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Introducton ……………………………………………………………………..Page 1

The term learning style and four examples that consist of such styles ……..Page 1

Identifying multiple intelligencies and its strengths ……………………………Page 2

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………….Page 3

Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………Page 4
There are several ways in which individuals information, understanding and
recognizing data or a certain piece of information can improve the quality in which
you as an individual receive, perceive, memorize and recall new knowledge. This
essay will highlight the importance and the benefits of different types of learning
styles and multiple intelligences as a whole , the essay will also cover the academic
transition that I personally experienced and how these skills enhanced my education

1.2 The term learning style and four examples that consist of each styles.
The term learning style and four examples that consists of such styles . The term
learning style refers to different methods of learning and receiving information ,
(Dunn , 1984) further illustrates that a learning style consists of how a person
understands , expresses and recalls new information . The term “learning style”Is a
broad terminology this essay will highlight the four predominant learning styles
which are visual , auditory , reading or writing and kinesthetic . Visual learning
according to (keefe , 1987) refers to an individual who learns solely by reading or
seeing a particular image , this means that visual learners often use graphs ,
diagrams , tables and even charts to process information . To further enhance this
type of learning visual learners stick to strategies one of those being to write down
their own personal notes and use charts , maps and graphs where possible .
Auditory learning refers to individuals hearing and listening to recall or interpret
information . Thee type of individuals often talk to themselves , play a lot of music
and rely heavily on their memory (Reid , 1987) and unlike visual leaning , auditory
learners tend to be better at remembering material through repetition or lectures .
Reading /writing learning style is my personal favourite as it covers large
information in a short space of time , these type of learners find writing , reading
articles and taking notes to be important and helpful when learning . This particular
style has enhanced my ability to construct , structure and join sentences as I write
them down . Kinesthetic learning style refers to processing of learning or information
through physical activity (Guild,1994) these type of people often enjoy problem

1.3 Identifying multiple intelligences and its strengths .

Multiple intelligences is a theory describing how students learn and develop
information (Cambell and Dickson,1996) Multiple intelligences focus on intellectual
abilities making it different to learning styles as learning styles emphasize
preferences on how to approach learning . Multiple intelligence suggests areas
where individuals can be smart such include linguistic intelligence (word smart)
logical . Mathematical Intelligence (number smart) spatial intelligence (people smart)
, (Armstrong,2009) . The theory of multiple intelligences is rather crucial and
important simply because it enables you to think in a versatile manner but also
allowing an individual to think about different types of mental strengths alongside
with their abilities ultimately making you a formidable source in the world of
academia . For linguistic (word smart) intelligence , there should be or rather
consider being in a quiet area for reading , writing and practicing speeches which
further kick starts this journey . For logical –mathematical intelligence , there should
be or rather consider being in a quiet an area for reading , writing and practicing
speeches which further kick starts this journey . For logical –mathematical
intelligence , there should be an area where individuals or students can conduct
scientific experiments as the are (number smart) and visibly calculate every move
taken , for visual spatial (picture smart) intelligence , they should consider an open
area for art creation . Kinesthetic intelligence (body smart) simply requires
movement places such as gym , drama and art all may prove to be effective , for
interpersonal intelligences (people smart) simply requires group work , person to
person communication .

1.4) Conclusion
Now that we have identified different types of learning styles and multiple
intelligences and how each have an effect on individuals . This further illustrates
that individuals need to identify and understand the value of their preferred
learning styles and multiple intelligences , my personal favorite learning style is
“Reading/writing” as it covers wide range of information in such a short space of
time and has enhanced my abilities to structure and construct a certain piece of
work furthering this idea , I personally feel it works well or hand in hand with my
interpersonal intelligence which is my most suitable multiple intelligence as I
believe no man is an island , certain tasks are easier when you have people
around you , effectively making life easier .

Armstrong . T (2009) Multiple Intelligence in the classroom

Campbell B , Campbell , L and Dickinson D (1996) Teaching & Learning through

Multiple intelligences

Dunn,R (1984) Learning style : state of the Science – Theory into practice .

Guild ,P (1994) . The culture / learning style connection / Educational leadership .

Keefe , JW (1987) Learning Style theory and practice . Edited by prigozy , R Oxford
University Press

Reid , JM (1987) Learning style preference of ESL students

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