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INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY thing come from a pre –

existing living thing]

BIOLOGY – the study of life or living
and once living things
proposed by Russian
- living things share 8 biochemist A.I. OPARIN in
characteristics 1923 and later supported
- NO SINGLE characteristic by English scientist J.B.
sufficiently describes a living HALDANE in 1928
thing : life started along the origin
and evolution of earth and
ORIGIN OF LIFE atmosphere
first form of life is created by chemical evolution,
a supernatural being called BIOGENY – biologival
GOD evolution, CAGNOGENY –
2. COSMOZOIC OR modification of life]
proposed by HERMANN
RICHTER (1865) and 2H2 + O2 >>> 2H2O
supported by SILVESTRE
N2 + 3H2 >>> 2NH3
[life had reached the earth C + 2H2 >>> CH4
from some other heavenly
body in the form of resistant
spores of simple organisms
in meteorites or in CH4 + H2O >>> sugar, fatty acid,
spaceship] glycerol
ETERNITY – LIFE has no CH4 + H2O + NH3 >>> amino acid
beginning and has no end; CH4 + H2O + NH3 + HCN >>> purine
life has been here even at + pyrimidine
the very beginning of time
4. ABIOGENESIS OR - The hot water ocean
– supported by ALEXANDER compounds was described by
OPRIN [living things are Haldane as “The Hot Dilute
coming from non – living Soup” or “The Primordial Soup”
things] or “Prebiotic Soup”
: challenged by FORMATION OF COMPLEX
SPALLANZANI - A large number of complex
5. BIOGENESIS – proposed by organic compounds in ocean
LUIS PASTEUR [every living remained to unspoil due to the
absence of life
- There was the information of trapping pigment called
nucleotides by the chlorophyll. In this way,
combination of sugar, prokaryotic, anaerobic and
phosphate, purine and photoautotrophic organisms
pyrimidine evolved
- Nucleotides formed nucleic
acid which is the basic
component of life


organic compounds of primordial
soup in ocean aggregated
together through the colloidal
system and bounded by water

BIOGENY - coacervatives may

produce the first cell – like
structure. The first cell – like
structure with the power of division
is called EABIANT or pre – cell. A.
Oparin called it as PROTOBIONT

COGNOGENY – heterotrophs
began to search other alternatives
for obtaining food i.e.
saprophytism, parasitism,
chemosynthesis and

- During photosynthesis, solar

energy was trapped by light


ATMOSPHERE - Earth’s first
atmosphere is composed of
hot hydrogen gas (H2),
while the second is made
with the mixture of water
(H2O), carbon monoxide
(CO), carbon dioxide
(CO2), nitrogen (N2),
ammonia (NH4), and to the profiles of bacteria
methane (CH4) that still thrive today in
- the atmosphere had very deep – sea vents
little oxygen then, which
enables amino acids and
sugars to react to form
carbon dioxide and water
- The formation of organic
molecules could have
associated and
eventually evolved to 1. AEROBIOLOGY – study of
become functional cells airborne organic particles
2. FROZEN OCEAN – a 2. AGRICULTURE – study of
hypothesis which stated producing crops and raising
that life originated under a livestock
frozen ocean similar to 3. ANATOMY – study of internal
what coversJupiter’s tiny structures of living things
moon Europa today. 4. BACTERIOLOGY – study of
- It’s been said that early earth bacteria
may had frozen oceans 5. BIOCHEMISTRY – use of
containing water and carbon chemistry in the study of living
- Life may have been 6. BIOENGINEERING - study of
formed as a product of living things through the means
intense energy from of engineering
volcanic activity, with 7. BIOGEOGRAPHY - study of the
metallic molecules such as geographical distribution of
iron and nickel minerals living things
which act as catalysts to 8. BIOINFORMATICS - is the use of
fuse gases ejected by information technology for the
eruptions study, collection, and storage
4. CLAY ON EARTH’S CRUST – of genomic and other
life may have resulted from biological data
silicate surfaces 9. BIOMECHANICS - study of the
- clay have positive charges to mechanics of living beings
attract organic molecules and 10. BIOLOGICAL EARTH SCIENCES -
exclude water the use of earth sciences, such
- thus, act as a catalytic surface as geography, in the study of
to produce more complex living things
molecules 11. BIOMATHEMATICS - is the
5. VENTS IN DEEP SEA – it is a application of math to the
popular hypothesis study of living things
: genetic profiling revealed 12. BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH - study
that theoretical ancestors of health and disease
of prokaryotes are closest
music from a biological study of the natural world
perspective especially as affected by
14. BIOPHYSICS - is the application human activity
of physics to the study of living 30. EPIDEMIOLOGY - study of the
things health of populations
the application of biology to study of the origin and descent
the study of the human mind of species over time
16. BIOSEMIOTICS - study of 32. GENETICS - study of heredity
biological processes through and the lifelong development
semiotics, by applying the of living things
models of meaning-making 33. HISTOLOGY - study of tissues
and communication 34. HELMINTHOLOGY - study of
17. BOTANY - study of plants worms
18. BUILDING BIOLOGY - study of 35. HEMATOLOGY - study of blood
the indoor living environment and blood-forming organs
19. CELL BIOLOGY - study of the 36. HERPETOLOGY - study of
cell as a complete unit. reptiles and amphibians
20. COGNITIVE BIOLOGY - study of 37. ICHTHYOLOGY - study of fish
cognition as a biological 38. INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY - study
function of whole organisms
21. CONSERVATION BIOLOGY - 39. LICHENOLOGY - study of lichen
study of preservation, 40. LIMNOLOGY - study of inland
restoration, and protection of waters
the natural environment 41. MAMMOLOGY - study of
22. CRYOBIOLOGY - study of lower mammals
than normally preferred 42. MARINE BIOLOGY - study of
temperatures on living beings ocean ecosystems
23. CYTOLOGY - study of cells 43. MICROBIOLOGY - study of
24. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY – microorganisms
study of the processes through 44. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - study of
which an organism forms biological functions at the
25. ECOLOGY - study of the molecular level
relationships of living things to 45. MYCOLOGY - study of fungi
each other and to the 46. QUANTUM BIOLOGY - study of
environment quantum mechanics on
26. EMBRYOLOGY - study of the biological functions
formation and development of 47. SOCIOBIOLOGY - study of the
living things from fertilization to biological bases of sociology
birth as independent organisms 48. STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY -study of
27. ENDOCRINOLOGY - study of the molecular structure of
hormones biological macromolecules
28. ENTOMOLOGY - study of insects
49. TAXONOMY - study of the
classification and naming of
living things
50. VIROLOGY - study of viruses
51. ZOOLOGY - study of animals
52. ZOOGEOGRAPHY - study of the
land and its animals
1. PROKARYOTIC AND EUKARYOTIC as mitochondria, endoplasmic
CELLS: EUKARYOTIC cells are cells reticulum, and Golgi apparatus.
containing membrane-bound
organelles and are the basis for
various membrane-bound
both unicellular and multicellular
organelles, including the
organisms. PROKARYOTIC cells do
mitochondria, endoplasmic
not have any membrane-bound
reticulum, Golgi apparatus,
organelles and are always part of
lysosomes, and more.
unicellular organisms.
Cellular Organization:
Reproduce through binary fission,
true nucleus and membrane-
a simple form of asexual
bound organelles. Their
genetic material is present in a
nucleoid region. b.) EUKARYOTIC CELLS: Reproduce
b.) EUKARYOTIC CELLS: Have a true through mitosis (asexual) and
nucleus that contains the meiosis (sexual).
genetic material enclosed
within a nuclear envelope.
They also have membrane- 2. PLANT AND ANIMAL CELLS:
bound organelles.
PLANT CELLS have a cell wall in
Nucleus: addition to a cell membrane,
a.) PROKARYOTIC CELLS: Lack a whereas ANIMAL CELLS have only
defined nucleus; their genetic a cell membrane. Plants use cell
material is in direct contact walls to provide structure to the
with the cytoplasm. plant, contain organelles called
b.) EUKARYOTIC CELLS: Possess a chloroplasts, while animal cells DO
distinct nucleus enclosed by a NOT.
nuclear membrane. Cell Wall
Size: a.) PLANT CELLS: Have a rigid cell
a.) PROKARYOTIC CELLS: Generally wall composed primarily of
smaller, typically ranging from 0.5 cellulose outside the cell
to 5 micrometers in diameter. membrane.

b.) EUKARYOTIC CELLS: Typically b.) ANIMAL CELLS: Lack a cell wall;
larger, with a wide size range, their outermost structure is the cell
often ranging from 10 to 100 membrane.
micrometers in diameter. Chloroplasts
Membrane-bound Organelles a.) PLANT CELLS: Contain
a.) PROKARYOTIC CELLS: Lack chloroplasts, where photosynthesis
membrane-bound organelles such
occurs, allowing them to produce include the nucleus, mitochondria,
their own food. endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, lysosomes, and
b.) ANIMAL CELLS: Do not contain
chloroplasts, as they are
heterotrophic and obtain food - Functions vary widely, from
from external sources. genetic storage and processing
(nucleus) to energy production
(mitochondria) and protein
a.) PLANT CELLS: Typically have a synthesis (endoplasmic reticulum).
large central vacuole that stores
water, nutrients, and waste
products. Non-Membrane Bound Organelles

b.) ANIMAL CELLS: Have smaller - These organelles do not have

and often multiple vacuoles with a surrounding lipid bilayer
various functions, including membrane. They are typically
storage and transport. composed of proteins and RNA.
Examples include ribosomes,
cytoskeleton elements (e.g.,
a.) PLANT CELLS: Lysosomes are less microtubules and microfilaments),
common or absent in plant cells. and nucleolus.

b.) ANIMAL CELLS: Contain - Ribosomes, for instance, are

lysosomes, which are involved in involved in protein synthesis, while
intracellular digestion and waste the cytoskeleton provides
removal. structural support and facilitates
intracellular transport.
a.) PLANT CELLS: Lack centrioles or
have them in very limited cases. 1. NUCLEUS

b.) ANIMAL CELLS: Contain a.) Description: The nucleus is a

centrioles, which are involved in membrane-bound organelle
cell division (e.g., mitosis and found in eukaryotic cells. It
meiosis). contains the cell's genetic
material, including DNA, organized
into chromosomes.
3. MEMBRANE-BOUND AND NON- b.) Function: The nucleus controls
MEMBRANE-BOUND ORGANELLES and regulates cell activities by
Membrane-Bound Organelles containing the genetic information
needed for growth, development,
- These organelles are enclosed and reproduction. It also directs
by a lipid bilayer membrane that the synthesis of RNA and
separates their internal contents ribosomes.
from the cytoplasm. Examples
2. SMOOTH ENDOPLASMIC a.) Description: Ribosomes are
RETICULUM small, spherical structures
composed of RNA and proteins.
a.) Description: Smooth ER is a
They can be found either free in
network of membranes within the
the cytoplasm or attached to the
cell, lacking ribosomes on its
rough ER.
surface. It appears smooth under
a microscope. b.) Function: Ribosomes are
responsible for protein synthesis.
b.) Function: Smooth ER plays a
They read the genetic code from
role in lipid metabolism and
mRNA and assemble amino acids
detoxification. It synthesizes lipids,
into polypeptide chains to form
metabolizes carbohydrates, and
detoxifies drugs and toxins in the
cell. 6. LYSOSOMES

3. ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC a.) Description: Lysosomes are

RETICULUM membrane-bound vesicles
containing enzymes.
a.) Description: Rough ER is similar
in structure to smooth ER but has b.) Function: Lysosomes are
ribosomes attached to its outer involved in intracellular digestion.
surface, giving it a "rough" They break down waste materials,
appearance. cellular debris, and foreign
invaders (e.g., bacteria) through
b.) Function: Rough ER is primarily
the action of enzymes,
involved in protein synthesis and
maintaining cellular cleanliness
modification. It synthesizes proteins
and recycling nutrients.
and transports them to other
cellular compartments or for 7. MITOCHONDRIA
a.) Description: Mitochondria are
4. GOLGI APPARATUS double-membraned organelles
with a folded inner membrane
a.) Description: The Golgi
(cristae) and a central matrix.
apparatus consists of flattened
membrane sacs. It is typically b.) Function: Mitochondria are the
located near the nucleus. powerhouses of the cell,
producing energy (ATP) through
b.) Function: The Golgi apparatus
cellular respiration. They
processes, modifies, sorts, and
metabolize glucose and fatty
packages proteins and lipids
acids to generate ATP, which fuels
received from the endoplasmic
various cellular processes.
reticulum. It prepares them for
transport within the cell or for 8. CHLOROPLASTS
secretion outside the cell.
a.) Description: Chloroplasts are
5. RIBOSOMES unique to plant cells and some
protists. They contain green Cells are Diverse both in size,
pigments called chlorophyll. shape, and internal
b.) Function: Chloroplasts are
responsible for photosynthesis in WHY ARE CELLS SO SMALL?
plant cells. They capture light
• Transport- Cell volume to
energy from the sun and convert it
surface area ratios favor small
into chemical energy in the form
of glucose, producing oxygen as a
• Control- Nucleus to cytoplasm

Mycoplasmas - bacteria that are

CELL THEORY 0.1 to 1.0 m.
1. 1665 Robert Hooke – observed (1/10 the size of regular bacteria).
cells in co’ coined term “cel”
2. 1673 Anton van Leeuwenhoek Note: 1.0 m = one millionth of a
– created a powerful meter
microscope ALL CELLS HAVE…………….
3. 1827 – 33 Robert Brown –
noticed that pollen grains in a. Plasma (cell) Membrane
water jiggled around called b. Nucleus (Eukaryotes Only)
“Brownian motion” c. Cytoplasm (an area)
- Discovered the nucleus d. Organelles (structures with
4. 1838 Matthias Schleiden – a specialized functions)
botanist who concluded that
all plants are made of cells
5. 1839 Theodor Schwann – a 1. PROKARYOTES – simple cells
zoologist who concluded that that do not have internal
all animals are made of cells membranes. Ex: bacteria
6. 1855 Rudolph Virchow – a 2. EUKARYOTES – more complex
physician who did research on cells that do have internal,
cancer cells and concluded membrane-bound structures.
“omnis cellula e cellula”, “all Ex: plants and animals
celles are from other pre-
existing cells”
appeared 3.5 BYA include
1. All living things are composed bacteria and cyanobacteria.
of one or more cells.
- lack a nucleus and other
2. Cells are the basin units or
membrane bounded
structure and function in an
- have small ribosomes
3. Cells come only from existing
- DNA is not organized
into chromosomes
- Flagella are not made of
microtubules and does not
have a 9+2 structure
- Cell walls are made of
peptidoglycan, not cellulose


appeared 2.0 BYA include protists,
fungi, plants and animals.

- Have a nucleus and other

membrane bounded
- Have large ribosomes
- DNA is organized into
- Flagella are made of
microtubules and have a 9+2
- Cell walls are made of

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