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“The Benefits of Divorce:

Empowering Individuals to Reclaim Their


Marlette G. Manalo

October 13, 2023


The Philippines remains one of the countries without legal divorce, along with
several countries including the Vatican City, Malta and Jersey. Such policies often have
cultural, moral, and religious implications. Many cultures and religions place great
importance on preserving the family system, and resistance to divorce stems from these

However, it also sparked domestic and international debate about whether this
law should be revised. Openness to discussion, consideration of different perspectives,
and understanding of society’s needs are important in anticipating changes that may occur
in the future. Divorce is considered a violation of morals and faith and leads to the
destruction of the family. This requires finding other ways to resolve issues related to
including the case in the immediate resolution process through divorce. That’s why you
can’t get a divorce even if you want to end your marriage. Instead, you can only get it
cancelled. Some people believe that allowing divorce is compatible with the idea of
marriage and makes families special. However, some people believe that divorce is
important in helping unhappy or offended people integrate with each other and their

Divorce issues in the Philippines focus on legal and cultural aspects. Divorce is
currently prohibited by law or is not yet permitted, which creates difficulties for divorced
people seeking to divorce legally. Cultural perspectives and values regarding marriage
inclusivity describe a narrow context that presents barriers to policy change. This paves
the way for a deeper analysis of the need to amend the law and promote a more
comprehensive and inclusive system.

There are other ways of separation that can be done or used such as an annulment,
rather than resulting in the termination of a legal marriage, giving way to the claim that
marriage is unworthy from the outset. That is, it removes the legal effect of marriage and
treats it as if it hadn’t happened since its first day. In short, the annulment removes the
right of marriage without it having to go into the divorce process.

But there are grounds for annulment that may come from defects or weaknesses in
the transaction, such as a lack of consent, the presence of an impediment to thinking, or
other legal reasons. The recognition of the annulment allows the spouses to seek legal
means for their separation that are not subject to the divorce process. However, this is a
complex legal step that requires a solid foundation and evidence on both sides.

Favis (2019) state that filling of an annulments are expensive and take a lot of
time in court. It’s really difficult for many people in the Philippines, especially the poor
and women. This means that some people have to stay in relationships that stimulate or
cause them pain, which can come with feelings of emotion and anxiety.

Additionally, an annulment in the Philippines requires a painful and time

consuming. This legal process and can take months or even years to obtain a court order.
Taking such legal action requires scrutinizing the details of the marriage and gathering
appropriate evidence to justify an annulment.

Typically, annulment is a serious step and affects many aspects of their legal and
personal life. Properly preparing and submitting the right documents and evidence is
essential to expedite the process and ultimately ensure success.

Another aspect that can be considered when facilitating divorce in the Philippines
is taking care of people’s mental and emotional health. By allowing divorce, we can
reduce the number of people experiencing significant stress, anxiety and depression due
to unresolved integration issues. Mental health is an important part of a person’s life and
having mechanisms in place to improve it can be a positive outcome in granting a

Likewise, recognizing each person’s right to make difficult choices in their

personal lives is one aspect of facilitating divorce. This provides an opportunity to
recognize each other’s autonomy and dignity. In this way, society recognizes individuals’
ability to create and change their own happiness according to their needs and pleasures.

Allowing divorce in a country like the Philippines opens the important

opportunities for the emotional well-being of its citizens, women’s upbringing, and
economic status. This is a step that can help resolve disputes between spouses more
quickly and avoid prosecution. These benefits can help liberate women from abuse and
provide guidance to families with children. It is also important to provide appropriate
support and mechanisms to children affected by parental separation. Through proper
education and public outreach, citizens can understand the importance of divorce
resolution and the positive aspects it can have on the lives of individuals and families.

Another aspect is protecting women and other victims of violence and abused.
This is one of the mechanisms that allows people in abusive relationships to be free from
harm and destruction in situations such as illness and physical abuse. Legal divorce gives
you a second chance to live safely without serious risk. Victims of abuse may choose
divorce over annulment for a number of reasons. Legal recognition of marriage is very
important. This is because annulment declares the marriage invalid from the beginning
and cannot guarantee completion or recognition of the marriage. Divorce recognizes the
existence of a marriage and provides emotional closure to those who have been abused by
legally dissolving the marriage. Financial considerations can also be a factor, as divorce
laws often dictate property division, spousal support, and child custody. In some
jurisdictions, divorce may also provide protective orders and remedies, such as
restraining orders or child custody agreements, to ensure the safety and well-being of the
individual and the abused child. To ensure your safety and well-being in violent
situations, it is important to seek the support of a professional, such as a lawyer or
counselor in this matter.

Divorce is a very important social issue. Under the current system, women and
man can not marry other unless there is a legal divorce. The possibility of divorce gives
them the opportunity to take responsibility for their own affairs, avoid pain, and start a
fairer and better life.

Divorce also benefits families with children. Divorce from a toxic relationship can
open the door to healthier childhood happiness. This provides an opportunity to improve
the relationship between parents and children and provides a better environment for the
child’s development.

In other aspects, such as the economy, divorce has serious consequences. It

provides solutions to the spouses’ financial problems, especially with regard to the
distribution of property and wealth. Divorce laws aim to maintain equitable distribution,
provide protection to each party, and reduce serious financial harm.

Divorce therefore reflects social and cultural changes. This is a response to

people’s need to have the right to make decisions about their relationships. It also shows
respect for the right of everyone to live freely and without judgment in their personal

Therefore, divorce is not yet enforced in our country due to various factors
affecting its enforcement. First, religious views are important. The Catholic Church,
which has great social influence, does not support divorce and believes that the
sacrament of marriage should remain permanent. It can be said that the Catholic Church
teaches that divorce is against the sanctity and permanence of marriage and that only
death can dissolve a marriage. Civil law divorce can be recognized by the state, but not by
the church. If a divorced person remarries without an annulment of marriage, it is
considered adultery. However, the Church recognizes that some marriages may be
irreparable due to abuse or abandonment and supports the annulment process. The
Catholic Church emphasizes the forgiveness, mercy, and pastoral care for people going
through divorce, and provides counseling, spiritual direction, and healing support.
Second, Filipino traditions and culture place great importance on preserving the entire
family until death. Divorce can be seen as an abdication of marital responsibilities and a
violation of promises.

Divorce is one of the controversial political and legal issues in the Philippines.
Politicians and the government have their own views, opinions, and interests on this issue,
many laws and measures must be established, and legal procedures for divorce must be

Divorce is a major event that can have serious personal, cultural, and social
consequences. It can provide insight into the potential consequences, emotional impact,
and legal aspects involved. It also fosters empathy and understanding among those
experiencing it, enabling better support and guidance during challenging times.
Understanding divorce’s importance helps individuals navigate legal systems, understand
their rights and responsibilities, and the potential impact on child custody, property
division, and financial matters. It also contributes to discussions surrounding family law
reforms and societal attitudes towards marriage and divorce. Professional roles such as
therapists, counselors, lawyers, and mediators need to be knowledgeable about divorce’s
significance to provide tailored guidance and legal advice. It also promotes a broader
understanding of human relationships, challenging societal stigmas and encouraging
discussions about healthy relationship dynamics, personal fulfillment, and overall well-
being. By acknowledging the significance of divorce, individuals can foster compassion,
support, and a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges experienced by those
going through this life-altering event.

Furthermore, people’s lack of knowledge and awareness about the issues of

divorce, the rights of individuals it desires, and benefits and support services for separated
families can also be an obstacle. Widening awareness and education about such matters is
essential in order to better understanding and the possible consequences of divorce and to
have the right information for decisions.

The filing of a divorce In the Philippines means that people can end marriages that
do not work. This will also help those who have been harmed by their partner’s actions.
Legalizing divorce makes it easier for people to get help and support and doesn’t involve
separation or divorce.

For a divorce to go well in the Philippines, it is important to have help such as

advice, lawyers, and financial support for those who may be affected.

Also, explaining to people more about divorce and why it’s a good thing will
help them understand and won’t be too frustrating. First of all, it is important that we are
open to hearing different views and opinions on this issue. The practice of divorce must
be based on extensive analysis and in-depth research so that one can have a broad
understanding of the issues involved.

Opinions about divorce are very important in understanding the complex issues
surrounding divorce. Providing diverse perspectives helps you make informed decisions
and fosters empathy. Public opinion influences laws and policies related to divorce,
ensuring fairness and social value. Opinions also provides support and guidance to people
going through similar experiences. Open discussion of opinions challenges social bias and
stigma, promoting greater acceptance and understanding of the complexities of divorce.
In essence, hearing perspectives on divorce promotes a more inclusive and compassionate
approach to those directly affected by fostering dialogue, empathy, and the exchange of

Therefore, deciding whether to allow divorce in a country is an important issue

that members of society must study, give opinion and decide together. It is important to
remember that the potential impact on individuals, families and society as a whole. While
there are arguments in favor of divorce, we must also consider respect and consideration
for the institutions of marriage and family. Divorce agreements should be based on
careful discussion, research, and consultation to create laws and policies that provide
goodness, order, and justice for all affected.

Divorce is became more a serious problem in the Philippines due to its cultural
and religious background. Legalizing divorce can alleviate an unhappy or unstable
relationship, make separation easier, and shorten a lengthy and costly process. However,
the legalization of divorce will have numerous consequences.

Because as a divorce advocate, I believe that divorce provides freedom to pursue

personal happiness, emotional well-being, positive co-parenting, personal growth, and
conflict reduction. It can also help people leave unhealthy marriages, heal toxic
relationships, and foster healthier and better co-parenting relationships to their
children .Divorce can also be a transformative experience that fosters self-discovery and
reduces ongoing tension within the marriage itself.


Favis, M. (2019). Why the Philippines Needs to Legalize Divorce. Rappler.

Amato, P. R. (2000). The consequences of divorce for adults and children. Journal of
Marriage and Family, 62(4), 1269–1287.

Ayala, Bea. “Divorce in the Philippines.” RESPICIO & CO., 6 Aug. 2023.

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