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me- Discipline - River and Reservoir System Modelling Print

River and Reservoir System Modelling

River and Reservoir Systems


The group broadly undertakes studies in

meteorology, applied hydrology, physico-
chemical methods for water quality and
hydraulics of surficial processes. This laboratory
consists of three technical divisions viz.,
Hydrometeorology, Water Quality Analysis and
Modelling and Surface Water Hydraulics. The
group thus conducts studies in river and
reservoir systems by field experimentations,
mathematical modelling tools and site specific
desk studies.


Hydrometeorology division was formed in 2012

by merging the erstwhile Physics (formed in
1947) and Statistics (formed in 1947) divisions
to cater to the needs of the clients requiring
specific studies to be carried out in applied
hydrology, meteorology applied in hydrology
and statistics. In the initial phase of its
functioning, the Physics division had contributed
to water resources sector through electrical
analogy approach in offering solutions for PMF
estimation, seepage, subsurface flows and flood
routing. With the application of computers in
hydrology and other fields, Physics division also
inherited the mathematical modelling technique
and adopted many a models and also developed
some in the area of work. On the other hand,
the statistics division was conceived to cater to
hydrology as well as hydraulic modelling groups
in data analysis of various projects adopting
stochastic, probabilistic approaches and
optimization techniques.

 Estimation of PMF/SPF for water

resources projects and flood
o Narmada, Tapi, Mahanadi, Koldam
 Area Drainage and Determination of
Safe Grade Elevation Studies
o Durgapur, Raghunathpur, Solapur,
 Soil erosion and sediment yield for
catchments and mine areas
o Indravati, Kudremukh,
 Water Resources Planning and
o Krishna-Koyana, DSS(P)
 Statistic and Probabilistic Modelling
of hydrometeorological data
o Stochastic methods (Time Series,
Dependability, IDF)
o Probabilistic methods (Extreme
Value Analysis, Low Flow Analysis)
 NPPs of NPCIL, Pamba-
Periyar, Nagothane (RIL)
o Optimisation Techniques (Chambal,
Upper Bhima)
 Water availability studies
o Wellington, Lara, Goa(Mandovi)
 Backwater studies for lift irrigation
and power generation projects
o Pranhita (Irrigation), Neilla Dam
 Adoption of Hydrologic Models for
River Basins
o Rainfall-Runoff (Sarda-Varaha,
o PMF/ SPF for water resources
o Sediment Yield (Kondagedda at
o Evaporation Estimation (Malshej,
 Development of Models
o Rainfall-Runoff (Narmada, Tapi)
o Flood Forecasting Models (Godavari,
Mahanadi, Koldam)
o Irrigation Return Flows (HP I)
o Water Balance Studies (Malshejghat
PSS, Khandala Watershed)
 Software and Models Used
o Idrisi, SPSS, VTFIT, Hydogenom,

Extreme Value
Analysis (EVA) of

EVA of meteorological
parameters (rainfall,
temperature, wind
speed, evaporation,
etc.) forms a part of
the technical and
investigations for
designing Nuclear
Power Plants (NPPs),
which need to be
safeguarded against
natural hazards.
Nuclear Power
Corporation of India
Limited (NPCIL)
proposes to setup NPPs
at Banswara
(Rajasthan), Bhimpur
(Madhya Pradesh),
Chutka (Madhya
Pradesh), Kovvada
(Andhra Pradesh), Mithi
Virdi (Gujarat) and
Gorakhpur (Haryana),
CWPRS carried out EVA
of meteorological
parameters recorded at
the meteorological
stations, which are in
the vicinity of the NPPs
and the results
obtained from the
studies would be useful
to NPCIL for arriving at
design parameters for
the proposed NPPs.
Estimation of
Probable Maximum

The estimation of PMF

for Narmada at various
locations i.e., Narmada
Sagar, Maheshwar,
Omkareshwar and
Sardar Sarovar was
carried out by this
division under World
Bank aide. The studies
were carried out
adopting lumped
conceptual model
OPSET (modified
version of Stanford
Watershed Model).
Flood moderation in
river channel was
modelled adopting
Muskingum method.
The model was
developed for the
whole of Narmada
catchment from its
source to Sardar
Sarovar. Evaluation of
the model studies
conducted was made
by World Bank experts
and PMF estimated by
CWPRS was adopted
for design.
Flood Frequency
Estimation of maximum
flood discharge (MFD)
with a specified return
period is crucial for the
design of hydraulic
structures. MFD can be
effectively determined
by fitting of probability
distributions to the
series of recorded
annual maximum
discharge (AMD) data.
An AMD is the highest
discharge value at a
definite cross-section of
a natural stream
throughout an entire
hydrologic year (water
year). CWPRS carried
out flood estimation
studies for rivers
Krishna, Narmada,
Godavari, Tapi, etc.
The FFA technique was
also adopted by CWPRS
to estimate the
extreme max/ min
values of other
parameters such as
Rainfall, windspeed,
temperatures, etc.
Some of the projects
are NPPs of NPCIL
wherein the design
parameters were
derived and river valley
projects wherein the
rainfall was used to
compute design flood.
Low-Flow Frequency

Evaluation of low-flow
characteristics of a river
is fundamental to the
assessment of water
resources for many
direct and indirect uses
such as municipal,
irrigation, hydropower,
public water supply,
etc. which is also
carried out by flood
frequency analysis
approach involving
fitting of distribution to
the series of annual
minimum average flows
derived from the
recorded discharge
data. CWPRS carried
out the low-flow studies
for Narmada, Godavari,
Pamba and Periyar river
basins. Results
obtained from the study
were taken as
indicators by the
stakeholders for making
decisions on varied
water resources
management issues in
the reaches of river
basins. It is thus a tool
in planning long term
water resources.
Frequency Analysis

Rainfall intensities of
various frequencies and
durations are the
important parameter
for the design of
hydraulic structures, as
also for rainfall-runoff
models. The intensity-
(IDF) relationship can
be developed through
rainfall frequency
analysis (RFA) that is
used to estimate
rainfall depth at a point
for a specified
exceedance probability
and duration. RFA for a
site is generally based
on point
analyses. CWPRS
developed IDF curves
for a number of
projects which include,
Kalingapatnam, Hissar,
Jabalpur, Mandla,
Shivpuri and
regions. The IDF
relationships were
developed using rainfall
estimates obtained
from probability
distributions. These are
useful for decision
makers to estimate the
rainfall intensity for any
specific return period
in a short time and
hence are useful in
planning and designing
of any water resources
Determination Safe Grade Elevation and
Area Drainage Studies
Safe Grade Elevation (SGE) for a project area is
the elevation, which is above the possible
inundation level of the area. SGE is determined
based on the area drainage studies of the
region of proposed project area (Maximum
Flood Levels) and project layout plan. During
the study on SGE are safety of the project and
cost (initial and recurring) are considered for
optimization. The finalisation of SGE also takes
into account the storm water drainage network
for project for safe evacuation of flood water
from plant area. <o:p>&nbsp; Solapur, Kudagi
of NTPC; Hazira and Kehalgaon of RIL ,
Durgapur, Raghunathpur of WAPCOS and other
organizations such as TPCL, TPCIL, REL, etc are
a few typical projects to mention
Estimation of
Irrigation Return

A mathematical model
has developed for
estimation of Irrigation
Return Flow (IRF) from
command area. The
study was carried out
as a collaborative
research between
under hydrology project
(HP-I). A process based
and semi-distributed
model “RETRNFLO” was
developed for an area
of 1339 ha in Kukudi
Left Bank Canal
Command near village
Nighoj, Ahmednagar.
The IRF estimated by
model from commanad
area over 11 nos.
Irrigation rotation basis
for rabi and kharif. IRF
model results were in
the order of 12-14% of
irrigation water supply.
The study is useful in
improving the irrigation
efficiencies and
planning better water
distribution. The model
was appreciated by
World Bank experts and
Mantralaya, Mumbai.
Backwater studies –
Pranahita Chevella

Afflux developed by
presence of any
structure (weir,
barrage, and dam) in a
water course is widely
known as backwater
effect and has both
useful (storage) and
harmful impacts

Backwater has long

been vital concern to
man and thus a subject
to understand,
construct and improve
the transport of water
via waterways such as
canals, river, and
reservoirs. CWPRS
carried out the
backwater studies for
Project for state
Government of
Telangana. Based on
the requirement of the
project, 1-D hydraulic
flood routing model
HEC-RAS under steady
state conditions was
adopted to study the
backwater effect of
barrage for different
flood events i.e. (i)
observed flood, (ii)
conservative flood and
(iii) combined flood
discharges and barrage
levels. As required by
the project authorities,
an assessment of
lowering of barrage
height on the flood
levels and resulting
change in storage
capacity of project was
Soil erosion-sediment yield studies –

Soil erosion and sediment yield from

catchments is an important aspect in water
resources as it affects the storage (reservoir),
water quality, and rise in bed levels of river
sections leading to flooding. CWPRS conducted
the studies on Soil erosion and Sediment yield
estimation for Kondagedda river near
Visakhapatnam. Kondagedda is a un-gauged
catchment hence estimation of water and
sediment discharges were required for the
downstream channelization process along
airport. For this, catchment physiographic
factors were derived from toposheets and
remotely sensed data, etc. Using these, the soil
erosion and sediment yield was estimated with
USLE, Garde’s method, and Musgrave equation.
The sediment yield for Kondagedda watershed
upto national highway NH5 crossing was
estimated as 82.16 t/ha/yr. In addition the
above results were also evaluated with
physically based KINEROS2 model, which
estimated sediment yield as 89.15 t/ha/yr.
Development of
Flood Forecasting
Model for Koldam

NTPC Ltd. has proposal

to build and operate
Koldam upstream of
Bhakra dam for hydro-
electric power
generation. CWPRS
developed a flood
forecasting model for
Satluj river system
from Pandoa to Chhaba
river gauge to Koldam
reservoir. The model
was developed with
three main
components, viz., (i)
rainfall-runoff for
ungauged catchments
adding to Satluj or
Koldam reservoir (using
Clark’s method), (ii)
flood routing for reach
Pandoa to Chhaba
adopting Muskingum
method and (iii)
reservoir routing
adopting mass balance.
The model operates in
two modes i.e., (i) test
mode; for testing the
model with past data
and (ii) forecast mode;
to issue warnings
during forecast
operations. Model has
provision to provide the
decision makers to alter
the reservoir levels to
control the downstream
releases during forecast
Optimization of
Network for Upper
Bhima Basin

Optimization of
network of Upper
Bhima basin up to
Ujjani reservoir was
carried out by CWPRS
jointly with Government
of Maharashtra; under
Hydrology Project
(Phase II). This was
carried out adopting a
spatial hydrologic
regression under
generalized least
squares (GLS)
framework to optimize
the existing
streamgauge and
raingauge network of
the basin. The study
suggested the
hydrometric network of
12 GD stations with a
network density of
1226 km2 per station
and raingauge network
consists of 35 rain
gauge stations with
network density of 450
km2 per station. The
optimum network
provides support for
water resources
planning for multi-

Chemistry Division formed in 1947 has been

renamed as Water Quality Analysis and
Modelling (WQAM) division in 2012, by
expanding the scope of its studies to analyze
the water quality of river and reservoir systems
by mathematical modelling. The three major
activities of WQAM division are (1) Field
investigations, sample collection, (2) Laboratory
analysis of water, sediment and cement
samples and (3) Water Quality Modelling of
rivers and reservoirs. <o:p>

Water quality studies are conducted for various

rivers and reservoirs for assessing their
suitability for various uses e.g. irrigation,
hydropower generation, concreting etc.
Mathematical model, MIKE21 with HD and WQ
modules, are used for estimating carrying
capacity of a water body and for futuristic
pollution scenarios under different conditions.

Field investigations

Field investigations carried out for rivers and

reservoirs like Sardar Sarovar, Panshet,
Khadakwasla, Ujjani, Bhadra etc. Apart from
water, sediment and biological sample
collection, parameters analysed in situ are
Secchi depth, Temperature, Conductivity pH.

Laboratory Analysis
Samples analysed for projects include Sardar
Sarovar, Panshet, Khadakwasla, Bommanhalli,
Ujjani, Tungabhadra and Dandeli Reservoirs;
Ennore and Mahim Creek; Trombay; Godavari,
Kalinadi, Krishna and Tapi Rivers etc. Some of
the instruments used in the laboratory are:

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Flame

Photometer, UV-Visible Spectrophotometer,
BOD Incubator, COD Digester, Water Quality
Monitor, Compound Microscope, Stereozoom
Water quality modelling

Modelling studies for prediction of futuristic

scenario, estimation of pollution-carrying
capacity of reservoir/river, identification of best
suitable location for point source of pollution,
etc are done. The data regarding cross
sections/bathymetry of study region, hydrology,
hydraulics, meteorological data are required for
modelling studies. Water quality data at various
locations, if not available, can be collected by
CWPRS team. Mathematical studies for
Assessment of water quality of Sardar Sarovar
reservoir (SSNNL) Gujarat- Part II (Simulation



Disaster Management Planning (DMP) division has been formed

by reorganizing erstwhile Surface Water Hydraulics (SWH)
division in year 2019 as per the recommendation of Technical
Advisory Committee (TAC) of CWPRS to cater needs of Flood
Inundation studies for Emergency Action Planning in case of Dam
Break. Dam Safety Bill passed by the Parliament of India in the
year 2018 stressed upon the need for preparation of Emergency
Action Plan (EAP) for all large dams for Disaster Management
Planning. The Bill applies to all dams in the country with: (i) height
more than 15 metres, or (ii) height between 10 metres to 15
metres and subject to certain additional design and structural
conditions. Central Water Commission (CWC) with financial
assistance from World Bank started Dam Rehabilitation and
Improvement Project (DRIP) to rehabilitate about 250 large dams
in seven states. Formal guidelines are needed to help dam
authorities to develop and implement EAP in consultation with
local emergency management authorities effectively. Thus
knowing the need of the hour, CWPRS established a dedicated
division for carrying out disaster management planning studies.
In addition to that, DMP division also undertakes Flood Inundation
studies, Storm Water Drainage design and determination of Safe
Grade elevation for Power plants & Industrial Establishments,
Nala diversion for coal mines and allied sectors and River
Morphology studies.
The erstwhile SWH division founded in 1992 initially has
contributed in studies for Bank Protection Works, Morphological
Studies, River front Development studies including flood zone
identification, Reservoir Sedimentation studies, identification of
location and design of intake structures for Power Projects, Water
Availability studies and so on.



Dam Break studies for Emergency Action Planning and

Flood Zone Mapping

Dam break event can have a major impact on the land and
communities downstream of the failed structure. It results in large
flood waves, may be >10m height travelling at high speeds along
the valley downstream of dam, devastating the developed areas.
Dam Break studies are carried out with different scenarios of dam
breach conditions for estimating the flood inundation levels at the
downstream of the dam in case of unfortunate event of Breach of
Dams. The estimated flood hydrographs, in the event of breach of
Dam are routed dynamically to evaluate the Flood Levels,
discharge and velocity for Emergency Action Planning and
Disaster Management activities at the downstream of the Dam.
Inundation map is an essential input in EAP in case of Dam break,
which can be prepared only with Dam Break analysis. Important
Dam Break studies carried out so far at CWPRS are for Mallana
sagar Dam, Kondapochamma sagar dam under Kaleshwaram
project, Kanhar Dam, Tilaya Dam, Ukai Dam, Supa Dam,
Bommannnahalli Dam, Kodasalli Dam, Kadra Dam, Gandhisagar
Dam, Vishakapatnam Steel Plant etc. Dam break studies for
Khadakwasla Dam system, Baswapur Dam and Gandhamala
Dam are in progress. A number of dam break analysis studies for
other dams in India are under consideration and sanction.

Flood Hydrograph at specified chainages on downstream of

dam in event of Dam Break

(For proposed Kanhar Dam Project)

Flood zone inundation map (Dam Break studies of

Mallanasagar dam under Kaleshwaram project, Telangana)
B B.Safe Grade Elevation and Area Drainage Studies

The principal contribution of hydrology in disaster management is

realization of extreme events and an approach to quantify them.
Hydrological investigations and analysis help to mitigate the effects
of flood catastrophe by issuing early warnings, by planning for
preparedness and by designing various structures. Safe Grade
Elevation studies for deciding the founding levels of the significant
projects and Area Drainage studies for effective Storm Water
Drainage inside project boundary are performed at DMP Division for
Storm Water Management. The flood levels i.e. Safe Grade
Elevation are determined by routing the flood using one
dimensional mathematical model under steady state condition. Area
Drainage Studies <i> are carried out for specific project areas for
ensuring safe disposal of storm water to nearest outlet
(River/stream/ocean) by developing a storm water drainage network
for efficient drainage of the project area without hampering the
activities due to high floods. Storm Water Drainage network is
designed based on design flood, topography and hydraulic
conditions of stream system. Some of the important studies carried
out for Safe Grade Elevation and Area Drainage studies are Navi
Mumbai International Airport (NMIA), Rawatbhata Atomic Power
Plant, Kakinada, Kaiga, Kakrapar, Lara, Darlipali, and many other
NTPC projects.

Details of Storm Water Drainage system for Nabinagar

Thermal Power Plant

Index map of NMIA Layout-Safe grade elevation study for

Navi Mumbai International Airport

C. Nala Diversion Studies

DMP Division carries out studies for Nala/Stream Diversion for the
Mining activities and development of infrastructure projects. Many
times it becomes necessary to divert natural streams for
construction of infrastructure or for extracting valuable resources
available beneath them. Keeping the hydrologic regime at the
upstream and downstream of the project area undisturbed is a
prerequisite for the environmental protection in addition to many
other environmental issues. The diversion channels are designed
such that the hydrologic regime on upstream and downstream of
the project area is undisturbed. Appropriate mathematical
modeling studies are used for arriving at the desired hydraulic
design. The hydraulic state of the diverted Nala is assessed for a
flood of 25, 50 or 100 year return periods as per BIS codes and
compared with the pre diversion state to safe guard the hydrologic
regime, undisturbed at upstream and downstream areas. DMP
division has carried out studies for diversion of Nalas in recent
past for Jitpur coal block, Godda, Jharkhand, Chakla coal block,
Chandwa, Jharkhand and for Jindal Steel and Power Ltd, Patratu
Ranchi, Jharkhand.
Schematic plan for Kewari Nala Diversion (Existing and diverted
scenario) in Jitpur district, Godda, Ranchi

D. River Morphology studies

DMP Division undertakes River Morphological studies to

understand the Bank line shifting due to changes in flow
characteristics. Bank lines of the study reach of the river are
extracted from satellite imageries using remote sensing
techniques. Erosion/deposition is estimated with reference to bank
lines which are demarcated using SOI toposheets. The results are
used in the design of bank protection works.
River Morphology Studies have been carried out for Narmada
River, Damodar River, Sone River, Ganga River, Gandak
River,Gautami Godavari River and so on.
Bank Line of River Narmada downstream of Sardar Sarovar
dam demarcated by analyzing satellite imageries

LIST OF CLIENTELE Central /State Government

organizations/ Municipal Corp. and PSUs such as
SMC, BMC, PMC, ONGC and private organizations such as
Trimula, ESSAR etc.



DWOPER/NETWRK, Easi-Pace, ArcGIS and in house
developed Rainfall Runoff models and statistical tools .

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