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Experiment No.

Expt. Name: Observation of Hydraulic Jump

1. Introduction
In an open channel, when a supercritical flow is made to change abruptly to subcritical flow, the
result is usually an abrupt rise of the water surface. This feature is known as the hydraulic jump.

It results when there is a conflict between upstream and downstream controls which influence the
same reach of the channel. For example, if the upstream control causes supercritical flow and
downstream control dictates subcritical flow, then this conflict can be resolved by a hydraulic jump,
which passes the flow from one flow regime to other. Hydraulic jump is useful in dissipation of
excess energy in flows over dams, weirs, spillways and other hydraulic structures to prevent
scouring downstream, maintaining high water levels in channels for irrigation and other water
distribution purposes. This experiment is dealing with how the Hydraulic Jump is created and the
characteristics of hydraulic jump.
Fig.1. Hydraulic Jump in a horizontal rectangular channel
Practical applications of Hydraulic Jump
Hydraulic jump usually maintains the high water level on the down stream side. This high
water level can be used for different purposes.

One of the most important engineering applications of the hydraulic jump is to dissipate
energy in channels, weirs, dams, spillways, and similar structures so that the excess kinetic
energy does not damage any part of these structures.
To dissipate the energy of supercritical flow, as water goes over weirs, dams, spillways
and other rapidly varied flow conditions.
To dissipate the high kinetic energy of water near the toe of the hydraulic structure to
protect the bed and banks of a river from scouring actions.
To increase the hydraulic head/water level for downstream use i.e. to enhance irrigation
practices as such reduce pumping head.
Energy dissipation
Energy dissipation structures: they are used to prevent erosion and
structural damage. They are stilling basins, hydraulic jumps, etc.
2.Working Formula:
Initial and sequent depths

Consider a hydraulic jump on a horizontal floor in a rectangular channel as shown in figure.

The depth of flow before the jump is known as the initial depth (y1) and the depth after the
jump is known as the sequent depth (y2). The relation between them is given below:

F1 = Froude Number of the approaching flow

Length of the jump (L)

The length of a hydraulic jump is the horizontal distance from the front face of the jump to a point
immediately downstream from the roller.
Classification of Jumps
3. Objectives of the experiment
1. To observe the movement of hydraulic jump for different downstream conditions
2. To determine the height, length, type, energy losses and efficiency of the jump
3. To plot E2/E1, Hj/E1, y1/E1, y2/E1 vs F1 in one plain graph paper
4. To plot L/y1, L/y2, L/Hj vs F1 in one plain graph paper
5. To plot L vs Hj in a log-log paper
6. To plot y1 vs y2 for different values of Q in a plain graph paper
4. Experiment setup

Fig.2: Setup for a hydraulic jump

5. Required apparatus:
a) Flume
b) Pump
c) Flow measuring unit
d) Reservoir
e) Water meter.

No. of Q Lj Hj y1 y2 F1 E1 E2 Type of
(cm3/sec) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) jump

1 500 1.10 6.00

2 600 1.30 6.50

3 700 1.40 7.00

4 800 1.60 7.35

5 900 1.65 7.55

6 1000 1.75 8.00

7 1100 1.85 8.40

8 1200 2.00 8.65

7. Table for graph plotting
No. of F1 Q

Sample Data Sheet:
Sample Calculation:
Sample Data Sheet for Graph Plotting:
1. A graph of variation of (E2/E1, Hj/E1, Y1/E1, Y2/E1) with respect to Froude number of
approaching , F1
2. A graph of variation of (Lj/Y1, Lj/Y2, Lj/Hj) with respect to Froude number of
approaching , F1
3. Log log graph (X axis =Hj), (Y axis = Lj)
4. Normal graph of variation of y1 with respect to y2
Typical shapes of graph
8. Results

1. Length of hydraulic jump, Lj=

2. Height of hydraulic jump, Hj=
3. The type of the jump=
4. The energy loss of the jump=
5. The efficiency of the jump=

9. Discussion

1. Define hydraulic jump. What are the practical applications of hydraulic

2. What are the different types of jumps according to USBR classification?
3. Why does the energy loss occur in hydraulic jumps? Is it really an energy
4. What is tail water depth? Explain why a hydraulic jump moves upstream
when the tail water depth is greater than the sequent depth and vice versa.
Variation of E2/E1, Hj/E1, Y1/E1, Y2/E1 With Respect to Froude Number
Variation of Lj/Y1, Lj/Y2, Lj/Hj With Respect to Froude Number
Variation of Length of Jump With Respect to Height of Jump:
Variation of Upstream Depth With Respect to Scquent Depth

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