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hffi E}ft rrrr s,rr {pff rilFfi r E lgv* I r*J+rrr€

Bhubaneshwar Development Authority

rr* &xrtlru.rit3p
Akash shova Building, sachivalayaMarg, Bhubaneswar, odisha 751001
Ph: +91-0674-2gg28}'t

Bid Identification Nol2@tEIrdTBDA Date.10.10.2023

Engineer Member, BDA on behalf of Bhubanesrvar Development Authority,
Bhubaneswar invites lumpsum rate bids in double cover system in ONLINE MODE from
eligible consultancy firm for selection of architect firm as mentigned below:
Sr. Particulars Details
1 Nafure of assignments Design, Engirteering, Supply, Installatioru
Commissioning of Musical Fountain $rith
lighting system including 1, year maintenance
in DLP and operation for 5 years with
comprehensive maintenance for 4 years at Dr.
APJ Abdul Kalam Park, Bhubaneswar
2. Completion period 02 Months
J. Cost of Bid Documents INR 10,000.00 + 18% GST= INR 11,800.00
4. Earnest lv{oney Deposit (EMD) INR 4,00,000.00
5 Availability of Tender From 12.10 .202'3 to 05.00 PM of 27.1,0.2023
6. Date and time of opening of Tender 11.30 PM of 01.11.2023
7. Place of opening of Tender O/ o - Engineer Member, BDA, Bhubaneswar
Further details can be seen from the website: @. Any
addendum / corrigendum / cancellation of tender can also be seen in the saicl website

Memo No. lEWBDA Date70.70.2023
Copy forwarded to the Deputy Director (Advertisernent) and Deputy Secretary to
Government, I & P.R. Departrnent, Odisha, Bhubaneswar, with a request to get the Notice
Inviting Tender (NIT) publishing in oNE No. oF "ODIA DAILY NEwspApER'AND .oNE
NO. OF ENGLISH NATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER" at an early date for wide circulation.
Since the date of receipt of bids starts from 12.10.2023, it is requested that the "INVrTATION
FOR TENDER" may be published on or before 12.10.2029.
Complimentary copies of the Newspapers containing Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) may
please be sent to this office for reference and record both in hard copy and soft copy through
email-chief engin eerb da@ gmail.c om.

Encl: Soft copy

BDA, Unor*"rk,,,
ffi Bil'uilramefillrrsr. Eeurs|sp:frn€"rrt A*rthoritlr
Bhubaneshwar Development Authority
Akash shova Building sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Ph: +91-0674-239280't

BID rDENTrFrcATroN *"8%*2, DN2o2s-24 Datu.10.t0.202s

1' Engineer Member, B.D.A. on behalf of Bhubaneswar development

Bhubaneswar invites Lumpsum Rate bids tn Double coaer system
in 9NLINE MoDE from
eligible consultancy firm for selection of architect firm as menti.rned
The bidders may submit bids for the following assignmgnt through'e'
- Tendering only
in the website: https; / 11'1-*, gov.rn
Name of the Project Earnest Money Cost of Tender Completion
(1) Deposit (EMD) lDocuments + Period ( )
ln rNR) (2) GST (in INR (3)
Design, Engineering, Su PPIY, 4,00,000.00 INR10,000/-non- 02 Months
Installatioru Commissioning of Musical refundable +
Fountain with lighting system including tNR 1,900 -/
L year maintenance in DLp and (GSr)
operation for 5 years with
comprehensive maintenance for 4 years Tbtal INR tt,rtrlo/-
at Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam park
N.B. - The quoted rate should be all inclusive but excluding Cl.S.T. Applicable
Under service
2. Bid documents consisting of plans, specifications, the schetlule of quantities and the set of
terms & Conditions of contract and other necessary documents can be seen in the
https: // www.tendersodisha.

3. Bids must be accompanied by scanned copies of Cost of Tender Documents + GST

specified in the Col. 3 of table above, registration certificate, I)AN CARD, GST registration
certificatg copy of affidavit, regarding authenticity of tender documenf Earnes"t Money
Deposit/ Bid security of the amount specified for the assignment in the Col. 2 of table
above, pledged in favour of Executive Engineer, Division No-I BDA, Bhubaneswar
have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the bidding document.

4. The Bid documents will be available in the website hftps:/wn*,.tenr.{ersoclisha.gor,.in from

dt.12.70.2023 to 5.00 pM of,

5. The Bidder must possess Compatible Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of Class II or
Class III.
6. Bids shall be received "on-line" onJy through Govt. website
htErs// up to 5.00 P.M of 27.1O.202S. nias submitted online
through website other than hftps// will not be accepted.

7. Bids received "on-Iine" shall be opened at 11.30 P.M. c,r't U.]r,..z}2g in the office of the
Engineer Member, BDA, Bhubaneswar, Odisha in the presence of bidders or their
authorized agents who wish to attend. Bidders who partic;pited in the bid can witress the
opening of bids after logging on to the site through thejr DSC. If the office happens to be
closed on the stipulated date of opening of Bids as specifieci, the bids will be opened on the
next working day at the same time and venue.

8. Originat Bid Security (EMD) shall be in shape of Deposit receipt (Term Deposit Receipt)
of Schedule Banly' Kissan Vikas Patra/ Post office Savings Bank Account/ Nationj
Savings Certificate/ Post Office Tenn Deposit account/ Bank Guarantee duly pledged in
favour of Executive Engineer, Division-I, Bhubaneswar Development Authority, piyable
at Bhubaneswar, Odisha shall be submitted to this 'lt.tti.Z21
ffice latest iy 5.00 p.M of
during office h"11: on working days by Registered post/ Speed
f,ost/Courier only, failing
which the bid will be rejected. BDA will not be."rpo*ibl" for poitat delay in receiving thf
documents, also,a scan cW of the same must be uploaied during oriin bidding.Ifthe last da-te
submission of the offline documents declared as /falls on holiday, theiocuments will be
received till the next working day. :

9. Cost of Bid Document in shape of Demand Draft from any Scheduled Commercial Bank
and shall be pledged in favour of Executive Engineer, Division No-I BDA' Bhubaneswar
shall be submitted to this office latest by 5.00 P.M of dt.81.L0.2023 during office hours on
working days by registered post/ speed post/Courier on1y, failing whicf, the bid wilt be
rejected. BDA will not be responsible for postal delay in receiving th",ents, also a
scan coPy of the same must be uploaded during online bidding. If the last date of
submission of the offline documents declared as /falls on holidap the documents will be
received till the next workingday upto 5.00 pM at the same venue.

L0. The Cost of Bid Document and EMD pledged in favour of other than Executive Engineer,
Division No-I BDA, Bhubaneswar will not be accepted and the tender will be rejected.

11. Original affidavit (in support of authenticity of tender documents indicating, the name of
the work & bid idenffication no. of tender document) must be submitted in the office of the
Engineer Member, BDA, Akash Shova Building, Sachivalaya Marg, BhubaneswarT1lO1l,
Odisha latest by 5.00 P.M of dt. 31.10.2023 during office houri on working days by
registered post/ speed post /courier only, faiting which ttre bid will be rejected. BDA wiil
not be responsible for postal delay in receiving the documents. If the last date of submission
of the offline documents declared as / fal7s on holiday, the d.ocuments will be received till
the next working day upto 5.00 PM at the same venue.

12. This notice is to be read with all the Clauses / addendum to the "Procedure to participate in
onJine bidding".

1.3. Checklist is to be duly filled in.

'1,4. If arrry of the intending bidders wish to withdraw from participation in the bid, he
/ she can
freely withdraw from the participation before scheduled date and time of submission of the

15. All corrigendum and Addendum will be published in the rvebsite only.

16. A11 documents should have all pages numbered and that rvill be clearly mentioned in the
17. The authority reserves right to cancel the bid without assigning any reason thereof.

Engineer Membfr,'
BDA, Bhubaneswar.

Memorvo.'ll0l . Date. l0 , 1o )oLD W"

CoPy forwarded to the Deputy Director (Advertisement) and Deputy Secretary to
Governmenf I & P.R. Departrrent, Odisha, Bhubaneswar, with a request to get the Notice
Inviting Tender (NIT) publi"hi.g in ONE NO. OF LEADING ODIA DAILY NEwSpApER
for wide circulation. Since the date of receipt of bids starts from 72.10.2023, it is requested that
the "INVITATION FOR TENDER" may be published on or before 12.10.2029. Complimentary
copies of the Newspapers containing Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) may please be Jent to this
office for reference and record both in hard copy and soft copy through email-
chiefengineerbda@gmail.c om.

BDA, Bhubaneswar
Memo t'to. l Zqw. Date. l0 , 10 ,LoL) .M"
Copy to Sr. Steno to V. C, BDA for kind information of \rice Chairman.

BDA, Bhubaneswar

- oate. lo'lo ' zez) ffio

Memo No.Da&)
CoPy submitted to Engineer-in-Chief (Civil), Orissa, Nirman Soudha/Chief Managing
Director, OB & CC Ltd / E.I.C., Rural Works / E.l.C. (Water Resources), Bhubaneswar for
favour of information and wide circulation.

1) BDA, Bhubaneswar
Memo Date. 10 . t0 '22L)
Copy to Chief Engineer, N. H s/DPI & Roads / P.H. (U) / R.W.S.S / R.D & e.p /
PMGSY/ Member Secretary, O.W.S.S.B, Bhubaneswar, Orissa for information and wide

BDA, Bhubaneswar

u !'t0
Memo oate.l
CoPy to Executive Engineer -III, IV & CH, BDA, Bhubaneswar for information and
necessary action. It is requested to display this IFB in their Notice Board for wide circulation.

Engineer Mdm6er,
z) BDA, Bhubanesw{5o
Memo Date. l0'lo'2o>>
Copy to Superintending Engineer - I& II, BDA, Bhubaneswar for information and
necessary action. It is requested to display this IFB in their Notice Board for wide circulation.

BDA, Bhubaneswar
MemoNo. | 2o+-EW Date. lo, lo.ztz> M,
CoPy to Manager (IT), BDA Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action. It is
intimated to display this notice in BDA Website for wide circulation from 12.10.202B to
27.70.2023 up to 17.00 hrs.

Enginder Member,
BDA, Bhubaneswar

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by RAMA PRASAD
Date: 2023.10.12 16:44:48 IST
Location: Odisha-OD

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