frontier to the east of the Curzon Line. A distinction, particularly in the air force. In
frontier based on the Curzon Line was used by September 1919, when the PARIS PEACE
the German and Soviet governments in the CONFERENCE overturned the terms of the
NAZI-SOVIET PACT of 1939, part of which treaty of LONDON of 1915, D’Annunzio led
defined mutual areas on domination in a a group of volunteers into the Adriatic port of
conquered Poland. The line also formed the Fiume, which had been awarded to
basis for the post-1945 Polish frontier with the Yugoslavia, and established a city state. This
USSR. lasted for sixteen months, and was
Custozza, battle of (July 1848) see characterised by a style of rule and display
AUSTRO-PIEDMONTESE WAR. later developed by MUSSOLINI’S Fascists
Custozza, battle of (June 1866) see (see FASCISM). D’Annunzio was forced out
AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR. of Fiume in January 1921 by the Italian
government. Despite supporting the Fascists
33 de Gaulle, Charles

and the MARCH ON ROME, D’Annunzio serving at first as Naval Minister. He became
retired from public life in 1922. more pro-German after the British attack on
Danton, Georges (1759–94) French the French fleet at Mers-el-Kébir in July 1940,
politician. A lawyer, Danton entered politics and, as Vice-Premier of Vichy from February
during the FRENCH REVOLUTION through 1941, entered into discussions with HITLER
the JACOBIN Club and the Paris Commune about military cooperation. Allied successes
in 1791. He encouraged the August 1792 in north Africa, combined with the German
attack of the Tuileries and the deposition of occupation of Vichy France in November
LOUIS XVI, and was also implicated, as 1942, caused Darlan to side with the Allies.
Minister of Justice, in the September He was assassinated by a French royalist in
massacres of 1792. When the TERROR was December 1942.
first instituted, he broadly supported it, and Dawes Plan see REPARATIONS,
was a member of the Convention and the GERMAN.
Committee of Public Safety. However, he De Gasperi, Alcide (1881–1954) Italian
later became more moderate, and spoke in the politician. A native of Trentino, De Gasperi
Convention against ROBESPIERRE and the entered the Austrian parliament in 1911 as a
extent of state terrorism. He was arrested in representative of a pro-Trentine autonomy
1794, charged with accepting bribes from party. When Trentino was awarded to Italy by
foreign governments during the FRENCH the treaty of ST GERMAIN, he entered Italian
REVOLUTIONARY WARS, and executed national politics with the Popular party, being
with many of his supporters in April 1794. elected to the Chamber of Deputies. An
Dardanelles campaign (1915) Allied opponent of FASCISM, he took part in the
military operation against the OTTOMAN AVENTINE SECESSION and lost his seat in
EMPIRE during the FIRST WORLD WAR. 1926, before being imprisoned until 1929. He
With stalemate established on the western returned to national politics in 1944 as a
front by the end of 1914, British planners leading member of the new Christian
turned their attention to the Balkans. An attack Democrat party. De Gasperi became Prime
on the Ottoman empire through the Straits was Minister in December 1945, and played a
planned as a way of weakening the central leading role in establishing the new republic.
powers through opening a third European An anti-communist, he helped to win US
front, and as a way of allowing the Russian backing for Italy, and ensured Italian
Black Sea fleet to enter the war. The attack involvement in the growth of European
started in February with an Anglo-French integration by taking Italy into NATO, the
naval bombardment of Turkish defences in COUNCIL OF EUROPE and the
the Straits, followed in March by a combined EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL
naval attack on the Straits. This was called off COMMUNITY. He resigned in 1953 after a
after the loss of four ships, after which troop relatively poor electoral performance, and
landings were attempted at Gallipoli. This died the following year.
campaign lasted until January 1916, and de Gaulle, Charles (1890–1970) French
ultimately failed for the allies, as the Ottoman soldier and politician. After serving in the
forces had been able to prepare for defence, FIRST WORLD WAR, de Gaulle taught and
and were armed with German artillery. The wrote on military theory, and commanded a
allied forces, comprised of Australasian, division in the SECOND WORLD WAR
British and French troops, lost 36,000 men. before taking up a ministerial post in the
Darlan, Jean (1881–1942) French admiral Ministry of Defence in 1940. He left France
and politician. A successful naval commander for London on the German victory of May
in the FIRST WORLD WAR, Darlan was 1940. From there, with assistance from the
made Commander-in-Chief of the French British government, he developed into a
navy in 1939. After France fell to Germany in leading figure in the French government-in-
May 1940 (see SECOND WORLD WAR), exile based on the FREE FRENCH
Darlan joined the VICHY government, organisation and its contacts in the French
Decembrist Conspiracy 34

RESISTANCE. Based in Algiers from 1943, the north and the south of Russia were
de Gaulle entered Paris in August 1944, and planning to stage a coup when ALEXANDER
helped to form a provisional government I died. The Tsar’s unexpected death in early
which was recognised by the victorious allies. December 1825 (hence ‘Decembrists’) forced
He served as provisional President for ten the issue, and in the three-week succession
weeks from November 1945, but resigned crisis that followed a number of small-scale
over the limited presidential powers in the rebellions were staged. The most significant
new constitution. Under the Fourth Republic, took place in St Petersburg, where
he offered a distant leadership to the right- approximately 3,000 troops under
wing Union of the French People (RPF). As a conspiratorial officers took to the streets.
popular figure who could also work with the However, they surrendered when met by
military, he returned to prominence in 1958 loyalist troops, and this rising collapsed. Five
during the Algerian crisis as Prime Minister of leaders were executed, and over 200 exiled in
an emergency government. His acceptance of the aftermath as NICHOLAS I came to the
the post was conditional upon the revision of throne and consolidated his position. The plot
the constitution to include the presidential failed because the plotters were diverse and
powers for which he had previously called. heterogeneous, with no agreed tactics or
This revision became the basis for the Fifth objectives, and because no attempt was made
Republic, and de Gaulle was elected as its first to turn it into a popular rebellion. In this
president in 1958, a post he kept until the 1965 context, and with a predominantly loyal
election. He initiated decolonisation, despite military, the Tsar was difficult to topple.
this losing the support of some sections of the However, the plot did show that not all
army (see also IMPERIALISM). His members of Russia’s elites were content with
government was characterised by a number of the country’s political structure, and it
foreign policy strands, including the provided an example of how some of the
promotion of a Franco-German relationship, FRENCH REVOLUTION’S ideas were
the courting of eastern European countries, spreading to all parts of Europe.
and the development of the EUROPEAN Delclassé, Théophile (1852–1923) French
ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (EEC) without politician. Delclassé entered the Chamber of
British or American involvement. He also Deputies in 1889, and quickly advanced,
developed a French nuclear capability, and taking office as Minister of Colonies in 1893
took France out of NATO. Although he until 1895. From here, he advocated an
remained a popular figure in France, his expansionist line, but also recognised that
domestic policies were overshadowed by France would need to compromise with either
these international concerns, and the lack of Germany or the UK. As Foreign Minister
investment in education and welfare from 1898, he promoted friendly relations
precipitated riots in Paris in May 1968. He with the UK that led to the signing of the
resigned the following year when he lost a ENTENTE CORDIALE in 1904, and with
constitutional referendum which developed Italy as a way of weakening the TRIPLE
into a general vote of confidence. ALLIANCE. He was forced to resign over the
Decembrist Conspiracy (1825) Russian MOROCCAN CRISIS in 1905. He served as
coup attempt of 1825. During and after the Naval Minister from 1911 to 1913, again
NAPOLEONIC WARS, a number of promoting cooperation with the UK, and as
members of the Russian nobility and military Ambassador to St Petersburg from 1913 to
elites became influenced by western 1914. In 1914, Delclassé was reappointed as
European political ideas. A number of Foreign Minister, and also as Minister of War.
individuals formed secret societies, in some His main success in this period of the FIRST
cases based on freemasonry, as fora for the WORLD WAR was the treaty of LONDON of
discussion of such issues as economic reform, 1915.
republicanism, constitutionalism, and the Deniken, Anton (1872–1947) Russian
abolition of serfdom. By 1825, groups in both soldier. Deniken joined the army at the age of
35 Dimitrov, Georgi

fifteen. He served as a major in the Russo- the Depression can be seen in unemployment
Japanese War of 1904, and as a staff officer in terms: in Germany, for example,
the FIRST WORLD WAR, achieving the rank unemployment rose to 4,500,000 in July
of general in February 1917. He was 1931, and to 6,000,000 by 1932,
committed to the provisional government that approximately 30 per cent of the workforce; in
emerged from the February 1917 revolution Poland, by 1936 approximately 6,000,000
(see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS 1917), and people were out of work, roughly 45 per cent
commanded the Russian forces on the western of the workforce. The Depression’s impact
and south-western fronts until the October lessened as the 1930s went on, helped by
revolution. He joined with other counter- rearmament and the growth of consumer-led
revolutionaries after the Bolshevik seizure of economies, but the economic uncertainties it
power, and became the commander of a White produced in the early 1930s clearly
Russian army in the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR. contributed to the rise of right-wing politics in
After some successes in the Caucasus and the Austria, Germany (see NAZISM, THIRD
Ukraine in 1918 and 1919, his force was REICH), Greece, Poland and elsewhere (see
repelled by the Red Army under TROTSKY, FASCISM). During the SECOND WORLD
and pushed back into the Caucasus. He WAR, planning for a more stable post-war
escaped from Russia, later living in both international economic system was based on
France and the USA. the assumption that another depression on this
Depression, Great (1929 onwards) Major scale could be averted. See BRETTON
international economic depression. In the late WOODS CONFERENCE.
1920s, the US economy began to suffer from Dimitrov, Georgi (1882–1949) Bulgarian
agricultural over-production and a decline in politician. A trade union activist and social
demand for consumer goods. This fed into a democrat, Dimitrov was elected to the
general depression which, in October 1929, Sobranje in 1913. He was imprisoned for his
became catastrophic when panic trading on opposition to Bulgaria’s involvement in the
the New York investment markets caused the FIRST WORLD WAR. In 1917 he joined the
Wall Street Crash. The US depression quickly Communist party. He was involved in the
impacted upon a number of European nations, 1923 coup against BORIS III, after which he
as so much of the European recovery since the left Bulgaria, living variously in Moscow,
FIRST WORLD WAR had been dependent Vienna and Berlin. He was active in the
upon investment and loans from the USA. In THIRD INTERNATIONAL, running its
1931, the primary Austrian bank collapsed, Bulgarian section from Berlin from 1929. In
causing investors in banks throughout Europe 1933 he was charged with starting the
to withdraw their assets; Germany’s banks Reichstag fire, but he used the trial to criticise
were also temporarily closed in the summer of the Nazis (see NAZISM, THIRD REICH) and
1931 to prevent drains on reserves. The to defend COMMUNISM. After his acquittal,
sudden disappearance of foreign investment the German government deported Dimitrov to
hit agriculture and industry in many countries, the USSR. He returned to Bulgaria in 1945 as
particularly Austria and Germany, causing the head of the provisional government, and,
employers to cut their costs through as Prime Minister from 1946, he was
redundancies and closure of factories and influential in framing the new Soviet-style
workshops. Many countries raised tariffs and republican constitution. However, he
other duties, which in turn depressed attempted to follow a foreign policy
international trade still further. The USA’s independent of Moscow, seen most obviously
moratorium on REPARATIONS, while in his links with TITO and the 1947 friendship
helping the defeated nations of the FIRST pact with Yugoslavia. He shifted this policy
WORLD WAR, hit recipient nations, such as after STALIN’S personal intervention. He
Belgium, Greece and the UK. The impact of
Dollfuss, Englebert 36

died in office in July 1949 while visiting was found guilty of war crimes and crimes
Moscow for medical treatment. against peace at the NUREMBERG TRIALS,
Dollfuss, Englebert (1892–1934) Austrian for which he served a ten-year prison
politician. Dollfuss served in the FIRST sentence.
WORLD WAR before entering politics Dragashan, battle of (June 1821) see
through the Farmers League and the Christian GREEK WAR OF INDEPENDENCE.
Social party. He became Minister of Dreikaiserbund (Three Emperors’ League)
Agriculture and Forestry in 1931. His relative (1873) Informal agreement between the
success in dealing with the impact of the emperors of Austria-Hungary, Germany and
DEPRESSION launched him to higher office Russia. In the aftermath of the FRANCO-
as Chancellor and Foreign Minister in May PRUSSIAN WAR of 1870–71 and the
1932. He attempted to keep Austria from formation of the German empire (see
by developing links with Hungary and Italy, worked with ANDRÁSSY to develop and
and tried to stabilise Austrian politics by promote good relations between Austria-
closing down extreme parties. This involved Hungary, Germany and Russia. The
an increasingly dictatorial style of rule: he Dreikaiserbund, based on talks between
suspended parliament, and outlawed both the WILLIAM I, ALEXANDER II and
Communist and Nazi parties in 1933. In FRANCIS JOSEPH, offered an opportunity
February 1934, Dollfuss provoked and then for this. The League did not involve any
violently suppressed a socialist rising in concrete commitments: it simply set up a
Vienna; and in May, he introduced a new forum for the discussion of issues of mutual
fascist-style constitution with dictatorial interest, and allowed the imperial powers to
power for the chancellor and corporate condemn republicanism. The League
structures for the economy (see FASCISM). declined in 1875 over Russian opposition to
He was murdered by Austrian Nazis during Germany’s anti-French stance, and
their unsuccessful Anschluss attempt of July effectively collapsed as a result of the treaty of
1934. SAN STEFANO in 1878 due to Austria-
Döntiz, Karl (1891–1980) German sailor and Hungary’s and Russia’s different aspirations
politician. Dönitz joined the German navy in in the Balkans. In 1881, Bismarck developed
1910, and served in the FIRST WORLD a more formal Three Emperors’ Alliance
WAR, specialising from 1916 in submarines. between the same powers. By this, each power
A prisoner of war in the UK at the end of the committed itself to neutrality if any one other
war, he rejoined the navy on his return to partner was involved in a war, and agreed to
Germany. Dönitz welcomed the Nazi allow change in the Balkans only through
government (see THIRD REICH), and was agreements. The alliance, which was renewed
given resources to develop submarine in 1884, also formalised Austria-Hungary’s
building and strategy after the ANGLO- and Russia’s respective areas of influence in
GERMAN NAVAL AGREEMENT of 1935. the Balkans, and closed the Black Sea.
He was promoted to Rear Admiral and Dreyfus affair (1894–1906) French political
Commander-in-Chief of submarines in 1940, crisis. In December 1894 Captain Alfred
carrying the main responsibility for U-boat Dreyfus, a Jewish artillery officer serving on
attacks on allied shipping in the Atlantic. In the French General Staff, was convicted in a
1945, HITLER named Dönitz as his court martial of passing military secrets to the
successor, with Dönitz taking on the role of German Embassy in Paris. The evidence
Chancellor on 1 May 1945 after Hitler’s against him was extremely weak: but he was
suicide. He established a predominantly non- sentenced to life on the prison colony of
Nazi cabinet, and attempted to make a Devil’s Island. In 1896, evidence began to
separate peace with the western allies. When emerge that Major Marie-Charles Esterhazy
this proved unsuccessful, he declared had been the real spy, and that the case against
Germany’s unconditional surrender. Dönitz
37 Dunkirk, treaty of

Dreyfus had been based on forgeries made by by Germany’s unconditional support for
another officer, Colonel Hubert-Joseph Austria-Hungary was a factor in the latter’s
Henry: but this evidence was suppressed. In belligerent attitude in 1914. In 1882, the
January 1898, the issue became much more parallel TRIPLE ALLIANCE was formed,
public when the novelist Emile Zola which brought Italy into alliance with the
published an open letter, ‘J’ accuse!’, in Dual Alliance partners
CLEMENCEAU’S journal L’Aurore, which Dual Entente see FRANCO-RUSSIAN
made specific allegations about officers ALLIANCE.
forging evidence and lying. The publicity Dubcek, Alexander (1921–92)
aroused by this campaign led to the case being Czechoslovakian politician. Born in
re-opened, and to Henry’s arrest and suicide. Slovakia, Dubcek grew up in the USSR. He
In August 1899 Dreyfus was retried: the court returned to Czechoslovakia in 1938, and
martial confirmed his guilt, but allowed for joined the Communist party. After fighting in
‘extenuating circumstances’, and reduced his the RESISTANCE during the SECOND
sentence to ten years. He was subsequently WORLD WAR, he became a party official and
pardoned by the president, and his innocence returned to the USSR in the mid-1950s for
was finally recognised by a civil court in 1906. further political education. He succeeded
The anti-Dreyfus campaign reflected the NOVOTNY as the party’s First Secretary in
growth of ANTI-SEMITISM in France: 1968, and immediately introduced reforms
Dreyfus was one of the few highly placed designed to relax some of the more repressive
Jews in the French military. This campaign features of communist rule, a period which
was also associated with monarchists, the became known as the PRAGUE SPRING. The
Catholic Church, and the higher sections of reforms, coupled with his plans for an
the military establishment. The pro-Dreyfus independent foreign policy, precipitated the
campaign mobilised republican and socialist Soviet invasion of 1968. Dubcek was forced
opinion, with his backers seeing the to withdraw the reforms and recant his
conviction of an innocent man as evidence of deviation. He served as President of the
the power held by the army and the church. As Federal Assembly from 1968 to 1969, and as
such, it contributed to a rise in anti-
Ambassador to Turkey, before being expelled
clericalism. Overall, the scandal embodied
from the party in 1970. After the revolution of
and aggravated some of the THIRD
1989 (see REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91),
REPUBLIC’S weaknesses: and, along with
Dubcek returned to national politics as
the BOULANGER AFFAIR and other
scandals, it served to discredit the Chairman of the Czechoslovakian
establishment. Parliament, a position he held until his death
Dreyfus, Alfred see DREYFUS AFFAIR. in 1992.
Dual Alliance (October 1879) Military treaty Dunkirk, treaty of (March 1947) Mutual aid
between Austria-Hungary and Germany. In treaty between France and the UK. The first
the context of worsening relations between European pact to be signed in the aftermath of
Russia and Germany after the BERLIN the SECOND WORLD WAR, the treaty of
CONGRESS of 1878, ANDRÁSSY and Dunkirk provided for mutual military aid for
BISMARCK developed the idea of an fifty years in case of an attack on either
alliance as a block against Russian country by Germany. It also provided for
aggression. The secret alliance provided for economic consultation between the two
mutual aid if either partner was attacked by governments, which laid the foundations for
Russia, and for neutrality in the case of an the BRUSSELS TREATY of 1948.
attack by another country. The alliance was Dunkirk evacuation (May June 1940) see
designed to be renewed as appropriate, and SECOND WORLD WAR.
thus became a key part of both countries’ Duppel, battle of (April 1864) see
diplomacy until 1918. The security provided SCHLESWIG WAR.
Ebert, Friedrich 38

E respectively, and became the head of the

GESTAPO’S Jewish Evacuation Department
in 1941. Eichmann attended the Wannsee
conference of January 1942 which attempted
to coordinate the FINAL SOLUTION, and
eastern policy see OSTPOLITIK. was made responsible for the overall
Ebert, Friedrich (1871–1925) German administration of the process, directing such
politician. Ebert joined the Social Democratic areas as transport and gas chamber
party (SPD) in 1889, and entered the construction. He personally oversaw the
Reichstag in 1912. The following year he deportations of Hungarian Jews in 1944.
became the party’s Chairman. An anti- Eichmann was arrested by US troops in 1945,
revolutionary, he was appointed Chancellor in but he escaped and left Europe on a Vatican
November 1918 in the immediate aftermath passport. In 1960 Israeli agents kidnapped
of the collapse of the German empire. He him in Argentina and took him to Israel for
helped to establish the WEIMAR trial. He was found guilty of war crimes,
REPUBLIC, and to quell the revolutionary crimes against humanity, and crimes against
situation in Germany through a pact with the the Jewish people, and executed in 1962.
army that guaranteed the latter a great deal of emancipation of the serfs (Russia) (February
autonomy. The National Assembly made him 1861) Russian socio-economic reform.
provisional President of the Republic in Serfdom had developed in many parts of
February 1919. Despite his dislike of the harsh Europe as a form of socio-economic
terms of the treaty of VERSAILLES, he management. Although practices varied
accepted it, an act which ensured his between areas, it involved private, state or
vilification by many. Ebert was due to stand Church ownership of individual domestic and
for election as president in 1922, but his agricultural workers. The individual serfs had
provisional term of office was extended due to few freedoms, although owners had various
the instability of the time. He was obligations towards them. The practice came
unsuccessfully tried for treason in 1924 after under attack during the FRENCH
allegations that he had taken part in a REVOLUTION, and it was abolished in many
munitions strike during the First World War. areas occupied by the French army during the
Ebert died in office the following year. FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS and
Ebro offensive (July 1939) see SPANISH the NAPOLEONIC WARS. The
CIVIL WAR. REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 saw its abolition
EC See EUROPEAN COMMUNITY. in the HABSBURG empire. However, it
ECSC see EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL survived in Russia. After the defeat of the
EDC see EUROPEAN DEFENCE address a number of long-term structural
COMMUNITY. weaknesses in Russia’s polity, economy and
EEC see EUROPEAN ECONOMIC society. In 1856 he specifically addressed
COMMUNITY. serfdom, and called for its reform as it was
EFTA see EUROPEAN FREE TRADE seen as economically inefficient, and as a
ASSOCIATION. cause for political discontent. At this stage,
Eichmann, Adolf (1906–62) German approximately 22,500,000 people were serfs
administrator. Eichmann worked as a (31 per cent of the Russian population),
salesman before joining the Austrian Nazi owned by just over 200,000 individuals, while
party in 1932 (see NAZISM). He moved back the state owned an additional 19,000,000.
to Germany, and joined the Jewish department Between 1857 and 1861 the details of
of the Nazi intelligence organisation, the SD. emancipation were developed, which fed into
The head of the SD’s Office for Jewish the emancipation edict of February 1861. The
Emigration from 1935, Eichmann edict represented a compromise between the
administered the Jewish migrations from perceived need for reform and the vested
Vienna and Prague in 1938 and 1939 interests of the landowners who would be
39 Entente Cordiale

losing their labour force. Individual serfs were 1842. These views were expressed and
given their freedom, and allowed to buy the popularised in The Condition of the Working
land they currently worked and run it on Classes in England, published in 1845. He
private commercial lines. The state provided met MARX in 1844, and worked with him in
loans to help with the capital costs of the radical press in Germany. He also joined
purchase: while private landowners were the Communist League in 1847, took part in
compensated by a system of redemption pay- the revolution of 1848 in Baden (see
ments, to be paid over forty-nine years. In REVOLUTIONS OF 1848), and co-wrote
practice, the costs involved meant that most of The Communist Manifesto with Marx in 1848.
the land went into collective ownership He moved back to England in 1849, working
through the mir system of rural communes, for his family’s cotton firm until 1870. He
where conservative influences tended to continued to work with Marx, both by
retard agricultural experimentation and thus providing funds for him and by editing his
reduce productivity. The emancipation thus writings. Engels was a founder of the
failed to improve the efficiency of Russian SECOND INTERNATIONAL, and an
agriculture, particularly in the context of a adviser to the founders of the German Social
growing population, while the income losses Democratic party. He continued working on
suffered by individual peasants created a new Marx’s writings after Marx died in 1883,
set of causes for social and political discontent playing an important part in making Capital
in the countryside. and other texts ready for publication.
Enabling Act (March 1933) German enosis (Greek: ‘union’) Notion of political
legislation. On 5 March 1933, the Nazis (see union between Greece and Cyprus. The
NAZISM) failed to win an absolute majority concept of enosis emerged in both Cyprus and
in the national election which followed Greece during the nineteenth century, owing
HITLER’S appointment as Chancellor. In much to broader trends of nationalism and
order to achieve full power, the Nazis unification at a time when Cyprus became a
introduced an enabling bill under the British possession. After British control was
WEIMAR REPUBLIC’S constitution, formalised by the treaty of LAUSANNE in
designed to give the government emergency 1923, calls for enosis recommenced in various
powers without consulting the Reichstag. The political and cultural fora. It emerged as a
bill, entitled the ‘Law for removing the major political cause in the 1950s, promoted
distress of People and Reich’, was introduced diplomatically by MAKARIOS, and through
to the Reichstag on 23 March. With Nazi violence against the British administration by
paramilitaries in the building, only the Social EOKA (National Organisation of Cypriot
Democrats voted against the bill, which was Fighters) from 1955. British interests in
passed by 441 votes to 94. The centre and maintaining influence in the region led to a
right-wing parties supported it. The act gave compromise settlement negotiated in 1959:
the government power to rule for four years Cyprus was made independent and allowed
without consulting the Reichstag, and the into the British Commonwealth. The idea of
power to alter the constitution. It also union with Greece survived this, and re-
undermined the role of the presidency. It thus emerged in 1974 when the GREEK
created the legal framework for the COLONELS organised a pro-enosis coup on
establishment of the Nazi dictatorship. To Cyprus. However, this provoked a Turkish
comply with technicalities, the act was invasion and subsequent colonisation of
renewed in 1937, 1939 and 1943. See also northern Cyprus, which gradually led to the
THIRD REICH. development of two separate states on the
Engels, Friedrich (1820–95) German island, divided by a UNITED NATIONS
political theorist. Engels came from a rich force.
cotton manufacturing family, but developed Entente Cordiale (French: ‘cordial
communist ideas (see COMMUNISM), agreement’) (April 1904) Agreement
particularly after observing industrial between France and the UK, made in April
conditions in England, where he moved in 1904. Colonial disputes between France and
Erfurt Union 40

the UK had created tension in the 1880s and prominence as an advisor to the occupation
1890s, particularly in Egypt and the Sudan forces on economic reconstruction in
(see IMPERIALISM). In 1899, these were Germany after the SECOND WORLD WAR,
diluted by talks on spheres of influence: but, in most notably as Chairman of the Economic
the context of apparently increasing German Executive Council of the British and
hostility towards both countries, the Entente American zones in 1948. He entered
Cordiale was established as a more formal parliament as a Christian Democrat in 1949,
settlement and as a means to improve and was immediately appointed Minister for
relations. Negotiated by Lord Lansdowne and Economic Affairs by ADENAUER. Helped
DELCLASSÉ, the Entente formally by the general recovery in western Europe,
recognised British rights in Egypt and French Erhard oversaw the Federal Republic of
rights in Morocco, while also dealing with Germany’s ‘economic miracle’, promoting
other disputed areas, such as Madagascar and growth through policies that favoured
Siam. The Entente had no military aspect, and investment, encouraged immigration,
was maintained in the early stages through promoted non-confrontational labour
increasing cultural and trade links between relations, and provided a welfare system
the two countries, and through British royal within a capitalist economy, a model he
patronage. However, the MOROCCAN described as the ‘social market economy’. He
CRISIS of 1905 brought the partners closer became Deputy Chancellor in 1957, and
together, and joint military talks began in succeeded Adenauer as Chancellor in 1963.
1906. In 1907, a colonial agreement between He was less successful in this role than he had
Russia and the UK, combined with the been as a specialist, and he resigned over
FRANCO-RUSSIAN ALLIANCE of 1894, contested tax increases in 1966.
effectively brought France, Russia and the Ethiopian War see ITALO-ABYSSINIAN
UK into an alignment which became known WAR.
Cordiale influenced France’s relations with Euratom Abbreviation for the European
the UK through the FIRST WORLD WAR Atomic Energy Community. Euratom was
and into the inter-war period and beyond. See created by the treaty of ROME of March 1957
treaty of DUNKIRK. at the same time as the EUROPEAN
Erfurt Union Union of German states, 1850. ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (EEC), and
After the failure of the FRANKFURT with the same membership of Belgium, the
PARLIAMENT to produce a constitution for Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), France,
a unified Germany that was acceptable to Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. It was
Prussia, FREDERICK WILLIAM IV of designed to provide integration in the
Prussia established a union of German states important sector of atomic and nuclear
at Erfurt in March 1850. Aiming to develop a energy, providing the members with the
new unified state under Prussian leadership, means to develop this energy source at a time
discussions opened in April. However, of uncertainty over more traditional sources.
Bavaria and other influential states refused to Euratom was part of the wider structure of the
join the union, and Austria resisted the early European communities, sharing the
Prussian attempt at dominance in northern Assembly and Court of Justice with the EEC
Germany. Prussia was not strong enough to and the EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL
fight Austria over this issue, and Frederick COMMUNITY, but, until 1967, it had its own
William backed down at the Olmütz budget, Council of Ministers and
Convention of November 1850, agreeing to Commission, along with an advisory
dissolve the Erfurt Union and restore fully the Scientific and Technical Committee. In 1967
structure of the GERMAN Euratom was fully merged with the other
CONFEDERATION. communities. The membership of Euratom
Erhard, Ludwig (1897–1977) West German has been the same as that of the EEC and its
politician. An economist, Erhard first came to successor, the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY.
41 European Economic Community

European Atomic Energy Community see for the three communities, the EC also
EURATOM. developed as a forum for the discussion and
European Coal and Steel Community development of other ideas on European
(ECSC) European economic organisation for integration, both by sector and in general. For
the coal and steel industries. The ECSC was example, early ideas on monetary union and
based on the French politician Robert social conditions were discussed through EC
Schuman’s plan of 1950 as a supranational structures; and the single market envisaged in
body to promote and develop the key the 1957 treaty of ROME was set up by the EC
industries of coal and steel. These were seen through the 1986 SINGLE EUROPEAN
as vital due to their significance for post- ACT, which also looked towards greater
SECOND WORLD WAR reconstruction in political integration. By the MAASTRICHT
all countries, and because supranational treaty of 1991, the EEC was formally renamed
control of them could prevent unilateral as the European Community, while the
rearmament by any members. The ECSC was EUROPEAN UNION emerged as the
established between Belgium, the Federal political agency.
Republic of Germany (FRG), France, Italy, European Defence Community (EDC)
Luxembourg and the Netherlands by the Projected supranational military
treaty of Paris of April 1951, and started work organisation. In October 1950, the French
in July 1952. Based in Luxembourg, and Prime Minister René Pleven proposed the
consisting of a Council of Ministers, an formation of a joint army for the six
Assembly (using existing members of signatories of the 1951 treaty of PARIS which
parliamentary bodies from member states), a had created the EUROPEAN COAL AND
High Authority, and a Court of Justice, the STEEL COMMUNITY (ECSC), Belgium,
ECSC encouraged the designated industries the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG),
through dropping internal tariffs, promoting a France, Italy, Luxembourg and the
free labour market, and providing training and Netherlands. This proposal for a common
development schemes. In 1967 the ECSC army was seen largely as a way of allowing the
formally merged with the other European FRG to rearm in a controlled environment.
communities, the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC The Pleven Plan outlined a structure in which
COMMUNITY (EEC) and EURATOM, each member state would provide troops
under the new structure of the EUROPEAN proportionate to its size, with units made up of
COMMUNITY. The ECSC is widely seen as troops from different nations. In May 1952 the
a sector-based prototype for the more general six governments duly signed the European
EEC and later organisations. Defence Community treaty in Paris.
European Community (EC) Administrative However, despite its successful ratification in
and legislative organisation for European five of the countries, the plan ran into
sectoral communities. The EC was formed in resistance in France, based predominantly on
1976, based on a 1965 treaty, to provide a fears of German rearmament. Despite a
common administrative framework and number of attempted solutions, the National
support system for the three European Assembly voted against the treaty in August
communities: EURATOM, the EUROPEAN 1954. The EDC was thus never formed.
COAL AND STEEL COMMUNITY However, integrated military policy was soon
(ECSC), and the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC encouraged by the establishment of the less
COMMUNITY (EEC). While each controversial WESTERN EUROPEAN
organisation maintained its own identity, the UNION.
EC provided shared resources through a European Economic Community (EEC)
common European Commission, an enlarged International economic organisation. The
Assembly (see EUROPEAN EEC was established by the treaty of ROME
PARLIAMENT), a Council of Ministers, the of March 1957. It was designed to provide a
ECSC’s European Court of Justice, and the common trading area with no internal tariffs
European Investment Bank. While working and freedom of movement for investment,
European Free Trade Association 42

goods and workers, which built on the sectoral ECONOMIC COOPERATION (OEEC)
integration exemplified by the EUROPEAN moved towards a looser structure of economic
COAL AND STEEL COMMUNITY cooperation which would have trading
(ECSC). It also aimed to promote economic benefits, but would not look towards political
expansion and to enhance the living standards integration or supranationalism in the way
of populations in member states, while the that the EEC did. The result was EFTA, which
political context of the post-SECOND began work in May 1960, consisting of
WORLD WAR and COLD WAR period was Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal,
evident in its desired aim to improve relations Sweden, Switzerland (with Liechtenstein)
between member states. It originally and the UK, known collectively as ‘the seven’
consisted of ‘the six’: Belgium, the Federal in contrast to ‘the six’ members of the EEC.
Republic of Germany (FRG), France, Italy, With Finland as an associate member from
Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The EEC 1961, EFTA’s main work was in reducing
began work in January 1958. In 1963 and tariffs on industrial goods between the
again in 1967, UK applications to join were member countries. Although EFTA expanded
rejected through France’s veto. In 1967 the in 1970 when Iceland joined, it quickly began
EEC joined with the other two European to diminish in significance as its members
communities, EURATOM and the ECSC, began to move into the EEC and its successor
under the umbrella organisation of the organisations: Denmark and the UK left in
EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (EC). After DE 1973, followed by Portugal in 1986, although
GAULLE’S resignation from French politics Finland gained full membership of EFTA in
in 1969, the EEC began to expand, both in size the same year. In 1995 Austria, Finland and
and remit: in 1973, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden all left, resulting in the dissolution of
Norway and the UK joined (although Norway the rump of EFTA.
then withdrew after a negative referendum European Parliament Parliament of the
result); in 1975 it established trading EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (EC) and
arrangements with the EUROPEAN FREE subsequently the EUROPEAN UNION (EU).
number of African nations; and Greece joined STEEL COMMUNITY (ECSC) established
in 1981, followed by Portugal and Spain in an Assembly, made up of seventy-eight
1985. By the MAASTRICHT treaty of 1991, members from member nations’ own
the EEC was renamed as the European parliaments. This expanded in 1958 after the
Community as part of a rearrangement of the treaties of ROME to cover EURATOM and
growing number of European organisations. EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY
In 1995 Austria, Finland and Sweden joined. (EEC) affairs, taking on the name European
The EEC achieved its target of a customs Parliamentary Assembly, and comprising 142
union in ten years, with the system envisaged members. Its functions included scrutiny of
in the treaty of Rome being set up in July 1968. the budgets and constitutions of the
Agricultural products began to be subsidised communities. It expanded again in 1973,
in common from 1962, with a more extensive when Denmark, Ireland and the UK joined the
common agricultural policy in place from EEC, this time to 198 seats. In 1976 the
1968. However, the aim of a single market was composition of the parliament was changed
delayed, not least by the international by the EC’s Council of Ministers: from 1978,
economic crises of the 1970s; but it was members would be directly elected by voters
finally embodied in the 1986 SINGLE in member nations, rather than be nominated
EUROPEAN ACT, and introduced in 1992. from existing national parliaments. The first
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) elections under this system were held in 1979,
Intergovernmental organisation for economic and have been held quinquenially since then.
cooperation, formed in Stockholm in The size of the Parliament, a title formalised
November 1959. After the establishment of by the 1986 SINGLE EUROPEAN ACT,
the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC grew with new accessions to the EC in 1981
COMMUNITY (EEC) in 1957, a number of and 1986, when Greek, Portuguese and
the other member governments of the Spanish membership took the size of the
ORGANISATION FOR EUROPEAN parliament up to 518 seats; while Austrian,
43 fascism

Finnish and Swedish membership of the EU His main concern was the growing threat of
and the EC from 1995 took the total to 626. MUSSOLINI’S Fascists (see FASCISM),
The significance of the Parliament increased who took over Bologna and Milan during the
after 1986 and 1991, when the Single summer. Facta attempted to undermine the
European Act and the MAASTRICHT treaty Fascists through secret talks and by
gave it powers of sovereignty over national threatening forced suppression, and he
parliaments in some areas. requested emergency powers from VICTOR
European Union (EU) International political EMMANUEL III to help prevent Mussolini’s
organisation, established in 1992. The idea of threatened MARCH ON ROME. The King’s
a political union had informed many of the refusal precipitated Mussolini’s arrival in
sectoral integrations of the 1950s (see Rome and Facta’s resignation in October
STEEL COMMUNITY (ECSC), Falange Spanish political party. In 1933, José
This developed more fully within the RIVERA’S son, formed the Falange
EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (EC) during Españole (Spanish Phalanx) as a new
the 1970s and 1980s, particularly as the movement for the radical right. Influenced by
significant and as the EC itself grew. In was opposed to republicanism, capitalism and
February 1992 the twelve member states of Marxism, and promoted an Italian-influenced
the EC – Belgium, Denmark, France, model of corporatism and a German-
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, influenced model of NATIONALISM. It
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, remained a minority grouping, consisting
Spain and the UK – signed the mainly of radical students, who were involved
MAASTRICHT treaty on European Union, in street violence in Madrid and elsewhere. It
which formally established the EU as an became more significant after the February
overarching body for the members’ common 1936 election, won by a POPULAR FRONT
activities. The EU maintained the EC as its coalition, and attracted some support from
economic wing (based on the 1957 EEC), Catholic and military circles. It was attacked
while also formalising the common interests when the SPANISH CIVIL WAR started in
of its members in defence, security, policing July 1936, with Primo de Rivera being
and social conditions. The EU expanded imprisoned and subsequently executed by the
further in 1995, when Austria, Finland and government. FRANCO worked with the
Sweden joined; and, in the post-COLD WAR Falange, and effectively appropriated it in
setting, negotiations for entry with twelve April 1937 in his bid to gain a political
other European nations, including Bulgaria, movement to focus the nationalists’ war
Hungary, Malta and Slovenia, began. effort. He merged the Falange with Carlist
European Union, treaty on (1991) see groups (see CARLISM), thereby promoting a
MAASTRICHT, TREATY OF. combination of traditional and modern
nationalist politics: the reformed grouping
was named the Traditional Spanish Phalanx
(FET). The FET peaked in influence between
1939 and 1942, when, on Italian lines, its

F Grand Council acted as the country’s

legislature. During the latter stages of the
SECOND WORLD WAR, the fascist aspects
were diluted. It remained the only legal
political party in Spain throughout Franco’s
Facta, Luigi (1861–1930) Italian politician. dictatorship, although its actual influence was
Facta entered parliament in 1892, and held a limited. The FET finally closed down in 1977,
number of ministerial posts in GIOLITTI’S two year’s after Franco’s death.
government, before becoming President of fascism Political ideology. Fascism
the Council of Ministers in February 1922. developed in Italy in the immediate aftermath
Ferry, Jules 44

of the FIRST WORLD WAR, although it drew SECOND EMPIRE who entered the
on some older traditions in European political Assembly in 1869. An opponent of the
and cultural thought, particularly FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR, he was Mayor
NATIONALISM and romanticism. The name of Paris from 1870 until 1871, and
came from the Fascio di Combattimento, a subsequently one of the architects of the
Milan-based anti-communist militia formed THIRD REPUBLIC. As Minister of
in 1919, who appropriated the fasces, a Education from 1879 until 1884, Ferry led the
classical Roman symbol of authority. This legislative attack on sectarian education in
grouping formed the basis for MUSSOLINI’S France with a number of reforms: these
political career: and it was through his included the introduction of free, compulsory,
dictatorship in Italy from 1922 until 1943 that lay primary education; the establishment of
fascism was first and most fully applied. It girls’ schools; and the closure of religious
rested on a number of positive ideas: that the teaching orders. Ferry also served as Prime
state was greater than any individual or Minister from 1880 to 1881, and again from
agency under it, for example, and that political 1883 to 1885. His periods of office saw a
divisions should be suppressed in the interests number of general liberal reforms, such as
of the state’s strength. It also stressed press freedom and trade union protection, as
militarism, nationalism and economic self- well as colonial expansion (see
sufficiency. However, it was also strongly IMPERIALISM). His policies here led to
characterised by its oppositional and France gaining Tunisia, the French Congo,
reactionary nature, as it was promoted as greater control of Madagascar, and Annam.
being against COMMUNISM, He resigned in 1885 when the Chamber of
LIBERALISM, SOCIALISM and Deputies refused to grant funds for war in
democracy. As such, it relied heavily upon Indo-China. He stood unsuccessfully for
propaganda, the promotion of a strong president in 1887. He was assassinated in
leadership, and internal terrorism against 1893.
opponents and potential opponents. Final Solution German government’s name
Beyond Italy, fascism influenced a number for the attempted genocide of the European
of similar movements: and while its Jews, 1941–45. ANTI-SEMITISM was
specifically national identity made the notion always central to NAZISM, and German Jews
of international fascism contradictory, Italian in the THIRD REICH suffered various forms
values, styles and policies were imitated in a of discrimination and maltreatment (see
number of parties, drawing largely on youth, ANTI-SEMITISM, NUREMBERG LAWS).
the middle classes and ex-servicemen. For Moreover, HITLER spoke and wrote on a
example, fascism influenced NAZISM in number of occasions about the prospect of
Germany, the FALANGE in Spain, various massacring Jews. At the start of the SECOND
movements in France, the IRON GUARD in WORLD WAR, Polish Jews were
Romania, and the governments of HORTHY concentrated into ghettos and camps, while
in Hungary, PILSUDSKI in Poland, and the Nazis explored forced migration and
SALAZAR in Portugal. A number of these resettlement as ways of removing Jews from
developed ANTI-SEMITISM as a central part the territories they conquered. Mass killing as
of their appeal, although this was not present a solution developed in June 1941 as part of
in the original Italian model. While fascism the German invasion of the USSR (see
was widely discredited by the SECOND BARBAROSSA): special mobile units
WORLD WAR, it re-emerged on the political followed the army and carried out mass
fringes in a number of countries from the shootings of Jewish civilians along with
1970s onwards, as economic recession and political commissars and others. This was
colonial migration influenced some on the most probably based on a verbal order from
extreme right to adapt the inter-war ideology. Hitler to HIMMLER, whose Defence Unit
Ferry, Jules (1832–93) French politician. (SS) were the primary killers. In January 1942
Ferry was a lawyer and a journalist during the the killing became more clearly formalised at
45 First World War

the Wannsee conference, under homosexuals, and the mentally and physically
HEYDRICH’S guidance, which identified disabled. The concentration on the term the
approximately 11,000,000 Jews in Europe ‘Final Solution’, which related specifically to
and modelled extermination as the ‘final Jews, and more recently the religious term
solution to the Jewish problem’. Increasingly, ‘Holocaust’, occasionally hides these other
specially constructed gas chambers at six victims of Nazi racial policy.
camps in Poland (Auschwitz-Birkenau, First Coalition see FRENCH
Belzec, Chelmno, Lublin, Sobibor and REVOLUTIONARY WARS.
Treblinka) were used. Through these, victims First International (International Working
were killed more quickly than by the mass Men’s Association) Federation of working-
shootings and the experimental mobile gas class organisations, established in London in
chambers of 1941, although other methods of September 1864 as the International Working
killing continued in various locations. The Men’s Association (IWMA). The IWMA was
disposal of corpses was also easier in the established by trade unionists, liberals and
camps than in the open shootings. From socialists from various parts of Europe who
February 1942, large numbers of Jews from recognised their growing interests in the
ghettos, concentration camps, Germany, and context of nationalist risings and
conquered territory were transported to these parliamentary reform (see ANARCHISM,
extermination camps, of which Auschwitz- LIBERALISM, NATIONALISM,
Birkenau had the greatest capacity: large- SOCIALISM). It attracted a number of
scale gassings started there in June 1942. Jews leading figures from radical politics,
in some areas fared relatively better than in including MARX and ENGELS, as well as
others, depending on indigenous levels of followers of MAZZINI and PROUDHON.
anti-semitism and the form of the country’s This diversity of traditions and ideologies
relationship with Germany: in conquered meant that the IWMA was always internally
Poland, where anti-semitism had regularly unstable, with socialist, liberal, anarchist and
been evident, some 88 per cent of the Jewish nationalist wings in perpetual struggle. In
population was killed, compared to 26 per 1868–9, as it adopted a broadly socialist
cent of Italian Jews, where more liberal programme, the movement was split by
traditions and the alliance with Germany differences between Marx and BAKUNIN,
afforded some protection until 1943. In the who favoured revolutionary tactics: these
final stages of the war, the killings were differences resulted in Bakunin’s expulsion in
stopped, and the SS attempted to destroy the 1872. The Association declined in influence
evidence, although the liberation of camps by thereafter, and broke up in 1876. It was
allied forces uncovered the extent of the subsequently used as a model by the
programme. Exact figures have been SECOND INTERNATIONAL, and gained a
impossible to establish, but the total number retrospective significance as the ‘First
of casualties falls somewhere between International’.
4,000,000 and 6,000,000. In September 1952, First World War (1914–18) Multinational
the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and global conflict, in which the main
Israel established the Restitution Agreement, protagonists were the DUAL ALLIANCE
under which the FRG’s government paid partners Austria-Hungary and Germany, and
3,000,000,000 marks in compensation to be the TRIPLE ENTENTE allied partners of
distributed amongst Israeli survivors. France, Russia (until November 1917) and the
In addition to the Jewish victims of the UK, although many additional alliances and
final solution, Nazi racial policy also interventions developed around these core
earmarked individuals from other groups for countries.
killing on racial grounds. These included The conflict was rooted in long-term
Gypsies, Slavic peoples from conquered rivalries over IMPERIALISM, armaments,
territories (including prisoners of war), and and the interests of different countries in the
those deemed unfit for reproduction, such as Balkans. With the TRIPLE ALLIANCE and
First World War 46

the Triple Entente developing generally this costly campaign failed to open up a
mutually hostile military strategies in the significant new Balkan front, although an
years before 1914, and Austro-Hungarian and attack on Salonika in October 1915 proved
Russian policies in the Balkans creating great more successful. Serbia was defeated in
tension (see BOSNIAN CRISIS, BALKAN October 1915 after Bulgaria joined Austria-
WARS), many commentators felt a wider Hungary and Germany. The war also
conflict to be imminent. The war started over extended in 1915 through Germany’s use of
the Balkans in the summer of 1914 when the submarine attacks on enemy merchant
heir to the HABSBURG throne, Archduke shipping, and through German and British use
Francis Ferdinand, was assassinated by Slav of air raids. In May 1915 Italy left the TRIPLE
nationalists in Sarajevo. Austro-Hungarian ALLIANCE by the treaty of LONDON of
demands to the Serbian government for action April 1915, and entered the war against
against nationalists accelerated the crisis, Austria-Hungary (and against Germany in
leading, between 28 July and 12 August, to August 1916); while in the east, Russia lost
Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war on most of Poland during the course of the year.
Serbia, Russia’s mobilisation against Austria- The western front saw fresh offensives in
Hungary, Germany’s declaration of war on 1916, with a German attack at VERDUN in
Russia and France, Austria-Hungary’s February and a Franco-British attack on the
declaration of war on Russia, and French and SOMME in July, but neither campaign
British declarations of war on Austria- managed to create any significant change in
Hungary. the front lines, despite high casualty figures.
The war in western Europe began with a In June 1916, the Russians staged the
German strategy based on the SCHLIEFFEN BRUSILOV OFFENSIVE, which failed after
PLAN, aimed at the conquest of France and Germany moved troops to the eastern front.
the Low Countries before attention shifted to The war’s only major sea battle took place
the east. This started successfully, but the between the British and Germany navies at
invasion of Belgium brought the UK into the Jutland in May, as a result of which the
war (see LONDON, TREATY OF, 1839). The German fleet remained relatively inactive.
advance was stopped at the MARNE in Italy was beaten by the Austro-Hungarians at
September, and Paris was never encircled. Asiago in June, although the allies also gained
German attempts to work round the Belgian, new support from Romania and Portugal, and
British and French and seize key Channel made some advances against the Ottoman
ports were also stopped at Ypres and Yser in empire in Salonika and in Mesopotamia.
October and November. From this stage, with In April 1917 Germany’s submarine
both sides entrenched and backed by heavy attacks brought the USA into the war
artillery, the western front became static. In (extended to Austria-Hungary in December),
the Balkans, Austria-Hungary invaded Serbia providing the allied powers with significant
in August, but was beaten back three times new resources. The Russian Revolution of
before securing Belgrade in December 1914. February 1917 (see RUSSIAN
The OTTOMAN EMPIRE joined the Dual REVOLUTIONS 1917) destabilised Russia’s
Alliance powers in November 1914. In the war effort, and was encouraged by Germany,
east, the AustroHungarian invasion of Poland although Russia did not withdraw from the
and the Russian invasion of Prussia and war until December, after a series of mutinies
Hungary established a long front on which and the BOLSHEVIKS’ October revolution.
Russia experienced heavy defeats, as at Further offensives on the western front,
TANNENBERG in August and the Masurian notably those in Artois and the Champagne,
Lakes in September, before a more static line failed to break the German lines, although
settled in December 1914. gradual expensive victories, as at Arras in
In February 1915 the western powers May, Ypres in November, and Cambrai in
attempted to open another front and release November and December, set up the basis for
the Russian Black Sea fleet by attacking the a temporary breakthrough on Germany’s front
Ottoman empire in the DARDANELLES: line. In the south, the Italians were beaten at
47 Foch, Ferdinand

CAPORETTO in November, after which production targets in heavy industry,

Austria-Hungary temporarily ended its electrical power, and for the collectivisation
campaign rather than press further into Italy. of agriculture (which helped to pay for the
The Ottoman empire continued to suffer high level of state investment needed for the
defeats in its Asian territories through 1917. industrial plans). The second plan, declared in
The final Russian surrender in March 1918 1933, continued to emphasise these sectors
(see treaty of BREST-LITOVSK) allowed along with consumer goods and rearmament;
Germany to concentrate its efforts on the while the third plan of 1938 placed a priority
western front with a major offensive in April, on defence-related industries. Planning
but this was halted: and, in late September, continued after the SECOND WORLD WAR,
allied attacks managed to break the main with plans in 1946 and 1951 concentrating on
German line. In the same month, Bulgaria and reconstruction.
the Ottoman empire surrendered, with Broadly, the plans achieved their aims of
armistices imposed in September and October increasing the USSR’s industrial capacity and
respectively, while Austria-Hungary power supplies, and in exploiting mineral
surrendered in November after being beaten resources. Some of the successes included
by Italy at Vittoria Veneto. With mutinies in Europe’s first hydroelectric dam, built on the
Germany’s forces, and a revolution deposing Dneiper, as well as massive production and
WILLIAM II, Germany requested an output increases in most of the sectors
armistice in November 1918. The settlement covered. Moreover, the development of new
of the war was made in a number of treaties industrial areas in eastern and southern areas,
arising out of the PARIS PEACE such as the oil, coal and metallurgical
CONFERENCE. developments in the Fergana Valley in
Beyond Europe, the First World War Tashkent, and the mining and machine
involved colonial wars in Africa, Asia and the building plants of Kusbass, meant that much
Far East, and involved Japan as well as British of the country’s productive capacity was
colonies and dominions. relatively safe from foreign aggression. In this
The total number of casualties caused by context, the first three plans were undoubtedly
the war was in the region of 9,000,000, significant in the USSR’s victory in the
including 1,700,000 Russians, 1,700,000 Second World War. Moreover, they set the
million Germans, 1,300,000 French and foundations for the USSR’s postwar status as
1,200,000 million Austro-Hungarians. The a major industrial nation. However, these
war witnessed the development of new successes were achieved at high prices. The
military technologies, most notably the tank collectivisation of agriculture led to between
and poison gas, while the application of aerial 10,000,000 and 14,000,000 deaths, with an
and submarine technology to military needs additional 6– 7,000,000 dying in the related
extended the war to merchant and passenger Ukrainian famine of 1932–3. Labour in all
shipping and to civilian and industrial affected sectors came under rigid disciplinary
settlements behind the front lines. regimes, with excessive punishments being
five year plans Series of Soviet economic imposed for under-achievement, absenteeism
plans, 1928–51, central to STALIN’S policy and perceived sabotage. The longterm
of industrialising and modernising the USSR. environmental impact was also problematic, a
After the mixed economy of Lenin’s NEW legacy revealed after the collapse of the USSR
ECONOMIC POLICY, Stalin moved towards (see REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91). Despite
a command economy in which state planning the mixed costs, the five year plans were
directed production and policy. Driven by a adopted as a model elsewhere, including
number of factors, including the country’s Germany in 1936 (see THIRD REICH), and in
need to catch up with the other industrial post-1945 Sovietbloc countries.
nations, and by the government’s desire to Foch, Ferdinand (1851–1929) French
crush perceived agrarian reaction, the soldier. Foch fought in the FRANCO-
planning process began in 1928 with the PRUSSIAN WAR of 1870–71, and later went
institution of the first plan. This established on to teach and write on military strategy. He
Fouché, Joseph 48

took an active role in the early stages of the some of the issues covered contravened
FIRST WORLD WAR at the MARNE and in existing secret treaties between the other
Flanders. After commanding the French allies, such as the treaty of LONDON of 1915.
forces at the SOMME in 1916, Foch briefly Six of the points covered general issues of
retired, but he returned in May 1917 as principle for the future management of
PÉTAIN’S Chief of Staff. In 1918 he became international relations: that there should be no
Commander-in-Chief of the allied forces on more secret diplomacy; that all seas should be
the western front, organising the summer free; that tariffs should be removed; that all
offensive that directly led to the German countries should disarm; that imperial powers
collapse and surrender. Foch was promoted to should negotiate changes in colonial matters;
the rank of Field-Marshal in 1919. He was and that a new international organisation
active at the PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE, should be set up to act as a forum for
pressing CLEMENCEAU for a harsh arbitration of disputes between countries. The
settlement on Germany, and helped to oversee remaining eight were geographically specific,
Germany’s compliance with the military although the principle of ‘self-
clauses of the treaty of VERSAILLES. determination’, to be defined in contested
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) areas through plebiscites, underpinned many
see UNITED NATIONS. of them: in this way, the Fourteen Points
Fouché, Joseph (c. 1763–1820) French recognised the decline of continental
politician. An Oratorian, Fouché renounced European empires, and attempted to promote
the Church at the time of the FRENCH the nation state as the ideal model (see
REVOLUTION of 1789. He became active in IMPERIALISM, NATIONALISM). Under
the Nantes JACOBIN club, and entered the this heading, three of the points covered the
National Convention in 1792. As a Austro-Hungarian, OTTOMAN and Russian
representative-on-mission during the empires, all of which should give up their
TERROR, he was responsible for many possessions, which would then become
deaths in Nantes and elsewhere, and for a independent states: moreover, the point
fervent anti-clerical policy. His excesses here, relating to the Ottoman empire recommended
which included the removal of crosses from that the Straits be open to all shipping.
churches and the posting of atheistic slogans Belgium, Poland and the Balkan countries
in cemeteries, placed a rift between Fouché were highlighted for restoration, with Poland
and ROBESPIERRE, and he was involved in and Serbia also gaining access to the sea (see
the July 1794 Thermidor coup. After a period POLISH CORRIDOR). Alsace and Lorraine
out of politics, he became Minister of Police in should be returned to France (see FRANCO-
1799, and served NAPOLEON in this PRUSSIAN WAR), and the areas on the
capacity until 1810, when the Emperor Austro-Italian border should be allowed to
removed Fouché due to his English contacts practise selfdetermination before the border
(see NAPOLEONIC WARS). He worked would be settled.
with Napoleon during the Hundred Days in Although the Fourteen Points could never
1814–15, but also helped to bring about the have been binding, they were taken by some
Bourbon restoration, and served LOUIS politicians in the central powers as a likely
XVIII as Minister of Police in the summer of basis for a relatively favourable peace: this
1815. However, he was subsequently exiled idea was influential in the armistices of
from France as he had voted for LOUIS autumn 1918, and in the collapse of
XVI’S execution in 1793. monarchies and institution of republics that
Fourteen Points US President Woodrow coincided with the end of the war (see for
Wilson’s agenda for a post-FIRST WORLD example WEIMAR REPUBLIC). The points
WAR peace settlement. Wilson presented the were influential at the PARIS PEACE
points to Congress in January 1918 as an ideal CONFERENCE and in the resultant treaties,
basis for peace terms in Europe, although this not least in the creation of the LEAGUE OF
had not been agreed by the USA’s allies, and NATIONS, but the realities of Europe’s
49 Franco-Austrian War

geopolitical composition made full self- 1931. He returned to favour from 1933,
determination impossible. particularly when he led the repression of the
Fourth Coalition see NAPOLEONIC Asturias miners’ strike in 1934. In the same
WARS. year he was made Commander-in-Chief of the
Francis Joseph (1830–1916) HABSBURG Spanish forces in Morocco, followed by the
Emperor of Austria (1848–1916) and King of promotion to Chief of the General Staff in
Hungary (1867–1916). Francis Joseph May 1935. His fortunes dipped again in early
succeeded to the throne when his uncle, 1936 after the POPULAR FRONT’S victory,
Emperor Ferdinand, abdicated in December and his appointment as Governor of the
1848 (see REVOLUTIONS OF 1848). He Canary Islands was effectively a demotion.
strove to overturn the gains of the revolution, However, Franco became involved in the
both by abolishing the 1849 constitution in coup against the government, taking a
1851, and by taking a consistently hostile line decisive role in combining Foreign Legion
towards the nationalities within the Habsburg and native Moroccan troops and, with
empire (see IMPERIALISM, German help, airlifting them to the Spanish
NATIONALISM). Preferring to rule through mainland to begin the SPANISH CIVIL
centralised personal channels, he also led the WAR. In October 1936 the military leadership
empire’s foreign and military policy. of the rebel forces declared Franco
However, failures here in the 1850s and 1860s Generalissimo and head of state.
led to a decline in Austrian influence: defeats Combining the military with a right-wing
in the FRANCO-AUSTRIAN WAR in 1859 populist movement based on the FALANGE,
and the AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR in 1866 Franco led the nationalists through the war,
effectively ended Austrian power in the assuming the role of dictator on the nationalist
Italian states and the German states victory in 1939. Franco maintained Spanish
respectively (see also GERMAN neutrality during the SECOND WORLD
UNIFICATION, ITALIAN UNIFICATION). WAR, although Spain did provide the AXIS
Francis Joseph accepted the reconstruction of powers with facilities, resources and some
the Habsburg empire that followed in 1867 troops. His foreign policy after the war was
with the Ausgleich, becoming King of anti-communist, allowing for some
Hungary. His foreign policies in the 1870s cooperation with the west despite his system
were more successful, with the gaining of of government having fascist trappings.
Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1878 (see BERLIN Domestically, Franco, who assumed the title
CONGRESS) and the securing of the DUAL of El Caudillo (the Leader) in 1947, imposed
ALLIANCE the following year. While his a one-party state, run at first on corporate
heir Archduke Francis Ferdinand favoured lines, although the economy became more
greater Slav autonomy, the Emperor remained liberal in the 1950s. Spain remained socially
hostile to nationalist demands, a position that and culturally conservative, with key roles
hardened after the BALKAN WARS of 1912– given to the Roman Catholic Church,
13, and that came to a head after Francis landowners and the military. In 1969 Franco
Ferdinand’s assassination in Sarajevo in June named Juan Carlos, ALFONSO XIII’S
1914. Francis Joseph’s subsequent invasion grandson, as his successor, a succession that
of Serbia precipitated the FIRST WORLD duly took place on Franco’s death in 1975.
WAR. He died in 1916, and was succeeded by Franco-Austrian War (1859) War between
his great-nephew Charles for the two France, in alliance with Piedmont-Sardinia,
remaining years of the Habsburg empire. and the HABSBURG empire. In 1858,
Franco, Francisco (1892–1975) Spanish NAPOLEON III and CAVOUR settled the
soldier and politician. Graduating from the PLOMBIÈRES pact, which committed
Infantry Academy in 1910, Franco served in French troops to support Piedmont-Sardinia
the Spanish army in Morocco. Under against the Habsburgs. This was turned into a
ALFONSO XIII his career advanced, but it more formal alliance in January 1859, after
declined during the Second Republic after which Piedmont-Sardinia mobilised its
Franco-Prussian War 50

forces. A Habsburg ultimatum insisting on French were defeated in the field at Metz in
demobilisation was ignored, and the empire late October, and Paris finally capitulated in
moved against Piedmont-Sardinia in late late January 1871, ten days after Prussia and
April. The French intervention was decisive. its German allies had staged the declaration of
A more efficient mobilisation than that carried the German empire at Versailles (see
out by the Habsburgs, and a larger force, led to GERMAN UNIFICATION), although the
two quick victories in Lombardy: at Magenta surrender was resisted by the PARIS
on 4 June and at Solferino on 20 June. These COMMUNE, and was followed by a brief
battles were very costly to both sides – at period of civil war in France. The war was
Magenta, for example, approximately 11,000 settled by the treaty of Frankfurt (see
men were killed – and Napoleon III called for FRANKFURT, TREATY OF) in May 1871.
a peace as the Habsburg forces retreated into Franco-Russian Alliance (1894) Military
Venetia in July. Peace was made at the treaty alliance between France and Russia. In the
of VILLAFRANCA in July. Although context of growing German hostility towards
Cavour resigned over what he saw as a both France and Russia, exemplified by the
premature end to the war, the Habsburg creation of the TRIPLE ALLIANCE and by
defeats facilitated the expansion of Piedmont- Germany’s refusal of Russian loan requests,
Sardinia, and influenced local risings in Russia and France began to develop links with
various parts of the Italian states. See each other. Originally financial, through
ITALIAN UNIFICATION. French loans to Russia, these links allowed for
Franco-Prussian War (1870–71) War alliance negotiations from 1891, when
between France and Prussia and its German Germany refused to renew the
allies. After the AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR REINSURANCE TREATY with Russia and
of 1866, tensions between France and Prussia when the UK seemed to be moving closer to
developed, particularly over control of Alsace the Triple Alliance. The secret alliance,
and Lorraine. Prussian policy under sometimes known as the ‘Dual Entente’, was
BISMARCK seemed to favour a conflict with signed in St Petersburg in January 1894. By its
France as a way of securing Prussian terms, France and Russia agreed to assist each
domination of central western Europe, and as other in case of attack by any of the Triple
a means of ensuring a unified Germany under Alliance powers, and agreed to mobilise if any
Prussian dominance. In this context, Prussian of the Triple Alliance powers mobilised. The
backing for the HOHENZOLLERN Prince alliance was designed to terminate as and
Leopold to become king of Spain in 1868 when the Triple Alliance ended. It formed the
alienated France: and while Prussia backed basis for the TRIPLE ENTENTE. The
down over this, the subsequent French alliance ended in 1917 when the Bolsheviks
demand that the candidature would never be renounced all of imperial Russia’s treaty
raised again was managed in such a way that obligations. See RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS
both governments were offended. 1917.
NAPOLEON III declared war on Prussia in Frankfurt, treaty of (May 1871) Peace treaty
July 1870. The French plan for an attack on that ended the FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR
southern Germany, ideally with backing from of 1870–71. By the treaty, the newly unified
Italy, failed to develop: and the numerically German empire (see GERMAN
superior and well organised Prussians under UNIFICATION) gained Alsace and Lorraine,
MOLTKE attacked in north-west France. to be administered as an imperial territory.
Despite some early successes against the France had to pay a 5,000,000,000 franc
Prussians, one of the French armies was indemnity to Germany, and Germany
defeated at Sedan in early September, at established an army of occupation until the
which battle Napoleon III was captured. Two debt was repaid.
days later, politicians in Paris declared the Frankfurt Parliament Representative body
THIRD REPUBLIC, with the Prussians for the German states, 1848–49. During the
besieging the capital later in the month. The REVOLUTIONS OF 1848, pressure for a
51 Free French

unified Germany gave rise to the Prussia against France again in 1813, with the
establishment by liberals and nationalists of a Prussian army fighting at LEIPZIG, and
parliament for all of the German states, which Prussia joining the Fourth Coalition in 1814,
would work towards creating a constitution and supporting the British at the battle of
for a new nation state to replace the GERMAN WATERLOO in 1815. Under Frederick
CONFEDERATION (see LIBERALISM, William, Prussia made gains at the Congress
NATIONALISM). After elections in April of Vienna (see VIENNA, CONGRESS OF),
and May 1848, the new body, composed after which the king returned to a broadly
mainly of middle-class representatives, met at conservative policy, exemplified by his
Frankfurt. Under the presidency of Heinrich support for the CARLSBAD DECREES of
von Gagern, the Parliament appointed the 1819. He died in 1840, and was succeeded by
liberal HABSBURG Archduke John as the his son FREDERICK WILLIAM IV.
imperial administrator. Although the Frederick William IV (1795–1861)
Parliament attempted to establish a broadly HOHENZOLLERN King of Prussia, 1840–
liberal constitution, it was hampered by a 61. Frederick William IV succeeded his father
number of factors, most notably its lack of FREDERICK WILLIAM III in 1840. He
revenue-raising powers, its lack of an army, briefly favoured the idea of GERMAN
disagreements between members on the UNIFICATION, and showed some sympathy
borders of the projected new Germany, and to this cause during the REVOLUTIONS OF
the relative roles of Austria and Prussia within 1848, but he soon moved against it by
it. It produced a constitution in March 1849, dissolving the Prussian Assembly in
but quickly declined When FREDERICK December 1848. The following year he
WILLIAM IV of Prussia refused to become rejected the FRANKFURT
emperor of the projected state. The Parliament PARLIAMENT’S offer of a new role as
began to fragment after this, as a number of emperor of a unified Germany, as it did not
states rejected the constitution and withdrew come from the other German states’ princes.
their members, and it was eventually forcibly In 1850, he established the ERFURT UNION
dissolved in June 1849 after its radical in a bid to unite Germany through royal
remnant had moved to Stuttgart. agreement, but this collapsed due to
Frederick William III (1770–1840) HABSBURG opposition, and Frederick
HOHENZOLLERN King of Prussia, 1797– William was forced to cede Prussian
1840. Succeeding his father Frederick leadership of Germany by the treaty of
William II in 1797, Frederick William III OLMÜTZ. Between 1848 and 1850, he
came to the throne at a time of military crisis oversaw constitutional changes, establishing
in Europe (see FRENCH the relatively liberal framework that was to
REVOLUTIONARY WARS). He succeeded last in Prussia and then in Germany until 1918,
in keeping Prussia out of the Second Coalition which involved male suffrage to a two-tier
against France, and, at first, out of the Third assembly with powers of legislation and
Coalition. However, the possibility of the taxation, but with a power of veto for the
return of Hanover to the UK in 1806 pushed monarch. His policies became more
him to declare war on France (see inconsistent in the 1850s, as he reintroduced
NAPOLEONIC WARS), which led to the censorship and other reactionary measures. In
disastrous defeat at the battle of Jena and the 1858, Frederick William’s mental illness
loss of a third of Prussian territory at the treaty forced him to give way to his brother
of TILSIT in 1807. Frederick William William’s regency. He died three years later,
subsequently pursued a domestic reform and was succeeded by the regent as
programme, under the guidance of WILLIAM I.
HARDENBERG and STEIN, involving Free French Organisation of French military
constitutional, religious, educational and personnel, politicians and administrators
military reconstruction, and the emancipation working outside metropolitan France against
of the serfs. Frederick William involved the AXIS and VICHY powers during the
French Revolution 52

SECOND WORLD WAR. In June 1940 DE Constituent Assembly in June 1789, and was
GAULLE, in exile in London, began to joined by the clergy. The government’s
develop the Free French Forces (FFL) as a attempts to quell this essentially middle-class
movement which could continue to fight revolution by force were prevented when
against Germany. It had little success at first, mass risings in Paris in July 1789 led to the
as it was hampered by British attacks on the successful storming of the Bastille and the
French navy, and by the loyalty to Vichy collapse of royal authority in the capital. This
expressed by most French colonial pattern was followed in many other towns and
administrators. However, de Gaulle in rural areas. By early August 1789 the
developed the movement’s size and profile, Assembly had secured power, and over the
particularly by working with internal course of the following year introduced a
RESISTANCE movements, and by number of constitutional and legal reforms,
organising attacks on Vichy colonial troops in including the abolition of feudalism, the
1941. In July 1942 the movement was expropriation of crown and church lands, the
renamed as the Fighting French Forces (FFC); introduction of a new paper currency, the
and by 1943 the political and military wings Declaration of the Rights of Man and the
were broadly recognised by the western allies Citizen, and the Civil Constitution of the
as a government-in-waiting, as seen by their Clergy of July 1790 which reorganised the
involvement in the CASABLANCA Catholic Church in France. The increasing
conference, although de Gaulle continued to radicalism of the Assembly, particularly with
be a controversial figure. The FFC were this anti-clerical move, helped to polarise
involved in the battle for France after the opinions on the Revolution, from those
NORMANDY CAMPAIGN, and were the calling for a republic to those, including some
first allied troops into Paris in August 1944. foreign governments, wanting a full
Many figures involved in this movement restoration. The situation was brought to a
became significant local and national head by Louis’ unsuccessful escape attempt in
politicians in France after 1945. June 1791, and by the forced suppression of a
French Revolution (1789–99) Umbrella pro-republican meeting in Paris the following
term for series of events in France between the month, an event that became known as the
late 1780s and the late 1790s. These events Champ de Mars massacre. A compromise was
brought about changes in the way that France, made with the declaration of a new
continental Europe’s most populous and constitution in September 1791, which Louis
culturally advanced country of the period, was accepted, despite it limiting the crown’s
governed; and they had implications and powers.
effects on the systems of government and The Revolution subsequently became
political ideology throughout Europe and characterised by a more radical agenda when,
beyond. in April 1792, France declared war on Austria,
The changes became evident in the late a declaration that helped to bring foreign
1780s, when LOUIS XVI’S government was enmity to the Revolution to a head, and started
facing financial crisis, as a high national debt a series of wars that kept France at arms almost
and bad harvests had undermined the continually until 1815 (see FRENCH
economy. In the face of resistance to new REVOLUTIONARY WARS,
taxation and peasant risings in the NAPOLEONIC WARS). Louis’ opposition
countryside, Louis convened the Estates- to the Revolution’s successes made him a
General, a body composed of elected suspect during wartime, and he was
representatives from the three ‘estates’ effectively imprisoned from August 1792 as
(nobility, clergy, and the rest of the French military failures left Paris itself
population) which had last met in 1614. Once threatened. Fear of internal enemies at this
convened at Versailles in May 1789, the Third time also contributed to the massacre of over
Estate pressed for equal rights; when these 1,000 prisoners in Paris, including some
were not given, it declared itself the National nobles and priests, in the September
53 French Revolutionary Wars

massacres. Soon, however, French success at of Pillnitz of August 1791, requesting

the battle of VALMY led to a period of greater international consultation over LOUIS XVI’S
confidence and radicalism, seen most clearly role, and suggesting armed intervention to
in the declaration of the republic and the assist the king. In December 1791 the
introduction of a new REPUBLICAN Habsburg empire mobilised after French
CALENDAR, in late September. Louis was threats against émigré activity in Mainz and
tried, and executed in January 1793. Trier; and when the empire refused to back
The next significant period of change came down, France declared war in April 1792.
when military defeats coincided with anti- Prussia and Piedmont joined the Habsburgs,
conscription risings in the Vendée while France also declared war on Bohemia
department, which met with brutal and Hungary. In July, the Duke of Brunswick
suppression over the following year. In this provided a focus for the anti-French war effort
climate, the Convention handed much of its by declaring that the war aimed to bring about
day-to-day power to smaller emergency Louis’ restoration. France started the war
agencies, including the Revolutionary badly, with losses to the Prussians at Languy
Tribunal, the Committee of Public Safety, and and Verdun, which exacerbated internal
the Committee of General Security. Internal tensions and led to the September massacres
political disputes were increasingly managed and the commencement of the TERROR.
by this machinery of TERROR, initiated by However, the French army rallied and beat the
the suppression of the GIRONDINS in June Prussians at VALMY, a success which led to
1793, and followed by waves of judicial and the consolidation of the Revolution through
extra-judicial killings of individuals and the declaration of the republic, the decision to
factions identified as enemies of the state and try Louis, and, in November, the
the Revolution. ROBESPIERRE emerged as Revolutionary Manifesto which declared
the leading proponent of Terror, until he France’s willingness to support popular
himself fell victim to the factionalism in the revolutionary movements abroad. This period
Thermidor coup of July 1794. also saw French successes at Jemappes lead to
In July 1795 a new constitution established the occupation of Brussels, and, in the south,
the Directory as the executive, which lasted the occupation of Nice and Savoy.
until 1799 in a climate of domestic instability The war entered a new phase in the spring
and commitment to war. The Directory used of 1793 when, after Louis’ execution, France
force on a number of occasions against declared war on Great Britain, Holland and
internal dissent, including the suppression of Spain. This declaration gave the nations
the Vendémaire rising of October 1795, and opposed to France coherence as a coalition,
used the army against royalists and the right in subsequently styled the First Coalition.
the Fructidor coup of September 1797. Two France suffered a number of significant
years later, leading Directors, including defeats, including the battle of Neerwinden
SIEYÈS, engineered the BRUMAIRE coup, against the Habsburgs which pushed French
whereby NAPOLEON was brought in as First troops out of Holland in March; the Vendean
Consul in a new executive Consulate, and the revolt against conscription which diverted
Directory was abolished. resources into a civil war; and the defeat by the
French Revolutionary Wars Series of Spanish at Perpignan in April. France was
conflicts between France and other European close to collapse: but this was averted by
states between 1792 and NAPOLEON divergent aims within the Coalition which
Bonaparte’s BRUMAIRE coup of 1799. prevented a concerted push on Paris. The
Encouraged by émigrés who had left France French consolidated in the summer of 1793
after the revolutionary events of 1789–92 (see under CARNOT through the use of
FRENCH REVOLUTION), a number of conscription; and although the British navy
foreign governments were antagonistic took Toulon, France recovered enough to
towards the increasing radicalism of the defeat the Habsburgs in October and to re-
French government. This was made clear by enter Spain and Piedmont. This laid the
the joint HABSBURG-Prussian Declaration foundations for the major successes of the
spring and summer of 1794, including the
Gambetta, Léon 54

suppression of the Vendée, the removal of the Switzerland, Piedmont and on the Rhine,
Prussians and the Habsburgs from France, and although internal splits in the Coalition once
the occupation of Belgium. By the treaties of again prevented France’s defeat. In August
BASLE of 1795, France made peace with 1799 Napoleon abandoned his army in Egypt
Prussia, Holland and Spain respectively, and returned to France, where, in November,
gaining some territories and guaranteeing he staged his BRUMAIRE coup. The wars
Prussian neutrality. continued. See NAPOLEONIC WARS.
In March 1796, France concentrated on the Friedland, battle of (June 1807) see
Habsburg empire by sending two forces: a NAPOLEONIC WARS.
northern one under Jean Baptiste Jourdan and Fundamental Laws (May 1906) see
Jean Moreau, and one through the Italian RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1905.
states under Napoleon. Napoleon’s small
army was successful, with the Piedmontese
beaten by late April, giving France access to
the Alps. The Habsburgs were beaten at Lodi
in May and at Lonato in August, alongside
Napoleon’s treaties with Naples and the Papal
States. Despite some Habsburg successes
against Jourdan’s force, notably at
Gallipoli, battle of (1915) see
Altenkirchen in September, the Italian
expedition continued to go France’s way, with
further victories at Arcola in November and at
Gambetta, Léon (1838–82) French
Rivoli and Mantua in January 1797. In April,
politician. Gambetta was a lawyer who came
Napoleon and Archduke Charles signed an
to prominence for his attacks on the
armistice at Leoben, which became
government during the last stages of the
formalised at the treaty of CAMPO FORMIO
SECOND EMPIRE. Elected as a deputy in
in October.
1869, he opposed the FRANCO-PRUSSIAN
The war against Great Britain also
WAR, and helped to establish the THIRD
developed during this period. France’s ally
REPUBLIC in September 1870 on
Spain declared war on Great Britain in
NAPOLEON III’S collapse. He took the
October 1796, and in December peace talks
interior portfolio in the emergency
between France and Great Britain failed. Government of National Defence, and
However, the plans for an invasion of Britain escaped from Paris during the Prussian siege
failed in 1797: the Spanish fleet was defeated in order to maintain the government, at first in
at Cape St Vincent in February, a small Tours and then in Bordeaux. As Minister for
invading force which landed at Fishguard was War and effectively head of state, he raised a
beaten in the same month, and the Dutch fleet new army in an unsuccessful bid to retake
on its way to Ireland was beaten at Texel in Paris. He resigned when the remainder of the
October. With further successes in the Italian government accepted the defeat. Reelected in
states and in Austria itself, the French 1871, Gambetta campaigned against
government dropped the invasion plans in President MACMAHON. He was made the
March 1798, and instead sent Napoleon to President of the Chamber of Deputies in 1879,
Egypt in May in order to attack British and formed his only government in 1881. He
imperial holdings (see IMPERIALISM). resigned early in 1882 due to internal factions
After successes in Malta and, in July, at the and the lack of President Jules Grévy’s
battle of the Pyramids, Napoleon’s forces support. Gambetta died later the same year.
were beaten by the British navy at the battle of Garibaldi, Guiseppe (1807–82) Italian
the Nile in August. This setback encouraged nationalist and revolutionary. Garibaldi
other countries to re-open their wars with became attracted to Italian NATIONALISM
France: by December 1798, Great Britain, the in the early 1830s, and joined MAZZINI’S
Habsburg empire, Naples, Portugal and Young Italy movement in 1834. He was
Russia had come together as the Second involved in that year’s rebellion in Genoa, for
Coalition. French forces were pushed back in
55 German reunification

which he was sentenced to death, but he a compromise for Prussia, particularly for
escaped to South America, where he BISMARCK, as it left Habsburg influence in
developed his military strategy and skills. northern Germany. This was successfully
Garibaldi returned to Italy in 1848, and took challenged in 1866. See AUSTRO-
part in the risings against HABSBURG PRUSSIAN WAR.
domination of the peninsula (see German Confederation Political
REVOLUTIONS OF 1848, ITALIAN organisation of German states, 1815–66. The
UNIFICATION). He was involved in the German Confederation, or Bund, was formed
unsuccessful attempt to establish a republic in at the Congress of Vienna (see VIENNA,
Rome in 1849 and defend it against both the CONGRESS OF) of 1814–15 as a solution to
Habsburgs and the French, after which he left the organisation of north central Europe after
for exile in the USA with a reputation as a the NAPOLEONIC WARS. Based on all
brave soldier and committed nationalist. In parties’ desire for a stable and conservative
1859 Garibaldi fought for VICTOR region, the Confederation, which was
EMMANUEL II of Piedmont-Sardinia formally established in June 1815, brought
against the Habsburgs in Lombardy (see together thirty-nine of the German states as a
FRANCO-AUSTRIAN WAR), and then successor to the dissolved HOLY ROMAN
raised a republican force, known as ‘the EMPIRE. The diverse size of the states,
thousand’, to take Sicily and Naples in 1860. ranging from the large and powerful Austria
He was aided in this successful campaign by to smaller states such as Anhalt and
local risings, and ended the movement by Brunswick, meant that the HABSBURG
presenting the gains to Victor Emmanuel as empire would always be the dominant power
part of the unified Kingdom of Italy. In 1862 within the Confederation. The Confederation
he led an abortive march on Rome, during excluded some Germans, such as the east
which he was captured, and in 1866 he again Prussians, and it included many non-
fought for Venetia against the Habsburgs in Germans, including Czechs, Danes and
the AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR. In 1867 he Italians. The Confederation had a Diet at
led another march on Rome, which was Frankfurt with limited powers under an
stopped by French intervention, finally Austrian presidency. Habsburg domination
helping to secure Rome for the Kingdom of was exemplified by the passing of the
Italy in 1870 during the FRANCO- CARLSBAD DECREES of 1819. Although
PRUSSIAN WAR. His final military action the Confederation allowed the growth of
was for the French republican army at Dijon in some common economic links between
1871. member states, it failed to evolve into a
Gastein, Convention of (August 1865) German nation state in its own right (see
Agreement between the HABSBURG empire NATIONALISM): and while the
and Prussia on the future of Schleswig, FRANKFURT PARLIAMENT gained some
Holstein and Lauenberg. After the independence during the REVOLUTIONS
SCHLESWIG WAR and the subsequent OF 1848, Austrian hegemony was restored in
treaty of Vienna (see VIENNA, TREATY OF) 1850 by the Convention of OLMÜTZ. Some
of 1864, the Habsburg empire and Prussia of the states in the Confederation backed
jointly administered the disputed territories. Prussia in the SCHLESWIG WAR and
This settlement was problematic, as it AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR, and the
exacerbated differences between the two Confederation was formally dissolved in
powers, and it almost led to war between 1866 after Prussia’s defeat of the Habsburg
them. In August 1865 the two sides met at empire. It was replaced in the north of
Gastein to settle the problem. By the Germany by the NORTH GERMAN
convention, Schleswig and Holstein CONFEDERATION. See also GERMAN
remained technically under joint Habsburg- UNIFICATION.
Prussian rule, but the administration was German reunification (1990) Process by
divided, with the Habsburgs taking Holstein which the Federal Republic of Germany
and Prussia taking Schleswig. Prussia also (FRG) and the German Democratic Republic
incorporated Lauenberg. This settlement was (GDR) unified as a single nation state,
German unification 56

October 1990. The FRG had never recognised Polish border, which the new Germany would
the COLD WAR division of Germany: and accept as the existing GDR-Polish border: the
while BRANDT’S OSTPOLITIK and the FRG thus renounced its claims to east Prussia
1972 BASIC TREATY had eased tensions and other territories in Poland (see also
over this issue, reunification remained a target ODERNEISSE LINE, POLISH
for many in the west. GDR governments, and CORRIDOR.) This issue was settled in the
their allies in the USSR, had been hostile Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to
towards this aspiration. In the late 1980s, Germany in September 1990. By this, the
under the influence of GLASNOST and allies also removed all their interests in Berlin.
PERESTROIKA, changes in the GDR and Full reunification accordingly took place on 3
eastern Europe as a whole provided a new
October 1990, with the former GDR
context; while the FRG’s key role in western
automatically joining NATO, the EC and
Europe, particularly through NATO and the
other organisations. The first elections were
fresh impetus to western demands for held in December 1990.
reunification. The issue was forced by illegal German unification (1871) The
migration from the GDR to the FRG, which establishment of the German empire in 1871.
climaxed in the autumn of 1989, and by large After the FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY
anti-government demonstrations in Leipzig, WARS and the NAPOLEONIC WARS,
Berlin and elsewhere (see REVOLUTIONS various strands of nationalist ideology existed
OF 1989– 91). With the New Forum acting as in the German states: but the settlement
a focus group for opposition in the GDR, the reached at the Congress of Vienna (see
HONECKER government was replaced by a VIENNA, CONGRESS OF) in 1815
more moderate one, which, in November realigned the area as a federation of states of
1989, introduced freedom of travel for east various sizes (see GERMAN
Germans. This helped to create an effectively CONFEDERATION). There was, however,
unified German labour market. As some economic unification between the
checkpoints in the BERLIN WALL were states, most notably the ZOLLVEREIN of
opened to facilitate greater movement, groups 1832. Liberal and conservative
of demonstrators breached the wall in a NATIONALISM also emerged during the
number of places. While the GDR’s REVOLUTIONS OF 1848. These fed into the
government did not necessarily intend this to FRANKFURT PARLIAMENT and the
lead to unification, the revolution was seized
ERFURT UNION, the latter confirming
upon by Chancellor KOHL of the FRG as a
Prussia’s potential as the most powerful of the
propitious moment in which to promote the
German states as HABSBURG influence
unification issue. This was developed in
conjunction with the new GDR government, a began to decline. During the 1860s tensions
conservative coalition, formed after the between the Habsburg empire and Prussia,
March 1990 elections. Negotiations between ruled by WILLIAM I from 1861, became
the two governments led to economic more pronounced. In February 1862, for
unification in July 1990. example, Prussia rejected Habsburg plans for
The international dimension of a reorganisation of the Confederation; while
reunification was more complicated, but this in the same year, the Prussian Minister
was tackled in a series of discussions in 1990. President BISMARCK began to speak
In July, Kohl and GORBACHEV negotiated vociferously of Prussia’s leadership of a
the removal of WARSAW PACT forces from united Germany. Although the Habsburg
the GDR; while negotiations in Paris in July empire and Prussia allied in 1864 for the
involving the two governments and the SCHLESWIG WAR, the two powers’
governments of the SECOND WORLD WAR approaches to the management of Schleswig
allies France, the UK, the USA and the USSR and Holstein after the war brought out their
(the ‘Two plus Four’ talks) established the differences in relation to the German states
political basis for reunification. This once again.
necessitated a guarantee on the German-
57 Giolitti, Giovanni

These differences developed into open the pre-Nazi Prussian police force, and
conflict in 1866 (see AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN quickly came to represent the Nazi
WAR), at the end of which Prussian government’s power in everyday life through
dominance, at least in the north, was assured, its use of arbitrary arrest, terror tactics and a
a dominance confirmed by the creation of the culture of informing. It was run by
NORTH GERMAN CONFEDERATION. HIMMLER from 1934, and given greater
Through these conflicts, Bismarck and resources in 1936 when it became part of the
William had alienated parts of the liberal Defence Echelon (SS). The Gestapo took on
nationalist movement, most notably the the responsibility of running concentration
Progressive party, but populist notions of a camps for political and, subsequently, racial
strong, unified Germany under Prussian prisoners, and was involved in enforcing Nazi
leadership developed, and the liberals were rule in occupied countries during the
accommodated in the Confederation’s SECOND WORLD WAR. The organisation
structures. Prussian success in the FRANCO- was proscribed at the NUREMBERG
PRUSSIAN WAR of 1870–71 provided the TRIALS.
context for the creation of this unified Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe (Gheorghe
country: with Prussia so clearly the most Gheorghiu) (1901–65) Romanian politician.
powerful country in northern and western Gheorghiu was an electrician who became
Europe, and with extensive influence in the active in politics in the 1920s through trade
east, a number of the princes of the southern union work. He joined the underground
German states accepted the Prussian and Communist party in 1930, and was
HOHENZOLLERN dominance. By royal imprisoned in 1933 for his role in a strike. He
invitation, William I took the crown of the adopted the name of his prison, Dej, as a suffix
new German empire in December 1870, with during this time, during which he developed
his formal proclamation as emperor coming in links with other activists, including
January 1871 at Versailles. CEAUÇESCU. After his release in 1944 he
The Second Reich, as the German empire became General Secretary of the Communist
came to be known in a scheme which viewed party in 1945, along with taking the
the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE as the First economics portfolio in the coalition
Reich, adopted an imperial constitution in government. He was active in creating the
August 1871. It established a unified state new republic in 1948, and in securing
with the Prussian King serving as emperor, communist primacy within it. Gheorghiu-Dej
with reserved rights in foreign and military strengthened his own position in the party
affairs. A federal system recognised the during the early 1950s, particularly through
different states, with their representatives following Stalinist-style purges, and he
meeting in the Federal Council, and a became First Secretary in 1955. An ally of
popularly-elected parliament was KHRUSHCHEV, he managed to secure some
established. The earlier models of economic relaxation of Soviet influence on Romania,
union were developed in various sectors, both by negotiating the removal of Red Army
including railways, postal services and the troops in 1958, and by following a non-
armed forces (see INDUSTRIALISATION). COMECON industrial policy. He became
This system of government, with an President in 1961, a position he held until his
increasing emphasis on welfare death in 1965. He was succeeded by
CONSERVATISM, remained in place in Ceauçescu.
Germany until the end of the FIRST WORLD Gheorghiu, Gheorghe see
WAR, when the empire collapsed to be GHEORGHIUDEJ, GHEORGHE.
replaced by the WEIMAR REPUBLIC. Giolitti, Giovanni (1842–1928) Italian
Gestapo (German abbreviation for Geheime politician. A Piedmontese civil servant,
Staatspolizei, Secret State Police) The Giolitti entered parliament as a Liberal in
political police force of the THIRD REICH. 1882. His first office came in 1889, when he
The Gestapo was developed out of a branch of served as Treasury Minister. In 1892 he
Girondins 58

became Prime Minister, although he was helped to set the scene for the TERROR. The
forced to resign in 1893 after a banking group was proscribed, and twenty-three
scandal. He returned as Minister of the members were executed after a trial in
Interior in 1901 before forming another October 1793. After Thermidor, the
government from October 1903 until March Girondins were rehabilitated, and some
1905. He held office on two more occasions survivors were re-admitted to the Convention.
before the FIRST WORLD WAR, from May Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry (born 1926)
1906 until December 1909, and from March French politician. After military service in the
1911 until March 1914. These terms of office SECOND WORLD WAR, Giscard d’Estaing
exemplified Giolitti’s expertise as a coalition became a civil servant, and then a Gaullist
manager. His administrations made a number Deputy in 1956 (see DE GAULLE). His first
of modernising reforms, including franchise major office came with his appointment as
extension, the improvement of trade union Minister of Finance in 1961, a position he held
rights, and industrial regulation. He also until 1966 and again from 1969 until 1974.
oversaw some colonial expansion in Libya After President POMPIDOU’S death in 1974,
and the Dodecanese (see IMPERIALISM), Giscard d’Estaing beat MITTERAND in the
and followed a European policy that kept Italy presidential election. The early years of his
in the TRIPLE ALLIANCE while building office were characterised by some liberal
relations with France. An opponent of Italian reforms, such as the limited legalisation of
involvement in the First World War, he abortion and the restructuring of state
returned to office for the final time for a year education, but also by an economic recession.
from June 1920. This administration managed His personal authority was weakened by
to remove D’ANNUNZIO from Fiume and factions within his government, particularly
solved some long-running strikes; it also those associated with Jacques Chirac and
made an electoral pact with MUSSOLINI that other Gaullists. In 1978 his position was
gave the Fascists parliamentary partially strengthened by the creation of the
representation and provided official Union for French Democracy (UDF); but
toleration of some fascist violence (see scandals linking him to Jean Bokassa, the
FASCISM). He lost office after the 1921 controversial President of the Central African
elections, but remained a deputy. He did not Republic, damaged his credibility. Giscard
take part in the AVENTINE SECESSION, but d’Estaing lost the 1981 presidential election
grew critical of Mussolini in the last years of to Mitterand. He remained the President of the
his life. UDF until 1996.
Girondins Political grouping of the glasnost (Russian: ‘openness’) Soviet policy
FRENCH REVOLUTION, flourishing of the GORBACHEV era. In February 1986,
between 1791 and 1793. The grouping took its Gorbachev formally began to promote
name from the Gironde region, where many of glasnost as a government policy. The
its members originated, although they were ‘openness’ he and his supporters intended was
also known variously as Brissotins (after soon felt in the media, in academic research,
Jacques Brissot) and Rolandists after the most and in the management of government
prominent office-holder, Jean-Marie Roland business at all levels. The policy allowed the
(Minister of the Interior in 1792 and 1793). media to become far more critical than it had
The Girondins were first united in their calls previously been in the Soviet period, leading
for war (see FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY to reflective and provocative coverage of such
WARS), but soon became identified as the issues as the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of
party of moderation – particularly in relation April 1986, and the Soviet war effort in
to the fate of LOUIS XVI – and provincial Afghanistan. Historical research on STALIN
interests. They declined in influence in the and the abuses of his era was encouraged, with
spring of 1793 as France suffered military publicity being given to the evidence of the
setbacks, and were expelled from the KATYN MASSACRE (to which the USSR
Convention in early June, an expulsion that finally admitted responsibility) and other
59 gold standard

mass killings of the period. Moreover, a WAR, after which he worked as a stunt pilot.
number of victims of the YEZHOVSCHINA, He joined the Nazi party (see NAZISM) in
including BUKHARIN, were posthumously 1922, and led the Storm Division (SA) in the
rehabilitated. Glasnost was also applied to the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. After a period of
political process, creating a growth of exile, he returned to Germany and was elected
informed public debate on the government’s to the Reichstag in 1928, becoming President
activities, and to everyday bureaucratic of that body in 1932. He served in numerous
procedures. Together with PERESTROIKA, capacities in HITLER’S government, with
glasnost contributed to demands for change in early portfolios including air and the Prussian
the USSR and eastern Europe, and played a interior ministry. In this latter role, he was
part in bringing about the REVOLUTIONS influential in developing the GESTAPO and
OF 1989–91. the concentration camp system. He emerged
Goebbels, Josef (1897–1945) German as Supreme Commander of the Luftwaffe
politician. Rejected from military service in when it was publicly acknowledged in 1935.
the FIRST WORLD WAR due to his polio- In 1936, Hitler appointed Goering to manage
related disability, Goebbels followed a the Four Year Plan to prepare the German
successful university career before becoming economy for a war footing, giving Goering a
a political journalist. Increasingly attracted to leading role in industry, agriculture and the
NAZISM, he joined the NSDAP in 1925. development of synthetics. He was named as
Goebbels became a close colleague of Hitler’s successor in 1939, and achieved great
HITLER. In 1926 he became the party’s prominence and the unique title of Reich
leader in Berlin, while maintaining his Marshal in 1940, after the Luftwaffe’s early
journalism. Hitler appointed him as the successes in the SECOND WORLD WAR.
party’s main propagandist in 1929, which However, the loss of the Battle of Britain in
allowed Goebbels to develop his skills in 1940 and the failure of the Luftwaffe to
oratory and display. A Reichstag deputy from maintain supplies to the Eastern front (see
1928, he became Reich Minister for Public BARBAROSSA) dented his prestige, while
Enlightenment and Propaganda in March drug dependency damaged his personal
1933. Goebbels’ relative intellectualism and efficiency. In April 1945 he left Berlin in an
his command of the resources of act that was interpreted as a plot to depose
technological media, provided the Nazis with Hitler, and Hitler expelled him from all offices
successful propaganda throughout the period in his political testament. Goering
of the THIRD REICH; and he was largely surrendered himself to American forces in
responsible for the construction of Hitler’s Austria. He was convicted of all four counts at
popularity. Despite some decline in influence the NUREMBERG TRIALS, and sentenced
during the first years of the SECOND to death; but he committed suicide before his
WORLD WAR, Goebbels returned to execution was due.
prominence with his calls for increased effort gold standard International banking
after STALINGRAD. He helped to manage practice. The gold standard was formvally
the aftermath of the July 1944 assassination introduced in the UK in 1821 as a backing for
attempt on Hitler, and the following month currency, based on the assumption that a unit
was appointed as General Plenipotentiary for of currency could be exchanged for a stable
the Mobilisation of Total War. He maintained unit of gold. It gradually developed as an
this role of controlling resources until the last international standard, supported by gold
days of the war. Goebbels remained with coins, used as a mechanism for international
Hitler in Berlin until the latter’s suicide, and, trade and the payment of loans and debts. By
after briefly attempting to make peace with the 1890s, France, Germany and the USA
the USSR, he committed suicide. were all on the gold standard: its prevalence
Goering, Hermann (1893–1946) German between the industrialised nations’
politician. Goering served with distinction as economies was seen as a mark of status and
a fighter pilot during the FIRST WORLD aspiration for industrialising nations, hence
Gomulka, Wladyslaw 60

Russia’s involvement in the late 1890s as a relative religious freedom, and the promotion
way of encouraging trade (see of individual rights, but this liberalism was
INDUSTRIALISATION). However, the stifled from the early 1960s. In 1970 Gomulka
stability of gold that the gold standard resigned after price rises led to riots in a
assumed was disrupted by the FIRST number of cities.
WORLD WAR; and the inflation of wartime, Gorbachev, Mikhail (born 1931) Soviet
caused by the printing of currency beyond the politician. Gorbachev joined the Communist
value of gold reserves to help finance party in 1952, and worked for it while
emergency projects, led to the gold standard’s practising as a lawyer and agricultural
suspension. Some countries had chosen to planner. He joined the Central Committee in
suspend their membership of the gold 1971, and was rapidly promoted as an
standard early on in the war, as their agricultural expert under the patronage of
governments had anticipated this problem. ANDROPOV. Gorbachev developed a
After the war, a number of countries returned broadly reformist power base during
to adapted versions of the gold standard: CHERNENKO’S brief term of office, and
Denmark and Norway, for example, became General Secretary after Chernenko’s
introduced gold convertibility for exports; death in 1985. In 1986 he promoted the twin
while most other countries fixed their
economic and administrative improvements,
currencies against another gold standard
and followed a broadly conciliatory line in
country’s currency. Through these forms, the
foreign affairs, enabling the USSR to reduce
gold standard was in general use again by
its defence expenditure (see COLD WAR).
1928. It was increasingly unstable in this Gorbachev improved his position by
period due to deflation, and was gradually removing a number of older members of the
abandoned by all countries during the government, including GROMYKO, in 1988,
DEPRESSION, with Belgium, France and the and he assumed the presidency in the same
Netherlands holding on until the mid-1930s. year. His term of office was characterised by
Planning for post-war economic many reforms, notably the growth of
reconstruction in 1944 at BRETTON individual freedoms, the release of political
WOODS involved an abandonment of the prisoners and the abolition of the party’s
gold standard. protected role, and he oversaw the
Gomulka, Wladyslaw (1905–82) Polish inauguration of a new Congress of People’s
politician. Gomulka joined the Communist Deputies, which elected Gorbachev president
party in 1918, and became a member of its in 1989. In the bulk of the REVOLUTIONS
Central Committee in 1931. He was twice OF 1989–91, Gorbachev rejected
imprisoned for his communist activism in the intervention, thus facilitating the collapse of
1930s. During the SECOND WORLD WAR the Soviet bloc. In 1990 he was awarded the
he worked for the Polish RESISTANCE, Nobel Peace Prize. However, the pressures for
becoming Secretary General of the Polish decentralisation within the USSR,
Workers’ Party in 1943. He served in the post- particularly that from Russia, led to a
war Government of National Unity as Communist coup against Gorbachev in
minister in charge of the former German August 1991: and while it failed, it weakened
territories, but was dismissed in 1948 for his position. In December 1991, with the
allegedly promoting Polish NATIONALISM. framework for the post-Soviet
Commonwealth of Independent States in
He was imprisoned for this non-Stalinist line
place, Gorbachev resigned. His attempt to
from 1952 until 1955, but returned to favour
return to Russian politics in 1996, when he ran
and prominence after KHRUSHCHEV’S
for president, ended in defeat.
denunciation of STALIN in 1956. Gomulka
Gottwald, Klement (1896 1953)
became the party’s First Secretary in 1956. Czechoslovakian politician. After serving in
His period of office was initially characterised the Austro-Hungarian army during the FIRST
by social and economic reforms, including the WORLD WAR, Gottwald joined the
maintenance of private land ownership,
61 Greek-Turkish War

Communist party in 1921. He became a military commitment, due to costs; the USA
member of its Central Committee in 1925, and provided economic and military aid to the
its General Secretary in 1927. During the government (see MARSHALL PLAN); while
1930s he worked for the THIRD communist governments in Albania, Bulgaria
INTERNATIONAL in Czechoslovakia. He and Yugoslavia supported the rebels. The
moved to Moscow after the MUNICH communists gradually lost, as they failed to
AGREEMENT of 1938, remaining there until gain enough peasant support, and their
1945. He then returned to Prague as a member supplies were restricted after Yugoslavia’s
of the provisional government, and formed a break from the USSR in 1948. The
coalition, with BENES as President, after government forces finally won the war in the
elections in 1946. Gottwald organised a battle of Mount Grammos in August 1949.
communist coup in February 1948, assuming Approximately 25,000 people were killed in
the presidency himself (see COLD WAR). His the war.
period in office was characterised by Stalinist Greek colonels Label used to describe the
political structures and state terrorism, and by military dictatorship of Greece, 1967– 74. In
a close economic relationship with the USSR. April 1967 a group of high-ranking Greek
Gottwald died in office in 1953. army officers, led by Georgios Papadopoulos
Grammos, Mount, battle of (August 1949) and Stylianos Pattakos, staged a coup in order
see GREEK CIVIL WAR. to prevent PAPANDREOU from forming a
Great Depression see DEPRESSION, liberal government. Presenting it as a
GREAT. necessary precaution to prevent
Great Purge see YEZHOVSHCHINA. COMMUNISM spreading in Greece, the
Greek Civil War War between communist coup was welcomed by CONSTANTINE II,
and monarchist factions in Greece, with who worked with the colonels in their
external involvement, 1944–45, 1946–49. imposition of martial law. However, in
During the Second World War, Greek December 1967 Constantine staged his own
RESISTANCE to the AXIS invasion had been abortive coup against the colonels. The seven-
provided mainly by the communist National year period of military rule was characterised
People’s Army of Liberation (ELAS), the by censorship, suppression of political debate
military wing of the National Liberation Front and opposition, and human rights abuses. In
(EAM), who planned for a communist March 1972 Papadopoulos made himself
republic after the war (see COMMUNISM). Regent, but then declared Greece a republic
However, resistance also came from royalist with himself as President in 1973. He was
groups dedicated to the restoration of George replaced by General Phaidon Gizikis in
II. The splits between these groups became November 1973. In July 1974 the government
evident as soon as the occupation ended, and sponsored a military coup against
in October 1944 British troops were sent to
MAKARIOS in Cyprus in an attempt to
Athens to help the restoration, and to support
achieve ENOSIS: but the failure of this, and
the interim monarchist government. They
the subsequent Turkish invasion of Cyprus,
were involved in fighting the following
undermined the ruling group’s authority and
month, which broke out over attempts to
credibility. In late July, the government
purge the army of communists. A
resigned, and Greece returned to
compromise truce in February 1945 was
constitutional rule. A referendum in late 1974
based on the promise of reforms, a plebiscite
confirmed its status as a republic. In August
on the monarchy and the dissolution of ELAS.
Little action followed: and when the 1975 leading members of the military
plebiscite supported a restoration in October dictatorship were tried for the abuses that took
1946, some communists recommenced their place during their period in office, with
attack on the government forces under the Papadopoulos and others being given life
banner of the Democratic Army of Greece. imprisonment.
The Civil War then took on major Greek-Turkish War (1921–22) War
international significance as a key flashpoint between Greece and Turkish nationalists,
in the COLD WAR: the UK withdrew its 1921–22. At the end of the FIRST WORLD
Greek War of Independence 62

WAR, the treaty of SÈVRES was rejected by develop the idea of Greek independence. In
Turkish nationalists, who, under the March 1821, General Alexandros Ypsilantis
leadership of Kemal (see ATATÜRK), led a small liberal nationalist army into
committed themselves to resisting the Moldavia and Wallachia, while popular
imposition of the treaty’s territorial clauses in rebellions also broke out in southern Greece.
Asia Minor. In March 1921 Greece sent an Ypsilantis’ army was beaten by Sultan
armed force to Smyrna to regain the territory. Mahmud II’s forces at the battle of Dragashan
After some early successes against Turkish in June 1821, but the southern revolts led to
guerrilla attacks, they began their advance on further fighting. By late 1821 the Greek rebels
the nationalists’ capital of Ankara in June were dominant, and in January 1822 they
1921. In August, however, the over-stretched declared independence and published a liberal
Greeks were beaten by Kemal’s forces at constitution. Although the QUADRUPLE
Sakhgaria River and forced into retreat. An ALLIANCE powers were at first opposed to
attempt at arbitration by the British and the rebellion, various strategic interests
French governments was unsuccessful, as the elicited different responses: for example,
Turks would not accept an armistice without Russia saw the revolt as an opportunity to gain
the total withdrawal of Greek forces: and in influence in the Balkans (see
September 1922 the Turks entered Smyrna. PANSLAVISM), while the UK saw
The Greeks were pushed out, while Greek intervention as a way to check Russian
civilians were massacred and large sections of advances. The Greek cause attracted much
the town destroyed. The Turkish threat to liberal sympathy throughout Europe,
advance into the European territories given to particularly after the campaign of the Sultan’s
Greece at Sèvres led to a major confrontation ally Ibrahim Pasha began in July 1822. The
with the UK: the British government civilian and religious massacres involved in
strengthened its garrison at Chanak in order to this war forced the powers to act. In April
hinder Kemal’s access to the Straits. 1826 Russia and the UK signed the St
However, the potential conflict was prevented Petersburg Protocol, committing them to
by an Anglo-Turkish meeting at Mudiana, at mediate and promote Greek autonomy; and in
which the British agreed to renegotiate the July 1827 France, Russia and the UK signed
1920 settlement in return for a cessation of the treaty of London which formalised the
Turkish hostilities. This led to the treaty of protocol (and also dented the HOLY
LAUSANNE in July 1923. As well as ALLIANCE by dividing Russia from its
contributing to a territorial realignment, the partners). When the Sultan refused to allow
war led to the collapse of the Greek mediation, a combined allied fleet blockaded
government and CONSTANTINE I’S southern Greece and defeated the Turkish
abdication, while the nationalist movement in fleet at the battle of NAVARINO. In January
Turkey used its victory as the base for the 1828 Ioannis Kapodistrias assumed the
overthrow of the OTTOMAN Sultan and the presidency of Greece. Turkish resistance to
establishment of a new republic in October independence was finally overcome by a
1923. Russian invasion, with the Turkish
Greek War of Independence (1821–29) War withdrawal starting in August 1828. With
between Greeks and OTTOMAN forces, with allied backing for an independent Greece
interventions from France, Russia and the confirmed in November 1828, the new state
UK, that led to the establishment of Greece as was formally created by the treaty of
an independent state. After the FRENCH ADRIANOPLE of September 1829 between
REVOLUTION, liberal and nationalist Russia and the Ottoman empire. The
ideologies were assimilated by some Greek territorial and political settlements were made
elites in the Ottoman empire (see at an allied conference in London in 1832. The
LIBERALISM, NATIONALISM). In 1814, frontiers were set, excluding Crete and
Greek merchants and administrators formed Thessalonika, and a hereditary monarchy was
the secret Friendly Society in Odessa to established, with Prince Otto of Bavaria
63 Hardenberg, Karl, Prince von

becoming the first king in 1833. The

settlement did not prevent the continuation of H
factional conflict, and it left many territorial
issues unresolved.
Gromyko, Andrei (1909–89) Soviet
politician. A professional economist, Habsburg dynasty Central European royal
Gromyko joined the Communist party in family. The Habsburg family dominated
1931. He moved into the diplomatic service, central Europe for much of the medieval and
becoming Ambassador to the USA in 1943. early modern periods, ruling Austrian
Present at the TEHRAN CONFERENCE, the territory from the thirteenth century, Bohemia
YALTA CONFERENCE and the POTSDAM and Hungary from the sixteenth century, and
CONFERENCE of the SECOND WORLD holding the crown of the HOLY ROMAN
WAR, Gromyko stayed in Washington until EMPIRE from the mid-fifteenth century.
1946, thereafter representing the USSR on the They also had extensive Iberian interests. In
UNITED NATIONS Security Council until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, they
1949. He was recalled to Moscow to become also added Italian interests, notably control of
deputy Foreign Minister to MOLOTOV, a Tuscany from 1737 and Modena from 1803.
post he held until 1957, excepting a brief spell Habsburg power in the Italian states was
as Ambassador to London. He then succeeded ended in 1860 (see ITALIAN
Molotov as Foreign Minister, staying in office UNIFICATION), while their role in Hungary
until 1985. GORBACHEV removed him was diminished by the AUSGLEICH of 1867.
from this post, making him instead President The dynasty lost its last crown in 1918 when
of the Supreme Soviet and thus head of state. Emperor Charles abdicated at the end of the
He retired in 1988, and died the following FIRST WORLD WAR.
year. Hammarskjøld, Dag (1905–61) Swedish
Guadalajara, battle of (March 1937) see diplomat. An economics professor and
SPANISH CIVIL WAR. banker, Hammarskjøld worked as an advisor
Guernica, bombing of (March 1937) see to the Swedish Foreign Ministry before
SPANISH CIVIL WAR. joining the Ministry as an under-secretary and
Guizot, François (1787–1874) French then, from 1951, a minister. Alongside this
politician. A history professor, Guizot served work for the government, he also worked for
LOUIS XVIII’S government in various the UNITED NATIONS (UN) from 1947. In
capacities from the restoration of 1814 until 1953 he became the second Secretary-
1820, but then fell from favour due to his General of the UN, succeeding LIE. In his first
LIBERALISM. He returned to prominence in term of office, he led the UN’s response to the
1830 as a supporter of LOUIS-PHILIPPE, Suez crisis of 1956, and he was re-elected for
whom he served as Minister of the Interior a second term in 1957. He promoted peace
and, from 1832 until 1837, as Minister of initiatives in the Middle East, and he ensured
Public Instruction. In this office he helped to that the UN had a role in managing European
reform state education. In 1840 he served as decolonisation from Africa (see
Ambassador to London, before being made IMPERIALISM). He was killed in an
Foreign Minister, and then Prime Minister in aeroplane crash in Africa in 1961, and was
1847. However, his repressive measures awarded the Nobel Peace Prize posthumously
against the press, and his resistance to political the same year.
reform, directly fed the reform movement that Hardenberg, Karl, Prince von (1750– 1822)
underpinned the French revolution of 1848 Prussian politician. A regional administrator,
Hardenberg came to prominence in 1806
(see REVOLUTIONS OF 1848). Louis-
Philippe dismissed Guizot in February 1848.
to continue the war against France (see
After an unsuccessful coup attempt in 1851, FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS). He
Guizot retired from public life. left office in 1807, but emerged again in 1810
Havel, Václav 64

as State Chancellor. In the context of Prussia’s ideas in his 1896 publication The Jewish State,
defeat by the French and subsequent and convened existing zionist groups as the
territorial losses at the treaty of TILSIT, World Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897. He
Hardenberg and STEIN advised Frederick became the first President of the World Zionist
William on a course of reforms to modernise Organisation, campaigning until his death in
and reconstruct Prussia. These included 1904 for Israel to be established as a nation
various economic reforms, and state.
improvements in the state’s administrative Hess, Rudolf (1894–1987) German
forms. Hardenberg claimed that such moves politician. After serving in the FIRST
could pre-empt revolution on the French WORLD WAR, Hess became attracted to
model. He was also involved with foreign NAZISM in Munich. He joined the Nazi party
affairs, representing Prussia at the Congress in 1920, and participated in the Beer Hall
of Vienna (see VIENNA, CONGRESS OF). Putsch of 1923. He was imprisoned with
He stayed in office until his death in 1822, HITLER for this. The two men became close
even after the King moved away from this in prison, with Hess acting as Hitler’s
liberal phase. secretary, a role he maintained after their
Havel, Václav (born 1936) Czechoslovakian release. He entered the Reichstag in 1932, the
and Czech activist and politician. A same year in which he was made the party’s
playwright and theatre worker, Havel came to deputy leader. Hitler appointed Hess as
prominence in 1977 as a signatory and leading Minister without Portfolio in June 1933, and
spokesman for Charter 77, an intellectual as Deputy Führer in 1934. Hess was involved
petition against human rights abuses and the in party appointments, and helped to promote
lack of intellectual freedom in Hitler’s personality cult at rallies. In 1939 he
Czechoslovakia (see COLD WAR). He was was named as second in line after GOERING
imprisoned a number of times for his activities to succeed Hitler. His influence waned during
between 1977 and 1989. In 1989 he was a the early years of the SECOND WORLD
founder member of Civil Forum, an WAR, and in May 1941 he flew alone on an
organisation that argued publicly against the abortive peace mission to the UK which has
Communist government, and he played a role yet to be satisfactorily explained. He was
in the ‘velvet revolution’ that forced the immediately disowned by Hitler for this
resignation of President Gustav Husák in move. After an internment in the UK, he was
December 1989 (see REVOLUTIONS OF convicted of conspiracy and crimes against
1989– 91). Despite his original reluctance to peace at the NUREMBERG TRIALS, and
take a leading political role, Havel was elected sentenced to life imprisonment. He served this
President of Czechoslovakia by the National term at Spandau prison in West Berlin, where
Assembly after Husák’s fall, securing the he died in 1987.
position with a popular mandate in the Heydrich, Reinhard (1904–42) German
following year’s election. He resigned in 1992 security officer. After his dishonourable
over the imminent separation of discharge from the German Navy in 1931,
Czechoslovakia into two republics, but Heydrich joined the Nazi party and the
returned as the President of the Czech Defence Unit (SS) (see NAZISM). His rapid
Republic in the 1993 election. promotion came after he was noticed by
Helsinki conference (1973–75) see HIMMLER. In 1933 he headed the security
CONFERENCE ON SECURITY AND services in Bavaria, and he took a leading role
Herzl, Theodor (1860–1904) Hungarian 1934. In the same year he was promoted to run
zionist activist (see ZIONISM). A successful the GESTAPO, from which he developed a
writer and journalist in Vienna, Herzl became remit for Jewish affairs and internal security.
convinced of the need for a separate Jewish He helped to organise the Kristallnacht
homeland during the rise of ANTI- attacks on Jewish properties in 1938. He
SEMITISM in Austria and France in the organised the commandos responsible for
1890s, particularly that centred around the killing Jews, Poles and political commissars
DREYFUS AFFAIR, on which he reported during BARBAROSSA, and was
for a Vienna newspaper. Herzl developed his subsequently involved in writing the paper on
65 Hitler, Adolf

the ‘FINAL SOLUTION to the Jewish WORLD WAR. After the battle of
problem’ that formed the basis of the Wannsee TANNENBERG in 1914 he was promoted to
conference of January 1942, which he Field-Marshal with command of the Eastern
chaired. He also organised camps and Front. As Chief of the General Staff from
transportations. In September 1941 he was 1916, Hindenburg, with his colleague
appointed Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. LUDENDORFF, had extensive political and
He died in June 1942 as a result of wounds economic powers. After negotiating the
received the previous month in an Treaty of BREST-LITOVSK with Russia, he
assassination attempt by Czechoslovakian co-led the March 1918 western offensive. By
RESISTANCE fighters backed by the British the autumn, with the allies gaining ground in
government. The German authorities carried the west and Germany’s eastern allies
out severe reprisals for his death, including the collapsing, he successfully advised
destruction of the villages of Lezaky and WILLIAM II to abdicate, after which
Lidice and their populations. Hindenburg sued for peace. He retired for a
Himmler, Heinrich (1900–45) German second time in 1919, but reentered public life
politician. After brief military service in the in 1925 as a conservative presidential
FIRST WORLD WAR, Himmler joined the candidate after EBERT’S death (see
Nazi party (see NAZISM) in 1921, and played WEIMAR REPUBLIC). He won the election,
an active role in the Beer Hall Putsch. He and served his seven-year term. From 1930 he
joined the Defence Unit (SS) in 1925, worked with BRÜNING, frequently using
becoming its leader in 1929. From here, he presidential decrees to bypass the Reichstag.
developed this bodyguard into a powerful He stood again in 1932 as the only person
elite force. Himmler supervised the NIGHT likely to beat the Nazis’ presidential
OF THE LONG KNIVES in June 1934, after candidate, HITLER. He did so, winning the
which the SS gained its independence from election on the second ballot, but was
the Storm Division (SA). He was given increasingly ineffective due to his age and
command of the GESTAPO in 1934, and in health. After working with conservative
1936 he brought together all internal security chancellors PAPEN and Kurt von Schleicher,
and police forces under his command. This he appointed Hitler in January 1933 on
role extended into occupied territories during Papen’s advice. Sympathetic to some aspects
the SECOND WORLD WAR, with of NAZISM, he remained in office until his
Himmler’s extensive use of state terrorism death in August 1934, although he played very
and its threat making him one of the most little part in the running of the government. He
powerful Nazis. As head of the SS, he had the was buried at Tannenberg.
main overall responsibility for the FINAL Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945) German
SOLUTION. His position was consolidated politician. Born in Austria, Hitler lived in Linz
after the July 1944 assassination attempt on and Vienna until 1913, before moving to
Hitler, and he was made Commander-in- Germany. He joined the Bavarian army in
Chief of the home forces. After brief spells 1914, serving throughout the FIRST WORLD
commanding forces on both the western and WAR. Disillusioned by the German
eastern fronts in late 1944 and early 1945, surrender, Hitler moved towards extremism,
Himmler began informal peace talks with and in 1919 he joined the German Workers
BERNADOTTE in April 1945. Hitler party. He became the party’s leader in 1921,
expelled him from the party, and Himmler fled and was influential in its renaming as the
from Berlin. He was arrested by British troops National Socialist German Workers party
in May 1945, but committed suicide in (NSDAP) (see NAZISM) and in focusing its
captivity before interrogation. interests in NATIONALISM, anti-
Hindenburg, Paul von (1847–1934) COMMUNISM and ANTI-SEMITISM.
German soldier and politician. Hindenburg Hitler led the Nazis’ unsuccessful coup, the
fought in the AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR of Beer Hall Putsch of 1923, becoming
1866 and the FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR of convinced of the need for legal access to
1870–71. He remained in the army until his power during his subsequent prison sentence.
retirement in 1911 at the rank of general, but His main writings, the two volumes of Mein
rejoined in 1914 at the outbreak of the FIRST Kampf, were produced during this period.
Hohenzollern dynasty 66

Along with colleagues such as HESS and Hohenlinden, battle of (December 1800) see
GOEBBELS, Hitler rebuilt the party from NAPOLEONIC WARS.
1925, developing his oratorical skills Hohenzollern dynasty Prussian and German
alongside increasingly professional propa- royal family. The family provided monarchs
ganda and paramilitary activities. After a of Prussia from 1701, through which it
good showing against HINDENBURG in the became the most powerful royal family in the
1932 presidential election, Hitler was German states. On GERMAN
recognised as a major player in German UNIFICATION, the Prussian monarchs
politics; and in January 1933 Hindenburg became monarchs of Germany, with the
appointed him as Chancellor of a coalition Hohenzollern dynasty thus ruling the new
government. Hitler’s position was German empire until its dissolution at the end
strengthened after the Reichstag fire of of the FIRST WORLD WAR. The last
February 1933 and the ENABLING ACT Hohenzollern monarch, WILLIAM II,
gave the government emergency powers, abdicated in 1918.
leading to the replacement of the coalition Holocaust see FINAL SOLUTION.
with a predominantly Nazi administration. Holy Alliance (September 1815) Christian-
The party itself was purged of Hitler’s based personal alliance system between
opponents and potential opponents in the European rulers in the post-NAPOLEONIC
NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES of June WARS period. In May 1815, during the
1934. In August 1934, on Hindenburg’s death, Congress of Vienna (see VIENNA,
Hitler combined the posts of Chancellor and CONGRESS OF), ALEXANDER I of Russia
President under the title Führer (leader), and wrote a pact for all Christian rulers to sign. It
replaced the WEIMAR REPUBLIC with the was duly signed as the Holy Alliance in late
THIRD REICH. September 1815 by the HABSBURG,
As the head of an administratively Prussian and Russian rulers, with most other
complex and illogically structured European rulers joining subsequently: only
government, Hitler was involved in most the Pope, the British Prince Regent and the
areas of domestic, economic, foreign and Ottoman Sultan stayed out. The terms of this
military affairs, playing roles in the loose alliance were vague and mystical, but
development of expansionist foreign and were broadly based on all rulers practising
military policies that worked against the Christian principles in their mutual dealings
VERSAILLES settlement (see and in their domestic government. The
APPEASEMENT, AXIS, MUNICH Alliance was not taken seriously by many of
AGREEMENT, RHINELAND, its signatories, and had very little political or
REMILITARISATION). After securing the diplomatic relevance: this was provided by
pragmatic NAZI-SOVIET PACT in 1939, the QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE of November
Hitler ordered the invasion of Poland that 1815. However, it increasingly came to
precipitated the SECOND WORLD WAR. embody the reactionary and anti-
From this point on, his main interests were revolutionary interests of the three main
military and strategic, although he was clearly monarchs.
involved with the authorisation of the FINAL Holy Roman Empire Political organisation
SOLUTION, if not its actual execution. After of the HABSBURG and German states,
early successes in western Europe, Hitler originating in the ninth century and ending in
authorised the shift to the east in Operation 1806. The Holy Roman Empire survived the
BARBAROSSA of 1941, taking personal medieval period, but declined in influence
command of the war against the USSR in throughout the early modern period.
December 1941. Hitler’s own position, Dominated by the Habsburg dynasty, it was,
propaganda and reputation kept him immune by the middle of the seventeenth century, a
from blame for some of Germany’s military loose federation of over three hundred states,
reverses thereafter, although the reverses of many of which developed strong political,
1944 caused some of his opponents in the economic and religious links beyond the
military to attempt to assassinate him. He territory of the Empire itself. Its fabric was
survived this, but committed suicide in Berlin threatened by the growing strength of
in April 1945 as the Red Army approached. Hanover and Prussia. It was eventually
67 Hungarian rising

destroyed in the aftermath of the FRENCH resisted Charles’ attempts at forcing a

REVOLUTION. France gained territory from restoration in 1921, and assumed increasingly
the Empire during the FRENCH dictatorial power. His policies and style were
REVOLUTIONARY WARS and the influenced by FASCISM and later NAZISM.
NAPOLEONIC WARS, and Napoleon’s Having agreed the terms of the treaty of
institution of the CONFEDERATION OF TRIANON in June 1920, Horthy attempted to
THE RHINE in 1806 formally ended the restore Hungary’s lost territories: his main
Empire’s existence. Its last Emperor, the successes, with German assistance, came in
Habsburg Francis II, who had reigned since 1938 and 1940 with the regaining of parts of
1792, revoked this title. southern Slovakia. In 1941 Horthy allied
Honecker, Erich (1912–94) German and Hungary with Germany, and provided troops
East German politician. Honecker joined the for the war in Yugoslavia and the USSR (see
German Communist party in 1929, and BARBAROSSA). However, in 1944 he
worked for its youth wing. Remaining in attempted to negotiate a separate peace for
Germany after HITLER’S accession to Hungary, an act which precipitated a German
power, he was arrested in 1935, and spent the invasion of Hungary and Horthy’s
remainder of the THIRD REICH in custody. imprisonment. He fell into American hands at
At the end of the SECOND WORLD WAR, he the end of the war, and was released in 1946,
remained in what became the German despite Yugoslavian pressure for his trial. He
Democratic Republic (GDR), and returned to spent the rest of his life in exile, dying in
an active role in communist politics. After Portugal in 1957.
running the GDR’s national youth movement Hoxha, Enver (1908–85) Albanian
from 1949 until 1958, Honecker joined the politician. Hoxha became active in
Politburo, and soon emerged as communist politics during his studies in
ULBRICHT’S deputy. He succeeded France in the 1930s. He returned to Albania in
Ulbricht as the party’s First Secretary in 1971, 1936, and was a founder member and First
and became head of state in 1976. His Secretary of the Communist party in
domestic policies were focused on improving November 1941, during the Italian
the GDR’s industrial output. Despite making occupation of Albania (see SECOND
some western connections, Honecker WORLD WAR). He led the RESISTANCE
remained close to the USSR internationally movement, a position which set the basis of
(see COLD WAR), although he failed to his leadership of the post-war provisional
embrace GORBACHEV’S reforms after government. Hoxha quickly shaped this
1985. He resigned in October 1989 in the face government into a communist dictatorship,
of mass demonstrations (see GERMAN closely modelled on STALIN’S rule. He
REUNIFICATION, REVOLUTIONS OF purged the party of TITO’S sympathisers in
1989–91), and moved to the USSR. He 1948, and remained faithful to Stalinism even
subsequently returned to Germany for trial on after KHRUSHCHEV’S denunciation of
corruption and human rights charges, but he Stalin in 1956. Under Hoxha, Albania
was released in 1993 for health reasons. followed a strictly isolationist foreign policy,
Horthy, Miklós (1868–1957) Hungarian with few links developed to either east or
admiral and politician. After serving as west; while domestically it remained an
FRANCIS JOSEPH’S aide-de-camp before economically poor country, with a strict
the FIRST WORLD WAR, Horthy served in system which suppressed religion and
the Austro-Hungarian navy, achieving the individual liberties. Hoxha died in office in
post of Commander-in-Chief in 1917. He April 1985.
moved into party politics after the war, Hundred Days see NAPOLEON
serving briefly as Minister for War, and then BONAPARTE; NAPOLEONIC WARS.
leading a nationalist revolt (with Romanian Hungarian rising (October–November
support) against KUN’S communist 1956) Unsuccessful anti-Soviet revolution in
government in 1919. Horthy became head of Hungary. In the context of
state in post-HABSBURG Hungary in KHRUSHCHEV’S movement away from
January 1920, officially accepting the role as Stalin’s policies and legacy, liberal and
a regency for the exiled King Charles: but he democratic ideas began to circulate in many
imperialism 68

parts of eastern Europe under Soviet the word ‘imperialism’ was not applied to this
domination (see COLD WAR, process until the late nineteenth century, the
IMPERIALISM). In Hungary these became political and economic relations involved in
clearly expressed within the ruling imperialism have been evident throughout the
Communist party, and Khrushchev responded post-1789 period. However, it is important to
by effectively dismissing RÁKOSI in July stress that the motivations behind imperialism
1956. Pressure for less cosmetic reforms have varied greatly between different
grew, particularly in the early autumn after imperial powers and over time, and that,
bad harvests, and student and worker certainly before the 1870s, imperial
demonstrations in Budapest and elsewhere development by any one power tended to be
provided a focus for change. In late October,
pragmatic rather than driven by any clear or
violent clashes grew out of these
unified policy. Over the period from 1789 to
demonstrations, with both the Hungarian
1999, it is possible to see two distinct forms of
police and the Red Army involved, before a
cease-fire was brokered under which the Red imperialism undertaken by European powers:
Army withdrew. This was followed by the inter-European, or continental; and extra-
creation of a new government under NAGY as European, or overseas.
Prime Minister, who quickly introduced INTER-EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM
various liberal reforms. However, his call for Throughout the period, parts of continental
Hungarian neutrality on Austrian lines (see Europe itself have been subject to imperial
AUSTRIAN STATE TREATY), and for control and contestation. French expansion
Hungary to withdraw from the WARSAW during the FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY
PACT, resulted in a Soviet clampdown: aided WARS and NAPOLEONIC WARS created an
by the party’s First Secretary, KÁDÁR, empire for France that stretched, by 1812,
Warsaw Pact forces re-entered Budapest in from the Danish border in the north into parts
early November and put down the rising by of Spain and the Italian states in the south,
force. Resistance continued, in the form of with the Illyrian provinces giving France a
fighting, strikes and non-violent presence in the Balkans. While these
demonstrations, but Kádár was successfully acquisitions were new, they put France on a
established as the head of a new communist footing with three other major European
government. At least 3,000 Hungarians were empires: the HABSBURG empire, the
killed in the fighting and in subsequent OTTOMAN EMPIRE and the Russian
executions, and over 200,000 people left
empire. These four had in common their
Hungary. Nagy himself was arrested and later
economic and strategic interest in maintaining
executed. The UNITED NATIONS debated
control over smaller national populations.
the issue, but had no real opportunity to
intervene. The incident demonstrated that the This form of inter-European imperialism
tensions of the Cold War had outlived Stalin, altered dramatically over the course of the
and that the creation of the Warsaw Pact in nineteenth century, both through military
1955 had been intended in part to allow the activity – for example, the French empire was
USSR to maintain its domination of eastern dismantled by the peacemaking of 1814 and
Europe through troop placements. 1815, while the 1878 BERLIN CONGRESS
that followed the RUSSO-TURKISH WAR
confirmed the independence of Montenegro,
Romania and Serbia from the Ottoman empire
– and by the growth of NATIONALISM as a
political and economic force. ITALIAN
I UNIFICATION, for example, reduced the
Habsburg empire, as did GERMAN
UNIFICATION, which in itself created a new
German empire. However, despite
imperialism The domination of one nationalism as an anti-imperial force, a
geopolitical area by a stronger one. Although number of nations with traditions or notions of
69 imperialism

independence remained under imperial economic purposes was carried out by a

control, such as Poland (split between the number of European states before 1789.
German, Habsburg and Russian empires), and While Great Britain was a leading power here,
Finland under Russian control. France at various times had interests in Africa,
This form of continental imperialism was a India, North America, the Caribbean and the
significant factor in the origins of the FIRST East Indies, for example, while Spain and
WORLD WAR, as Austro-Hungarian and Portugal both had southern American
Russian rivalries in the Balkans led to conflict. interests. Overseas possessions were
As a result of this, it was deliberately diluted contested during the FRENCH
in the peace settlement, with the idea of self- REVOLUTIONARY WARS and the
determination (see FOURTEEN POINTS, NAPOLEONIC WARS, during which time a
PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE) being number of territories changed hands, with
applied in a number of areas to promote Denmark, France, the Netherlands and
nationalism rather than imperialism. The Sweden all losing out to the UK. During the
reconstruction or creation of, for example, wars, and throughout the subsequent decades,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and the many parts of the Portuguese and Spanish
Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes empires declared themselves independent
(subsequently Yugoslavia) were evidence of (for example, Uruguay from Spain in 1814,
this. The imperial aspects of the RUSSIAN and Brazil from Portugal in 1822), although
CIVIL WAR can also be seen in this context, Africa, Asia and the Pacific soon replaced the
with Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania Americas as areas for more extensive
all emerging from the old Russian empire. European imperialism. Again, while the UK
Moreover, the First World War can be seen to was the leading power here, by the end of the
have effectively destroyed the Austro- 1850s France had extended its power in north
Hungarian, German, Ottoman and Russian and west Africa and the Pacific, Portugal had
empires. However, continental imperialism gained Macao, Portugal and the Netherlands
re-emerged very quickly: it was evident in the had consolidated their control of parts of the
USSR’s consolidation as, effectively, a new
East Indies, and Russia had moved into central
Russian empire, as in the Ukraine and
Belarus; and it was evident in Germany’s
Overseas imperialism developed greatly
expansion during the THIRD REICH, which
from the 1880s, characterised at this time by
went beyond the basic idea in NAZISM of
rivalries between different European powers,
unifying all Germans by spreading into
and influenced by the growth of
Czechoslovakia, Poland and the USSR. After
INDUSTRIALISATION which created new
the SECOND WORLD WAR, the main aspect
economic opportunities and constraints. In
of this form of imperialism was the USSR’s
this period, Belgium, France, Germany and
effective control of large parts of eastern
Europe: and while this did not take the form of Italy all became involved, with the UK, in the
direct conquest and rule from the centre, the ‘scramble for Africa’, a phase which left
use of communist parties and Russocentric virtually the whole of Africa in some form of
economic and military ties made it a form of imperial relationship by 1914. France also
indirect imperialism (see COMECON, co- continued to develop its Asian interests in
MINFORM, WARSAW PACT). The collapse Indo-China, as did the Netherlands in the East
of communist and Soviet domination of this Indies and Germany in the Pacific. As with
area during the REVOLUTIONS OF 1989– continental imperialism, overseas
91, and the collapse of the USSR itself, imperialism was a factor in causing the FIRST
brought this system to an end, and saw a WORLD WAR; and the peace settlement
number of new nation states emerge, such as involved colonies and possessions being
Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. taken from the defeated nations and run, under
The acquisition of overseas territories for a MANDATES. While imperial factors
combination of political, strategic and remained influential before and during the
industrialisation 70

SECOND WORLD WAR, with some fresh experience had been unplanned, a number of
imperialism in Africa (see ITALO- continental governments deliberately
ABYSSINIAN WAR) the post-1945 period pursued industrialisation in the 1860s and
was largely characterised by decolonisation, 1870s, seeing it as the basis for economic
as the costs of imperialism outstripped its strength and imperial development (see
benefits, and as nationalist movements in a IMPERIALISM), while the development of
number of colonised areas became more the nation state (see GERMAN
influential. Decolonisation was violent on UNIFICATION, ITALIAN UNIFICATION,
occasions, as in the French withdrawal from NATIONALISM) aided production,
Indo-China from 1946 to 1954 and Algeria transport, investment and retailing. By the
from 1954 until 1962, and the Dutch 1890s parts of Austria-Hungary, France,
withdrawal from Indonesia between 1947 and Germany, Italy and Russia has sophisticated
1949. At other times it was more peaceful. By industrial economies, outstripping British
the late 1990s the vast majority of European performances in a number of areas (notably in
overseas possessions had become steel production, electrical engineering,
independent or taken by larger local powers. chemicals and pharmaceuticals). While
A number of colonial territories survived as industrialisation remained a significant
such, with France, for example, controlling feature of most countries’ economies in the
Martinique and French Guiana, and Portugal first half of the twentieth century, it was
controlling Macao until the end of 1999. aggressively promoted in the USSR under
Many of the former imperial powers have STALIN (see FIVE YEAR PLANS), and in
maintained strong links with their former the eastern European countries under Soviet
colonies, helped by linguistic, religious and influence after the SECOND WORLD WAR.
cultural ties; while processes of inward Here, it was linked not just to economic and
migration from former colonies to former military needs, but also to the notion of
imperial powers has had a significant impact modernisation. In the latter part of the
upon European demography. twentieth century, industry remained as a
industrialisation Label applied to the shift in significant part of the European economy,
an area’s predominant form of economic with many areas devoted to industrial
activity from agricultural to industrial. While manufacture. However, it must be seen here as
the phrase ‘industrial revolution’ has become one part of the continent’s economy,
largely superseded in analyses of the British alongside the survival of agriculture, and the
experience between the 1780s and the 1840s, development of post-industrial sectors, such
as it disguises the continuities that existed and as leisure, tourism, services and finance.
exaggerates the speed with which changes Inkerman, battle of (November 1854) see
took place, it is clear that by the 1850s the CRIMEAN WAR.
UK’s economy had many industrial Inönü, Ismet (Mustafa Ismet) (1884– 1973)
characteristics, including a significant Turkish soldier and politician. An officer in
manufacturing sector reliant on steam rather the OTTOMAN army, Ismet was involved in
than water for power, a national transport the YOUNG TURKS movement of 1908. He
network, and exploitable supplies of served in the FIRST WORLD WAR, after
investment capital, labour and raw materials. which he joined Kemal’s (see ATATÜRK)
In continental Europe, such changes were national resistance movement. He acted as
slower to emerge; but from the 1860s, changes Chief of the General Staff and commander of
were discernible in a number of countries. For the army during the GREEK-TURKISH
example, railway building programmes in WAR. He then served as Kemal’s Foreign
France under NAPOLEON in and the German Minister, leading the Turkish delegation that
states facilitated the greater movement of negotiated the treaty of LAUSANNE in 1923,
goods, while customs unions, such as the pre- before becoming Prime Minister of the new
existing ZOLLVEREIN, helped the movement republic in the same year. He assisted Kemal’s
of capital and products. While the British westernisation programme, and took the
71 Italian unification

name Inönü in 1935 in commemoration of two countered by disarming Italian troops and
battles at Inönü from the Greek-Turkish War. effectively occupying Italy. The allied
He became President after Atatürk’s death in advance, involving American, British, Polish
1938, ruling with dictatorial powers until after and other troops, slowed down in December
the SECOND WORLD WAR, which he 1943 as the Germans consolidated their front
managed to keep Turkey out of until March line and offered strong resistance, particularly
1945. Inönü then oversaw some limited at Cassino. In January 1944 the allies landed
political reforms, including the creation of a 500,000 troops at Anzio, behind the German
party system. He lost the 1950 election, and lines, which diverted German resources from
led the Republican People’s party in other parts of Europe. Cassino was taken in
opposition until 1961, when he took office as May 1944, an allied victory that led fairly
Prime Minister again a year after a military quickly to the fall of Rome in June – the day
coup had overthrown MENDERES’ after the NORMANDY CAMPAIGN had
government. He left office in 1965 after opened the western European front – and
another election defeat, and remained leader Florence in August: but once again, the
of the opposition until another coup in 1971 German winter line in the Apennines stalled
suspended party political activity. the allies. In April 1945, however, the allies
International, First see FIRST broke through, taking Milan. The Germans
INTERNATIONAL. surrendered on 1 May. Throughout the
International, Second see SECOND campaign, the allies were assisted by Italian
INTERNATIONAL. partisan groups using guerrilla tactics against
International, Third see THIRD the Germans. See RESISTANCE.
INTERNATIONAL. Italian unification Establishment of the
International Bank for Reconstruction and kingdom of Italy as a nation state. The diverse
Development see BRETTON WOODS movement for unification of the Italian states
CONFERENCE; UNITED NATIONS. grew out of the settlement of the Congress of
International Labour Organisation (ILO) Vienna (see VIENNA, CONGRESS OF),
see LEAGUE OF NATIONS; UNITED which left HABSBURG influence in the
NATIONS. northern states and in the duchies of Tuscany,
International Monetary Fund see Modena and Parma. Various strands of
BRETTON WOODS CONFERENCE. nationalist and liberal ideology (see
International Working Men’s Association LIBERALISM, NATIONALISM) developed
see FIRST INTERNATIONAL. from this time on through different groups,
Iron Curtain see COLD WAR. with some abortive risings, such as that in
Italian campaign (July 1943–May 1945) Piedmont in 1820. In 1847 CAVOUR named
Allied campaign of the SECOND WORLD his nationalist journal Il Risorgimento
WAR against the AXIS. After allied successes (‘resurrection’ or ‘resurgence’, a name which
in North Africa, Italy was targeted for became symbolic of the movement towards
invasion as a way of attacking the Axis from unification) and there were nationalist strands
the south. Allied planners hoped that this visible in the various unsuccessful Italian
would not only destroy the Italian war effort, revolutions of 1848 (see REVOLUTIONS OF
but would also divert German resources away 1848), notably in the Piedmontese attacks on
from the eastern front and from north-west Austrian troops, and Charles Albert of
Europe. In July 1943 allied successes in Sicily Piedmont-Sardinia’s declaration of support
forced the Fascist Grand Council to depose for the anti-Habsburg revolts in Lombardy
MUSSOLINI, and the new Italian and Venetia (see AUSTRO-PIEDMONTESE
government under BADOGLIO made peace WAR). In the 1850s Piedmont-Sardinia –
with the allies in September as they began to under Cavour’s premiership – became the
land on the mainland at Reggio and Salerno. leading state in the movement towards Italian
The peace terms forced Italy to declare war on nationhood, with his cultivation of support
Germany, a move which the Germans from many of the smaller Italian states and the
Italo-Abyssinian War 72

military backing of France through the Pact of some member states, including Germany and
PLOMBIÈRES (1858). Through military the USSR, ignored it. The brutality of the
action against Austria (see FRANCO- invasion shocked many in Europe,
AUSTRIAN WAR) and the southern particularly due to the obvious imbalance of
expeditions of GARIBALDI, the kingdom of the two sides’ weaponry: Italy used tanks,
Italy was declared in March 1861. Over the aircraft and gas against the poorly equipped
next decade, the areas that had remained Abyssinian army, which had to rely on
outside the new kingdom were incorporated: guerrilla tactics. In December 1935 the British
Venetia in October 1866, after the decline of Foreign Secretary Samuel Hoare and the
Austrian power; and the Papal States in French Prime Minister LAVAL planned a
partition of Abyssinia, although this was
October 1870 after the withdrawal of French
rejected by their governments. In April 1936
the Italians under BADOGLIO won the
The general identification of Italian
decisive battle at Marchew, with Addis Ababa
unification with the notion of risorgimento being occupied in May. The Abyssinian
disguises the contested nature of the final
Emperor Haile Selassie moved into exile in
settlement, not least the power of the northern the UK; and the Italians quickly established a
industrial Piedmont over southern
colonial infrastructure. Italy subsequently left
agricultural areas, or the dependence on the League. The war also helped to destroy the
external factors such as French assistance and
STRESA FRONT, and gave some momentum
Habsburg decline. The linguistic situation to APPEASEMENT. Abyssinia itself
was a famous example of this: in 1870, only
remained under Italian rule until 1941, when
approximately 2.5 per cent of the population the Italians were defeated by the British:
of Italy could speak Italian. However, seen
Selassie was subsequently restored.
alongside GERMAN UNIFICATION, the Italo-Turkish War (1911–12) War between
Italian experience was evidence of a growing
Italy and the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Italy
belief in the idea of the nation state as a declared war on the Ottoman empire in
desirable political structure.
September 1911 in a bid to gain colonial
Italo-Abyssinian War (1935–36) Colonial territories in North Africa, specifically
war between Italy and Abyssinia (see
Tripoli, and in the Aegean Sea (see
IMPERIALISM). MUSSOLINI’S Fascist IMPERIALISM). The war was rooted in the
government in Italy expressed its desire for an
Italian government’s perceived need to
enlarged African empire at a number of points develop as a colonial power, and the timing
from the mid-1920s. Abyssinia was seen as a
was linked to the general growth of European
target, as its conquest would add to the Italian interest in north Africa (see MOROCCAN
possessions of Eritrea and Italian Somaliland
CRISES), although the Italian Prime Minister
to provide a significant east African block. GIOLITTI was ambivalent about the war. In
Abyssinia was also attractive for historical
November 1911 Italian forces occupied
reasons, as an Italian invasion in 1896 had Tripoli. In May 1912 the Italians also
been beaten. In 1934 Mussolini aggravated
occupied the Dodecanese islands. The war
relations with Abyssinia by authorising was settled in Italy’s favour in October 1912,
border incursions: and when one of these, at
by which time the Ottoman government was
Walwal, led to casualties in December 1934, under pressure from the Balkan League of
the pressure for intervention hastened.
Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro and Serbia
Despite the LEAGUE OF NATIONS’ (see BALKAN WARS). The treaty of Ouchy
arbitration offers, Italy invaded Abyssinia in
recognised Italy’s gains. Although relatively
October 1935. The League condemned the limited, the war gave Italy a colonial role,
attack as an act of aggression against another
albeit a minor one, and also extended Italian
member state, and established a scheme of influence deep into the Balkans, creating a
sanctions against Italy: the majority of
possible source of friction between Italy and
members agreed not to provide Italy with its TRIPLE ALLIANCE partners, Austria-
arms, rubber or loans. The scheme was flawed
Hungary and Germany. The war further
by its exclusion of petroleum products, iron weakened the Ottoman empire, presenting the
and coal, and was further weakened when
73 Joffre, Joseph

Balkan League governments with their helping the negotiations that re-established
opportunity to fight against Turkish influence Solidarity (see REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–
in their region. It also created a strain on 91). He retired in 1990. In 1996 the Polish
Italian resources, particularly in garrisoning government decided to drop charges against
Tripoli. him for his declaration of martial law.
Jaurès, Jean (1859–1914) French politician.
A philosopher, historian and journalist, Jaurès
entered the Chamber of Deputies in 1885 as a
republican. He shifted to the left, particularly
in the context of labour disputes in the early
J 1890s, and became a leading socialist orator
and spokesman in his second and third terms
as a deputy from 1893 to 1898 and 1902 to his
death in 1914. A supporter of Alfred Dreyfus
Jacobins Radical political grouping of the (see DREYFUS AFFAIR), he founded the
FRENCH REVOLUTION, flourishing socialist daily L’Humanité in 1904, and
between 1789 and 1794, which took its name helped to form a united Socialist party out of
from the former Paris monastery of the the various left-wing groups in 1905.
Jacobins in which it met. The Paris grouping Following the SECOND
was part of a national network of sympathetic INTERNATIONAL’S line, he refused to
clubs and corresponding societies. Many key participate in coalitions, and so never held
politicians from the Constitutional Assembly office. In his later years, he opposed French
and its successor bodies were Jacobins, colonial expansion (see IMPERIALISM) and
including DANTON, MARAT and military build-up, and attempted to promote
ROBESPIERRE. It became the most peaceful cooperation between French and
influential grouping in France during 1793, German workers. He was assassinated by a
with policies associated with the TERROR nationalist in July 1914.
largely emanating from Jacobins’ discussions Jemappes, battle of (November 1792) see
and implemented by leading Jacobins in the FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS.
Convention and on the key committees. After Jena, battle of (October 1806) see
the coup of Thermidor, the Paris club declined NAPOLEONIC WARS.
in influence, and was closed down in Joachim I Napoleon see MURAT,
November 1794. Provincial Jacobin clubs JOACHIM.
were closed down in 1795. Joffre, Joseph (1852–1931) French soldier.
Jaruzelski, Wojciech (born 1923) Polish Joffre joined the army in 1870, and
soldier and politician. Having been deported immediately served in the defence of Paris
to the USSR as a child, Jaruzelski fought for during the FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. He
the Red Army’s Polish division during the later served in colonial campaigns in Asia and
SECOND WORLD WAR. He stayed in the Africa (see IMPERIALISM), before leading
Polish army, rising to the rank of general by military engineering projects from 1904 to
1956. Entering parliament in 1961, he served 1906, and working as a tactical planner from
as Chief of the General Staff from 1965 until 1911. He commanded the French army at the
1968, and then became Minister of Defence, a start of the FIRST WORLD WAR, beginning
post he held until 1983. Prime Minister and with ill-fated attacks in Lorraine and the
First Secretary of the party from 1981, he led Ardennes before regaining the initiative by
the government during Poland’s economic stopping the German advances at the
and political crises that were centred around MARNE in September 1914 and at Ypres the
SOLIDARITY. He responded to the crisis, following month. After unsuccessful attacks
and to the threat of a Soviet invasion, by in 1915, Joffre became further discredited due
leading a military coup and ruling Poland to the costly battles of VERDUN and the
through martial law until 1983. In 1985 SOMME, and in 1916 BRIAND promoted
Jaruzelski became Chairman of the Council of him to Marshal of France, a position which
State, gradually becoming more liberal and took him out of the military leadership. He
John Paul II 74

served the Ministry of War in a number of Secretary of the party in October 1956. Kádár
posts from 1918 until his full retirement in supported NAGY and the HUNGARIAN
1930. RISING of 1956 to begin with, but soon
John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) (born 1920) moved to an anti-reformist stance. He left
Pope from 1978. After studying theology Budapest, and signed the invitation to the
illegally in Cracow during the German Soviet government to return WARSAW
occupation in the SECOND WORLD WAR, PACT troops to the capital. He then served as
and providing forced labour for the Germans, Prime Minister until 1958, a period in which
Wojtyla was ordained in 1946. He rose to the he led the suppression of those involved in the
positions of bishop in 1958, archbishop in rising. He was Prime Minister again from
1964 and cardinal in 1967. He was elected to 1961 until 1965, during which time he
the papacy in 1978 after John Paul I’s brief promoted a more liberal agenda. As First
tenure. He quickly established the practice of Secretary, he helped to introduce a new
travelling to visit Catholic communities economic policy in 1968, a line which
throughout the world, particularly in Africa, attracted some western investment and
Asia, Latin America and eastern Europe. He approval. He retained this post until 1988,
followed conservative lines on Catholic when, in a worsening economic climate, he
doctrine, especially relating to contraception moved to the nominal post of party president.
and homosexuality, and made a number of He died in July 1989.
conservative appointments within the Kalisch, treaty of (February 1813) see
Church’s hierarchy which also served to NAPOLEONIC WARS.
centralise Catholic practice. However, he also Kamenev, Lev (Lev Rosenfeld) (1883–
promoted the Church’s social responsibility, 1936) Soviet politician. A law student
and attempted to promote peace and dialogue involved in left-wing politics, Kamenev left
in politically sensitive situations, including Moscow for Paris in 1902, where he met
the Falklands War of 1982, Poland throughout LENIN and TROTSKY. He spent the rest of
the 1980s, Ireland, and the Gulf War of 1990. the pre-FIRST WORLD WAR period in
He survived an assassination attempt in 1981. Russia and Switzerland. In Russia in 1914 he
July Monarchy see LOUIS-PHILIPPE; entered the Duma, but was exiled for his
REVOLUTIONS OF 1830. opposition to the war. Kamenev returned to
July Plot (1944) see HITLER; Petrograd after the February revolution of
Jutland, battle of (May 1916) see FIRST 1917), and took a leading role in the Congress
WORLD WAR. of Soviets, from which position he opposed
the BOLSHEVIKS’ take-over after the
October revolution. In 1918 he became
Chairman of the Moscow Soviet, joining the
POLITBURO the following year. After
Lenin’s death, he worked with STALIN and
K ZINOVIEV against Trotsky, but soon shifted
to an anti-Stalin position with Trotsky. For
this, he lost his Moscow post in 1926 and his
place on the Politburo in 1927. Kamenev was
Kádár, János (1912–89) Hungarian arrested in 1935, and started a five-year prison
politician. Kádár joined the illegal sentence before being charged with KIROV’S
Communist party in 1932, remaining active murder at the first major show trial in 1936
throughout the 1930s and the SECOND (see YEZHOVSHCHINA). He was executed
WORLD WAR, during which he fought in the the same year. In 1988, under the influence of
RESISTANCE. He served as Minister of the GLASNOST, the Soviet courts rehabilitated
Interior in RÁKOSI’S government from 1948 him.
until 1950, but fell from grace himself in 1951, Karamanlis, Constantine (1907–98) Greek
and was imprisoned until 1954. He re- politician. After practising law, Karamanlis
emerged after Rákosi’s fall, becoming First entered parliament in 1935. He took on
75 Kellogg-Briand Pact

various ministerial posts in the aftermath of leadership in Poland. STALIN’S denial of

the SECOND WORLD WAR, a period in responsibility caused a break in relations
which he developed good links with the USA between the USSR and the Polish
through his management of MARSHALL government-in-exile, led by SIKORSKI, and
PLAN funds. He was appointed Prime influenced Polish-Soviet relations after the
Minister by King Paul in 1955, developing the SECOND WORLD WAR. In April 1990,
new National Radical Union as a conservative under the influence of GLASNOST, the Soviet
party. He helped to improve Greece’s government admitted that Stalin had
relations with the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC authorised the killings.
COMMUNITY (EEC). He resigned in 1963, Kautsky, Karl (1854–1938) Czech-born
and refused to work with the GREEK politician and theorist. Kautsky was born in
COLONELS after the coup of 1967, Prague, moving to Austria and joining the
preferring instead to leave Greece for Paris. Social Democratic party in 1875. He founded
Karamanlis returned to Greece in 1974, and, and edited the socialist newspaper Die Neue
as Prime Minister again until 1980, played a Zeit from 1883, and worked as ENGELS’
leading role in overseeing the country’s secretary in London from 1885 until 1890.
transition towards a republic. He also helped Kautsky played a leading role, with
to secure accession to the EEC in 1979. He BERNSTEIN, in the reformulation of the
served as President from 1980 until 1985, and party’s programme in 1891, and remained
again from 1990 until his resignation in 1995. active both in that party and in the SECOND
Károlyi, Mihály (1875–1955) Hungarian INTERNATIONAL. He opposed the FIRST
politician. Count Károlyi, from a leading WORLD WAR, and condemned the
landed family, entered parliament as a liberal development of Marxism-Leninism during
in 1905. He argued for greater autonomy for the Russian Revolution (see RUSSIAN
Hungary and other parts of the HABSBURG REVOLUTIONS 1917). After the war he
empire, and for a less pro-German foreign moved to Vienna, where he remained until the
policy. During the FIRST WORLD WAR, he ANSCHLUSS in 1938, when he settled in
led the Independence party, a position which Amsterdam. He died the same year.
led to his appointment as Prime Minister in Kellogg-Briand Pact International
October 1918 as a pro-allied figure. In agreement of August 1928, also known as the
November 1918 he became provisional Pact of Paris. In 1927, in the context of an
President of the new republic, introducing apparent improvement in international
social and economic reforms. Károlyi was relations after the LOCARNO treaties and
overthrown by KUN’S communist coup in Germany’s admission to the LEAGUE OF
March 1919, and lived in exile until 1946. He NATIONS, the French Foreign Minister
then returned to Hungary briefly, serving as a BRIAND suggested to the USA’s Secretary of
diplomat until 1949, when he left again for a State, Frank Kellogg, that their two countries
voluntary exile. should make a pact against war. Kellogg
Katyn massacre Name given to the killing of expanded the idea to include other countries.
over 15,000 Polish prisoners-of-war by In August 1928, representatives of a number
Soviet forces in 1940. In 1939, when the of nations, including Belgium, France,
USSR invaded eastern Poland (see NAZI- Germany, Italy, the UK and the USA, met in
SOVIET PACT, SECOND WORLD WAR), Paris to sign the Pact, which was subsequently
thousands of Polish army officers were adopted by over sixty governments. The Pact
interned. In 1943, when the German army renounced certain types of war and
reached the Katyn forest near Smolensk, they established an arbitration process in case of
discovered the mass grave of over 4,000 of the disputes: and while it mirrored some of the
officers, all of whom had been shot. The League’s responsibilities, it included the
German and the Soviet governments accused USSR and the USA, neither of which were
each other of the killings, but a Red Cross members of the League. The pact was largely
investigation suggested that they had been cosmetic, as it allowed for wars of self-
carried out by the Soviets, presumably to defence, including imperial defence, and no
destroy the basis for an independent political
Kerensky, Alexander 76

system of punishment or enforcement was 1930s he began to ascend the party’s

created. hierarchy, with appointments on the Central
Kerensky, Alexander (1881–1970) Russian Committee in 1934 and in the Moscow party
politician. After a training in law, Kerensky structure in 1935 securing him recognition. In
entered the Duma in 1912 as a moderate 1938 he became the leading figure in
socialist, serving at the same time as the Ukrainian politics. He joined the
Deputy Chairman of the Petrograd soviet. He POLITBURO in 1939, and fought during the
supported the Russian Revolution of February SECOND WORLD WAR, seeing action at
1917 (see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS STALINGRAD and in the Ukraine. In 1949
1917), and took office in Prince Lvov’s he became secretary of the party’s Central
provisional government: first as Minister of Committee, and an agricultural advisor to
Justice in March 1917, then as Minister of War STALIN. After Stalin’s death in 1953,
in May. Kerensky became Prime Minister in Khrushchev emerged from the power struggle
July 1917. and took command of the armed with MALENKOV, MOLOTOV and Lazar
forces in August. Despite pressure from Kaganovich, as First Secretary in October
various quarters for Russia to withdraw from 1953. He secured his position, and global
the FIRST WORLD WAR, Kerensky decided recognition, when he publicly denounced
to pursue the fight, and committed troops and Stalin in 1956, and became Prime Minister
resources to unsuccessful new offensives. He after BULGANIN in 1958. Internationally,
also failed to deal with the confused state of Khrushchev’s record was inconsistent, with
agrarian land ownership, which lost him some liberal and progressive steps, such as
further support, as did his involvement with dialogue with the USA and the establishment
KORNILOV before the latter’s coup attempt of the 1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty,
in August 1917. By the time the countered by suppression of the
BOLSHEVIKS staged their coup in October HUNGARIAN RISING in 1956, the
1917, Kerensky had little support. He left stationing of nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962,
Russia in 1918. and spent the rest of his life in and other crises in the COLD WAR.
exile. Domestically, he introduced some partially
KGB (Russian: Komitet Gosudarstvennoi successful economic reforms within the
Bezopasnosti, Committee for State Security) context of a planned economy, including grain
USSR’s intelligence and secret police service, expansion and the development of a consumer
1954–91. The KGB was established in 1954 goods industry; while the terror of Stalin’s
as part of the reorganisation of Soviet state period was diluted, and anti-clericalism and
agencies after STALIN’S and BERIA’S ANTISEMITISM were promoted. In October
deaths. The KGB incorporated the old 1964, with worsening relations with China
NKVD, and was given a greater remit in and a poor economic climate, Khrushchev
internal and external espionage, including a was deposed.
special role in the communist countries of Kirov, Sergei (1886–1934) Soviet politician.
eastern Europe (see IMPERIALISM, A BOLSHEVIK activist in the 1905 and 1917
WARSAW PACT). As such, it played a key Russian Revolutions (see RUSSIAN
role in suppressing political discontent and REVOLUTION 1905, RUSSIAN
debates. Under GORBACHEV’S policies of REVOLUTIONS 1917), Kirov went on to
GLASNOST and PERESTROIKA, and the organise the Red Army’s victory in the
culture of criticism and liberalisation that they Caucasus in the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR. As
informed, the KGB’s role diminished. It was the head of the Communist party in
formally abolished in 1991 after leading Azerbaijan, he helped to organise the
officers had been involved in the coup attempt establishment of the Transcaucasian Soviet
against Gorbachev. Republic in 1922. He then moved to
Khrushchev, Nikita (1894–1971) Soviet Leningrad as party leader, working closely
politician. Khrushchev joined the Communist with STALIN until 1934, when he spoke
party in 1918, and fought in the Red Army against some of Stalin’s policies at the party
during the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR, before congress. He was murdered in December
moving into mining management. In the early 1934, probably on Stalin’s orders.
77 Kossuth, Lajos

KAMENEV and ZINOVIEV confessed to worked with KERENSKY’S Provisional

Kirov’s murder in the first of the show trials Government after the Russian Revolution of
which began the YEZHOVSHCHINA. February 1917 (see RUSSIAN
Kohl, Helmut (born 1930) West German and REVOLUTIONS 1917), and was promoted to
German politician. Kohl joined the Christian the post of Commander-in-Chief in July 1917.
Democratic Union (CDU) in 1947, and was After apparently ambiguous discussions with
active in its youth wing. After gaining a PhD Kerensky in August 1917, Kornilov
and working in industry, he entered the attempted to organise a military coup in
Rhineland parliament, rising to the post of Petrograd in order to suppress the extreme left
Minister-President of the Rhineland as Russia’s war effort worsened. The coup
Palatinate in 1969. He became the CDU’s was halted by a railway strike, and Kornilov
leader in 1973, taking the office of Chancellor was arrested. The coup attempt helped to
in 1982 at the head of a coalition government. undermine Kerensky and to strengthen the
His position was confirmed in elections in Bolsheviks. Kornilov escaped to join the
1983 and 1987. Kohl pursued pro-French, White forces in the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR.
pro-American and pro-European policies, He was killed in battle in 1918.
while also maintaining OSTPOLITIK. This Kosovo War (1999) Conflict between NATO
combination, and his negotiating skills, and Yugoslavia. In March 1999, NATO began
allowed Kohl to develop the opportunities a series of air strikes against Serbian military
that arose from the German Democratic and civil targets in an attempt to force
Republic’s (GDR) revolution of 1989 (see MILOSEVIC’S government to end its
REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91) into campaign against ethnic Albanians in
GERMAN REUNIFICATION within NATO Kosovo. While the campaign, Operation
and the EUROPEAN UNION in 1990. Kohl’s
Allied Force, was led by the USA and the UK,
government won the first elections in the
European member states Belgium, Denmark,
reunified Germany, held in 1990, and retained
France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,
power in the 1994 elections. In 1998 the CDU
Norway, Portugal and Spain also contributed
lost the election, and Kohl resigned his state
aircraft. Initially, the attacks influenced the
and party posts. After his resignation,
Serbian forces to accelerate their campaign
evidence emerged of his involvement in
against the Kosovo Albanians, causing a
financial irregularities while in office.
major refugee crisis in neighbouring
Kolchak, Alexander (1874–1920) Russian
admiral and politician. A career sailor, countries. In May, the UNITED NATIONS’
Kolchak fought in the Russo-Japanese War of International Criminal Tribunal for the former
1904–5, and the FIRST WORLD WAR, Yugoslavia (see YUGOSLAVIA,
during which he took command of the Black DISSOLUTION) indicted Milosevic for the
Sea fleet with the rank of Vice-Admiral. An campaign against the Albanians. The
opponent of the Russian Revolutions of 1917 Serbians backed down in June, after losing
(see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS 1917), Russian sympathy, and after the United
Kolchak acted as one of the leaders of the Nations established an acceptable model for
disparate White Russian forces that gathered peacekeeping.
in Siberia in 1918. He served as Minister of Kossuth, Lajos (1802–94) Hungarian
War in the Whites’ All Russian Government, politician. A liberal nationalist, Kossuth sat in
and achieved some initial military successes the Hungarian Diet from 1825 until 1827, and
in the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR. In November again from 1832 until 1836, while also
1918 became Supreme Ruler, resigning the working as a journalist. He was imprisoned
leadership in December 1919. Early in 1920 twice in the late 1830s, but rejoined the Diet in
he was captured by the BOLSHEVIKS and 1847. Kossuth helped to focus nationalist
executed. feeling against HABSBURG domination in
Kornilov, Lavrenti (1870–1918) Russian March 1848, and was one of the architects of
soldier. Kornilov fought in the Russo- the March Laws which limited Hungary’s
Japanese War of 1904–5, and served as a links with Austria and introduced liberal
commander in the FIRST WORLD WAR. He
Kosygin, Alexei 78

economic reforms (see REVOLUTIONS OF Kristallnacht (German: ‘crystal night’)

1848). He served as Minister of Finance in the German pogrom of 9–10 November 1938.
Hungarian government, and from April 1849, Following the assassination of Ernst vom
as Governor of Hungary. Despite his Rath, an official at Germany’s Paris Embassy,
declaration of Hungary’s independence, his by a German Jewish refugee, the Nazi
marginalisation of non-Magyar nationalities government organised a night of action
and ethnic groups lost him much internal against Jews throughout Germany and
support, and his government fell in August Austria. Initiated by Goebbels, coordinated
1849 under pressure from Austrian and by HEYDRICH and executed by security
Russian intervention. Kossuth left Hungary, forces and party activists, the attacks targeted
and spent the next eighteen years attempting individuals, homes, business premises,
to promote the Hungarian nationalist cause, schools and synagogues, with damage on
through international campaigning work and properties ranging from broken windows –
through attempted revolutions planned from hence the name attached to the events – to
Italy in 1859, 1861 and 1866. He opposed the arson. Around seventy individuals were
AUSGLEICH of 1867, and retired from killed, and between 20,000 and 30,000
politics after it had been passed. He remained arrested and sent to concentration camps. In
in exile, dying in Turin in 1894, although he the aftermath, the Jewish community was
was quickly embraced as a nationalist icon in charged 1,000,000,000 marks compensation
death. for Rath’s killing, and insurance payouts for
Kosygin, Alexei (1904–80) Soviet politician. the damage were taken by the government.
From a background in the textile industry, The pogrom was not popularly supported, and
Kosygin came to prominence in the drew condemnation from many foreign
Communist party in the late 1930s, governments. It is generally seen as a defining
particularly through his role as Mayor of his moment in the escalation of Nazi ANTI-
native St Petersburg from 1938 to 1939. He SEMITISM. See also FINAL SOLUTION.
joined the party’s Central Committee in 1939 Kronstadt, mutiny (October 1905) see
with an industrial portfolio, and was involved RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1905.
in the eastward transfer of industrial plant and Kulturkampf (German: ‘struggle of
infrastructure during the SECOND WORLD cultures’) Period of tension between the
WAR (see also FIVE YEAR PLANS). He Roman Catholic Church in Germany and the
took on various ministerial posts after the War, German and Prussian governments, 1871–87.
including the portfolios for finance in 1948, With long-term roots stretching back to the
for light industry from 1949 until 1953, and Reformation, tensions between Catholics and
for economic planning in 1956. Deputy Prime Protestants in the German states became more
Minister from 1960, he succeeded pronounced in the 1860s in response to POPE
KHRUSHCHEV as Chairman of the Council PIUS IX’S anti-liberal stance. After
of Ministers in 1964, maintaining this prime GERMAN UNIFICATION in 1871,
ministerial role alongside BREZHNEV as BISMARCK exacerbated these tensions by
First Secretary. His attempts to develop the initiating a series of antiCatholic laws. They
Soviet economy through decentralisation of were motivated by a combination of factors,
industry and the promotion of consumer most significantly his need to gain liberal
goods were not successful in the short term, support in parliament, and the potential threat
although they set a precedent for later that Catholics were perceived to pose to the
developments. He also achieved some nation state due to their loyalties to the supra-
diplomatic successes in Asia and over arms national church and the sympathies they
control. Kosygin’s influence declined in the might have with Catholics in Austria-
last years of his tenure of office. He retired in Hungary, France and Poland. Anti-Catholic
1980. laws started in 1871, gaining a higher profile
79 Kursk, battle of

in 1872 when the Jesuit order was banned movement, led Kun’s government to collapse
from Germany, and in the laws of May 1873 in August 1919, as Romanian troops entered
introduced by Falk which restricted the Budapest. Kun moved to the USSR, working
Church’s freedom to appoint and educate for a while as the head of the THIRD
clergy in Prussia. In 1874, civil marriages and INTERNATIONAL. He disappeared during
the civil registration of births, deaths and Stalin’s purges (see YEZHOVSHCHINA),
marriages were introduced, and in 1875 most although his exact fate is uncertain. He was
Catholic orders were dissolved, and grants to rehabilitated in 1958.
parishes were withheld unless the clergy Kursk, battle of (July 1943) SECOND
complied with all of the new laws. WORLD WAR battle between Germany and
With Pius IX condemning these acts, and the USSR. The strategic railway town of
the vast majority of the clergy resisting them Kursk, taken by Germany in November 1941
and facing prison or exile, the Kulturkampf (see BARBAROSSA), was retaken by the
failed in its aims, and Catholic solidarity Red Army in February 1943, after the victory
developed in such a way that the Centre party at STALINGRAD. Kursk then became the
hugely increased its electoral support. In 1878 centre of a large salient the Red Army made
Bismarck began to scale down the anti- into Germany’s eastern front line. In the
clericalism, helped both by the election of spring of 1943, HITLER and his military aides
Pope Leo XIII, and by the realisation that developed a plan to attack this salient in a
continued persecution could create pincer movement which would regain Kursk
permanent splits in the new empire; although and cut off the Soviet front line. Delays in the
the introduction of ANTI-SOCIALIST plan gave the Red Army time to construct
LAWS from 1878 suggests that the defences along the front, and to move tanks,
government’s desire to persecute minority anti-tank guns, missile launchers and
groups in order to secure itself had not approximately 1,300,000 troops into the
diminished. By the end of 1887, when salient. The attack began on 5 July, with
Germany re-established formal links with the northern and southern pincer movements
Vatican, all of the anti-Catholic laws had been backed up by aerial bombardment. The
repealed. northern attack was repulsed by superior
Kun, Béla (1886–c. 1939) Hungarian Soviet defences after only ten miles. The
politician. A lawyer and journalist, Kun was southern attack reached Prokorova,
taken as a prisoner of war by the Russian army approximately twenty-five miles into Soviet-
in 1916. He became a communist during his held territory, where the largest tank battle in
imprisonment, and when he returned to history then took place on 12 July: with
Hungary in 1918 he founded the country’s around 900 tanks on each side, this
first Communist party. In March 1919 he engagement involved close range fighting
helped to bring about the downfall of with great destruction. On 15 July, five days
KÁROLYI’S government; and, with backing after the allied landings in Sicily (see
from the Social Democrats, he established a ITALIAN CAMPAIGN), Hitler abandoned
government. This government pushed Kursk in order to concentrate on southern
through many radical laws, including the Europe: and while the fighting continued until
nationalisation of land and industry and anti- 23 July, the Germans lacked any new supplies.
clerical legislation, but it failed to win popular The defeat left the Germans behind their
support, and relied heavily on internal terror. starting lines and severely depleted of men
Kun also committed troops and resources to and material; while Soviet tanks and aircraft
the battle against Romanian and production, and greater manpower reserves,
Czechoslovakian occupation of disputed left the initiative with the Red Army. From
territories. These pressures, combined with July 1943 onwards, the Germans were on the
those from HORTHY’S nationalist defensive in the east.
Laibach, Congress of 80

L outlawed divorce. In return, the Church

recognised the kingdom of Italy, and barred
clergymen from joining political parties. The
Accords brought political credit to the
government in general and to Mussolini in
Laibach, Congress of (January–May 1821) particular, as they apparently reconciled
Continuation of the Congress of TROPPAU Catholics to the state. The Accords were
of 1820. After agreeing in principle at confirmed in 1946 when the new republic was
Troppau to armed intervention against established in Italy, and were amended in
revolutions, the HABSBURG empire, Prussia 1984.
and Russia concerned themselves at Laibach Lausanne, treaty of (July 1923) Peace treaty
with the revolutions in the Italian states (see between the allied powers and Turkey, which
NEAPOLITAN RISING, PIEDMONTESE superseded the treaty of SÈVRES of 1920.
RISING). After hearing from King Ferdinand After the OTTOMAN Sultan Mohammad VI
of Naples, the powers approved Habsburg accepted the treaty of Sèvres when the British
military intervention to help crush the occupied Constantinople, a republican
revolution. This intervention was nationalist movement based in Ankara and
ineffectually resisted by the UK’s observer at associated with Kemal (see ATATÜRK)
Laibach. The Congress’s authorisation of continued to stress rejection of the treaty. This
armed intervention in another state movement subsequently beat back the Greek
demonstrated that the original terms of the invasion of Asia Minor in 1922 (see
behind, and that the Habsburg empire, Prussia precipitating a confrontation with the British
and Russia were acting more generally as an at Chanak, the nationalists managed to secure
anti-revolutionary block. See also the promise of renegotiation of the 1920
CONGRESS SYSTEM. settlement. This took place at Lausanne in
Languy, battle of (August 1792) see July 1923. The major change from Sèvres was
FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS. the restoration of Eastern Thrace and the part
Lateran Accords (February 1929) Bilateral of Anatolia that Sèvres had given to Greece,
agreements between the Italian government while the treaty also recognised Turkish
and the Roman Catholic Church. Relations control of Armenia. The reparations
between Church and state had been poor since demanded at Sèvres were dropped. Beyond
ITALIAN UNIFICATION, with the issue of that, most of the clauses of Sèvres were
political power aggravated by the state confirmed, including the loss of Palestine and
requisitioning papal land holdings. The Syria as MANDATES, the loss of Cyprus to
church refused to recognise the kingdom of the UK and the Dodecanese islands to Italy,
Italy. Under MUSSOLINI, the Fascist and the demilitarisation of the Dardanelles.
government began to build some links with Laval, Pierre (1883–1945) French politician.
the papacy, the latter seeing the Fascists as a After practising as a lawyer, Laval entered the
valuable anti-communist organisation. By Chamber of Deputies as a socialist in 1914. He
1929 both sides were able to take this lost his seat in 1919, but returned as an
cooperation further, leading to the signing of independent in 1924, before entering the
the Lateran Accords by Mussolini and Pope Senate in 1927. He held various ministerial
Pius XI. The government gave the Church a posts in the 1920s, including the public works,
compensation payment for the lost territories justice, and labour portfolios, before
and their earning potential since 1860, and becoming Prime Minister in 1931 for a year.
recognised Roman Catholicism as the only He served as Prime Minister and Foreign
religion in Italy. It gave the papacy some Minister from 1934 until 1936, during which
temporal sovereignty by establishing the time he showed his shift to the right through
Vatican City as an independent state, allowed his pro-Italian stance over the ITALO-
Catholic teaching in state schools, and ABYSSINIAN WAR, which forced him to
81 Lebensraum

resign. He re-emerged in 1940 as a supporter unanimity on major issues also hampered its
of the VICHY government, helping to secure effectiveness.
the suspension of the THIRD REPUBLIC. He With fifty-three members by 1923, the
served as PÉTAIN’S deputy until December League enjoyed some early successes in
1940, when he was dismissed, but was arbitrating contested issues between some
reinstated in 1942 with German backing, member states, including Finland and Sweden
which set him up as effective dictator of in 1920, and Bulgaria and Greece in 1925,
Vichy. During this time, he attempted to limit although it was less successful in dealing with
the extent of German control over France by the CORFU INCIDENT in 1923. Germany
complying with some German policies, such joined in 1926 after the treaty of LOCARNO,
as deporting French Jews and sending forced gaining a permanent seat on the Council. The
labour east. Laval attempted to re-establish a League’s influence as an arbitrational body
national assembly in the summer of 1944, but declined in the early 1930s: it was unable to
he was arrested by the German authorities. promote peace between China and Japan in
After an escape and a period in exile, he 1933, while Germany and Japan both left in
returned to France in 1945, where he was tried the same year. While the USSR’s membership
for treason and executed. from 1934 added a major power, the 1935
League of Nations International ITALO-ABYSSINIAN WAR further
organisation, 1920–46. The idea for an damaged the League’s credibility: Italy
international arbitrational organisation refused to arbitrate; the sanctions package
developed during the FIRST WORLD WAR, imposed on Italy was ineffective; and the
and was given a high priority by its inclusion bilateral secret diplomacy of Hoare and
in US President Woodrow Wilson’s LAVAL undermined the League’s call for
FOURTEEN POINTS. The idea was accepted open diplomacy. Italy left in 1937. The
by the PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE in League was similarly largely ineffective over
April 1919, and the covenant of the League of the SPANISH CIVIL WAR, and failed to
Nations was included in the resultant peace prevent Germany’s invasion of
treaties. It came into being in 1920, although, Czechoslovakia in 1939, or the USSR’s
despite Wilson’s role, the USA did not join. invasion of Finland in the same year (see
Based in Geneva, the League comprised of an SECOND WORLD WAR). Although the
Assembly, a Secretariat and a Council, which specialist committees continued to work, the
included four permanent members: the British Assembly stopped meeting in 1939, and the
empire, France, Italy and Japan. It also built League was formally wound up in 1946: the
up a range of specialist and technical UNITED NATIONS took over its remaining
committees and bodies, such as the specialist responsibilities, and replaced it as
International Court of Justice, the an international body.
International Labour Organisation, the Lebensraum (German: ‘living space’)
Mandates Commission (see MANDATES), Concept in German nationalist politics. The
and committees working on refugees, drugs, notion of Lebensraum developed in the late
slavery and other international issues. As well nineteenth century, during Germany’s period
as these specialised branches, the League was of colonialism (see IMPERIALISM), as a
dedicated to promoting peace through theoretical explanation of Germany’s quest
collective security, working on the principle for colonies: based on the assumption that
that member states would use the League for Germany was running out of space, and that as
arbitration rather than settle differences by industrialisation had led to over-population in
war. It also pressed for openness in all bilateral relation to resources, new areas were sought
and multilateral diplomacy, and for for exploitation. After the FIRST WORLD
disarmament. The League did not have its WAR, the concept became more focused on
own armed force: it favoured economic eastern Europe, particularly the territories lost
sanctions. The constitutional demand for by Germany and Austria at the treaties of
Leipzig, battle of 82

was argued, could be annexed by Germany to November. Coming with the British successes
provide greater agricultural resources. The in the Peninsular War, which led to their
concept became strongly associated with invasion of southern France in October,
NAZISM and HITLER’S ideas, in which they Leipzig was the decisive battle that signalled
were clearly underpinned by economic Napoleon’s first fall.
theories of self-sufficiency, and by racial Lenin, Vladimir (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)
assumptions: Germans, in this view, had (1870–1924) Russian and Soviet politician.
greater rights to the space and resources than Ulyanov became active in revolutionary
Jews, Poles or Slavs. Military policy in the politics in the late 1880s. He was arrested in
east from 1938 provided the opportunity for 1895 and exiled to Siberia in 1897, before
the German government to develop leaving Russia for western Europe in 1900. He
Lebensraum into policy. The invasion of developed his political theories in debates,
western Poland in 1939 was followed by a books, pamphlets and journalism. By 1903,
‘Germanisation’ programme in which natives by which time he had adopted the pseudonym
were forcibly migrated eastwards and into ‘Lenin’, his key idea that an elite party should
ghettos and camps (see FINAL SOLUTION), spearhead a revolution in order to bring about
while ethnic Germans living in these areas, socialism led to a split in the Russian Social
and Germans from the Reich itself and from Democrat party in exile, with Lenin emerging
other areas, were settled in the conquered as leader of the BOLSHEVIK faction. He
areas: for example, some 200,000 Germans returned to Russia during the Revolution of
were resettled in Poland between 1939 and 1905 (see RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1905),
1941. but soon left again for Switzerland, where he
Leipzig, battle of (16–19 October 1813) continued to write and provide leadership for
Battle of the NAPOLEONIC WARS between the Bolsheviks. After the February 1917
France and its allies on one side, and the revolution (see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS
HABSBURG empire, Prussia, Russia and 1917) the German army allowed him through
Sweden on the other, sometimes known as the Germany to Russia, as they felt that he might
Battle of the Nations. After retreating from help to undermine the Russian war effort. In
Russia in 1812, NAPOLEON continued to Petrograd, he published his April Theses,
engage with Russia and Prussia in eastern calling for an overthrow of the provisional
Europe. However, the alliance systems of the government and the seizure of power by the
treaties of Kalisch and Teplitz created a Bolsheviks, as opposed to the more traditional
powerful and large allied force, which Marxist model of waiting for the democratic
Napoleon faced at Leipzig on 16 October bourgeois stage to collapse. This intervention
1813. The first day of fighting was indecisive, changed the shape of the revolutionary events
despite the allies’ numerical superiority of in Russia. He left Russia for Finland briefly
approximately 220,000 against Napoleon’s after the failed rising of July 1917, but
force of 185,000 French and German soldiers. returned in October and co-organised the
However, the arrival of the Swedish force of revolution against KERENSKY’S
150,000 on the second day turned the tide, government. After the success of this rising,
leading to the desertion of many of the Lenin quickly consolidated his position as
Germans from Napoleon’s side, and by the Chairman of the Council of People’s
fourth day Napoleon was forced to retreat Commissars, from which he used
rather than be fully surrounded. The French increasingly dictatorial powers to establish a
suffered approximately 38,000 casualties and centralised state under Bolshevik rule. He
lost 30,000 men as prisoners, while the allied authorised the closure of the Constituent
losses were in the region of 50,000. Napoleon Assembly in January 1918, withdrew Russia
also lost over 300 cannon and much of his from the FIRST WORLD WAR (see treaty of
logistical support. The battle led to the allies BREST-LITOVSK), provided leadership
gaining control of the German states, and to during the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR,
Napoleon’s hasty retreat back to France in authorised terror against opponents and
83 Little Entente

suspected opponents, and promoted the constitutionalism by the end of the nineteenth
economic experiment of WAR century. It also lost ground to SOCIALISM as
COMMUNISM, involving forced a more radical reformist ideology. However, a
nationalisation and confiscation of assets. He number of its premises as they have related to
changed the party’s name to the Communist the rights of the individual, the role of the state
party, and in 1919 he established the THIRD and the nature of sovereignty, have become
INTERNATIONAL to promote basic assumptions in democratic systems
COMMUNISM abroad. In 1921 he replaced throughout the continent. The
war communism with the NEW ECONOMIC REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91 against
POLICY. communist governments throughout eastern
Lenin’s health deteriorated from the early Europe, many of which had liberal and
1920s, and he began to suffer strokes in 1922. constitutional agendas, stressed liberalism’s
However, he remained the leader of the party broad acceptance as an underlying feature of
and the country until his death in 1924. He democracy.
achieved a posthumous personality cult, Lie, Trygve (1896–1968) Norwegian
evident in the changing of Petrograd’s name to politician. After working as a lawyer, Lie
Leningrad, and the public display of his entered the Norwegian parliament in 1935. He
embalmed corpse in Moscow’s Red Square, a served as Justice Minister from 1935 until
display which survived the REVOLUTIONS 1939, then briefly as Minister of Supplies
OF 1989–91. before the German invasion of Norway (see
Leningrad, siege of (1941–44) see SECOND WORLD WAR). Lie joined the
BARBAROSSA; SECOND WORLD WAR. Norwegian government-in-exile in London,
liberalism Political and economic ideology. serving as Foreign Minister from 1941 until
Liberalism emerged by name in the early 1946. He emerged as a leading figure in the
nineteenth century, when it was adopted by UNITED NATIONS (UN) at its first
Spanish political reformers, although it was assembly in 1946, and was elected as the
rooted in British political discourse of the organisation’s first Secretary-General. Re-
seventeenth century, and in some aspects of elected in 1950, he organised the UN’s
the American Revolution and FRENCH military intervention in the Korean War of
REVOLUTION of the late eighteenth 1951–53, which lost him the USSR’s support.
century. Key features of liberalism as it He retired from the UN in 1953, and returned
developed, essentially as a reformist and to Norwegian politics, holding portfolios for
oppositional ideology, included an emphasis industry and commerce in the 1960s.
on individuals’ rights and liberties and an Ligny, battle of (June 1815) see
antipathy to state interference, along with a NAPOLEONIC WARS.
belief in the value of constitutions to regulate Little Entente Eastern European alliance
the relationship between government and system, 1920–39. The Little Entente emerged
people. It also had an economic aspect, out of three bilateral treaties signed in the
particularly in British models, based on aftermath of the FIRST WORLD WAR: the
freedom of trade. Liberalism was espoused by Czechoslovakia-Kingdom of the Serbs,
radicals and revolutionaries in a number of Croats and Slovenes treaty of 1920, and the
continental struggles in the first half of the Czechoslovakia-Romania and Romania-
nineteenth century, including the SPANISH Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
RISINGS of 1820–23, and the treaties of 1921. The alliances were designed
REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 in Belgium, to check any attempt from Austria or Hungary
France and elsewhere: here, liberalism and to revoke the treaties of ST GERMAIN and
NATIONALISM came close together. As a TRIANON of 1920. The three treaties were
partisan ideology, liberalism subsequently brought together by a tripartite treaty signed in
declined in influence in continental Europe, Belgrade in 1929, leading to such formal
particularly as most European governments structures as military talks, internal economic
accommodated some form of cooperation and a permanent council,
Litvinov, Maxim 84

established in 1933. However, the Little Alsace and Lorraine and other disputed
Entente was constrained by its concentration territories. For its eastern borders, Germany
on the perceived Austrian and Hungarian signed treaties with Czechoslovakia and
threats, while the German threat to the 1920 Poland guaranteeing that any future territorial
settlement was underplayed. Yugoslavia’s claims would be settled by negotiation, not
cooperation with Germany from 1935 violence. To provide some security to these
undermined the Little Entente, and it formally eastern countries, France duly signed mutual
ended in February 1939 after its failure to guarantee treaties with them to guard against
offer any resistance to the German annexation any German denunciation of this promise.
of the Sudeten area of Czechoslovakia in Germany also signed treaties on future
1938. See MUNICH AGREEMENT. arbitration with Belgium and France.
Litvinov, Maxim (Meier Wallakh) (1876– The Locarno treaties were widely
1951) Soviet politician and diplomat. welcomed as evidence of Germany’s
Litvinov joined the Social Democratic party rehabilitation after the FIRST WORLD
in 1898, and left Russia in 1902 after a period WAR, and helped Germany to gain admission
of imprisonment. He was active in to the LEAGUE OF NATIONS in 1926.
revolutionary politics in exile in France and Stresemann and the chief French negotiator,
the UK, and was appointed as the diplomatic BRIAND, jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize
representative to London after the November for the treaties. In 1936, Germany’s
Revolution (see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS reoccupation of the Rhineland broke the
1917). He returned to Russia in September western treaty, while moves against
1918 when the British government deported Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1938 and 1939
him. Litvinov served as Deputy Foreign broke its eastern commitments. See
Commissar from 1921 until 1930, and as APPEASEMENT, MUNICH
Foreign Commissar until May 1939. He AGREEMENT, SECOND WORLD WAR.
pursued a policy in favour of collective Lodi, battle of (May 1796) see FRENCH
security against the threat of FASCISM, and REVOLUTIONARY WARS.
helped to improve the USSR’s diplomatic Lonato, battle of (August 1796) see
credibility by establishing relations with the FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS.
USA in 1933, by taking the USSR into the London, treaty of (July 1827) see GREEK
negotiating the Franco-Soviet mutual aid London, treaty of (May 1839) Multilateral
agreement of 1935. In May 1939 STALIN treaty on Belgium. During the Belgian
replaced Litvinov with MOLOTOV. Litvinov Revolution of 1830 (see REVOLUTIONS OF
subsequently served as the USSR’s 1830) and the subsequent war between
Ambassador to Washington from 1941 until Belgium and Holland, ambassadorial
1943. He retired in 1946. representatives of France, the HABSBURG
living space see LEBENSRAUM. empire, Prussia, Russia and the UK met in
Locarno, treaties of (December 1925) Series London on a number of occasions to attempt
of multilateral treaties on European frontiers to settle the crisis. Their suggestions were
and security, negotiated from October 1925. rejected by the Dutch. However, after
After the tension of the RUHR occupation, Holland’s withdrawal from Belgium in 1832,
France and Germany began to work for a and their subsequent recognition of Belgian
greater cooperation. In this context, independence from the United Kingdom of
STRESEMANN initiated discussions which the Netherlands, the powers worked on a final
led to the Locarno treaties. The main treaty territorial settlement. This was signed at
recognised Germany’s borders with Belgium London in May 1839. By the treaty, Belgium
and France as established by the treaty of was formally established as an independent
VERSAILLES, with Italy and the UK acting and neutral state, and its independence was
as guarantors of this settlement. By this, guaranteed by the powers. The treaty also
Germany effectively dropped its claims to
85 Louis XVI

established Luxembourg – which Belgium colonies. Italy duly entered the war in May
claimed – as a duchy. 1915, although this failed to dent the central
London, treaty of (May 1852) Multilateral powers’ war effort significantly. The terms of
treaty on the future of Denmark. After the the treaty were revealed in 1918 by the
revolution against Danish rule in Holstein BOLSHEVIKS as part of their repudiation of
(see REVOLUTIONS OF 1848), and the their inherited military obligations. It was
subsequent Prussian intervention that led to widely condemned for its secrecy and its lack
war with Denmark until 1850, an international of regard for self-determination (see
conference on Denmark’s borders and status FOURTEEN POINTS). The PARIS PEACE
was held in London. In May 1852, France, the CONFERENCE awarded Italy only some of
HABSBURG empire, Prussia, Russia, the territories covered by the treaty. The
Sweden and the UK signed the protocol broken promise of London fed into post-war
whereby Denmark was left intact, with an Italian dissatisfaction, and was influential on
agreed succession, while Schleswig and both D’ANNUNZIO and MUSSOLINI.
Holstein were left with limited autonomy in Louis XVI (1754–93) Bourbon King of
union with Denmark. This agreement was France, 1774–92. Louis XVI succeeded his
ended in 1864. See SCHLESWIG WAR. grandfather Louis XV in 1774, and enjoyed
London, treaty of (May 1913) Peace treaty some popularity in the first part of his reign,
that settled the first BALKAN WAR. Drawn particularly through his backing of the
up by representatives of the powers who Americans in their war of independence.
feared that the Balkan War might expand, the However, his government’s financial
treaty was a speedy response to the Balkan problems were significant, and by the late
League’s victory over the OTTOMAN 1780s his inability to deal with these
EMPIRE. The Turkish losses were decisively led directly to the meeting of the
confirmed, and divided between the League Estates-General in 1789, and to that body’s
partners. Bulgaria gained much of Thrace and declaration of a National Assembly (see
access to the Aegean, and part of eastern FRENCH REVOLUTION). In the context of
Macedonia; Greece gained southern popular riots, and his own return to Paris from
Macedonia and the port of Salonica; Versailles in October 1789, Louis accepted
the National Assembly and worked with it as
Montenegro gained parts of the Sanjak of
a constitutional monarch. However, his anti-
Novibazar; while Serbia gained Kosovo, part
revolutionary sympathies were made evident
of Macedonia, and the north eastern section of
in June 1791, when he attempted to escape
the Sanjak of Novibazar. The treaty also
from France. He was captured at Varennes,
created Albania as an independent state. This
returned to Paris, and suspended until he
settlement failed to calm the region: in June
accepted the new constitution, which he did in
1913, Bulgaria, dissatisfied with its treatment September. He subsequently failed to follow
under the treaty, attacked its former allies, the constitution, exemplified by his dismissal
thus starting the second Balkan War. of his ministers in June 1792, after which his
London, treaty of (April 1915) Secret FIRST position became even more tenuous. In late
WORLD WAR treaty between the TRIPLE June 1792, his quarters in the Tuileries Palace
ENTENTE and Italy. The treaty promised were stormed; and in August 1792, when a
Italy territorial gains if it entered the war similar rising occurred, the Assembly
against Austria-Hungary. The gains included suspended the monarchy. As the course of the
long-disputed territory on the Italo- FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS
HABSBURG borders known to the Italians as turned against France, pressure for more
Italia Irredenta, including Trentino, South decisive action against internal opponents
Tirol and Trieste, as well as parts of the grew, culminating in the abolition of the
Dalmatian coast. Italy was also promised monarchy and the declaration of the republic
areas from the OTTOMAN EMPIRE, in September 1792. In December Louis was
including parts of Albania and the tried by the Convention for crimes against the
Dodecanese islands, as well as African revolution. Found guilty unanimously, he was
Louis XVIII 86

sentenced to death: and despite some duly appointed him as king in July 1830 when
discussion of a reprieve and of holding a Charles abdicated. Louis-Philippe, whose
popular referendum on his sentence, he was reign became known as the July Monarchy,
executed in January 1793. followed generally cautious policies, and
Louis XVIII (1755–1824) King of France, oversaw some liberal reforms of the
1814–24. The brother of LOUIS XVI, Louis reactionary policies introduced by his two
left France in 1791 (see FRENCH predecessors LOUIS XVIII and Charles X,
REVOLUTION), and assumed the title of including the disestablishment of
regent on his brother’s execution in 1793, and Catholicism. Louis-Philippe lost popularity
the title of king on the death of Louis XVI’s after 1840, particularly through his links with
son Prince Louis (who, had he reigned, would the anti-reformist politician GUIZOT, and
have been Louis XVII) in 1795. He was abdicated in February 1848 in response to
involved in émigré politics as the pretender to riots in Paris (see REVOLUTIONS OF 1848).
the throne during the revolutionary and He moved to England, and lived there in exile
Napoleonic periods. In 1814 he renounced until his death in 1850.
some of his earlier objections to the changes Ludendorff, Erich von (1865–1937)
brought about by the revolution and German soldier and politician. Ludendorff
NAPOLEON, and negotiated a restoration joined the army in 1882. When the FIRST
with TALLEYRAND, which involved the WORLD WAR began, Ludendorff led the
king accepting the constitutional charter. capture of Liège, before being transferred to
Louis duly took the throne in 1814, but left the eastern front where, with HINDENBURG,
France on Napoleon’s escape from Elba, he led the defeat of the Russian army at
returning only after the battle of WATERLOO TANNENBERG. From 1916 he worked with
the following year. At first his reign was Hindenburg as effective military dictator of
broadly in line with the constitutional Germany, helping to organise a total war
assumptions, and many of the recent changes effort. He planned the spring offensives of
were maintained. However, he did introduce 1918 that carry his name, but when these
some reactionary changes, including the re- failed, he began to argue for an armistice and
establishment of Roman Catholicism as the the creation of a republic in order to gain
state religion. In 1820, the assassination of favourable peace terms. He left Germany for
Charles, Duke of Berry, created a focus for Sweden when the war ended, but returned in
repression of republicanism and the 1919, when he became active in right-wing
curtailment of press freedoms, which served politics in the WEIMAR REPUBLIC. A Nazi
to undermine Louis XVIII’s commitment to member of the Reichstag from 1924 to 1928,
constitutional monarchy. He died in 1824, and he helped to reconstruct the party after its
was succeeded by his younger brother, proscription. He also stood as the Nazis’
CHARLES X. candidate in the 1925 presidential election
Louis Napoleon see NAPOLEON III. against Hindenburg. His final years in public
Louis-Philippe (1773–1850) King of the life were characterised by an increasingly
French, 1830–48. The son of the Duke of eccentric nationalist agenda against supposed
Orleans, Louis-Philippe originally supported Jewish and masonic plots.
the FRENCH REVOLUTION of 1789, and Lunéville, treaty of (February 1801) Treaty
fought in the FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY between France and the HABSBURG empire
WARS against the HABSBURG empire. In during the NAPOLEONIC WARS. After
1793 he was implicated in a plan to establish a losing the battles of Marengo and
constitutional monarchy, and he left France. Hohenlinden to France in 1800, the Habsburg
He returned after NAPOLEON’S fall, empire faced its peacemaking with France in
keeping a low political profile until the French a far weaker position than it had held at the
Revolution of 1830 (see REVOLUTIONS OF treaty of CAMPO FORMIO in 1797. As a
1830) when he emerged as a potential result, Lunéville confirmed the French gains
replacement for CHARLES X, acceptable to of Campo Formio, including control of
both monarchists and liberals. Parliament Belgium, Luxembourg and areas of northern
87 MacMahon, Patrice

Italy. However, the Habsburgs had to concede passing of the SINGLE EUROPEAN ACT in
the gains of Campo Formio, and also had to 1986, and the subsequent movement towards
recognise the independence of France’s a single market, the EC developed a new
dependent republics: the Batavian, Cisalpine, treaty to hasten both monetary union and
Ligurian and Helvetic. Habsburg influence in political cooperation between member states.
the Italian states was further limited by the The treaty was produced at Maastricht in
cession of Tuscany to Parma as the Kingdom December 1991, and signed in February 1992.
of Etruria. The treaty thus consolidated It formally established the EUROPEAN
France’s European empire from the former UNION (EU) as political body, and
Netherlands in the north to the Cisalpine committed the EU to further development of
border with the Papal States in the south. See common policies for all members in such
IMPERIALISM. areas as social conditions, justice, security
Luxemburg, Rosa (1871–1919) Polish-born and foreign policy, although it also stressed
German revolutionary politician. Luxemburg that the national identity of member states
gained German citizenship in 1898 through should be maintained. The treaty also set up
marriage. Having been involved in radical bodies to organise and implement monetary
politics in Poland, she joined the German union and a single currency, and enhanced the
Social Democratic party in 1898, and powers of both the Council of Ministers and
emerged as a leading proponent of its the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT.
revolutionary wing against the revisionist Compromise over specific issues was allowed
ideas of BERNSTEIN. In 1905 she formed a through the use of optout clauses, which, for
syndicalist wing of the party with Karl example, Denmark and the UK took on the
Liebknecht (see SYNDICALISM), and single currency. The wide-ranging issues
became a high-profile activist. Luxemburg involved in the treaty caused debates in many
and Liebknecht publicly opposed the FIRST member countries when the treaty had to be
WORLD WAR, and formed the Spartakists in ratified. It was rejected by referendum in
1915 as an anti-war wing of the party. She was Denmark, although accepted on a second
imprisoned for her anti-war stance from 1915 ballot, and accepted only narrowly in a
until 1918, spending her time in prison writing referendum in France. The treaty represented
on political issues. Released in November a major revision of the original treaty of
1918, she recommenced her active role in the ROME of 1957 and the 1986 SINGLE
Spartakists. Favouring a national rising EUROPEAN ACT.
against the new WEIMAR REPUBLIC, she MacMahon, Patrice (1808–93) French
was involved in the local rising in Berlin in soldier and politician. MacMahon came to
January 1919. Along with Liebknecht, she prominence in the CRIMEAN WAR in 1854.
was captured by right-wing paramilitaries and In 1859 he led the French army against
murdered. HABSBURG forces at Magenta and
Lutzen, battle of (May 1813) see Solferino (see FRANCO-AUSTRIAN
NAPOLEONIC WARS. WAR), after which he was created Marshal of
France and Duke of Magenta. He also served
the SECOND EMPIRE as a colonial
administrator, as Governor-General of
Algeria from 1864 until 1870. He returned to

M fight in the FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR, and

was captured, along with NAPOLEON III, at
Sedan. He was released, and led the French
army in its repression of the PARIS
COMMUNE in 1871. In 1873, the royalist
Maastricht, treaty of (February 1992) Treaty MacMahon was elected President of the
on European Union, signed by all member THIRD REPUBLIC, and he worked for a
states of the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY restoration, focused around the Due de
(EC) in February 1992. After the successful Broglie. In May 1877 he dismissed the
Maginot Line 88

republican Prime Minister Jules Simon, and Malenkov, Georgi (1902–88) Soviet
replaced him with Albert de Broglie: the politician. After serving in the Red Army
unpopularity of this act was shown by the during the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR,
republican gains at the subsequent election, Malenkov joined the Communist party in
which set the tone for two years of struggle 1920. He became a close ally of STALIN,
between royalists and republicans. working with him on the forced
MacMahon resisted the option of staging a collectivisation of agriculture and in running
coup, and resigned in January 1879. the purges of the 1930s (see
Madrid, siege of (1936–39) see SPANISH YEZHOVSHCHINA). During the SECOND
CIVIL WAR. WORLD WAR Malenkov served on the State
Magenta, battle of (June 1859) see Defence Committee. He joined the
Maginot Line French fortifications. The line Minister in 1946, and was widely seen as
was built along the Franco-German border Stalin’s successor. When Stalin died in 1953,
between 1929 and 1934, and named after the Malenkov became Prime Minister and First
Minister of Defence, André Maginot. It Secretary, but quickly lost the party post to
consisted of a series of heavily defended KHRUSHCHEV. After some attempts to
artillery placements fronted by anti-tank promote economic diversification, he was
defences, and stretched from the Franco- attacked by Khrushchev as a revisionist, and
Belgian border to the Franco-Swiss border. he resigned in 1955. He served as Minister for
The Belgian government refused to extend it Electrical Energy until 1957, when he became
along the Belgian-German border, which a target during the destalinisation process. He
allowed the Maginot Line to be outflanked was expelled from the party, and sent to
when Germany attacked its western manage a hydroelectric plant in Kazakhstan.
neighbours through the Ardennes in 1940. See He moved back to Moscow in retirement, and
SECOND WORLD WAR. died in 1988.
Makarios III, Archbishop (Mihail mandates LEAGUE OF NATIONS
Khristodolou Mouskos) (1913–77) Cypriot trusteeships of defeated powers’ extra-
cleric and politician. Mouskos was ordained European colonies after the FIRST WORLD
in 1946 after studying in Athens, and became WAR. The mandate system was developed at
Bishop of Kitium in 1948. Two years later he the PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE as a way
was made Archbishop of Cyprus, and of managing the colonial possessions of the
assumed the title of Makarios III, along with German and OTTOMAN empires. The
the political role that went with the territories were awarded to various victorious
archbishopric. At first he favoured union with countries under League of Nations
Greece (ENOSIS), and he was exiled by the trusteeship, with a Permanent Mandates
British for his links with the enosis movement. Commission to oversee their management.
Makarios then helped to negotiate the Middle Eastern mandates were designated to
establishment of an independent Cyprus as a be prepared for self-government, including
republic within the British Commonwealth, Transjordan, Iraq and Palestine (under the
and became its first President in 1960. He UK) and Syria and Lebanon (under France),
remained unpopular with the pro-enosis while African and Pacific mandates were
movement, surviving a number of scheduled either as permanent or as integral
assassination attempts and, in 1974, a military parts of the country taking up the mandate. In
coup backed by the military government in Africa, Germany’s possessions were awarded
Athens (see GREEK COLONELS) which to Belgium, France, South Africa and the UK,
removed him from office for five months. The while Pacific possessions were awarded to
coup precipitated the Turkish invasion of Australia, Japan and New Zealand. In 1946
Cyprus: and on his return Makarios was the UNITED NATIONS Trusteeship Council
unable to reunite the island. He remained inherited the League’s work in this area. See
President of Greek Cyprus until his death in also IMPERIALISM.
89 Marshall Plan

Mannerheim, Carl (1867–1951) Finnish suppressing the Girondins. Radical

soldier and politician. Mannerheim served in revolutionaries adopted him as a martyr.
the Russian army from 1889 until 1917, March on Rome (October 1922) Incident in
fighting in both the Russo-Japanese War of Italian political history. In late October 1922,
1904–5 and the FIRST WORLD WAR. After MUSSOLINI’S Fascists (see FASCISM)
the Russian Revolution (see RUSSIAN occupied buildings in northern Italian cities,
REVOLUTIONS 1917) he returned to in a prelude to a projected ‘march on Rome’ to
Finland to lead a nationalist campaign against take the capital. The Prime Minister, FACTA,
Russian domination of Finland. With German asked VICTOR EMMANUEL III to declare
assistance, Mannerheim led the recapture of martial law to prevent the coup, but the King,
Helsinki from communists. Finland declared influenced by other politicians, preferred to
its independence in December 1917, and accommodate Mussolini rather than risk a
Mannerheim, as acting head of state from civil war. He invited Mussolini to form a
1919, led the Finns against the Red Army in government. Mussolini’s train journey to
the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR. In 1921 Rome from Milan was followed by a purely
Mannerheim retired from military service. He ceremonial march in Rome by thousands of
returned to prominence in 1931 as the blackshirts, most of whom had also travelled
President of the Defence Council, where he by train. The ‘march’ quickly entered fascist
helped to reorganise the Finnish army and mythology as an armed seizure of power.
designed the Mannerheim Line of defences on Marengo, battle of (June 1800) see
the Finnish-Soviet border. When the USSR NAPOLEONIC WARS.
attacked Finland in 1939, Mannerheim Marne, first battle of (September 1914)
resumed command of the army, and led a four- Battle of the FIRST WORLD WAR along the
month resistance before Finland was defeated river Marne. The German strategic aim of
(see SECOND WORLD WAR). In June 1941 defeating France quickly (based on the
Mannerheim allied Finland with Germany, SCHLIEFFEN PLAN) depended upon the
and allowed the German army to use Finnish encirclement of Paris. In early September, the
territory as a base for its attacks on the USSR. first and second German armies were within
President from 1944, Mannerheim signed an thirty miles of Paris on a line along the Marne.
armistice with the USSR in September and The French, under JOFFRE, attacked the
joined the war against Germany in March flank of the first army as it headed south,
1945. He retired in 1946. which helped to create a major break in the
Mantua, battle of (January 1797) see German line between the first and second
FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS. armies. With British support, the French then
Marat, Jean-Paul (1743–93) French turned on the second army. The two German
politician and journalist. A physician and armies retreated, leaving Paris untouched.
writer on medical matters, Marat was one of The battle, which cost over 500,000 lives, thus
the most consistently radical figures of the helped to stop the German advance; it also
FRENCH REVOLUTION, both through his helped to establish the entrenched positions
journalism, and through his actions on the which each side took on the western front, and
Paris Commune and the Convention from the static, attritional nature of the next three
1792. He helped to organise the September years of war. German vulnerability here was
massacres of 1792, and was a strong supporter linked to Russia’s quick mobilisation, not
of the death penalty for LOUIS XVI. He was foreseen by Schlieffen, which diverted
tried for an anti-GIRONDINS pamphlet in resources to the east (see TANNENBERG). In
1792, but was acquitted. He was subsequently July and August 1918, the Marne was also the
instrumental in organising the mass risings scene of the final German offensive of the war,
that led to the expulsion of the Girondins from the successful counter to which began the
the Convention and their subsequent German retreat and ultimate surrender.
suppression. In July 1793 he was assassinated Marshall Plan American economic
by Charlotte Corday for his role in assistance programme for European
countries. The Marshall Plan was announced
Marx, Karl 90

in June 1947 by George Marshall, the US active, particularly through the FIRST
Secretary of State. Formally named the INTERNATIONAL from 1864 until 1876.
European Recovery Program, the plan offered Much of his work, including the last two
economic assistance (‘Marshall Aid’) to volumes of Capital, was published after his
European countries which provided their own death, with Engels’ assistance, and his
recovery programme. The plan was reputation as the foremost scientific theorist
welcomed by the authorities in France, of capitalism and the inevitability of
Germany, Italy, the UK and other countries in communism was established as his ideas were
western and southern Europe, who formed the taken up by radicals throughout Europe.
ORGANISATION FOR EUROPEAN Marxism, as his theories became known, was
ECONOMIC COOPERATION (OEEC) in established as the founding philosophy of
April 1948 to administer the aid. The plan was Soviet communism, and hence became a key
rejected by the Soviet government as ideology of twentieth-century Europe.
evidence of the USA’s agenda for the Masaryk, Jan (1886–1948) Czechoslovak
economic and political domination of Europe. diplomat and politician. The son of Tómas
This had the effect of keeping eastern MASARYK, Masaryk served in the Austro-
European countries out of the programme, Hungarian army during the FIRST WORLD
and of further consolidating early COLD WAR. He moved into diplomacy immediately
WAR divisions. Between 1948 and 1952, after the war, serving as an assistant to BENES
$17,000,000,000 of aid was provided for at the PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE. From
industrial, agricultural and trade recovery. 1925 until 1938 he was Czechoslovakia’s
The programme was successful in stimulating Minister in London, resigning over the
the recipients’ economies. In 1953 Marshall MUNICH AGREEMENT. He remained in
was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the London during the SECOND WORLD WAR,
scheme. joining the Czechoslovakian government-in-
Marx, Karl (1818–83) German philosopher exile in 1940, and holding the posts of Foreign
and political theorist. Educated in history, Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. He
philosophy and law in Berlin, Marx became returned to Prague in 1945, and kept the
involved in radical politics and worked in foreign affairs portfolio in GOTTWALD’S
Germany as a radical journalist and editor. He government: but he increasingly found
moved to Paris in 1843, where he met himself at odds with the USSR’s growing
ENGELS, and then to Brussels until 1848. influence on Czechoslovakia (see COLD
During this period he became involved in the WAR), seen most clearly in his opposition to
League of the Communists, and co-wrote The the Soviet veto on Czechoslovakia applying
Communist Manifesto with Engels in 1848 for aid under the MARSHALL PLAN. He
(see COMMUNISM). He returned to remained in office after the Communist coup
Cologne briefly during the REVOLUTIONS of February 1948, but died the following
OF 1848, but left for London when his month in a fall from a window.
newspaper was closed down. He remained in Masaryk, Tómas (1850–1937) Czech and
London for the rest of his life, spending his Czechoslovakian academic and politician. An
time researching and writing, and living on academic at the Czech University in Prague
journalism fees and Engels’ support. He from 1882, this intellectual political activist
developed his theories on capitalism, class worked consistently for greater
struggle, materialism and history during this Czechoslovakian autonomy. He represented
time: and while he produced no single text the Young Czech party in the Vienna
outlining his philosophy, he wrote widely on parliament from 1891 until 1983, returning in
these issues. In 1867 the first volume of 1907 as a founder of the Czech Realist party,
Capital was published, which helped to which favoured a reorganisation of the
spread his influence in the growing socialist HABSBURG empire along federal lines with
and communist movement of the period (see increased cooperation between ethnic groups
SOCIALISM). He remained politically (see IMPERIALISM). After the FIRST
91 Mediterranean agreements

WORLD WAR started, Masaryk moved to founded Young Italy as a nationalist

London, where he led the Czech National organisation, and developed his ideas on the
Council and publicised his cause through need for Italy to be unified as a republic, with
teaching, writing and negotiations with revolutionary activity and education
politicians. In 1917 he went to Russia to form necessary to remove foreign and royal control
a Czech Legion of prisoners of war to fight for from the peninsula. He organised an abortive
the Russians, before moving on to the USA to rising in Piedmont in 1832, and was sentenced
continue his campaign, which by now to death in absentia. In 1837 he moved to
envisaged full independence for a unified London, returning to the Italian peninsula
Czech and Slovak state. He won the support of occasionally. Mazzini was involved in the
President Woodrow Wilson, and of émigré REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 in Milan and
communities in the USA, and was accepted as Rome, and briefly held office as one of the
president-elect of the new state, which was triumvirate in the republican government of
formally created through the PARIS PEACE Rome from late 1848 until PIUS IX was
CONFERENCE. Masaryk returned to Prague restored the following summer with French
in December 1918, and was elected President. assistance. Mazzini’s influence began to
He helped to promote stability and democracy decline after the failures of 1849, as the
in the new state. Masaryk was reelected twice Risorgimento began to emerge as the model
before retiring in 1935. for unification, involving royal support. He
Masurian Lakes, battle of (September 1914) attempted to organise a number of risings in
see FIRST WORLD WAR. the 1850s, but they all failed. However, his
Matteotti affair Italian political scandal. In influence on later notions of Italy as a united
June 1924 the General Secretary of the Italian nation was significant. See also ITALIAN
Socialist Unity party, Giacomo Matteotti, UNIFICATION
disappeared. He had been an opponent of the Mediterranean agreements (March and
Fascist government (see FASCISM), writing December 1887) Series of agreements
and speaking against their abuses and involving Austria-Hungary, Italy, Spain and
methods, and fascist implication in his the UK on the Mediterranean area, including
disappearance was suspected. His body was North Africa, the Balkans, the Adriatic Sea
then found buried outside Rome: he had been and the Aegean Sea (see also
stabbed to death. The murder sparked IMPERIALISM). In the mid-1880s the
widespread opposition to the government, Mediterranean and the Balkans again became
and nonFascist deputies attempted to get King the focus of international tension. Russian
VICTOR EMMANUEL III to dismiss interest in Bulgaria was renewed after
MUSSOLINI. When he failed to respond, conflicts in the region (notably between
many deputies left parliament in the Serbia and Bulgaria in 1885 over Bulgaria’s
AVENTINE SECESSION. Mussolini used annexation of Eastern Roumelia), while
the crisis as a context for increasing the imperial rights in northern Africa led to a
government’s power through stricter worsening of relations between France and
censorship and steps against opposition both Italy and the UK. In this context,
parties. Although Mussolini denied having BISMARCK encouraged the interested
ordered the killing, he accepted some parties to offer mutual support, which led in
responsibility. Matteotti became seen as a February 1887 to the signing in London of the
martyr, both within and outside Italy. first Mediterranean Agreement between Italy
Matteotti, Giacomo see MATTEOTTI and the UK (with Austria-Hungary and Spain
AFFAIR. joining subsequently). By this, each partner
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–72) Italian agreed mutually to work for stability in the
revolutionary. An early member of the secret Mediterranean, with the offer of aid in case of
nationalist society the Carbonari, Mazzini aggression against the status quo. This was
was exiled from Piedmont in 1831 (see clearly aimed at French ambitions in North
NATIONALISM). In exile in France, he Africa. In December 1887 a second
Menderes, Adnan 92

agreement was made between Austria- conference in 1944. After the SECOND
Hungary, Italy and the UK, this time over WORLD WAR, Mendès-France stayed out of
Bulgaria and the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. The government, and became a significant critic of
signatories stated their support of the Ottoman right-wing trends and of French colonial
empire, and offered aid in maintaining the policy (see IMPERIALISM). He served as
status quo in Bulgaria and the Straits. This Governor of the International Monetary Fund
agreement was countered by the from 1947 until 1958. In June 1954 Mendès-
REINSURANCE TREATY of 1887, which France became Prime Minister of a coalition
gave German backing to Russia’s Balkan government, and quickly negotiated the
aspirations. Taken together, the agreements French withdrawal from Indochina. He also
illustrated Germany’s aim to keep France and initiated some withdrawal from Tunisia, but
Russia away from any alliance with the UK by alienated his socialist coalition colleagues by
exacerbating their differences. The apparent increasing French military involvement in
British support for the TRIPLE ALLIANCE Algeria. Domestically, his brief government
that the Mediterranean agreements implied attempted some financial reforms. His
helped to bring France and Russia closer government collapsed in February 1955 when
together (see FRANCO-RUSSIAN the left withdrew. Mendès-France held office
ALLIANCE). The agreements were not as a minister of state in 1956, but remained out
renewed in the 1890s. of office as a critic of the government
Menderes, Adnan (1899–1961) Turkish throughout the Fifth Republic. He retired in
politician. After training as a lawyer, 1973.
Menderes entered Turkish politics in 1932 as Mensheviks Russian political party. The
a representative of the Republican People’s Mensheviks, a name taken from the Russian
party. In December 1945 he founded the term for ‘minority’, emerged as a faction of
Democratic party, and led it to its election the Russian Social Democratic Workers’
victory of 1950. As Prime Minister, Menderes party at the 1903 Congress in London when
followed a reformist economic and they lost a vote over the control of Iskra, the
administrative policy, which helped to party’s paper, to the BOLSHEVIKS (although
alienate some conservative sections of the Mensheviks won votes on other matters).
Turkish society. He also attempted to develop The Mensheviks retained close links to
Turkey’s western links, most notably by orthodox Marxism, particularly in their
leading the country into NATO in 1952, and emphasis on the inevitable evolution of a
negotiating with the UK for Cyprus’ socialist state after a liberal revolution, and
independence in 1959 (see ENOSIS). In 1960 also differed from the more radical
Menderes assumed dictatorial powers in the Bolsheviks by attempting to build up a mass
face of an economic crisis, which brought party. After some experience of working with
opposition against him to a head. He was Soviets in the 1905 Revolution (see
deposed by a military coup in May 1960, and RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1905), the
subsequently tried for treason for his extra- Mensheviks became an independent party in
constitutional powers. He was executed in 1912. Despite some early involvement with
1961. In 1990 Menderes was rehabilitated. the 1917 Revolution (see RUSSIAN
Mendès-France, Pierre (1907–82) French REVOLUTIONS 1917), particularly in the
politician. Mendès-France was elected to the Petrograd soviet, the Mensheviks
Chamber of Deputies as a socialist subsequently joined the provisional
representative in 1932. After a brief spell as government and backed many of
Under-Secretary at the Treasury in 1938, he KERENSKY’S policies, acts which alienated
served in the air force from 1939 until 1943, them further from the Bolsheviks. The
joining Charles DE GAULLE in London in Mensheviks declined sharply in influence
1941. He held the economics portfolio in the after the Bolshevik coup of November 1917,
French government-in-exile, and went on to and the party was formally closed down in
represent France at the BRETTON WOODS 1921.
93 Milosevic, Slobodan

Metaxas, loannis (1871–1941) Greek soldier discussion of reform and NATIONALISM,

and politician. After military training in and which used force against perceived
Germany, Metaxas served in the BALKAN threats to order (see also LIBERALISM).
WARS of 1912–13, by the end of which he This was exemplified by his introduction of
was Chief of General Staff. He went into self- the CARLSBAD DECREES of September
imposed exile due to his opposition to Greek 1819 against revolutionary activities, by his
involvement in the FIRST WORLD WAR, development of a strong internal security
but subsequently returned and entered system in the Habsburg empire, by his work at
national politics as a leading member of the the Congress of TROPPAU in 1820, and by
pro-restoration Monarchist party. After the use of Habsburg troops in various risings
gaining ministerial experience in various in the Italian states in the 1820s. Metternich’s
posts from 1928, Metaxas helped to secure the international influence declined relatively in
restoration in 1935, which was followed by the 1830s, as the Habsburg empire began to
his own rise to political dominance. In 1936 he lose ground in the German states to Prussia.
became Minister of War and Prime Minister, He was forced to resign when he became a
before establishing (with royal support) a focus of the discontent that developed into the
dictatorship that summer through the REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 throughout the
adjournment of parliament and the granting of Habsburg empire. He moved to England
emergency powers. His dictatorship was briefly, before retiring to the Rhineland.
characterised by some fasciststyle aspects Metz, battle of (October 1870) see
(see FASCISM), including his use of the title FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR.
Archigos (leader), and in 1938 he took the Milosevic, Slobodan (born 1941) Serbian
position of head of government for life. and Yugoslav politician. Milosevic worked in
Domestically, Metaxas initiated reforms in a business alongside his advancement in the
number of areas, including education, Belgrade Communist party in the 1970s and
administration and the military. He managed 1980s. In 1987 he became General Secretary
to secure Greek neutrality when the SECOND of the Serbian Communist party, and in 1989
WORLD WAR began, then led the successful President of Serbia. In this role he
defence of Greece against the Italian invasion incorporated Kosovo into Serbia in 1989, and
of October 1940. He died before the German attempted to maintain the federal structure of
invasion. Yugoslavia in the face of growing national and
Metternich, Clemens (1773–1859) German- ethnic diversification in the late 1980s and
born Austrian diplomat and politician. early 1990s (see YUGOSLAVIA,
Metternich followed his father into the DISSOLUTION). Despite using the
HABSBURG diplomatic service, serving at Yugoslav army against both Slovenia and
Dresden, Berlin and Paris, before being Croatia in 1991 and 1992, he was instrumental
appointed Foreign Minister in 1809, a post he in restructuring the federation after their
held until 1848. In this role, Metternich withdrawals, and that of Macedonia. In 1992
promoted links with France after the he became the first President of the new
Habsburg defeat at the battle of Wagram, but federation. Milosevic gave his government’s
switched to an alliance with Russia in 1813 to support to the Serb rebels in Bosnia-
check NAPOLEON’S power. Metternich, Herzegovina when that republic declared
Chancellor from 1812 and created a prince in independence in 1992, providing logistical
1813, was one of the architects of the and financial support. In 1994 he ended his
Congress of Vienna (see VIENNA, support in the face of NATO air strikes and the
CONGRESS OF) of 1814–15, and helped to UNITED NATIONSbacked economic
influence the post-Napoleonic settlement of a sanctions against Serbia, and cooperated with
balance of power backed up by the the Dayton peace agreement that ended the
CONGRESS SYSTEM. Domestically and war in Bosnia. Increasingly nationalistic and
internationally, he favoured an anti-liberal anti-democratic, Milosevic led the campaign
policy which restricted opportunities for the against Kosovo Albanians that led, in March
Mitterand, François 94

1999, to renewed NATO intervention (see he attempted unsuccessfully to solve the

KOSOVO WAR). In May 1999 the Algerian crisis, and was also involved in
International Criminal Tribunal for the former planning the Anglo-French intervention in the
Yugoslavia indicted him for his anti-Albanian Suez Canal zone (see IMPERIALISM).
policies, although he survived in office Mollet opposed the early Fifth Republic, and
despite this charge and the NATO bombing. attempted to unify anti-Gaullist parties
Mitterand, François (1916–96) French against it. He retired in 1971.
politician. After a distinguished record in the Molotov, Vyacheslav (Vyacheslav Skriabin)
SECOND WORLD WAR, which included an (1890–1986) Soviet politician. Skriabin
escape from German captivity and joined the BOLSHEVIKS in 1905, and was
RESISTANCE work in France, Mitterand exiled for his activities a number of times. In
entered politics in 1946 as a Socialist deputy. 1912 he assumed the name Molotov. He was
He gained ministerial experience in eleven of one of the leading Bolsheviks in Petrograd in
the Fourth Republic’s governments, but 1917, and as a member of the Military
opposed the creation of the Fifth Republic in Committee he helped plan the October coup
1958 due to its right-wing and centralising (see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS 1917). He
tendencies. Mitter-and helped to develop a worked closely with both LENIN and
left-wing block, and emerged as its main STALIN. In 1928 he helped to run the first of
spokesman, running unsuccessfully for the FIVE YEAR PLANS, and he was
president against DE GAULLE in 1965. In appointed Prime Minister in 1930, a position
1971 he became Secretary of the Socialist he maintained throughout the period of
party, and ran unsuccessfully for president YEZHOVSHCHINA. In 1939 Molotov took
again in 1974. He finally won the presidency on the USSR’s foreign policy brief, and
in 1981, defeating the incumbent GISCARD quickly negotiated the NAZI-SOVIET PACT
D’ESTAING, and was backed by a left-wing in August 1939. In 1942 he negotiated the
majority in the National Assembly to carry out Anglo-Soviet Pact, and he was an influential
a reformist programme. However, the figure at the YALTA CONFERENCE and
subsequent recession damaged the left’s POTSDAM conferences in 1945. In the early
standing, and after 1986 Mitterand had to years of the COLD WAR, Molotov oversaw
dilute his programme and work with the right- the consolidation of Soviet influence in
wing Prime Minister, Jacques Chirac. eastern Europe (see IMPERIALISM), the
Mitterand’s foreign policy promoted rejection of the MARSHALL PLAN, and the
European integration, and he worked closely BERLIN BLOCKADE. He lost his foreign
with the West German Chancellor KOHL. In affairs post in 1949, but re-emerged in 1953 as
1988 Mitterand defeated Chirac to regain the one of the triumvirate which succeeded Stalin.
presidency for a second term, which lasted His influence declined as KHRUSHCHEV
until 1995. The last years of his tenure, during rose to prominence, although he briefly held
which he was suffering from cancer, were office as Minister of State Control from 1956
dogged by a number of political scandals. until 1957. However, Khrushchev expelled
Mollet, Guy (1905–75) French politician. him from the party in 1957 after Molotov was
Mollet joined the socialists in 1923, and implicated in a coup attempt. He served as the
worked as a teacher before the SECOND USSR’s Ambassador to Mongolia until 1960,
WORLD WAR. During the war, he fought and then as a representative on the
with the RESISTANCE, and, in 1944, was International Atomic Energy Agency until he
appointed as the government’s representative retired in 1962. Molotov was readmitted to the
in the liberated Pas-de-Calais. He became a party shortly before his death.
Deputy in 1945, and party leader in 1946. Moltke, Helmuth von (senior) (1800–91)
Mollet served in a number of the coalition Prussian and German soldier. Moltke joined
governments of the Fourth Republic, and was the Prussian army in 1822, and the General
Prime Minister of the longest-lasting of these, Staff in 1832. His gradual advancement led to
from January 1956 until May 1957. In this role his appointment as Chief of the General Staff
95 Moroccan crises

in 1857. Applying theories and practices from Asia Minor beyond its possession of the
various military settings, and blending them Dodecanese Islands (see IMPERIALISM,
with the technological and military logistics treaty of LAUSANNE). This came in the light
of his period, Moltke reorganised the Prussian of the ITALO-ABYSSINIAN WAR. The
army and its methods. This included the states bordering the Black Sea, along with
development of a strong, elitist General Staff; France, Greece, the UK and Yugoslavia, duly
the use of heavy artillery; and the use of met at Montreaux to discuss the possibilities.
railways for quick troop movements. These The resulting convention aimed to deter
strategies were influential in Prussia’s Italian aggression in the region, and to provide
military campaigns, most notably against Turkey with greater defences, by allowing
Denmark (see SCHLESWIG WAR), Austria Turkey to remilitarise the Straits: this aspect
(see AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR), and of the convention was thus a revision of the
France (see FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR). treaty of Lausanne. The convention also
On GERMAN UNIFICATION, Moltke was established greater restrictions on military
made a Field-Marshal, a Count, and the Chief ships’ access to the Straits.
of the Imperial General Staff. He retired in Moroccan crises (1905–06, 1911) Two
1888. international crises centred on imperial
Monnet, Jean (1888–1979) French interests in Morocco (see IMPERIALISM).
economist, politician and administrator. A In 1904 France and Spain developed plans for
civil servant, Monnet worked on the protectorates in Morocco. By not involving
InterAllied Maritime Commission from Germany in the discussion of these plans, the
1915, and then served as an economics two imperial powers contravened the 1880
advisor at the PARIS PEACE treaty of Madrid on Morocco’s management.
CONFERENCE and as Deputy General The German government took this
Secretary of the LEAGUE OF NATIONS opportunity to make a stand against France,
from 1919 until 1923. He returned to aiming also to weaken the ENTENTE
international and collaborative work in the CORDIALE. The German chancellor,
SECOND WORLD WAR in various BÜLOW, advised WILLIAM II to visit
capacities, including chairing the Franco- Morocco: while he was there, William spoke
British Economic Cooperation Committee in in favour of Moroccan independence, which
1939, and working for the British Supply the German government followed up by
Council in Washington until 1943. Monnet calling for an international conference on the
then joined DE GAULLE’S government-in- issue under the 1880 agreement. The French
waiting, and served as Minister of Commerce Foreign Secretary DELCLASSÉ resigned
from 1944. In 1946 de Gaulle appointed him over the issue in June 1905, but the French
to design and implement a plan for France’s case was revived at the conference itself, held
economic recovery: the Monnet Plan, which at Algerçiras in Spain from January to April
ran from 1947 until 1952, helped France to 1906. Here, Italy, Russia, Spain, the UK and
regain its pre-war wealth through a mixed the USA backed France, leaving Germany
economy programme. Monnet then became defeated. The conference agreed that France
most prominent through his work with Robert and Spain should work with the Sultan of
Schuman for European integration. He Morocco, but gave both powers roles in
presided over the EUROPEAN COAL AND Morocco’s police force and banking
STEEL COMMUNITY (ECSC) from 1952 structures. The conference also led to
until 1955, and then founded and chaired the increased military cooperation between
Action Committee for the United States of France and the UK.
Europe until his retirement in 1975. The second crisis developed in 1911, by
Montreaux Convention (July 1936) which time the increased links between
Multilateral agreement on the Straits. In late France, Russia and the UK (see TRIPLE
1935, the Turkish government began to fear ENTENTE) had convinced some in the
that Italy might develop imperial interests in German government that Germany was being
Munich agreement 96

encircled, which created a context for further France and the UK were not prepared to fight
agitation. In May 1911 French troops over eastern Europe. The agreement was
intervened in a revolt in Fez, the capital of destroyed in March 1939 when Germany
Morocco. Germany claimed that this invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia, and the
contravened Algerçiras, and made demands other three guarantors did not act in the
for financial and territorial compensation to country’s defence. It has been defended as a
cover Germany’s losses which would accrue useful time-buying exercise, but has also
if France took Morocco over. In July the come to be seen as an emotive symbol of
German gun-boat Panther visited Agadir. APPEASEMENT, as it allowed Germany
This act brought hostility from the UK, and significant territorial advantages without the
led to Franco-German discussions between use of force. See also SECOND WORLD
July and November. The result was that WAR.
Germany recognised France’s right to Murat, Joachim (1767–1815) French
establish a protectorate (which it did in 1912), soldier, and King of Naples (1808–15). A
while Germany received financial cavalry volunteer in 1787, Murat came to
compensation and part of the French Congo. prominence through his work with
Although this crisis did not lead directly to NAPOLEON in suppressing the Vendémiaire
war, it did increase tensions between coup of 1795 (see FRENCH
Germany and the Triple Entente powers, and REVOLUTION). He also provided military
contributed to an increase in shipbuilding. See backing for Napoleon’s BRUMAIRE coup of
also FIRST WORLD WAR. 1799, and secured his position by marrying
Moscow, retreat from (October 1812) see Caroline, Napoleon’s sister, in 1800. Murat
NAPOLEONIC WARS. led the French cavalry in all of Napoleon’s
Munich agreement 1938 multilateral campaigns from 1800 until 1807. In 1808 he
agreement on German territorial demands on suppressed the rising in Madrid. He then
Czechoslovakia. In 1938 the German succeeded Joseph Bonaparte as King of
government and the ethnic German Nazi Naples, taking the title Joachim I Napoleon. In
movement within the Sudeten area of 1812 Murat returned to active service in
Czechoslovakia stepped up their campaign Napoleon’s Russian campaign, commanding
for the inclusion of the area in Germany. The the cavalry and subsequently the whole army.
British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, He returned to Naples after this failure, and
met HITLER twice to work out a compromise. negotiated with the allies over his throne as
In late September MUSSOLINI brokered a Napoleon abdicated. During the Hundred
final meeting between himself, Chamberlain, Days, Murat attempted to lead an Italian rising
Hitler and the French Prime Minister behind Napoleon, but this was suppressed by
DALADIER at Munich. The agreement HABSBURG troops. Murat escaped to
reached at this conference allowed for France, but Napoleon did not use him at
Germany to gain the Sudeten area, while all Waterloo. In 1815 Murat returned to Calabria
four powers guaranteed the rest of in an attempt to reclaim his throne from the
Czechoslovakia against aggression. The restored King Ferdinand, but was caught and
meeting also resulted in a bilateral statement executed.
between Hitler and Chamberlain on the need Mussolini, Benito (1883–1945) Italian
for Germany and the UK to avoid war in politician. A socialist before the FIRST
future. Czechoslovakia was excluded from WORLD WAR, Mussolini shifted to the right
the conference, as was the USSR, one of in the context of Italian dissatisfaction over
Czechoslovakia’s allies. the peace settlement (see PARIS PEACE
The Munich agreement was generally CONFERENCE). Mussolini organised
welcomed at the time in the western countries Fascio di Combattimento, paramilitary
as it averted war. The agreement directly groups involved in fighting communists and
influenced the NAZI-SOVIET PACT of trade unionists, which he formed into the
August 1939, as it suggested to the USSR that National Fascist party (PNF) (see FASCISM).
97 Napoleon Bonaparte

After some gains in the 1921 election,

Mussolini exploited the unstable situation by N
engineering his way into the premiership
through the MARCH ON ROME in 1922.
Over the next four years he gained dictatorial
powers, so that by 1926, as Duce (leader), he Nagy, Imre (1896–1958) Hungarian
was responsible only to the monarch. This politician. Nagy served in the HABSBURG
success was gained through electoral army in the FIRST WORLD WAR, and was
manipulation, state terrorism (see captured by the Russians in 1916. He became
MATTEOTTI AFFAIR), and through the a communist in Russia, and was active in the
failure of other parties to withstand fascism RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR. He returned to
(see AVENTINE SECESSION). Mussolini Hungary in 1921, but moved back to the
also consolidated his position in 1929 through USSR in 1930 to study agriculture. In 1944, he
the LATERAN ACCORDS, and through returned to Hungary, and became Minister of
reducing the franchise. Agriculture, overseeing significant land
Mussolini’s policies gained some reforms. He served briefly as Minister of the
economic successes for Italy, particularly Interior, but then left politics during the
through public works schemes, but other RÁKOSI period to teach economics. In 1953,
schemes, notably the ‘battles’ for various with backing from MALENKOV, Nagy
sectors of the economy, were less successful. became Prime Minister, and introduced some
Diplomatically, Mussolini also gained some social, political and economic reforms. He fell
successes, especially through the LOCARNO from grace in 1955, and was expelled from the
treaties of 1925 and through preventing the party. However, when the HUNGARIAN
prospective ANSCHLUSS in 1934, but other RISING began in October 1956, he returned
aspects were adventurous and expansionist, to office, and led the government’s liberal
and earned him international condemnation: reform programme and its attempt at
these included the ITALO-ABYSSINIAN independence from the WARSAW PACT.
WAR, the backing of the rebels in the When the rising was crushed by the USSR’s
SPANISH CIVIL WAR, and the invasion of intervention, Nagy surrendered to the Soviets,
Albania in 1939. From 1936, Mussolini but was returned to the Hungarian authorities
increased his links with Nazi Germany, as and executed in 1958. He was rehabilitated in
exemplified in the AXIS, although Italy did 1990.
not enter the SECOND WORLD WAR until Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) French
1940, in part because the country was not soldier and politician. Born in Corsica,
prepared for the struggle, having become Napoleon joined the French army in 1785 as
exhausted from costly interventions an artillery officer. He came to prominence
elsewhere. When Italy did join, Mussolini’s during the FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY
campaigns in Africa and the Balkans required WARS when he led the lifting of the British
German support, and were thus costly to the siege of Toulon. His JACOBIN links worked
Axis. In July 1943, Victor Emmanuel and against him briefly, but his suppression of the
leading members of the Fascist Grand Vendémiaire revolt of October 1795 earned
Council deposed Mussolini before the allies’ him greater recognition from the government
ITALIAN CAMPAIGN. He was rescued by a (see FRENCH REVOLUTION), and he was
German military operation, and installed as a rewarded with the command of the French
German puppet dictator of the Salò Republic. army in the Italian states. Here, he led the army
In April 1945 he was captured by Italian to significant victories, and set the peace terms
partisans (see RESISTANCE) during an of the treaty of CAMPO FORMIO in 1797.
escape attempt, and executed after a summary Napoleon’s leadership of the French
trial. campaign in Egypt in 1798 was less
Mustafa Ismet see INÖNÜ, ISMET. successful. The following year he became a
Mustafa Kemal see ATATÜRK, KEMAL. leading political figure when SIEYÈS chose
Napoleon III 98

him to lead the BRUMAIRE coup of in June 1815, and was exiled to St Helena,
November 1799, which replaced the 1795 where he died in 1821.
constitution. Napoleon’s role as a popular Napoleon III (Charles Louis Napoleon
military figure had influenced Sieyès, but Bonaparte) (1808–73) French politician.
Napoleon quickly established himself as the NAPOLEON’S nephew, Louis Napoleon was
effective dictator of France, making himself exiled from France in 1815, and took on the
First Consul in 1800 and then consul for life in role of Bonapartist pretender in 1832. He
1802. During this period Napoleon instituted staged two unsuccessful attempts at military
a number of administrative reforms, most risings against LOUIS-PHILIPPE, in 1836
notably in the reconstruction of France’s local and 1840, for the latter of which he was
government system (see CODE imprisoned. He escaped to England, returning
NAPOLEON). He also reached an agreement to France after the 1848 February revolution
with the Roman Catholic Church in 1801, (see REVOLUTIONS OF 1848), and winning
which helped to legitimise his rule. In 1804 a seat in the National Assembly. Backed by
Napoleon consolidated his rule by declaring monarchists, and with huge popular support,
himself Emperor. he won the presidential election of December
The rest of his reign was characterised by 1848. In 1851 he staged a coup which
further military commitments (see suspended the SECOND REPUBLIC’S
NAPOLEONIC WARS) as he established a constitution, and claimed the role of president
French empire in Europe (see for ten years. The following year, in line with
IMPERIALISM). By 1807, with the treaty of his longerterm aims as pretender, he
TILSIT, this covered large parts of south-west established the SECOND EMPIRE, and
and northern Europe, with other territories in created himself hereditary emperor, taking the
the Italian states and the Adriatic, and title Napoleon III. This move was supported in
dependencies in the CONFEDERATION OF a plebiscite. Domestically, Napoleon III’s
THE RHINE, the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, reign saw INDUSTRIALISATION and
and the Italian states. Napoleon’s influence commercial expansion, public works
began to decline from 1808, when, in an schemes, and the legalisation of trade unions.
attempt to starve the UK through the However, his foreign policies were less
CONTINENTAL SYSTEM, he invaded successful. He involved France in the
Spain and Portugal. This overcommitment CRIMEAN WAR, and, through the Pact of
was exacerbated by his invasion of Russia in PLOMBIÈRES of 1858, committed himself
1812, which, after an initial victory at to support Italian independence, which led to
Borodino, failed, and Napoleon was forced to the FRANCO-AUSTRIAN WAR in 1859.
retreat. In 1813 he was beaten at the battle of Napoleon III’s interests in IMPERIALISM
LEIPZIG, and was given very little chance of led to the disastrous establishment of an
recovery when the HABSBURG empire, empire in Mexico in 1863. He was also unable
Prussia, Russia and the UK allied against to cope with Prussia’s emergence during the
France in March 1814. The following month 1860s, and led France into the FRANCO-
Napoleon abdicated on the advice of NEY, PRUSSIAN WAR in 1870. The Prussians
fearing that the army would no longer serve captured him after the battle of Sedan in
September 1871: two days later the empire
him. By the treaty of Fontainebleu of 1814,
was overthrown by republicans and the
Napoleon renounced his claim to the throne,
THIRD REPUBLIC declared. Napoleon III
but was allowed to keep the imperial title for
moved to England, where he died in 1873.
life. He was exiled to Elba with a pension.
Napoleonic Wars (1799–1815) Series of
However, he escaped in February 1815 in an
conflicts between France and other nations
attempt to regain the French empire, and, for
during the period of NAPOLEON’S
his ‘Hundred Days’, he resumed command of
domination of French politics, from the
the army and restarted his military campaigns.
BRUMAIRE coup of 1799 until his final
He was defeated at the battle of WATERLOO
defeat in 1815. They were, in effect,
99 Napoleonic Wars

continuations of the FRENCH RHINE as an alliance system of medium-

REVOLUTIONARY WARS which had been sized German states.
in progress since 1792. The label is an In November 1806 Napoleon revised the
umbrella term for a number of regionalised French war effort against the UK by declaring
and international conflicts. the economic blockade of the
In 1799, with France being beaten in CONTINENTAL SYSTEM. In an attempt to
Egypt, Great Britain brought together the enforce this in the north Atlantic, France
HABSBURG empire, Naples, Portugal and invaded Portugal (with Spanish complicity) in
Russia as the Second Coalition. This force November 1807. This war spread to Spain in
won some victories, notably the Habsburgs in the summer of 1808, when a number of
the German states and the Russians in the popular risings against the French were
Italian states, but after BRUMAIRE exacerbated by Napoleon’s attempt to
Napoleon was able to halt these hostile establish his brother Joseph as king. With
advances. In 1800 the French beat the British support, the Peninsular War thus
Habsburgs at Marengo and Hohenlinden, developed as a major southern commitment
leading to the treaty of LUNÉVILLE the for France which was to last until 1814. The
following year. Russia, with objectives at French were pushed out of Portugal in late
variance with those of both Great Britain and 1808. In 1809 Napoleon had to divide his
the Habsburg empire, also left the Coalition in attentions between Spain and the Habsburg
1800. The UK made peace with France at the empire, after the latter took the opportunity of
treaty of AMIENS in 1802, bringing an end to the southern diversion to attack Bavaria and
this phase of the wars by which post- the Grand Duchy of Warsaw. Napoleon was
revolutionary France had consolidated its successful in this campaign, defeating the
position as a major power and built up Habsburgs at Wagram in July 1809 and
territorial gains on its western border, in the gaining further Italian and Balkan territories
Italian states, and in the German states (see in the subsequent treaty of Vienna, but the
IMPERIALISM). However, the peace did not French continued to lose ground to the British
last for long: in May 1803 the UK re-declared armies, notably at Salamanca in July 1812,
war on France, to be joined in 1804 by the and to the Spanish guerrillas.
Habsburg empire, Russia and Sweden as the In December 1810 Russia recommenced
Third Coalition. The French developed plans trade with the UK, a step which led Napoleon
for the invasion of the UK, but these were to prepare for a new war in the east. After
destroyed after the battle of Trafalgar of securing Prussian support in February 1812,
October 1805, in which the French and Napoleon led an invading army into Russia in
Spanish fleets were beaten by the Royal Navy. June. After some early victories, which led to
This defeat confirmed Napoleon’s continental the capture of Smolensk in August, the French
ambitions, evident from his crossing the fought the Russians at Borodino (with some
Rhine in September 1805. With Prussia on the 28,000 French and 15,000 Russian casualties)
verge of joining the Coalition, Napoleon in September: and while neither side won, the
effectively destroyed the grouping by beating battle left the Russians unable to defend
the Habsburgs and Russia at AUSTERLITZ Moscow, which Napoleon entered in mid-
in December. The Habsburgs subsequently September. However, ALEXANDER I’S
made peace at PRESSBURG. In 1806 Prussia government refused to negotiate with the
re-entered the fighting, only to be beaten by French, leaving the invasion unsuccessful and
France at Jena and Auerstadt in October, and the French army severely overstretched. In
the Coalition finally collapsed in 1807 after October, Napoleon accordingly began the
Napoleon’s victory over Russia at Friedland retreat from Moscow, a two-month process in
in June led to the treaty of TILSIT, which also which the army had to cope with further
dealt with Prussia. By this time Napoleon had fighting, winter conditions and disease. This
established the CONFEDERATION OF THE retreat was disastrous for the French, who lost
approximately 600,000 men through illness,
nationalism 100

combat and desertion out of an original force nationalism Political ideology. Nationalism,
of 700,000. as it emerged out of the FRENCH
In February 1813 Prussia and Russia REVOLUTION at the end of the eighteenth
signed the treaty of Kalisch, which formed the century, was based on the assumption that the
basis of the Fourth Coalition when the ‘nation’ was the primary determinant in any
Habsburg empire, Sweden and the UK group of people’s identity, and that the nation
subsequently joined. Napoleon fought a as a unit should be promoted and protected.
number of battles in eastern and central While this was effectively ignored for
Europe after leaving Russia, which included conquered areas during the FRENCH
some victories, as at Lutzen and Bautzen REVOLUTIONARY WARS and the
against the Russians and the Prussians in May NAPOLEONIC WARS, its influence began
1813. However, the French were defeated at to grow during this period of major conflict.
Vittoria in Spain in June, and the British army Although it did not influence the
crossed the Franco-Spanish border in peacemaking process at the Congress of
October. Meanwhile, the Habsburgs, Prussia Vienna (see VIENNA, CONGRESS OF) in
and Russia had united their efforts through the 1814 and 1815, where inter-European
treaty of Teplitz in September, by which each IMPERIALISM was re-established,
state agreed to provide at least 60,000 troops, movements dedicated to gaining some form
and agreed not to make separate peace with of national identity gained some successes
France. This alliance formed the basis for the shortly thereafter, as in the GREEK WAR OF
decisive battle of LEIPZIG in mid-October, INDEPENDENCE of 1821–29, and the
which pushed Napoleon back towards France. Belgian revolution a year later (see
He recrossed the Rhine in early November. REVOLUTIONS OF 1830). However, most
The Coalition powers continued to press in on nationalist movements were minority affairs,
France, their efforts confirmed by the treaty of based predominantly amongst liberal,
CHAUMONT in March 1814 which middle-class, urban elites, and the various
committed them to fight until France was nationalist strands in the other revolutions of
reduced to its 1791 borders. After a number of 1830 and the REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 were
battles, Paris was taken in late March. generally unsuccessful. However, these
Napoleon abdicated, and the French revolutions did establish major challenges to
monarchy was restored under LOUIS XVIII. the European empires, challenges that were
Peace was made by the treaty of PARIS of informed both by LIBERALISM and by
May 1814. In November the powers nationalism, and by the middle of the century
assembled at the Congress of Vienna (see some of the key ideas of nationalism were
VIENNA, CONGRESS OF) to begin to spreading. While nationalist groups in
resolve the territorial and political legacy of different areas varied in their exact
twenty-two years of conflict. understanding of what constituted the nation,
The final phase of the Napoleonic Wars with language, culture, history, traditions and
began in March 1815, when Napoleon religion, for example, variously taken as
escaped from his exile on Elba and returned to significant, there was some common ground
France. Louis XVIII fled, and Napoleon in their opposition to imperialism and external
reclaimed power and rebuilt his army. His control.
‘Hundred Days’ were dominated by his Another form of nationalism that emerged
attempt to split the British, Dutch and Prussian in the third quarter of the century was based on
forces that had assembled in Belgium. After powerful states enlarging themselves in the
beating the Prussians at Ligny on 16 June, he name of a nation; and it was this form,
was halted by the British, Dutch and Prussians influenced by CONSERVATISM, that was
at the battle of WATERLOO on 18 June. most influential in achieving the tangible
Napoleon abdicated again, this time to be results of nation creation, particularly by
exiled to St Helena, and the treaty of PARIS of Piedmont-Sardinia (see ITALIAN
November 1815 settled the conflict. UNIFICATION) and Prussia (see GERMAN
National Socialism see NAZISM. UNIFICATION). In the new Italy and the new
101 Navarino, battle of

Germany, the nation was actively promoted as the USSR. It was established by the North
a common cause for all members of the Atlantic Treaty, signed in Washington in April
population: and while this caused conflicts 1949 by representatives of Belgium, Canada,
with the supranational Roman Catholic Denmark, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, the
Church (see KULTURKAMPF), it helped to Netherlands, Portugal, the UK and the USA.
create strong states. From this time, the By this, each member agreed to provide
creation of smaller nations was also seen as a support to any other member that was attacked
potentially useful diplomatic tool, in an area defined as the signatories’
exemplified by the 1878 changes in the territories and island possessions north of the
Balkans against the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Tropic of Cancer. NATO was based in France,
See BERLIN CONGRESS. and run by a Military Committee (made up of
After the FIRST WORLD WAR, some of officers from member nations) and the North
these nineteenth-century concepts of Atlantic Council (made up of appropriate
nationalism, combined with the pragmatic ministers).
need to weaken the defeated powers, Although it was not drawn into any
informed the peacemaking (see FOURTEEN conflicts until 1994, the existence of NATO
POINTS, PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE). meant that US-backed forces were based
The new or re-created states, such as permanently throughout western Europe
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and the under a single, integrated military command:
Kingdom of the Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes from 1955, they were faced by the Soviet-
(subsequently Yugoslavia), apparently dominated equivalent, the WARSAW PACT.
consolidated the idea that the nation state was NATO expanded in the 1950s, with Greece
the most desirable and efficient form of and Turkey joining in 1952, and the Federal
geopolitical organisation. Despite subsequent Republic of Germany (FRG) in 1955,
wars and further continental imperialism, although it was weakened in the 1960s, first
particularly that practised by Germany from by Greece’s withdrawal in 1964, and then by
1939 to 1942 (see SECOND WORLD WAR) France’s withdrawal from the command
and the USSR during the COLD WAR, this structure in 1966. Greece rejoined in 1979,
assumption remained influential throughout while Spain joined in 1982. At the end of the
the twentieth century. It could be seen, for Cold War, NATO reduced some of its forces
example, in the REVOLUTIONS OF 1989– and redeveloped its functions along peace-
91, in the emergence of many former Soviet keeping and humanitarian lines, while
republics as nations in their own right (such as extending its influence through contacts with
Belarus, Estonia and Ukraine), and in the nations from the disintegrating Warsaw Pact,
fragmentation of Yugoslavia from 1992 (see along with Sweden and Finland. This was
YUGOSLAVIA, DISSOLUTION). seen clearly in the London declaration of
Moreover, it remained a significant political 1990, which set an agenda for greater
cause for some marginal nationalities cooperation with the Warsaw Pact. It was in
pressing for separatism, such as the Basques this period that NATO forces were first used in
in Spain. This, combined with the challenges conflict: first in the Bosnian Civil War (see
created by decolonisation and related YUGOSLAVIA, DISSOLUTION) in 1994 as
migration, and by European integration, has part of the UNITED NATIONS force; and as
maintained nationalism as a contested issue. an alliance against Serbia for the KOSOVO
Nations, battle of the see LEIPZIG, BATTLE WAR of 1999. In the same year, the Czech
OF. Republic, Hungary and Poland became the
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) first of the former Warsaw Pact members to
Military alliance. After the alliance systems of join NATO.
the treaty of DUNKIRK and BRUSSELS Navarino, battle of (October 1827) Naval
TREATY in 1947 and 1948, and in the context battle of the GREEK WAR OF
of growing COLD WAR tensions, the USA INDEPENDENCE. After the 1827 treaty of
and a number of European nations formed London, by which France, Russia and the UK
NATO as a western defence alliance against agreed to mediate between the Greek rebels
Nazi-Soviet Pact 102

and the OTTOMAN government, the allies republics, with Germany relinquishing
developed a joint naval force to blockade Lithuania in return for more of Poland. The
Turkish-controlled ports and encourage the Pact was destroyed in June 1941, when
Turks to negotiate. The Turks responded by Germany invaded the USSR (see
developing a joint force with their Egyptian BARBAROSSA). For both governments, the
allies. On 20 October 1827, the allied fleet Pact, which shocked many in western Europe,
sailed to the Turkish supply base at Navarino allowed for wars of conquest in the area
to attempt mediation. When the Turks fired on between Germany and the USSR, apparently
a British ship, a full-scale battle developed. without an immediate threat of escalation. See
Within hours the Turks lost sixty ships and also SECOND WORLD WAR.
approximately 8,000 men. This defeat nazism Political ideology associated with the
severely weakened the Turkish war effort, National Socialist German Workers party
which was finished off in 1828 by the Russian (NSDAP), named from the German
invasion. Navarino was the last major sea abbreviation of ‘National Socialist’. The
battle fought under sail. ideology developed in the early 1920s out of
Nazi-Soviet Pact (August 1939) Bilateral the debates and discourse within the party, and
non-aggression treaty between Germany and became strongly associated with HITLER,
the USSR, signed in Moscow in August 1939. the party’s leader from 1921. In the early
In the context of the German invasion of stages, as expressed in the party’s programme
Czechoslovakia in March 1939, and of the of February 1920, the ideology combined
USSR’s war with Japan from May 1939, aspects from a number of different strands. It
STALIN attempted to improve relations with incorporated some long-term nationalist (see
France and the UK in a strategic revival of the NATIONALISM) and militaristic strands
TRIPLE ENTENTE. However, mutual from the nineteenth century, but restated them
suspicion between politicians in all three in the context of Germany’s defeat in the
countries, and some of the USSR’s terms, FIRST WORLD WAR and subsequent losses
made such a settlement difficult to establish. through the treaty of VERSAILLES: for
HITLER, meanwhile, appreciated that a pact example, it stressed the need to unite all ethnic
with the USSR would provide some security Germans in a ‘Greater Germany’, with the
for an attack on Poland. Accordingly, and restoration of lost territory and the right to
against the tone of each government’s unite with Austria (see ANSCHLUSS). The
ideology and propaganda, the foreign programme also contained strong statements
ministers RIBBENTROP and MOLOTOV on race and nationality, with an explicit
agreed a treaty in August 1939. The published ANTI-SEMITISM and statements on
aspects of the treaty committed the two citizenship and immigration. There were also
countries to mutual non-aggression, and each some socialist aspects (see SOCIALISM),
government to neutrality if the other became with plans for state welfarism and the
involved in a war with a third party. Both nationalisation of major businesses. These
governments also agreed not to join any other features of the early ideology, which shared
alliance against the other party. The secret some ground with FASCISM, were adapted
clauses of the treaty provided mutual over time: in particular, some of the socialist
recognition for each government’s territorial elements were diluted. Hitler’s Mein Kampf,
ambitions in eastern Europe and the Baltic. published in two volumes in 1925 and 1928,
Germany recognised the USSR’s interests in came to be seen as a fuller statement of
eastern Poland, Estonia, Finland and Latvia; nazism: and after Hitler’s consolidation as
while the USSR recognised Germany’s leader, the ideology became virtually
interests in western Poland and Lithuania. In indistinguishable from his own views and
the first half of September, Germany and the their dissemination through various media.
USSR invaded Poland from east and west, However, it remained reactionary (against,
dividing the country close to the CURZON for example, Versailles, COMMUNISM, and
LINE. The USSR also invaded the Baltic some features of modernism), racist,
103 Ney, Michel

militaristic and nationalistic, with a major the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes gained some
emphasis on the role of the leader and on the small parts of borderland. Bulgaria was set
natural superiority of the ‘pure’ ‘Aryan race’. reparations payments, both in cash and in
Nazism became the orthodox ideology of kind. The Bulgarian army was reduced to a
Germany during the THIRD REICH, but was maximum size of 20,000 volunteers. The
proscribed, along with the party, at the end of relatively generous terms of this treaty were
the SECOND WORLD WAR. Neo-nazism, linked to the victorious allies’ desire to
drawing heavily both on the ideology and minimise potential territorial disputes in the
aesthetics of the NSDAP, emerged in many Balkans.
parts of Europe and elsewhere in the New Economic Policy Soviet economic
economic crises of the late 1970s, and has strategy, introduced in 1921. As the
continued to influence a number of small BOLSHEVIKS’ authority was weakened by
political groups. food shortages, riots and mutinies during the
Neapolitan rising (1820–21) Rebellion in RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR, LENIN introduced
Naples. In July 1820 a group of military the New Economic Policy (NEP) in March
officers who had backed MURAT’S abortive 1921 as a temporary measure to restore some
rising in 1815 staged a rebellion against the stability to the country’s economy in place of
recently restored king, Ferdinand. They were WAR COMMUNISM. NEP introduced a
influenced by NATIONALISM and mixed economy by returning some small
LIBERALISM, and by the SPANISH firms to the private sector, allowing private
REVOLUTION of January 1820. Like the enterprise in food and other goods, and, from
military leaders in Spain, the rebels demanded 1924, it involved a currency reform. The
a liberal constitution for the Kingdom of the policy proved popular with the agricultural
Two Sicilies. With risings also taking place on sector, as it allowed farmers to sell their
Sicily, Ferdinand agreed to the rebels’ surplus products privately. Although the state
demands, although the rebellion soon kept control of heavy industry, wholesale, and
attracted a popular following which created international trade, NEP was seen to work, as
pressure for more radical reforms. The issues it quelled some of the dissent of the war
were discussed by the Quintuple Alliance communism period. However, it also led to
powers (see QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE) at unemployment, and was disliked by many
the Congress of TROPPAU, where the communists as a betrayal of ideology (see
HABSBURG empire, Prussia, and Russia COMMUNISM): the appearance of the
agreed to the principle of intervention in other bourgeois ‘nepmen’ and rich peasants was
countries’ affairs. The Congress of particularly offensive here. Although Lenin
LAIBACH formalised this by allowing had viewed NEP as a necessary concession, it
METTERNICH to send Habsburg troops into was gradually diluted under STALIN, and
Naples in February 1821. The rebels were was formally abandoned in 1929 with the
quickly defeated, and Ferdinand was able to introduction of planning and collectivisation.
abandon the promised constitution. See FIVE YEAR PLANS.
Neerwinden, battle of (March 1793) see Ney, Michel (1769–1815) French soldier.
FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS. After joining the French army in 1787, Ney
Neuilly, treaty of (November 1919) Peace gained advancement during the FRENCH
treaty between the allied powers and Bulgaria REVOLUTIONARY WARS, and was
at the end of the FIRST WORLD WAR, one of promoted to the rank of general. A close ally
the treaties written during the PARIS PEACE of NAPOLEON, he helped to master-mind
CONFERENCE. Territorially, Bulgaria France’s campaigns in the German states from
ceded to Greece the remnant of western 1799, and was made Marshal of France in
Thrace that it had retained by the treaty of 1804. He continued to fight in France’s major
LONDON of 1913, thus losing direct access campaigns in the NAPOLEONIC WARS, and
to the Aegean sea; while Romania was given was widely acclaimed for his decisive role at
southern Dobrudja, and the new Kingdom of the battle of Friedland in 1807. The following
Nicholas I 104

year Napoleon created him Duc d’Elchingen. Nicholas II (1868–1918) ROMANOV Tsar
In the Russian campaign, Ney commanded of Russia, 1894–1917. Nicholas succeeded
the rearguard action as the French army his father ALEXANDER III in 1894. He
retreated from Moscow in 1812. After characterised his reign by an emphasis on the
fighting on into 1814, Ney’s advice to autocratic and divine role of the Tsar, which
Napoleon on the decline in the army’s support exacerbated tensions in Russian politics. In
was influential in the Emperor’s decision to the first eleven years of his reign he made few
abdicate. Ney duly backed the restored concessions to calls for reform, concentrating
LOUIS XVIII, and led the party sent to arrest instead on promoting the historical
Napoleon at the start of the ‘Hundred Days’. significance of the Romanov dynasty, and
However, he changed sides once again, and attempting to recreate early Russian forms in
joined Napoleon in the Belgian campaign, cultural life. Nicholas’ foreign policy was
fighting at the battle of WATERLOO. He was marked by a shift towards France in Europe,
subsequently court-martialled after and eastern expansion into Korea and
Napoleon’s defeat, and executed in Paris in Manchuria, which led to war with Japan in
1815. 1904. It was in the context of this war that
Nicholas I (1796–1855) ROMANOV Tsar of discontent over food supplies and prices
Russia, 1825–55. Nicholas I succeeded his precipitated revolutionary activity in a
brother ALEXANDER I in 1825, and quickly number of centres (see RUSSIAN
crushed the DECEMBRIST CONSPIRACY REVOLUTION 1905). Nicholas responded
that had staged its revolt in the aftermath of to the demands for concessions by
Alexander’s death. This repressive approach establishing a duma (parliament) and making
came to characterise much of his reign, seen some constitutional concessions, but these
most obviously in his increase of censorship, were limited by the ‘Fundamental Laws’.
his retardation of education, and his creation Between 1905 and the outbreak of the FIRST
of a secret police force within an enlarged WORLD WAR in 1914, Nicholas showed
central bureaucracy. Nicholas was preferences for reactionary and conservative
unsympathetic to the nationality issue within ministers, although some important land
the Russian empire (see IMPERIALISM), reforms were introduced by STOLYPIN. He
using force against the revolution in Poland also became increasingly influenced in all his
(see REVOLUTIONS OF 1830). He also decisions by his wife Alexandra, and her
backed the HABSBURG government’s controversial adviser RASPUTIN. In 1914
repression of the revolution in Hungary (see Nicholas led Russia into war against Austria-
REVOLUTIONS OF 1848). Nicholas I also Hungary and Germany over the Balkan crisis,
oversaw the introduction of some limited taking personal command of the army in 1915.
reforms, including the codification of This removed him from the intrigues of St
Russia’s laws from 1833, and a limited Petersburg, and placed him in a position of
emancipation of the serfs on state land from responsibility for all military failures. His
1838, but he was unprepared to pursue such reputation suffered further through
policies. His foreign policies brought Russia allegations of his pro-German sympathies.
some territorial and strategic gains, most Nicholas abdicated in March 1917 after the
notably through the treaty of ADRIANOPLE February revolution (see RUSSIAN
that ended the RUSSO-TURKISH WAR in REVOLUTIONS 1917). He was killed, along
1829, but his Balkan policies led to clashes with all of his family, by BOLSHEVIKS in
with France and the UK which, in 1854, July 1918. In July 1998 his rediscovered
precipitated the CRIMEAN WAR. Russia’s remains were ceremonially buried in St
defeat here, which Nicholas I did not live to Petersburg.
see, demonstrated the country’s relative Night of the Long Knives (1934) Nazi purge
military and industrial backwardness. He was of party and external opponents, 29 June–2
succeeded by his son, ALEXANDER II. July 1934. As HITLER attempted to
consolidate his power in Germany,
105 North German Confederation

particularly through his planned merger of the positions and infrastructure, and false
offices of chancellor and president on intelligence to promote the idea that the
HINDENBURG’S imminent death, the invasion was planned further north in the
leadership of the Storm Division (SA), particu- Calais region, the allies launched an invasion
larly Röhm, began to call for radical reforms of Normandy from southern England on 6
in land, industry and the armed forces. This June 1944 (D-Day). Landing on five beaches
faction, which included approximately along a thirty-mile front, American, British,
4,000,000 SA members, was thus proving a Canadian and other allied troops, supported
liability to Hitler, particularly in his relations by air and sea attacks, established beach-
with the army. During June 1934, Hitler and heads before moving on to take key targets in
other leading Nazis, including Goering and Normandy, including Cherbourg and Caen.
Himmler, developed plans for a purge of the With supplies coming through artificial
party, to rid it of the SA and other internal harbours and a submarine oil pipeline, the
opponents. On the night of 29 June arrests and allied armies pushed out of Normandy in late
shootings began, which lasted until 2 July. July, heavily defeating a brief German
The killings were carried out by members of counter-attack at Avranches in early August.
the GESTAPO and the Guard Unit (SS), with The success of this campaign opened the
logistical support from the army. As well as western allies’ way to Paris, which the
the SA figures, the victims included political Germans surrendered in late August, and
opponents such as Gregor Strasser and Kurt formed the foundation of the subsequent
von Schleicher. On 13 July, Hitler announced NORTH-WEST EUROPE CAMPAIGN. By
the killings in the Reichstag, claiming that September 1944 the allies had lost
they had been carried out to prevent a coup. He approximately 225,000 troops in the
gave the action its name, the ‘Night of the campaign, the Germans 500,000.
Long Knives’, and acknowledged seventy- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation see
seven deaths, although the real number is NATO.
unknown: some estimates place it as high as North German Confederation Political
1,000. The purge diminished the SA, organisation of northern German states,
strengthened the SS, and helped to 1867–71. The North German Confederation
consolidate Hitler’s own position. was established by the treaty of PRAGUE of
NKVD (Russian: Norodny Komitet August 1866 which ended the AUSTRO-
Vnutrennykh Del, People’s Commissariat for PRUSSIAN WAR. It involved federal
Internal Affairs) The USSR’s secret police unification of all of the German states north of
and internal security agency, 1934–46. The the river Main, with the newly enlarged
NKVD was formed in 1934 as an umbrella Prussia as the dominant state. The
organisation for all aspects of the USSR’s Confederation stretched from the Belgian
internal security, including the observation of border in the west to the Russian border east of
all political debates, the interrogation and trial Königsberg, and from Schleswig in the north
of those arrested for political crimes, and the to the Main in the south. The individual states
management of punishments for those found were allowed to maintain some
guilty, including executions and the running independence: for example, no monarchs
of prisons and labour camps. The NKVD’s were deposed, and administrative,
powers peaked during YEZHOVSCHINA in constitutional and judicial matters were
the 1930s, and under BERIA during the largely left intact. A Federal Council and
SECOND WORLD WAR. In 1946 it was Assembly were set up, and a number of social
reorganised, and from 1954 its duties were and economic reforms were introduced.
merged with those of the KGB. However, Prussia’s dominance was ensured
Normandy campaign (June August 1944) in a number of ways. The Prussian king
First stage of Allied invasion of north-west automatically held the presidency of the
Europe in the SECOND WORLD WAR. Confederation, with powers in foreign and
After aerial bombardment of German military policy; Prussia had the largest
North-west Europe campaign 106

number of votes in the Council; and the Novara, battle of (May 1821) see
Prussian king had the power to veto all laws PIEDMONTESE RISING.
passed by the Assembly. It was dissolved in Novara, battle of (March 1849) see
1871 on the declaration of GERMAN AUSTRO-PIEDMONTESE WAR.
UNIFICATION. Novotny, Antonin (1904–75)
North-west Europe campaign (September Czechoslovakian politician. Novotny joined
1944–May 1945) Western allies’ military the Communist party in 1921 while working
campaign against Germany in the SECOND in munitions. He was imprisoned by the
WORLD WAR. After the success of the Germans from 1941 until 1945. He
NORMANDY CAMPAIGN, allied forces subsequently became a leading politician in
advanced into north-west Europe on a wide Czechoslovakia after the SECOND WORLD
front from the Channel coast to the Franco- WAR. He was involved in the Communist
Swiss border, aiming to push the Germans out coup of 1948, and became the party’s First
of Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Secretary in 1953 after GOTTWALD’S
Netherlands, which would then allow for a death. He also served as President from 1957.
western invasion of Germany. In early He was relatively isolated within eastern
September, Brussels and Antwerp were both Europe during the KHRUSHCHEV period in
taken, laying the foundation for the conquest the USSR, as he remained a Stalinist,
of the rest of Belgium and the Netherlands: committed to heavy industry. These policies
while Belgium and the southern Netherlands led to a recession in the early 1960s,
were taken, the attempt to push into the north accompanied by student-led unrest, after
across the lower reaches of the Rhine initially which Novotny began to liberalise, but these
failed at Arnhem in September. While the reforms came too late. Throughout the mid-
Americans, Canadians and French had 1960s, disquiet with Novotny mounted,
pushed the Germans out of most of France by culminating in the PRAGUE SPRING of
this time, Hitler ordered a counter-attack 1968. Novotny resigned from his party and
through the Ardennes in northern state posts in March when the army refused to
Luxembourg and eastern Belgium in occupy Prague.
December. This, the last German offensive on Nuremberg laws German legislation of
the western front, was aimed at retaking 1935. At the 1935 Nazi party (see NAZISM)
Belgium and dividing the allies. However, rally in Nuremberg, the government
after some initial successes, the offensive was announced two major pieces of legislation
weakened by a lack of supplies, while allied which were designed to limit German Jews’
resistance managed to absorb the attack. The political and personal freedoms. The Reich
last Germans were pushed back out of the Law on Citizenship removed Jews’ German
Ardennes in mid-January 1945, the German nationality by limiting that status to people of
army having suffered approximately 100,000 ‘Aryan’ blood. The Law for the Protection of
losses (dead, injured, and taken prisoner). German Blood and Honour barred marriages
Having entered Germany in October, and non-marital sexual relations between
American forces crossed the Rhine at Jews and non-Jews. Both laws, which were
Remagen in March, with the British also enforced from September 1935, were
crossing further north. From there, the designed to marginalise Jews, and helped to
different armies continued to concentrate on make concrete Nazi propaganda and ideology
separate parts of Germany: the British moving on race and ethnicity. The laws were followed
towards the Baltic through Hamburg and the by supplementary decrees on various issues
Americans aiming for Dresden, paralleling which further limited Jews’ rights and
the Soviet attack from the east. In April, opportunities. See also ANTI-SEMITISM.
American and Soviet forces linked at Torgau Nuremberg trials Judicial trial of German
on the Elbe. On 4 May, following HITLER’S and Austrian Nazis (see NAZISM), 1945–47.
suicide, the German armies in north-west The principle that the leading Nazis should be
Europe surrendered at Lüneberg. tried for their actions was accepted by the
107 Organisation for European Economic Cooperation

Allied governments during the SECOND CONFERENCE of the SECOND WORLD

WORLD WAR, and in May 1945 the model to WAR. It came into force in May 1945, having
be used was agreed. This involved France, the the effect of shifting Poland westwards at
UK, the USA and the USSR each supplying Germany’s expense to compensate for the
two judges and a team of prosecutors. The establishment of the new Polish-Soviet border
accused were to be tried with any of four approximately on the CURZON LINE.
charges: crimes against peace; war crimes; Although this was seen as temporary by the
crimes against humanity; and conspiracy. The allies, the Polish government quickly moved
trials were held at Nuremberg for propaganda to make the territorial settlement permanent
reasons, as the city had been the site of the by forcing over 6,000,000 Germans out of the
Nazi party’s rallies. In all, 177 individuals and re-acquired areas (and East Prussia), and
a number of organisations, including the replacing them with Poles, and by promoting
the Polish language and culture. The German
GESTAPO and the Guard Unit (SS), were
Democratic Republic (GDR) recognised the
tried. The main trial, featuring twenty-one of
border in 1949, but the Federal Republic of
the leading Nazis such as GOERING, HESS,
Germany (FRG) did not accept the settlement
RIBBENTROP and SPEER, lasted from
until 1970 when BRANDT’S policy of
November 1945 until September 1946, and eastern reconciliation (see OSTPOLITIK)
resulted in eleven death sentences. formed the context for the treaty of Warsaw,
The exact legality of the trials has which confirmed the two countries’ mutual
continued to raise questions on a number of acceptance of the 1945 border. The border was
grounds. For example, the Allied powers not affected by GERMAN
provided all the judges; some of the charges REUNIFICATION in 1990. See also POLISH
were poorly defined and lacked precedents in CORRIDOR.
international law; and the defence that Organisation for Security and
individuals were acting under order was not Cooperation in Europe see CONFERENCE
accepted. Moreover, the absence of such key ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN
figures as the late GOEBBELS, HEYDRICH, EUROPE.
HIMMLER and HITLER, and the absence of Organisation for European Economic
EICHMANN, meant that much information Cooperation (OEEC) Intergovernmental
remained undisclosed. However, despite body for post-SECOND WORLD WAR
these issues, the trials widely publicised and economic recovery and development. When
recorded the abuses of the THIRD REICH, the US government announced the
including some of the details of MARSHALL PLAN in June 1947, the
BARBAROSSA and the FINAL governments of the European nations which
SOLUTION. would receive the aid were obliged to
establish a body which would coordinate and
channel the assistance. This was established
in April 1948 as the OEEC, consisting
originally of Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
O Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, Sweden, Turkey, the UK, and the
western zones of Germany. The OEEC’s
October Manifesto (October 1905) see decisions were made by Council, on which
NICHOLAS II; RUSSIAN REVOLUTION each member government had equal voting
1905. rights. It began work on reorganising trade
Oder-Neisse Line German-Polish border agreements (influenced here by the smaller
from 1945. The line, following the rivers Oder BENELUX UNION model), on promoting
and Neisse, was accepted as a temporary the recovery of production, and on
border between Germany and Poland by the distributing Marshall Aid. In 1949 the Federal
allies in the planning for post-war Europe at Republic of Germany (FRG) formally joined,
the YALTA CONFERENCE and POTSDAM as did Spain in 1959; while north American
Orlando, Vittorio 108

interests in the OEEC’s work were towards the GDR. Whereas previous policy
represented by Canada and the USA’s had been based on non-recognition of the
associate member status from 1950. The COLD WAR division of Germany, including
OEEC provided a forum for the discussion of a non-acceptance of the Polish-German
future models of continent-wide economic border (see ODER-NEISSE LINE), and a lack
collaboration, which led to the formation of of diplomatic relations with the GDR and any
both the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC country that recognised it (except the USSR),
COMMUNITY (EEC) and the EUROPEAN Brandt attempted to promote a more
FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION (EFTA). In pragmatic line. This was designed to ease
1960 the OEEC restructured itself in the light relations, both inter-German and
of the emergence of the EEC and EFTA, international. The concrete results of
becoming the Organisation for Economic Ostpolitik included non-aggression treaties
Cooperation and Development (OECD): with with Poland and the USSR in 1970, which also
Canadian, US and, from 1964, Japanese signalled the FRG’s acceptance of territorial
membership, the new body took on a global changes in those countries’ favour at the end
remit. of the SECOND WORLD WAR, and the
Organisation for Security and BASIC TREATY of mutual recognition
Cooperation in Europe see CONFERENCE between the FRG and the GDR in December
EUROPE. Ottoman empire African, Asian and
Orlando, Vittorio (1860–1952) Italian European empire ruled by Sultans based in
politician. A law professor, Orlando entered Istanbul (Constantinople) from the mid-
the Italian parliament in 1897. He gained fifteenth century. The empire peaked in size
ministerial experience in a number of posts, and influence during the sixteenth century, but
including education (1903–5), justice (1907– declined throughout the eighteenth,
9 and 1915–16), and the interior (1916–17). nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
Orlando formed a government in 1917 after losing much of its European territory (see
the Italian defeat at CAPORETTO, and he GREEK WAR OF INDEPENDENCE,
remained Prime Minister until 1919. As STRAITS CONVENTION, RUSSO-
President of the Chamber of Deputies, TURKISH WAR, BERLIN CONGRESS,
Orlando represented Italy at the PARIS BALKAN REBELLIONS, ITALO-
secure the territories covered by the 1915 WORLD WAR). Alth-ough the empire
treaty of LONDON, and resigned. In the early survived the First World War, it was
1920s Orlando supported MUSSOLINI, but overthrown in 1923 by Kemal’s (see
he resigned in 1925 in protest over the ATATÜRK) republican movement. The new
Fascists’ tactics (see FASCISM). In 1931 he republic of Turkey became its successor state.
also resigned his chair at the University of Ouchy, treaty of (October 1912) see ITALO-
Rome rather than swear an oath to Mussolini. TURKISH WAR.
Orlando returned to positions of influence
towards the end of the SECOND WORLD
WAR, when he became President of the
Chamber of Deputies in 1944 after
Mussolini’s fall from power. He served as
President of the Constituent Assembly from
1946 until 1947, and was made a life senator
the following year.
Ostpolitik (German: ‘eastern policy’) Federal
Republic of Germany’s (FRG) policy towards Pact of Steel see AXIS.
the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in panslavism Ideology promoting common
the late 1960s and early 1970s. Associated interests of all Slavic peoples in Europe,
predominantly with BRANDT, Ostpolitik which emerged in the mid-nineteenth century.
represented a shift in the FRG’s attitudes
109 Paris Commune

In the context of growing NATIONALISM, a seventeen months after an election victory in

number of Slav intellectuals began, from the February 1964. However, his inability to
1820s, to promote the idea of some form of solve the ENOSIS crisis, and his unpopularity
union between Slavs, with language and with CONSTANTINE II and the military over
heritage seen as unifying features. This had his reformist plans, constrained his
anti-imperial implications, as Slavs were administration, and he resigned in July 1965.
spread over the HABSBURG, OTTOMAN In 1967 the GREEK COLONELS’ coup was
and Russian empires: these were clearly largely aimed at Papandreou’s imminent
expressed in the first Slav congress, held in election victory. The colonels held
Prague in 1848 (see also IMPERIALISM). Papandreou under house arrest until his death
However, the position of Russia, as a Slav in 1968.
empire, limited the viability of this Papen, Franz von (1879–1969) German
movement: while most non-Russian Slavs politician. Papen served as a diplomat and an
looked to Russia for leadership in achieving officer before the FIRST WORLD WAR.
union, successive Russian governments were During the war he served as a military attaché
more cautious. Moreover, the religious in Mexico and Washington, before returning
differences between Catholicism and to Germany. He entered politics in 1921 as
Orthodoxy complicated the supposed leader of the Centre party, and sat as a
interests that panslavs believed all Slavs to representative in the Prussian legislature until
have in common. The differences between 1932. In June 1932, he was
Russian and panslav agendas were underlined HINDENBURG’S choice as Chancellor, a
in Russia’s suppression of the POLISH position he held without a parliamentary
REVOLUTION (1863–64): and while Russia majority. During this time he helped to
promoted an apparently panslavist line in undermine the labour movement, opposition
foreign policy on occasions, exemplified in its parties, and democracy, particularly through
backing of the Balkan nationalities against the his establishment of emergency rule in
Ottoman empire during the BALKAN Prussia. From July 1932 he worked with
REBELLIONS and RUSSO-TURKISH HITLER in an attempt to dilute the Nazi
WAR in the late 1870s, the ideology was more leader’s radicalism, and used some of his
justification than motivation. Panslavism industrial contacts to provide the Nazi party
survived in various forms into the twentieth with funds (see NAZISM). Papen was
century, as seen in the BALKAN WARS of replaced as chancellor in September 1932
1912–13, although it was diluted by the when Hindenburg rejected his calls for martial
creation of new Slav nations after the FIRST law, but returned as Vice-Chancellor to Hitler
WORLD WAR. See PARIS PEACE in January 1933 after helping to persuade
CONFERENCE. Hindenburg to accept Hitler. He survived the
Papadopoulos, George see GREEK NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES, but lost his
COLONELS. post in 1934, and thereafter served the THIRD
Papandreou, George (1888–1968) Greek REICH as a diplomat: in Austria from 1934
politician. A lawyer and moderate socialist, until 1938, where he helped to coordinate the
Papandreou held various posts in the Greek ANSCHLUSS; and then in Turkey until 1944.
government between 1922 and 1935, before Acquitted at the NUREMBERG TRIALS, he
his opposition in the Social Democratic party served two years’ imprisonment from 1947
during METAXAS’ dictatorship. He was after his denazification trial.
active in the RESISTANCE in the early stages Paris Commune (1871) Radical municipal
of the SECOND WORLD WAR, before administration of Paris at the end of the
leaving Greece in 1942. In 1944 Papandreou FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. In March
returned to Greece as the Prime Minister of a 1871, German troops entered Paris as part of
coalition government, but military objections the preliminary peace settlement that had
prevented this from lasting. He remained ended the war. The new French head of state,
active in opposition, and in 1961 founded the THIERS, ordered the disarmament of the
popular Centre Union party. He was Prime National Guard in Paris: but this, combined
Minister briefly in 1963, and for a further with Parisians’ economic hardships, sparked
Paris Peace Conference 110

a rising against both the German occupation levels of involvement in the war and their
and the French government. On 18 March, a interests in the geopolitics of the peace
group of radical politicians and National settlement. The governments of the defeated
Guard occupied the Hôtel de Ville, and countries were not invited to send delegates.
quickly organised elections for a Paris The conference met a number of times in full
Commune. The Commune was proclaimed session, with smaller groups working out
on 28 March as the city’s governing body, specific details. The individual peace treaties
with a membership made up of working- and were signed at NEUILLY, ST GERMAIN,
middle-class representatives from a variety of SÈVRES, TRIANON and VERSAILLES. As
political groupings: radicals, revolutionaries, well as producing these treaties, the
socialists, anarchists and conservatives were Conference set up the LEAGUE OF
all evident (see ANARCHISM, NATIONS as an agency of international
CONSERVATISM, SOCIALISM). The arbitration, and established the principle that
Commune organised workshops and the defeated countries’ colonies should be
cooperatives and established a minimum taken over by the League and by individual
wage, while also organising a military countries as MANDATES.
campaign against the government forces Paris, Pact of (1928) see
based at Versailles: the Germans withdrew to KELLOGGBRIAND PACT.
leave the matter to Thiers’ government. Paris, treaties of (February 1947) Series of
French troops led by MACMAHON peace treaties that ended the SECOND
bombarded Paris, and entered it on 21 May, WORLD WAR between twenty-one allied
leading to a week of street fighting in which up nations and Germany’s allies. The peace
to 25,000 communards were killed, both in conference began work in July 1946 on
battle and summarily as prisoners. This settlements with Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary,
localised civil war also involved the killing of Italy and Romania. The treaties were signed in
hostages by the communards, most notably the following February. Bulgaria’s 1939
the bishop of Paris. The Commune was border with Yugoslavia was confirmed, as
suppressed on 28 May, with the loss of was its possession of south Dobrudja. Finland
approximately 1,000 government troops. ceded Petsamo to the USSR, and was limited
40,000 communards were arrested in the to its 1940 borders; while Hungary lost
aftermath. Transylvania to Romania, and was restricted
Paris Peace Conference (January–May to its borders as set by the treaty of TRIANON
1919) International conference at the end of of 1920. Italy suffered the greatest losses of
the FIRST WORLD WAR. Opening in Paris the five. Trieste was made a free city, while the
in January 1919, the conference was called to Istrian peninsula and the town of Zadar went
draw up the specific peace terms relating to to Yugoslavia, and the Dodecanese islands
Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary and went to Greece, while Italy had to give up all
Turkey, and to establish some more general claims to African colonies (see
structures and principles in international IMPERIALISM). Romania, despite gaining
relations for the post-war period. It was Transylvania, lost Bessarabia and northern
attended by delegates from thirty-two Bukovina to the USSR. The limited territorial
different states and a number of governments- settlements reflected both the realities of the
in-waiting from new states, but was Red Army’s presence in eastern Europe in the
dominated by the leaders of the four main early COLD WAR period, and the fact that the
victorious powers: CLEMENCEAU of five countries had all fought against Germany
France, David Lloyd George of the UK, in the closing stages of the war.
Woodrow Wilson of the USA, and to a lesser Paris, treaty of (May 1814) Peace treaty
extent ORLANDO of Italy. Wilson was seen between France and the allies of the Fourth
as a key figure, particularly as his Coalition that ended the NAPOLEONIC
FOURTEEN POINTS had been publicised WARS. With NAPOLEON in exile after the
before the Conference as a basis for the wider treaty of Fontainebleau, and the monarchy
settlement. These countries’ governments restored, the treaty of Paris was a relatively
had diverse agendas at Paris, linked to their lenient settlement designed to promote
111 perestroika

stability in France. France was reduced to its EMPIRE, and southern Bessarabia to Turkey,
1792 frontiers rather than the 1791 model of while Russia also lost its rights over Orthodox
the treaty of Chaumont, which left Avignon, Christians in the Ottoman empire. The
Savoy and parts of Flanders in France, but Danube was placed under international
meant the loss of all annexed territories in the control with freedom of navigation. As well as
Italian states, the German states, the these specific clauses, the treaty’s
Netherlands and Switzerland. France kept significance lay in its underlining of Russia’s
some of the colonies gained during the relative weakness by the middle of the
FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS and nineteenth century compared to its post-
the Napoleonic Wars (see IMPERIALISM), NAPOLEONIC WARS position. The London
and was allowed to keep the proceeds of agreement of 1871 subsequently ended the
Napoleon’s looting. The leniency was also neutralisation of the Black Sea after a period
evident in the fact that it excluded indemnity, of relative stability in the region.
occupation and disarmament clauses. The Pasic, Nikola (1845–1926) Serbian
treaty deferred a final settlement of the legacy politician. After entering Serbia’s legislature
of the wars to a congress to be held in Vienna in 1878, Pasic founded the Radical party in
(see VIENNA, CONGRESS OF). The 1881, and was exiled for six years from 1883
settlement was revised by the treaty of PARIS due to his opposition to the monarchy. He
of 1815 after the battle of WATERLOO. became Prime Minister in 1891 for a year,
Paris, treaty of (November 1815) Peace then served as Ambassador to Russia from
treaty between France and the coalition 1893 until 1894. Exiled again in 1899, Pasic
powers of the HABSBURG empire, Prussia, returned in 1903 and helped to organise the
Russia and the UK which settled the ‘Hundred restoration of the monarchy. He served as
Days’ phase of the NAPOLEONIC WARS. Prime Minister again from 1904 until 1908,
Due to the ease with which NAPOLEON had and from 1910 to 1918. During this latter
regained power, this treaty was designed to be period he helped to secure territorial
more punitive than its predecessors, the treaty expansion for Serbia through the BALKAN
of PARIS of May 1814, and the resolutions of WARS, but also fell foul of Austria-Hungary,
the Congress of Vienna (see VIENNA, and Francis Ferdinand’s assassination in 1914
CONGRESS OF) of June 1815. However, it by Serbs led to the Austro-Hungarian
was still relatively lenient due to the declaration of war. Pasic led a government-in-
victorious powers’ desire for the apparently exile in Corfu, and managed in 1917 to secure
fragile restoration of LOUIS XVIII to take an agreement with Slovene and Croat
root. France was reduced to its 1789 borders, representatives that, after the war, the three
thus wiping out virtually all of the territorial nations would unite as the Kingdom of Serbs,
gains of the FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY Croats and Slovenes under the Serb
WARS and the Napoleonic Wars, although monarchy. On this basis, Pasic led the unified
internal annexations, such as Venaissin and delegation to the PARIS PEACE
Montbéliard, were left intact (see CONFERENCE in 1919. He became Prime
IMPERIALISM). The treaty also imposed an Minister of the new kingdom in 1921, a
indemnity of 700,000,000 francs and an allied position he held (with one small interruption)
army of occupation until the debt was paid in until 1926, when he resigned over ethnic
full, which France achieved in 1818. tensions related to his pro-Serb policies. He
Paris, treaty of (March 1856) Peace treaty died later the same year.
between France, the HABSBURG empire, Pattakos, Stylianos see GREEK
Piedmont-Sardinia, Turkey and the UK on COLONELS.
one side, and Russia on the other, which ended Peninsular War see NAPOLEONIC WARS.
the CRIMEAN WAR of 1853–56. The Black People’s Will see POPULISM.
Sea was demilitarised, and the STRAITS perestroika (Russian: ‘restructuring’) Soviet
CONVENTION of 1841 restored through the policy of the GORBACHEV era. In February
closure of the Straits to warships. Russia 1986, Gorbachev began formally to promote
suffered territorial losses, with Moldavia and perestroika alongside GLASNOST as a
Wallachia returning to the OTTOMAN necessary measure to improve the economic
Pétain, Philippe 112

and political performance of the USSR. state from 1940, with virtually dictatorial
Perestroika, as Gorbachev outlined it – most powers. After Germany occupied Vichy
fully in his 1987 book of that same title – France in 1942, Pétain remained as a puppet
recognised that the Soviet economy (and the figure, and he left France with the German
economies of the USSR’s eastern European army in 1944. In 1945 he gave himself up to
allies in COMECON) was underperfoming, the French authorities and was convicted of
that there were too many inefficiencies in the treason. DE GAULLE intervened to have his
country’s economic and political systems, and death sentence commuted to a life sentence.
that too many resources were being devoted to He died in 1951.
a COLD WAR nuclear arms race with the Piedmontese rising Nationalist and
USA. Under the umbrella term of perestroika, constitutionalist rebellion, 1821. In March
Gorbachev and his supporters attempted to 1821 a group of military officers, influenced
reform these problems. Although central by the SPANISH RISINGS of 1820–23,
planning remained integral, a mixed economy staged a rising in Piedmont, with the aims of
was encouraged, along with a greater gaining a constitution and of removing
delegation of responsibility away from the Austrian influence from northern Italy (see
centre in industry, agriculture and party IMPERIALISM, LIBERALISM,
affairs, and the greater use of a meritocratic NATIONALISM). In this, the Piedmontese
and democratic system within the Communist rising can be seen to have had an Italian
party. Alongside glasnost, perestroika nationalist agenda as well as a local
contributed to a climate of change in the constitutionalist one. The King of Piedmont-
USSR and eastern Europe. Its impact upon Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel I, abdicated
party systems directly precipitated the immediately, and his regent, his son Charles
unsuccessful coup against Gorbachev of Felix, declared his support for the liberal
August 1991; and the debates it engendered Spanish constitution of 1812. The rising was
contributed to the REVOLUTIONS OF discussed by the Quintuple Alliance powers at
1989–91 and the dissolution of the USSR. the Congress of LAIBACH; and, in the
Perpignan, battle of (April 1793) see context of the NEAPOLITAN RISING of
FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS. 1820, the alliance members authorised
Pétain, Philippe (1856–1951) French soldier HABSBURG intervention against the rebels.
and politician. During the FIRST WORLD In May 1821, Habsburg troops beat the rebel
WAR, General Pétain became a national hero army at Novara, and entered Turin. The
for his leadership of the French forces at constitution was abandoned, and the secret
VERDUN in 1916. The following year he was societies which had provided fora for the
made Commander-in-Chief of the French discussion of liberal and nationalist ideas
forces on the western front. Promoted to were suppressed.
Marshal of France in 1918, Pétain remained Pillnitz, Declaration of (August 1791) see
involved in military affairs after the war, while FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS.
also developing his interests in right-wing Pilsudski, Józef (1867–1935) Polish soldier
politics. He served on the Higher War Council and politician. Born in Russian Poland,
from 1920 until 1930, saw further action in Pilsudski was exiled to Siberia for his Polish
Morocco in 1925, and served as Minister of nationalist activism in 1887 (see
War in 1934. In March 1939 Pétain returned NATIONALISM). From 1892 he became
from retirement to serve as Ambassador to involved in socialist politics and journalism.
Spain. He was recalled to Paris in May 1940 He consistently exploited Russian problems
and appointed Deputy Prime Minister to in the hope of gaining ground for Polish
REYNAUD, before succeeding to the independence, notably in his attacks on
premiership in June with the aim of Russian institutions in Poland during the
negotiating peace with Germany. He then RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1905. During the
helped to establish the VICHY government in FIRST WORLD WAR he raised a Polish
unoccupied France, and served as its head of legion to fight against the Russians. However,
113 Plekhanov, Georgi

he was interned by the German government in (see ITALIAN UNIFICATION), and Pius IX
1917 when it became clear that his main saw out the rest of his papacy without leaving
interest after the Russian Revolution of 1917 the Vatican.
(see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS 1917) was Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli) (1876–1958)
Polish growth and independence. On his Pope, 1939–58. Pacelli worked for the
release he became head of state of the newly Vatican’s diplomatic service until his election
independent Poland, a position he held until a to the papacy in March 1939. During this time
constitution was established in 1922. He he developed a special interest in Vatican-
continued with his military role, leading the German relations, serving as nuncio to
Polish forces in the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR of Bavaria in 1917, then to Germany from 1920
1919–20. Pilsudski retired in 1923, but led a until 1930, when he was made a cardinal and
military coup in 1926 in protest over the Secretary of State. He negotiated the Church’s
country’s democratic failings and political concordat with the Nazi government in 1933
corruption. He established a limited on behalf of Pius XI. As Pope from March
dictatorship, holding the offices of Prime 1939, Pius XII attempted to promote a neutral
Minister from 1926 until 1928 and again in line during the SECOND WORLD WAR, and
1930, and that of Minister for War until his was involved in relief projects for prisoners of
death in 1935. war: but his failure to condemn the FINAL
Pius IX (Giovanni Mastai-Ferretti) (1792– SOLUTION, added to his pre-war
1878) Pope, 1846–78. Elected in 1846, Pius compromises with the Nazis, earned him a
IX began his pontificate with an attitude that great deal of criticism. He failed even to
suggested sympathies towards respond to some calls to excommunicate
LIBERALISM and NATIONALISM in the Catholics taking part in the genocide. After
Italian states, most notably by giving the SECOND WORLD WAR, he spoke out
amnesties to political prisoners in 1846, and against the growth of communism in eastern
by introducing a constitution in response to Europe, and in 1949 excommunicated
the REVOLUTIONS OF 1848. However, he Catholics who were members of the
was forced to flee Rome in 1848 when he Communist party. Because of these political
refused to declare war on the HABSBURG issues, Pius XII’s papacy has been one of the
empire, and he stayed in Naples during the most controversial of the modern period.
brief existence of the Roman Republic. In Plekhanov, Georgi (1856–1918) Russian
1850 Pius IX was restored with French politician and theorist. In the 1870s,
military assistance, and soon implemented a Plekhanov was active in the populist (see
number of reactionary policies, and POPULISM) movement in Russia, both in
introduced a number of conservative Land and Freedom and, from 1879, in Black
doctrines. In 1854, for example, he Redistribution. He was exiled in 1880,
promulgated the doctrine of the Virgin Mary’s remaining in Geneva until 1917. There, he
Immaculate Conception, while in 1860 became attracted to MARX’S views on a
Catholics were barred from collaborating revolution led by the industrial workforce,
with the new Italian government in the former and through his writings and his leadership of
Papal States. Pius IX’s reactionary stance was Liberation of Labour (the first Russian
furthered by his Syllabus Errorum of 1864, Marxist grouping, founded in 1883), he
which condemned liberal and progressive advocated and modelled a democratic
political ideologies, and by the acts of the revolution to be followed by a socialist one
Vatican Council of 1869–70, most obviously (see COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM). In 1898
its declaration of papal infallibility, which he became involved with the Social
strained relations between Church and state in Democrats, joining the MENSHEVIKS after
a number of countries (see the 1903 split. Despite the influence of his
KULTURKAMPF). In 1870, Rome was writings, he remained isolated from LENIN,
occupied by Italian troops and made the particularly when the latter advocated a
capital of Italy when the French garrison left socialist revolution involving workers and
Plombières, Pact of 114

peasantry rather than waiting for the returned to the Senate, and became Prime
democratic stage to have established itself. Minister again in 1922 (while also Foreign
Plekhanov returned to Russia after the Minister), causing economic and diplomatic
February 1917 Revolution (see RUSSIAN problems by authorising the occupation of the
REVOLUTIONS 1917), but did not hold RUHR in 1923. He resigned in 1924, but
enough influence to prevent the returned for his final spell of office as the head
BOLSHEVIK revolution in October. He of a coalition government in 1926, which
moved to Finland, where he died the achieved some economic and currency
following year. stability through emergency measures. He
Pleven Plan see EUROPEAN DEFENCE retired in 1929.
Polish Corridor Territory awarded to Poland
by the treaty of VERSAILLES, 1919. Before
Plevna, battle of (July–December 1877) see
creation of an independent Poland with access
Plombières, Pact of (July 1858) A secret
to the Baltic was part of President Woodrow
agreement between France and
Wilson’s agenda (see FOURTEEN POINTS).
PiedmontSardinia, negotiated by CAVOUR
The treaty of Versailles subsequently awarded
and NAPOLEON III. The Pact committed
a parcel of land, which became known as the
France, in the event of HABSBURG
Polish Corridor, to Poland. The corridor ran
aggression, to sending 200,000 troops to help
north through Posen and part of western
Piedmont-Sardinia push Habsburg forces out
Prussia, with the key German port of Danzig
of Lombardy and Venetia: in return, France
at its end, although the city itself was placed
would gain Savoy and Nice. Cavour’s
under the control of the LEAGUE OF
subsequent mobilisation of the Piedmontese
NATIONS. While this settlement helped to
army in March 1859 precipitated an Austrian
strengthen the revived Poland’s status and
ultimatum, which set up the opportunity for
economy, it was contested in Germany, as it
French intervention (see also FRANCO-
deprived Germany of Danzig, split eastern
AUSTRIAN WAR). For France, the Pact
Prussia from the rest of Germany, and left
provided an opportunity to gain disputed
many ethnic Germans in Polish territory. As
territories and to ensure a say in the future
such, demands for its restitution became
development of a united Italy: in particular, it
central to nationalist politics in inter-war
allowed Napoleon III to show his solidarity
Germany: it was, for example, specifically
with the Papal States. For Piedmont, the Pact
targeted by the Nazis as an aspect of the
brought in the external strength needed to
Versailles settlement that should be revised
overturn Habsburg interests in the Italian
(see NAZISM). In September 1939 Germany
invaded the corridor as part of its attack on
Poincaré, Raymond (1860–1934) French
Poland (see SECOND WORLD WAR). The
politician. After practising as a lawyer,
area was returned to Poland after the Second
Poincaré was elected as a deputy in 1887. He
held two ministerial posts, that of education
Polish partitions (1772, 1793, 1795)
from 1893 to 1894, and finance from 1894
Divisions of the Commonwealth of Poland-
until 1895. In 1903 he was elected to the
Lithuania by the HABSBURG empire,
Senate, and after briefly holding the finance
Prussia and Russia. In 1772, these three used
portfolio in 1906, he became Prime Minister
the opportunity created by internal strife in
in 1912, and then President in 1913. His main
Poland to divide parts of the country between
interests at this time were diplomatic and
them. The Habsburgs took southern Galicia,
military, and he worked to strengthen the
Prussia took West Prussia, while Russia took
Poland’s south-eastern region around
CORDIALE in case of a war with Germany
Witebsk. Russian influence throughout
(see TRIPLE ENTENTE). He retained the
Poland grew at this time. Further territorial
presidency until 1920, promoting coalition
acquisitions, which were justified historically
governments during the FIRST WORLD
by the governments of the respective powers,
WAR and a hard line on Germany at the
were made in 1793 after Poland had briefly
115 Popular Front

attempted to assert its independence and anti-nationalist policy was mirrored in

introduced a new constitution. This second Prussian Poland. See IMPERIALISM,
partition left Russia with gains in Belarus and NATIONALISM.
Ukraine, and Prussia with southern Prussia Politburo Abbreviated title of the Political
and the port of Gdansk. A rebellion against Bureau of the Communist Party, the most
this loss was staged in 1794, but its senior decision making agency in Russia and
suppression led to the division of the rest of the USSR from 1917 until 1952. The
Poland between the three powers. By the third Politburo was established by the
partition of 1795, West Galicia went to the BOLSHEVIKS during the 1917 Revolutions
Habsburgs, Prussia took New East Prussia (see RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS 1917) as a
(including Warsaw), and Russia gained small, powerful body that could make and
Lithuania and Volhynia. This redrawing of the enforce decisions quickly. Its status was
map destroyed Poland, and significantly enhanced in 1919, when LENIN established it
enlarged the territories of the Habsburg as a body of five men working above the
empire, Prussia and Russia. This settlement Communist party’s central committee. Under
was partially reversed in 1807, when STALIN’S leadership its role was reduced,
NAPOLEON created the Grand Duchy of and it was abolished in 1952. Subsequent
Warsaw, but Poland was repartitioned in 1815 models of decision making, however, closely
at the Congress of Vienna (see VIENNA, reflected the old Politburo model, and the
CONGRESS OF). See also IMPERIALISM. name remained in common usage in the USSR
Polish Revolution (1863–64) Rising against and other communist countries until the
Russian rule in the Kingdom of Poland. Under REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91. See also
the rule of ALEXANDER II, some COMMUNISM.
concessions to Polish NATIONALISM were Pompidou, Georges (1911–74) French
made. In this context, nationalists made politician. A teacher before the SECOND
further demands through demonstrations that WORLD WAR, Pompidou served in the
became increasingly confrontational from French RESISTANCE, and from 1944
1861, and through religious and agricultural worked with DE GAULLE as an economics
fora. In April 1861 over 100 Poles were killed and education advisor. A member of the
in agricultural demonstrations, and a state of Council of State from 1946 until 1954, he
emergency was established in October 1861. briefly left politics to work in banking, but
Although the Russians made some remained close to de Gaulle, and returned as
concessions in 1862, the crisis was an advisor in 1958. He helped to draft the Fifth
precipitated in January 1863 by the Republic’s constitution in 1958, and
introduction of conscription of Poles for the negotiated the end of the Algerian War in
Russian army. The organised rebels, with 1961. In 1962, de Gaulle appointed Pompidou
provisional government structures and as Prime Minister, de Gaulle dismissed him in
strongholds in rural areas, staged a series of July 1968 after the violent demonstrations of
attacks on Russian garrisons and columns that spring. In 1969, after de Gaulle’s
using guerrilla tactics. Prussia stated its retirement, Pompidou was elected to the
support of Russia in the crisis, and provided presidency. His five years in office were
some troops to help put down the rising; but characterised by a continuity of Gaullist
while other powers condemned Russian domestic policies, and by the promotion of
policy, they did not provide practical aid to the economic stability. However, he shifted from
rebels. Although the rising spread into parts of his predecessor’s stance on the enlargement of
the Ukraine and Lithuania, it was eventually the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC
defeated in April 1864, with the main leaders COMMUNITY (EEC), and ended the veto on
executed in August. It was followed by a the UK’s membership. Pompidou died in
renewed Russification policy in Poland, office in 1974.
which included the abolition of the Polish Popular Front Label applied to anti-fascist
throne, a policy which showed the coalition governments of the 1930s. In 1936,
fundamental weaknesses of PANSLAVISM the THIRD INTERNATIONAL promoted the
as long as Russia was an imperial power. This model of ‘popular front’ as a form of
populism 116

government in which communists could work formed the Social Revolutionary party in
with socialists, radicals and liberals against 1902; while the revolutionary tactics of the
FASCISM. This line was seen as a realistic People’s Will influenced the BOLSHEVIKS.
way of limiting fascism and promoting leftist Potsdam Conference (July–August 1945)
issues. Only two European countries actually Inter-allied planning conference after the
established such coalitions: France in 1936, SECOND WORLD WAR in Europe.
under BLUM, which linked socialists, Following the unconditional surrender of
liberals, and radicals with some communist Germany in May, the Potsdam Conference
support; and Spain after the February 1936 was staged to allow the three main victorious
election under AZAÑA. In both countries, the allies to discuss post-war developments and
governments introduced social and economic future strategies. STALIN and President
reforms, and attempted to limit the activities Harry Truman represented the USSR and the
of Action Française and Falange USA respectively, while the UK was
respectively. The French experiment was represented by Winston Churchill, Prime
weakened in 1937 when the communists Minister until late July, thence by his
withdrew their backing in protest over Blum’s successor, Clement Attlee. On Germany, the
non-interventionist line towards the Conference agreed to establish a joint Allied
SPANISH CIVIL WAR: it totally collapsed in Control Commission of American, British,
the wake of the 1938 MUNICH French and Soviet representatives, which
AGREEMENT and the 1939 NAZI-SOVIET would manage Germany in the transition from
PACT. The radicalism of the Spanish popular war to peace, while new democratic structures
front precipitated the military coup that were developed: these would include revived
started the Spanish Civil War, and the splits political parties, the outlawing of NAZISM
within the government became apparent and FASCISM, legislative and educational
during the war itself. reconstruction, and the restoration of local
populism Russian political movement of the government. Alongside this, Germany was to
late nineteenth century. Populism emerged as be demilitarised, and plans were made for
a radical intellectual response to Russia’s leading politicians, soldiers and planners to be
problems in the aftermath of the CRIMEAN tried by a joint military tribunal (see
WAR. With a need for significant change NUREMBERG TRIALS). Reparations were
evident, most obviously exemplified by the to be taken in kind by each of the four allies
government’s EMANCIPATION OF THE from its own zone of occupation; and Berlin
SERFS in 1861, populists argued that Russia would be divided into four allied sectors.
needed to move towards SOCIALISM, but Beyond the interim management of Germany,
that, contrary to MARX’S model, it could the leaders at Potsdam confirmed the western
avoid a capitalist phase if the peasants could movement of Poland agreed in principle at the
be mobilised. In order to achieve this, and YALTA CONFERENCE, thus confirming
working under the influence of BAKUNIN German territorial losses in the east (see
and Alexander Herzen, approximately 3,000 ODER-NEISSE LINE). In an effort to avoid
young intellectuals moved to rural areas in the the tensions caused by nationalities after the
early 1870s to live as peasants and offer FIRST WORLD WAR, the leaders agreed to
propaganda, education and guidance. The arrange and implement the forced migration
unsympathetic reaction from the peasantry of ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia,
and the authorities caused the movement to Hungary and Poland. In relation to the
fail. In 1876, leading populists regrouped continuing war in the Far East, the Potsdam
under the more organised structure of Land Declaration was issued to warn Japan to
and Freedom, which, in 1879, split further into surrender immediately or face major
moderate and radical wings, known as Black destruction.
Redistribution and People’s Will respectively. Prague, treaty of (August 1866) Peace treaty
The latter used terrorist tactics to publicise that ended the AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR
their cause, including, in 1881, the of 1866. After the battle of SADOWA, a
assassination of ALEXANDER II. Although provisional peace treaty signed at Nikolsburg
the movement failed, some of its survivors outlined the main clauses of the peace. This
117 Primo de Rivera, Miguel

was confirmed at Prague in August. Prussia ‘Brezhnev doctrine’, which asserted the
annexed Schleswig and Holstein, which the Pact’s right to use force to save
HABSBURG empire had gained from COMMUNISM in individual countries.
Denmark in 1865 after the SCHLESWIG Dubcek was eased out to be replaced in April
WAR, along with the kingdom of Hanover, the 1969 by the more orthodox Gustav Husák.
electorate of Hesse-Cassel, the duchy of Internationally, the incident increased COLD
Nassau, and Frankfurt. The GERMAN WAR tensions: the reforms had been
CONFEDERATION Was dismantled, and welcomed in the west as evidence of
replaced north of the river Main by the communism’s decline, and the Soviet
NORTH GERMAN CONFEDERATION. intervention was widely seen as an
These changes in the German states greatly unjustifiable act of aggression. As with the
enhanced Prussia’s strength and territory, and intervention in the HUNGARIAN RISING of
firmly established it over Austria as the 1956, the incident illustrated that one of the
dominant German state. See GERMAN Warsaw Pact’s key roles was essentially
Prague Spring (1968) Name popularly Pressburg, treaty of (December 1805)
applied to the reformist policies of Treaty between France and the HABSBURG
DUBCEK’S government in Czechoslovakia, empire during the NAPOLEONIC WARS.
January–August 1968. After a period of After losing the battle of AUSTERLITZ, the
growing criticism of the USSR’s domination Habsburgs had to cede ground to France in the
of Czechoslovakia, the Communist subsequent treaty. Due to the scale of France’s
government began to embrace limited victory, the treaty went further than the
reforms in January 1968 when Dubcek previous treaties between the two countries,
became First Secretary. He promoted the CAMPO FORMIO of 1797 and
discussion of such issues as economic LUNÉVILLE of 1801. The Habsburg empire
decentralisation, increased political and lost territory, including Venetia, to
individual freedoms, and a free media, which NAPOLEON’S Kingdom of Italy, and the
were clarified in the party’s Action Tyrol to Bavaria, and lost influence in the
Programme of April 1968. While stressing German states by having to recognise the
that the Communist party would still have the independence of Württemberg, Bavaria and
leading role, this manifesto called for party Baden. The treaty thus consolidated the
and state reforms, decentralisation in industry growing French empire, further undermined
and agriculture, a federal realignment to Austria’s role, and effectively ended the
improve Slovakia’s status, and increased HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. See also
rights of association, speech and travel. This IMPERIALISM.
programme proved to be attractive Primo de Rivera, Miguel (1870–1930)
domestically, where it facilitated a growth of Spanish soldier and politician. Primo de
political debate, and to some other eastern Rivera fought in Morocco, Cuba and the
European governments notably those of Philippines. From 1915, he served as military
CEAUÇESCU in Romania and TITO in governor in three important centres: Cadiz
Yugoslavia – as a model for minor reform. until 1919, Valencia until 1922, and finally
However, it proved to be unacceptable to Barcelona. From here, he launched a
the USSR. After failing to convince Dubcek’s successful coup in September 1923 with the
government to retrench, BREZHNEV support of ALFONSO XIII, and established a
initiated a WARSAW PACT invasion of temporary military directory in an attempt to
Czechoslovakia in August. The huge force, stabilise Spain and move it towards
composed of units from Bulgaria, the German FASCISM. This involved the dissolution of
Democratic Republic (GDR), Hungary, parliament, censorship of the press,
Poland and the USSR, was not opposed, suppression of the opposition, and the
although many Czechoslovakians used forms imposition of central control on
of passive resistance and obstruction to administrative matters. He was backed by the
register their opposition. Up to 200 people Catholic Church and the army as well as the
were killed. The invasion was justified by the monarchy. In December 1925 the military
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph 118

stage was replaced by the civilian directory,

with Primo de Rivera retaining personal
control through the premiership. His
government introduced various public works
and welfare schemes, which managed to
command some cross-party support and Quadruple Alliance (November 1815)
working-class backing, but it gradually Cooperation treaty between the HABSBURG
alienated the military and the middle classes: empire, Prussia, Russia and the UK, signed at
and, by the end of the 1920s, the expense of the end of the NAPOLEONIC WARS.
such an interventionist programme Established on the same day as the treaty of
undermined Primo de Rivera’s rule further. PARIS of 1815, the Quadruple Alliance was
After three unsuccessful coup attempts, he the continuation into peace-time of the main
resigned in January 1930 and moved to Paris, alliance that had beaten France. The Alliance
where he died three months later. His son had two main aims: first, to uphold the treaty
Antonio remained active in Spanish politics of Paris for twenty years, by force if necessary,
as a founder of the FALANGE. including the exclusion of the Bonaparte
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph (1809–65) French
family from the French throne; and second, to
political theorist and activist. Proudhon
provide a forum for the discussion of
worked as a printer before moving into
international issues which were of concern to
journalism and writing on political theory. He
won some fame for his 1840 critique What is all members (see CONGRESS SYSTEM).
Property?, and had some brief contacts with The different approaches of the individual
MARX. Proudhon played an active role in the powers were obvious from the start, in
French revolution of 1848 (see particular in the UK’s resistance to the idea of
REVOLUTIONS OF 1848). He wrote the alliance powers intervening in any other
extensively for a number of newspapers, and country, a factor which limited the Congress
won a seat in the Constituent Assembly, but System’s value. The Alliance was renewed,
his ideology prevented him from becoming an with French inclusion, as the Quintuple
effective parliamentarian. In 1849 he Alliance at the Congress of AIX-LA-
established the unsuccessful People’s Bank as CHAPPELLE in 1818, and was effectively
an experiment in free credit and non- dissolved after the Congress of VERONA in
exploitative investment. The same year he 1822.
was sentenced to three years in prison for his Quintuple Alliance see QUADRUPLE
press attacks on President Louis Napoleon ALLIANCE.
(see NAPOLEON III). He returned to writing Quisling, Vidkun (1887–1945) Norwegian
and journalism on his release. In 1858 he left soldier and politician. Quisling entered
France for Belgium to escape another prison politics in 1931 after his retirement from the
sentence, returning in 1862, three years before army. He held the defence portfolio from 1931
his death. Proudhon’s writings provided the
until 1933, but his dislike of democratic
most developed case for ANARCHISM to
structures, his fear of COMMUNISM, and his
that date, advocating small-scale
admiration for NAZISM led him to establish
communities based on cooperation, the end of
money, and the destruction of all forms of the electorally insignificant National Unity
authority, to be achieved through agreement party in 1933. In December 1939 Quisling
rather than revolution. Although his views visited HITLER to encourage a German
were rejected by Marx, they remained invasion of Norway, and maintained contact
influential in French socialist, trade union and with German intelligence up to the invasion in
anarchist groups, and were significant in the April 1940 (see SECOND WORLD WAR).
PARIS COMMUNE of 1871. His writings The Germans set Quisling up as their puppet
also influenced left-wing groups in other governor in Norway, with the official post of
European countries, including Spain and Prime Minister from 1942. Although he had
Russia. little real influence, he collaborated in all
areas, including the deportation of Norwegian
119 Rasputin, Grigori

Jews (see FINAL SOLUTION). Quisling was government in Hungary. His influence
tried for treason after Norway’s liberation, declined after STALIN’S death in 1953, and
and was executed in October 1945. he was removed from office in favour of
NAGY. Rákosi was returned to power briefly
in 1955, but his unpopularity was a liability,
and he was once again recalled to the USSR in
the face of growing dissent that became the

HUNGARIAN RISING of 1956. Rákosi
remained out of office thereafter.
Rapallo, treaty of (April 1922) Bilateral
treaty between Germany and the USSR.
During a European conference on economics
Radetzky, Josef (1766–1858) Austrian at Genoa, the Soviet and German
soldier. Radetzky joined the HABSBURG representatives met at Rapallo. Building on
army in 1784, and saw active service in the secret military agreements between the two
Balkans in 1788, before serving throughout countries, whereby Germany was re-
the FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS developing its military infrastructure in the
and the NAPOLEONIC WARS, fighting at USSR in contravention of the treaty of
Marengo, Wagram, LEIPZIG and other VERSAILLES, the treaty established full
battles. In 1809 he became Chief of the diplomatic relations between the two
General Staff, a position he kept until 1829. In countries. Germany thereby became the first
1831 he was made Commander-in-Chief of country formally to recognise the Soviet
the Habsburg forces in Lombardy. In this role government. The two governments agreed to
he was heavily involved in the Austrian abandon all claims for territory and economic
suppression of the REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 losses that were still left over from the FIRST
in the northern Italian states. In the AUSTRO- WORLD WAR, and agreed to cooperate with
PIEDMONTESE WAR, having lost Milan each other in economic matters. The treaty
after five days of fighting, Radetzky was received with surprise by other European
consolidated his troops and moved on to beat governments.
the Piedmontese at the battle of Custozza. In Rasputin, Grigori (c. 1869–1916) Russian
1849 he also led the recapture of Venice, thus mystic. A peasant holy man, Rasputin became
reconfirming Habsburg hegemony in the an influential figure at the ROMANOV court
region. He served as the Habsburg empire’s from 1907. His main appeal to NICHOLAS II
Governor-General of Lombardy-Venetia and Tsarina Alexandra lay in his apparent
until his retirement in 1857. ability to stop their son Alexei’s haemophiliac
Rákosi, Mátyás (1892–1971) Hungarian bleeding. His influence extended to political
politician. Rákosi held minor office in KUN’S and religious appointments, with the Tsarina
government after the FIRST WORLD WAR, in particular unable to accept any criticism of
but left Hungary shortly before HORTHY his decisions. In 1915, when Nicholas II left St
took power, and stayed in the USSR until the Petersburg to command the army at the front
mid-1920s. He then returned to Hungary, with in the FIRST WORLD WAR, Rasputin and
Soviet backing, to reconstruct the communist Alexandra effectively ruled Russia, making a
movement, but was subsequently imprisoned. number of disastrous political appointments
In 1940 he was traded with the USSR for some and dismissals. Their decisions hindered
historically significant flags, and he emerged Russia’s war effort, and caused widespread
as the leader-in-waiting of the Hungarian disillusionment with the monarchy and the
communist movement during the SECOND Church. Rasputin’s dissolute lifestyle was
WORLD WAR. In 1944 Rákosi returned to widely publicised, and press reports claimed
Hungary, serving as Deputy Prime Minister variously that he was Alexandra’s lover, and
and as General Secretary of the Communist that he was being funded by Germany. In
party. In this role he helped to set up a Stalinist
Rathenau, Walther 120

December 1916 Rasputin was murdered by a details. The Commission agreed to charge
group of aristocrats. Germany only for war damage rather than for
Rathenau, Walther (1867–1922) German the whole cost of the war. In April 1921 the
industrialist and politician. After coming to Commission established the figure of
prominence as an industrialist through his £6,600,000,000, to be paid in cash and goods
family electrical firm, AEG, which he chaired over thirty-seven years. Despite the payments
from 1915, Rathenau was appointed to plan aggravating the political tensions of the
Germany’s war economy in 1916. He helped WEIMAR REPUBLIC, Germany began to
to manage labour and the supply of raw pay, but the size of the task created problems:
materials for the rest of the FIRST WORLD and, as early as January 1922, Germany
WAR. In 1918 he entered party politics as a gained a moratorium on payments. In January
founder of the Democratic party, and he 1923, a slippage in coal repayments led to the
became a financial advisor to the new German RUHR OCCUPATION, a crisis which caused
government. Rathenau served as Minister of the Commission to reconsider reparations. In
Reconstruction from 1921 and as Foreign August 1924, the Dawes Plan restructured the
Minister in 1922. In this post he achieved a payments: this was based on a five-year
number of successes, including the treaty of period of low repayments, designed to allow
RAPALLO with Soviet Russia. He was investment in Germany, along with a
assassinated in June 1922 by a nationalist £40,000,000 loan, and a reorganisation of the
paramilitary group. banking system. This provided some stability,
Reinsurance Treaty (June 1887) Bilateral but had to be revised again in 1929 when the
treaty between Germany and Russia. In 1887, higher rates returned. The Young Plan
relations within the Three Emperor’s Alliance reduced the reparations bill to only 25 per cent
(see DREIKAISERBUND) deteriorated, of its original total, and spread the payments to
particularly between Austria-Hungary and 1988. However, the DEPRESSION limited
Russia over the two empires’ Balkan interests. Germany’s capacity to pay, and the whole
In this context, BISMARCK established the system was scrapped in 1932. In all, Germany
Reinsurance Treaty with Russia as a way of paid approximately 12 per cent of the 1921
signalling continued German support and sum.
friendship, and as a way of keeping Russia and Republican calendar (France, 1793– 1806)
France apart. The treaty confirmed neutrality Calendar introduced during the FRENCH
between the two powers, with the exceptions REVOLUTION. As part of the establishment
that Germany would not remain neutral if of the republic after the fall of LOUIS XVI,
Russia attacked Austria-Hungary, and Russia the Convention introduced a new calendar in
would not remain neutral if Germany attacked place of the predominant western Julian
France. Germany also committed itself to system. It was designed to reinforce the
support Russia’s interests in Bulgaria. The changes brought about in France since 1789,
treaty apparently conflicted with the and to enhance the shift away from religious
MEDITERRANEAN AGREEMENTS of and monarchist cultural symbols. The
1887, and it was allowed to end in 1890 when Christian numbering system of years was
CAPRIVI replaced Bismarck. replaced with a new republican one, with the
Reparations, German (1919–32) first year of the republic labelled as Year 1.
Compensation payments established as part The months were restructured and renamed
of the post-FIRST WORLD WAR settlement. after features of the climate, while ten-day
The treaties arising out of the PARIS PEACE weeks were introduced to marginalise
CONFERENCE included reparations clauses Sundays. The system was never fully
for the defeated nations. Those affecting accepted in France. NAPOLEON returned
Germany, outlined in the treaty of France to the Julian calendar. A number of
VERSAILLES, were the most problematic. major events during the revolutionary period,
The treaty did not set a figure, but established including the Thermidor and BRUMAIRE
a Reparations Commission to establish the coups that respectively ended
121 resistance

ROBESPIERRE’S rule and started In other parts of Europe, resistance

Napoleon’s government, took their names developed in various forms, particularly after
from the republican calendar. June 1941, when Operation BARBAROSSA
resistance Umbrella term for opposition broke the NAZI-SOVIET PACT which had
within AXIS and occupied countries during prevented communists from resisting. In
the SECOND WORLD WAR. The apparent France, this was fairly slow to emerge,
simplicity of the term ‘resistance’ disguises particularly as the VICHY state provided a
the great political differences that existed both semblance of autonomy: but with the growth
among and between different groups, of DE GAULLE’S FREE FRENCH
differences that became apparent in the latter movement, and the German occupation of
stages of the war. However, opposition to Vichy France in 1942, resistance grew. In
German and Italian domination provided early 1943, de Gaulle’s National Resistance
sufficient unity in most cases for the duration Council provided some coordination. French
of the war: clearly, the brutality of the resistance organisations were used by the
occupations inspired levels of commitment western allies during the NORMANDY
not seen in the FIRST WORLD WAR. Groups
developed varying degrees of contact with
external allies, most notably the UK, the
resistance groups emerged in the wake of
USSR and governments-in-exile; and
Barbarossa, using guerrilla tactics to disrupt
different groups were involved in different
the German invasion similar to those used by
types of resistance, including guerrilla
the Polish home army that developed in 1939.
warfare, acts of terrorism against Nazi
In Greece, communist guerrillas fought
officials, sabotage, espionage for external
allies, and providing hiding places for escaped against occupying troops from 1941 until
prisoners of war and persecuted individuals. 1944; while in Yugoslavia, communist
Resistance within Germany and Italy took partisans under TITO and royalist
various forms; and the wartime experiences CHETNIKS under Draza Mihailovic both
should not be taken out of the longer-term caused major problems for the occupation.
context of peacetime opposition within these The actions of these groups were carried
countries, where partisan and democratic out despite the heavy penalties imposed upon
expression of political views that differed individuals involved, and their families and
from NAZISM in Germany and FASCISM in neighbours: in particular, German reprisals
Italy were proscribed. However, forms of for single acts of terrorism or sabotage
resistance specific to the war effort developed frequently involved massacres. Also, the
during the course of the war, particularly in viability of individual groups depended to a
Germany, ranging from the distribution of great extent on external aid, particularly
anti-war propaganda to the more dramatic logistical: the British backing of Tito over
attempts to assassinate HITLER. The July Mihailovic, and the USSR’s abandonment of
1944 attempt, carried out by plotters within the Polish home army in 1944, are examples
the military, was timed to coincide with a coup of this. Finally, it must be stressed that
and a request for an armistice: but Hitler differences which were sometimes disguised
survived, and the plotters were suppressed. In by the need to concentrate on a single enemy
Italy, resistance to the German presence quickly emerged when that enemy was
developed after the fall of MUSSOLINI in defeated: the GREEK CIVIL WAR of 1944,
1943, and partisans, particularly in the north, the suppression of the Chetniks in Yugoslavia,
used guerrilla tactics against both German and the struggles between communist and
troops and Italian fascists who fought with non-communist organisations in France and
them: as well as helping to drive the Germans Italy, exemplify this trend.
out of Milan and Turin, communist partisans Restitution Agreement (1952) see FINAL
caught and killed Mussolini in April 1945. SOLUTION.
Revolutions of 1830 122

Revolutions of 1830 Series of revolutions in Influenced by the events in Paris, in August

various parts of continental Europe, with 1830 leading Belgian politicians staged a
some common ground in LIBERALISM, rebellion against Dutch domination of the
NATIONALISM, and antiIMPERIALISM. United Kingdom of the Netherlands,
The main centres were France, Belgium, established in 1815. Risings against the Dutch
Poland, and some of the Italian states. took place in Brussels and elsewhere. The
Although circumstances and conditions Dutch responded with an attempt at royal
differed between the separate movements, mediation without the excessive use of force,
they did share some common features: in although King William did seek military
particular, they were broadly middle-class support from abroad during his negotiations.
and liberal in origin, and were predominantly In late September, the States General accepted
concerned with modernising the legacy of the a separation of Belgium from the Netherlands,
1815 settlement (see VIENNA, CONGRESS and a provisional government in Brussels
OF) in such areas as electoral reform, organised elections to a new congress. In
constitutionalism, economic liberalism and November the congress duly declared Belgian
nationalism. While events in different independence, and voted for a constitutional
countries can be dealt with separately, it is monarchy. Foreign intervention was limited
important to remember that they were by the London Conference of December
mutually influential, and that the imperial 1830, which accepted independence: but the
powers working against the revolutions, such Dutch did not accept this settlement. In
as the HABSBURG empire, saw parallels February 1831, Leopold of Saxe-Coburg
between events in different parts of the accepted the Belgian throne, and the congress
continent. See IMPERIALISM. introduced a new liberal constitution. Holland
FRANCE invaded Belgium in August 1831, but was
The 1830 revolution in France began after the forced back by an Anglo-French intervention:
July elections had produced a strongly liberal and, in December 1832, Holland finally
Chamber of Deputies. CHARLES X and his accepted Belgian independence after the
leading minister, Polignac, rejected the French took Antwerp. The issue was finally
results, and issued the reactionary St Cloud settled by the treaty of LONDON of 1839.
Ordinances on 22 July, which restricted the GERMAN STATES
franchise, overturned the election result, and In September 1830, influenced by the
increased state control of the press. These developments in France and Belgium,
were greeted with riots in Paris from 27 July, nationalist and liberal risings in various states,
which, by the end of the month, had put the notably Brunswick, Hanover, Hesse-Cassel
capital in the hands of the revolutionaries. and Saxony, led to a series of liberal
Charles abdicated in favour of his grandson, constitutions. The most radical change came
the Duke of Bordeaux; but the leading in Brunswick, where the new constitution
politicians of the revolution, including granted in 1832 addressed many of the abuses
THIERS, TALLEYRAND and Lafayette, of the post-1815 settlement. There was no
worked to bring in the Duke of Orleans as significant revolutionary activity in the two
King LOUIS-PHILIPPE. The new king main German states, Austria and Prussia, both
accepted the constitutional nature of the of which promoted something of a reaction in
revolution. In mid-August, a new constitution 1832 by legislating against press freedoms in
was published, which enlarged the electorate, the Frankfurt parliament. A brief rising in
increased press freedoms, limited the Frankfurt itself fed into the formation of a new
church’s political role, and abolished nationalist group, Young Germany.
hereditary peerages. This constitutional POLAND
monarchy, often known as the July Monarchy, The Polish revolution was less successful than
lasted until 1848. See REVOLUTIONS OF those of France and Belgium. It began in
1848. November 1830 when a group of military
BELGIUM officers in Warsaw, backed by students and
123 Revolutions of 1848

secret societies, rebelled against Russian in 1848, and fed into the growing concept of
domination and established a provisional nationalism as embraced by some in the
government which, in January 1831, declared Italian states (see ITALIAN UNIFICATION),
Polish independence. Russia responded with the German states (see GERMAN
military force the following month: and UNIFICATION) and the Russian empire.
without intervention from any other powers, Revolutions of 1848 Series of revolutions in
and with little popular support within Poland, various parts of continental Europe. With a
the rebels were quickly beaten. The Russians common context in poor economic conditions
retook Warsaw in September 1831, and linked to harvest failures of 1845 and 1846,
established a severe anti-nationalist regime. and in the growth of LIBERALISM and
ITALIAN STATES NATIONALISM amongst the middle classes,
In February 1831, under the influence of the the main centres of revolution were France,
French Revolution of 1830 and drawing on the Italian states, Austria, Hungary and the
older traditions of liberalism and German states, with smaller risings also
constitutionalism, risings began in the Duchy taking place in Belgium, the Netherlands,
of Modena, against Pope Gregory XVI in the Prague and elsewhere. Although the
Papal States, and against Baron Wenklein in revolutions were not organisationally linked,
Parma. They were led by military officers and events in one country tended to influence
other middle-class individuals. The following events in others: and, as in the
month, the Habsburgs provided troops to help REVOLUTIONS OF 1830, the French
crush the risings at the request of Gregory experience provided something of a model.
XVI. The revolutionary administrations that FRANCE
emerged in many of the cities and towns were In January 1848 the government banned one
unable to cooperate fully with each other, of a series of banquets organised by reformists
despite a provisional federation as the United in Paris for late February. On the day of the
Provinces of Central Italy in February 1831, cancelled event, large crowds assembled and
and the risings were easily put down. The erected barricades. After some violent clashes
longest-lived, that in Romagna, was finally with the army, LOUIS-PHILIPPE abdicated
suppressed by the Habsburgs in January 1832. and a provisional government was formed,
Although these risings failed, they did give which duly declared the Second Republic on
rise to a new wave of Italian liberalism and 24 February. This government introduced
nationalism, most obviously seen in the manhood suffrage and instituted public works
formation of Young Italy by MAZZINI in and relief schemes in an attempt to solve the
January 1832. country’s unemployment problems. In May a
In addition to these events, there were also moderate republican government was formed
rebellions and risings in parts of Russia, the after elections: but when a rising in Paris
OTTOMAN EMPIRE and Switzerland, while attempted to push the government into a more
Portugal and Spain both experienced the start radical approach, the government responded
of civil wars in this period (see CARLISM). by closing political clubs and removing
Overall, the varying suecesses of these radicals from positions of influence in the
revolutions – ranging from constitutionally police force and National Guard. When, in
and internationally guaranteed independence late June, the national workshops which had
for Belgium to a worsening of imperial been set up in February were dissolved, to be
repression in Poland – can be explained in part replaced by conscription, widespread rioting
by the attitudes taken to them by other took place in Paris. It took four days for the
countries. The Belgians needed French and government to restore order in clashes that left
British help, while Habsburg and Russian approximately 1,500 dead. Despite the
resistance to developments in the Italian states institution of the new constitution in
and Poland respectively limited those November, the revolutionary mood seemed to
revolutions. The events of these years directly have passed by December when Louis
influenced later revolutions, most obviously Napoleon (see NAPOLEON III) won the
Revolutions of 1848 124

presidential election. Over the next two years in Austria itself. On 12 March 1848,
he oversaw a number of counter- influenced by events in Paris, riots in Vienna
revolutionary acts, including the suppression led to METTERNICH’S resignation. In late
of republican clubs, the crushing of riots in April, Ferdinand I granted a moderate
Paris and Lyon, and, in May 1850, the constitution: but further rioting in Vienna in
restriction of the franchise to about two thirds May led to the institution of a more far-
of its 1848 total. In December 1851 Louis reaching constitution (which included adult
Napoleon staged his coup which ended the male suffrage) and Ferdinand’s departure
Second Republic. from the capital. A new Constituent Assembly
ITALIAN STATES was formed, which implemented the
The anti-imperial, nationalist and liberal constitution. In July, Ferdinand returned to
movements that had grown since the Vienna, where renewed riots in August were
Napoleonic period in many parts of the Italian suppressed. Another wave of discontent
states gave rise to a series of revolutions in surfaced in October in the context of rising
1848. They began in January, with anti- prices and internal disputes in the Assembly:
HABSBURG riots in Milan and pro- and the city was held by radicals for three
independence risings in Sicily, the latter weeks before the revolution was suppressed
forcing Ferdinand II to grant a constitution, with the loss of over 2,000 lives. Prince Felix
which he then also applied to Naples. Very Schwarzenberg formed a new administration:
quickly, rulers in many other states granted but while the Habsburgs had survived,
constitutions in response to liberal agitation, Ferdinand abdicated in favour of his nephew
including Charles Albert of Piedmont- FRANCIS JOSEPH in December. He
Sardinia, the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and introduced a new moderate constitution in
Pope PIUS IX. In March a revolt in Venice led March 1849, but this was dropped in
to its establishment as a republic, while a new December 1851.
anti-Habsburg rising in Milan forced the HUNGARY
Habsburg army under RADETZKY to The Habsburg monarchy was also the target of
withdraw from Lombardy. The Lombard a liberal-nationalist revolution in Hungary. In
rebels were then backed by Piedmont- March 1848 the Hungarian Diet accepted the
Sardinia (see AUSTRO-PIEDMONTESE demands from KOSSUTH and others for
WAR). These risings inspired some constitutional reform, which led to the liberal
discussion of a unified Italy (see ITALIAN April Laws and the establishment of a
UNIFICATION), but differences between National Assembly. This body became more
politicians in the different states were not anti-Habsburg during the summer, notably by
resolved at this time. In April, Sicilian rebels refusing to send troops for the Habsburg army,
declared the island’s independence. The but it also began to develop its own empire
counter-revolution began to gain an upper through the annexation and attempted
hand in the summer, when the Piedmontese Magyarisation of Croatia and parts of
were beaten at Custozza; but in November a Romania. This provided Vienna with an
rising in the Papal States forced Pius to leave opportunity to attack the Hungarian
Rome, where MAZZINI declared a republic revolution, with Austria backing Croatia to
in February 1849. However, further Habsburg invade Hungary in September, and declaring
victories in March 1849, followed by French war itself the following month. With Kossuth
military intervention in the Papal States and acting in a presidential role, Hungary enjoyed
the Neapolitan recapture of Sicily in April and some successes, and in April 1849 the
May respectively, represented the end of the Assembly declared Hungarian independence.
major risings. The Venetian republic This brief success came to an end in August,
collapsed in August 1849. when Austria, with the threat of Russian aid,
AUSTRIA beat Hungarian troops at Vilagos, which led to
While Habsburg rule was the target of some of Kossuth’s exile and the collapse of Hungarian
the Italian risings, there were also revolutions independence.
125 Revolutions of 1989–91

GERMAN STATES example, the variations between the

Local and regional revolutions took place in ‘bloodless’ revolution in the German
Bavaria and Saxony early in 1848, and in Democratic Republic (GDR) which
March the rulers of many of the smaller states facilitated GERMAN REUNIFICATION in
granted constitutions in the face of reformists’ under a year, the violent conflict in Romania
demands and popular risings. Some of the that formed the backdrop for what was
worst violence took place in Berlin, where 250 essentially an internal coup, and the
were killed in mid-March, forcing disintegration of Yugoslavia (see
constitution and allow a constituent assembly. hidden by the liberal usage of the concept of
In late March, reformist politicians from a revolutions against COMMUNISM and
number of states coordinated their efforts and Soviet IMPERIALISM. However, the shared
established a National Assembly at Frankfurt timing, the changes caused to communist
(see FRANKFURT PARLIAMENT), which political culture by GORBACHEV’S
met in May and made some attempts to define promotion of GLASNOST and
and establish a unified Germany. In October PERESTROIKA from 1985, the presence of
1848, Frederick William moved against the common factors, and the dominant themes of
radical Assembly, which was closed in anti-communism, anti-Soviet imperialism,
December, although he then granted a LIBERALISM and NATIONALISM, gave
moderate constitution for Prussia in the the events across Europe a degree of unity.
following April. The Frankfurt Parliament Taken together with the more general
collapsed in June 1849. disintegration of the USSR and its main
The revolutions of 1848 were highly imperial agencies, the WARSAW PACT and
significant, even though they were relatively COMECON, the revolutions were broadly
unsuccessful in the short-term. By 1851 most seen to be factors in the end of the COLD
of the pre-1848 rulers, or successor members WAR.
of their families, were back in power: only the USSR
French monarchy was never restored. The Evidence of major changes to the USSR’s
independence movements in Hungary, system became apparent soon after
Prague, Sicily and Venice all failed; while the Gorbachev’s accession in 1985. Through
liberal constitutions of 1848 were largely glasnost and perestroika, and through
replaced by far more restrictive constitutions. developing relations with the USA, his
The events fed into new forms of administration embraced reform and revision.
CONSERVATISM, which was concerned This became particularly evident in 1988,
after its apparent triumphs less with when the constitution was reformed to allow
counterrevolution and more with constructing for greater democratic involvement, and was
strong economies in individual countries. accelerated by the growth and effectiveness of
However, the longer-term impact can be seen independence movements in some of the
in the continued growth of liberalism republics, notably Azerbaijan, Estonia,
throughout the rest of the century, in the rapid Latvia and Lithuania. In early spring 1990,
development of nationalism that led to after Gorbachev had declared the COLD
GERMAN UNIFICATION and ITALIAN WAR over, the government abolished the
UNIFICATION by the early 1870s, and in the Communist party’s leading role. The Union
rise of SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM continued to fragment under nationalist
which built upon the popular elements of the pressure in Lithuania, which declared its
revolutions in France and elsewhere. See also independence in March 1990, Russia (under
IMPERIALISM. YELTSIN’S leadership) and the Ukraine.
Revolutions of 1989–91 Series of revolutions Although the Soviet government used force
in eastern European countries. Circumstances against Latvian and Lithuanian national
and contexts varied, along with the levels of movements in January 1991, the republics
violence, from country to country: for continued to press for a breakup of the Union,
Revolutions of 1989–91 126

while anti-government demonstrations in communists and Civic Forum members

Moscow, and Georgia’s declaration of established itself in December, under
independence, also signalled the spread of the HAVEL’S presidency, which became the
revolutionary mood. Although Gorbachev basis for a reformist coalition election victory
survived a communist coup in August, he in June 1990. Nationalist and ethnic issues
became increasingly reliant on the support were addressed very quickly, with
and sympathy of Yeltsin; and, under mounting Czechoslovakia splitting into two nations (the
pressure from independence movements, and Czech Republic and Slovakia) in January
from reformists in government, the 1993.
Commonwealth of Independent States was ROMANIA
established in December 1991 as a successor The most violent of the revolutions took place
federation to the USSR. Through this, the bulk in Romania. Anti-government
of the republics consolidated their demonstrations in Timisoara in December
independence. 1989 were met by force from the government,
POLAND with over seventy demonstrators killed.
The gradual easing of martial law under Demonstrations in other cities, and an
JARUZELSKI that had been introduced in increasingly radical movement in Timisoara,
December 1981 (see SOLIDARITY), and the brought the tensions to a head: and while
increasing toleration of the Catholic Church CEAUÇESCU promised reforms, he was
(see JOHN PAUL II) and Solidarity, created quickly abandoned by his government and by
an increasingly reformist environment in the army, who began to side with the
Polish politics by the late 1980s. Solidarity demonstrators. Ceauçescu was subsequently
became more amenable to the idea of working arrested and executed after a televised show
with the government from 1986, and began trial by reformists within the government
negotiations with them in December 1988 working under the title of the National
after a series of strikes had shown the growth Salvation Front. This formed the basis for a
of discontent in Poland. The government new government, which won elections in May
legalised Solidarity in March 1989, in time for 1990, although the continuity of personnel
limited elections in June, in which Solidarity and approach from the old government
won a significant parliamentary presence. suggested that the revolution had been a
Despite internal splits, this created a base for speedy, pragmatic palace coup rather than
the premiership of Tadeusz Mazoviecki in evidence of a genuine change of direction.
July 1989, and the presidency on WALESA This was illustrated in June 1990, when the
from December 1990. In this period, political government used miners as a paramilitary
parties proliferated, causing a degree of force against demonstrators in Bucharest.
electoral confusion by the end of 1991. In addition to these events, major changes
CZECHOSLOVAKIA took place in Hungary, where the new
The revolution in Czechoslovakia was among constitution of March 1989 removed the
the least violent. Not only did the country have Communist party’s leading role and where an
relatively recent democratic traditions, but the election in March 1990 established a
PRAGUE SPRING of 1968 stood as an democratic coalition government; in
example of recent liberal and anti-Soviet Bulgaria, where constitutional changes
activism, and informed an increasingly large created a new electoral system in early 1990,
dissident underground movement. The through which the communists, re-formed as
country’s ‘velvet revolution’ occurred after socialists, returned to power in June 1990; and
anti-government demonstrations in Prague in Albania, where constitutional reforms were
and other cities in 1989, which found focus in introduced in January 1990 in response to
the oppositional Civic Forum movement. demonstrations and liberal pressure, and
These demonstrations forced the communist where the new Democratic party won the first
government to resign in November 1989. A major elections, in March 1992. The events in
provisional government composed of Albania and Yugoslavia (see YUGOSLAVIA,
127 Ribbentrop, Joachim von

DISSOLUTION) demonstrate that the events government took the bold step of
of 1989–91 were not just anti-Soviet in remilitarising the area by sending in some
motivation. 22,000 troops. The act was defended by
For events in the GDR, see GERMAN HITLER as being a necessary defence against
REUNIFICATION. perceived Franco-Soviet aggression. Despite
Reynaud, Paul (1878–1966) French the fact that the act broke both Versailles and
politician. After serving in the FIRST Locarno, and threatened the founding
WORLD WAR, Reynaud was elected as a assumptions of the STRESA FRONT, the
Deputy in 1919. During the 1930s he held a remilitarisation brought no resistance from
number of ministerial posts, most notably the other countries. France was unable to respond
finance portfolio from 1938 until 1940, during without support, the UK did not favour
which time he promoted some economic military action, and the Stresa Front and
stability in France. An opponent of Locarno guarantors were divided at the time
APPEASEMENT, he succeeded over the ITALO-ABYSSINIAN WAR. Fears
DALADIER as Prime Minister in March that armed intervention would have led to a
1940, but resigned three months later when his major war thus prevented French resistance.
deputy, PÉTAIN, urged an armistice with The remilitarisation of the Rhineland was the
Germany. Reynaud was imprisoned by the Nazi government’s first territorial revision of
VICHY government and, from 1943 until the Versailles; and French and British failure to
end of the SECOND WORLD WAR, was react has been seen as a key act in the policy of
interned in Austria. He re-entered politics in APPEASEMENT.
1946 in the National Assembly, and served as Ribbentrop, Joachim von (1893–1946)
Finance Minister in 1948 and as Deputy Prime German politician and diplomat. Ribbentrop
Minister from 1953 until 1954. In 1958 joined the Nazi party (see NAZISM) in 1932,
Reynaud chaired the committee which and was thus viewed as a latecomer by many
produced the Fifth Republic’s constitution. of his colleagues, but he became very close to
He retired in 1962. HITLER, and helped to manage the
Rhineland, remilitarisation Act of treaty negotiations between Hitler and PAPEN that
revision by the German government, March led to Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor in
1936. By the treaty of VERSAILLES, the 1933. From 1933 he ran the Ribbentrop
strategic and important industrial area of the Bureau as a Nazi foreign affairs unit which
Rhineland had been demilitarised: Germany worked independently of the foreign ministry,
was barred from having any military through which he negotiated the 1935
fortifications, infrastructure or troops in the ANGLO-GERMAN NAVAL
area, from Germany’s western borders with AGREEMENT. As Ambassador to the UK
Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the from 1936, he attempted to persuade the
Netherlands on the west of the Rhine, to a line British government of the two countries’
drawn from north to south approximately common interests. Hitler recalled him in 1938
thirty miles east of the Rhine. The area was and appointed him as Foreign Minister, a
also to be occupied by allied troops for fifteen position he held until the collapse of the
years. This settlement was never satisfactory THIRD REICH in 1945. His notable
to Germany: not only did it form a block on successes in this role were the NAZI-SOVIET
internal defence options, but it also left key PACT of August 1939, and Germany’s 1940
industrial areas around Essen, Cologne and pact with Italy and Japan. Later in the
Koblenz unprotected in any future war. The SECOND WORLD WAR, Ribbentrop was
demilitarisation was confirmed by Germany involved in negotiating the deportation of
in the LOCARNO treaties of 1925, although Jews from Germany’s allies (see FINAL
STRESEMANN managed to negotiate an SOLUTION). He was arrested by British
early end to the allied occupation: the last troops in June 1945, and charged on all four
troops left in 1930, five years ahead of the counts at the NUREMBERG TRIALS. Found
Versailles schedule. In March 1936 the Nazi
Riga, treaty of 128

guilty of all charges, he was executed in royal family in Russia in 1613, and provided
October 1946. all of the subsequent monarchs. The dynasty
Riga, treaty of (March 1921) Peace treaty lost power in March 1917 when NICHOLAS
between Poland and Russia. Poland had II abdicated during the RUSSIAN
invaded the Ukraine in April 1920 in an REVOLUTIONS 1917.
attempt to regain historically disputed Rome, treaties of (March 1957) Two treaties
territories to the east of the CURZON LINE, establishing European organisations: the
would facilitate a victory. However, the Red (EEC) and EURATOM. The treaties were
Army countered, and regained ground drafted, with a great deal of influence from
quickly, entering Poland itself and pressing SPAAK, following the Messina conference of
towards Warsaw in August. A provisional 1955 on closer cooperation between the six
treaty was signed in October 1920. The final members of the EUROPEAN COAL AND
settlement was made at Riga in March 1921. STEEL COMMUNITY (ECSC), Belgium,
By the treaty, Russia lost part of its Ukrainian France, the Federal Republic of Germany
and Belorussian territory as Poland moved its (FRG), Italy, Luxembourg and the
eastern frontier beyond the Curzon line. The Netherlands. The first treaty established the
settlement was reversed by the USSR’s EEC as a common trading area for the six
invasion of Poland after the NAZI-SOVIET signatories and any future members; the
PACT of 1939. second established Euratom as a forum for the
Risorgimento see ITALIAN UNIFICATION. common development of atomic energy. The
Rivoli, battle of (January 1797) see FRENCH treaties also established the European
REVOLUTIONARY WARS. Commission to administer the organisations,
Robespierre, Maximilien de (1758–94) and a European Court to enforce the
French politician. Robespierre was a lawyer organisations’ laws. The treaties also gave
from Arras who entered national politics in each member country the power of veto over
1789 when he was elected to the Third Estate new applicants, and expanded the ECSC’s
of the Estates-General (see FRENCH Assembly. See EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT.
REVOLUTION). A JACOBIN, he soon Rommel, Erwin (1891–1944) German
emerged as a radical member of the National soldier. Rommel served in the German army
Assembly and it successors, the Constituent in the FIRST WORLD WAR. He stayed in the
Assembly and the Convention. He was also army after the war, and came to HITLER’S
active on the Paris Commune and as a attention after 1933. In 1940, Rommel
journalist. He called for LOUIS XVI to be successfully commanded a tank division in
tried after his attempted escape from France, the invasion of France (see SECOND
and supported the abolition of the monarchy WORLD WAR), after which he was given the
and, subsequently, Louis’ execution. He was command, as a general, of the Afrika Korps, in
also influential in the suppression of the Hitler’s attempt to support the Italian
GIRONDINS in June 1793, and became campaign in North Africa. After some
effective dictator of France during the successes, he was forced to lead the German
TERROR through his work on the Committee retreat from Africa after the battle of El
of Public Safety and the Revolutionary Alamein and the American Torch landings.
Tribunal. Late in 1793, he promoted the Cult Rommel served in Italy in 1943 before being
of the Supreme Being. His collapse came in appointed, in January 1944, to inspect and
July 1794 in the Thermidor coup, when a strengthen the defences on the French coast in
number of his opponents united, with some case of an allied invasion. He was a
popular backing, to denounce his methods in commander in the subsequent German
the Convention and order his arrest. He was defence against the NORMANDY
executed the following day. CAMPAIGN in June 1944, after which he
Romanov dynasty Russian royal family. The attempted to persuade Hitler to sue for peace.
Romanovs emerged as the most powerful In July 1944 he was wounded in an air attack.
129 Russian Civil War

In October 1944 he was advised by the November 1917 (see RUSSIAN

GESTAPO that his name had been linked with REVOLUTIONS 1917), some anti-
the assassination attempt against Hitler. He Bolshevik agencies and individuals began to
died soon afterwards, probably by organise armed resistance and plan counter-
committing suicide when faced with the revolutionary attacks. Labelled as ‘White’
alternative of being convicted of treason. He Russians, these groups drew heavily from
was given a military funeral, the official line aristocrats and imperial military officers.
being that he had died of his wounds. Meanwhile, a number of nationalist and
Ruhr, occupation of (1923–25) Incident in ethnic separatist groups used the opportunity
Franco-Belgian-German relations. Since the of the revolutionary situation to press their
late nineteenth century, the Ruhr had been claims for independence; while Russia’s
central to Germany’s industrial economy: it deserted allies from the FIRST WORLD
was the country’s leading coalfield, and WAR, France, Japan, the UK and the USA,
housed much of its iron and steel production also intervened in various attempts to
(see INDUSTRIALISATION). In January overthrow the Bolsheviks and to reopen the
1923, after Germany missed some of its eastern front. Moreover, Germany remained
REPARATIONS payments to Belgium and involved in some of the fighting in 1918,
France, those countries, under POINCARÉ’S particularly in the Ukraine and the Baltic. The
leadership, despatched technicians into the single label of ‘civil war’ thus underplays the
Ruhr to seize goods, with troops to protect diversity of the conflicts involved.
them. This occupation was condemned by the Anti-Bolsheviks began to organise their
LEAGUE OF NATIONS, and by the forces soon after the revolution, establishing
governments of the USA and the UK. The strongholds such as those in the Caucasus
German government responded by ordering under KORNILOV and DENIKEN from
the region’s workforce to resist passively early 1918, and in western Siberia under
through strikes and non-cooperation, and KOLCHAK. The Bolshevik government
withheld further reparations payments. This responded by giving TROTSKY the defence
response aggravated the situation: in the Ruhr portfolio, and allowing him significant
itself, the occupying forces punished activists resources to fight against the counter-
and imported their own labour, thus revolutionaries, such as a conscription
worsening relations with the local population; scheme into the new Red Army in May 1918.
while the loss of the Ruhr’s resources, In the spring and summer of 1918, France and
particularly its coal, damaged the German the UK intervened with warships and supplies
economy. This contributed directly to the through Murmansk and Archangel, while
hyperinflation and high unemployment of German support for nationalist movements in
1923. In September 1923 the new German Finland and the Ukraine aggravated the
Chancellor, STRESEMANN, restarted imperial problems inherited by the
reparations payments and ended his Bolsheviks, a situation made worse in May
predecessor’s policy of passive resistance, 1918 when Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
and managed to broker a conference on all declared their independence from Russia.
reparations as a whole, which led to the Dawes In May the Czech Legion of former prisoners
plan. Despite the acceptability of this new of war also entered the conflict by attacking
reparations scheme, the occupation forces the Bolsheviks in Siberia and taking control of
remained in the Ruhr until mid-1925, when an the Trans-Siberian railway. These rapid but
improvement in Franco-Belgian-German essentially uncoordinated developments
relations led to their removal. See LOCARNO gave the Bolsheviks enemies on many fronts,
treaties. but left them in control of Russia’s major
Russian Civil War (1917–22) Umbrella term cities, its industrial area, and its largest
for series of conflicts throughout many parts population concentrations. In the summer of
of the Russian empire, 1917– 22. Immediately 1918 the various White forces gained some
after the BOLSHEVIKS gained power in ground, and established provisional
Russian Revolution 1905 130

governments in Archangel and at Omsk, COMMUNISM also helped. The anti-

although the latter was suppressed in Bolshevik forces suffered from divergent
November. The Red Army then enjoyed interests, aims and ideologies, seen most
successes in the Baltic and the Ukraine, taking clearly in the clash between the monarchist
Kiev in February 1919. before having to face and imperial tendencies of such leaders as
a new White offensive in the east under Denikin and the nationalist agendas of some
Kolchak in March. Soon after this, however, of the forces which fought for them. In this
allied support for the Whites began to decline, situation, alliances were extremely fluid and
as France and the UK began to withdraw their unpredictable. In all, the fighting and related
forces and supply lines. The Red Army beat diseases killed some 800,000 people, while
Kolchak’s offensive in June, but Denikin the deaths caused by war-related famines,
continued to control parts of the south, gaining epidemics and terrorist tactics by all sides
Odessa and Kiev in late August 1919 before totalled as many as 10,000,000. See also
being pushed back in the autumn. The Red IMPERIALISM.
Army also had to defend Petrograd in late Russian Revolution 1905 A series of related
September from a Finnish-backed attack. risings, strikes and revolts that effected some
From here, the Red Army’s superiority and political change in the tsarist system. The
the fragmentation of the Whites marked a internal instability of the Russian empire
steady decline of the anti-Bolshevik forces: became apparent in the early twentieth
Omsk fell in November, Kiev in December, century, influenced by agrarian stagnation,
Archangel in February 1920. the same month high taxes, poor living and working
in which Kolchak was executed by the conditions in industrial cities, and a lack of
Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks faced two new political reform that could have gone with the
challenges in April: a Polish invasion of the growth of an urban society. Rural riots and
Ukraine, which led to the loss of Kiev in May; industrial strikes from 1902 demonstrated the
and a new White offensive, under Piotr growth of discontent. These problems were
Wrangel, in the south. The Poles were pushed exacerbated from February 1904 when the
back in June and July, with the Red Army Russo-Japanese war began, as military
almost reaching Warsaw in August before a defeats, conscription and the over-
cease-fire (see treaty of RIGA); while commitment of resources created new strains.
Wrangel was beaten in November, with many From late 1904, pressure for liberal and
of the Whites leaving Russia through the constitutional political reform was growing in
Crimea. Fighting continued in the far east into many sectors. The tense situation was
1921, while the Red Army’s invasion of aggravated in January 1905 when troops fired
Georgia in February 1921 marked the on a peaceful demonstration in St Petersburg,
Bolsheviks’ concern with maintaining parts killing approximately 1,000 civilians: this
of the Russian empire. The brutal suppression ‘Bloody Sunday’ massacre pushed many
of the Kronstadt mutiny in March 1921 was discontents into more radical action, as it
another Bolshevik victory in their war against illustrated a growing gulf between Tsar and
the opposition that had developed to their rule. people, as well as the government’s
The Bolshevik victory in the war willingness to use force. A series of strikes
consolidated their rule, and set the pattern for and peasant revolts began throughout the
an enlarged federal republic under Russian country, while nationalist groups in parts of
hegemony. The new government also the empire, such as Poles and Finns, also
managed to regain some of the territory lost at staged risings (see IMPERIALISM). The
BREST-LITOVSK in 1918, in Belarus and agitation increased through the spring and
the Ukraine. They managed to achieve it summer, with many pressure groups forming,
through centralised planning, and through the such as workers’ Soviets (councils) in many
extensive use of terrorist tactics on the cities and towns, and the All-Russian Peasant
populations of the areas in which they were Union. A naval mutiny on the Potemkin at
fighting. The economic policies of WAR Odessa in June suggested that the military
131 Russian Revolutions 1917

might not be reliable. In August, NICHOLAS restatement of Tsarist authority had shown
II confirmed his commitment to reform, but that constitutional reform was unlikely.
little was done. The pace was forced by a new Between then and 1917, conditions worsened
series of strikes in October, notably a general for the majority of Russians: urban living and
strike which immobilised the army. Nicholas working conditions continued to be poor; and
responded with his October manifesto, while STOLYPIN’S agricultural reforms
promising an elected parliament (Duma), as brought some improvements in the rural
well as general liberal reforms in the areas of areas, landownership was still problematic.
religion and the press. The manifesto satisfied These long-term issues were exacerbated by
some groups, but strikes and demonstrations Russia’s involvement in the FIRST WORLD
continued, as did mutinies (as at Kronstadt in WAR, which made massive demands on the
October): and in December the Moscow population through conscription and high
soviet staged a major uprising, which was casualty figures: the Russian war dead by
suppressed in January 1906 with some 1,000 early 1917 stood at approximately 1,600,000.
casualties. The loss of working men through this conflict
Partial solutions to the causes of the further dislocated local and national
revolution came in 1906 and 1907. The Duma economies, a situation aggravated by
was constituted, for example, and the Prime inflation. NICHOLAS II’S decision to act as
Minister STOLYPIN introduced agrarian Commander-in-Chief in 1915 removed him
reforms that brought some change in the rural from Petrograd, leaving Tsarina Alexandra
economy. However, the effectiveness of the and her advisor RASPUTIN with
Duma was limited by Nicholas’ declaration of unaccountable power over ministerial
the ‘fundamental laws’ in May 1906, which appointments: the instability and
left strong executive power in the hands of the discontinuity that these actions caused in
tsar: and new electoral laws of June 1907 government impacted upon the war effort.
limited the electorate. The government also This fraught situation, aggravated by food
introduced new provincial courts to suppress shortages, demonstrations and strikes in
the risings, which sentenced hundreds of Petrograd in early March 1917 brought a
individuals involved in them to death. The variety of tensions more fully into public
short-term gains of the 1905 revolution were view: involving workers striking over pay and
thus largely negated by 1907. However, the conditions, women complaining about prices,
predominantly disorganised events of 1905–6 and, crucially, soldiers and sailors, these
did provide experience and models of popular disturbances elicited a violent
administration to the Soviets, and provided response from the government. Taken
examples of military, rural, ethnic and together, they showed that the Russian
industrial discontent that were not fully economy, as well as its polity, was failing to
answered or destroyed. While the Social cope with the impact of the war. However, the
Democrats failed fully to get involved in suppression failed to deter demonstrators,
1905, despite some agitation and propaganda who continued to take to the streets. In this
by LENIN and TROTSKY, the events showed climate, a committee of the Duma established
up some of the fault lines in Russia that were itself as a provisional government between 12
relevant in the Revolutions of 1917. See and 14 March. Calling for Nicholas’s
RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS 1917. abdication, this body attempted to use
Russian Revolutions 1917 Series of events constitutional reform to establish order; while
that involved the removal of the Tsarist the simultaneous re-emergence of Soviets in
government and its replacement with a Petrograd and elsewhere formed a focus for
BOLSHEVIK-led Soviet republic. Long- popular revolution. On 15 March, Nicholas
term weaknesses in Russian polity, society abdicated: and when his brother Grand Duke
and economy had not been solved by the Michael refused the crown, the provisional
revolution of 1905 (see RUSSIAN government under Prince Lvov assumed
REVOLUTION 1905), and the subsequent power. This phase of the revolutionary
Russo-Turkish War 132

activities, labelled the ‘February revolution’ All-Russian Congress of Soviets, which had
after its timing in the Julian calendar, can assembled in Petrograd and which had a
broadly be seen as a liberal and constitutional Bolshevik majority. The Bolsheviks, under
phase. It led to a period of reform, including Lenin’s leadership, took effective control, and
the abolition of the death penalty, the calling gained some support with immediate decrees
of elections for a constituent assembly, and the on land reform and peace. By mid-November,
freedom of religion. However, the provisional after an abortive counter-coup by Kerensky,
government did not introduce land reform, the Bolsheviks also controlled Moscow and
and committed itself to the war effort, thus other cities, with further areas coming under
leaving two significant causes of discontent in
their control in December and January 1918.
In December, Lenin rejected the model of a
Revolutionary activity continued after the
coalition government, and quickly
apparent success of the February revolution.
established a Bolshevik power base,
The Bolsheviks began to play a significant
consolidated by the formation of a new secret
role, particularly after LENIN’S return to
police force in December, the Cheka, and by
Russia from exile in April: his subsequent
the establishment of the Red Army in January
calls for land reform, an end to the war, and for
1918. The Bolsheviks also secured a cease-
power to be taken by Soviets offered an
fire with Germany in late December, although
alternative to the liberal reforms of the
provisional government. The growing the peace talks proved to be problematic (see
relationship between the soviets, the treaty of BRESTLITOVSK). Bolshevik
Bolsheviks and sections of the armed forces power was further strengthened in January
added weight to this alternative. In the 1918 when the new Constituent Assembly,
countryside, local peasant groups were taking which had been established by the provisional
direct action despite the lack of land reforms, government, first met: lacking a Bolshevik
with violent disorders and seizures of private majority, it was closed down after one day.
land: this process was fed by a wave of Another key change came in March 1918,
desertions from the army as new offensives when the new government moved to Moscow;
were organised, which the provisional while the execution of Nicholas and his family
government attempted to stop by in July took the revolution further.
reintroducing the death penalty. In mid-July Bolshevik power was far from secure in
the Bolsheviks attempted to force the 1918. The new government faced continued
situation by organising demonstrations of military conflict with Germany, military
soldiers and sailors in Petrograd: these were resistance from disaffected Russians backed
suppressed with force. The provisional by Russia’s deserted allies, enormous ethnic
government, under KERENSKY from late and nationalist discontent throughout the
July, was weakened by its unclear disintegrating Russian empire (see RUSSIAN
involvement with KORNILOV’S coup CIVIL WAR), internal political factionalism,
attempt in September, and by worsening and economic problems (see WAR
military conditions. COMMUNISM). However, the main acts of
In late October the Bolsheviks began the revolution were over by then, and the basic
formal planning for a coup, establishing a structure of the Soviet state was in place.
Military Revolutionary Committee under Russo-Turkish War (1806–12) War between
TROTSKY. After Kerensky failed to move Russia and the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Wars
against the Bolsheviks, they took control of between the two empires in the late eighteenth
strategic locations in Petrograd on 7 century (1768–74 and 1787–92) had
November, and arrested the bulk of the maintained mutual tensions over territories,
provisional government’s ministers. On 8 and had led to some territorial realignments,
November this coup was announced to the with Russia gaining the Crimea, and, by 1792,
establishing the Russo-Ottoman border at the
133 St Germain, treaty of

Dneister and giving Russia navigation rights

in the Straits. Russian interest in the Ottoman S
empire remained, driven by territorial
ambitions in Bessarabia, Moldavia and Sadowa, battle of (July 1866) Battle in the
Wallachia, and by ethno-religious links with AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR of 1866.
the Christians in the Ottoman empire. In 1806, Although Austria had started the war well by
Turkey declared war on Russia over the defeating Italy at the battles of Custozza and
territorial issue. Russia invaded through Lissa, they had not come to a main encounter
Moldavia, and gained ground both on the with the Prussian army. This came on 3 July,
Black Sea coast and far into Wallachia and when the Austrian army under Ludwig von
Benedek was attacked at Sadowa
Bulgaria, capturing Bucharest in 1811. Peace
(Könnigratz) on the plain of Bohemia by
was made at the treaty of Bucharest in May
MOLTKE’S Prussian army. Moltke attacked
1812, at a time when Russia needed to
from the north and the north-east, and quickly
concentrate its military resources on
broke up the Prussian force by attacking its
NAPOLEON’S invasion (see flanks. The battle demonstrated the
NAPOLEONIC WARS). By the treaty, superiority of some of Prussia’s military
Russia gained Bessarabia, thus extending its initiatives, notably the use of railways and the
Black Sea coastline. Conflict between the two deployment of breech-loading rifles. The
empires was revived during the GREEK battle effectively ended the war, with peace
WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. signed at the treaty of PRAGUE in August
Russo-Turkish War (1877–78) War between 1866.
Russia, supported by Romania, Serbia and St Cloud Ordinances (July 1830) see
some nationalist groups in the Balkans, and CHARLES X; REVOLUTIONS OF 1830.
the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. After the Ottoman St Germain, treaty of (September 1919)
empire’s continued prosecution of its war Peace treaty between the allied powers and
against Serbia and Montenegro, and its Austria at the end of the FIRST WORLD
suppression of the BALKAN REBELLIONS, WAR, one of the treaties written during the
Russia declared war in April 1877. Having PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE. The
assured Austro-Hungarian neutrality by the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian empire and
treaty of Budapest, which promised the the HABSBURG monarchy at the end of the
HABSBURG empire Bosnia and war left Austria as an independent republic for
Herzegovina if Russia won the war, Russia the peace terms. Territorially, the treaty
attacked the Ottomans in the Balkans and the confirmed many of the changes that had taken
Caucasus. The main conflict took place place in the aftermath of the war, but also
around Plevna, which the Russians and their added some new changes. Austria lost
Romanian allies besieged from July until Trentino and South Tyrol to Italy; Bohemia
December 1877 with the loss of and Moravia to the new state of
approximately 26,000 men. In the Caucasus, Czechoslovakia; Galicia to the revived
the Russians conquered Kars in November Poland; Bukovina to Romania; and Dalmatia,
1877. With the Russians advancing on the Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the new
Ottoman empire’s eastern border, and further Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
defeats in early 1878 at Sofia and Plovdiv, the Hungarian independence was also confirmed;
Ottomans sued for peace in March 1878. while Carinthia was subject to a plebiscite, in
Peace was made at SAN STEFANO in March which it gained a pro-Austrian majority in
1878, although the unacceptability of this 1920. Austria was thus greatly reduced
territorially, demographically, and
treaty’s terms to other European countries led
industrially. The treaty barred ANSCHLUSS
to a renegotiation of the peace through the
with Germany (a proscription which was
mirrored in the treaty of VERSAILLES),
Salazar, Antonio 134

reduced the Austrian army to a maximum of attempt to reshape the Balkans in Russian
30,000, and imposed reparations payments. interests. Russia gained a larger Black Sea
As with the treaty of Versailles, the treaty of St coastline through territorial gains in the
Germain exacerbated many territorial issues Caucasus and in Bessarabia. Austria-
in the region, not least the ceding of territory Hungary was offered protection rights over
to Czechoslovakia that became the focus for Bosnia and Herzegovina, which had been
German agitation. See MUNICH agreed secretly before the war started. But
AGREEMENT. Russia broke with its pre-war promises by
St Petersburg Protocol (April 1826) see restructuring Bulgaria into a large state:
GREEK WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. stretching from the Black Sea into
St Vincent, Cape, battle of (February 1797) Macedonia, and as far south as the Aegean
see FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS. coastline, and designated to be occupied by
Sakhgaria River, battle of (August 1921) see Russia for two years, this was clearly an
GREEK-TURKISH WAR. attempt to circumvent the problematic Straits
Salamanca, battle of (July 1812) see (see STRAITS CONVENTION). The treaty
NAPOLEONIC WARS. also gave most of Dobrudja to Romania, and
Salazar, Antonio (1889–1970) Portuguese enlarged independent Serbia and
politician. After lecturing in economics, Montenegro. As well as causing some
Salazar was appointed Finance Minister in concern in the Balkans, the treaty was
Antonio Carmona’s military government in unacceptable to Austria-Hungary and the UK,
1926. He resigned when his requests for and Russia was forced to renegotiate the area
special powers were rejected, but resumed at the BERLIN CONGRESS in July. The
office in 1928 with a freer hand. Through this Berlin settlement superseded San Stefano.
post he imposed some stability on the Schacht, Hjalmar (1877–1970) German
Portuguese economy, for which he achieved politician and banker. Schacht entered politics
popularity (see also DEPRESSION, in 1919 as a co-founder of the Democratic
GREAT). In 1932 Carmona made him Prime party. In 1923 STRESEMANN appointed
Minister, and the following year Salazar, with him to solve the inflation crisis (see
military and Church backing, introduced a REPARATIONS, WEIMAR REPUBLIC),
new fascist-style constitution, declaring the which he did through the introduction of the
‘New State’ (Estada Novo) (see FASCISM). Rentenmark. This success earned him the
Salazar combined the premiership with other presidency of the Reichsbank, from where he
posts, including defence from 1936 until negotiated the Dawes plan. He resigned in
1944, and foreign affairs from 1936 until 1929. Schacht moved to the right politically in
1947. He provided some assistance to the the later 1920s, and joined the Nazi party in
nationalist rebels in the SPANISH CIVIL 1930. In 1933 Hitler reappointed him to the
WAR, but ensured Portuguese neutrality Reichsbank, and in 1934 made him Minister
during the SECOND WORLD WAR. Salazar of Economics, giving him an involvement in
was convinced of Portugal’s need for an managing the rearmament programme, public
empire, and committed troops to the defence works schemes and bilateral trade links. In
of Angola and Mozambique in colonial wars 1937 Schacht resigned his ministerial post,
that outlived him (see IMPERIALISM). He although he retained his Reichsbank position
suffered a stroke in 1968, and died in office in until 1939. During the SECOND WORLD
1970. WAR Schacht gradually moved away from
San Stefano, treaty of (March 1878) Peace Hitler, and he was imprisoned in 1944.
treaty between Russia and the OTTOMAN Schacht was acquitted at the NUREMBERG
EMPIRE that ended the RUSSO-TURKISH TRIALS, but served a two-year prison
WAR of 1877–78. Russia used the sentence imposed by a denazification court.
opportunity provided by the peace treaty to After his release he returned to banking.
135 Second Empire

Schleswig War (1864) War between the would then pass to the west of Paris before
HABSBURG empire and Prussia against turning east and north again to meet with the
Denmark over the disputed territories of other armies, thus cutting the capital off. With
Schleswig and Holstein. After the Vienna France defeated in six weeks before Russia
settlement of 1815 (see VIENNA, would have fully mobilised, Germany would
CONGRESS OF), Schleswig (with a mainly then be able to concentrate on the east. The
Danish population) and Holstein plan influenced German defence policies
(predominantly German) had remained under from the late 1890s. Its disregard for the
Danish rule, although Holstein was neutrality of Belgium, Luxembourg and the
incorporated in the GERMAN Netherlands was not seen to be problematic
CONFEDERATION. Anti-Danish risings in for the military. When the FIRST WORLD
the provinces during the REVOLUTIONS OF WAR started in August 1914, Germany’s
1848 precipitated Prussian intervention: and unsuccessful western offensive incorporated
the subsequent 1852 treaty of LONDON, some key elements of the Schlieffen Plan.
which left both duchies with some autonomy Schumann Plan see EUROPEAN COAL
in union with Denmark, failed to provide a AND STEEL COMMUNITY.
permanent solution to the dispute. In 1864 Second Coalition see NAPOLEONIC
King Christian IX of Denmark, whose WARS.
succession had been disputed by Germans, Second Empire (France) System of
authorised the annexation of Schleswig, government in France, 1852–70. Following
which contravened the 1852 settlement. In his coup of December 1851 and the
February the Habsburg empire and Prussia subsequent plebiscite which confirmed him as
jointly declared war on Denmark, and president for ten years, Louis Napoleon (see
invaded. The Danish army was beaten at NAPOLEON III) developed a new
Duppel in April, and defeated in July. In June, constitution, which was published in January
a conference in London had proposed various 1852. This set up the framework of an
models for the future administration of the authoritarian state, with a senate, councils of
territories, which fed into the treaty of Vienna states, and an elected but relatively powerless
(see VIENNA, TREATY OF) in October legislative body, under a powerful presidency.
1864, and the convention of Gastein (see In February 1852, Louis Napoleon re-
GASTEIN, CONVENTION OF) in August introduced press censorship and removed the
1865. Orleanist family from France; and in
Schlieffen, Alfred von see SCHLIEFFEN November he oversaw the introduction of an
PLAN. empire, with himself as Emperor, for which he
Schlieffen Plan German army’s strategic assumed the title Napoleon III. The first eight
plan, developed and revised between 1895 years of the Second Empire were
and 1905 by the Chief of General Staff, Alfred characterised by this conservative and
von Schlieffen. After the FRANCO- reactionary start to the period, with the army
RUSSIAN ALLIANCE of 1894, Schlieffen and the Catholic Church promoted, and
began to develop a plan to allow Germany to political opponents subject to punishment
fight on two fronts. Assuming that any without trial. Napoleon III also pursued an
continental war with contemporary weaponry adventurous foreign policy throughout the
would be over very quickly, Schlieffen period, as exemplified by the CRIMEAN
advocated a reversal of orthodox thinking WAR, French involvement in ITALIAN
which prioritised Russia, by calling for a UNIFICATION, and an unsuccessful and
quick offensive war against France. This embarrassing imperial war in Mexico. From
would be carried out by major attacks through 1859 France became markedly more liberal,
Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, in response to the growth of opposition
which would bypass the Franco-German (particularly after the 1863 elections) and
border defences, while a minor attack was developments in the economic sphere (see
staged through Alsace to draw the main INDUSTRIALISATION). In this period the
French resistance. The northernmost army government oversaw the development of
Second International 136

commerce, banking, industry, agriculture and Second World War (1939–45) Multinational
the railways, while education was also global conflict, in which the main
improved. The political system gradually protagonists were the AXIS partners
became more representative and inclusive, Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies
with the publication of debates from 1860, (including, effectively, the USSR until 1941)
ministers being open to question from 1867, against the allied powers of France, the UK
the ending of press censorship in 1868, the and its empire, the USA (from 1941), and their
introduction of a parliamentary system in allies, particularly the USSR from 1941. In
1869, and the publication of a more liberal addition, a number of other alliances and
constitution in 1870. The Empire was interventions developed around these core
overturned as a result of France’s defeat in the combatants.
FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR of 1870–71: The conflict was rooted in a number of
when Napoleon III was captured at Sedan in areas. Traditional quests for increased power
September 1870, politicians in Paris in Europe and beyond were exacerbated by
abandoned the imperial constitution and the settlement that had ended the FIRST
declared a new republic. See THIRD WORLD WAR. The territorial aspects of the
REPUBLIC. various peace treaties of 1918–20, including
Second International International VERSAILLES, ST GERMAIN and BREST-
federation of socialist and labour LITOVSK, left strained international
organisations (see SOCIALISM). It was relations over territories throughout Europe.
formed in Paris in 1889 as forum for groups in The need to revise the treaties that had
different countries to discuss ideologies and affected Germany and the Germans was a
strategies. It gained a genuinely international major cause for the Nazis (see NAZISM), and
membership, with parties from Africa and HITLER consistently called for their revision
Australasia joining alongside European so that Germany could rearm and regain lost
organisations. From 1900, when the territories and acquire LEBENSRAUM. This
International Socialist Bureau was formed, it tense situation was exacerbated by a number
had an administrative section. As with the of factors, including the failure of the
International Working Men’s Association LEAGUE OF NATIONS to prevent
(see FIRST INTERNATIONAL), the aggression, the rise of COMMUNISM and
diversity of the Second International’s FASCISM as apparently oppositional
composition meant that it had little internal ideologies, and the long-term failure of
stability, and some significant splits emerged, APPEASEMENT to prevent war rather than
such as those between anarchists (see simply defer it.
ANARCHISM) and socialists, between Conventionally, the war is seen to have
parties from imperial countries and those started in September 1939, with the German
from colonies, and between internationalists invasion of Poland and the subsequent
and nationalists. The International advocated declarations of war on Germany by France
the boycotting by socialists of coalition and the UK under the terms of their March
governments formed by non-socialist parties, 1939 guarantee to Poland. However, this date
although some members saw such overlooks the conflict between Japan and
cooperation to be a useful step in gaining China, which began in full in 1937, and,
power and experience. In 1904 there were within Europe, the German invasion of the
splits evident over BERNSTEIN’S model of bulk of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 (see
gradualism; and from 1907, over the position MUNICH AGREEMENT), and the Italian
that socialists should take in time of war. The invasion of Albania in April. However, the
International effectively dissolved in July Polish invasion, secured for Germany by the
1914, but was reformed in 1923 and again in NAZI-SOVIET PACT, made the war
1951 as a forum for parties and organisations continental in scope. Using BLITZKRIEG
throughout the world, although the Soviet-run techniques, Germany conquered western
THIRD INTERNATIONAL took on some of Poland by the end of September; while the
its functions. Soviet invasion of eastern Poland in mid-
137 Second World War

September led to the country’s partition Greece, and a British build-up of troops in
roughly along the CURZON LINE at the end north Africa.
of the month. This division was followed by The next decisive stage of the war began in
oppressive military rule in both parts of the June 1941 when Germany invaded the USSR
country. In November the war spread to the in Operation BARBAROSSA. While the
Baltic states with the USSR’s successful breaking of the 1939 pact was not a surprise,
invasion of Finland: Estonia, Latvia and the timing of the attack was: and, with support
Lithuania were subsequently invaded in June from Finland, Hungary and Romania,
1940. In April 1940, Germany turned its Germany’s invasion of Belorussia, Lithuania
attention to the west by invading Denmark and the Ukraine led to early successes which
and Norway, followed by Belgium and the helped to provide further economic gains for
Netherlands in May. The former campaign Germany. The USSR immediately allied with
was designed to secure the North Sea and to the UK, providing a source of supplies. Along
guarantee iron ore supplies; the latter to gain with the German conquest of Poland,
access to the English Channel and to set up an Barbarossa was heavily influenced by Nazi
invasion of France which outflanked the racial policy as well as by more traditional
MAGINOT LINE. After British and other assumptions on territorial gains, and the first
allied troops escaped to the UK from Dunkirk mass killings of Jews and other civilians took
in late May and early June, the German place under the umbrella of this campaign. See
campaign against France led to the collapse of FINAL SOLUTION.
the THIRD REPUBLIC and France’s The war became global in December 1941
surrender in late June. The country was when Japan attacked both the US naval base at
divided between an occupied zone and the Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and British holdings
German-backed French government based at in Malaya. The UK and the USA immediately
VICHY. With Italy declaring war on France declared war on Japan, which was followed by
and the UK in June, this stage of the war in Japan’s partners Germany and Italy declaring
western Europe ended with the UK isolated, war on the USA. The implication of these
albeit with imperial resources to call on. developments for the European conflict was
However, German plans for an invasion of the that, as in 1917, the USA became directly
UK failed when the aerial campaigns of the involved in the continental war, leading to its
battle of Britain between June and September supply of troops, resources and equipment
1940 failed to give Germany the necessary which were influential in subsequent
superiority. The planned invasion, Operation campaigns in north Africa, Italy and western
Sealion, was called off in October: although Europe. The USA also provided supplies for
naval and submarine activity in the Atlantic the USSR, an arrangement formalised in May
from 1940 was designed to disrupt the UK’s 1942.
supply routes from the USA. Moreover, the Axis dominance began to slip in 1942,
aerial bombing of cities and towns throughout influenced by allied bombing raids on
the UK maintained German pressure. German towns and cities, the defeat of Axis
In eastern Europe and the Balkans, further forces in north Africa in November, and the
developments in 1940 included the division of start of the successful Soviet counter-attack at
Romania between the USSR and Germany STALINGRAD in the same month. German
between June and October, and the Italian withdrawals from Soviet territory began, a
invasion of Greece in October: Italy also defeat hastened by Soviet success at KURSK.
extended its African commitments at this In July 1943 allied landings in Sicily (see
stage, although defeats here in December CASABLANCA) marked the start of the
1940 and January 1941 led to German ITALIAN CAMPAIGN, which forced
assistance under ROMMEL. German MUSSOLINI’S deposition in July and, after
interests in the Balkans in support of its landings on the mainland in September, the
partner also led to its invasion of Greece and defeat of Italy, which resulted in Italy joining
Yugoslavia in April; while British interests the allies against Germany. This second
led to their supply of men and resources to continental front was, however, slowed down
Sèvres, treaty of 138

by the German defensive campaign for a number of nations demonstrate the war’s
throughout the peninsula. With the Red Army impact: the USSR, for example, lost
gaining ground throughout conquered Soviet somewhere between 7,000,000 and
territory into 1944, and the long-running siege 13,000,000 military personnel, and up to
of Leningrad ending in January 1944, 8,000,000 civilians; over 2,000,000 Polish
Germany was under increasing pressure. This civilians were killed; while German military
was exacerbated by defeats on various fronts losses were over 3,000,000. The extensive use
in 1944: in Italy, where Rome fell to the allies of aerial bombardment of civilian areas, as
in June; in the east, with the Soviet invasion of well as mass killings linked to Nazi racial
Romania in April and Yugoslavia in October policy, allowed for these figures. Moreover,
and British successes in Greece; and in the the movements of refugees and prisoners, and
west, where the NORMANDY CAMPAIGN the territorial settlements which arose out of
of June 1944 established a bridgehead for the the war, caused extensive demographic
invasion of France, the Low Countries and dislocation, such as the 6,000,000 Germans
Germany itself (see NORTH-WEST who moved from Poland to Germany (see
EUROPE CAMPAIGN). Despite the German ODER-NEISSE LINE), the 500,000
counterattack in the Ardennes from Ukrainians leaving Poland for the Ukraine by
December 1944, a German defeat was 1947, and the million or so ‘displaced
imminent: the advance of well supplied forces persons’ who left Germany for Israel, the UK,
from all sides, the loss of resources, and the France and the Americas after the war.
loss of allies (such as Hungary in February Moreover, despite the allies’ common cause
1945) left Germany with few opportunities. against Germany, their different views on the
Moreover, Nazi rhetoric in favour of a fight to peacetime settlement for Europe helped to
the end, and allied policy from Casablanca in create fault lines in the alliance (see TEHRAN
1943 of fighting on until Germany CONFERENCE, YALTA CONFERENCE,
surrendered unconditionally, ensured that the POTSDAM CONFERENCE): these became
conflict continued into the streets of Berlin more pronounced once occupation troops
itself. Hitler’s suicide on 30 April 1945 were located in the various countries re-taken
heralded the end, with his successor DÖNITZ from Germany. See COLD WAR.
formally authorising the surrender on 7 May. secret police see GESTAPO; KGB; NKVD.
In the Far East, the war continued until the Sedan, battle of (September 1870) see
Japanese surrender in mid-August 1945, FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR.
hastened by the USA’s use of two atomic Sevastopol, siege of (September 1854–
bombs. Peace was settled between the allies September 1855) see CRIMEAN WAR.
and Germany’s European allies in the 1947 Sèvres, treaty of (August 1920) Peace treaty
treaties of PARIS, between the western allies between the allied powers and Turkey at the
and Germany in 1951, between the USSR and end of the FIRST WORLD WAR, one of the
Germany in 1955, and with Austria in 1955 treaties written during the PARIS PEACE
(see AUSTRIAN STATE TREATY). Final CONFERENCE. Territorially, Greece gained
outstanding issues that were complicated by parts of Anatolia and Eastern Thrace, while
Germany’s post-war division into two states many middle eastern areas, including Iraq,
were settled after GERMAN Palestine and Lebanon, were made
The Second World War was the most NATIONS. The treaty also limited Turkey’s
expensive and the most bloody in history. military capability by demilitarising the
Apart from the massive costs borne by all Dardanelles and the Bosphorous and placing
combatant nations, the human costs were them under international control, and by
unprecedented. Statistics of the casualty rates reducing the size of Turkey’s armed forces.
vary between different sources, but The treaty was rejected by many in Turkey,
approximate figures of 50,000,000 people including the parliament, and directly led to
killed in the war, or died as a result of injuries, Kemal’s (see ATATÜRK) armed struggle
are broadly used. In Europe the casualty rates against the territorial losses (see GREEK-
139 socialism

TURKISH WAR). After the nationalists’ worked well with the British authorities, and
successes, the Chanak crisis, and the also made some links with the USSR,
establishment of the new Turkish republic, the including an agreement in July 1941, but these
settlement was renegotiated and replaced by relations were destroyed by the revelation of
the treaty of LAUSANNE in 1923. the KATYN MASSACRE. Sikorski was
Sieyès, Emmanuel (1748–1836) French killed in an air crash in Gibraltar in 1943.
priest and politician. Sieyès helped to focus Single European Act (December 1986)
the political and constitutional debates that Legislation adopted by all member nations of
surrounded LOUIS XVI’S summoning of the the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (EC). As
Estates-General for 1789 with two pamphlets, the EC grew in size through new accessions in
notably What is the Third Estate?. He was 1973, 1981 and 1985, and extended its remit
elected as a member of the Third Estate for the and responsibilities through the work of the
1789 meeting of the Estates-General, and EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, the Council of
helped to shift that meeting’s attention away Ministers and other agencies, pressure grew
from the royal agenda by calling for the estates within the EC for some form of standardising
to meet together or not at all, and in drafting legislation that would bind all member states
the Tennis Court Oath (see FRENCH to common aims. Moreover, a common law
REVOLUTION). During the constitutional was seen as a way of focusing the
monarchy he played a leading role in development of a single market, one of the key
administrative matters in the Constitutional aims of the 1957 treaty of ROME which
Assembly, and helped to draft the Declaration established the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC
of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. He was COMMUNITY (EEC), but which had not
a member of the Convention, and, after been introduced. The Single European Act,
Thermidor, of the Committee of Public signed by all member states in December
Safety. Under the Directory, he was a member 1986, attempted to address these issues.
of the Council of 500, and, after a spell as Under the act, 1992 was set as the target for the
France’s Ambassador to Berlin, was elected to introduction of the single market, with all
the position of Director in 1799. It was from internal tariffs and obstacles to the flow of
this position that he helped to engineer capital, labour and investment to be removed
NAPOLEON’S successful coup of by then. The act also changed the voting
BRUMAIRE (November 1799) and to procedures of the Council of Ministers and the
establish the Consulate. Under the Empire he European Parliament, and committed
was created a Count, and served on the Senate. members to work towards closer political
He was exiled in 1814, but returned to France union. See EUROPEAN UNION.
in 1830 under LOUIS-PHILIPPE. Six Weeks War see AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN
Sikorski, Wladyslaw (1881–1943) Polish WAR.
soldier and politician. After studying socialism Political and economic ideology.
engineering, Sikorski fought against Russia With precedents from at least the seventeenth
with PILSUDSKI in the FIRST WORLD century, socialism emerged in the later stages
WAR, but was interned by the Germans for his of the FRENCH REVOLUTION, and, more
Polish nationalist agenda. He fought in the formally, in the first decades of the nineteenth
defence of Warsaw during the RUSSIAN century. It was an ideology very closely
CIVIL WAR, and was made Chief of the related to the changing economic context of
General Staff in 1921. He was briefly Prime INDUSTRIALISATION, and while it
Minister from December 1922 until May developed into a number of strands, they all
1923, but his influence declined under had common ground in the context of urban
PILSUDSKI’S government as he was seen as workingclass culture and its economic
too liberal. In 1939 he returned to the corollaries. As such, it was underpinned by
premiership briefly after the German invasion ideas of community and cooperation, and by
(see SECOND WORLD WAR), but then left the assumption that humans could live
Poland for France and the UK, taking an army harmoniously together if societies recognised
and a government-in-exile with him. He differences in need and abilities, and
Solidarity 140

organised themselves on collective lines so invasion of Poland, President

that all members could have basic equalities. JARUZELSKI’S declaration of martial law
One of the earliest strands to emerge was included the proscription of Solidarity and the
Utopian, advocated by Charles Fourier, imprisonment of its leadership. Solidarity
Robert Owen and PROUDHON (and thus remained active as an underground
related to ANARCHISM); while, particularly organisation during the last years of
in the 1840s, a more practical and radical communist rule in Poland, and began to re-
strand emerged, advocating revolutions in emerge during the late 1980s. The
order to achieve socialism, a tradition government dropped the ban on Solidarity in
identified with MARX and ENGELS. This 1989 (see REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91) and
was supplemented in the later nineteenth its candidates were successful in the elections
century by a parliamentary and evolutionary of that June. Solidarity declined in influence
approach to socialism, associated with after the fall of communism, although Walesa
BERNSTEIN, which reflected the growth of went on to become President.
socialist parties throughout Europe, and Somme, battle of (July–November 1916)
recognised the pragmatic value of their FIRST WORLD WAR battle on the river
gaining power through cooperation with Somme. Planned as a Franco-British
existing structures. The different approaches offensive by generals Haig and JOFFRE, the
to socialism were evident in the debates of the attack on the German trenches along the
SECOND INTERNATIONAL, formed in Somme was designed to dilute the German
1889. During and immediately after the campaign at VERDUN. It began with a week-
FIRST WORLD WAR, socialism became long artillery bombardment on the German
essentially a moderate left-wing ideology: not lines, followed by infantry attacks. However,
only were many of its basic assumptions being the German machinegun positions were left
appropriated by liberals and even largely intact, and approximately 19,000
conservatives in many countries, but the allied troops were killed on the first day of
BOLSHEVIKS’ successes (see RUSSIAN fighting. With tanks introduced in September,
REVOLUTIONS 1917) had shown along with new infantry attacks, the allies
COMMUNISM as a more radical ideology. managed to gain approximately ten miles of
Socialism thus gained parliamentary and territory by November before the battle
governmental respectability in most ended. However, this involved no significant
European countries throughout the twentieth strategic gains. The allies suffered
century, although it suffered a decline in the approximately 615,000 casualties, the
1980s and 1990s, both through the emergence Germans 500,000. The Somme was also the
of a new CONSERVATISM, and through the scene of a German offensive in March 1918.
collapse of communism in the Spaak, Paul-Henri (1899–1972) Belgian
REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91. politician. A lawyer, Spaak entered Belgian
Solferino, battle of (June 1859) see politics in 1932 as a socialist deputy. He
FRANCO-AUSTRIAN WAR. served as Prime Minister from 1938 until
Solidarity (Solidarnosc) Polish trade union 1939, and moved to London as Foreign
and political movement. Solidarity was Minister for the Belgian government-in-exile
formed in the Gdansk dockyards in late 1980 during the SECOND WORLD WAR. In this
as a focus for free trade unionism and political post he helped to establish the BENELUX
protests that had developed throughout UNION. Spaak served as President of the
Poland that year over food prices and other UNITED NATIONS’ first general assembly
political and economic issues. Its leader, the in 1946 before returning to Belgian politics as
Gdansk electrician WALESA, became a Prime Minister again from 1947 until 1949.
national figure, and helped to negotiate a He continued to combine his national and
number of political, economic and religious international roles, presiding over the
reforms with the Polish government. In Assembly of the COUNCIL OF EUROPE
December 1981, however, when faced with a from 1949 until 1951, before taking
potential BREZHNEV doctrine-inspired Belgium’s foreign affairs portfolio again from
141 Spanish Civil War

1954 until 1957. A leading advocate of towards establishing a non-intervention

European economic integration, Spaak agreement in August 1936, by which twenty-
chaired the Spaak Committee set up in 1955 to seven countries pledged to leave the war to
explore ways in which sectoral integration Spain. However, this agreement had little real
could be widened after the initial successes of impact, and three signatories became heavily
the EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL involved: Germany and Italy, whose backing
COMMUNITY (ECSC). Its report in 1956 for the nationalists included supplies, aerial
helped to establish models used in the framing support and troops; and the USSR, which
of the 1957 treaties of ROME. After a four- provided some support for the republicans,
year spell as Secretary-General of NATO with the THIRD INTERNATIONAL
from 1957, Spaak served as Belgian Foreign developing international brigades for foreign
Minister again from 1961 until his retirement volunteers. Portugal also provided facilities
in 1966. and supply lines for the nationalists. External
Spanish Civil War (1936–39) Civil war interests, although fluctuating, were crucial to
between the government and nationalist the subsequent course of the war.
rebels in Spain. Between 1931 and 1936, In late 1936 the nationalists extended their
various long-term tensions in Spanish politics control of Castile by taking Toledo and
and social and economic affairs came to a attacking Madrid, but the republicans’
head. The fall of PRIMO DE RIVERA’S defence of the capital was successful. With
dictatorship and the subsequent fall of the Franco declared ‘head of state’ by the rebels in
monarchy (see ALFONSO XII) led to a period October 1936, the nationalists had a relatively
of republican government, in which politics unified identity: this was enhanced in April
became increasingly polarised between left 1937, when all parties were merged under the
and right, and in which popular disturbances, auspices of the FALANGE. The republicans,
such as those in Barcelona in January 1933, however, were divided along political lines
and in the Asturias and Catalonia in October between communists, socialists, liberals and
1934, kept regional, class and economic anarchists (see ANARCHISM,
differences in focus. In February 1936, a COMMUNISM, LIBERALISM,
POPULAR FRONT government was formed, SOCIALISM). They also suffered regional
whose radical agenda on such issues as land problems, particularly over Catalonia, where
and the role of the Church further alienated the fighting between separatist militias and
right. In July 1936 a number of generals government troops took place in the spring of
staged a coup against the government, led by 1937.
FRANCO in the Balearics and Morocco, and By March 1937, the nationalists controlled
by Emilio Mola in Spain itself. The coup the whole of western Spain, as well as
failed, as the government responded with Andalusia, Old Castile and Navarre, although
force, and as popular defence groups in their advance on Madrid was repelled at
Catalonia, the Basque region and elsewhere Guadalajara. However, the strength of the
opposed the rebellion. Moreover, while some nationalists and their backers was
sections of the military backed the coup, the demonstrated in March 1937, when the key
bulk of the navy and the air force remained town of Guernica was destroyed in a German
loyal to the government. The failed coup thus aerial bombardment. The republicans were
quickly developed into a major civil war, in also weakened in this period by the Soviet-
which the republicans initially held the backed suppression of anarchists, and by the
advantage in much of the south as well as loss of Bilbao and Santander, which cut into
Catalonia, Aragon and Asturia, while the their previous stronghold in Asturias. A
nationalist rebels secured Morocco, Galicia, republican offensive at Tereul in December
Castile and Navarre, as well as some strategic 1937 was unsuccessful, and was followed in
cities in the south, such as Cadiz and Seville. early 1938 by a nationalist attack through
The civil war quickly assumed an Aragon, which isolated Catalonia by April
international dimension. The French and 1938. In May 1938 the government attempted
British governments officially worked to open negotiations with Franco, but these
Spanish Revolution 142

failed, as did their offensive on the Ebro which contained a number of liberal strands from
aimed to reclaim Aragon. In January 1939 the 1812 (see LIBERALISM, SPANISH
nationalists finally conquered Barcelona, and RISINGS) but also maintained the monarchy.
the republicans’ peace terms were rejected. The succession was problematic, with other
Madrid fell in late March, after an anti- European countries taking an active interest
communist rebellion by the National Defence (see FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR), but in
Council forced another internal split on the 1870 the throne was accepted by Amadeo of
government’s side. The war ended in April Savoy. There followed three years of unstable
1939, with Franco assuming office as head of constitutional monarchy and political
state. His dictatorship lasted until his death in violence. In August 1872, the radical
1975. government exacerbated the weaknesses of
Approximately 500,000 people died as a the 1870 settlement through anti-clerical
result of the Spanish Civil War (although measures and by attempting to limit the
some estimates place the figure closer to army’s political power. In this climate,
1,000,000). Many of these casualties were Amadeo abdicated in February 1873. A
civilian and religious victims of political republic was declared in April 1873. This
suppression carried out by both sides, such as experiment was, however, weakened by
the 6,800 Catholic priests executed by federalist republican risings in Andalusia,
republicans, and the thousands of workers and Catalonia and elsewhere, which damaged
unionists executed by nationalists. national unity and tested army loyalty, and by
Spanish Revolution (1868–74) Period of the re-emergence of the Carlists, who
political instability in Spain, from the effectively set up a rival state in northern
deposition of Queen Isabella II in 1868 to the Spain and engaged the army in a number of
restoration of her son, Alfonso XII, in 1874. battles in 1873 and 1874. In this context, a
Relations between crown and state remained group of politicians and soldiers managed to
problematic in Spain after the Carlist War of organise the restoration of the monarchy in
1833–40 (see CARLISM) and the 1874 by bringing Isabella’s son Alfonso to the
REVOLUTIONS OF 1848. In the 1850s, a throne as Alfonso XII. The republic was
fresh outbreak of partisan strife became replaced with a partially constitutional
focused on the largely middle-class monarchy, a system which managed
progressive and liberal parties who were temporarily to defuse the various
pressing for liberal reforms; while opposition revolutionary and reactionary strands in
to the monarchy also emerged in some Spanish politics.
sections of the army, whence General Juan Spanish risings (1820–23) Liberal and
Prim organised an unsuccessful coup in 1866. constitutional revolution against King
In September 1868 Prim staged another coup,
Ferdinand VII. In 1812, during Spain’s war of
this one successful, which forced Isabella to
independence against France (see
leave Spain. The provisional republican
NAPOLEONIC WARS), the Cortes had
government of liberals and progressives
created a constitution heavily influenced by
attempted to control some of the extremes that
LIBERALISM, with clauses on land reform,
emerged in this revolution centred on the
administrative control and popular
democrats, for example by introducing
sovereignty. Ferdinand VII abolished this
universal suffrage, freedom of the press, and
freedom of religion: but the military demands constitution on his restoration in 1814. Over
of a colonial war in Cuba, and the increasingly the next six years liberal and radical
revolutionary tactics of the republicans in movements developed, particularly in the
local and regional federalist committees, led military and through masonic lodges, and
the government to use force and distance itself there were a number of small-scale rebellions.
from the democrats. In January 1820 the situation came to a head:
In 1869 the provisional government the government’s bankruptcy, and its
introduced a new constitution, which insistence on continuing with colonial wars in
143 Stalin, Josef

South America (see IMPERIALISM), process over previously confused structures,

alienated a number of individuals and he managed to increase production and
agencies. In Cadiz, a declaration in favour of maintain food supplies until early 1945,
the 1812 constitution by officers waiting to go despite the impact of allied bombing (see
to South America led to a military rebellion, SECOND WORLD WAR). This was
which was paralleled in a number of achieved in part through the use of forced
provincial centres. With the rest of the army labour and a plunder economy. Speer pleaded
refusing to stop the rebellions, Ferdinand was guilty at the NUREMBERG TRIALS,
forced to step down and reintroduce the although he claimed that as an economist and
constitution. In March 1821 his dismissal of a technician he was removed from political
liberal ministry led to popular revolts in processes; he was convicted for war crimes
Cadiz, Corunna and elsewhere. Ferdinand and crimes against humanity. He served his
attempted to stage a military coup in July twenty-year sentence in Spandau prison from
1822, but this failed when the troops in 1946. He spent his later years writing on the
Madrid attacked the plotters, and Ferdinand Nazi period.
became effectively a prisoner of the Stalin, Josef (Josef Djugashvili) (1879–
government. He was deposed in February 1953) Soviet politician. Born in Georgia,
1823 after further popular riots; but by this Djugashvili was expelled from a seminary in
time the Congress of VERONA had 1899 due to his political views. He became an
authorised French military intervention. This active revolutionary soon after this, joining
began in April 1823, and was met with little the BOLSHEVIKS in 1903. His activities
resistance. Ferdinand was restored, and the included terrorist attacks and bank robberies.
constitution of 1812 abandoned once again. He was exiled to Siberia twice, escaping both
Although it ultimately failed, and despite times, and travelled in Europe during his
the many splits that existed within the absences from Russia. In 1912 he adopted the
revolutionary movement in Spain, these name ‘Stalin’. Imprisoned from 1913 until
risings were significant as the first major 1916, he returned to Petrograd after the
radical challenge to the post-1815 settlement February Revolution of 1917 (see RUSSIAN
of Europe. They proved influential on a REVOLUTIONS 1917) and edited the
number of other liberal revolutions of the Bolsheviks’ newspaper Pravda. He was
period, including those in Piedmont, the Two active in the October Revolution, and, as a
close ally of LENIN, was a founder member
Sicilies and Russia (see PIEDMONTESE
of the POLITBURO in 1919, a member of the
Revolutionary Military Council from 1920,
and Commissar for Nationalities until 1923.
continued to influence the development of
During the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR he helped
liberal politics in Spain throughout the rest of
to organise the defence of Petrograd, and was
the nineteenth century. See SPANISH
also involved in the battle for Tsaritsyn, which
REVOLUTION . was later renamed Stalingrad. During the later
Speer, Albert (1905–81) German politician. stages of the war, Stalin began to consolidate
Speer joined the Nazi party in 1931 while his own position in the Communist party, by
working as an architect (see NAZISM). He developing his post of General Secretary of
became a friend of HITLER, and helped the Central Committee.
design a number of party rallies from 1933 After Lenin’s death in 1924, and despite
onwards, the success of which led Hitler to Lenin’s warnings, Stalin emerged as the
commission him to redesign Berlin and other leading figure in the party and the
cities. In 1942 Speer moved into the more government, successfully beating TROTSKY
immediately influential role of Minister for in the leadership struggle. From here, Stalin
Armaments and War Production. By developed the idea of ‘socialism in one
establishing a centralised coordination country’, aiming to develop the USSR’s
Stalingrad, battle of 144

economic and military strength, and to FIVE YEAR PLANS, and its role as a centre
consolidate the party’s role. These themes for river and railway transport, meant that its
were enacted through FIVE YEAR PLANS capture would bring military and economic
for heavy industrial production from 1928, advantages. The town was attacked in
through the forced collectivisation of September 1942 as part of the German
agriculture, and through the extensive and advance into the Caucasus. By October the
arbitrary purging of opposition in political, Germans had secured the bulk of Stalingrad,
military, social and economic life (see but had failed to cross the Volga. This left the
YEZHOVSHCHINA). These policies entailed Soviet artillery positions on the river’s east
millions of casualties. In 1939, Stalin helped bank intact. In November, the Soviets under
to settle the NAZI-SOVIET PACT with ZHUKOV launched a counter-attack by
Germany, which allowed the USSR time to building up artillery and troops around
rearm and provided it with territorial gains in Stalingrad, surrounding the Germans and
eastern Europe. When Germany attacked the subjecting them to heavy artillery
USSR in Operation BARBAROSSA in 1941, bombardments. Meanwhile, fighting inside
Stalin promoted himself as the country’s
Stalingrad itself continued, with the Germans
saviour. Taking the roles of Prime Minister,
facing heavy resistance on a house-by-house
Commissar of Defence, and Marshal of the
basis. In January 1943 the Soviet attack
USSR, he developed a strong leadership style
intensified, and the German line was pushed
and played a leading role at the key
back close in to Stalingrad itself by the end of
conferences of TEHRAN, YALTA and
the month. Despite evacuating some troops
through an airlift, and despite Hitler’s order
WAR Stalin committed the USSR to an
imperial role in eastern Europe through that the Germans should fight to the death,
economic, political and military links which General Friedrich von Paulus surrendered on
helped the COLD WAR to escalate (see 2 February. The German and Romanian
IMPERIALISM). Domestically, this period casualties numbered approximately 146,000,
saw the further establishment of his hero while 90,000 were taken as prisoners
status and the re-emergence of his repressive (including the bulk of the surviving officers).
tactics towards opponents, real or suspected. Germany also lost significant amounts of
He died in office in 1953. In 1956, his material. The defeat not only stopped the
successor KHRUSHCHEV denounced German penetration of Soviet territory: it also
Stalin’s rule, an act that began a vigorous marked the start of their retreat from the south-
‘destalinisation’ process which was designed east, which was hastened after their
to marginalise his memory and significance. unsuccessful offensive at KURSK in July
The critical questions about Stalin raised at 1943.
this time, and furthered in the 1980s by Stambolisky, Alexander (1879–1923)
GLASNOST, eventually showed that his Bulgarian politician. From a rich farming
government was responsible for the deaths of background, Stambolisky studied agriculture
over 40,000,000 people. in Germany before returning to Bulgaria. He
Stalingrad, battle of (September 1942– was involved in peasant politics from the late
February 1943) SECOND WORLD WAR 1890s, and in 1908 entered parliament as a
battle between the USSR and Germany (with leading member of the Agrarian National
Romanian support). Stalingrad (Tsaritsyn Union. In 1915 he was imprisoned for his
until 1928, Volgograd from 1961) was a opposition to Bulgarian involvement in the
strategic target for the Germans in their 1942 FIRST WORLD WAR, but he was released
campaign which built on the successes of the towards the end of the war and immediately
southern attack of Operation became a focus for reform. He helped to
BARBAROSSA. Stalingrad’s munitions and persuade King Ferdinand to abdicate, and
vehicle industries, developed as part of the declared a provisional republic with himself
145 Straits Convention

as President in 1918. Stambolisky represented Napoleonic Wars, but remained active at the
Bulgaria at the signing of the treaty of regional level in Westphalia.
NEUILLY in 1919. He also became Prime Stolypin, Piotr (1862–1911) Russian
Minister in that year. He ran the country as a politician. Stolypin entered the Russian civil
pro-agrarian dictatorship, with land and tax service in 1884, working for the Ministry of
reforms designed mainly to assist the farming the Interior. In 1903 he became Governor of
sector. In June 1923 he was deposed in a right- Saratov province, which experienced
wing coup, precipitated by the army’s decline significant disorders during the Revolution of
in influence and Stambolisky’s attempts to 1905 (see RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1905).
improve relations with the Kingdom of the Stolypin’s repressive response here earned
Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Stambolisky was him a central post, as Minister of the Interior,
murdered five days after the coup. in April 1906. In July 1906 NICHOLAS II
Stein, Heinrich von (1757–1831) Prussian promoted Stolypin to the post of Prime
politician and administrator. A civil servant Minister. He used repressive tactics to stamp
from a wealthy background, Stein was out the revolutionary movement of 1905, with
appointed as Chief Minister of Prussia by large-scale summary trials and executions,
FREDERICK WILLIAM III in October and extensive press censorship. He also
1807, after the Prussian military collapse in limited the democratic advances of the 1905
revolution by reducing the size of the
the NAPOLEONIC WARS had shown up
electorate in 1907. Alongside this reactionary
problems in the country’s structures. Stein
strand, Stolypin also attempted to reform the
approached his post with a reformist agenda,
agrarian sector in order both to increase
introducing a period that became known as
Russia’s productivity, and to create a new
Prussia’s liberal era (see LIBERALISM).
class of small landowners. This was attempted
Reforms included the emancipation of the
through granting peasants the right to own
serfs from 1807, changes in landowning laws land outside their village commune, with
that opened up the sale of land to a wider social loans being provided by the Peasant Land
grouping than the nobility, and the Bank to offset the initial costs. He also ended
establishment of limited meritocracy in the the redemption payments that had been set up
military. Stein also attempted improvements as part of the settlement of the
in the central government system, with plans EMANCIPATION OF THE SERFS, and
for an elected assembly, but Frederick encouraged peasant migration to Siberia.
William found this unacceptable. However, Stolypin’s plans for more wide-ranging
he did successfully bring in a system of locally reforms in education, religion and social
elected municipal councils in 1808. Stein was welfare were unsuccessful, and towards the
dismissed in 1808 at NAPOLEON’S end of his career he lost influence by
insistence, for his attempts to start a popular alienating various interest groups. Stolypin
national rising against the French occupation was assassinated by a left-wing group in 1911,
(see NAPOLEONIC WARS). He moved to possibly with secret police assistance.
Austria and worked as an advisor to Tsar Straits Convention (1841) Multilateral
ALEXANDER I of Russia, before returning agreement on access rights to the Straits,
to Prussia in the wake of Napoleon’s retreat settled in London in July 1841. The Straits –
from Russia. As the chief administrator of the the navigable waterway between the Aegean
German territories, Stein again attempted to Sea and the Black Sea – had proved
organise a national rising that could lead to a contentious throughout the century. Foreign
unification of the German states. However, military access to the Straits had been denied
these plans were barred by METTERNICH as in 1809 by a bilateral treaty between Turkey
they clashed with HABSBURG policy of and the UK: but this had been overturned by
Austria being the dominant German state. the treaties of ADRIANOPLE of 1829 and
Stein retired from national politics after the UNKIAR-SKELESSI of 1833, which gave
Russia greater access through its protectorate
Stresa Front 146

of Turkey. In 1840, influenced by growing People’s party from 1919, he then became
instability in the region caused by Egypt’s war accommodated to the republic, but did not
with the OTTOMAN EMPIRE that had accept the terms of the treaty of
started in 1839, the British and French insisted VERSAILLES: however, he developed the
that the area should be internationally strategy of negotiating changes to the
regulated, due to their interests in supporting settlement rather than attempting to overturn
the Ottomans and denying Russia military it. In August 1923 Stresemann became
access to the Mediterranean, and established a Chancellor of a coalition government. In this
convention on the issue in London in 1841. role, he helped to solve the inflation crisis
The Convention, attended by representatives through adopting a policy of austerity and by
from the HABSBURG empire, France, appointing SCHACHT as finance
Prussia, Russia, Turkey and the UK, ruled that commissioner. His government collapsed in
the Straits should be closed to non-Turkish November 1923 when the left-wing parties
warships when Turkey was at peace. withdrew over the use of force against
Although this did not finally settle the issue communists, but Stresemann remained in
(see for example CRIMEAN WAR), the 1841 office as Foreign Minister. Here, he was able
Convention remained in force until the treaty to work with the victorious powers of 1918
of LAUSANNE of 1923. towards a revision of the peace settlement. He
Stresa Front Tripartite agreement against helped to solve the RUHR occupation crisis,
German rearmament, April 1935. In the wake negotiated the Dawes plan on
of HITLER’S announcement in March 1935 REPARATIONS, and helped Germany’s
that Germany was rearming despite the international rehabilitation through the
restrictions imposed by the treaty of LOCARNO treaties of 1925 (for which he
VERSAILLES, France, Italy and the UK shared the Nobel Peace Prize with BRIAND)
convened at Stresa to discuss a response. The and by taking Germany into the LEAGUE OF
three powers issued a joint statement NATIONS in 1926. Stresemann signed the
condemning German rearmament, and KELLOGG-BRIAND PACT in 1928. He
pledging their continued support of the died in office in October 1929.
treaties of Versailles and LOCARNO. The Struggle of Cultures see KULTURKAMPF.
Stresa Front thus stood for a while as a Svoboda, Ludvik (1895–1979)
potentially powerful block against German Czechoslovakian soldier and politician. After
aggression. However, beyond demonstrating serving in the FIRST WORLD WAR,
the increasing ineffectiveness of the Svoboda remained in the army throughout the
LEAGUE OF NATIONS, the Stresa Front inter-war period, teaching at
involved little real commitment from any of Czechoslovakia’s staff college from 1937. In
the signatories. The UK soon diluted it by the USSR from 1939, he helped to build up the
concluding the ANGLO-GERMAN NAVAL Czechoslovak Army Corps in association
AGREEMENT, as did France through its with the Red Army, and he served in the
mutual aid agreement with the USSR. The successful advance on Prague, which ended in
relations between the Stresa powers. The After serving as Minister of Defence in the
Front was finally annulled in November 1936 post-war government, he was targeted by
by the creation of the AXIS, which put Italy STALIN in 1950, suffering dismissal and a
into a closer relationship with Germany. brief period of imprisonment. After Stalin’s
Stresemann, Gustav (1878–1929) German death in 1953, Svoboda rejoined the army, and
politician. Stresemann entered national retired in 1959. In the early 1960s,
politics in 1907 as a Deputy. He supported the KHRUSHCHEV promoted Svoboda as a
FIRST WORLD WAR, and, despite his national hero for his role in the Second World
broadly liberal alignment, supported some of War, and this new prominence established
the right-wing attempts against the WEIMAR him as a safe president in March 1968 to
REPUBLIC in its early days. Leader of the replace NOVOTNY. Svoboda worked with
147 Tannenberg, battle of

DUBCEK’S reform programme (see some royalist sympathies, and did not return
PRAGUE SPRING), and made some efforts to France after LOUIS XVI’S execution in
to minimise the Soviet-backed repression that 1793, moving instead to the USA. He returned
followed. He stayed in office until 1975. to France after the Directory was established
syndicalism Political and economic in July 1795, and worked with this new
ideology. Syndicalism emerged in the late government as Foreign Minister from 1797,
nineteenth century. Related to while also plotting with NAPOLEON, who he
ANARCHISM, particularly through the saw as a potentially strong leader. Talleyrand
influence of PROUDHON, syndicalism helped Napoleon come to power in the
centred on trade unions rather than political BRUMAIRE coup of 1799, and kept office
parties as agents of revolutionary change. It until 1807. In this post, he was influential in
aimed to achieve workers’ control of such diplomatic developments as France’s
industries and of political power, through 1801 Concordat with the Roman Catholic
strike action including general strikes. It was Church, the treaty of AMIENS of 1802, and
particularly influential before the FIRST the creation of the CONFEDERATION OF
WORLD WAR in France, through the THE RHINE in 1806. He resigned after the
General Confederation of Labour (CGT), treaty of TILSIT of 1807. See NAPOLEONIC
although the union’s failure fully to oppose WARS.
the war dented its radical credibility. It was In 1814 Talleyrand established contacts
also influential in Spain from this period until with the allies and the Bourbon family, and
the SPANISH CIVIL WAR through the was instrumental in the Senate’s deposition of
National Confederation of Labour (CNT); Napoleon. He helped to broker the restoration
and in Italy, where the Syndical Union (US) by getting LOUIS XVIII to agree to establish
promoted the ideology, which subsequently a constitution, and strengthened France’s
influenced the economic programme of post-war position through his diplomacy, as
FASCISM. Syndicalism declined in influence Foreign Minister once more, at the Congress
during the inter-war period. of VIENNA. Although he retired in 1815, he
remained active in politics, and helped to
arrange LOUIS-PHILIPPE’S accession to the
throne during France’s 1830 revolution (see
REVOLUTIONS OF 1830). He served as

France’s Ambassador to London from 1830
until his final retirement in 1834.
Tannenberg, battle of (August 1914) FIRST
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles de (1754– WORLD WAR battle. In August 1914 Russia
1838) French politician. After working as a invaded East Prussia, using two armies under
generals Alexander Samsonov and Paul
priest, Talleyrand became Bishop of Autun in
Rennenkampf. Russia’s fast mobilisation had
1788. He attended the meeting of the Estates-
not been foreseen by the Germans (see
General in 1789 (see FRENCH
SCHLIEFFEN PLAN), and troops earmarked
REVOLUTION), and quickly allied himself for the west were quickly moved eastwards,
with the revolutionary movement. He served thus diluting the attack on Paris (see MARNE,
as a Deputy in the Constituent Assembly, FIRST BATTLE OF). The German forces
where he advocated the state confiscation of were developed by HINDENBURG and
church property as a way of raising revenue. LUDENDORFF, who exploited the lack of
Talleyrand was one of only four bishops to contact between Samsonov and
cooperate with the Civil Constitution of the Rennenkampf and surrounded Samsonov’s
Clergy, introduced in July 1790, for which he army at Tannenberg. The Russians were
was excommunicated. From 1792 Talleyrand heavily defeated, and Samsonov committed
served as France’s Envoy to London. Despite suicide. The German success was
his willingness to promote change, he retained consolidated in early September with the
defeat of Rennenkampf’s army at the
Tehran Conference 148

Masurian Lakes: with only one more major Terror, the (1793–94) Period of mass killing
engagement, also at the Masurian Lakes in and political suppression during the FRENCH
February 1915, this represented the end of REVOLUTION, lasting from 1793 until the
Russia’s invasion of Germany. The Russians Thermidor coup of July 1794, and strongly
lost approximately 250,000 men in the two associated with the leadership of
battles to the Germans’ 20,000. The battle’s ROBESPIERRE and the work of the
popular success with the German people Committee of Public Safety, the Committee of
formed the basis of Hindenburg’s and General Security, and the Revolutionary
Ludendorff’s subsequent political and Tribunal. The contexts for the introduction of
military careers, and established it in German brutal tactics included the FRENCH
nationalist mythology as a key site. This status REVOLUTIONARY WARS, the internal
was confirmed in 1934 when Hindenburg was factional divisions within the Convention,
buried there. and provincial revolts against central
Tehran Conference (November–December regulations on conscription and taxation. The
1943) Inter-allied planning conference of the machinery of the Paris-based committees and
SECOND WORLD WAR. The conference at Tribunal was supplemented elsewhere by the
Tehran, called to discuss common strategy at work of local watch committees and centrally
a time when the ITALIAN CAMPAIGN and appointed representatives-on-mission in the
the Soviet offensive after STALINGRAD and armed forces. These various agencies
KURSK were pushing Germany back from its convicted and punished a large number of
territorial peak of 1942, was the first joint people, both genuine counter-revolutionaries
meeting of the leaders of the UK, the USA and and individuals implicated in factional
the USSR, represented by Winston Churchill, disputes and regional dissent, from leading
Franklin Roosevelt, and STALIN figures such as the GIRONDINS in 1793 and
respectively. The allies agreed on the broad DANTON and his followers in 1794, to
outline of an invasion of northern France in thousands of peasants and workers in the
the spring or summer of 1944 as a way of Vendée and elsewhere. Overall there were
opening a major second front in Europe, 16,594 official executions, and an estimated
which would be coordinated with a new 20–25,000 other casualties.
offensive by the Red Army in the east. Stalin Texel, battle of (October 1797) see FRENCH
agreed to declare war on Japan once the AXIS REVOLUTIONARY WARS.
was defeated in Europe, with Soviet interests Thiers, Adolphe (1797–1877) French pol -
in some Asian territories being recognised itician. A lawyer, journalist and historian, who
(see IMPERIALISM). The future territorial wrote a multi-volume history of the FRENCH
alignment of parts of Europe was considered, REVOLUTION in the 1820s, Thiers entered
particularly the border between Germany and politics in 1830 as one of LOUIS-
Poland (see ODER-NEISSE LINE) and the PHILIPPE’S supporters (see
settlement of eastern Prussia. In this, and in REVOLUTIONS OF 1830). He served as
Stalin’s expressed interest in the Baltic Minister of the Interior in 1832 and from 1834
republics, some of the fault lines in the to 1836, and also as Prime Minister in 1836
alliance that were later to dominate the COLD and 1840. During this period he initiated some
WAR were becoming visible. The other major reforms, but also used force against protests
issue discussed at Tehran was the possibility and riots. In 1840 Thiers resigned when his
of establishing an international organisation foreign policy in the Middle East almost led to
with the power to maintain peace as a a war with the UK. Thiers backed Louis
replacement for the LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Napoleon (see NAPOLEON in) for the
an idea that developed into the UNITED presidency in 1848 (see REVOLUTIONS OF
NATIONS. 1848), but did not support his 1851 coup and
Teplitz, treaty of (September 1813) see the assumption of imperial power, for which
NAPOLEONIC WARS. he was briefly exiled (see SECOND
Tereul offensive (December 1937) see EMPIRE). He returned to politics in 1863 as a
SPANISH CIVIL WAR. Deputy. In February 1871, in the first
elections of the THIRD REPUBLIC, Thiers’
149 Tilsit, treaties of

successes led to his appointment as Head of SEMITISM with a limited welfare state on
Executive Power, leading to his presidency in racial lines. Domestically, the government
August 1871. In this role he made peace with relied heavily upon terrorism, propaganda and
Germany (see FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR), coercion, although the administrative
crushed the PARIS COMMUNE, and raised confusion of the period impeded much of its
loans to pay off the indemnities involved in desired and projected efficiency.
the peace terms. Thiers fell from office in Internationally, the government of the Third
1873 when he lost the support of the Reich was committed to revision of the treaties
predominantly monarchist Assembly. of VERSAILLES and ST GERMAIN, which
Third Coalition see NAPOLEONIC WARS. gave rise to rearmament and expansionist
Third International Soviet-dominated policies (see ANSCHLUSS,
organisation for communist parties, 1919– 43. APPEASEMENT, MUNICH AGREEMENT,
In March 1919 LENIN established the RHINELAND, REMILITARISATION,
Communist International (Comintern, or SECOND WORLD WAR). The Third Reich
Third International) as a counter to the re- came to an end with Germany’s collapse in
formation of the SECOND 1945, after which Germany was divided into
INTERNATIONAL. Aiming to promote two nations on COLD WAR lines until 1990,
COMMUNISM in all countries, the when it was reunified. See GERMAN
International primarily called for revolutions REUNIFICATION.
throughout Europe, and fostered contacts Third Republic France’s political system
between parties in different countries. Under from 1871 until 1940. The Third Republic
ZINOVIEV’S leadership, this policy changed developed out of the FRANCO-PRUSSIAN
in 1921 to one of subversion and infiltration, WAR and NAPOLEON III’S collapse, and
with communists encouraged to work in trade was characterised in its early years by tensions
unions, political parties and other agencies, to between monarchist and republican factions
further communism in their own countries. over the best model of government. When no
The International was purged by Stalin in restoration proved viable, the Republic was
1927 (see YEZHOVSHCHINA), and consolidated by an informal constitution in
promoted frequently shifting policies in the 1875. Throughout its history it remained
late 1920s and 1930s: from non-cooperation characterised by coalition governments.
with anyone but communists in 1928, to the Governments of the pre-FIRST WORLD
POPULAR FRONT model after 1933, to a WAR period introduced various changes to
declining hostility towards FASCISM and French political, social and economic life,
NAZISM after the NAZI-SOVIET PACT in while also developing international interests
1939. In 1943, Stalin dissolved the in IMPERIALISM and European alliances
International during the USSR’s wartime (see FRANCO-RUSSIAN ALLIANCE,
alliance with the UK and the USA, although it ENTENTE CORDIALE); although this period
was effectively re-established as the also saw significant tensions in public life,
Communist Information Bureau particularly over religion, and the authority of
(COMINFORM) in 1945. successive governments and politicians was
Third Reich Name applied to Germany for damaged by such scandals as the
the period of the Nazi party’s dictatorship from BOULANGER AFFAIR and the DREYFUS
1933 to 1945, promoted by HITLER to stress AFFAIR. The Third Republic survived the
the historical legitimacy of the system of FIRST WORLD WAR, and stayed in place for
government, in which the HOLY ROMAN the inter-war period. It was dissolved in July
EMPIRE was the First Reich, and the Second 1940 after France’s defeat by Germany in the
Reich was Germany from unification in 1871 SECOND WORLD WAR.
(see GERMAN UNIFICATION) to the Three Emperors’ Alliance see
1919. Germany under this system was run as a Three Emperors’ League see
one-party state under the personal dictatorship DREIKAISERBUND.
of Hitler. It was ideologically underpinned by Tilsit, treaties of (July 1807) Treaties
NAZISM, thus combining extreme ANTI- between France and Prussia, and France and
Tirpitz, Alfred von 150

Russia, of the NAPOLEONIC WARS. After Canal to allow greater flexibility, built up a
the Prussians were defeated by the French at submarine fleet, and encouraged popular
Jena and Auerstadt in October 1806, and the support for the naval programme through the
Russians at Friedland in July 1807, the treaties German Navy League. When the FIRST
of Tilsit were signed to settle the conflict. The WORLD WAR started, Tirpitz concentrated
Prussian treaty dealt with the defeated power on submarine warfare rather than the use of
harshly. Territorial losses included all of the fleet. He resigned in March 1916 after the
Prussia’s lands west of the Elbe, which went Kaiser forced the limitation of submarine
into the Kingdom of Westphalia, and the land attacks following the sinking of the Lusitania.
taken from Poland, which went into the Grand After the war Tirpitz remained active in right-
Duchy of Warsaw. Prussia also had its army wing politics.
reduced in size, had to pay an indemnity to Tito (Josip Broz) (1892–1980) Yugoslav
France, and was forced to join the soldier and politician. Born in Croatia, Broz
CONTINENTAL SYSTEM against the UK. fought for the HABSBURG army in the
Russia was treated on more equitable terms, FIRST WORLD WAR, and was taken as a
due to mutual advantages that could accrue prisoner of war by the Russians in April 1915.
from the treaty. Its territorial losses – the He became attracted to COMMUNISM
Ionian islands and part of the Dalmatian coast during his imprisonment, and served in the
– were relatively light, and it gained Red Army during the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR
Bialystock. ALEXANDER I agreed to before returning to Croatia in 1920. Here, he
recognise NAPOLEON’S empire in northern, was a founder of a Communist party, taking
central and southern Europe, and took Russia the name ‘Tito’ in 1922 when the party was
into the Continental System, while Napoleon outlawed. A THIRD INTERNATIONAL
agreed that he would not allow Poland to re- agent, he served a six-year prison sentence
emerge as an independent country (see from 1928. He returned to his activities in
IMPERIALISM). Alexander also agreed to 1934, working mainly from Moscow, where
attempt to mediate between France and the he was appointed as Secretary General of the
UK. However, by the secret clauses of the Yugoslav Communist party in 1937. In 1939
treaty, Napoleon committed himself to Tito returned to Yugoslavia. When Germany
supporting Russia’s territorial ambitions invaded Yugoslavia in 1941 (see SECOND
against Sweden and the OTTOMAN WORLD WAR), he moved south and built up
EMPIRE: in return, Alexander agreed to a RESISTANCE movement which waged a
declare war on the UK if negotiations failed. successful guerrilla war against the
Coming eighteen months after the treaty of occupation. In 1943, his predominance was
PRESSBURG, Tilsit provided a great degree confirmed at the Jajce conference, at which
of security for the French empire. It was representatives of six republics agreed to a
Alexander’s renewal of trade with the UK in post-war federated Yugoslav republic with
1810, contrary to the treaty of Tilsit, that Tito as its first leader. After the war he duly
precipitated Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. became Prime Minister of the new republic,
Tirpitz, Alfred von (1849–1930) German but he lost STALIN’S support in 1948 by
sailor and politician. Tirpitz joined the insisting on a non-Stalinist path of
Prussian navy in 1865. In 1891, he produced development for the Balkan region as a whole.
an influential paper on the development of a His success in defying the USSR in the early
high seas fleet which would be powerful COLD WAR won him western support. In
enough to deter attack from the UK, and 1953 Tito was elected as President, a post he
would thus allow Germany’s peaceful retained through five further election victories
colonial development (see IMPERIALISM). and, from 1974, through being given the
Minister of Marine from 1897, Tirpitz led the office for life. He oversaw Yugoslavia’s
development of the German fleet along these successful reconstruction after the Second
lines. Through navy laws of 1898 and 1900, World War, with economic, welfare and social
the fleet was expanded, with Dreadnought- reforms, but the compromises involved in
slyle battleships introduced from 1906. He maintaining the republic became evident after
also supervised improvements in the Kiel
151 Troppau, Congress of

his death in office in 1980. See from the other two partners if it was attacked
YUGOSLAVIA, DISSOLUTION. by France; while Italy would remain neutral in
Trafalgar, battle of (October 1805) see any war between Austria-Hungary and
NAPOLEONIC WARS. Russia. The treaty also committed Austria-
Trianon, treaty of (June 1920) Peace treaty Hungary and Germany to remain out of Italy,
between the allied powers and Hungary at the thus providing confirmation of ITALIAN
end of the FIRST WORLD WAR, one of the UNIFICATION. The Alliance, which was
treaties written during the PARIS PEACE renewed a number of times between 1882 and
CONFERENCE. With the collapse of the 1912, helped to cement Franco-Russian
Austro-Hungarian empire at the end of the relations. Ultimately, it was never fully used,
war, the allies dealt with Hungary as an as Germany’s attack on France in 1914 (see
independent republic. The treaty imposed FIRST WORLD WAR) left Italy free not to
massive territorial losses on Hungary: in all, intervene. In May 1915, Italy’s signature of
approximately two thirds of its pre-1914 the treaty of LONDON led to its withdrawal
territory, and three fifths of its population, from the Alliance, and thus the Alliance’s
were lost. It left Hungary as a predominantly termination.
Magyar nation state with few minorities, Triple Entente Name popularly applied to the
although it left approximately one third of the network of agreements between France,
Magyar population in other countries. The Russia and the UK that existed from 1907.
territorial losses were mainly in favour of the France and Russia had been in a military
new successor states in eastern Europe. alliance since 1894 (see FRANCO-
Czechoslovakia gained Slovakia and RUSSIAN ALLIANCE), while the UK’s
Ruthenia, part of northern Slovakia went to 1904 colonial agreement with France, the
the revived Poland, and Croatia-Slavonia and ENTENTE CORDIALE, brought the UK into
Vojvodina went to the new Kingdom of the this anti-German orbit. In August 1907,
Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Other areas went Russia and the UK reached their own colonial
to two of the victorious allies: Romania agreement in St Petersburg, which mirrored
gained Transylvania and part of Banat (a gain the Entente Cordials by settling long-standing
that was larger than the remainder of Hungary disputes: most notably it involved the division
after Trianon), while Italy gained Fiume. In of Persia into spheres of influence, and
addition, the Burgenland area on the Austro- recognised British interests in Afghanistan.
Hungarian border went to Austria, although This agreement thus completed the network
within this Sopron was allowed a plebiscite of relations between the three countries, and
which, in 1921, returned it to Hungary. The created a context for further cooperation and
treaty also imposed reparations payments on military preparations against the assumed
Hungary, and limited the army to 35,000 enmity of the TRIPLE ALLIANCE. For
troops. The severity of the treaty remained a example, in 1912, France and the UK made
major political issue in inter-war Hungary. joint naval plans for action in the North Sea,
Triple Alliance Military alliance between the English Channel, the north Atlantic, and
Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy, signed the Mediterranean. The Triple Entente
at Vienna in May 1882. With the DUAL effectively became a military alliance by the
ALLIANCE already in place, Germany was London declaration of September 1914,
eager to gain further allies against France. In whereby the three powers agreed that none
1882, Italy showed an interest in moving would make a separate peace with Austria-
closer to Germany after French imperial Hungary and/or Germany. This declaration
actions in Tripoli (see IMPERIALISM). This, formed the basis of the military alliance of the
along with BISMARCK’S fear of a Franco- FIRST WORLD WAR, until Russian
Russian alliance, provided the context for the withdrawal in 1917 (see RUSSIAN
Triple Alliance, designed to work in parallel REVOLUTIONS 1917), and the subsequent
with the Dual Alliance. By the terms of the treaty of BREST-LITOVSK, destroyed the
alliance, Germany would gain the backing of Entente.
the other two partners if it was attacked by Troppau, Congress of (October– December
France and/ or Russia; Italy would gain aid 1820) One of the meetings of the
Trotsky, Leon (1879–1940) 152

QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE powers plus revolutionary forces in the RUSSIAN CIVIL

France in the CONGRESS SYSTEM. The WAR. A close ally of Lenin’s, Trotsky’s
Congress was called by ALEXANDER I of influence declined after Lenin’s death as
Russia in response to the revolutions that were STALIN used his support network within the
taking place in Portugal, Spain and the Communist party to confirm his own
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (see SPANISH succession. In 1925 Trotsky lost his
RISINGS, NEAPOLITAN RISING). government post. Two years later he was
Alexander called for the Alliance to use expelled from the party, and in 1929 was
military force against revolutions, but this deported from the USSR. He spent his exile in
policy was rejected by the British government Europe and Mexico, writing historical and
on the grounds that intervention in internal theoretical works on COMMUNISM and the
affairs of other states would destroy the Russian Revolution. He was used as the
balance of power. The Congress assembled at symbol of divergence and subversion by
Troppau in October, with the UK and France Stalin during the purges (see
sending only observers. The HABSBURG YEZHOVSHCHINA), when many of the
empire and Prussia broadly agreed with the victims were accused of ‘Trotskyism’. In
Russian anti-revolutionary attitude, and the 1940 he was murdered in Mexico on Stalin’s
protocol of 19 November 1820 committed orders. Trotskyism, with an emphasis on
members to act against a state if that state’s global rather than purely national revolution,
internal affairs endangered any other state. remained an influential strand in left-wing
This formed the basis for intervention in politics after Trotsky’s death.
Spain, Portugal and the Two Sicilies, and Two plus Four talks (1990) see GERMAN
confirmed the British fears about the way in REUNIFICATION.
which the Quadruple Alliance had developed.
The Congress reconvened at LAIBACH in
January 1821.
Trotsky, Leon (Lev Bronstein) (1879– 1940)

Russian and Soviet politician and theorist. A
Social Democrat from 1896, Bronstein was
exiled to Siberia in 1898 for his revolutionary
activities. Here, he took the name of Ulbricht, Walter (1893–1973) German and
‘Trotsky’. He escaped from Siberia, and East German politician. Ulbricht joined the
worked with LENIN in London from 1902. In German Communist party at its foundation in
the party’s 1903 split, Trotsky sided with the 1919 See COMMUNISM, and after a brief
MENSHEVIKS. He returned to Russia spell in the USSR, sat in Saxony’s parliament
during the 1905 Revolution (see RUSSIAN from 1926 and in the Reichstag from 1928,
REVOLUTION 1905) and set up a workers’ until the party was outlawed under the THIRD
soviet in St Petersburg. Exiled again after the REICH. Ulbricht left Germany for France and
revolution, he escaped and travelled in Europe then the USSR, where he remained until the
and the USA. In May 1917 Trotsky returned to end of the SECOND WORLD WAR. In April
Russia as a BOLSHEVIK, and worked with 1945 he returned to Berlin, and with Soviet
Lenin in planning and coordinating the backing reconstructed the communist
October revolution (see RUSSIAN movement in the Soviet occupation zone of
REVOLUTIONS 1917). Trotsky led the early Germany. In 1946 he headed the Socialist
negotiations with Germany to end Russian Unity party, and in 1950 became the leader of
involvement in the FIRST WORLD WAR, the Communist party of the newly created
although he deliberately extended these talks German Democratic Republic (GDR).
that eventually led to the treaty of BREST- Effectively the country’s leader, particularly
LITOVSK. He then concentrated on military after his appointment as Chairman of the
affairs as Commissar for War, developing the Council of State in 1960, he imposed a rigid
Red Army to fight against counter-
153 Unkiar-Skelessi, treaty of

Stalinist policy on the GDR, and contributed Security Council member’s power of veto
to COLD WAR tensions by suppressing the meant that it was unable to act in a number of
rising of 1953, and by erecting the BERLIN COLD WAR flashpoints in which Soviet
WALL in 1961. Ulbricht retired in 1971. troops were involved, such as the
United Nations (UN) International HUNGARIAN RISING of 1956, or the
intergovernmental organisation that PRAGUE SPRING of 1968. Moreover, the
succeeded the LEAGUE OF NATIONS after UN was effectively bypassed by NATO
the SECOND WORLD WAR. The idea of a during early stages of the KOSOVO WAR of
new international organisation to promote 1999.
collective security developed during the As well as its role in promoting collective
Second World War, formally emerging at security, the UN sponsored and promoted a
allied foreign ministers’ talks in Moscow in number of specialist agencies and
October 1943, and subsequently at TEHRAN, organisations, including the United Nations
Dumbarton Oaks and YALTA. The UN was Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
set up in June 1945 at the San Francisco (UNRRA, 1943–49), which it inherited from
conference, which drafted its charter, an inter-allied initiative; the United Nations
subsequently signed by governmental Educational, Scientific and Cultural
representatives from fifty-one nations. The Organisation (UNESCO, established in
UN held its first sessions in London, before 1946); the International Labour Organisation
moving to New York City. The General (ILO, inherited from the League of Nations in
Assembly was established as the body’s 1946); the Food and Agriculture Organisation
debating forum, while the Security Council (FAO, established in 1945); the International
was set up as the executive, consisting of five Bank for Reconstruction and Development
permanent members (China, France, the UK, (see BRETTON WOODS CONFERENCE),
the USA and the USSR, the latter replaced by established in 1945; the World Health
Russia in 1991) and ten temporary members. Organisation (WHO, established in 1948);
The World Court was instituted as the UN’s and the United Nations Children’s Fund
judiciary. The post of secretary-general was (UNICEF, established in 1947). The diversity
created for the head of the UN’s of these agencies demonstrates the UN’s
administration. This structure has survived broadening remit.
throughout the UN’s history; and, to date, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
three Europeans have held the secretary- see UNITED NATIONS.
generalship: LIE, HAMMARSKJØLD and United Nations Educational, Scientific and
WALDHEIM. Although it has never Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) see
developed its own armed forces, all member UNITED NATIONS.
countries have been committed to providing United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
resources for military actions when required: Administration (UNRAA) see UNITED
this key difference has set it apart from the NATIONS.
League of Nations, as have the USA’s Unkiar-Skelessi, treaty of (July 1833)
membership and the prominent place given to Bilateral treaty between Russia and the
collective security through the Security OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Following on from
Council. Russian aid to the Ottoman empire in its war
In its main work of promoting peace against Egypt, the treaty created a military
through collective security, the UN has had alliance. Russia committed itself to providing
mixed successes in Europe. It helped to military assistance in case of future attacks;
manage cease-fires in Cyprus in 1964 and while the Ottoman empire agreed to close the
1974 (see ENOSIS); and provided a Straits to warships from other powers. This
significant peace-keeping force for the aspect of the treaty built on Russia’s gains in
Balkans during the violence involved in the the treaty of ADRIANOPLE of 1829, but was
break-up of Yugoslavia (see YUGOSLAVIA, overturned in 1841 by the STRAITS
DISSOLUTION) from 1992. However, each CONVENTION. Beyond the Straits issue, the
Valmy, battle of 154

treaty demonstrated the Ottoman empire’s territorial gains. He resigned in October 1915
declining power, and Russia’s intention to after failing to secure Greek entry into the
maintain a presence in the eastern Balkans. FIRST WORLD WAR against Germany:
King CONSTANTINE I favoured neutrality.
Venizelos established a provisional
government in Salonika, and in 1917 was able
(with overseas backing) to secure

Constantine’s abdication. As Prime Minister
again, he declared war on Germany and
Bulgaria, and duly represented Greece at the
which Greece made significant territorial
Valmy, battle of (September 1792) Battle in gains (see treaty of SÈVRES). Venizelos lost
the FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS. the 1920 election, but held office again in
After the Prussian invasion of France, and 1924, from 1928 until 1932, and in 1933. He
defeats at Languy and Verdun, the Duke of left Greece in 1935 after an unsuccessful coup
Brunswick’s army was set to attack Paris in attempt, and died in France the following year.
order to enforce LOUIS XVI’S restoration. Verdun, battle of (September 1792) see
This threat caused great instability within FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS.
Paris, most evident in the mass killings of Verdun, battle of (February–December
aristocrats and others in the city’s prisons in 1916) FIRST WORLD WAR battle in
September (see FRENCH REVOLUTION). northeast France. Verdun had historical
However, on 20 September, the French army significance for France, and had been
met the Prussians at Valmy. The numerically developed as a strategic fortification after the
inferior Prussians attacked the French FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. In February
artillery, and retreated soon after this attack 1916, German forces launched a massive
had been withstood. Although there were attack on Verdun, aiming to carry out a
relatively few casualties – approximately 300 sustained campaign which would bring
French and 180 Prussians were killed – the hundreds of thousands of French troops into
Prussians chose to withdraw back into action. The battle started with the largest
Prussia. The French victory provided the artillery bombardment of the war to date, and
revolutionary government and its supporters by the summer the Germans had captured two
with great momentum, seen most obviously in key forts, at Vaux and Douaumont. However,
the abolition of the monarchy in the battle’s German resources were then diluted by the
immediate aftermath. battle of the SOMME and, on the eastern
Vendean Revolt (1793–6) see FRENCH front, by the BRUSILOV OFFENSIVE, and
REVOLUTIONARY WARS; FRENCH the French, under PÉTAIN and Robert
REVOLUTION. Nivelle, regained the lost ground. The battle
Venizelos, Eleutherios (1864–1936) Greek continued until December 1916. Although
politician. Originally from Crete, Venizelos Verdun did not fall, the Germans achieved
was active in the anti-OTTOMAN movement their aim of depleting French resources:
of the late nineteenth and early twentieth approximately 362,000 French troops were
centuries. As President of Crete’s Assembly, killed. However, Germany lost some 337,000
he led Crete into union with Greece in 1905, in return. The allies used Verdun as the basis
before moving to Athens. In 1910 he became for further campaigns in August 1917 and
Prime Minister of Greece, introducing a September 1918.
number of reforms and strengthening Verona, Congress of (October–December
Greece’s international position through his 1822) Last major meeting of the
work on the Balkan League. Venizelos led QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE powers plus
Greece in the BALKAN WARS of 1912 and France under the CONGRESS SYSTEM. The
1913, and was credited with the country’s Congress was called to discuss the
155 Vichy

revolutionary situations in Greece and Spain Staff was abolished, and tanks were banned.
(see GREEK WAR OF INDEPENDENCE, The airforce was proscribed, and the navy cut
SPANISH RISINGS). The UK continued to in both tonnage and personnel. As well as
advocate non-intervention, and was partially these territorial and military clauses, the treaty
backed in this by METTERNICH, but the established German guilt for starting the war,
Congress established a plan which allowed and established a system of compensatory
France to intervene in Spain, which it duly did REPARATIONS. The treaty proved
in 1823. This resolution effectively ended the extremely unpopular in Germany, and
Congress System, as it finally stressed the became a major cause for resentment and
different objectives of the UK and the instability in the WEIMAR REPUBLIC. Its
continental powers, although informal revision was consistently championed by the
meetings of the remaining powers continued Nazi party (see NAZISM), while the lack of
to take place. faith that a number of British and French
Versailles, treaty of (June 1919) Peace treaty politicians had in the settlement helped to
between the allied powers and Germany at the inform APPEASEMENT.
end of the FIRST WORLD WAR, one of the Vichy Name applied to the interim
treaties written during the PARIS PEACE government of the unoccupied part of France,
CONFERENCE. Territorially, Germany lost July 1940–July 1944, taken from the town
outright Alsace and Lorraine to France; North where its administration was based. In June
Schleswig to Denmark; and parts of Posen and 1940, after Germany’s early successes in the
West Prussia to the restored state of Poland as SECOND WORLD WAR left France facing
the ‘POLISH CORRIDOR’ so that it could defeat, Prime Minister PÉTAIN secured a
have access to the sea, which also divided East peace settlement which left three fifths of
Prussia from the rest of Germany. A number of France under a German occupation, and the
areas were set up for plebiscites: through remainder under a French government. In
these, Germany lost Eupen and Malmédy to July, this interim government took Vichy as its
Belgium in 1920 and part of Upper Silesia to capital, with the National Assembly voting to
Poland in 1921, although plebiscite areas in destroy the constitution of the THIRD
East Prussia and the rest of Upper Silesia were REPUBLIC, and Pétain assuming dictatorial
returned to Germany in 1920 and 1921 powers. He worked closely with both LAVAL
respectively. The coalrich area of the Saar was and DARLAN as chief ministers. The
to be run by the LEAGUE OF NATIONS for government had very little real power, and
the benefit of France for fifteen years: the relied upon German approval for its
subsequent plebiscite of 1935 returned this existence: it thus developed as a focus for
area to Germany. The Memmelland was many reactionary strands in recent French
placed under allied administration to ensure history, promoting anti-republicanism,
that the new state of Lithuania had access to ANTISEMITISM, the Catholic Church, and
the sea; while Danzig was established as a free corporatism. Acts that exemplified these
city under League control. As in the treaty of ideologies included the use of compulsory
ST GERMAIN, ANSCHLUSS with Austria labour from August 1942; and cooperation
was forbidden. Germany also lost all of its with the German government’s anti-Jewish
non-European colonies, which were managed policies, which led Vichy to help organise the
as MANDATES. The area between the Rhine deportations of approximately 75,000 Jews
and Germany’s western borders was placed from France. See FINAL SOLUTION.
under allied military occupation for a In November 1942 the German army
projected fifteen years, while the eastern bank occupied Vichy territory as a defensive move
of the Rhine was demilitarised to a depth of against the possibility of an invasion from
fifty kilometres (see RHINELAND, north Africa, although the French government
REMILITARISATION). Germany was continued to function. In July 1944, after the
forcibly disarmed by the treaty: the army was NORMANDY CAMPAIGN, the government
reduced to 100,000 volunteers, the General was moved to Sigmaringen in Germany,
Victor Emmanuel II 156

where it worked as a puppet government-in- in 1936 and King of Albania in 1939. In 1943
exile until May 1945. After the war, many of he dismissed Mussolini after the Fascist
the leading politicians of Vichy were Grand Council had agreed to depose him (see
punished by the new French government: SECOND WORLD WAR, ITALIAN
Laval was executed, for example, and Pétain CAMPAIGN) and appointed BADOGLIO in
sentenced to life imprisonment. The legacy of his place. In May 1946, with a referendum on
the collaboration involved in Vichy remained the monarchy imminent, he abdicated and
a problematic feature in post-war French went into exile in Egypt. The Italian monarchy
politics and society. was abolished the following month. Victor
Victor Emmanuel II (1820–78) King of Emmanuel died in Egypt in 1947.
Piedmont-Sardinia 1849–61, and of Italy Vienna, Congress of (November 1814– June
1861–78. The son of King Charles Albert, 1815) International conference on European
Victor Emmanuel succeeded in 1849 after his peace, established by the treaty of PARIS of
father’s abdication during the revolution of May 1814. The Congress began in November
1848 (see REVOLUTIONS OF 1848). He 1814, under METTERNICH’S management,
accepted the role of a constitutional monarch, and brought together leading representatives
retaining control in foreign and military from all of the countries that had been
policy. He worked with CAVOUR and involved in the twenty-three years of conflict
GARIBALDI towards a unified Italy under of the FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS
Piedmontese leadership, secretly backing the and the NAPOLEONIC WARS. France,
latter’s Sicilian campaign of 1860 (see represented by TALLEYRAND, was
ITALIAN UNIFICATION). He led an army included in the negotiations. The work of the
south to meet Garibaldi in the Papal States in Congress was interrupted in March 1815
1861, subsequently taking the title of King of when NAPOLEON escaped from his exile on
Italy. Victor Emmanuel added Venetia to his Elba and regained power in France. The
kingdom in 1866 after backing Prussia in the Congress led to the formation of the
Rome the new capital in 1870 when the 1815, and to the short-lived CONGRESS
French garrison left. SYSTEM.
Victor Emmanuel III (1869–1947) King of The Congress dealt with territorial issues
Italy, 1900–46. Victor Emmanuel III throughout the continent and beyond. In the
succeeded in July 1900 when his father, German states, the GERMAN
Umberto, was assassinated. His political role CONFEDERATION of thirty-nine
was constitutionally limited, but he was independent states under Austrian leadership
involved in Italy’s pragmatic foreign policy of was established, while Prussia was enlarged
the pre-FIRST WORLD WAR period, and and strengthened through the award of the
supported the country’s entry into the war in Rhineland, and parts of Pomerania, Saxony
1915 on the side of the TRIPLE ENTENTE and Westphalia. The HABSBURG empire
powers. He held this policy despite Italy’s gave up its territories in the Netherlands,
commitment to the TRIPLE ALLIANCE (see which were joined with Holland to form the
LONDON, TREATY OF, 1915) and despite United Kingdom of the Netherlands, but
parliamentary opposition to the war. After the gained territories in the Italian states
war, Victor Emmanuel was involved in the (including Venetia, Lombardy and Illyria),
Fascists’ rise to power (see FASCISM): in the part of the Dalmatian coast, and Tyrol and
face of growing unrest, he invited Salzburg. Russia gained most of Poland,
MUSSOLINI to form a government in which was established as a kingdom under the
October 1922, and refused to declare martial Tsar, along with Finland from Sweden and
law as advised by his prime minister, FACTA Bessarabia from Turkey. The UK gained a
(see MARCH ON ROME). Thereafter he number of strategic sea ports in Europe and
became effectively a figurehead who beyond, including Heligoland, Malta, Ceylon
provided the government with an air of and the Cape of Good Hope. Piedmont gained
legitimacy. He was made Emperor of Ethiopia Genoa, while there were royal restorations in
157 Waldheim, Kurt

Spain and some of the Italian states. AUSTRIAN WAR of 1859. After the French
Switzerland was established as an victories at Magenta and Solferino in June
independent state, while France made some 1859, NAPOLEON in called an armistice
colonial gains in the Caribbean. rather than risk an escalation of the war. The
The Congress had three broad aims: to peace terms were settled, without
restore monarchies where possible; to settle Piedmontese representation, between
territorial issues that had arisen out of the Napoleon III and FRANCIS JOSEPH at
wars; and to promote peace and stability in Villafranca in July. By the treaty, most of
Europe through a ‘balance of power’. These Lombardy was taken by France, to be
aims, which were not always mutually transferred in turn to Piedmont-Sardinia. The
compatible, and the sheer number of states Habsburg empire kept Venetia, and the dukes
and thus national interests represented, meant of Tuscany and Modena were restored. The
that a number of issues were resolved only by treaty was unpopular with many nationalists
compromise. Divisions between the in the Italian states, as it appeared to represent
victorious powers were often evident. This the end of French support for the idea of
was clearest in the discussion over the ITALIAN UNIFICATION, and CAVOUR
division of Poland: Russia wanted all of resigned over it. However, it did reflect the
Poland, including Prussian territories, and decline in Habsburg influence in the Italian
suggested that Prussia have all of Saxony in states.
compensation. This solution was unattractive Vittoria, battle of (June 1813) see
to Habsburg empire and the UK, due to the NAPOLEONIC WARS.
strength it would give to both Russia and Vittoria Veneto, battle of (October–
Prussia, and these two powers formed a secret November 1918) see FIRST WORLD WAR.
military alliance with France. Although this
issue was settled by compromise, it indicated
the fragility of the wartime partners’
peacetime relationships. However, despite the
many loose ends, there was no major war in
Europe until the CRIMEAN WAR began in
1853; and many of the changes made at
Vienna were still in place in 1914.
Wagram, battle of (July 1809) see
Vienna, treaty of (October 1864) Peace
treaty that ended the SCHLESWIG WAR of
Waldheim, Kurt (born 1918) Austrian
1864, between the victorious HABSBURG
politician and diplomat. After serving in the
empire and Prussia and the defeated
German army during the SECOND WORLD
Denmark. Denmark agreed to give up all
WAR, Waldheim entered the Austrian
claims to the disputed territories of Schleswig,
diplomatic service. He was involved in the
Holstein and Lauenberg. The duchies were
negotiation of the AUSTRIAN STATE
given to the Habsburg empire and Prussia, to
TREATY of 1955. In 1968, four years after
be administered jointly. This proved to be
leaving the service, he became Foreign
unsatisfactory in practice, with the two
Minister, a post he held until 1970. The
powers meeting at Gastein (see GASTEIN,
following year he stood unsuccessfully for
CONVENTION OF) in August 1865 to agree
election to the presidency. In 1972 he
a future model of administration. This
succeeded U-Thant as Secretary-General of
bilateral action, taken without consultation
the UNITED NATIONS, although his ten
years in office were not distinguished by any
demonstrated that body’s declining influence
great successes: despite some progress over
in relation to Prussia. See also GERMAN
Cyprus (see ENOSIS), Waldheim made few
advances in various African and Middle
Villafranca, treaty of (July 1859) Peace
Eastern problems. He retired in 1981. In 1986
treaty between France and the HABSBURG
he ran for the Austrian presidency again. His
empire which ended the FRANCO-
campaign presented his critics with the
Walesa, Lech 158

opportunity to publicise his war record, which cooperate with the Bolsheviks, notably the
had included active roles in the killing of state bank, meant that the new government felt
Yugoslav partisans and the deportation of the need to intervene directly.
Jews (see FINAL SOLUTION, War communism had a number of strands.
RESISTANCE). Waldheim denied these It included the nationalisation of virtually all
allegations, and won the election, but he was industries and businesses, including banking;
refused entry to a number of other countries the conscription of large parts of the labour
during his term in office. He did not stand for force; the dilution of trade union power; the
re-election in 1982. banning of private commerce in agricultural
Walesa, Lech (born 1943) Polish trade goods; and the requisitioning of agricultural
unionist and politician. Walesa worked as an produce. The measures were backed up by
electrician in the Gdansk shipyards from 1967 force and terror, particularly in the
until his dismissal in 1976. He re-emerged in countryside, where special committees were
1979 as a strike leader in the docks, which led established to inform on any producers
to his negotiating role with the Polish hoarding supplies: this directly increased
government in the talks that led to the class tensions, with ‘kulaks’ (the richer
establishment of SOLIDARITY, a free trade farmers) being vilified.
union. In August 1980 he became Solidarity’s The results of war communism were
chairman. In December 1981 he was disastrous, economically, socially and
imprisoned when JARUZELSKI’S politically. Hyper-inflation led to the collapse
government imposed martial law: he served of money, creating an unstable and
eleven months. On his release, he returned to unpredictable barter economy. Industrial
his role as a spokesman for Solidarity, and production declined to approximately 20 per
gained a high profile nationally and cent of Russia’s 1913 output (although the
internationally: for example, he developed loss of territory in 1918 must be remembered
contacts with Pope JOHN PAUL II, and won here), while urban dwellers migrated to the
the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize. In the late 1980s countryside in large numbers in the face of
he participated in the talks that re-established starvation in the cities: the population of
Solidarity, and in Poland’s revolution of 1989 Petrograd, for example, fell by 80 per cent
(see REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91). Walesa between 1917 and 1920. The requisitioning
won the presidential election in 1990. His policies in the countryside led many
term in office was characterised by attempts at producers to hoard their produce, and to
economic and social reform, a promotion of produce less: combined with the military
the Roman Catholic Church, and an increase disruption and deliberate government policies
of power in the hands of the presidency. He in some areas, this caused famine and
lost the 1995 election to the former epidemics that contributed significantly to the
communist, Alexander Kwasniewski. total Civil War dead of up to 10,000,000.
Wall Street Crash (1929) see Black markets thrived in all towns and cities.
DEPRESSION, GREAT. The Bolsheviks began to turn away from war
war communism Name given to the communism in early 1921 in the light of the
BOLSHEVIKS’ domestic policies from discontent it was causing, with the naval
March 1918 until March 1921, during the mutiny at Kronstadt coming as a decisive
RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR. The Bolsheviks had factor. It was replaced by the partial free
envisaged a gradual take-over of the Russian market of LENIN’S NEW ECONOMIC
economy. However, circumstances in early POLICY in March 1921.
1918 created an environment for a more rapid Warsaw Pact Military alliance. After the
movement towards COMMUNISM. The establishment of NATO in 1949 as a US-
development of the Civil War brought strains backed military alliance for western and
on supplies; the loss of territory at the treaty of southern Europe, the USSR did not
BREST-LITOVSK removed significant immediately respond with a similar alliance.
agricultural and industrial producers from However, it took this option under
Russia; and the refusal of some institutions to KHRUSHCHEV in May 1955 at a crucial
159 Waterloo, battle of

stage in the COLD WAR, following anti- Washington, primarily to discuss their
communist demonstrations in the German interests in the Far East. However, the
Democratic Republic (GDR) in 1953, the conference also produced a naval agreement
Federal Republic of Germany’s (FRG) which had implications for European
membership of NATO in 1954, and the disarmament. By this agreement, France,
impending end of the allied occupation of Italy, Japan, the UK and the USA agreed to
Austria (see AUSTRIAN STATE TREATY). limit their navies in relation to each other (on
In this context, the Treaty of Friendship, a ratio of 1.75: 1.75: 3.15: 5.25: 5.25), and
Cooperation and Mutual Alliance signed at agreed to place a moratorium on all new
Warsaw in May 1955 established the Warsaw capital ship construction for ten years. This
Pact as a military alliance based on mutual aid agreement was renewed by Japan, the UK and
between signatories in case of aggression, an the USA at London in 1930.
integrated command, and the basing of Soviet Waterloo, battle of (18 June 1815) Ultimate
forces in signatories’ territories. The founder battle of the ‘Hundred Days’ phase of the
members were Albania, Bulgaria, NAPOLEONIC WARS, fought by France
Czechoslovakia, the GDR, Hungary, Poland, against an alliance of the Netherlands, Prussia
Romania and the USSR, although Soviet and the UK. After NAPOLEON’S escape
domination was inherent not just through its from Elba, and his reacquisition of power in
basing of troops in the other countries, but also Paris, the victorious powers of 1814
through the relative size of its contribution, remobilised against France. The British and
the structure of the high command, and the Dutch built up a combined army in the
alliance being based in Moscow. Finland Netherlands under the Duke of Wellington,
declined an invitation to join in 1955. with the Prussians under Gebhard von
In 1956, troops based in Hungary under the Blücher aiming to join them. Napoleon
Pact were involved in suppression the marched into the Netherlands to take on these
HUNGARIAN RISING, a move which forces, aiming to prevent their combination,
showed that part of the Pact’s agenda was the and to remove them from Europe before the
maintenance of Soviet domination through HABSBURG empire and Russia could fully
eastern Europe (see IMPERIALISM). This mobilise. On 16 June 1815, the French beat
was shown again in 1968, when Warsaw Pact the Prussians at Ligny, and fought an
forces invaded Czechoslovakia to suppress indecisive battle with the Dutch army at
the PRAGUE SPRING. Albania withdrew Quatre Bras. The French then advanced on
from the pact in 1968. During the Brussels, but they were stopped at Waterloo
REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91, the USSR’s by the Anglo-Dutch force on 18 June. For
refusal to re-invoke the BREZHNEV doctrine much of the day the French seemed to be
meant that one of the Warsaw Pact’s purposes gaining ground, with repeated attacks of the
had gone; while it lost the GDR in 1990 Anglo-Dutch army causing many casualties,
through GERMAN REUNIFICATION. The but by the early evening the French began to
pact was formally dissolved in April 1991, show their exhaustion, and the battle turned
and a number of former members moved against them when the Prussians arrived, and
closer to NATO in the general realignment of when a final attack by Napoleon’s elite
alliances that characterised the end of the Imperial Guard on the centre of the Anglo-
COLD WAR in Europe. In May 1999 the Dutch lines was shattered by a rifle volley and
Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland became a bayonet charge. The French army broke up,
the first former Warsaw Pact members to join and Napoleon fled. French losses totalled
NATO. approximately 60,000, including prisoners
Warsaw Treaty Organisation see and deserters, while the British, Dutch, and
WARSAW PACT. Prussian armies suffered around 55,000
Washington Naval Agreement (February casualties. Waterloo proved decisive:
1922) Multilateral agreement on naval Napoleon gave up his aims of rebuilding
disarmament. In November 1921, Belgium France’s power, and abdicated for the second
China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, time. The battle was followed by the treaty of
Portugal, the UK and the USA met in
Weimar Republic 160

PARIS of 1815, which was less lenient than LUXEMBURG. From the right, new
the treaty of 1814. nationalist parties combined with
Weimar Republic The name applied to demobilised soldiers in such abortive coups as
Germany’s republican political system which the Kapp putsch in Berlin of March 1919 and
lasted from November 1918 until March the Nazi party’s Beer Hall putsch in Munich in
1933. The republic was formed in November November 1923 (see NAZISM, HITLER).
1918 in the face of Germany’s defeat in the The country became relatively stabilised from
FIRST WORLD WAR. Various pressures 1924, when the Dawes plan reduced
coalesced to encourage Kaiser WILLIAM II reparations: in this period Germany gained
to abdicate and for the politicians to some international rehabilitation through the
reconstruct the empire into a republic: LOCARNO treaties and admission to the
revolutionary pressure from communists; the LEAGUE OF NATIONS. However, even
loss of popular support for the government at through this period the electoral system
the end of the war; and politicians’ worked against continuity in government.
perceptions that the victorious powers would The republic was badly damaged by the
establish a relatively sympathetic peace if DEPRESSION after 1929, as foreign
they were dealing with a new republic rather investment ended and loans were recalled: by
than the imperial regime of 1914, all mid-1932, 6,000,000 people were
influenced this major shift in German politics. unemployed. In this climate extremist parties
After a transitional government ruled from gained ground, notably the Nazis and the
late November, elections held in January 1919 Communists, while President
created an assembly, which met at Weimar in HINDENBURG used decree powers
February 1919 to produce the constitution. excessively to force through legislation. The
This constitution, published in July 1919, republican experiment ended in March 1933
featured numerous extremely democratic when the new chancellor, Hitler, ensured
aspects, including adult suffrage, emergency powers for the government by
proportional representation, the provision for securing the ENABLING ACT.
plebiscites on specific issues, and a president Western European Union (WEU) Defence
as head of state, elected separately from the alliance involving European nations. When
bicameral legislature. However, it also the proposals to form the EUROPEAN
contained a number of centralising features, DEFENCE COMMUNITY (EDC) failed, the
including a dilution of local and regional signatories of the 1948 BRUSSELS TREATY
power, and a system for presidential decrees developed the WEU as an alternative model
which could be used in emergency to over- for a mutual defence organisation. Belgium,
ride the legislature. Moreover, key areas in France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the
public and political life, including the UK negotiated with Italy and the Federal
judiciary, the military and parts of the civil Republic of Germany (FRG) for a joint body
service, were not thoroughly reformed on the in 1954, and the WEU was duly established in
democratic principles of the constitution. The May 1955. Its greatest significance at the time
government returned to Berlin in 1920. was its inclusion of the FRG only ten years
The first years of Weimar were extremely after the end of the SECOND WORLD WAR,
volatile, as Germany attempted to adapt to although limitations on German military
both peace and the new democracy: this, capacity were insisted upon. The WEU was
combined with popular outrage at the peace run by an Executive Council of ministers from
terms of VERSAILLES and the economic member states, with discussions and debates
impact of both REPARATIONS and post-war taking place in an Assembly. Unlike NATO,
inflation, led to a number of revolutionary the WEU did not develop its own military
coup attempts from both left and right. The force, but used contributions from member
former included the socialist republic in states. The WEU had little real significance in
Bavaria, which lasted from November 1918 the COLD WAR, due to the domination of
until it was dissolved with force in April 1919, Europe by NATO and the WARSAW PACT,
and the Spartakist rising in Berlin in January but it developed a new role in the 1980s in
1919, led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa conjunction with the EUROPEAN
161 Witte, Sergei

COMMUNITY: it was, for example, closely with military advisors, such as

mentioned in the treay of MAASTRICHT of CAPRIVI, Alfred von Schlieffen (see
prospective military wing. Moreover, it von Waldersee. His attempts at a direct style of
enlarged in this period, with Spain and rule on such issues as SOCIALISM and trade
Portugal joining in 1989, and Greece in 1994. union activities brought him into
William I (1797–1888) King of Prussia confrontations with the Reichstag. He also
1861–88, and Emperor of Germany 1871–88. undermined some of Bismarck’s diplomatic
William became regent of Prussia in 1858 due achievements, particularly by neglecting
to his brother FREDERICK WILLIAM IV’S Germany’s relationship with Russia, and by
health problems, and succeeded as king in alienating both France and the UK over
1861 on Frederick William’s death. Although colonial issues (see MOROCCAN CRISES).
he did not sympathise with LIBERALISM, he William’s political influence declined after
accepted the 1850 constitution and generally 1908, and while he favoured a Balkan war in
worked with it, but his main interests were 1914, he had only a limited role in its
military and diplomatic. He attempted to prosecution. During the FIRST WORLD
strengthen Prussia’s army, in particular in WAR his influence declined further, with
relation to that of the HABSBURG empire: Germany being run effectively as a military
but when, in 1862, the laws for this were dictatorship from 1916 by HINDENBURG
refused by the Diet, he appointed and LUDENDORFF. William abdicated in
BISMARCK as Minister-President and November 1918 before the armistice, on the
managed to get the legislation through. He assumption that Germany would get more
worked closely with Bismarck thereafter, and favourable peace terms if he was no longer
kept a high profile in Prussia’s wars of the head of state. He moved to the Netherlands,
1860s, which were instrumental in Prussia’s where the royal family protected him from
growth as the dominant German state. He some allied calls for his trial after the war. He
personally commanded the army in the died there in 1941.
AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR of 1866, and Witte, Sergei (1849–1915) Russian
helped to engineer the start of the FRANCO- politician. After a career in railway
PRUSSIAN WAR of 1870, in which he took administration, Witte took office under
command of the army for the battle of Sedan. ALEXANDER III in 1892 as Finance
At Versailles in 1871, William was declared Minister, a post he retained under Alexander’s
Emperor of the newly unified Germany (see successor NICHOLAS II. In this role, Witte
GERMAN UNIFICATION). He reigned until attempted to modernise Russia through
his death in 1888, giving support to INDUSTRIALISATION. Through heavy
Germany’s INDUSTRIALISATION and foreign loans (particularly from France and
diplomatic initiatives that made it one of the the UK) and new taxes, he promoted
most powerful continental states by the end of development in iron and steel, coal and
the century. William survived an railways, and was largely responsible for
assassination attempt in 1878: during his planning the Trans-Siberian railway. In 1897
recovery his son Frederick ruled briefly as he reformed the currency and placed Russia
regent. Frederick succeeded William in 1888 on the GOLD STANDARD to encourage
as Frederick III, but died in the same year. foreign investment. Although these policies
William II (1859–1941) Emperor of brought some successes, they also produced
Germany and King of Prussia, 1888–1918. foreign debts, and worsened conditions in the
William succeeded his father Frederick III in countryside. In 1903 Witte was dismissed, but
June 1888, and quickly moved to a ‘new Nicholas recalled him in September 1905 to
course’ in German policy by prioritising an negotiate the peace treaty with Japan. During
imperial role rather than a merely European the 1905 Revolution (see RUSSIAN
one (see IMPERIALISM). In the course of REVOLUTION 1905), Witte advised
making this shift, he dismissed his Nicholas on the October Manifesto, and the
grandfather WILLIAM I’S chancellor, following month Nicholas appointed him as
BISMARCK, in 1890, and worked more Prime Minister, primarily in order to gain a
Yalta Conference 162

new loan from France. He was dismissed in three months of victory in Europe: in return,
May 1906, as his ideas for constitutional Soviet territorial demands in the Far East were
reform were no longer welcome at the time of recognised (see IMPERIALISM). The three
Nicholas’ Fundamental Laws. He never held powers also committed themselves to the
office again, although he remained a critic of nascent UNITED NATIONS. Yalta was the
the Tsar and, in particular, of Russia’s entry final meeting of the three major allies during
into the FIRST WORLD WAR. the European war: they next met at
World Bank see BRETTON WOODS POTSDAM after the defeat of Germany.
CONFERENCE. Yeltsin, Boris (born 1931) Soviet and Russian
World Health Organisation (WHO) see politician. An engineer, Yeltsin joined the
UNITED NATIONS. Communist party in 1961. He was elected to
the Supreme Soviet in 1976, and quickly made
an impact under GORBACHEV’S
leadership, on both the party’s Central
Committee, which he chaired from 1985, and

on the Moscow party structure. In June 1990
he resigned from the party and outlined a
radical plan for converting Russia to a free
Yalta Conference (February 1945) market economy in under two years. Having
Interallied planning conference of the called for Gorbachev’s resignation in
SECOND WORLD WAR. The conference February 1991, Yeltsin raised his own profile
was called to allow the three main allied by resisting the anti-Gorbachev coup. In June
representatives, Winston Churchill, Franklin 1991, he was overwhelmingly elected as
Roosevelt and STALIN, to look forward to the President of Russia, from which position he
end of the European war and develop led the dissolution of the USSR into the
strategies for peacetime. The three agreed to Commonwealth of Independent States (see
divide Austria from Germany (see REVOLUTIONS OF 1989–91). As President
ANSCHLUSS), and temporarily to split each of newly independent Russia, he introduced
country into zones of occupation under radical economic reforms, and used military
American, British, French and Soviet control. force against the parliament when it failed to
The territorial settlement of Poland was act quickly enough in November 1993.
further discussed, developing ideas from the Gaining greater powers with the December
previous year’s TEHRAN conference: it was 1993 constitution, Yeltsin became more
agreed that Poland would be shifted to the erratic, and lost a lot of support through his
west, with the CURZON LINE being aggressive intervention in Chechnya in 1996.
established as the Polish-Soviet border However, despite notoriously poor health, he
(which would regain for the USSR territories was re-elected in 1996. His approach became
lost to Poland during the RUSSIAN CIVIL increasingly erratic and dictatorial,
WAR), and a new western border being particularly evident in his dismissal of his
established between Poland and Germany governments in 1997 and 1999, and in his
(see ODER-NEISSE LINE, POLISH frequent clashes with parliament.
CORRIDOR). The three also published their Yezhovshchina Umbrella term for purges in
declaration on liberated Europe, which the USSR under STALIN, taking its name
envisaged democratic governments being from Nicholas Yezhov, Commissar for
developed in all areas taken from Germany. Internal Affairs from 1936 to 1938. The
Specifically, this obliged Stalin to agree to a process of ridding the Soviet government and
representative provisional government and to Communist party of Stalin’s real and
elections in Poland: his failure to fulfil this imagined enemies and rivals began in 1934
subsequently caused major tensions in the after KIROV was murdered. Leading figures
early COLD WAR. The USSR built on its ZINOVIEV and KAMENEV were charged
Tehran commitment to the Far East by with planning Kirov’s death and plotting to
agreeing to join the war against Japan within kill Stalin. After a major show trial in 1936,
163 Yugoslavia, dissolution

the leaders of this alleged conspiracy were an informal reformist grouping emerged as
executed. This was followed by two other the Association for the Union of Ottomans,
show trials, which led to the deaths of which formed the focus for discussion of
BUKHARIN and others. In all some seventy constitutional reform and the maintenance of
people were tried, in formulaic events in the empire. In 1908, as the Committee for
which the accused confessed after torture. Union and Progress, Young Turk officers
However, most of those targeted during the organised a rebellion, which forced the Sultan
purges were tried secretly or not at all. to accommodate some of their demands,
Between 1936 and 1938, the height of the including the reconstitution of parliament and
purges, a number of groups were attacked, freedom of the press. The leadership gained
including the party itself, the armed forces, the significant political influence. The following
Young Communist League, and foreign year Abdul Hamid II planned a military rising
communists living in the USSR. Charges against the Young Turks, which they met with
included maintaining contacts with a counter-coup in which the Sultan was
TROTSKY, and conspiracy with foreign deposed. Despite some splits within the
governments. Industrial managers and movement, particularly over liberal and
workers were targeted for alleged failings and nationalist goals, the Young Turks worked
sabotage in the FIVE YEAR PLANS. The with the new Sultan, Mohammad V, who
excessive use of state terrorism created a operated as a constitutional monarch. This
climate of fear in the USSR, which itself period saw the introduction of liberal reforms
contributed to a culture of denunciation. The in education and religious life, but military
purges were scaled down after 1938, when failures and territorial losses in the BALKAN
Yezhov himself fell victim to the process, but WARS and then the FIRST WORLD WAR
the state retained its use of arbitrary arrest and showed that the Young Turks’ imperial
selective purging of suspect groups (including agenda was not viable. The movement
Jews, Germans and doctors) throughout the remained a factor in Ottoman politics
rest of the Stalinist period. From 1956, Stalin’s throughout the First World War, and can be
successor KHRUSHCHEV publicised some seen to have prepared some of the liberal
of the excesses of the purges in his policy of ground for the new republic which was
destalinisation; while a number of leading formed in 1922. See ATATÜRK, GREEK-
victims were rehabilitated under TURKISH WAR.
GORBACHEV’S GLASNOST policies in the Ypres, battle of (October–November 1914)
1980s. The numbers involved are impossible see FIRST WORLD WAR.
to quantify exactly, although estimates of Yser, battle of (October 1914) see FIRST
10,000,000 arrests and 3,000,000 executions WORLD WAR.
are generally recognised. In addition to the Yugoslavia, dissolution (1990–95) Process
executions, millions were also imprisoned by which the Socialist Federal Republic of
during the purges, many of whom died as a Yugoslavia disintegrated. The republic was
result of poor conditions in prisons and in constituted in November 1945 on the basis of
forced labour camps. TITO’S wartime diplomacy within the former
Young Plan see REPARATIONS, kingdom of Yugoslavia. This structure, with
GERMAN. some federal devolution to the republics
Young Turks Liberal and nationalist political (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia,
grouping in the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Montenegro, Serbia (with Kosovo and
Pressure for reform in the empire began to Vojvodina as autonomous areas) and
emerge in the late nineteenth century, as army Slovenia), remained in place until after Tito’s
officers influenced by LIBERALISM and death. It began to come under strain from
NATIONALISM (who came to be known as nationalist and inter-ethnic tensions in the
‘Young Turks’) began to press for a return to mid-1980s, helped by the widening of
the constitutional reforms of 1876 (see political debates under the influence of
BALKAN REBELLIONS), upon which GLASNOST, and by the significant economic
Sultan Abdul Hamid II had reneged. In 1889 differences that existed between the
zemstva 164

republics. The tensions were highlighted by the war, which included civilian massacres
nationalist demonstrations in Serbia (see and the use of concentration camps by the
NATIONALISM), by Serbia’s effective Bosnian Serbs, came under the scrutiny of the
annexation of Kosovo in 1989, and by the UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for the
central government’s resignation over the former Yugoslavia, formed in May 1993. In
budget in December 1988. In this climate, the 1999 further territorial changes in the post-
influence of COMMUNISM declined in some 1992 Yugoslavia, involving Serbian
republics (notably Slovenia and Croatia) persecution of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo,
while remaining strong in Serbia under initiated renewed international involvement.
MILOSEVIC’S presidency, as each republic See KOSOVO WAR.
took more control of its own affairs. See
In June 1991, Croatia and Slovenia
declared their independence from the
federation. After a week of fighting in
Slovenia, and six months in Croatia, their
secession from Yugoslavia was fully
established with UNITED NATIONS’
zemstva (Russian: ‘provincial councils’)
assistance. Macedonia withdrew from the
Provincial and district councils established in
federation peacefully between September
rural areas of Russia in 1864. Following the
1991 and April 1992, although its
independence raised tensions with Greece
ALEXANDER II introduced a number of
over territorial and ethnic issues. In April
political and social reforms. The zemstva
1992, Montenegro and Serbia reconstituted
system was part of this. Individual zemstvo
the federation as the Federal Republic of
were set up on an elected basis, funded by
Yugoslavia. In March 1992 Bosnia-
central government and through local
Herzegovina, under a predominantly Muslim
taxation, with the brief to manage certain local
government, declared its independence. This
affairs. Such issues as health provision,
gave rise to a civil war, as the secession was
education, road-building and the
opposed by Bosnian Serbs, who wished to
management of agriculture came into their
remain linked to Serbia. The war developed
remit. The zemstva were limited in a number
along ethnic and religious lines, with Serbia
of ways: for example, the electoral system
supporting the minority rebels. Despite
ensured that the bulk of power in each zemstvo
pressure from the UN, the EUROPEAN
remained with nobles and landowners; while
UNION and NATO for economic sanctions,
zemstva’s need to work with central
the Bosnian Serbs gained territory and,
government on policing and taxation limited
through terrorist tactics against civilian
their opportunities for radicalism. However,
populations, established a wave of migration
they did produce significant levels of local
in the interests of what they labelled ‘ethnic
political involvement, and established
cleansing’, an attempt to clear Croats and
traditions and practices of local government.
Muslims from areas they wished to colonise.
In many areas, they remained active and
In 1994, NATO forces were used (for the first
effective until the revolution of 1917 (see
time since the alliance’s creation) against the
Bosnian Serbs. This increase of pressure
they were replaced by soviets.
against the Serb cause led to the Dayton
Zhukov, Georgi (1896–1974) Soviet soldier
Agreement in November 1995, a settlement
and politician. A conscript in the FIRST
that reconstituted the republic as the
WORLD WAR, Zhukov joined the Red Army
Confederation of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
in 1918 and the Communist party in 1919. He
divided into two regions along ethnic lines:
fought in the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR, and
the Serb Republic and the Croat-Muslim
stayed in the army afterwards, gaining
Federation. The settlement was supported by
promotions through the 1930s. In January
the presence of NATO forces. The excesses of
1941 he became Chief of General Staff. After
165 Zog

a brief decline in influence at the start of zionism Jewish nationalist movement.

Operation BARBAROSSA in June 1941, During the late nineteenth century,
Zhukov fought at Leningrad and Moscow ANTISEMITISM in a number of European
before launching a successful counter- countries encouraged some European Jews to
offensive in December 1941 which pushed the advocate the establishment of a Jewish nation
German army back from Moscow. Deputy state in Palestine: as such, it was related to
Supreme Commander after STALIN from other forms of nineteenth-century
August 1942, Zhukov led the defeat of the NATIONALISM. Taking Mount Zion as its
Germans at STALINGRAD and KURSK in symbol, from ancient Jewish history, zionism
1943, and the relief of Leningrad in 1944, became organised in 1897 through HERZL’S
before leading the Red Army to Berlin. In World Zionist Organisation (WZO), formed
May 1945 Zhukov accepted the German at a congress in Basle. The WZO acted as a
surrender (see SECOND WORLD WAR). He pressure group, while also encouraging and
remained in Germany as Commander of the financing emigration. The British
USSR’s zone until 1947, when Stalin demoted government supported the idea from 1917,
him as a potential rival. He returned to although during its tenure of Palestine as a
prominence after Stalin’s death in 1953, mandate (see MANDATES) from the
helping KHRUSHCHEV’S leadership OTTOMAN EMPIRE it was unable to settle
struggle, and he served as Defence Minister the territorial disputes between Arabs and
from 1955 until 1957. He was then dismissed Jews. Zionism gained a great deal of liberal
by Khrushchev. support during the renewed anti-semitism of
Zinoviev, Grigori (Radomyslsky the THIRD REICH: and the FINAL
Apfelbaum) (1883–1936) Soviet politician. SOLUTION confirmed much international
Zinoviev joined the Social Democrats in opinion in favour of a Jewish nation state.
1901, moving into the BOLSHEVIK faction Israel was accordingly established in 1948,
in 1903. In 1907 he left Russia to work with with anti-Arab and anti-British terrorism
the exiled LENIN. He returned to Petrograd being used during the final phases of
with Lenin in April 1917, and became the negotiation. After 1948, once the basic
chairman of the Petrograd Soviet (see nationalist cause had been met, zionism
RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS 1917). He did became strongly associated not only with
not support the October Revolution, supporting continued Jewish migration
preferring instead a more gradual move (particularly from the USSR and eastern
towards COMMUNISM, but he subsequently Europe), but also with anti-Arab attitudes, for
took a leading role in the THIRD which it was condemned as racist by the
INTERNATIONAL, with particular duties UNITED NATIONS in 1975.
for links with foreign communist movements. Zog (Ahmed Bey Zogu) (1895–1961)
A member of the POLITBURO from 1921, he Albanian politician; King of Albania, 1928–
worked with STALIN and KAMENEV 39. A rich Moslem landowner, Zogu was
against TROTSKY after Lenin’s death in involved in the Albanian nationalist
1924. In 1926, however, he turned against movement against the Italians during the
Stalin and was dismissed from his post, and FIRST WORLD WAR. Emerging as one of
expelled from the party in 1927. After the country’s most powerful figures in 1920,
readmission, re-expulsion, and a second when Albania was admitted to the LEAGUE
readmission in 1933, Zinoviev was arrested in OF NATIONS, Zogu became Prime Minister
1935 and sentenced to ten years imprisonment in 1923 and, after a revolt and a brief exile in
for his alleged role in KIROV’S murder. In 1924, President in 1925 with Yugoslavian
August 1936 he was retried with Kamenev in backing. In 1928 Zogu forced through a new
the first major show trial of the constitution which replaced the republic with
YEZHOVSHCHINA. Convicted of treason a monarchy, and he assumed the crown as
and of conspiring with Trotsky, he was King Zog. He reigned until 1939, during
executed immediately. which time Albania became effectively an
Italian dependency. When Italy invaded
Zollverein 166

Albania in April 1939, Zog was deposed, and from non-member states. Prussian models and
MUSSOLINI named the Italian monarch rates were adopted for the union as a whole,
VICTOR EMMANUEL III as King of and Prussia was empowered to lead talks with
Albania. The monarchy was abolished in other countries over mutually beneficial
1946. Zogu died in exile in 1961. trading arrangements, which helped to ensure
Zogu, Ahmed Bey see ZOG. that Prussia gained the leading role in this
Zollverein (German: ‘customs union’) economic development. The bulk of the
Customs union of the German states, German states joined the union through the
established in 1833. After Prussia had 1840s and 1850s, while its continental
removed its internal trade barriers shortly after position was secured through agreements
the NAPOLEONIC WARS, discussions with, among others, Belgium, France and
within the GERMAN CONFEDERATION Piedmont-Sardinia. The Zollverein helped to
began on the possibility of a wider free trade facilitate INDUSTRIALISATION and
area. The Zollverein was duly established with commercial developments in the German
eighteen members in 1833, to come into effect states, and facilitated an economic foundation
in 1834. The union abolished internal tariffs, for subsequent political unification. See
and set up uniform import duties for goods GERMAN UNIFICATION.
European monarchs, 1789–1999

This appendix provides summary information on the geopolitical status of Europe’s

monarchies in the period 1789–1999. It covers empires, kingdoms, and the major
principalities, grand duchies and duchies, although it excludes the satellite kingdoms (Etruria,
Holland, Italy) and grand duchy (Warsaw) created by Napoleon during the Napoleonic Wars.
The names and dates in brackets after each state’s name are those of the royal houses in power
for the given periods, starting with those in power in 1789. The summary paragraph for each
state describes that state’s extant geopolitical status in 1789, and outlines the major changes
thereafter. The lists provide the names and regnal dates of the monarchs.

Albania (Zogu, 1928–44)

The kingdom of Albania was established in 1928. From 1939 until 1944 it was ruled
by the King of Italy. A republic was restored in 1944.

1928–44 Zog (in exile, 1939–44)

1939–44 Victor Emmanuel III (also King of Italy)

Austria (Habsburg, 1276–1918)

Austria was a duchy at the heart of the Habsburg and Holy Roman empires from the thirteenth
century. In 1867 a dual monarchy was established with Hungary, making the ruling monarch
the Emperor of Hungary. Austria and Hungary became separate republics in 1918.

1780–90 Joseph II (also Holy Roman Emperor)

1790–92 Leopold II (also Holy Roman Emperor)
1792–1835 Francis (also Holy Roman Emperor, 1792–1804)
1835–48 Ferdinand
1848–1916 Francis Joseph (also Emperor of Hungary, 1867–1916)
1916–18 Charles (also Emperor of Hungary)
Appendix 168

Baden (Zahringen, c. 1100–1918)

The margraviate of Baden was established in the twelfth century. It became a grand duchy in
1806. In 1871 it joined the new German empire, retaining its own monarchy until 1918, when
Germany became a republic.

1738–1811 Charles Frederick

1811–18 Charles
1818–30 Ludwig I
1830–52 Leopold
1852–58 Ludwig II
1858–1907 Frederick I
1907–18 Frederick II

Bavaria (Wittelsbach, 1623–1918)

The electorate of Bavaria was established in 1623. It became a kingdom in 1806. In 1871 it
joined the new German empire, retaining its own monarchy until 1918, when Germany
became a republic.

1777–99 Charles Theodore

1799–1825 Maximilian IV (King Maximilian I from 1806)
1825–48 Ludwig I
1848–64 Maximilian II
1864–86 Ludwig II
1886–1913 Otto
1913–18 Ludwig III

Belgium (Saxe-Coburg since 1831)

The kingdom of Belgium was established in 1830.

1831–65 Leopold I
1865–1909 Leopold II
1909–34 Albert I
1934–50 Leopold III (imprisoned 1940–45)
1944–50 Regency
1950 Leopold III (restored)
1950 Regency
1951–93 Baudouin
1993– Albert II

Brunswick (Welf 1735–1806; Bonaparte, 1807–13; Welf, 1813–84)

The duchy of Brunswick was established in 1735. In 1871 it joined the new German empire,
retaining its own monarchy until 1884.

1780–1806 Charles II
1807–13 Jerome Bonaparte
169 Appendix

1813–15 Frederick-William
1815–30 Charles III
1830–84 William

Bulgaria (Battenburg, 1879–86; Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1887–1946)

Bulgaria became an autonomous principality within the Ottoman empire in 1879, and an
independent kingdom in 1908. In 1946 it became a republic.

1879–86 Alexander
1886 Regency
1887–1918 Ferdinand
1918–43 Boris III
1943–46 Simeon II

Denmark (Oldenburg since 1448)

The kingdom of Denmark was established in the tenth century. From 1523 until 1814 its rulers
were also kings of Norway.

1766–1808 Christian VII

1784–1808 Regency
1808–39 Frederick VI
1839–48 Christian VIII
1848–63 Frederick VII
1863–1906 Christian IX
1906–12 Frederick VIII
1912–47 Christian X
1947–72 Frederick IX
1972– Margaret II

France (Bourbon, 1589–92; Bonaparte, 1804–14; Bourbon, 1814–30; Orléans, 1830–48;

Bonaparte, 1852–70)

The kingdom of France was established in the ninth century. It became a republic in 1792, and,
under Napoleon, an empire in 1804. The monarchy was restored in 1814, lasting until 1848,
when a new republic was established. Between 1852 and 1870, France was again an empire,
becoming a republic at the end of Napoleon III’s reign.

1774–92 Louis XVI

1804–14 Napoleon I
1814–24 Louis XVIII
1824–30 Charles X
1830–48 Louis-Philippe
1852–70 Napoleon III
Appendix 170

Germany (Hohenzollern, 1871–1918)

The German empire was formed in 1871, with the reigning king of Prussia becoming emperor.
It became a republic in 1918.

1871–88 William I (King of Prussia since 1861)

1888 Frederick (also Frederick III of Prussia)
1888–1918 William II (also William II of Prussia)

Greece (Wittelsbach, 1832–62; Glücksburg, 1863–1974)

The kingdom of Greece was established in 1832. It became a republic in 1924. In 1935, the
monarchy was restored. This lasted until 1974, when a new republic was declared, although
the country was governed by a military grouping from 1967 until 1973.

1832–62 Otho
1863–1913 George I
1913–17 Constantine I
1917–20 Alexander
1920–22 Constantine I (restored)
1922–23 George II
1923–24 Regency
1935 Regency
1935–47 George II (restored)
1947–64 Paul
1964–74 Constantine II

Hanover (Welf, 1692–1866)

The electorate of Hanover was established in 1692. In 1814 it became a kingdom. From 1714
until 1837 its monarchs were also those of Great Britain (United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland (UK) from 1801). In 1866 it was annexed by Prussia.

1760–1820 George III (also King of Great Britain 1760–1801, and the UK 1801–20)
1811–20 Regency
1820–30 George IV (also King of the UK)
1830–37 William III (also King of the UK)
1837–51 Ernest Augustus
1851–66 George V

Hesse (Hesse, 1567–1918)

The landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt was formed in 1567. In 1806 it was reconstituted as the
grand duchy of Hesse. In 1871 it joined the new German empire, retaining its own monarchy
until 1918, when Germany became a republic.
171 Appendix

1768–90 Ludwig IX
1790–1830 Ludwig X (Grand Duke Ludwig I of Hesse from 1806)
1830–48 Ludwig II
1848–77 Ludwig III
1877–92 Ludwig IV
1892–1918 Ernest-Ludwig

Holy Roman Empire (various dynasties: predominantly Habsburg)

The Holy Roman Empire was established in the tenth century. It dissolved in 1806.

1765–90 Joseph II (also Emperor of Austria, 1780–90)

1790–92 Leopold II (also Emperor of Austria)
1792–1806 Francis II (also Emperor of Austria 1792–1835)

Hungary (Habsburg, 1867–1918, 1920–44 [nominally])

Hungary was established as a partner in the dual monarchy with Austria in 1867, with the
Austrian emperor becoming Emperor of Hungary. Austria and Hungary became separate
republics in 1918. In 1920, Miklós Horthy reestablished Hungary as a monarchy under
Charles IV, with himself as regent in Charles’ absence. Hungary became a republic again in

1867–1916 Francis Joseph (also Emperor of Austria, 1848–1916)

1916–18 Charles IV (also Charles, Emperor of Austria)
1920–44 Regency

Italy (Savoy, 1861–1946)

The kingdom of Italy was established in 1861, which eventually covered the whole of the
peninsula. Italy became a republic in 1946.

1861–78 Victor Emmanuel II (formerly King of Piedmont–Sardinia)

1878–1900 Umberto I
1900–46 Victor Emmanuel III
1946 Umberto II

Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein since 1719)

The principality of Liechtenstein was established in 1719.

1781–1805 Alois I
1805–07 John I
1807–13 Charles
1813–36 John I (restored)
1836–58 Alois II
1858–1929 John II
Appendix 172

1929–38 Francis
1938–89 Francis Joseph II
1989– Hans Adam II

Luxembourg (Nassau-Wilberg, 1816–66; Nassau since 1890)

The duchy of Luxembourg was established in 1816. There was no duke between 1866 and
1890, when Luxembourg was re-established as a grand duchy.

1816–39 William
1839–66 Adolf
1890–1905 Adolf (restored)
1905–12 William IV
1912–19 Marie-Adelaide
1919–64 Charlotte (exiled, 1940–44)
1964– John

Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Mecklenburg, 1611–1918)

The duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin was established in 1611. It was reestablished as a grand

duchy in 1815. In 1871 it joined the new German empire, retaining its own monarchy until
1918, when Germany became a republic.

1785–1837 Frederick-Francis I
1837–42 Paul
1842–83 Frederick-Francis II
1883–97 Frederick-Francis III
1897–1918 Frederick Francis IV

Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Mecklenburg, 1701–1918)

The duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was established in 1701. It was reestablished as a grand

duchy in 1815. In 1871 it joined the new German empire, retaining its own monarchy until
1918, when Germany became a republic.

1752–94 Adolf-Frederick IV
1794–1816 Charles
1816–60 George
1860–1904 Frederick-William
1904–14 Adolf-Frederick V
1914–18 Adolf-Frederick VI

Modena (Este, 1597–1797; Habsburg, 1814–59)

The duchy of Modena was formed in 1597. From 1797 until 1814 it was under French control
as part of the Cisalpine republic and its successors, the Itllalian republic and the Bonapartist
173 Appendix

kingdom of Italy. The duchy was restored, under the Habsburgs, in 1814. In 1859 it was
dissolved on its accession to the new Kingdom of Italy.

1780–97 Ercole III

1814–46 Francis IV
1846–59 Francis V

Monaco (Grimaldi since 1297)

The principality of Monaco was established in 1612. From 1793 until 1814 it was part of the
French empire.

1733–93 Honoré III

1814–19 Honoré IV
1819–41 Honoré V
1841–56 Florestan
1856–89 Charles III
1889–1922 Albert
1922–49 Louis II
1949– Rainier III

Montenegro (Petrovich, 1696–1918)

Montenegro was an autonomous part of the Ottoman empire from the late seventeenth century
onwards. It was ruled by hereditary prince bishops until 1851, and thereafter run as a
principality. In 1910 it became a kingdom which, in 1918, joined the new Kingdom of the
Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (subsequently Yugoslavia).

1782–1830 Peter I
1830–51 Peter II
1851–60 Danilo II
1860–1918 Nicholas

Netherlands (Orange, 1572–1795, since 1813)

The United Provinces of the Netherlands were constituted under a staatholder in 1572, with
the post being held by the Orange dynasty. This state was dissolved in 1795. The Netherlands
was formed as a kingdom in 1813.

1751–95 William V
1813–40 William I
1840–49 William II
1849–90 William III
1898–1898 Regency (Emma)
1898–1948 Wilhelmina
Appendix 174

1948–80 Juliana
1980– Beatrix

Norway (Oldenburg since 1905)

The kingdom of Norway was established in 1905.

1905–57 Haakon VII

1957–91 Olaf V
1991– Harald V

Oldenburg (Holstein-Gottorp, 1777–1806, 1815–1918)

The duchy of Oldenburg was established in 1777. From 1806 until 1813 it was controlled by
France, with the duchy being restored in 1815. In 1871 it joined the new German empire,
retaining its own monarchy until 1918, when Germany became a republic.

1785–1823 William
1823–29 Peter I
1829–53 August
1853–1900 Peter II
1900–18 Frederick-August II

Ottoman Empire (Ottoman)

The Ottoman empire was formed in the late thirteenth century, under a hereditary sultan. It
dissolved in 1922.

1774–89 Abdul Hamid I

1789–1807 Selim III
1807–08 Mustafa IV
1808–39 Mahmud III
1839–61 Abdul Mejid
1861–76 Abdul Aziz
1876 Murad V
1876–1909 Abdul Hamid II
1909–18 Mohammed V
1918–22 Mohammed VI

Palatinate of the Rhine (Wittelsbach, 1214–1799)

The electorate of the Palatinate of the Rhine was formed in 1356. In 1799 it became part of

1742–99 Charles Theodore

175 Appendix

Parma (Bourbon-Parma, 1731–99; Bourbon, 1814–59)

The duchy of Parma was formed in 1545. From 1799 until 1814 it was under French control,
formally being annexed in 1805. The duchy was restored in 1814. In 1859 it was dissolved on
its accession to the new kingdom of Italy.

1765–99 Frederick
1814–47 Marie-Louise
1847–49 Charles II
1849–54 Charles III
1854–59 Robert

Piedmont–Sardinia (Savoy, 1720–1861)

The kingdom of Piedmont–Sardinia was formed in 1720. In 1861 it became the leading state in
the new kingdom of Italy, with its kings becoming kings of Italy.

1773–96 Victor Amadeus III

1796–1802 Charles Emmanuel IV
1802–21 Victor Emmanuel I
1821–24 Charles Felix I
1824–49 Charles Albert
1849–61 Victor Emmanuel II (subsequently King of Italy, 1861–78)

Poland (elected kings)

The kingdom of Poland was formed in 1320. It was dissolved in 1795.

1764–95 Stanislas Augustus

Portugal (Bragança, 1640–1910)

The kingdom of Portugal was formed in 1095. In 1910 it became a republic.

1777–86 Pedro III and Maria I

1786–1816 Maria I
1816–26 John VI
1826 Pedro IV
1826–28 Maria II
1828–34 Miguel
1834–53 Maria II (restored)
1853–61 Pedro V
1861–89 Luis
1889–1908 Carlos
1908–10 Manuel II
Appendix 176

Romania (Cuza, 1859–66; Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, 1866–1947)

The principality of Romania was formed in 1859. It became a kingdom in 1879, and a republic
in 1947.

1859–66 Alexendru Cuza

1866–1914 Carol I
1914–27 Ferdinand
1927–30 Michael
1930–40 Carol II
1940–47 Michael (restored)

Saxony (Wettin, 1423–1918)

The electorate of Saxony was formed in 1423. In 1806 it became a kingdom. In 1871 it joined
the new German empire, retaining its own monarchy until 1918, when Germany became a

1763–1827 Frederick-August III (King Frederick-August I from 1806)

1827–36 Anton
1836–54 Frederick-August II
1854–73 John
1873–1902 Albrecht
1902–04 George
1914–18 Frederick-August III

Serbia (Obrenovich, 1817–42; Karageorgevich, 1842–58; Obrenovich, 1858– 1903;

Karageorgevich, 1903–18)

Serbia was made an autonomous principality of the Ottoman empire in 1817. It became an
independent principality in 1878, then an independent kingdom in 1882. In 1918 it formed the
core of the new Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (subsequently Yugoslavia), with
the Serbian monarch becoming monarch of the new kingdom.

1817–39 Milosh Obrenovich

1839 Milan I
1839–42 Michael
1842–58 Alexander Karageorge
1858–60 Milosh Obrenovich (restored)
1860–68 Michael (restored)
1868–89 Milan II
1889–1903 Alexander II
1903–18 Peter (subsequently Peter I, King of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and
177 Appendix

Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

See Yugoslavia.

Sicilies, Two (Bourbon, 1734–1806; Bonaparte, 1806–15; Bourbon, 1815–60)

The kingdom of the Two Sicilies (Naples and Sicily) was formed in 1516 under the Spanish
crown. It had its own king from 1759. It dissolved in 1860 on its accession to the new kingdom
of Italy.

1759–1806 Ferdinand I
1806–08 Joseph Bonaparte
1808–15 Joachim I Bonaparte
1815–25 Ferdinand I (restored)
1825–30 Francis I
1830–59 Ferdinand II
1859–60 Francis II

Spain (Bourbon 1700–1808; Bonaparte, 1808–14; Bourbon, 1814–68; Savoy, 1870–73;

Bourbon, 1874–1931, and since 1975)

The kingdom of Spain was formed in 1516. It was a republic from 1868 until 1870, and again
from 1931 until 1939. Between 1939 and 1975 it was ruled by Francisco Franco as a one-party
state, with a restoration of the monarchy planned to take place on his death. This occurred in

1788–1808 Charles IV
1808 Ferdinand VII
1808–14 Joseph Bonaparte
1814–33 Ferdinand VII (restored)
1833–68 Isabella II
1870–73 Amadeo
1874–85 Alfonso XII
1886–1931 Alfonso XIII
1975– Juan Carlos

Sweden (Holstein-Gottorp 1751–1818; Bernadotte since 1814)

The kingdom of Sweden was formed in 1523.

1771–92 Gustavus III (also King of Norway)

1792–1809 Gustavus IV Adolphus (also King of Norway)
1809–18 Charles XIII (also King of Norway)
1818–44 Charles XIV John (also King of Norway)
1844–59 Oscar I (also King of Norway)
1859–72 Charles XV (also King of Norway)
1872–1907 Oscar II (also King of Norway until 1905)
1907–50 Gustavus V
1950–73 Gustavus VI
Appendix 178

1973– Charles XVI

Tuscany (Habsburg-Lorraine, 1737–1801, 1814–59)

The grand duchy of Tuscany was formed in 1569, and taken over by the Habsburgs in 1737. It
was under French control from 1801 until 1814, established as the satellite kingdom of Etruria
in 1801. The grand duchy was re-established in 1814. It was dissolved in 1859 on its accession
to the new Kingdom of Italy.

1765–90 Leopold I
1790–1801 Ferdinand III
1814–24 Ferdinand III (restored)
1824–59 Leopold II

United Provinces

See Netherlands.

Württemburg (Württemburg, 1495–1918)

Württemburg was established as a duchy in 1495, and as a kingdom in 1806. In 1871 it joined
the new German empire, retaining its own monarchy until 1918, when Germany became a

1737–93 Charles-Eugene
1793–95 Ludwig-Eugene
1795–97 Frederick-Eugene
1797–1816 Frederick I
1816–64 William I
1864–91 Charles
1891–1918 William II

Yugoslavia (Karageorgevich, 1918–45)

The Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was formed in 1918, changing its name to
Yugoslavia in 1929. Yugoslavia became a republic in 1945.

1918–21 Peter I (formerly King of Serbia, 1903–

1918–21 Regency (Alexander)
1921–34 Alexander I
1934–41 Regency (Paul)
1941–45 Peter II (in exile, 1941–45)

This index lists all of the entries in the text, arranged thematically under the following headings:

1 International relations, treaties and conferences

2 Non-state organisations, movements, political parties and ideologies
3 People
4 Revolutions and rebellions
5 Social and economic issues
6 Wars, battles and military campaigns

These thematic headings are followed by entries relating to internal events within individual
countries. Some items appear in more than one category.

International relations, treaties and


Adrianople, treaty of (1829) Conference on Security and Co-operation in

Aix-La-Chappelle, Congress of (1818) Europe
Amiens, treaty of (1802) Congress System
Anglo-German Naval Agreement (1935) Constantinople agreement (1915)
appeasement Continental System
Austrian State Treaty (1955) Corfu incident
Axis Council of Europe
Basic Treaty (1972) Curzon Line
Basle, treaties of (1795) Dreikaiserbund
Benelux Union Dual Alliance
Dunkirk, treaty of (March 1947)
Berlin blockade
Entente Cordiale
Berlin Congress (1878)
Erfurt Union
Bosnian crisis (1908–9)
Brest-Litovsk, treaty of (1918) European Coal and Steel Community
Bretton Woods Conference (1944) European Community
Brussels, treaty of (1948) European Defence Community
Bucharest, treaty of (1913) European Economic Community
Campo Formio, treaty of (1797) European Free Trade Association
Casablanca Conference (1943) European Parliament
Cold War European Union
Comecon Fourteen Points
Cominform Franco-Russian Alliance (1894)
Confederation of the Rhine Frankfurt, treaty of (1871)
Index 180

Gastein, convention of (1865) Stresa Front

Holy Alliance (1815) Tehran Conference (1943)
Holy Roman Empire Tilsit, treaties of (July 1807)
imperialism Trianon, treaty of (1920)
Kellogg-Briand Pact Triple Alliance
Laibach, Congress of (1821) Triple Entente
Lausanne, treaty of (1923) Troppau, Congress of (1820)
League of Nations United Nations
Little Entente Unkiar-Skelessi, treaty of (1833)
Locarno, treaties of (1925) Verona, Congress of (1822)
London, treaty of (1839) Versailles, treaty of (1919)
London, treaty of (1852) Vienna, Congress of (1814–15)
London, treaty of (1913) Vienna, treaty of (October 1864)
London, treaty of (1915) Villafranca, treaty of (July 1859)
Lunéville, treaty of (1801) Warsaw Pact
Maastricht, treaty of (1992) Washington Naval Agreement (1922)
mandates Western European Union
Marshall Plan Yalta conference
Mediterranean agreements (1887) Zollverein
Montreaux Convention (July 1936)
Moroccan crises (1905–06, 1911) Non-state organisations, movements,
Munich agreement (1938) political parties and ideologies
Action Française
Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939)
Neuilly, treaty of (1919)
Nuremberg trials
Oder-Neisse Line
Organisation for European Economic
Paris Peace Conference (1919)
Paris, treaties of (1947)
First International
Paris, treaty of (1814)
Paris, treaty of (1815)
Paris, treaty of (1856)
Plombières, Pact of (1858) Mensheviks
Polish Corridor nationalism
Polish partitions nazism
Popular Front panslavism
Potsdam Conference (1945) populism
Prague, treaty of (1866) Second International
Pressburg, treaty of (1805) socialism
Quadruple Alliance syndicalism
Rapallo, treaty of (1922) Third International
Reinsurance Treaty (1887) Young Turks
Riga, treaty of (1921) zionism
Rome, treaties of (1957)
Ruhr, occupation of People
San Stefano, treaty of (1878)
Sèvres, treaty of (1920) Adenauer, Konrad
Single European Act Alexander I, Tsar of Russia
St Germain, treaty of (1919) Alexander II, Tsar of Russia
Straits Convention (1841) Alexander III, Tsar of Russia
181 Index

Alfonso XIII, King of Spain Erhard, Ludwig

Andrássy, Julius Facta, Luigi
Andropov, Yuri Ferry, Jules
Antonescu, Ion Foch, Ferdinand
Atatürk, Kemal Fouché, Joseph
Azaña, Manuel Francis Joseph, Habsburg Emperor
Badoglio, Pietro Franco, Francisco
Bakunin, Mikhail Frederick William III, King of Prussia
Beck, Josef Frederick William IV, King of Prussia
Benes, Eduard Gambetta, Léon
Beria, Lavrenti Garibaldi, Guiseppe
Bernadotte, Folke Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe
Bernstein, Eduard Giolitti, Giovanni
Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry
Bidault, Georges Goebbels, Josef
Bismarck, Otto von Goering, Hermann
Blanc, Louis Gomulka, Wladyslaw
Blum, Léon Gorbachev, Mikhail
Boris III, King of Bulgaria Gottwald, Klement
Brandt, Willy Gromyko, Andrei
Brezhnev, Leonid Guizot, François
Briand, Aristide Hammarskjöld, Dag
Brüning, Heinrich Hardenberg, Karl, Prince von
Bukharin, Nikolai Havel, Václav
Bulganin, Leonid Herzl, Theodor
Bülow, Bernhard von Hess, Rudolf
Caprivi, Georg Heydrich, Reinhard
Carnot, Lazare Himmler, Heinrich
Carol II, King of Romania Hindenburg, Paul von
Catherine II, Empress of Russia Hitler, Adolf
Cavour, Camillo di Honecker, Erich
Ceauçescu, Nicolae Horthy, Miklós
Charles X, King of France Hoxha, Enver
Chernenko, Konstantin Inönü, Ismet
Ciano, Galeazzo Jaruzelski, Wojciech
Clemenceau, Georges Jaurès, Jean
Constantine I, King of Greece Joffre, Joseph
Constantine II, King of Greece John Paul II, Pope
Daladier, Edouard Kádár, János
D’Annunzio, Gabriele Kamenev, Lev
Danton, Georges Karamanlis, Constantine
Darlan, Jean Károlyi, Mihály
De Gasperi, Alcide Kautsky, Karl
de Gaulle, Charles Kerensky, Alexander
Delclassé, Théophile Khrushchev, Nikita
Deniken, Anton Kirov, Sergei
Dimitrov, Georgi Kohl, Helmut
Dollfuss, Englebert Kolchak, Alexander
Döntiz, Karl Kornilov, Lavrenti
Dubsek, Alexander Kossuth, Lajos
Ebert, Friedrich Kosygin, Alexei
Eichmann, Adolf Kun, Béla
Engels, Friedrich Laval, Pierre
Index 182

Lenin, Vladimir Rathenau, Walther

Lie, Trygve Reynaud, Paul
Litvinov, Maxim Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Louis XVI, King of France Robespierre, Maximilien de
Louis XVIII, King of France Rommel, Erwin
Louis-Philippe, King of the French Salazar, Antonio
Ludendorff, Erich von Schacht, Hjalmar
Luxemburg, Rosa Sieyès, Emmanuel
MacMahon, Patrice Sikorski, Wladyslaw
Makarios III, Archbishop Spaak, Paul-Henri
Malenkov, Georgi Speer, Albert
Mannerheim, Carl Stalin, Josef
Marat, Jean-Paul Stambolisky, Alexander
Marx, Karl Stein, Heinrich von
Masaryk, Jan Stolypin, Piotr
Masaryk, Tómas Stresemann, Gustav
Mazzini, Giuseppe Svoboda, Ludvik
Menderes, Adnan Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles de
Mendès-France, Pierre Thiers, Adolphe
Metaxas, Ioannis Tirpitz, Alfred von
Metternich, Clemens Tito
Milosevic, Slobodan Trotsky, Leon
Mitterand, François Ulbricht, Walter
Mollet, Guy Venizelos, Eleutherios
Molotov, Vyacheslav Victor Emmanuel II, King of Piedmont-
Moltke, Helmuth von (senior) Sardinia and Italy
Monnet, Jean Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy
Murat, Joachim Waldheim, Kurt
Mussolini, Benito Walesa, Lech
Nagy, Imre William I, King of Prussia
Napoleon Bonaparte William II, Emperor of Germany
Napoleon III Witte, Sergei
Ney, Michel Yeltsin, Boris
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia Zhukov, Georgi
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia Zinoviev, Grigori
Novotny, Antonin Zog, King of Albania
Orlando, Vittorio
Papandreou, George
Revolutions and rebellions
Papen, Franz von
Pasic, Nikola Balkan rebellions (1875–78)
Pétain, Philippe Decembrist Conspiracy (1825)
Pilsudski, Józef French Revolution (1789)
Pius IX, Pope Hungarian rising (1956)
Pius XII, Pope Neapolitan rising (1820–21)
Plekhanov, Georgi Paris Commune
Poincaré, Raymond Piedmontese rising (1821)
Pompidou, Georges Polish Revolution (1863–64)
Primo de Rivera, Miguel Prague Spring (1968)
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph Revolutions of 1830
Quisling, Vidkun Revolutions of 1848
Radetzky, Josef Revolutions of 1989–91
Rákosi, Mátyás Russian Revolution (1905)
Rasputin, Grigori Russian Revolutions (1917)
183 Index

Spanish Revolution (1868–74) Sadowa, battle of (July 1866)

Spanish risings 1820–23 Schleswig War (1864)
Schlieffen Plan
Second World War (1939–45)
Social and economic issues Somme, first battle of (1916)
Depression, Great Spanish Civil War (1936–39)
five year plans Stalingrad, battle of (1942–43)
gold standard Tannenberg, battle of (1914)
industrialisation Valmy, battle of (September 1792)
Marshall Plan Verdun, battle of (February–December 1916)
New Economic Policy war communism
Reparations, German Waterloo, battle of (1815)
war communism
Individual countries: internal events
Wars, battles and campaigns Austria
Austerlitz, battle of (1805) anschluss
Austro-Piedmontese War (1848–49)
Austro-Prussian War (1866) Cyprus
Balkan Wars (1912–13) enosis
Barbarossa (1941)
blitzkrieg Czechoslovakia
Brusilov offensive (1916) Prague Spring
Caporetto, battle of (1917)
Crimean War (1853–56) Fra.nce
Dardanelles campaign (1915) Action Française
Final Solution Boulanger affair
First World War (1914–18) Brumaire
Franco-Austrian War (1859) Code Napoleon
Franco-Prussian War (1870–71) Dreyfus affair
Free French Free French
French Revolutionary Wars (1792–99) French Revolution (1789)
Greek Civil War (1944–45, 1946–49) Girondins
Greek War of Independence (1821–29) Jacobins
Greek-Turkish War (1921–22) Maginot Line
Italian campaign (1943–45)
Paris Commune
Italo-Abyssinian War (1935–36)
Republican calendar
Italo-Turkish War (1911–12)
Second Empire
Katyn massacre
Kosovo War (1999)
Third Republic
Kursk, battle of (July 1943)
Leipzig, battle of (1813)
Maginot Line German states (see also Germany,
Marne, first battle of (1914) Prussia)
Napoleonic Wars (1799–1815)
Carlsbad Decrees
Navarino, battle of (1827)
Normandy campaign (1944) Frankfurt Parliament
North-west Europe campaign (1944–45) German Confederation
resistance German unification
Rhineland, remilitarisation North German Confederation
Russian Civil War (1917–22) Germany (see also German states)
Russo-Turkish War (1806–12)
Russo-Turkish War (1877–78) anschluss
Index 184

anti-socialist laws Poland

Berlin Wall
Enabling Act Curzon Line
Final Solution Oder-Neisse Line
German reunification Polish Corridor
German unification Polish partitions
Gestapo Polish Revolution (1863–64)
Kristallnacht Solidarity
Lebensraum Prussia
nazism Hohenzollern dynasty
Night of the Long Knives
Nuremberg laws
Russia (see also USSR)
Nuremberg trials
Polish Corridor Bolsheviks
Reparations, German Decembrist Conspiracy
Rhineland, remilitarisation emancipation of the serfs
Ruhr, occupation of Mensheviks
Third Reich populism
Weimar Republic Romanov dynasty
Russian Civil War (1917–22)
Greece Russian Revolution (1905)
Russian Revolutions (1917)
war communism
Greek colonels
Habsburg empire
Habsburg dynasty
Hungarian rising (1956)
Spanish Civil War (1936–39)
Spanish Revolution (1868–74)
Italian states (see also Italy)
Spanish risings 1820–23
Neapolitan rising (1820–21)
Piedmontese rising (1821) USSR (see also Russia)
Italy (see also Italian states)
five year plans
Acerbo Law glasnost
Aventine secession KGB
fascism Mensheviks
Italian unification New Economic Policy
Lateran Accords NKVD
March on Rome perestroika
Matteotti affair Politburo
Ottoman empire
Ottoman empire
Young Turks Yugoslavia, dissolution

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