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Assignment Name –

Class Name – IRS152 (Advanced Writing for Communication)

Group Members – Pyae Phyo Zaw (6510096)

The repulsive and exceedingly deadly problem known as child pornography poses a severe threat
to the protection of kids and society as a whole. It stands for a desolate area of the criminal
underworld where children's innocence and susceptibility are frequently exploited for personal
gain. Child pornography comes with a number of dangers. First of all, the acute and persistent
stress it causes inflicts on its young victims lifelong emotional and psychological scars. A
vicious circle of abuse is fueled by the availability of such materials, which promotes the
manufacture, dissemination, and continuous exploitation of additional children. Additionally,
exposure to child pornography may cause people with deviant sexual tendencies to escalate their
criminal behavior to physically target children. It is essential that society come together in order
to protect children's youth and future because of this horrible crime, which transgresses the core
values of respect for others, caring for the weakest among us, and banning child pornography.
People will sum up by saying that child pornography is a hazardous and morally reprehensible
crime that hurts children and has a lifelong detrimental impact on both victims and offenders. To
combat it, strict laws, international cooperation, and child exploitation protection are necessary.

As child sex offenses and child pornography rise in Malaysia, federal police investigators face a
new set of obstacles. Children are now the main victims of these crimes, as seen by the 70%
increase in victims under the age of 18. Between the ages of 10 and 15, when children first begin
using social media and opening internet profiles, victims predominate. Compared to 901
incidents in 2018, the police looked into 1,240 cases last year under the Sexual Offences Against
Children Act. 959 cases have already been opened from January to August, which shows a
higher monthly average than in 2017. Due to the time-consuming nature of the investigation
procedure, the Malaysia Internet Crimes Against Children (MICAC) staff is insufficient for
instances involving child pornography.
To combat sex crimes, the police are devoted to enhancing technical training for officers,
working with other organizations, and requesting more personnel. To combat child pornography
operations, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has announced the creation of a special
unit under D11 in Bukit Aman. In order to give children all-encompassing care, the government
will also allow RM 8 million to strengthen One-Stop Social Care Centres and create a Child
Development Department.

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