001.the Characteristics of The Bride

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The Characteristics Of The Bride

Daniel chapter 1 I’m reading NIV and he says, verse 3; he says, “3 Then the king ordered
Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring in some of the Israelites from the royal family and
nobility—” Listen to this now. Listen to me properly and carefully. Jeremiah says that when
Nebuchadnezzar came; and the title of the message, don’t lose the title—The Kingly Diet; The
Diet of the King.
But let me first lay down these foundation rocks and slabs that it may be stable.
Jeremiah says that when he captured the Israelites after he demolished the communication
tower, where they used to communicate to ask to receive power, to petition, Jeremiah says
they were lined up, arranged, assembled at Ramah. That’s why in that vision Jeremiah saw
Rachel wailing at Ramah that her sons are gone away and they are no more. And he said, “And
there is desolation and Rachel is sitting here, ‘Please give me some serviettes. Rachel hold on.
Give me serviettes. Can you wipe your tears?’”
Jeremiah saw that Rachel refused to be comforted. He said, “On many occasions you
have come like this and you have comforted me but on this matter, I cannot be comforted
because my sons are gone away.” And gone where to?—to Babylon. And when she saw; you
understand why Rachel was wailing? Rachel saw exactly what Jeremiah had seen before.
Jeremiah saw already the dead bodies smoldering in the temple. And he told them from the
Valley of Ben Hinnom and you know the Valley of Ben Hinnom faces the potsherd gate. And he
said, “House of Jacob, what’s wrong? Repent! How come you can’t see that the articles are not
well arranged; they are not well presented? House of Jacob how come you don’t see wanaume
wanakuja kutafuta wanawake ndani humu? House of Jacob; house of Israel how come you
can’t see the false prophets preaching prosperity and leading you to another god? House of
Israel what is wrong with you? Repent and turn away from sin and He will deliver you.” So you
understand what Jeremiah saw.
You understand why Rachel now refused to be comforted. Do you understand me?
Listen to this. The devil has lied to the church. When The LORD always sends somebody and
says, “Repent and turn away from sins,” be careful because the devil has never sent anybody to
tell them that, “Hey, I am from the devil and I see that your evil is too much. Please repent and
return to JESUS.” Never! Did you understand me?
Now let me explain to you the next Scripture that we read. He says, “He gathered; he
gathered them at Ramah and he led them to Babylon,” meanwhile the forerunners, they have
already run there and arranged the articles in the temple in Babylon because they know, “These
people who are coming here at one point they will miss worship. They will long for worship and
so when I arrange it the way it was arranged in Jerusalem because there’s a place in their hearts
that soda cannot fill; Coca-cola and Fanta cannot satisfy. There’s a place in their hearts that
when they begin to feel how empty and hungry in that place, they will long for worship because
only worship can fill that place.”
So he wanted the children of Israel to begin worshiping in Babylon. And worshiping
who? Their god because our GOD is only worshiped in Jerusalem; only there; only there and so
when they were gathered and taken away, and they have now arrived; let me repeat
something. You know those days they used to chain them and tie you and chain; tie, chain,
chain, chain, so Nebuzaradan the commander of the Babylonian army and what do you know
about army? The big boots; boots big! So he was inspecting the slaves to see who can make it—
the journey and those who cannot, you just release; watakusumbua barabarani.
So the big boots he was walking like this inspecting and the big ones patting saying,
“Hey, this is good. This is good eh.” Then in there he met Jeremiah and he was shocked! He
said, “Ala! Jeremiah is this you?” Jeremiah said, “Yes it is me.” And he said, “What do you
here?” And then he looked at these people and he told them; he asked them, “Are you not the
people who disobeyed The WORD of GOD? Are you not the ones that refused to obey the
WORDs of JEHOVAH GOD?” At that time the tears of the sons of Israel began to flow and he
untied Jeremiah. And then the rest were taken.
But when they had been taken is when the Scripture we read. Everybody focus. When
they had arrived then the king of Babylon, he tells Ashpenaz, the chief official in the courts of
his throne; you know every throne has eunuchs; a eunuch. That was the eunuch; the chief
eunuch at the throne. And he tells him, “Now that they have come,” he says, “Go find for me
there among the refugees,” and they are not IDPs. They are pure, pure refugees—100%. So if
they are trembling, they tremble 100% because they are in a foreign land. And he said, “If you
go among them investigate for me those people. And I want you to do the following: Pull out
for me those who are very special and come from the royal family.”
Listen to this now. “Get for me those from the royal family; those of royal decent; those
of royalty.” And he says, “And when you look at them they belong to the; a special class. They
belong to the nobility.” Look at this now. He’s saying the way you know refugees like to lie and
you ask them, “Tell me where exactly are you from?” He says, “Yes, my country.” “And what
was your position?”
“In fact I was the one next to the President.” So Nebuchadnezzar knew that refugees
like to lie about their identity. And so he said, “Go and investigate for me these refugees from
Israel and find for me those of royal descent;” meaning those who have inheritance to the
crown. And then he says, “Those of the noble class; nobility.” I love that part because then he
gives the benchmark. He then gives the standard that, “If somebody will tell you yes, in fact I
was the one supposed to be king right now; to inherit it by this time, by this time,” he says, you
have to use a certain standard also to be able to measure, to gauge if they really measure to
royalty. I am just saying this because normally they are raised up very well in the royal throne.
You find the young boys eh, of royal descent eh, but the way they carry themselves,
they carry themselves with nobility, with decorum, respect, honor, and GLORY. So in that way
you are able to verify that, “Surely this one is from the royal family.” There’s a way you look at
them and know. And he says, “From the royal family;” and he says again verse 3, “3 Then the
king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring in some of the Israelites from the
royal family and nobility—” he says, “From the royal family”—number 1 and the nobility;
nobility meaning they are noble.
The next one he says from verse 4, “4young men without any physical defect,” he’s
saying, the subtitle says, “Royals,” or “Royalty,” or “Royal family,” whatever, and number 1 he
says noble; nobility. Number 2 he says here, “Young men”—young; young; the key word is
young. That means if I want now to go to the big forests of Norway and I see that there’s a lot
of green forests in this Norway, and I say, “I want to go and destroy the forests of Norway so
that they are not near the airports so it is safe also to land properly, or just I want to go and cut
down the forests so we can develop Norway,” and then you come later to supervise me and
you find me without a shirt, sweating; I have lost 3 fingers from the electric saw or something
like that and I’m cutting the big trees down and when you cut the tree you can tell from the
circles the age of the tree.
And when I cut a tree down you have come to supervise me and I said, “Hey look this
was a 100 year old. I’ve brought it down.” You might look at me and leave me without saying a
word and go have your lunch quietly in a café and drink cold coke with ice inside and say, “Sijui
ule amekuja hapana kufanya nini huyo.” You say, “No but I’ve come to destroy the trees; that’s
the forest.” And you say, “Excuse me, have you lacked what to do?”
But if you come and find me destroying the young trees, call police. Tell them,
“Somebody is destroying your forest.” Do you understand Nebuchadnezzar? He knew that,
“These people have come from Jerusalem and they are now refugees here and they are going
to live here, but the only problem why they cannot go back, we have taken away the articles of
worship and we have brought here. And the other thing, the only other thing that can make
them go back to Jerusalem, regroup, to re-mobilize is if there’s somebody among them that is
from the royal family because those who are from the royal family, they always know their
You might go back to the refugee camp and find that there’s an uprising there and
somebody is standing on a table and he’s addressing the refugees and he’s telling them, “You
guys is this thing really right that we are in a foreign land and now we have gotten married to
their daughters and we are used to their food and we are used to their land? You people this is
not Jerusalem! Let us go back to Jerusalem. This is not right.” The only persons who can
mobilize them are those who are of the royal descent; those with inheritance to the crown.
They always have something in them. When they are born, they are born with leadership; eh!
Eh! Leo ni leo.
There’s somebody also of royal descent who is sitting somewhere here and the enemy is
saying that, “If I want to destroy Jerusalem, go find for me; don’t go to the bar. Leave those
alone. Don’t go to the nightclub and disco. Leave them alone. But find for me those who have
inheritance to the crown, of royal descent. And when you catch them, then we will be safe
because we have besieged the nations and we have besieged and captured them. Only those
among the nations inside there who have inheritance to the crown they are the only ones that
can deliver the rest. So please go in there and catch them for me. And these are the standards
because you know refugees say lies. But this is how you will know that they are the ones.”
He says; he says, “Those of nobility—the noble class; even if they are in the refugee
camp you see they carry themselves with honor and dignity and respect. Watu wanapigania
chakula but you find them standing at the sides.” “You don’t want to eat?” He says, “No I will
eat later. Let them go first.” They maintain a certain standard. He says, “Number 1, noble.
Number 2 they must be young men. Don’t bring me the old ones. I want to destroy the forest. I
must destroy the seedlings.” If you want to destroy a country, bring alcohol to the youth. Bring
bangi to the youth, arrest the youth and take to jail then you have destroyed the nation!
Number 1: Royal; number 2: Nobility; number 3: Young men; but he says, number 4: He
says when you will look at them you will be able to know that, “These ones are from the royal
family.” In your country there’s the royal family and when I see them I know that class, even
their dressing, even their jewelry, everything, the royal families. But listen to this. He says the
way you will know is that while they’re young men they are young men without any defect.
They have been raised on milk and honey and siagi and butter and blue band and
bournvita. They have been raised on veal. They have been raised on topside; topside, the soft
beef and they drink maziwa mala in the morning as an eye opener. And then they are already
awake now and soft eggs are prepared and a big water melon in the morning. And then after
that he puts in cold orange juice. When he comes from there he just supervise the cattle;
supervising, just checking how the work is going on. So he says in the nature of their bringing,
they are without defect; ah!
The devil! The devil is a chooser! He’s very choosy. He’s very selective, ah. Wow! He
does not take anything. Then why is the church taking anything? Because he’s saying, “I want
the noble class without defect.” And he continues with a standard. And he says, “Young men
without any physical defect;” number 2 he says, “Handsome;” Ah! The devil! He’s saying, “I
don’t want ugly; must also meet the measure of handsomeness.”
The devil is not a joke. Look at how the devil is choosy. He just doesn’t take anybody
because he wants to put them into a management trainee program; management training.
They are on fast tract; fast track for directorship. And he says, “handsome, showing aptitude for
every kind of learning,” meaning when you come in here, and you say, “72 * 9.2,” quickly
answer like that! Ah! How can you answer such a difficult number unless you have an aptitude
towards learning? And if we ask them, “What is the capital city of Dominican Republic?” Before
they answer they stand up already and the hand is up while standing and you say, “John yes
please tell us.”
“Well it is ah, it is ah, something to do with, not Haiti; it is Domingo; Santo; Saint
Domingo, Santo Domingo.” You see that? You see the way they say it? Aptitude in learning
meaning they are enthusiastic. They have enthusiasm because the devil is saying, “I want the
learned.” Eh! And you already know whom I’m talking about. Who is learned? Then he says,
“well informed.” That’s another point; “quick to understand.”
Now let me start with well informed. Listen to this. He’s saying that they must also be
handsome; Ukileta tu mtu hapa alafu kijangili jangili alafu useme, “This is royal family,” wewe
ndio nitafuta kazi. So you understand the instruction. He went with a foot measure; a foot; a
yardstick to measure—“must be handsome.” But let me give this example because he says they
must also be well informed.
You are here in the house and you hear, “Twa! Twa! Twa! Twa!” you say, “Ala is that
not a gun shot? Is that not gunfire?” And you come out, you say, “Abednego, where are you?”
“Niko hapa.” “Did you hear that? Is that gunfire?” “Unajua mimi sikusikia ata. Nilisikia tu kitu
huko lakini sikusikiza ata ni nini.” Nebuchadnezzar is saying, “I don’t want that type! I want him
when I come out like this he’s already at the door. He says, ‘Man of GOD don’t come out there’s
gunfire out here. And it sounded to me like the fire and the return fire and they are in the area.
Please stay inside.’” I like people who are well informed and they tell you, “And it looks like it is
300 meters from here.” They are well informed.
So you know whether to run away or to jump over the fence and go to the neighbour’s
compound. He says, “Must be well informed.” Wow! The enemy is choosy and if you see me
describe these things, today I am defining the character of the bride of CHRIST. You don’t know.
You don’t know what’s going on here. He is defining the character of the bride—has inheritance
to the crown, of nobility, enlightened, well informed, learned, without defect; the bride of
CHRIST. Do you understand whom the devil besieged? Do you understand whom he’s; I said
when I say this you should be able to see the parable, the church.
Leo ni leo! Lazima imalizeke hapa. Lazima tuitatue ndio kanisa ijue where it went
wrong. And he says, “Handsome, showing aptitude of every kind of learning, meaning learned
and well informed, quick to understand.” “Nanii nataka nikutume kwa duka. Chukua hii mia
mbili. Leta ile blueband sio ya kisasa lakini ile ya zamani na mkate uniletee tiptop, na hiyo
sukari sitaki brown sugar. Niletee tu muhoroni sugar na maziwa uniletee molo.”
He goes. When he comes back, you say, “What is the problem? What’s wrong? What’s
the problem here?” The bread is different; the blue band is the one you said don’t bring. The
milk he has brought Long Life KCC and you wanted just fresh milk, eh. Do you understand? He’s
saying “People who are quick to understand; quick in understanding; can understand quickly,
very fast.” You know who that is who can understand like this. That is it.
Today the bride of CHRIST is being defined that she may be set free from Babylonian
captivity. At one point I knew that she has to come back to Jerusalem and this is the point. She
must come back. He says, “I want somebody who is quick in understanding;” not somebody
when he comes from the shop safari ndio hiyo imewashika. Wewe na yeye mnarudi dukani.
Now you say, “I wish I had gone myself.”
He says, “…and qualified to serve in the king's palace. He was to teach them the
language and literature of the Babylonians.” He’s saying; now you begin to understand; these
young men they have inheritance; inheritance. Did you understand me? Which means they
have a right to the crown; a right. They know, “The next one is me; I am the next king.” And
they know things about the nationhood of Israel; the life of Israel; the lifestyle that the
Israelites ought to live. Then he says, “When you bring them to me at the palace, do me a
favour, put them right away; mara moja on Babylonian literature and Babylonian language
Ah! You are taking a young person, raised in Jerusalem and they know that when they
are in Jerusalem and today I am going to cover one of the festivals of Israel. I’m going to cover
the 3 most important festivals to underscore the reason why; so you’ll understand why, why
Nebuchadnezzar came specifically to demolish the temple and especially take the articles.
You will understand when I describe the lifestyle of Israel. And I’m going to cover one of
the festivals just in passing. But before I go there, he’s saying the young men raised up in
Jerusalem, the only literature they know to read is called The TORAH; The BIBLE of the
Israelites; the Old Testament; the Oracles of GOD. And they go to the synagogue, to the temple
of The LORD and begin to read the oracles of JEHOVAH. And now you are bringing them out and
you are taking the royal nobility, in other words you are disarming the nation and then you are
right away beginning to teach them the Babylonian language.
And then after teaching language, you drop in their rooms some Babylonian literature so
they begin to read about the Babylonian festivals, Babylonian holidays, Babylonian culture,
Babylonian everything, Babylonian lifestyle. Is that fair? Is that really fair to take the young ones
who have being well brought up in the fear of The LORD, reading the Ten Commandments and
then to start to give them some literature about Satanic ceremonies?
Let me tell you one thing. They gave the Nobel Prize of literature; they gave it to a
Chinese writer, author. And they were 2 competing for it. So the Nobel Prize committee had to
sit and begin to weigh these 2 people on ratili and say, “This one” they were looking at how
large is the number of people his writings have changed; mamilioni ngapi ama bilioni ngapi;
milioni ngapi. And listen to this.
Then the other one they checked, I think it was supposed to go to the American, but
when they checked the Chinese one in terms of millions his writings changed more millions
than this one. And they gave him the Nobel Prize for literature. Do you understand why they
took Babylonian literature and gave to the young Hebrew boys? Because when you read the
literature, inside the literature is always an instruction; instructing about the culture. And so it
will change your head even the way you start to walk is different. They way you talk is different;
your reasoning—different.
He was trying to change the young men. Listen to what he’s saying. He was saying that
“These young men of nobility, the royalty of Jerusalem, wow look at them. They have been
raised on the finest of milk, the finest of meat, the finest of wine, from the finest of vineyards;
the finest of fruits and the finest of Jerusalem literature. And so the only way I want to change
that thing kabisa, I want to go into their heads, eh. I want to remove that thing about
Jerusalem; remove it kabisa such that 2 years from now when you come to meet them they
dress like Babylonians, they speak like Babylonians, they walk like Babylonians, the jokes they
have are Babylonian jokes.”
He has removed the Israel from them. He’s removing Jerusalem from them. And that’s
why Nobel Prize of literature is given to somebody whose writing has changed a large number
of people, their lives. I wish they knew of an Author I know. You know I look at these things I
laugh and cry also—2 things because I know of an Author with mighty hands. He began to
scribe and His writings if they knew Him, they would have stopped the Nobel Prize; stop it
because every year, He’s winning it. They would have just stopped it; they say, “No. This is not
fair. Stop it.” And He has changed the largest number of lives in the entire history of the earth
and Heaven. They don’t know.
But anyway, and so you understand; they changed the language and changed the
literature. But now look at what they did. Verse 4 he says, “4young men without any physical
defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to
understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace.” You know in the king’s palace
—“qualified to serve”—the glasses, when they bring they must kneel down with a tray of
glasses; with wine. And when you are holding it you must not do this. Did you understand me?
Sometimes they can even carry like this and do like this and do like this.
That is a tray with glasses like this, like this—“qualified to serve in the king’s palace.”
Hakuna siku utawai kusikia mafuta ilimwagika; “He knocked his foot and he fell with the
glasses.” He’s saying, “I want civilized people.” And he says, “He was to teach them the
language and the literature of the Babylonians.” And, “5 The king assigned them a daily amount
of food and wine from the king's table.” Listen to this somebody.
I have said it before; I will say it again. Listen to this. Kenyans, the people that live in a
country called Kenya, if you follow the boundary you map it, map it and then you find all people
under there—Kenyans, you come to Kenyans and they tell you, “Oh Man of GOD you need to
pray. This year there’s famine.” I said, “Famine?” “Oh yes there’s famine.” “So there’s no food?”
I say, “Then what happened?” “Yeah there’s no food.” And yet from Nakuru to Nairobi, I see big
sacks of cabbages, big sacks of cassava, big sacks of potatoes. And I tell them, “You want to tell
me that there’s famine?” “Oh yes there’s famine. Kitale the stores are running dry.” And I say,
“Why?” “No, it’s just finished.”
Kumbe they are talking about unga ya ugali. Did you understand this? And I wonder,
there’s so much potatoes, cassava; there are other—millet, sorghum, muhogo and they are
saying that famine has happened to us. I say, how? Kumbe when there’s ugali then there’s
food. Matoke is not food. And in Uganda, when the disease has attacked the matoke plants,
you hear everybody saying, “Let us announce a national disaster.” “You mean you are telling
me that there’s famine here na mahindi ni makubwa makubwa barabarani?”
Listen to this. Kenyans whether you go to the UK, when they are coming from home
they carry some packets of unga and when they arrive the friends come—“Nanii siwezi
kukupatia tatu; mbili tu; mbili tu; mbili tu; mbili tu.” You see they divide and when you go to the
Kenyan restaurant in London, you will meet ugali na matumbo. And so when you see them
eating then you know, “These are Kenyans.”
When you see Ugandans eating matoke with fish also; when you see them in the
Ugandan restaurant that’s what they eat. We are what we eat! Listen. We are what we eat. If
you want to see the Ugandans, you will see them eating matoke and that is their lifestyle; the
Kenyans ugali; the West Africans fufu. We are what we eat. Many times there’s a cry about
obesity in the United States.
But guess what? Some years back when I was interested in cancer chemoprevention; it
was cancer chemotherapy; that’s what I was doing and then I became interested in cancer
chemoprevention. Why? Because we reached a place where we began to see differences in
different populations; when you saw the Americans they had the colorectal; they had them in
the colon, in the intestines. And the Chinese there was no prevalence of that in China.
So you can just see 2 populations right there before you. And so we began to ask the
serious question—why? Why is it that all these types of cancer is so prevalent here and it is not
available there? Then it boiled down to the lifestyle. And when we entered the lifestyle, we
found out that the feeding behavior, the eating behavior, nutritional habits; if you just start
going to eat chips and frying pork and cutting with knife and eating and buying a lot of shrimps
and frying with oil; shrimps and just frying the lamb, the oily part is what you love. And this
person here on this other side is just drinking green tea, and he’s eating broccoli, and he’s
eating vegetables, they call kunde, na ugali na mahindi ananunua kwa barabara anakula he’s
clearing and he drinks clean water. You drink coca-cola and then you come. You cannot walk.
Yes, the moment of truth is here. Ha, ha, ha.
Eh! Today; leo ni leo! Then you say, “Hey, what have you eaten?” “Just a very little chips;
not so much.” I say, “No! You ate it too much.” We are what we eat. What are you feeding the
church on? Your church, they are what they eat. Anyway, Nebuchadnezzar he understood this
principle because he said, “If I bring them and give them literature and change language, and
they remain on Jerusalem food;” whether you come to London you ask them, “How are you?
Where are you from?” “You know me, I’m a Kenyan.” They will remain Kenyan. What you want
to do kwenda huko uwanyang’anye hiyo ugali so they can change and become the British.
Eh! You are what you eat. That’s why this church, you are what you eat. You don’t
understand. They come to church; you have brought them in and you maintain them on the
diet of the world and you expect them to come to you and say, “You know what, me I am born-
again. I am fully delivered. I am HOLY GHOST filled.” Nebuchadnezzar, the devil; the devil
understood this principle because these are the young Hebrew boys and in Jerusalem whether
they go to New York City, they go to special stores; special shops for foods. And when they
enter there they will take food whatever it is and they always check the date of expiry. And you
might think they are checking only expiry.
But they are checking a special label by the chief rabbi of Jerusalem. They call it the
rabbinate of Jerusalem. They always check his label where it is written that, “This food is
kosher; kosher; kosher. This food is kosher;” meaning in this food, first of all this food has been
cleared. It is now fit for the Jewish people. It has been certified that, “This food is good for
Israelites.” And in that food you cannot find the cheese mixed with meat inside there.
They say, “You cannot eat a cow and its milk.” And they are used to fresh fruits of Israel;
the fruits; matunda ile ya very fresh and healthy. And they drink from the well of Abraham; the
cold clean refreshing waters. And then you bring them to Babylon and now you tell them, “Hey
you, you, you, I have a diet, a portion from my table every day.” And the king of this world he
has apportioned the church a special portion from his table. And he has told the eunuch of the
chief official of the eunuchs at his throne that, “We, we, we, give him, give, raise them on this
food.” Listen to me.
Is it really fair those who have been raised on the finest of this diet and the cleanest of
drinking water and the freshest of foods in a healthy way and to now bring them to Babylon
and put them on a Babylonian literature and to begin to talk to them in UBabiloni and then to
give them Babylonian food. Is that right to take the children of Jerusalem and to give them the
fried pork? Sometimes they slaughter dogs and they roast; they eat cats.
They use dog head and monkey head for soup like if you go to France, in Paris they put a
lot of ice on a bakuli kubwa and they open snails; they open the first opening. They open snails;
snails and they put on the cold ice and they squeeze fresh cold; cold and raw, raw. They take
lemon and they squeeze on it, on the snails; ndimu, ndimu and then they put salt and pepper.
That is more expensive that going to buy fish in the markets.
The devil is a liar! He defiles you and he makes it more expensive. He says, “Ah you
know for women, the best shoes right now;” “Which are your best shoes? I’m a pastor. I want
to preach. I’m a pastor I want to go preach but I want to preach with shoes which are, you
know they reflect my LORD, I mean stadi, ustadi, the level because we are in the ministry of
repentance and holiness. So you know for us we don’t preach money so I really want something
that says it.” And then he says, “The best shoes we have in this shop” and it’s the most
expensive, “is this shoe.” If you check it, it is made of pure snake skin; not processed skin of
snake. They are the most expensive shoes; you did not know.
The snails, to start eating na ndimu ati na pili pili and yet you have been brought up on
the fresh fruits of Ashdod, the sweet melons that come from Jericho, the paprika and the
cucumbers. They call them desert sweet; desert sweet. That is the level that Israel gives them
when they export. They use salty water to irrigate them so when you eat them they are a little
bit sweetish and whatever. They have a taste. Their price is very high.
But they have been brought up in Israel in the best of diet—the Jerusalem diet. And now
you are telling them that there’s pork here; snakes are cooked. “We use the head of a dog for
soup ama ya mbuzi pia;” whatever it is. Is that really fair to defile the young men whom you
know very well that they are the hope of this nation? They are the ones who will inherit the
crown and to defile them? What else did he do? Let’s see what he did.
He says, “They were to be trained for three years, and after that they were to enter the
king's service. 6 Among these were some from Judah: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.”
Verse 7, “7 The chief official gave them new names:” No way! You cannot do that. No way that
you even now change their names. When the refugees will come do you know in every country,
every nation—Uganda, Bujumbura, Kenya there are certain names you just mention whether
you meet in the streets of Los Angeles or London and they say, “Oh you are also from
Bujumbura. What’s your name?”
There are certain names they just mention like this and you jump up. You say, “Hey! Are
you the one I know or which one? You are from the royal family, aren’t you?” The Kabaka; there
are certain names in every country that speak about the ruling class. And Nebuchadnezzar said,
“That principle of leadership I know and I’m going to take those names and throw in the
garbage and give them new names that when you meet him, you cannot even know his
lineage.” Nebuchadnezzar, what was he trying to do? Look. He was deconstructing. He was
deconstructing the Jerusalem culture, the Jerusalem in them and he was reconstructing a
Babylonian in them.
There you go. Now you understand where the church is. Now you are understanding
me; right? The secrets are coming out now. You see that? You cannot just name a child and give
the name Lucifer. You cannot do that. They will always try to behave like that person. Eh! Leo ni
leo. “7 The chief official gave them new names: to Daniel, the name Belteshazzar; to Hananiah,
he gave the name Shadrach; to Mishael, he gave the name Meshach; and to Azariah, he gave
the name Abednego.”
When you come, “Hello. Hello.” You are knocking at the door. “Unataka kuona nani?” “I
want to meet Azariah. Mimi ni mjomba wake.” “That name we don’t have here.” Did you
understand me? That’s why the enemy has taken the identity markers akaweka kwa kanisa
akatumia the same trick. The devil does not have 2 tricks; the same trick and he takes the
names that The LORD gave them, the Jerusalem names akasema, “Don’t worry. I will take care
of this name. Don’t worry about this name. I’m giving you a new name. This is a better name.
Just go there now and tell them, ‘I am apostle, but I have 2 gifts. I am also prophet and
evangelist.’” “And so what you do? I see you are well dressed.”
“You know I’m also a businessman. I have a shop for clothes.” Change their names, and
you’ve lost them.

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