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Daily Report Event Code Event Code Description Start Time Duration

Period: 09/08/2023 00.00.00 00:00:00

Based on: Real Day 111002100 Speed Change - 17500 00:00:00 00:00:00
01:00:00 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 00:00:01 08:03:26
Country: Indonesia 111241400 PM BarCode 2: 2014.0000 00:00:01 00:00:00
Used By: Tri Jaya Tangguh 02:00:00 111242300 LS Strip BarCode 1: 17.0000 00:00:01 00:00:00
Line ID: Line E A1 1000 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 08:03:27 00:00:05
MAchine Speed: 17500 03:00:00 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 08:03:34 00:00:13
Machine ID: 15035/00014 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 08:03:51 00:00:09
04:00:00 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 08:04:03 00:00:06
KPI Value 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 08:04:13 00:00:06
Production Time (Hr) 3.02.29 05:00:00 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 08:04:22 00:00:04
Equipment Stop (Hr) 0.02.19 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 08:04:28 00:00:06
Other Stop (Hr) 2.07.46 06:00:00 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 08:04:37 00:01:42
Equipment Stop Frequency 1 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 08:06:22 00:00:15
Outside Production (Hr) 2.40.03 07:00:00 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 08:06:41 00:00:10
Packages Produced 42.964 111006020 Packaging material splice 08:32:38 00:00:15
Total Waste 2.266 08:00:00 111807000 PREPRODUCTION WARMUP 12:45:10 00:33:53
Waste, % of Packages In 5,01% 09:00:00 111241400 PM BarCode 2: 2014.0000 12:45:10 00:00:00
Machine Mechanical Efficiency (%) 98,75% 111242300 LS Strip BarCode 1: 17.0000 12:45:10 00:00:00
Mean Time Between Failure (Hr) 3.02.29 10:00:00 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 12:48:35 01:30:23
Mean Time To Restoration (Hr) 0.02.02 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 14:19:01 01:24:26
Production Time Utilisation (%) 58,38% 11:00:00 111241400 PM BarCode 2: 2014.0000 14:19:01 00:00:00
Machine Efficiency (%) 79,71% 111242300 LS Strip BarCode 1: 17.0000 14:19:01 00:00:00
Line Production Utilisation (%) 47,35% 12:00:00 111006020 Packaging material splice 15:43:24 00:57:42
MTBF All Stops during Production (Hr) 0.15.12 111007010 Ladder step STEP ZERO 15:43:25 00:57:25
MTTR All Stops during Production (Hr) 0.10.49 13:00:00 111807000 PREPRODUCTION WARMUP 16:41:13 00:34:59
Line Utilisation (%) 31,31% 111241400 PM BarCode 2: 2014.0000 16:41:14 00:00:00
Time Utilisation (%) 38,61% 14:00:00 111242300 LS Strip BarCode 1: 17.0000 16:41:14 00:00:00
Total Capacity Utilisation (%) 12,64% 111797020 Undocumented preproduction war 17:16:13 02:07:10
15:00:00 111399300 Motor Start 19:23:23 00:00:17
ALL Production Stops - First 10 Down Time Causes 111797010 Missing operator input 19:25:25 00:20:13
Stop Reasons Down Time Frequency Packages Wasted 16:00:00 111006020 Packaging material splice 19:35:11 00:00:16
Missing operator input 02:07:46 11 1010 17:00:00 111797010 Missing operator input 19:45:50 00:04:11
Peroxide consumption high 00:02:02 1 139 111797010 Missing operator input 19:50:15 00:09:51
Motor Start 00:00:17 1 0 18:00:00 111797010 Missing operator input 20:00:16 00:22:39
111006020 Packaging material splice 20:12:02 00:00:15
19:00:00 111797010 Missing operator input 20:23:32 00:04:08
111797010 Missing operator input 20:27:54 00:02:33
20:00:00 111797010 Missing operator input 20:30:44 00:02:36
111797010 Missing operator input 20:33:36 00:01:30
21:00:00 111797010 Missing operator input 20:35:27 00:03:02
111312110 Peroxide consumption high 21:34:23 00:02:02
22:00:00 111006010 Strip splice 22:18:00 00:00:04
111006020 Packaging material splice 22:26:50 00:00:15
Cleaning Time Duration 23:00:00 111797010 Missing operator input 22:26:54 00:05:26
111797010 Missing operator input 23:08:21 00:51:37

Production Time
Eq. Stops - Strip Splice - Paper Splice
TP DE - NON TP DE - Other - Idle (In production)
Idle - Other - Planned (Non in production)
Idle - Other - Planned (Non in production)
Step Zero

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