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- Called the “blind poet of greece” Athena

- His country folks called him “The - One of the twelve chief olympian
Poet” deities and the Goddess associated
- His two epics “The Iliad” and “The with wisdom, craft and warfare
Odyssey” were learned by heart and Aphrodite
wherever a Greek Settled, He/She - Greek Goddess of sexual love and
carried with him/her a love for beauty. Identified with Venus by the
Homer Romans
- These are great epics: studies of ● Zeus parted the clouds covering
men and women of the time and the Mount Olympus, the dwelling place
way of life and ideals of great of the deities, and showed the three
civilization that has vanished but is Goddesses a Prince of Troy named
still wonderfully alive in people’s Paris. He suggested that the three
hearts beauty contestants take their
The Iliad problem to Paris and ask him to
- Showcases the passions and the decide.
cruelty of war, is a story of love and Paris
heroism - Prince of troy that decided who was
The Odyssey the Fairest of the Goddesses
- Speaks of great adventures. - Hera promised him power
Mythological Background of the Iliad - Athena promised him wisdom
Zeus - Aphrodite promised that she would
- Father of deities, devised a great give him the most beautiful
war that would sweep like a woman in the world for his wife.
conflagration over Greece (Trojan - He awarded the golden apple to
War) Aphrodite
Thetis Helen of Troy
- Married to a mortal Peleus, Mother - The most beautiful woman in the
of Achilles world
Achilles - Married to Menelaus, King of Sparta
- Son of Thetis and Peleus, the great - Was abducted by Paris with the help
Greek Warrior of Aphrodite and was taken to troy
- The greatest and bravest of the until the end of the Trojan War
Greek Heroes ● The Greeks (Achaians) banded
Eris together to restore Helen to
- Goddess of Mischief, was not invited Menelaus
to the Marriage feast and threw the Agamemnon
golden apple: To the fairest of the - King of Mycenae, General of
Goddesses Achaians
Hera Odysseus
- Goddess of marriage, women and - The clever and wily warrior
family, and the protector of women
during childbirth
Diomedes - The farewell of Hector from
- The bold one Andromache, his beautiful, gentle,
Nestor unfortunate wife, as he leaves to
- The prudent old man fight Achilles
Aias - The single combat between Aias
- The giant and a host of other heroes and Hector
The Iliad - The games played at the funeral of
- The story opens with a violent Patroclus
quarrel between Agamemnon and - The ransoming of the body of Hector
Achilles, Briseis (second wife) of by his father, King Priam
Achilles is unjustly taken by - Lamentations of the Trojan women
Agamemnon, Achilles makes a over the dead body of their beloved
sacred vow to “no longer fight” Hector, the magnanimous defender
● Because of his absence, the of the city of troy
Trojans, led by Prince Hector, make Formal and Informal Definitions
bold advances in battle, The - Formal statement of the meaning or
situation rapidly deteriorates until significance of a word, phrase,
most of the Greek leaders are idiom, etc. as found in dictionaries
wounded and forced to leave the Formal Definition
battle - Based upon a concise, logical
Patroclus pattern that includes as much
- A dear friend of Achilles information as it can within a
- Saddened by the growing losses of minimum amount of space
his countrymen, he begs Achilles to - The primary reason to include
let him lead Achilles’ men to battle definitions in your writing is to avoid
- Myrmidons - Achilles’ men misunderstanding your audience
● Patroclus rallies the Greeks and Three parts of a formal definition
makes the Trojan retreat but is killed - The Term (word or phrase) to be
by Hector, Achilles, angered by the defined
death of his dear comrade, enters - The class of object or concept to
the fight and routs the Trojans, killing which the Term belongs
them mercilessly. - The differentiation characteristics
● Achilles goes after Prince Hector that distinguish it from all others of
and kills him, ties the body of Hector its class
to his chariot and drags it around the
city of Troy Examples :
Outstanding Episodes in the Iliad - Water (word-term) is a liquid
- Quarrel between Agamemnon and (class) made up of molecules of
Achilles hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio
- Single combat between Menelaus of 2 and 1 (differentiating
(the wronged husband) and Paris characteristics)
(the wife stealer)
- Astronomy (word-term) is a branch - Many prisoners of war have been
of scientific study (class) primarily victims of cruel and unusual
concerned with celestial objects punishment (Phrase-term): people
inside and outside of the earth’s were shocked and horrified when
atmosphere (differentiating they learned of the water torture,
characteristics) temperature extremes, and sensory
When to use definitions? overloads that the prisoners were
- When your writing contains a term subjected to
that may be key to audience
understanding and that term could
likely be unfamiliar to them
- When the etymology (origin and
history) of a common word might
prove interesting or will help
expand upon a point
Tips for writing definitions
- Avoid defining “X is when” and “X is
where” statements. These
introductory adverb phrases should
be avoided. Define a noun with a
noun, a verb with a verb, and so
- Do not define a word by mere
repetition or merely restating the
Informal definition
- The writer uses known words or
examples to explain unknown terms.
- The definitions may be synonyms or
antonyms introduced by or, in other
words, or like. It could also be
stipulation, analogy or illustration

Example :
- Freedom also referred to as liberty
or independence is a state people
reach when they are free to think
and do whatever they please.

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