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Research Highlights

Rama Tilekar
1) Task 2
Date: 6th November 2023.

1. Learn about flapping wing mechanisms.

a. The component required to fabricate a small scale flapping wing.
b. Payload carrying capacity based on the wing size.
c. General but maximum flying altitude possible with flying wing.

Flapping Wing UAVs / Ornithopters

● Description:
Flapping wing mechanism for UAVs refers to the design and implementation of
wing structures that mimic the flapping motion of birds, bats, and insects. This
mechanism involves the use of various linkages, gears, and actuators to
generate controlled flapping motion, which in turn generates aerodynamic forces
and moments for flight. The flapping motion can be combined with twisting
motion to increase aerodynamic performance and thrust. The design of the
mechanism is based on the kinematics of the wing motion, including parameters
such as flapping frequency, twist angle, and altitude gain. The mechanism can
be powered by a DC motor and controlled by an attitude control mechanism. The
development of efficient flapping wing mechanisms is essential for improving the
maneuverability, sound production, and identification capabilities of UAVs,
especially in remote areas.

Figure: An autonomous Ornithopter / Flapping Wing UAV

● Components Required for a Small-Scale Flapping Wing:
1) Wings: The wings are the primary components that create lift and thrust.
They can be made from lightweight materials such as foam, balsa wood,
or composites.
2) Actuators: Actuators, such as servos or motors, are used to provide the
necessary flapping motion to the wings.
3) Power Source: A small-scale flapping wing UAV typically requires a
lightweight battery or power source to provide energy for the actuators.
4) Control System: A control system, often including gyroscopes and
accelerometers, is used to stabilize and control the UAV during flight.
5) Frame and Body: The frame or body of the UAV provides structural
support and houses the necessary electronics and components.
6) Propulsion: Propulsion systems like rubber powered, electric motor,
internal combustion engine is required to generate thrust. Some flapping
wing mechanisms incorporate additional propulsion systems, like
propellers, for added thrust and control.

● Mechanism:
Flapping wing mechanisms used in UAVs include the incorporation of flight
characteristics of birds and bats, the use of actuators to induce flapping motion,
and the utilization of variable-inclination-angle swinging wings. Additionally, there
is a need for UAVs with adjustable dihedral angles to optimize roll stability and
maneuverability based on flight conditions. This type of flapping wing mechanism
provides flexibility and control in UAV flight.

In a flapping wing mechanism for a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), an actuator
plays a crucial role in controlling the motion of the wings. The actuator is a
component that converts electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic energy into
mechanical motion, and it is responsible for moving the wings of the UAV in a
controlled and coordinated manner to generate lift and control flight.
Flapping wing mechanism driven by linear actuator
Liquid-amplified zipping actuators for micro-air vehicles with transmission-free flapping

Following is the role of an actuator in a flapping wing mechanism for a UAV:

1. Generating Flapping Motion: The primary function of the actuator is to

create the flapping motion of the wings. Flapping motion is essential for
generating lift and thrust, simulating the flight of birds or insects. The
actuator moves the wings up and down, or in some cases, it can also
provide a rotational motion to the wings.

2. Control of Wing Angle and Timing: Actuators are used to control the
angle of attack of the wings, as well as the timing and frequency of the
flapping motion. This control is crucial for adjusting the lift, thrust, and
stability of the UAV during flight.

3. Achieving Maneuverability: Actuators allow the UAV to perform various

maneuvers, such as rolls, pitches, and yaws, by adjusting the wing motion
in real-time. This enables the UAV to navigate through the air and respond
to changing flight conditions.

4. Stabilization and Balance: Actuators can be used for stabilizing the UAV
by controlling the pitch and roll of the vehicle. They help maintain balance
and ensure that the UAV flies smoothly and responds to external

5. Adaptation to Changing Flight Conditions: Actuators can be used to

adapt the wing motion to different flight conditions, such as varying wind
speeds, altitude, and mission requirements. This flexibility is essential for
optimizing the UAVs’ performance.

Actuators for flapping wing UAVs can come in various forms, such as electric
motors, servos, piezoelectric actuators, or even shape-memory alloys, depending
on the specific design and application of the UAV. The selection of the actuator
type depends on factors like the size, weight, power source, and intended
mission of the UAV. Proper control algorithms and feedback systems are also
essential for coordinating the movement of multiple actuators to achieve stable
and controlled flight.

● Advantages and Disadvantages:

Copying bird flight mechanisms can improve agility, increase slow speed flight
capability, and potentially extend aerodynamic performance of the aircraft.
Additionally, flapping wing air vehicles with simplified transmission mechanisms
and lighter overall weight can achieve stable and flexible flight while being
However, there is a need to understand and incorporate the flight characteristics
of birds and bats into the development of FWAVs. The study of live birds is time-
consuming and limited to the flapping motion adopted by the animal, making
systematic studies of alternative flapping strategies impossible. The detailed
analysis of flapping mechanisms based on wing motion and the strategy for
improving aerodynamic performance is an area that requires more research.
Some additional advantages and disadvantages can be listed as:
● Enhanced Maneuverability: Flapping wings can provide exceptional
maneuverability, making them suitable for tasks that require precise and
agile flight, such as navigating through dense vegetation, inspecting
structures, or search and rescue operations.
● Low Speed Flight: Flapping wing mechanisms are well-suited for low-
speed flight, making them ideal for tasks that require slow and controlled
movement, such as monitoring wildlife, capturing images in still air, or
exploring confined spaces.
● Versatile in Challenging Environments: Flapping wing aircraft can
operate effectively in challenging environments like forests, urban areas,
and cluttered indoor spaces where fixed-wing aircraft or quadcopters may
struggle to maneuver.
● Low Noise Emissions: Flapping wings can produce less noise compared
to propellers or jet engines, making them more suitable for applications
requiring stealth, minimizing disturbance to wildlife, or reducing noise
● Efficiency in Hovering: Flapping wings are capable of hovering, which is
particularly advantageous for tasks that require the aircraft to stay in one
place or conduct detailed inspections. This hovering ability is generally not
possible with traditional fixed-wing aircraft.
● Reduced Energy Consumption: Flapping wing mechanisms can be
more energy-efficient at low speeds and hovering, making them suitable
for applications where long-endurance or energy-efficient flight is required.
● Limited Speed and Range: Flapping wing aircraft are generally slower
and have shorter ranges compared to fixed-wing aircraft, which are
designed for faster and long-range flight.
● Payload Capacity: Flapping wing UAVs typically have limited payload
capacity, as their design prioritizes lightweight and bio-inspired structures.
● Complex Mechanical Systems: The mechanism for generating flapping
motion is more complex than traditional fixed-wing or rotor-based
propulsion systems, which can increase maintenance and engineering
● Efficiency at Larger Scales: Flapping wings are generally more efficient
at smaller scales, making them less suitable for large-scale, heavy-duty
● General Maximum Flying Altitude:
In general, these small-scale flapping wing UAVs are typically designed for low to
medium altitudes. They are well-suited for close-to-the-ground reconnaissance
and observation tasks. Maximum altitudes can vary widely, but they are often
below 100 meters (328 feet) or even lower, depending on the design. Larger,
more sophisticated flapping wing UAVs might be capable of reaching higher
altitudes, but they are still generally limited compared to fixed-wing UAVs, which
can achieve significantly higher altitudes.

● Some examples:
1) S-1 Robotic Bird: This small scale UAV can hover and perform aerobic
maneuvers. It is also quite lightweight in nature.
There are three variations of 1.2m, 1.7m, and 2.2m models.
Calculation of Span:

Building a Robotic Bird

Figure: The S-1 Robotic Bird.

2) X-wing Ornithopter: Unlike multirotor drones that use more energy in

forward flight and fixed-wing drones that lack hovering capabilities,
ornithopters can efficiently transition between flight modes. This particular
development uses the “clap and fling” effect to hover.
Learning from nature: a new flapping drone can take off, hover and swoop
like a bird

Figure: The X-wing Ornithopter.

3) FESTO SmartBird: It is inspired by the herring gull. It can take off, fly and
land on its own without any additional propulsion. It achieves an
aerodynamic efficiency of over 80 per cent with its special wing profile and
the targeted twisting of its beating wings. The design enables the wings to
not only beat up and down, but also twist in a targeted manner. This is
achieved by an active joint torsion drive, which provides both lift and
SmartBird | Festo SE
Figure: FESTO SmartBird.

● Research Gaps:
The current research challenges in the development of flapping wing
mechanisms for UAVs include understanding the aerodynamic performance and
flight characteristics of birds and bats, incorporating these flight characteristics
into the design of flapping-wing air vehicles (FWAVs), and improving the
aerodynamic performance of FWAVs through the analysis and classification of
flapping mechanisms.
Additionally, there is a need to develop efficient unsteady aerodynamic models
for optimal flapping wing simulation and experimentation.
Another challenge is the development of perception systems for bio-inspired
flapping wing robots, which involves dealing with fast flying maneuvers,
vibrations, and motion blur caused by wing flapping, and evaluating the impact of
wing flapping frequency on visual sensors.
Furthermore, the research on autonomous flight control of flapping-wing aerial
vehicles is still in its early stages and involves challenges in height-keeping
control and flight status determination.

● References:
Full History of Ornithopters
History, unmanned
Ornithopter: from Leonardo DaVinci to today - AERTEC
Design and Development of Flapping Wing UAV
A Review of Flapping Mechanisms for Avian-Inspired Flapping-Wing Air Vehicles
Kinetics Analysis of a Flapping Wing UAV based on the Four Bar Linkages
Twist-Coupled Flapping Mechanism for Bird-Type Flapping-Wing Air Vehicles
Flapping wing micro-aerial-vehicle: Kinematics, membranes, and flapping
mechanisms of ornithopter and insect flight - ScienceDirect

1. The flapping wing design is deemed unfeasible for our intended usage, primarily
due to its significant drawback of having an extremely lightweight construction.

2. This constraint does not allow for having any additional payload, rendering our
target goal of 100 kg unachievable with this mechanism.

3. Moreover, the size of such flapping wing systems remains relatively small, with
the most advanced developments to date not exceeding 2 meters in dimensions.
Consequently, this design does not align with our project requirements.

1. In today's meeting, we delivered the presentations for Task 2 reports. My
presentation focused on the flapping wing mechanism.

2. However, as the meeting drew to a close, it was agreed that this design is
unsuitable for our reusability objectives. The primary challenge lies in the
required lightweight construction of the UAV, which conflicts with our targeted
goal of achieving a 100 kg payload capacity.
3. So, our focus will shift towards exploring alternative flight mechanisms, with
particular emphasis on the glider concept that Rishi has been working on.

4. Following this decision, sir stated that he will assign Task 3, which is scheduled
for presentation on the upcoming Monday, 13th of November 2023.

5. During the meeting, I also requested leave for the exam period, and sir assured
us that leave will be granted, but we will have shorter communication meetings.

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