Assignment 2 For Autumn Break

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Exercise 1

Read the following guide for tourists about the capital city of Argentina, and then answer the
questions on the opposite page.

When in Palermo, Buenos Aires

Palermo avenues are lined with tropical palm trees,
Palermo is one of Buenos Aires’s largest and fountains pour showers of water into
neighbourhoods, famous above all for its parks ornamental pools in the centre of the square.
and museums, but it is also full of shops and
cafés, and rich in examples of the lifestyle of the Zoo and Botanical Gardens
local residents. The area has a relaxed atmosphere The city zoo is home to a great variety of
and it is easy to walk around, with lots for you to species of animals. You will
see and hear. The paintings of local artists are laid certainly enjoy seeing the
out on the pavements, and the air is full of all elephants in their enclosure.
kinds of music made by street bands and singers. They are continually on the
move in and out of their most
Museum of Natural Science unusual house, built in the
The Museum contains a huge collection of exhibits shape of an ancient temple.
showing the early history
and past cultures of Many domesticated cats have been abandoned
the country. Above by their owners in the Botanical Gardens.
all, you must look However, groups of volunteers are on hand daily
out for the to ensure that the cats are all well fed and looked
elaborate after.
ladies’ headdresses worn in
earlier centuries and also for the fossils of the Constitution Station
ancestors of giant armadillos. The main railway station lies at the southern edge
of the district. From here, you can take a train to
Serrano Avenue the beaches of the nearby coastline or travel
This street is home to the famous Craft Fair and inland into the rich and fertile countryside. For
Flea Market, both wonderful places to shop. less than ten dollars you can go anywhere for a
They are filled with leather, knitted and other day trip.
handmade goods, and you will enjoy simply
looking around at all the colourful displays. If Eating Out
you do find something to buy, you can always The variety of food found in Palermo is
bargain for a good price. overwhelming. Restaurants
serving delicious international
Plaza de Mayo dishes can be found on almost
This square is surrounded by grand apartment every street corner. Many of
buildings. In this area, the architecture of them
government buildings is a mixture of nineteenth specialise in Italian cooking and provide
century Parisian and traditional South American reasonably priced meals to suit everybody’s
styles. The broad taste.

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(a) What is Palermo best known for?


(b) Where do artists in Palermo display their work?


(c) What are you recommended to see in the Museum of Natural Science? Give two


(d) What does the elephant house in the zoo look like?


(e) Who cares for unwanted cats in the Botanical Gardens, and how?


(f) How much does it cost to go on a short train ride out of town?


[Total: 6]

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Exercise 2

Read the following article about a working holiday in a country park, and then answer the questions
on the opposite page.

, Rest and Play

William Derbyshire had always regarded the phrase “working holiday” as a contradiction in terms. He
thought that holidays were for relaxing, not working. But when he heard about working holidays run by
the National Trust, he wondered if he should find out more.

So he obtained a brochure and discovered that the National Trust organises hundreds of working holidays in
some of the most beautiful places in the UK.The Trust provides cheap accommodation and food, and as
William was short of money at the time, he reckoned that this could be a way for him to take a break
without having to spend too much.

William chose to go to a big country park, to help a group of other volunteers to clear some of the
surrounding woodland. He was met there by the group leader, who immediately told him he had already
made his first mistake.The trainers William was wearing were quite unsuitable for outdoor work. It says so
in the brochure, in bold type, but somehow he had missed that detail. Luckily, the leader had a pair of smart
green boots for him to borrow.Then they headed off into the forest to meet the other volunteers.

The forest was full of all kinds of trees but had become overgrown with thick bushes and tangled weeds.The
volunteers’ task was to clear these, to give the trees more room, and to plant a few more in the empty
spaces.The National Trust is a charity and receives no money from the government.Without the help of
volunteers, work like this would not be done.

The other volunteers had been there for a week, and they had already cleared an area the size of several
tennis courts.The volunteers ranged from teenagers to pensioners, from a retired postman to several
students working for an award.There was also a surveyor, a civil servant, a teacher and a chef. A few were
first-timers, but most of them had been on lots of these holidays before.

over 65
Age ranges (in years) 13-19
of volunteers attending
National Trust working 51-65
holidays in 2011
After volunteers have done several working holidays, they get the chance to go on a brief training course
and become a volunteer leader. In exchange for a few extra duties, such as driving the minibus and buying the
food, leaders receive their holiday completely free. However, even though it was a cheap way to spend a
week, it was clear that most of them were there just for the love of it.They enjoyed meeting new people and
doing useful work together. Although they did not boast about it,William could tell they were keen to play
their part in making their corner of the world a better place.

The leader cut down some bushes with a chainsaw and then showed William how to use an axe to do the
same work.William found the task hard, but he liked the fact that he was free to work at his own pace. As
on any holiday, it was good to make new friends. Clearing woodland is not the only thing you can do on a
National Trust working holiday. Activities range from gardening to archaeology, picking fruit and vegetables,
looking after farm animals or cataloguing books in the library of a historic house.

William had his meals in a cabin with the other volunteers and slept in the men’s dormitory. He did not sleep
too well because the room was cold. Nevertheless, he loved every other aspect of the holiday and would be
happy to go back again next year.

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(a) What had William Derbyshire previously thought was the purpose of a holiday?

(b) Why is a National Trust working holiday suitable for people with little money?


(c) What had William failed to take notice of in the brochure?


(d) For what purpose was it necessary to remove the weeds and bushes that had
overgrown the forest?


(e) Why does the National Trust have to get volunteers to do this kind of work?


(f) According to the chart, apart from teenagers, which age range group provides most
volunteers for National Trust working holidays?


(g) What is the greatest benefit of becoming a volunteer leader?


(h) Why was William content with his own work even though it was difficult for him?


(i) What indoor work can a volunteer do on a National Trust holiday?


(j) What kept William awake at night?


[Total: 10]

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Exercise 3

At the age of 17, Rubina Afzal will soon be starting her final year at the Beaconsfield Academy
located at 40-44 Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Rubina lives with her family at 67 Ataturk
Avenue, in the city of Islamabad, the capital city of the country, where her father is a senior official in
the Ministry of Finance.

Throughout her time at school, Rubina has always had an outstanding academic record. Next year
she will be taking her “A” levels, and it is predicted that she will achieve A grades in English, French
and Economics and a B in History. She recently won the Cambridge International Schools’
competition by writing an essay on the economic history of Pakistan since 1947.

Rubina would like to go to the UK for her higher education. The other day, she heard that the
Churchill Foundation was offering five scholarships to school students from Pakistan to enable them
to take first degree courses at universities in the UK. The scholarship would cover all the fees for up
to four academic years of study, plus a generous contribution towards the cost of accommodation.
Rubina has decided to apply for this scholarship. If her application is successful, her father has
promised to pay for her return travel to her destination, and her school Principal, Mrs Shaheen Talaat,
will give her a generous gift of money for books, as well as providing her academic reference.

Rubina would like to study Development Economics. Her intention is either to follow her father into the
Pakistan Government service or else to join an international aid agency such as The Islamic
Development Bank. Although she would have liked to go to Oxford or Cambridge, she has decided to
apply to the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in the University of London. This
institution offers her preferred course and allows her to specialise in the economies of South Asian

Rubina has decided to apply for a scholarship, in the hope that SOAS will accept her for a place on
the course that she wants to follow. She also has an uncle, Dr Aftab Saleemi, living near London. He
is a lecturer at Reading University and has agreed to give her a character reference.

Imagine you are Rubina. Fill in the application form on the opposite page, using the
information above.

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Churchill Foundation Scholarships 2013

Application Form

Section A Personal details

Full name: ...................................................................................................... Age: .............................................................

Home address: ......................................................................................................................................................................

Name of school: ...................................................................................................................................................................

Address of school: ...............................................................................................................................................................

Section B Academic details

Subjects being studied for final examinations: ........................................................................................................


How many A grades are predicted for you by your school (please tick one box)?

1 2 3 4

Give the name of any competitions you have won: ...............................................................................................

Which university will you apply to? ..............................................................................................................................

Which degree course do you want to take? ..............................................................................................................

Section C Administrative details

Who will pay your travel expenses? (please circle)

School Parent Sponsor Other

Name and occupation of your academic referee: ...................................................................................................

Name and occupation of your character referee: ....................................................................................................

Section D
In the space below, write one sentence giving your reason for choosing your particular university
course, and one sentence about the career you would like to follow.

[Total: 10]

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Exercise 4

Read the following talk about a project to encourage primary school children to play football, and then
complete the notes on the opposite page.

Game On
I work in a primary school, where I teach music and mathematics to students aged
five to ten. Although I knew very little about sport, I was recently asked to coach
the children in the football team. Fortunately, I heard about a new opportunity for
people like myself. It is called the “Premier Skills Project”, and its purpose is to help
new sports coaches to learn valuable skills to teach young children to play
football, or soccer as it is called in many parts of the world.

My experienc e with children’s football was limited and so I really wanted to

improve my ability as a coach. At the time, football was not well developed for
the pupils in my school. Many of them did not even know that they had to kick
the ball. I remember one child picking up the ball and running away with it.
Sometimes they would try to hit the ball with their hands or punch it with their
fists. They even let it strike them in the face or on the nose – with the result that
the school medical room was kept very busy! Some children often refused to play
at all because they just didn’t know what to do. I needed to learn how to help
them understand the game so that they got better at playing it. Through this new
project, I hoped to discover how to deliver the basic skills of soccer to young
people who had never even kicked a ball.

I am often asked what I learnt on the “Premier Skills Project” training course I
attended and how I am now applying this in my job as a coach. I reply that I learnt
how to deal with young players, and what appropriate activities to give them. I
learnt many training skills and now know what to do at each stage of training. The
most important lesson is that children need to enjoy the game and to have fun
while they are playing it.

Nowadays, I always try to keep the focus on enjoyment. Even when we lose a
match, we still return home happy. I have come to realise that young children do
not like being shouted at, so now I walk over to them and speak to them without
raising my voice. As a result, I am a much better organised coach. Even when I am
not present, everything can be done because I list all the activities in my session
plan. I try to keep everyone involved, and my coaching has become interactive. I
encourage the players to lead some of the training activities, so I can focus on the
interests and abilities of individual boys and girls.

The children too are more respectful to each other. They do not argue as much as
they used to. They are better organised now. They plan ahead for their school day
and try to make time for their soccer training. They are much better at making
friends and have therefore become popular members of their communities.

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You have been asked to give a short talk to your school sports club about the benefits of the
Premier Skills Project. Prepare some notes in preparation for your talk. Examiner's
Make three short notes under each heading.

The children’s behaviour before they were coached

• .............................................................................................................

• .............................................................................................................
• .............................................................................................................

The teacher’s improved coaching after the training course

• .............................................................................................................

• .............................................................................................................
• ..........................................................................................................

[Total: 6]

Exercise 5

Imagine you have given your talk to the school sports club. Your Principal has asked you to
produce a written summary to be sent to all the other schools in the area.

Look at your notes in Exercise 4. Using the ideas in your notes, write a summary about the
benefits of the Premier Skills Project.

Your summary should be no more than 70 words. You should use your own words as
far as possible.

[Total: 4]

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Exercise 6

You have just finished four weeks of paid work during your last school holiday.

Write a letter to a friend in which you describe the job and say what you did.

In your letter you should:

• give details of where you worked and what you did;

• explain who gave you the job and why;

• describe what you learnt from the experience.

Either of the pictures above may give you some ideas, but you are free to use any ideas of your own.

Your letter should be between 100 and 150 words long. Do not write an address.

You will receive up to 5 marks for the content of your letter, and up to 5 marks for the style and
accuracy of your language.

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[Total: 10]

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Exercise 6

Your school needs to buy expensive new equipment for the science laboratories. The Principal
proposes to sell the school sports fields to raise the money for this.

Here are some comments from other students:

“Good science equipment is more important in a school than a place to play sport.”

“We really need our sports

fields for the health of our bodies as well as our minds.”

hool is judged by the success of its sports teams as much as by its exam results.”

“We don’t need the sports fields. Students can join other local sports clubs if they wish.”

Write an article for your school magazine giving your views about the issue.

Your article should be between 100 and 150 words long.

The comments above may give you some ideas, but you are free to use any ideas of your own.

You will receive up to 5 marks for the content of your article, and up to 5 marks for the style and
accuracy of your language.

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[Total: 10]

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