General Biology 1

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General Biology 1

Aerobic Respiration

1. Explain the Diagram in 10 sentences. (10 pts)

The first stage of aerobic respiration is the glycolysis from the root works glycol means "sugar"
and lysis means "to split". This stage does not require oxygen because it begins with the
glucose that comes out from food in the form of an ATP molecule. After they undergo a series
of enzyme-controlled reactions. The six molecules are broken down into three carbon
molecules which are known as glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate. The process continued until the
outcome of a carbon compound called pyruvate. Pyruvate means that it contains some stored
chemical energy that reflects the reaction of the next part in the metabolic pathway. The NAD
which stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide forms the NADH. Afterward, with the whole
process, the three-carbon pyruvate can leave the cytoplasm and enter the mitochondrion.

2. Differentiate the three stages of Aerobic Respiration. (10 pts)

Anaerobic Respiration

1. Differentiate the two Fermentation in 10 sentences. (10 pts)

The glycolysis is the same as three-carbon pyruvate. The fermentation cycle the materials to
continue but does not release any use of energy. If the oxygen is unavailable in the muscle
cells in might create a lactic acid fermentation that does not only occurs in muscle cells but
also in cells of vertebrates and some microorganism. If you feel some sore feeling it is because
the fermentation produces a lactic acid. Above all, it is concluded that without fermentation the
earth will become poor in oxygen which might cause the environment to be more polluted.

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