Facing and Overcoming Violence in Schools A Critical Perspective

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Facing and

Overcoming Violence
in Schools: A Critical
In order to comprehensively address the issue of violence in schools, it is
vital to adopt the historical and dialectical materialist approach. The
educational work carried out by teachers plays a crucial role in facing and
overcoming such violence.
The Complex Nature of School

Social Origins Social Groups Shared Responsibility

Violence in schools is a Violence in schools affects Addressing school violence

widespread phenomenon that diverse social groups, including should not focus solely on
stems from the alienating and students of all age groups and blaming individuals. Rather, it
alienated relationships within adults from various social requires a comprehensive
capitalist society. It manifests in backgrounds. Understanding the understanding of the social
various forms and affects contextual challenges and context and the difficulties
individuals across different behaviors of students is vital to faced by students. Superficial
social classes and professions. analyze the multidimensional interpretations can lead to
nature of violence. misinterpretations of this
complex phenomenon.
The Educator's Role: Overcoming

Critical Reflection Human Thought Challenging

and Violence Empirical
Based on research
conducted by GEIPEEthc in According to Davidov,
public schools of Presidente violent behavior emerges Common perceptions and
Prudente, São Paulo, as well when human thought empirical knowledge often
as studies by other authors, deviates from generality and form the basis for
this section critically leans towards more understanding students in
reflects on school violence, instinctive forms of schools. However, it is
identifying its expression and problem- important to move beyond
characteristics and solving. Such thinking is superficial interpretations
emphasizing the educator's deeply rooted in the and develop a coherent
role in facing and capitalist social analysis that considers the
overcoming it. relationships. individual's historical and
social totality.
The Nature of School
1 A State of Brutality

School violence encompasses physical and psychological abuse,

exposing individuals to oppression, intimidation, fear, and terror.
Students become victims of this oppressive and controlling
environment perpetuated by capitalist social systems.

2 Dual Forms of Harm

Violence, in both material and symbolic forms, inflicts damage upon

individuals, compromising their social relationships and subjectivity.
Within schools, violence disrupts social connections and disrupts
the personal development of individuals. It is a multi-determinant
social phenomenon.
Understanding and Confronting
School Violence

1 Identification and Analysis

Efforts to combat school violence begin

with identifying and analyzing its
Prevention and 2 underlying causes and manifestations.
This step involves understanding social
Alongside understanding, preventive contexts and developmental
measures and targeted interventions challenges.
play a crucial role in addressing school
violence. Building supportive and
inclusive learning environments can 3 Collaborative Approach
minimize its occurrence.
Tackling school violence requires
collaboration among educators,
administrators, families, and the wider
community. By working together, we can
create a collective response and
develop sustainable solutions.
Impacts of School Violence

Psychological Community Building Teacher-Student

Consequences Relationship
Addressing school violence
Violence within schools can necessitates fostering a sense of The relationship between
have far-reaching effects on the community and social teachers and students plays a
mental health and well-being of connection. By creating safe and vital role in addressing and
students. It damages their sense inclusive spaces, we can overcoming violence. Building
of security and self-esteem, empower students and promote trusting and supportive
hindering their ability to learn resilience in the face of connections can help mitigate
and thrive. violence. the impact of violence in the
learning environment.
Overcoming Violence: A
Transformative Approach

Social Education for Collective

Transformation Liberation Responsibility

To truly overcome school Education must serve as a Addressing school violence

violence, it is essential to liberating force that requires a collective sense
engage in ongoing empowers students and of responsibility and active
processes of social fosters critical participation from all
transformation. This involves consciousness. By nurturing stakeholders, including
challenging oppressive a culture of respect, educators, students, families,
systems and creating empathy, and inclusion, we and policymakers. Only
equitable educational can actively work towards a through collective efforts
opportunities. violence-free educational can lasting change be
environment. achieved.
Conclusion: Building Safe
and Empowering Learning
As we conclude this exploration of school violence, it becomes evident
that a multidimensional approach is necessary to create safe and
empowering learning spaces. By acknowledging the root causes and
working collaboratively, we can foster environments that nurture the
holistic development of students.

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