Facts and Figures-2

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Alcoholism in teens.

The reasons for teens drinking can be linked to trying more risky behavior due to puberty and hormones
the rush of things such as testosterone in men and trying to prove themselves to other men may lead
over intoxication and worse There might also be a sense of trying to fit in and be popular by trying to
show off and flex higher tolerances. Some studies also show that some movies may influence kids to
drink more and throw party's and drink alcohol as they watch movies and shoes that make it the normal
to get as fucked up as possible leading to more dependencies. Another reason for dependencies can be
not wanting to deal with emotions in a healthy way rather trying to push them down as far down as
possible with alcohol and just forgetting about them leading to dependencies and teens truing to it
when they have problems.

Enviromental factors.

Many environmental factors can increase the likelihood of alcoholism in teens such as a lack of things to
do in the area they live in. For example, if a town has nothing to do for teens and only things like
children parks or things that are expensive teens turn to drinking as a cheap way of having a good time
leading to a reliance on it to have a good time. Another factor could be the people in an area. For
example, how many teens start drinking is having older friends that have access to alcohol and for them
to get them into it teaching them that to have a good night out you need to have alcohol, or it won't be
a good night. Stress and not knowing how to deal with it could be another factor of alcoholism as all it
takes is some leftover alcohol and a difficult week to turn social drinking into drinking by yourself and
from there it spirals. Not feeling like you have anyone to turn to in difficult time or any healthy ways of
coping with things such as stress from friends or family, or things such as relationship problems all things
common in teens can lead people to turn to alcohol for a relief.

Communicating with teens about it.

The main thing is to talk to them like their adults never try and talk down to them like their just little kids
going through a phase make sure to highlight and effaces that you are only talking to them about it
because you care about their health and safety. You should also give them information about it and how
overuse of alcohol can ruin people and the dangers of them while still not talking down to them and
treating them as adults.

Alcoholic geans

Alcoholic geans to its simplest definition are any gean that relate or have effects of alcohol metabolisms
such as the ADH1B geane. The theory goes that some people that have pre-existing history in families
with alcohol and alcoholism lead to higher chances of future generations developing the same problems.
However, a large number of studies show that geans are only half the problem, and that environment
may play a larger part in it. Geans to do with alcohol misuse and a more prone risk of developing an AUD
have little to no effect on tolerance to drinking rather than being an environmental factor of high levels
of drinking for a long period of time.
Genetics of Alcohol Use Disorder | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
(NIAAA). 2023. Genetics of Alcohol Use Disorder | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism (NIAAA). [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohols-effects-
Teenage drinking | Drinkaware. 2023. Teenage drinking | Drinkaware. [ONLINE] Available at:

Genetics and Alcoholism: Is Alcoholism Genetic or Hereditary? |AmericanAddictionCenters|[ONLINE]

Available at https://americanaddictioncenters.org/alcoholism-treatment/symptoms-and-signs/hereditary-

Facts and figures.

 37 percent of the 31,763 corner shops that were tested sell to underage kids
 For 16 – 24-year-olds, 21% of deaths in males and 9% of deaths in females have been
attributed to alcohol consumption
 Alcohol misuse is a factor in 30% of suicides each year.
 4% of 16 – 24-year-old men drink more than 50 units a week and 3% of women (one unit is
one shot of 40% spirit)

 In England, only 6% of 11 – 15-year-olds drink at least weekly (down from 20% in 2003)
 60% of 11 – 15-year-olds have never drunk alcohol (up from 41% in 2000).
 Alcoholic geans have no play in tolerance
 People of Asian descent have a higher chance of alcohol intolerance. (Worse effects to things
such as hangovers)
Biometric Update |. 2023. Many UK convenience stores not checking ID for age-restricted
products | Biometric Update. [ONLINE] Available at:

Alcohol Education Trust. 2023. Facts & Figures - Alcohol Education Trust. [ONLINE]
Available at: https://alcoholeducationtrust.org/teacher-area/facts-figures/.

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