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COLOUR IO) Tau LO) Oa D DR ae. CCU Nese SOCIAL WORK THEORY AND PRACTICE & p> oy? FOR > av 8 oo _& DIPLOMA x IN SOCIAL WORK etre coke iy SOCIAL WORK THEORY AND PRACTICE TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic 1: Introduction to social work 3 Topic 2: Theories application in social work. ul Topic 3: Skills in social work practice 23 Topic 4: Social work ethies and values. 27 Topic 5: Social work process. 36 ‘Topic 6: Methods in social work in development 4 Topic 7: Management of social services. 34 Topic 8: Emerging trends in social work 59 TOPIC 1 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK Specific Objectives By the end of this topic the trainee should be able to; a) Explain the meaning of social work bb) Discuss the areas of social work practice d ¢) Discuss the role of social worker in identified areas,» 4) Deseribe historical background of social work e) Discuss the importance of social in the sociely>> 2 1) Discuss the scope of social work a) Discuss te factors that contribute to teed for social work in developing countries. nN 8 INTRODUCTION o x? 1.1 Meaning of Social Work What is Social Work? 48% service profession. It is defined as professional service based on professional skills and which assist individual alone or groups to obtain social or personal satisfaction Mitchelle (1965) defined social work as an activity by an individual which aims at enhancing improving or developing of an individual or a community through collection or personal activity, According to United Nation as report (1959), social work is any activity by an individual which may result from the mutual adjustment between individual and prevailing environment, Social work helps people to adjust to changing circumstances like stressful catastrophes / situations which cannot be altered. etre coke iy etre coke iy Missions. Social work mission is + To help people adjust to normal life from stressful situations + To ensure equal treatment of people + To ensure a particular people community are not marginalized in terms of service provision or resource allocation + To ensure people are sensitized on how to handle problems facing them and emerging difficulties. Social work is seen as a technicall management of personal management and maintenance of order; hence social work deals with the individual problems first and latter deals with the situational problems, therefore social needs\to S& a, Have experience on how to relate and work wth people b. Have knowledge about community resources c. Have knowledge on how to mobilize ‘the resources © Who is a social worker? Av 9 Is a person skilled at understanding inchelping groups or community experiencing situation of stress and staring which hey can’t meet themselves, hence they are cause managers. ee Kg Social worker thus has aft‘@sting capacity of a professional hence; © Ithasa Se validates monitors the counseling and training courses ¢ It has its own influential association © Itha its own qualification association to those who have finished training * Ithas a code of ethics and conduct © Ithas its own methodology (way of doing its own things) * Ithas its own concepts (terms and conditions) * It’s founded on humanitarian philosophies theories © It is based on scientific knowledge and skills etre coke iy 1.2 Areas of Social Work Practice Social work are involved in areas whereby there is; a. Addressing poverty issues b. Social prevention and protection of people against diseases e.g. HIV/ AIDS ©. Child issues e.g. child day care services, child rights 4d. Social justices e.g, court proceedings ¢. Rehabilitation programmes e.g. prison department and probation services f. Promote environmental conservations g. Employment and unemployment h. Discourage drug abuse and addiction e.g. alcoholism i J Foster moral values b Promote strong family foundations by offering counsefing services, extra marital sex k. Undertake research activities a? 1. Promote social welfare services in education and health m. Discourage violation of women rights _ n. Influence mass media x ©. Discourage corruption 9 p. Loud police brutality q. Social disorders in the societ ee rape x? 1.3 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SOCIAL WORK Evaluation of Social work in Developed Countries Social work has been described as the newest profession. It was born in the slums of London in the 19" century and has existed in many countries up to the twenty first century. During the agrarian revolution and industrial revolution many problems arose which led to the giving birth of the social workers or the community workers who were needed to help people by giving counseling programmes and advice After along time of service providence the social work was established and an institution whereby people interested with charity and service providences were encouraged to educate themselves as professional in social work school. etre coke iy ‘After long period of time social work has developed as a profession which with time has also been developed in many countries, ‘The aim was to alleviate problem for people suffering Evolution of Social Work in Kenya ‘The need for social work began after independence leading to the establishment of the social work institute. In 1963 the institute was started called (Kenya - Israel) school of social work in Machakos under Kenya social services and Kenya administration school in Embu. It was started as a goverment policy to train persons with familiar problems to help solve individual, group and community problem in solving their economic and social welfare. p> ‘The aim of the school was to tain persons to have social knowledge on human problems To train people with the knowledge in acceptance, prineiples of social work and to sensitized people on how to identify their needs. In976 the department of social work was established at the University of Nairobi to train a high caliber personnel who were not trained at the Kenya school of amin in Embu. This establishment laid a foundation for the present existing social work in Kenya. Today the social work profession is identiffell with the social services department which is found in every district. administeting social services to the people under the ministry of home affairs e & ‘The Scope of Social Work Social work deals with the provision of social services to clients in social institution. The work is to better their skills so that people can function more effectively. They must understand the individual dealing with the environment because social problems are a combination of individuals and their interaction with their environment Social workers try to find solutions to the prevailing circumstances or difficulties that people face in their social environment. Social workers then come up with solutions to the social problems of the clients in so doing they use various methodologies like case methodology social group work and etre coke iy community work, in addition social workers use various models of social work in their problem solving e.g, social action model, locality development model and crisis intervention model. Importance of Social work in the Society a. Eradication of misery ~ it helps people in the community to come in terms with stressful phenomena e.g. famine, disaster et Help the society to identify their problems through the problem solving model Research undertaking on societal problems Rehabilitation eg. prison warders and probation workers Resource mobilization » Knowledge and skills on the available resources e.g, gélthelp group Education e.g, issues of human rights Sensitization functions ie. make people awareof ome issues e.g, HIV/AIDS Counseling a Legal enforcement , they protect vulnerable group in the societies Socialization function — help adopt to new ways of life Career development ~ source of erfyployment as a profession 8 Qualities of a Social Worker, © rreoe se me aos Or Should portray the Follagtfniy characteristics: + Should be patient + Should respect himself and his clients + Should be sympathetic but not emotional + Should be honest + Should be truthful + Should be committed and diligent + Should be confidential + Should be transparent and non manipulative etre coke iy Factors That Contribute To the Need of Social Work in Developing Countries ‘The increasing poverty level Most less developed countries need social workers and their services to check the increasing misery and raise the standard of living of its people. To stamp out ignorance People attitude need to be changed to reflect the current emerging trends and problems of the society. Social workers undertake this role through educating and enlighten of people in the society ‘The need for extensional social services Social work is involved in profession of essential services aimed,at improving the wellbeing of the people as group members of family or as agSinmunity e.g. awareness programme on protection and prevention of HIV/ AIDS, the need to promote social 2 justice a? Social workers discourage discrimination and uigequal distribution of resources based on tribal, religious, race and other malpractices\. ” 9 ‘The need to address environmentaLissues ‘The increasing adoption of meres) by developed countries in agricultural and production industries has harmfbeffects on water, land and air in terms of pollution Which is addressed by socialywérkers & The need to curb unemployment Most developed countries are characterized by increasing and alarming arte of unemployment of youth and workforce with increasing preferences of skilled labour force To addressing the increasing state of insecurity and domestic violence Due to increasing insecurities in urban centers and the devastating rates of domestic violence in rural areas there is need for social workers Provision of training Asa result of increasing network in the society, social workers are essential in training the people on emerging issues like HIV/AIDS and prevention. Stream lining of Social Welfare Through social work entrenchment in goverment ministries, the provision of social welfare like housing, health security among others will be effective and efficient in developing countries. Checking of increasing stress Social workers help people to come in terms with problem e.g, social workers in hospitals assist patients of stress on how to manage stress. b® S& . F S&S Conflict resolution a. ‘Through the use of social work methods such as casework, group work and community work, they bring harmony in the community in terrof conflicts such as religious ash © clashes aa Promotion of social order 9 They uphold order by stressing the respect of social work and response to the principles of social work. OQ ol Social workers encourage the, dentification and exploitation of available resources, Through the problem soln process they are able to identity the available resources on how the community members can best utilize them in solving their problems Respect of human rights ‘They act as watchdogs of the goverment and other leaders and discourage violation of human rights by police Promotion of development ‘Through their activities such as training research and application of theory, they help countries to realize their development goals. This is attained for instance through better management and skills in running the countries affairs etre coke iy etre coke iy REVISION QUESTIONS 1. explain the applicable of social work leaming theory 2. discuss the importance of social work theories 3. as.a social worker explain the application of functionalist theory in relevant life situations 4. explain how social workers can apply “social learning theory” to help deviant peers in the society Rania etre coke iy TOPIC 2 THEORIES APPLICATION IN SOCIAL WORK Specific Objectives By the end of this topic the trainee should be able to; a) discuss the theories applicable in social work b) discuss the importance of social work theories ©) apply the theories of social work in the relevant field life(situation INTRODUCTION _ © Social workers utilize in their daily activities the society in explaining, identifying and describing the causes and effect of problems. Theorizing is a mental activity to formulate ideas to explain why events occur theay they do, Therefore a theory isa statement of ideas to explain why events happeps tte way they do 2.1 Theories Applicable in Social Work A theory ison integrated set Plations between concepts which has a cartain level of validity ie. it represents(@ rélated set of ideas useful in explaining social phenomena and actions. A theory is any abstract general account of any area that involves formulation, Characteristics of Theory + Theories consist of statements couched in terms of exactly defined concept statement of well defined concepts. + The characteristics include + Statement or proposition much be consistent with each other + Generalization must be derived from the proposition + Theories should be derived from the propositions + Theories should be fruitful and show the way to further observation therefore increasing knowledge ct etre coke iy + Theories should be creative + Theories are subject to verification + Theories should offer for criticism 2.2 Theories Applicable in Social work a) Psycho — Analytic Theory The psychoanalytic conception of human beings was developed by Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939) an Australian psychologist. His studies on psycho analysis are not base on experience studies but brave influence or sociological development. The basic assumption of his theory is that much of human behavior id determined by unconscious biological instinct (inborn drives and traits) that are universal. Hg presented three level of personality, this includes: a % The conscious level + The pre — conscious level a % The unconscious level © Av The conscious level 9 It includes all actions and experiences@of human beings at any level. According to fraud only a small part of mental life is gghained in the state of unconsciousness hence the conscious represent a small and Gnited aspect of personality. Pre- conscious level so” Experiences that are not conscious at the moment but which can be surrounded readily into awareness spontaneously in with little effort e.g. memories of what one did last month , the address of the school one attended or what one did during valentine According to Freud, the pre-conscious level as it represents human personality. ‘The unconscious part of human mind This is the deepest major part of human personality. He strongly believed that human behaviors are directed by this part. Human mind is divided. It has impulses and drives, outside the realm of human personality Analysis of human development and personality, he categorized human personality into three; ct etre coke iy Id ~ is the innate drive it is the instinets selfish part of human personality. The Id seeks immediate pleasures / gratification. This partis the seldom reason. Ego Unlike the Id, ego employs learning, thinking, responding and decision making. Ego controls thinking and reasoning activities and guides the Id not to act foolishly. It expresses the desires of Id in accordance to realities The super Ego We meant is the social part of human personality and direct human beings to act according to societal norms, ethics and values. It ensures that human beings aet to standard behavior accepted by all. It directs the activities of the Id and Ego to societal norms. It makes le\¥espect rules and regulations in their undertaking or anything they do, The Es ‘satisfies the demands of the Id in a reasonable manner approved by the super exon? All work in harmony to make human being a tofally complete person, Freud denied the process of leaming and socialization as deteriihing human behavior and laid more emphasize on the conscious frame of huntah mind. Criticism & % Not all behavior is biologivally determined but leamed e.g, through rules and regulations e.g. in ehyce % It dwelled much,¢ifeition rather than the cause of aetion b) Social Learning Theory This theory is associated with proponents like John Locks, Pavlor among others. The theory rejects the nation of biological explanation of human behavior and regard behavior as a leamt phenomenon. How socialization occurs is that we are socialized through positive and negative enforcement by friends, parents, friends and society and that we observe and imitate socialized behavior around us. This theory is important because it helps in understanding the behavior and influencing of each other e.g, in groups, by peers or colleques. The basic assumption of this theory is that human behavior is learnt during interaction with others and environment but it ct etre coke iy doesn’t deny the preserve of other process like emotions and thoughts. According to philosopher John Lockers human beings are bom tabular raiser thus totally a blank slate of mind that is filled by interaction by not only the environment but also socialization with peers, whatever is filled is what later translates into human personality. According to theory human beings leam behavior through imitation observation, instruction and through experience The two process emphasized in social leaming theory are; a. Pavlorian conditioning / respondent learning b. Observation / operant behaviors a) Conditioning/ respondent learning bw (Wiggins, Wiggins and Vander Zenden 1994), conditioning,isa from of learning in which in the consequences of behavior determine the probability of its future occurrence consequence of behavior that increase the chance thata, havior will occur as reinforcement, consequences that reduce the probability are punishments. This is learnt though prior can for instance respond the mean (when one is hungry. This response can be condition response e.g. Pavlorian or unconditidnal response e.g, feeling, thirsty, sleepy and hungry. 9 b) Observation learning / ener Also referred to occurs when peGple reproduce the response they observe in other people, either real or fictional. This he6ry can be used to explain behaviors like drug abuse smoking the use of Tangle ‘and dress code. Criticism This theory ignores natural factors e.g. inheritance. The theory suffers from inadequacy in determining socially leamed behavior or biologically functions e.g. not all behaviors are acquired ©) Social System Theory The notion of social structure as relation ship between different evict ties or groups as enduring and relatively stable pattems of relationship emphasizes the idea that society is grouped into structurally related groups or sets of roles with different functions, meaning or purpose of social structure is the idea of social stratification which refers to the idea ct that society is separated into different strata guided by the underlying structures in the social system. This approach has been important in the academic literature with the rise of various structures. It s important in the modem society since it determines its flexibility, capacity to change and many other factors. Social structure influences important social systems including economic, legal political, cultural systems and other like family, religion law, economy and class are al social structure. The social system is the parent system of those various systems that are embedded in it Society is the system a set f elements or components that are related to one another in more than stable fashion through a period of time, The part of society focused on particularly a major institution such as the family, religion econgmy and the state of education. p> ‘They identified the structural characteristics of each puch as biologists describe the principle feature of the body organ © One of the features of a system stressed by funetionalists is its tendency towards equilibrium or balance among its parts an’among forces operating on it. Change is one part has implications for other parts and for the community or change and adaptations being continuous process. Some one Parts may change rapidly than others leading to social dislocations. 2 x d) Conflict Theory <6 This theory is associated with scholars like Karl Marx (German sociologist) Marx Weber and other classical theorists like Machiavelli Bodin Mosca. These scholars believed that conflict was inevitable in all society and was fundamental factor in defining relations between different strategies in the society. Karl Marx saw a capitalist society as dichotomous into two major economic classes. The calls that owns means of production and class that owns nothing but labour. Karl termed the owners of means of production as the Bourgeoisie class whereas they have not called the Proletariats class. ct etre coke iy etre coke iy ‘The Bourgeoisie is the owners of the means of production hence have all the advantage than the Proletariats class. For instance using their economic power they can wiled political, social powered compared to proletariats. Who are paid peanuts only to sustain their breath? Marx identified that that the proletariats do not benefit from their labour as they are being exploited by the capitalist who a mass a lot of wealth and benefit hence they are alienated from their product, Hence history of all the hitherto society is that of class struggle (irom the history) The struggles are between two major classes, the dominant and the dominated. The struggle is because of the competition foe scarce resources which culminates into a sour relationship hence animosity brews. However Marx Karl predicts suppression of the poor will ne until they get social consciousness (aware that they are being exploited). At the point the mass revolt against the host and employ all the machinery to destroy the bourgeois and replace it with classes system of govemors which he termed as egalitariarf Society © Some of the tools employed to destroy bourgedisie include; Mass actions, strikes, boycotts, go slows, revolutions, demonstrations, and radical means such as assassinations, Q 0 However Weber differed with Marx Karl by analyzing the society is classified into two classes based on economic meas but can be categorized by focusing on other means such as social factors eg ligion, political factors e.g. belong ness to a given political parties. Crit m of Conflict Theory + It ignores order and stability in the society (Marx argues that the history of all the society is that of class conflict) ignores peace and tranquility + It is ideologically radical that systems have to change through a revolution it calls, for violence and use of revolution to overthrow the status queue the bourgeoisie + The theory is not sulfficient in identifying classes in the society. (Do we have only two classes, what about the middle class. The middle class teachers” lawyers, business persons, whom may not necessarily own some means of production) ct etre coke iy + Itis too utopia in that it cannot be realized, there has never been classes society although some element of it has been identified in china and Tanzania but failed. + The assertion that capitalism is the source of economic and political powers is not always true since social factors like religious doctrines and value also add to leaders prestige status and powers + The theory also undermine the counter effort of the bourgeoisie class in resisting the revolution of the proletariats c) Humanistic Existential Theory This theory in psychology and social science which got its name from the belief on the basic goodness and respect of human kind. It is associated with scholars like Yallom among others, Is roots are based inexistence psychology the understanding and acceptance of once own existence and responsibilities b S& Humanistic exist enlists ponder or try to expound on idea of Buman existence and realities. These basic ideas include Ke 2 a. The present is the most important aspect (of the past and therefore humanist focus on here and now rather than the past or looking at the past or trying to look for the future 8 b. The human base their facts on xeality hence to be psychologically healthy people must take responsibility forshgniselves when or whether the person’s action is positive or negative. 5 c. The individual merely:b¥ being human posses an inherent worth therefore no action is positive @hitegative d. The goal of life should always be to achieve personal growth and understanding only through self improvement and self knowledge. When these are achieved that is only when human being can truly be happy e. they hold the religious basis of optimism like positive new points of existence matter in determination of people” personalities however human existentialist take into account the challenges , terrors and frustrations of existence of being part of human being Humanists identified following thematic concerns of organization of human structure or the realities of existence; deaths, emotions, freedom, isolation e.t.¢ ct etre coke iy Death Human being naturally fear death as a result human being are aware of death but it in the unconscious part of mind but generally suppress or repress it out of the conscious awareness They argued that if the people were consciously aware of death every day the world would be inhabited by fearful human being deny death through the following way, Remarkable works or research e.g, Sigmund frauds analysis of psycho sexual and psychoanalytic stages of development despite Sigmund’s death his idea lives forever hence he has not died. db. Others eseape death reality by using religious doctrines e.g. Here is life after death, other say people don’t die they have rested or lie in etemal peace, > - a? © Social scientist scholars encourages that peopl¥’should experience their lives fully to emotions too, for instance they should be hcouraged to participate deeply in their relationship whether bad or good or iftthere is suffering or love in relationship. This denotes that people or reality is onlgf¢xperienced when one persevere in good or bad relationship es or Freedom and Responsibility Emotions and Experiences ‘They argue that freedom and responsibility cannot be separated they further analyzed that with freedom comes responsibility. Human being seeks freedom and avoids responsibility. People seek more freedom but when its consequences dead arise no one is accountable. They further postulated that as much as people succeed in seeking freedom and escaping responsibility they are psychologically bound or tormented by guilt, anxiety, depression and even hunger. He also said people can avoid responsibility by conforming to certain ideas or behavior, by bending of rules to fit personal freedom ct etre coke iy Criticism Human existence theory as much as it claims to be realistic it is skeptical in analyzing matters of reality like death, freedom and isolation are meaningless. ‘The theory is characterized by obstruct ideas e.g. how can the inherent worth of person describe such ideologies like death and isolation f) Functionalist Theory Itis a macro level theory among sociological theory associated with proponent such as Teleot Persons and Geoffrey Alexander. They postulated that the society can as, well understand by studying or looking at its structure functign hence the name structural functionalist theory. He viewed the society as athole system comprised of various functional parts which interrelate harmoniously to’ maintain the entire system They associated the society with peace and tranquility. To them the society was always in peace as a result of cohesive integration of various parts. According to persons there are four functiorfal, imperatives that are necessary for all system they include; a, Adaptation, b. Integration and ¢. Goal attainment Adaptation ‘A system must cope with ‘extemal situational or must adopt to its environment and to its environmental needs. Goal Attainment ‘A system must define and achieve its goals. Various parts must try towards attaining their goal which will have a spill over effect on their attainment of the entire system’s goal Integration A system must regulate interrelationship of its components meaning every part working within the system must not only work towards attaining goals but also attaining entire system goals on the other systems. Major reason why integration is ct etre coke iy important in the society is to avoid conflict, tension, incompatibility, disequilibrium Chaos Latency A system must vamish, maintain and renew both motivation of individual and cultural patterns that cerate and sustain motivation in other words the entire system must maintain order and consensus among various members of the society. It is done through an interpretation goal and adoption to the system environment Assumptions of Taleot Persons + System has the property of order and interdependence of parts + System tends towards self maiPntaining order and Qjuilibrium. The system may be static or involved in ordered process of change + The nature of one part affects the form of other part * System maintains boundaries in their enVitonment variations and control tendency to change system from within, sm Ss 1. The theory neglects cna society, it deal more with static structure than with change process 2. Itis generalist ropa treats the society with an entire more complex system when in reality thé@’are more complex and less complex society 3. It ignores conflict in the society when our society is characterized by constant instability and conflict like land and clashes 4, The theory lacks logical strength that is in vague and ambiguous e.g. what is a structure, what are the parts and how are they related to the system 5. It suffers from teleology. Teleology it views the society as having purposes that work harmoniously to maintain the entire system, How empirical can this, population be tested e.g, social goals and its functions generally itis a serious misunderstanding of pattems of human society www.pdfnot etre coke iy + Theories offer move understanding of social phenomenon e.g. behavior + They answer questions e.g. why events or things occur the way they do + They stimulate research + Help in prediction of social phenomenon + Help in critical analysis / thinking. Importance of Theories Rraranaerel ieee) etre coke iy REVISION QUESTIONS 1. Explain the applicable of social work leaming theory 2. discuss the importance of social work theories 3. as a social worker, explain the applicable of functionalist theory in any relevant life situation 4. explain how social workers can apply the “social leaming theory” to help deviant peers in the society Rraranaerel ieee) etre coke iy TOPIC 3 SKILLS IN SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE Specific Objectives By the end of this topic the trainee should be able to; a) discuss the characteristics of social work profession b) discuss the skills and competence required by a social worker ©) discuss the social work problem ® INTRODUCTION % AN 3.1 The skills and competence required by a Social worker The process of social work as social worker*nedds various skills of knowledge and ethical commitment n helping their clients, Somé3f the skills and competence required by @ social worker include, & a. Communication skiio° Social workers need skili§-of how to address properly their clients without provoking them and explain strategies to them in creditable manner this include eloquence and systematic language use in communication b. Research skills Social workers need skills in research of social phenomena for instance sampling skills which denote that smaller population can be studied to reflect the entire population c. Problem solving population This is skills on how to solve client’s needs or problem, Problem solved is procedural a aspect as it entails identification of the problem, identification of action plan and implementation before monitoring and evaluation. d. Advocacy skills Social workers act as the advocate of the vulnerable, marginalized excluded members in the community, ct etre coke iy e. Planning skills Social workers act as planners of major agencies therefore they plan activities of the organization and balance the resources or finance to be utilized in the given action They also plan time and venues of meeting with the clients. £. Organizational skills Workers must be equipped with skill on how to mobilize and organize communities into action groups in problem solving, They can also organize them based on gender, education or geographical boundaries g. Training skills In some instance social workers must train their clients or given aspects in the community e.g. HIV, nursing skills, malaria ete, ® p> h. Evaluation skills A Social workers do not only act on the case managers but also monitoring and evaluation officers of programmes within the eéuntry, they utilize evaluation such as net profit value, analysis in order to access the viability and success of programmes. i. Social action skills S Social workers utilize social action;model in solving community problems therefore they need skills on social action tg identify resources and mobilize people to arrest problems, 2 Oo ‘if Sensitization skills, Social workers act as messengers of awareness programmes they educate the community on salient emerging trends e.g. sensitization on HIV/ AIDS group formation, crimes corruption they should be able to communicate and pass the information desirably k. Administration skills Social workers act as administrators of programmes within the community and pass information desirably ct arene omens 1. Counseling skills Social workers sometimes act as removers of stress or relievers of stress of frustrated clients. They counsel on marital conflict, relationships barriers, frustration and confusion m. Intervention skil They need skills on how to intervene or curb a given problem within the community they have various intervention methodology in social work e g, the crisis intervention ‘model, locality intervention model, hence they should know how and when to utilize social work model 3.2 Challenges in So work p> 1. Area of operation ~ social workers operate from gach other geographically this creates a barrier to the better organization and mariagement of social services 2. Many social workers lack opportunity to atténid seminars and conferences abroad 3. Lack of opportunities for further studies (social workers would like to build and acquire more career skills and knowled: Lack of access to social literature © 5. Social workers do not keep abreast with the new development in the field of social work due to lack of proper e¢rdination channels 6. Inadequate resources ~ he is insufficient funds, technology and human resources eo 7. Inadequate resousgés ~ some social workers lack skills on intervention 8. Poor infrastructure networking — lack of facilities like banks , good roads , communication channels. 9. Cultural obstacles ~ social workers may be posted to areas where traditional taboos are ambivalent. 10. Social workers always advocate for the rights of minority vulnerable groups but what is it when it comes to advocating for the rights of the homosexual which is outlawed. ct etre coke iy REVISION QUESTIONS 1. discuss in details the characteristics of a social work profession 2. explain the skills and competence required by social workers in practice 3. being a social worker, discuss how you can use social work skills to solve social problems 4. explain five reasons why social workers should be equipped with professional training or skill Mees a etre coke iy TOPIC 4 SOCIAL WORK ETHICS AND VA Specific Objectives By the end of this topic the trainee should be able to; a) discuss social work ethics and values ‘b) discuss the importance of social work ethics and values ¢) discuss the ethical responsibilities of social work S& d) discuss the basic principles of social work ® INTRODUCTION © 4.1 Social work Ethics and Values; © Ethies eo a) It is typically what is expectéd of a social worker while undertaking his or her social work practices, & Values Values are broad ideas regarding what is desirable correct and good that most members of the society share, Values dwells on the principle and guidance governing something, somebody phenomenon e.t.c. They touch on the rights and wrongs of a given organization. They are the does and the don’ts of a particular profession. They are rules governing a given institution or organization. They are rule and regulations governing a given institution ct etre coke iy The following are examples of such ethical standard; a. Respect They should be respectful to their clients b. Honest and truthful Should be honest with the service they are providing c. Confidential Whatever it is elicited from the subject should be in a high level of secrecy Observation of privacy d, Knowledge and skilled Clients should be handled professionally ce. Non manipulation of clients ay? During data collection researchers like social workéts should not course subject of clients to give the information to them © av f. Transparency 9 It is unethical o | for researchers to over exaggerate f@séarch expenditure 2 4.2 Importance of Social Work Ethics Values & + Ethics an values are important because; + They identify co- values on which social work mission is based + Itsummarizes broad ethical principles that reflect professions co-values and establishes set of specific ethical standard used to guide social work practice. + The code is designed to help social workers identify relevant consideration when professional obligation conflict on ethical uncertainties arise * Ethics provides standard to which public can hold social work profession accountable. Socialize practitioners new to the field, social work mission values and ethics standards + Itatticulates standards that social work profession can use to access whether workers have engaged in unethical conduct. * Guide decision making process especially during ethical issues and conduct ct etre coke iy + Form the foundation of hard work and work ethics on the employees/ social workers 4.3 Impact of Ethics and Values on Social work + It defines the boundaries on which a social worker and the clients should be involved + Itprovides a sense of security to both the social worker and the clients by putting in consideration the principle of confidentiality + It enables easy decision making in the practice + It enables easy access to honest research work because social workers are required to be non manipulative & & 4.4 Ethical Responsibilities of Social workers no Social workers observe ethical standards while undieaking activities in the following concems; © av % Social workers ethical responsibilifids to clients + Social workers ethical responsibilities to colleague + Social workers ethical respoffa}bilities in practice setting * Social workers ethical esponsibilities in the broader society Or o ies me i Committed to clients A social worker must promote well being of clients by putting interest on the client fast ii, Self determination Promotion of client’s rights to self determined and assists in efforts to identify their goals ui ‘Informed consent Provision of services to the clients in the content of professional relationship based when appropriate on valid informed consent by social workers, Inform client purpose of services, risk and what is involved. If client is illiterate take Responsibi ct etre coke iy steps understand what is required and where video typing of clients is needed get their permission first. iv. Competence Social workers should be correspondent in the education and training license and certification consultations; supervised experience e.t.¢ Social workers should provide services in substances areas new to them only after engaging in appropriate study, training from people who are competent in those interventions. When generally recognized, standards do not exist in a given practice. v. Cultural diversity They should be careful and do training research to ensure competence of their work and protest clients from harm. Cultural comtience and social diversity is a very important component. Social workers should understand culture and its functions in human behavior and society should respect and handle with ‘competence the various social cultural diversities of clients” culture. © vi Conflict of interest Av Should be alert and avoid confficts of interest that interfere with exercise of professional work e.g. shouldn’t take unfair advantage of any professional, relationship or exploit ‘to further their personal, religious, business and political interest x? or vii, Privacy afdonfidentiality Should respect client’s rights not to solicit the information from clients unless it’s essential in service providence or research. vill, Access to records Provide clients with reasonable access to records conceming clients to avoid misunderstanding ix. Sexual relationships Social workers should not engage under any circumstances in activities of sexual contact with clients whether this contact is consensual or forced. Not with friends or relatives of the clients ct etre coke iy x. Physical contact Social workers should avoid physical contact as it may harm clients psychologically e.g. cuddling or caressing, have a professional boundary with clients. xi Sexual harassment They should not harass clients sexually. xii, Derogatory language Whether in written or verbal from social workers should avoid this language instead should be accurate and respectful in all communication to clients xiii, Interruption of services Social workers should ensure continuous: services een ‘when they are unavailable are relocated disabled or deaths > > a? xiv. Termination of service Clients should not be abandoned wheésre still in need of services provision is over, itis good to notify clients wHjeh services can be terminated e.g. due to lack of payment for them. = Q Responsibilities to Colleague a Respect Oo” Should respect and com@rite with colleagues in work b. Confidentiality Should respect confidential shared whether about themselves or clients ¢, Interdisciplinary collaboration Those who are members of the committee should participate and contribute to the decisions that affect the wellbeing of clients by Drawing on principles, values and experience of social workers d. Disputes involving colleagues Should not take advantage between employer and colleague issue to obtain a position should not exploit clients in dispute with clients Pa etre coke iy e. Consultations It’s good for colleagues to consult in best interest of clients also on their areas of expertise and competence f Referral for services Prefer clients to other professional specialist on other activities with supervisors, students, trainees or colleagues g Sexual relationship While supervising they should not engage in sexual activities with supervisors, students, and trainee’s e.t.c h, Unethical conduct of colleagues Should take adequate measures in response and correct unettiteal conduct of colleagues Also defend and assist colleagues who are unjustly charged With unethical conduct 2 a? Practice Setting / Professional © Av Social workers should be; 9 + Competent in their work ass69f¥ssionals * Not discriminate clients ifpwhatever account + Not interfere with thejg Private affairs while on duty + Not be dishonest ¢f@ngaged in fraud or deception + Not allow their physical stress to ruin their judgment = Not misrepresent their clients + Not manipulate their clients in anyway + Acknowledge credit or work that they did not which other did + Should maintain integrity + Monitor and evaluate policies property during research e.g, transparency in research findings Rraranaerel ieee) etre coke iy Broader Society + Should supervise and consult with necessary knowledge, skill and consult appropriately + While educating and training should provide most current and reliance goods + During evaluation should fulfill such responsibilities for fair and considerable manner on basis of clearly stated criteria + Social workers should take reasonable step to ensure documentation in records is accurate and reflect services provided to clients + Should establish and maintain billing that reflect nature extended of service provided in practice setting + During administration should advocate within / outside agencies for adequate resources for clients & * Promote general welfare of society S + Should facilitate informed participation in shaping social policies and institutions + Should provide professional services in publictg greatest extend = Should engage in social action that ensure alf people have equal access to resources, employment services and opp ounity “ 9 4.5 Basic Principles of Social work oo a. Confidentiality 5 Information obtained by soojgl-workers in respect honored and kept a secret , it can only be realized to a third parfvith permission form the client e.g. on HIV Aids status. b. Individualism It implies recognizing and understanding client’s unique qualities c. Purposeful expression of feelings This means recognition of clients need by a social worker without condemning this feelings and understanding of their meaning eg. if the client persistently ery during the interview ct etre coke iy d. Controlled emotional involvement Incase where workers sensitively to clients feelings and understanding of their meaning and purposive response of the feelings social worker becomes emphatic to the situation But the emotional feeling of the social worker should be controlled e. Non judgment attitude This principle propagates that social workers mist not assign guilt on the part of the client £ Clients? right to self determination Clients must be given practical recognition and freedom to make their own choices and determine their destiny. Le. client’s decision should not be locked out. g. The principle of acceptance This principle states that clients should be accepted as they gon strength, weakness and constructive behaviour should be observed by h. Principle of participation Ne) Clients should be encouraged to participate in identifying and solving their problems Rraranaerel ieee) etre coke iy REVISION QUESTIONS 1. Discuss five ethical principles that all social workers aspire for. 2. Explain six ethical responsibilities of social workers to colleagues 3. Discuss the importance of ethics and values in social work practice 4, Explain in details the basic social work principles Rraranaerel ieee) etre coke iy TOPICS SOCIAL WORK PROCESS Sp ic Objectives By the end of this topic the trainee should be able to: a) Describe social work practice b) Describe the stages of social work process ©) Discuss the importance of social work process INTRODUCTION _ © Social workers traditionally use a series of gf or process to help clients resolve their problems. These steps include collecting in¥ormation about client assessment making sense out ofthe information (diagnosi€) collaborating with the client to development plan to change. The developing relationship will experience whether the process has been helpful. We use two powerful approaches to help the client change 5.1 Meaning of social work process The helping relationshig Will develop with the client Using one of the five or mote helping approaches described in the prior chapter. This chapter discusses the social work process and the importance of developing a positive and cooperative helping relationship with clients 5.2 Stages in social work process Collecting information about the client: Assessment Whereas medicine uses rebels to describe conditions social workers try not to use rebel because they may fail to accurately describe the client’s unique qualities or the historical reasons clients currently are having problems in their lives. Instead we use psycho social assessment that summarizes the relevant information we know about the client into consistent that allows other professional to understand the client. They differ from the ct etre coke iy term often used in the most commonly used diagnostic manual in mental health. Because they provide brief historical information about the possible causes for the problem although they are problem focused, they also provide an evaluation of the best evidence from the literature to support the assessment. The clients’ strength is included in the assessment as well as the problem that might interfere with the clients when doing an assignment. The first step in promoting the client’s wellbeing is through assessing the clients” strength. A belief in human potential is tied to the notion that people have anticipated resources physically, emotionally and socially and spiritually. That they can mobilize in times of need. This is where professional helping comes into play in taping into what can we not what is & S&S a? Section 1: Brief description of the client and the Problem © In this section of psychosocial assessment w¢ irclude concrete information about the client such as age, marital status, family ¢omposition, what is wearing level of verbal and non verbal communication emotional effect and anything of interest that may have happened in the interview. We shoutid also include the define problem as state by the client cried throughout the interdjew. We aren’t certain exactly what this behavior means but it ells us that the client isn't doing very well fro reasons we have not yet discovered. & SECTION II: HISTORICAL ISSUES This section includes any past issues of importance in understanding the clients current problem i, ifa client complains of memory loss, we might want to find out if has been in an accident that caused minimal organize brains damage . If he has an illness that might be causing, if he is using illegal or legal medication that might cause memory loss. Many people who have experienced violence in their lives do not remember the violent situation and may have repressed it so that they don’t experience the event and then feel depressed. An Outline of a Psychosocial Assessment ct etre coke iy Section iii: Diagnostic Statement ‘The diagnostic statement is a brief overview of what we consider the most relevant problem experience by their client and their potential causation in the diagnostic statement, we combine material from the prior two sections and summarize the most relevant information into a brief statement. A diagnosis often suggest rebel defining what the clients problem is however word such as schizophrenic and bipolar disorder make powerful negative meaning in our society and its important that we do not think of diagnosis purpose may be relevant in medicine Diagnostic level often harm people and the most vulnerable among us poor minority groups client where harm occurs when labeling is used. Franklin (1992) says that African American men want to see themselves as partners in treatment. and recent label that suggest pathology because labels send signal to black clients ho have to deal with label that fails to include unique human qualities that make one person very different from another. 0? AN Section iv: the Treatment Plan © Av ‘The treatment plan described the goals of‘tteatment during a specific period of time and come from the agreement made between the worker and the client in the contractual base of treatment lets assume that the cligat Gomes to see a social worker because he is experiencing marital problems, “ie feeling depressed, the treatment plans answers the following questions, how long fnight take to resolve the problem in the marriage, it also imply the cooperative relationship between the social worker and assumes that they will work together to achieve the same goals in ways that involve the client fully and focus on the clients strengthens Intervention in Social work social work activities involve process, steps or systematic procedure that must be followed strictly in the causer of task performance. In the experience social work has been able to develop model that are used to translate social Work in response to the expected behavior of a social worker. This means that a social worker must be guided by the key issues in very stage of his or her intervention ct

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