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Group Members:

Gubat, Abdulrahman M.

Altao, Muhajib

Amer, Sittie Ainah C.

Umpar, Rainisah

Riga, Noursalam A.

Ma’am Ailannie Macagaan

GEC 102 Instructor

A. Problem Statement

Mindanao State University – Main Campus is known for its standard, quality, and

expansivity. In its expansive vicinity, many surely are having difficulties in keeping

themselves familiarized in every corner of the vicinity. Constituents of Mindanao

State University find it hard to look for the place they plan to go especially the

students in looking their rooms in every departments or colleges within the Campus,

this happens due to the lack of signs around the campus knowing that the University

is a vast institution and its structures and buildings are extended at various locations.

This is encountered often by people who are unfamiliar with the structures and

buildings of the university such as visitors and freshmen students, thus it is very

laborious and time-consuming to go to a place which people don’t know its precise

location, it will make them ask for a guide or have someone to spot it for them.

Moreover, since Mindanao State University is indeed a wide institution and its

colleges and structures are dispersed within the locale, having no signages to give

hints for its exact locations are already a hassle and a problem that needs an

immediate action.

Furthermore, as observed by the authors of this project, buildings mostly in

Annex don’t have indications or features that make them recognizable for new-comers

in the University. This leads to problem of way-finding and navigation difficulties of

the new-comers i.e. freshmen students and visitors. Colleges being distant from one

another are also an evident reason why signages are needed to be installed within the
vicinity to aid navigation and solve this problem of unfamiliarity.


According to (Johnston & Mandel, 2014) The difficulty of navigating built

environments suggests the need to support way-finding by using appropriate supports

or affordances, such as signage, to improve the effectiveness of way-finding and the

development of spatial knowledge. It was also found out in this study that the

placement of signages is crucial for its effectiveness. Hence, our team is carefully

making sure that we place the signages at areas that can be easily spotted.

In addition, color-coding and color usages are also one of the factors that need to

be considered when it comes to installation of signages. Signages should be visible

and perceivable as much as it can.

Apart from this, this certain issue undeniably brings difficulty to the students in

familiarizing themselves on where they could find their classes in different

departments in every colleges, especially in Annex Campus. Mindanao State

University – Main Campus personnel have come up with a solution regarding this

issue. This includes by letting students especially the freshmen students attend

orientation programs wherein production of tour guide videos are shown to them.
C. Proposed Innovation

Signs to the Future: Mga toos ko Katagompiya project aims at resolving this

overlooked problem of unfamiliarity with its utmost potential by putting signages at

different colleges, buildings, and areas in Mindanao State University – Main Campus.

We will focus on installing signages that are low-cost but great in quality at areas that

are secured and detectable. We also plan to install a signage at the entrance of the

university just to notify people that there are signages around the campus for guidance

and observance.

This project is very convenient, useful, and very efficient in solving the said

problem. This will enable the students or any constituents of Mindanao State

University to easily locate the place where they’re heading and this will surely lessen

the immanent likeliness of getting lost. The goal of this project is to successfully

install signages in every corner of the campus to lessen the susceptibility of the new-

comers from getting lost in navigation within the university. This will surely bring

convenience and awareness to everyone as they would not even have to bother asking


This project will also help the administration in safeguarding their students and

distributing information properly and accordingly. In a small way, we can help the

community of the students and serve them with a project that is relevant and useful to

their daily lives.

D. Implementation Time

If this project is approved, the following schedules and plans are to be executed:

1. Preparation of this project will most likely begin in the week before the

second semester.

 Confirming the names of every building and structure of the university that

needs signages for its recognition and location.

 Spotting and marking of the areas where the signages are to be installed

 Purchasing of the signages and other materials essential for the

accomplishment of this project

2. Implementation of this project are expected to start within the second

semester of year 2023

 Installment of the signages at the spotted areas will begin.

3. Evaluation of this project will be conducted at the next school year.

 Conduct a survey if it is effective and useful and ask for the opinions of the

students especially the freshmen students.

 If any great suggestions would drive the team to make adjustments, it should

also be implemented before the first semester ends.

E. Measuring Success

The success of this project will depend on the effectiveness of the signages in

guiding those who are unfamiliar with the organization of the university. The students

of the Mindanao State University are all subjects to the success of this project but the

freshmen students or any newcomers to the university will serve as the focal subjects

to assess and actually determine the success of this project. Moreover, a survey will

be conducted to assess the effectiveness and usefulness of the project. The

respondents will be the students of MSU especially the freshmen students and their

opinions will be taken to improve this project. A suggestion box will also be created

solely for collecting suggestions and recommendations from any constituents of

Mindanao State University that will help in making this project more effective and

useful. Our team would gladly make adjustments if highly needed.

F. Budget

The expected costs of our project depend on the price of the signages and other

materials and equipments needed to implement this project. We expected that the total

cost of our project including the materials and equipments along with the signages is

30,000. If this project won’t be funded, our team prepared possible alternative

solutions to generate fund. These possible alternatives are creating a food bazaar,

selling customized stuffs such as keychains and mugs, and creating donation drive

boxes at places where people mostly gather.

Dissemination of Budget

Signages 300 x 50 = 15,000

Materials and Equipments 15,000

TOTAL 30,000

G. Team Bios
Abdulrahman M. Gubat

AB Islamic Studies Major in Shari’ah


I can work under pressure and handle unexpected situations. I can be sociable to other
people if needed and strives to be optimistic and responsible at all times.

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