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Total points7/20

Topics: Blood & Gastrointestinal system

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1. Side effects profile of Antiulcer medication: urinary retention, blurred vision, xerostomia. Identify
the drug: *


a) Ranitidine

b) Pirenzepine

c) Sucralfate

d) Lansoprazole

Correct answer

b) Pirenzepine

2. A patient of peptic ulcer was prescribed Aluminium hydroxide and Sucralfate. Why is the
combination wrong? *


a) Aluminium hydroxide combines with Sucralfate and prevents its action

b) Combination of these two drugs produces serious side effects

c) Sucralfate inhibits absorption of Aluminium hydroxide

d) Aluminium hydroxide increases gastric pH so Sucralfate is not able to polymerize

Correct answer
d) Aluminium hydroxide increases gastric pH so Sucralfate is not able to polymerize

3. The side effect which primarily limits acceptability in patients who take Oral Iron tablets are: *


a) Metallic taste

b) Epigastric pain and bowel upset

c) Black stools

d) Staining of teeth

4. A 81 year old woman presents to the emergency department with progressive weakness, fatigue,
confusion and reports of seeing people in her house who were trying to hurt her but who were not
physically present. Her physical exam was positive for pallor but negative for koilonychia or cracking at
the corner of her mouth. Which deficiency would be the highest priority in this patients workup?


a) Vitamin B12

b) Iron

c) Folate

d) Calcium

Correct answer

a) Vitamin B12

5. The primary mechanism by which Heparin shows anticoagulant action is: *


a) Direct inhibition of prothrombin to thrombin conversion

b) Activation of Antithrombin III to inhibit factors IX and XI

c) Facilitation of Antithrombin III mediated inhition of Factor Xa and thrombin

d) Inhibition of factors XIIa and XIIIa

Correct answer

c) Facilitation of Antithrombin III mediated inhition of Factor Xa and thrombin

6) A cardiac patient was prescribed Clopidogrel in place of Aspirin due to development of allergy to
Aspirin.Which of the following is mechanism of newly prescribed drug? *


a) Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase by acetylation

b) It blocks binding of plasminogen to plasmin

c) It hinders production of TXA2

d) Binds to platelet P2RY12, inhibiting ADP-mediated platelet activation and aggregation

Correct answer

d) Binds to platelet P2RY12, inhibiting ADP-mediated platelet activation and aggregation

7) Anemia associated with Chronic renal failure is treated with: *


a) Iron dextran

b) Erythropoetin

c) Ferrous sulfate

d) Iron sorbitol citric acid

8) Low Molecular Weight Heparin differs from Unfractionated Heparin by: *


a) They selectively inhibit Factor Xa

b) They are long acting

c) They produce less incidence of thrombocytopenia

d) All of the above

9) Antidote used to treat Warfarin toxicity is: *


a) Vitamin C

b) Vitamin K

c) Vitamin A

d) Vitamin B12

10) The action of Heparin is terminated by: *


a) Vitamin K

b) Fibrinogen

c) Protamine sulfate

d) Aspirin

Correct answer

c) Protamine sulfate

11) Parenteral Iron prepartions are indicated in: *


a) Patients who cannot tolerate oral Iron preparations

b) When rapid filling of iron stores are needed

c) Malabsorption

d) All of the above

12) A 6 year old boy comes to the emergency department with complains of vomiting,
abdominal pain,dehydration, convulsions. A case of Acute Iron poisoning was established
by the duty doctor. The antidote used in this case is:


a) N-acetyl cysteine

b) Glucagon

c) Flumazenil

d) Desferrioxamine

Correct answer

d) Desferrioxamine

13) Prokinetic drug without D2 blockade: *


a) Metoclopramide

b) Domperidone

c) Chlorpromazine

d) Cisapride

Correct answer

d) Cisapride

14) All of the following drugs are used to treat constipation EXCEPT:


a) Octreotide

b) Liquid paraffin

c) Bran
d) Lubiprostone

Correct answer

a) Octreotide

15) In peptic ulcer, antacids are now primarily used for:


a) Ulcer healing

b) Prevent bleeding from ulcer

c)To provide quick symptomatic relief

d) Prevent ulcer relapse

16) Streptokinase overdose is treated with: *


a) Warfarin

b) Vitamin K

c) Aspirin

d) Epsilon amino caproic acid

Correct answer

d) Epsilon amino caproic acid

17) Which of the following is a Oral Direct thombin inhibitor? *


a) Lepirudin

b) Dabigatran etexilate

c) Bivalirudin
d) Argatroban

Correct answer

b) Dabigatran etexilate

18) Which of the following Hypolipidemic drug reduces cholesterol level by reducing the cholesterol
absoption in intestine by acting on NPC1L1 receptors? *


a) Fibrates

b) Ezetimibe

c) Lovastatin

d) Nicotinic acid

Correct answer

b) Ezetimibe

19) The below flow charts shows Cholesterol synthesis. Name the drug which blocks HMG-CoA
synthase enzyme? *

a) Cholestyramine

b) Gemfibrozil

c) Nicotinic acid

d) Simvastatin

Correct answer

d) Simvastatin

20)The below picture shows gastric acid secretion in the parietal cells of the stomach. Identify the dug
which blocks H+-K+ ATPase pump: *

a) Famotidine

b) Rabeprazole

c) Magnesium sulfate

d) Sucralfate

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