Paraiso Lessonplan

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Republic of the Philippines


City of Naga
[EDUC102] The Teaching Profession

I. Title and Subject Matter

Title: Continuing Professional Development: The Lifeblood of the Teaching Profession
Course: The Teaching Profession
Grade Level: 2nd year college
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Material: PowerPoint
II. Learning Objectives: the students will be able to
1 Explain why CPD is necessary for professional teachers;
2 Discuss pertinent provisions of the CPD Act of 2016 and other related legal documents;
3 Commit to continuing professional development.

III. Procedure:
A. Introduction (10 minutes)
1 Welcome the participants and give a 3 minutes activity serves as the launching activity to
test the prior knowledge of the students about the topic.
2 introduce the topic of the lesson: Continuing Professional Development: The Lifeblood of
the Teaching Profession.
3 Share the learning objectives with the participants.

B. Development Activities (30 minutes)

• Understanding the CPD

1 The teacher will present a PowerPoint presentation about Continuing Professional
Development: The Lifeblood of the Teaching Profession.
2 The teacher will elaborate more the topic and if possible, to give scenarios related to the
subject matter.
3 The teacher will explain the philosophical basis of CPD.
4 The teacher will explain the Historical and Legal Bases of Continuing Professional
Development in the Philippines
5 Discuss the Salient Provisions of RA 10912, The Continuing Professional Development
Act of 2016

• Number of CPD Units Required

1 Introducing the number of CPD units required
2 The teacher will discuss the CPD credit units can be earned in 4 ways.
3 The teacher will discuss the Continuing Professional Development Plan.
• Joining Professional Learning Community/Communities of Practice
1 The teacher will explain the joining professional learning community of practice.
2 Introducing the learning CPD from the high performing countries
3 Discuss the Characteristics of Effective CPD.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Naga
[EDUC102] The Teaching Profession

- Discuss each subtopic in detail, providing examples and explaining their significance in
fostering teaching quality.

C. Collaborative Activity (10 minutes)

1 The teacher will allow the students to give their insights, reactions, prior knowledge, and
questions related to the subject matter.

D. Analysis
1. The teacher will analyze if the students catch up the lesson through question-and-
answer portion.
2. The teacher will analyze if the students are able to understand the lesson with
regards to the subject matter
E. Abstraction
1. The teacher will give a clear explanation and knowledgeable situation related to the
CPD of professional teachers.
E. Application
1. The teacher will allow the students to assess their own learnings about the topic through
recitation asking them on how they will apply their learnings about CPD when they are
already in the field.

IV. Evaluation (10 minutes)

1. The teacher will ask if the students clearly understand the subject matter.
2. the teacher will give more information that will aid the student to comprehend the topic.
3. If the students clearly understand the topic, it is the time that the teacher will give a
written activity that may consist of multiple choice, identifications, and/or essay.

V. Conclusion and Wrap-up (5 minutes)

A. Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
B. Provide any additional resources or reading materials for further exploration of the topic.
C. Answer any remaining questions or concerns.
D. Thank participants for their active participation and engagement.

Don Dexter A. Paraiso


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