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Form: ECF02


Date: 09-AUG-21
M1 – Policy & Objectives of Management
Reference PR/WI: PR.04.01 Export Control Requirements Page: 1 of 1

Compliance with United States Export Regulations

It is TOULOUSE AIR SPARES’ policy to verify the end use and end user in all sales and repairs of TOULOUSE AIR SPARES
products and in all transfers of technical data or software to ensure compliance with applicable United States export
control laws and regulations. Because the products you are purchasing, or software or technology you are licensing, may
be exported and used outside of the United States, please confirm the following:

1. I (We) will not export or re-export any TOULOUSE AIR SPARES products, technology or software to Cuba, Iran, North
Korea, Sudan, Syria, or any other country on the United States Debarred List, unless otherwise authorized by the
United States Government.
2. I (We) will not sell, transfer, export or re-export any TOULOUSE AIR SPARES products for use in activities which involve
the development, production, use or stockpiling of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons or missiles, nor use
TOULOUSE AIR SPARES products in any facilities which are engaged in activities relating to such weapons.
3. I (We) acknowledge that United States law prohibits the sale, transfer, export or re-export or other participation in
any export transaction involving TOULOUSE AIR SPARES products with individuals or companies listed in the United
States Commerce Department’s Table of Denial Orders, the United States Treasury Department’s list of Specially
Designated Nationals or the United States Department of State’s list of individuals debarred from receiving Munitions
List items and other applicable lists, i.e. Entity List.
4. I (We) will abide by all applicable United States export control laws and regulations for all products purchased from
TOULOUSE AIR SPARES and will obtain any licenses or approvals required by the United States Government prior to
export or re-export of TOULOUSE AIR SPARES’ products, software or technology.

PO Number + PO Date End User + End Use Country

P/N + Qty

SELECT ONE:  Military End Use  Civil End Use

End User Information: Aircraft type / MSN

By signing below, certifies acknowledge our conditions and accepts it.

Signature Date

Print Person’s Name Company Name

Title Address

Customer Type :
 Airline  Aircraft Manufacturer  OEM  MRO  Stockist Distributor  Other
S.A.S au Capital de 100000 euros
RCS TOULOUSE 803 079 912 - SIRET 803 079 912 00025
25 bis Avenue de Larrieu Hall 1 – 31100 – TOULOUSE – France
TEL : (33)-5-6220 6690

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