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Analysis of the Behavioral Approach using the POSDCORB Principles

Course: Organizational Theory



Course Instructor:

17th April, 2019

Organizational Theory
As organizations vary in their core set up, the operations and culture, so does the

management approaches. Various scholars have put forward various organizational

management approaches in the bid to help organizations identify the most effective

approach to managing their unique enterprises and operations. Organizations may

therefore adopt whichever approach that fits their needs based on the various attributes

specific to the organization such as the organizational objectives, size, culture and

nature of operations. According to Wesson, Lepine & Jason (2017), at the most basic

pursuit, organizations seek for efficiency in operations and effective resource utilization

towards meeting the set objectives. It is essential to note that organizations operate

within an environment perpetually characterized by limited resources. Lately,

competition is also an eminent force that organizations must consider in their strategies

and operations structuring.

The behavioral approach is one of the management approaches put forward to enable

organizations structure their resources based on the perceived social psychological

aspects of human beings. As organizations consist of both human and non-human

resources; these must achieve and maintain a certain level synergy in operations to

achieve the set organizational objectives. However, as the human resources of the

organization has control over and determines the impact of the non-human resources, it

is essential for an organization to adopt an appropriate management approach.

According to the behavioral approach, there are certain traits and patterns in human

behavior which are actually determined by various factors in their surroundings. As a

behavior is learnt or adopted, the behavioral approach purports that human behavior

can be altered, changed or aligned to some desired way. It therefore possible for an
Organizational Theory
organization to alter or change the behavior of the human resources within an

organization through various mechanisms to a behavior approved or productive to the

organization. (Colella, Miller & Michael, 2015).

Gulick presented seven elements of administration with the acronym “POSDCORB”

which may be used to analyze the behavioral approach as a viable or feasible approach

in organizational theory. (Judge & Stephen, 2017).


Planning entails all actions dedicated to determining and establishing the resources

available or required to achieve the organizational objectives effectively. In regard to the

behavioral approach, planning entails having human resources with the ability to accord

or assign the resources available effectively in the pursuit of achieving the desired

output. Through the behavioral approach, the organization is able to align the employee

behavior to a planning culture for all actions within the organization.


This refers to all activities involved in setting up structure and the various processes that

deliver the various activities; on a day to day basis within an organization. As the

structure is a basic part of the organization, through the behavioral approach, the

human resource within the firm are essentially molded into a behavior that enables them

align with the desired organizational culture. The human resources are able to follow the

set information flow, conform to the authority lines and essentially deliver the expected

output in the diverse areas within the organization.

Organizational Theory

This entails the various activities of acquiring and managing the human resources within

the organization. There are various activities involved in managing human resources

within the firm such as recruitment, promotion, disciplinary actions and even retirement

planning. The behavioral approach acquires its greatest significance within the staffing

function in an organization as it entails acquiring and continuously developing the

human resource into a behavior that meets the organizational culture and achievements

of the objectives thereof.


In any given organization, there exists authority lines whereby, there are managerial

and subordinate levels. The managers are charged with giving action instructions to the

subordinates hence directing or guiding their actions. According to the behavioral

approach, the managers ought to devise ways to essentially conform the subordinates`

behavior to one that enables them to deliver in the specific task assigned. Behavioral

change for the human resource is integral to the ultimate ability to achieve the

organizational objectives.


This entails all activities dedicated to deliver synergy in the various activities across the

various departments in the organization. As an organization comprises of several

functional units with specific deliverables but must work in sync with the other functional

areas to achieve the ultimate objective, it is essential to nurture teamwork and

interdependence among the various functional areas. With reference to the behavioral

approach, the ability of the human resources working in separate functional areas of the
Organizational Theory
organization to achieve and maintain the teamwork and interdependence desired, it is

essential that their behavior is nurtured in that perspective. In order for the coordination

function to achieve its essence, the staff within the organization must have their

behavior conformed to a teamwork culture.


The function of availing timely information to the management regarding the operations

at various functional levels is an essential part of the organizational management. The

ability of the staff members to avail timely and precise reports to the management

should ultimately be a behavior that the staff members adopt and embrace over time.

Through the behavioral approach, the staff would have their attitude, perception and

discipline levels matched with the desired organizational culture. This would imply more

effective reporting.


This refers to all activities related to the management of financial resources in the

organization. Being a highly sensitive part of the organization, budgeting needs to be

undertaken in the light of the organizational capabilities and expenditure policies. The

finance department is usually tasked with the budgeting task and as such, there are

essential requirements for the staff working in the finance department for them to deliver

acceptable and correct budgets. Such would only be achieved if the staff involved bear

the expected standards in behavior such as transparency, accountability and accuracy.

According to the behavioral approach, the relevant behavioral attributes may essentially

be imparted on the human resources within the firm. It would therefore be possible to
Organizational Theory
nurture the staff within the finance department to exhibit the required behavioral traits

that enables them to deliver the budgeting role with precision.


Organizational theory has been accorded different approaches and organizations are at

liberty to adopt the most appropriate approach based on their unique operations. The

behavioral approach presents one of the approaches to organizational management

that an organizational may adopt and essentially change or nurture the human resource

behavior to one that aligns with the organization`s culture. Through Gulick`s principles

of organizational management, the behavioral approach acquires a lot of relevance in

application in the organizational theory.

Organizational Theory

Colella A., Miller C. & Michael H. (2015). Organizational Behavior. 4.ed. Wiley Press.

New York.

Judge T. & Stephen R. (2017). Organizational Behavior. 17.ed. Pearson Education. UK.

Wesson M., Lepine J. & Jason C. (2017). Organizational Behavior. Improving

Performance and Commitment in the Workplace. 5.ed. McGraw Hill Education.

New York.

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