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MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section

Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)


Company : Unique engineering and construction public company limited Date : 27 SEP 2023
Ref Locatio Proces Work Remarks
n s Activity
1 PP26 Deep Excavation General site clearance
Top down excavation (From existing ground level to 1st

Top down excavation (From 1 st Layer to 2nd Layer and

continue to final formation level)
Excavation works in control work zone
Earth/ hardcore disposal
Tipper trucks accessing in / out of site for earth /
hardcore disposal
lifting / hoisting of excavators / equipment into / out
from basement
Maintenance l repair works (Non-routine activities)
Refueling of di esel / hydraulic f1uid to excavator
Inclement weather (Non-routine)
Environmental impact
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
1 - Excavator to be operated
by competent and appointed
operator (4)
- Ensure no workers /
property are in the radius of
the excavator (4)
- Deploy Banksman to guide
Hit by moving / Serious injury or the moving (4) - Conduct additional task briefing (3)
- Banksman to stand at safe lV I B t highlight on the high risk area V I C Immediate
slewing excavator fatality to workers (4)
distance away from the (4)
moving excavator (4)
- Excavator warning
lights to be on during
operation (3)
- Ensure un-obstructed cabin
window, so that operator
can have clear view
around (4)
- To construct suitable mean
Improper access for of access for machinery and supervisor
machinery workers to work area (3)
Bruises, minor injury
workers may cause - To ensure access is free IV III C - Closely monitor by Supervisor (4) V Ill D Immediate
slip and fall for
for workers from obstruction (4) (4)
workers - Access to be maintain

- To embark/ disembark
at safe designated location
- To maintain 3 point contact
Slip / trip during during embark/disembark - Conduct additional briefing to
Minor injury or (3) supervisor
embark f disembark from excavator at all times IV III C highlight on high risk areas to the V III D Immediate
bruises for workers (4)
from excavator (8) workforce (4)
- Ensure excavator step are in
good condition

- Ensure excavator step is

maintain and clear from
excessive earth (4j
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Prior to start work ensure
emergency access should he
provided (Main — Con) (4)
Workers trapped at supervisor
- No obstruction of
worksite due to - To debrief workforce on
emergency access (4)
insufficient escape Major injury or fatality evacuation procedure (4)
access for to workers
- Assembly point to be IV I B - To update escape route whenever (#) v i c Immediate
clearly stated on site (4)
personnel during there is any site changes (4)
- To abide to Main-Con
evacuation procedure (4)
- To abide on reporting
flowchart (4)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Obtain approved PTW /
PTD (4)
- Ensure proper safe access
for excavator to travel (3)
- Excavator to be operated
by competent and appointed
operator (4)
- Excavator warning lights
to be on during operation to
warn other operators and

- Deploy Banksman to guide

- Site supervisor to closet y monitor supervisor
the moving excavator (4)
Worker or Property traffic movement on-site (4)
Top down - Banksman to stay safe
hit by moving Property damage, - Conduct additional task briefing
Excavation (from distance away for the IV I B to workers on high risk areas (4)
2 machinery major injury or fatality V I C Immediate
twisting ground moving excavator (4) (4)
such as to workers - Ensure Banksman been brief on
level to 1st Layer - Banksman to keep
Standard / Long his roles and responsibility (4)
personnel or vehicle out of
Arm Excavator
the path of moving excavator

- Banksman to ensure that

nobody (including himself)
must not be in the blind

- Banksman to be equip with

whistle to alert or warn
workers (4)
- Ensure un-obstructed cabin
window, so that operator can
have clear view around (4)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Ensure no workers / other
machinery or Banksmen are
i n t h e radius of the
excavator (4)
- Ensure sufficient space for
excavators to manoeuvre (4)
- Excavator warning lights
to be on during operation to supervisor
- Conduct additional task briefing
Worker or Property Major injury' or fatality rem other operators and (3)
to highlight on the high risk area
hit by turning / to worker, property workers (3) IV I Immediate
(4) (4)
slewing excavator damage - Ensure un-obstructed cabin
- Close supervision by Supervisor
endow. so that operator can
have clear view around (4)
- Coordinate with adjacent
works and sub-contractors
- To cordon off work area
and prov ide warning
signage to prevent
unauthorized entry (3)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Ensure proper access
for excavator (3)
- Do not position
excavator on slope or
edge of slope to do
excavation (4)
Poor access way
- Excavator to position at supervisor
due to uneven or
least lm away from the
soft ground - Provide steel plates (3)
Serious injury or edge of slope (4)
condition resuming when necessary (3) V I C Immediate
fatality to workers - Proper machine " (4)
in toppling of - Conduct additional task
parking orientation (4)
excavator and briefing to workers on high
- Excavator must be
filling workers risk areas (4)
on stable ground (4)
- Do not over-excavate
under the Excavator (4)
- Regular visual
inspection to ground
condition especially
after heavy rain

- To apply PTW
for excavation
works (4)
- To engage LCDW to
carry out cable detection
works (3)
- Location of services to - Standing Supervision by
be marked out on site Site Supervisor when supervisor
Damage to by LCDW (3) working near "LIVE"
Property damage,
underground - To carry out trial holes {p {{ services (4) (3)
work delay due to loss V II C
services using manually when working - Trial holes before
of power supply
excavator near utilities prior to actual excavation (4)
excavating (4) - If diversion of services not
feasible. liaise with relevant
- Only excavator authority on protection method
operator with valid REO (4)
license to work when
excavating near live
utilities (4)
- Provide Banksmen
for excavator at all
times (4)
- Manual digging when
excavation reaches or
near utilities (4)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Operators to take precautionary
- Stop existing work supervisor
measures when doing excavation
Encounter war relic immediately and
- Execute as according to Main-
(bombs) during Major injury or fatal Qty inform Main-Con (4) I
IV I B Coo Emergency Evacuation Pian Immediate
excavation to workers - Cordon off affected area (4)
to prevent unauthorised
- Conduct additional TBM to
entry upon discovery of
brief on high risk area (4}
bombs (3)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
-Banksmen to ensure that
no workers and other
machineries working within
- Site Supervisor to supervise supervisor
the loading radius of the
work activity at all times (4)
Hit by falling excavator (4)
Bruises and cuts From - Banksman to stand safe - Site Supervisor to Iiaise and
excavated materials
being hit by sharp distance away from the IV I B coordinate with adjacent I Immediate
during loading onto
objects excavated work area (4) contractors working in The
tipper trucks
- Installed warning signs area during the daily
and cordoned off coordination meeting (4)
excavation area to ensure
no workers are in the
excavation area (3)
- Ensure proper access
and egress provided for
workers io work area (3)
Top down
- Work access to be supervisor
Excavation (from Worker slip/trip clear from any - Conduct additional task
1st Layer to 2nd when accessing onto Minor injury/ bruises obstruction (4) briefing n o h i g h r i s k
layer and continue basement work area a r e a s (4) V III D Immediate
from falling - Workers to adopt proper
to final formation Technique such as 3 point - Conduct internal training to the
level) contact when accessing workforce (4)
any mean of access such
as scaffold access / steps
with rail to the basement
work area (4)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

Control measure Responsible

No Process Hazard Effect Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Only competent and
certified operator to operate
the clamshell or Long Arm
excavator (4)
- Ensure no worker
standing or working under
the swing radius of the
clamshell / Long Arm
excavator (4)
- Clamshell excavator work - Conduct additional briefing to supervisor
Worker hit by
radius to be cordoned off the workforce on the high risk (4)
swinging arm of
and warning signage to be - Walkie-talkie to be issued to
clamshell excavator Major injury or fatality
display (3) IV II C the clamshell operator and the V II C
when mucking out to workers - Banksman to watch out Banksman below the basement
earth from basement Immediate
for excessive load which when low visibility (3)
may lead to fall Ing
hazard and signal to
operator to control when
excavate or clamming the
load (4)
- Only excavator with
reinforce roof to be deploy
to work in tone basement
- To cordon off work area
and provide warning
signage to prevent
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Obtain approved PTW (4)
- Ensure proper safe access
for excavator to travel (3)
- Excavator to be operated
by competent arid appointed
operator (4)
- Excavator warning lights
to be on during operation to
cam other operators mad
workers (3)
- Deploy Banksman to guide
the moving excavator (4)
- Banksman to stay safe - Site supervisor to closely monitor supervisor
distance away for the traffic movement on-site (4)
Worker or Property Property damage,
hit by moving major injury or fatality moving excavator (4) iv I B
- Conduct additional task briefing
to workers on high risk areas (4) (4)
v i c Immediate
excavator to workers - Banksman to keep
personnel or machinery out - Ensure Banksman been brief on
of the path of moving his roles and responsibility (4)
excavator t4)
- Banksman to ensure that
nobody (including himself)
must not be in the blind
spots of the machinery (4)
- Banksman to be equip with
whistle to alert or warn
workers (4)
- Ensure un-obstructed cabin
window. so that operator can
have clear view around (4)

- Ensure no workers / other

machinery or Banksmen are
in the radius of the excavator

- Ensure sufficient space for

excavators to manoeuvre (4) supervisor
Worker or Property - Excavator warning 1ights - Conduct additional task briefing
Major injury or fatality to be on during operation to
(eg H-Pile) hit by to highlight on the high risk area
to worker, property IV I B Immediate
turning / slewing
warn other operators and (4)
excavator workers (4) - Close supervision by Supervisor
- Ensure un-obstructed cabin (4)
window, so that operator can
have clear view around (4)
- Coordinate with adjacent
works and sub-contractors
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation

- Ensure proper access For

excavator (3)
- Do not position excavator
on slope or edge of slope to
do excavation (4)
- Excavator to position at
Poor access way
least Im away from the edge supervisor
due to uneven or
of slope (4)
soft ground - Provide steel plates when
Major injury or fatality - Proper machine (3)
condition resulting necessary (3) V I C Immediate
to worker orientation (4)
in toppling of - Conduct additional task briefing
- Excavator must be on
excavator and to workers on high risk areas (4)
stable ground (3)
hitting workers - Do not over-excavate under
the Excavator (4)
- Regular visual inspection
to ground condition
especially a tier heavy rain

- Supervisor to check
periodically For required supervisor
level during excavation (4)
- Instability of - To carry out joint inspection with
- Close coordination with
ERSS design Over-excavation from Main-Con (4)
Main-con surveyor (4) V III D Immediate
- Excavation not as required level. - Site supervisor to closely monitor
- Application of PTW (4) on site (4)
per design
- Excavation as per method
statement submitted (4)

- Affected area to be cordon

off and provide proper
signage (3)
- Only excavator arm are - Site supervisor to ensure that lean
allowed to excavate under concrete on excavated area under
the lean concrete t4) the RC beam and slab are cleared supervisor
Major injury or Fatality - Operator to ensure under periodically and properly (4) (S)
H it by falling
lean concrete
to worker, property the Slab excavation is - To carry out joint Inspection with V I C Immediate
damage cleared of lean concrete, IV Main-Con (4) (4)
during excavation I B
before further moving to - Conduct additional task briefing
inside (4) to the workers on the high risk
- Banksman and areas (4)
unauthorised personnel are
not allowed to enter during
excavation (4)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Responsible Operation

- To apply PTW for

excavation works / PTD
approval {4)
- To engage LCDW to carry
out cable detection works (3)
- Location of services to be
marked out on site by
- Standing Supervision by Site supervisor
LCDW (3)
Supervisor when working neat
- To carry out trial holes
Damage to "LIVE" services (4)
Property damage. manually when working near
underground - Trial holes before actual (3)
work delay due to loss utilities prior to excavation IV II C V II C Imrnediate
services using excavation (4)
of power supply (3)
excavator - If diversion of set ices not
- Only excavator operator
feasible, liaise with relevant
with valid REO license to
authority on protection method (4}
work when excavating near
live utilities (4)
- Provide Banksmen for
excavator at all times (4)
- Manual digging when
excavation reaches or near
utilities (4)

-Operators to take precautionary

-Stop existing work
measures when doing excavation
immediately and
Encounter war relic (4)
Major injury or fatality inform Main-Con (4) supervisor
(bombs) during IV I B -Execute as according to Maic- V I C Immediate
to workers -Cordon off affected area to
excavation Con Emergency Evacuation Plan
prevent unauthorized entry
upon discovery of bombs (3) - Conduct additional TBM to brief
on high risk area {4)

-Banksmen to ensure that no

workers and other
machineries working within
the loading radius of the
Long Arm / Clamshell
Hit by falling excavator (4)
excavated materials - Banksman to stand safe -Site Supervision to supervise work
during loading onto Bruises and cuts from distance away from the work activity at all times (4)
tipper trucks by being hit by sharp area (4) IV II C -Site Supervisor to liaise and V II C Immediate
Long Arm / objects excavated - Installed Warning signs and coordinate with adjacent (4l
Clamshell cordoned off excavation area contractors working in the area
Excavator to ensure no workers are in during the daily coordination
the excavation area (3) meeting (4)
- Only excavator with
reinforce roof to be deploy in
the basement excavation
work area (3)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- To obtain approved PTW
- To ensure forced
ventilation is applied (Main-
con) (3) - Site supervisor to closely monitor
Lack of oxygen/ - To ensure ventilation supervisor
Excavation on site (4)
Presence of toxic system is in working
Works in - Conduct additional briefing on (3)
4 gasses in confined fatality to workers condition (4) IV I B V I C Immediate
high risk areas (4} (4)
areas - Monitor and checking for
Zone - Briefing workforce on the RA and
toxic gasses every 4 hours
SWP (4)
- Use of tally system for
controlling entry/exit (3)
- Provision of escape points

Poor lighting with

no opening for - To ensure excavator head
natural lighting for light and warning light
visibility may result are on during operation - Site supervisor to closely monitor supervisor
in workers falling Major injury or fatality (3) on site (4)
V I c
from height or slip to workers - To ensure excavator light is
IV I B - Conduct additional briefing on (3) Immediate
and fall, being hit m good working condition high risk areas (4) (4)
by machinery (4)
working in the - Ensure adequate lights are
confined space install at work area (3)
- Excavator to be operated
by competent and appointed
operator (4)
- Ensure no workers /
property are in the radius of
the excavator (4)
- Deploy Banksman to guide
the moving excavator (4}
Earth/ - Banksman to stand at safe
- Conduct additional task briefing supervisor
Hardcore Moving / slewing Serious injury or distance away from the (3)
fa highlight on the high risk area V I C Immediate
Disposal excavator fatality to workers moving excavator {4 J (4)
Di - Excavator warning lights (4)
sp to be on during operation (3)
os - Ensure un-obstructed cabin
al window, so that operator can
have clear view around (4)
- To cordon off work area
and provide warning signage
to prevent unauthorized
88tW (3)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Banksmen to ensure that no -Site Supervisor to supervise
workers and other
machineries working within work activity at all times (4)
the loading radius of an -Site Supervisor to liaise and
excavator (4) coordinate with adjacent
Hit by falling - To cordoned off work area contractors working in the area supervisor
excavated with adequate warning signs
material during during the daily coordination (3)
Bruises and cuts (3) IV II C V II C Immediate
loading on to from being hit by - Banksman to ensure no meeting (4) (4)
tipper trucks sharp objects entry to unauthorized
excavated personnel into the work area
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation

- To ensure proper safe

access for vehicle to
- Banksman to guide
moving vehicle on site (3)
- Clear communication
between Truck Drivers
and Traffic controller /
Banksman (3)
- Banksman to stand at
safe distance away from
the moving vehicle during
guiding (4)
- Banksman to keep
Tipper Trucks Major injury or fatality - Site Supervisor to ensure access in
accessing in /out of Workers / personnel out of the path good condition and free from any
site for earth /
Properties hit by Major injury or fatality of to worker, property obstruction (4)
6 moving vehicle (4)
hardcore moving Tipper to workers, property - To conduct or provide adequate
disposal Trucks for earth damage - Banksman to be equip training for Traffic controller and
disposal. with any mean of Banks men (4) (3) supervisor
communication such as IV I B (4) V I C Immediate
whistle to alert driver,
operator or passing by
worker (3)
- Segregation with
designated area for
materials stacking,
pedestrian walk-way and
machine parking (3)
- To comply to the site
speed limit of 10km/hrs
- Vehicle tires to be wash
and clean before exiting the
site (4)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Traffic controller
/Banksmen to ensure that no
machinery / workers
working behind of the tipper

- Banksman to be equip with

whistle to alert or warn
workers / driver / operator
- Reverse alarms and reverse - Ensure that the Upper truck
lights tor tipper truck must drivers to horn before reversing to
Hit by reversing Major injury or fatality warn others (3) Immediate
be in good condition (3) IV I B supervisor
ripper truck to worker - Close supervision by Site (4)
- To construct stopper such
as earth bund, use of wheel Supervisor (4)
chokes or marking point
where necessary' for tipper
truck to prevent it from
going beyond the
excavation work area (3)
- Excavator operator to horn
to alert driver when coming
to the loading stopping point
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Personnel must attend
relevant course and
obtain certificates such as
Rigger / Signal Course or
LSSC (4)
- Only competent person
such as the lifting crew
is allowed to carry out
the activity (4)
- To cordoned off lifting
zone and provide warning
signage to prevent
unauthorized entry (3)
- To follow lifting plan
sequence (4)
- Applied lifting PTW prior
to lifting activity (4)
- Lifting Supervisor to
Poor access way - Site supervisor to closely monitor
ensure that the crane supervisor
due to uneven or on site (4)
operator have checked the
soft ground Major injury or fatality - To conduct additional task (3)
7 condition resulting to worker
crane according to the crane IV I B briefing by Lifting Supervisor to V I C Immediate
checklist (4) (4)
in toppling of crane the workforce prior to lifting
- Rigger to check and inspect activity (4)
and hitting workers
the LE before work
commence (4)
- Ensure that the crane is
park at firm ground and steel
plates been provided if
necessary (3)
- Ensure that the crane must
have a sufficient capacity to
hoist the respective materials
or excavator's self-weight
- Rigging/unrigging of the
excavator or materials to be
done by trained Rigger /
Signalman f4)
- Provide proper
communication tools such as
walkie-talkie tor lifting
Team and crane operator (3)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation

- Only competent person

such as the lifting crew is
at towed to carry out the
activity (4)
- Lifting zone to be cordoned
off and warning signage be
put up to prevent
unauthorised entry (3)
- Lifting supervisor to ensure supervisor
- To conduct additional task
that no loose item/foreign
Hit by heavy briefing by Lifting Supervisor to
objects to be kept on top of
materials Major injury or Fatality the workforce prior to lifting v I c
excavator engine cover or IV I B Immediate
/ Falling objects to worker activity (4)
tracks (4)
while lifting - Site supervisor to closely monitor
- Ensure all the excavator
on site (4)
doors are locked prior to

- Ensure lifting gear must

have a sufficient capacity to
hoist the respective
excavator self- wight (4)
- Rigger/Signal male to
sound warning sound such as
blow whistle to warn others
of moving lifting objects (3)
- Leakage of oil
into the ground supervisor
- Mechanics to stop oil leakage first
Maintenance/ from
Repair Works servicing of Provide temporary drip trays
-Cover with sand or soil to the
8 machinery / Land pollution under leakage until leakage III II B IV II C Immediate
(Non-Routine affected area if necessary (3)
collision of moving is fixed (4)
Activities) - Site supervisor to closely monitor
machinery movement on site (4)
- Environmental
- Qualified mechanics with
proper hand tools and
assistance shall be assigned for
Handling of sharp activity (4)
tools/objects and Major injury (amputation) - Ensure proper PPE is worn by supervisor
pinch joints may result or mi for injury (pinch [he workers / mechanics (5) - Conduct additional TBM on high risk
in sharp points points) to workers hand - Do not place any body III II B areas (4 IV II p Immediate
impaling skin or body King parts in between movable - Safety checks by the supervisor on
parts tools/ machine parts or pinch points (4) proper tools usage 4)
Ensure all power source removed
or i s o l a t e d before commencing
maintenance works (4)
Lock Out Tag Out system to be in
place (4)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Ensure engine must be
switched off and at towed to
cool to room temperature
before any servicing works

- Only mechanics are supervisor

Radiator heat may
authorized to check radiator (3)
bum worker during Serious burns injury - Site Supervisor to closely
maintenance/ on hands and face of IV II C on site t4) V II C immediate
- Ensure worker is face and (4)
checking of engine worker - Cordon off area to prevent
body are 1ecing away from
radiator unauthorised entry (3)
the radiator water tank atter
opening (4)
- Ensure all workers to wear
proper and approved PPE
such as leather hand glove,
face shield and etc (5)

- Ensure engine must be

switched off and allowed to
cool to room temperature
before any servicing works
Engine might be supervisor
- Only mechanics are - Conduct additional T8M on high
too hot if not Worker may sustain (3)
authorized to change risk areas ((4)
switched off before bums to hands and IV II C V II C Immediate
hydraulic / engine oil (4) - Site Supervisor to closely monitor (4)
changing hydraulic face
- SDS to be brief to workers on site (4)
oil/ engine oil
- Ensure all workers wear
proper and approved PPE
such as rubber hand gloves,
eye protection and etc (5)

- Leakage of oil
while changing of
- Ensure at I workers to wear
hydraulic / engine - Cover with sand or soil to the
Land pollution proper and approved PPE (5) III III C IV III C supervisor Immediate
oil to the ground affected area it necessary (3)
- Provide drip tray (3)
- Environmental

- Provide drop tray while

dismantling engine or
oil compartments (3)
Spillage of oil to - Cover with sand or soil to the
- Only mechanics are
the ground during affected area if necessary (3) supervisor
Land pollution authorized to change III III C Immediate
changing of - Site Supervisor io closely monitor (4) IV III C
hydraulic hose (4)
hydraulic hose on site (4)
- Provide spillage kit to clean
up any spillage immediately
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
- Qualified mechanic with
proper hand tools and an
assistant shall be assigned

- Ensure all hydraulic jacks

used are in good and proper supervisor
condition (4)
Pinned by Major injury - Conduct additional TBM to brief
- Ensure adequate sound
Equipment /
machinery under
(amputation) or minor
injury (pinch points) to
materials are used under IV II C
on high risk areas (4)
- Site Supervisor to closely monitor
(4) v n c Immediate
lifted equipment/machinery (5)
repairs workers on site (4)
and placed additional
support if necessary (3)
- Buddy system to be
implemented (4)
- Work area should be
cordoned off where
necessary (3)

- Ensure proper illumination

Tripping and
Minor injuries to of work area (3)
Falling over loose III III C - Conduct additional TBM to brief supervisor Immediate
worker - Ensure proper
materials on high risk areas (4)
housekeeping (4)

- Ensure no smoking on site

Fire hazard or - Ensure that tire - Conduct additional task briefing

Refuelling of
Diesel/ Hydralic explosion during extinguisher is in place (4) to highlight on the high risk area
Serious injury or
- Machineries to be switch (4) supervisor
9 Fluid to Excavator IV I B Immediate
fatality to workers (5)
diesel/hydraulic off before refuelling (4) - Closely monitor by' 8ite
fluid - Use suitable protective Supervisor (4)
equipment when refuelling

- Traffic controller
/Banksmen to ensure that no
machinery / workers - Ensure that the diesel truck
working behind of the diesel drivers to horn before reversing to supervisor
H it by reversing Serious injury or truck (4) IV I B warn others (4) (3) V I C Immediate
Diesel Trucks Fatality to workers
- Reverse alarms and - C lose supervision by Site (4)
warning lights for diesel Supervisor (4)
trucks must be in good
condition (3)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level person Operation
- Provide drip tray (3)
Spillage to the supervisor
- Provide spillage kitto clean - Close supervision by Site
ground during Affects wildlife III III C IV III C Immediate
up any spillage immediately Supervisor (3)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

Process Responsible
No Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level Operation
Working in raining
environment may - Rąincoat to be provided
- Supervisor to closely monitor
Inclement cause poorer and use (5) (4)
Minor injury. cuts and weather condition (4) supervisor
10 Weather (Non- visibility to - Work to be stopped (5) Immediate
bruises IV IV D - Conduct additional briefing on V IV D
routine) workers, resuIting once visibiIity of
operator is affected (4) workforce on the high risk (4}
V'ea i n s l i p arid
fher raw or hit by

- Drinking water
Working in hot management (4) - Supervisor to closely monitor
Fatality without (3)
weather / under - Sufficient work rest area weather condition (4)
immediate medical (3) IV I B V I C Immediate
sunlight resulting " attention
- Conduct additional briefing on (4) supervisor
heat stress - To remind personnel for workforce on the high risk (4)
good water intake (4)

- Provision of suitable
respiratory mask such as
N95 (5) - Supervisor to closely monitor
- Reduce outdoor strenuous weather condition (4)
Prolonged exposure to supervisor
Working in haze work to all workers. (4) - Get updated info on PSI reading
dust particles: lung V II C Immediate
environment - Conduct haze thru NEA website (4
problems, irritated eyes
communication system IV I C - Conduct additional briefing on
through daily TBM (4) workforce on the high risk (4)
- Ensure workers consume
sufficient water (4)

- Workers to immediately
Thunder/Lightning take cover in lightning - Supervisor to assess situation
may result in Major injury or fatality during inclement weather (4)
protected shelter when there IV I B (4) V I C Immediate
workers being to struck worker - Conduct additional briefing on supervisor
is thunder / lightning
struck by lightning workforce on the high risk (4)
occurrence (4)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

- Provide water point to

spray and control
Dust emitting
from movement of Prolonged exposure to - To provide workers with Site Supervisor to closely monitor
11 Enviromental vehicles / trucks / lust: lung problems, N95 mask (5) IV III C traffic/machinery movement on site V III D Immediate
(4) supervisor
Impact FSC8VBt0FS irritated eyes - Ensure that the vehicle /
truck driver follow the site
znvir speed limit (10km/hr.) to
onm control the dust from
eata emitting and polluting Ihe air

No Process Hazard Effect Control measure Risk Rating Summary of risks Level person Operation

Lung problems to - Machinery is to be off

Exhaust Gas
workers and public when not in use (4) Site supervisor to monitor closely
Emission resulting supervisor Immediate
depending on duration - Servicing to be conducted (4) V III D
in air pollution of exposure at regular intervals (3)

- Proper maintenance of
damage to ear equipment to ensure smooth - Operator to conduct daily check
Excessive noise (4)
drums from running of equipment / on excavator before work start (4)
being transmitted to IV III C (5) V III D Immediate
prolonged machines (4) - Site Supervisor to closely supervisor
exposure -To put on earplugs when monitor on site (4)
carrying out the works (5)

- Proper design and

Surface water implementation of Earth
runoff due to heavy Water pollution if Control Measures (ECM) (3)
down pour may discharged into public - Earth drain, earth bund, silt IV III C 8ite supervisor to monitor closely (3) V III D Immediate
wash mud from the drains without treating trap, sift fence /All muddy (4) (4)
site to public areas water to be treated before supervisor
discharge (3)
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)


Note: FF - Frequency of Occurrence; S — Severity of Hazard; R — Risk Index
Accident Severity Category Risk
I II III Description Definition
Risk Category IV Index
Catastrophic Critical Marginal Negligible A intolerable Risk shall be reduced by whatever means possible
Frequency Risk shall be only acceptable if further risk reduction
A A A B B Undesirable
is not practicable.
11 Probable A A B C Risk shall be accepted subject to demonstration that
Frequency C Tolerable
III Occasional A B C D the level of risk is as low as reasonably practicable.
Category IV Remote B C C D
D Acceptable Risk is acceptable
V Improbable C C D D
MRT Purple Line Project: Tao Pun – Rat Burana (Kanchanapisek Road) Section
Contract 4: Underground Civil Works (Memorial Bridge – Dao Khanong Section)

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