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Unit 4 Energy, Environment, Microbiology and Immunity
Topic 5 Energy Flow, Ecosystems and the Environment
Topic 6 Microbiology, Immunity and Forensics

Unit 5 Gene Technology

Topic 7 Respiration, Muscles and the Internal Environment
Topic 8 Coordination, Response and Gene Technology

Unit 6 Practical Skills in Biology II

Unit 4
Topic 5 Energy
(glucose) byFlow, Ecosystems
combining anddioxide
it with carbon the Environment
and releasing oxygen into the
5.1 atmosphere
understand how photophosphorylation of ADP requires energy and that hydrolysis of
5.2 in
ATP provides ATP,
generating an immediate
reducing supply
NADP in ofcyclic
energy fornon-cyclic
and biologicalphotophosphorylation
processes and
5.3 other
producing oxygeninthrough
organisms photolysis
respiration and theofsynthesis
water of new biological molecules
5.4 (polysaccharides, amino acids, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids)
5.5 understand the structure of chloroplasts in relation to their role in photosynthesis
5.6 understand
understand what is meant bypigments
that chloroplast the termscanabsorption spectrum
be separated usingand action spectrum
chromatography and
5.7 the pigmentsof
availability identified using Rf on
carbon dioxide values
the rate of photosynthesis using a suitable
5.8 aquatic plant.
primary productivity (NPP) and plant respiration (R)
5.9 (ii)
know behow
able to
to calculate
calculate thenet efficiency
primary productivity
of biomass and energy transfers between
5.10 trophic levels
understand what is meant by the terms population, community, habitat and
5.11 ecosystem
understand that the numbers and distribution of organisms in a habitat are
5.12 controlled
understandby biotic
how theand abiotic
concept factorsaccounts for the distribution and abundance of
of niche
5.13 transects
organismsto in determine
a habitat the distribution and abundance of organisms, and
5.14 understand
measuring abiotic
the stages factors appropriate
of succession from to the habitat.
colonisation to the formation of a climax
5.15 community
including records of carbon dioxide levels, temperature records, pollen in peat bogs
5.16 understand
and dendrochronology,
the causes ofrecognising
anthropogeniccorrelations and causal
climate change, relationships
including the role of
5.17 understand
greenhouse how gasesknowledge
in the greenhouse effectcycle can be applied to methods to reduce
of the carbon
5.18 atmospheric levels of
are used in models of future
5.19 (ii) understand
seasonal cycles)that models
on plants foranimals
and climate (distribution
change have limitations
of species, development and
5.20 lifecycles)
understand the effect of temperature on the rate of enzyme activity and its impact
5.21 on plants, animals and microorganisms, to include Q10
(such as seedling growth rate or brine shrimp hatch rates), taking into
5.22 account
understandthehowethical use of(a
evolution organisms.
change in allele frequency) can come about through
5.23 gene mutation
understand how and naturalreduces
isolation selectiongene flow between populations, leading to
5.24 allopatric or sympatric speciation
humans are affecting climate change, can sometimes depend on who is reaching the
5.25 conclusions
biofuels, are examples of the effective management of the conflict between human
5.26 needs and conservation

Topic 6 Microbiology, Immunity

understand the principles and Forensics
and techniques involved in culturing microorganisms,
6.1 understand
using asepticthe technique
different methods of measuring the growth of microorganisms, as
6.2 illustrated by cell phase
phase, stationary counts,anddilution
phase) andmassbeand optical
able methods
to calculate (turbidity)
6.3 growth rate constants
Investigate the rate of growth of microorganisms in a liquid culture, taking
6.4 into
humanthe safe and ethicalvirus
immunodeficiency use of organisms.
(HIV) and lambda phage (λ phage)
6.5 (ii) understand
understand howwhat is meant by tuberculosis
Mycobacterium the terms lytic and
and latency
human immunodeficiency virus
6.6 (HIV) infect human cells, causing symptoms
(ii) understand the role of barriers in protecting the that maybody
result in death
from infection, including
6.7 skin, stomach acid, and gut and skin flora
understand the non-specific responses of the body to infection, including
6.8 inflammation, lysozyme action, interferon and phagocytosis
understand the roles of antigens and antibodies in the body’s immune response
6.9 cells),
andthe involvement
T cells (T helper,ofTplasma
killer andcells, macrophages
T memory cells) and antigen-presenting
in the host’s immune cells
6.10 response
understand how individuals may develop immunity (natural, artificial, active
6.11 understand
and passive)how the theory of an ‘evolutionary race’ between pathogens and their
6.12 hosts is supported by evasion mechanisms shown by pathogens
6.13 understand
CORE PRACTICAL the difference
14 between bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics
6.14 Investigate
infections has the
ledeffect of different
to codes of practiceantibiotics
regardingon bacteria.
antibiotic prescription and hospital
6.15 practice
know thethatrolerelate to infection prevention
of microorganisms and control of organic matter and the
in the decomposition
6.16 recycling of carbon
6.17 know
know howhow DNA can be amplified
gel electrophoresis canusing the polymerase
be used chainfragments
to separate DNA reaction (PCR)
of different
6.18 length
understand how DNA profiling is used for identification and determining genetic
6.19 relationships between organisms (plants and animals)
extent of decomposition, stage of succession, forensic entomology, body
6.20 temperature and degree of muscle contraction

Unit 5
Topic 7 Respiration, Muscles
catalysed by a specific and the
intracellular Internal Environment
7.1 phosphorylation,
Names of specific reduced
are not required.
pyruvate and lactate
7.2 Details of intermediate
dehydrogenation (names stages and compounds
of other compounds are
are not
not required)
required. and that these steps
7.3 take place
electron in mitochondria,
transport unlike glycolysis
chain in mitochondria, which occurs
including the roleinofthe cytoplasm and ATP
7.4 synthase
7.5 understand what happens to lactate after a period of anaerobic respiration in animals
7.6 understand what hydrogen
Use an artificial is meant bycarrier
the term respiratory
(redox quotient
indicator) (RQ)
to investigate
7.7 respiration
Use a simpleinrespirometer
yeast. to determine the rate of respiration and RQ of a
7.8 suitable
know thematerial (such
way in which as germinating
muscles, seeds
tendons, the or small
skeleton andinvertebrates).
ligaments interact to
7.9 enable movement,
(ii) understand theincluding
structuralantagonistic muscledifferences
and physiological pairs, extensors
and slow
7.10 filament
twitch muscle
including the role of actin, myosin, troponin, tropomyosin, calcium
7.11 (iii)
ions understand
(Ca2+), ATPhow and the
use of electrocardiograms (ECGs) can aid in the diagnosis
7.12 the
of abnormal heart rhythms
cardiovascular control centre and the ventilation centre in the medulla
7.13 oblongata
7.14 understand
respiratorythe role ofventilation,
minute adrenaline in theoxygen
and fight orconsumption
flight response using data from
7.15 (ii)
spirometer traces.
understand the principle of negative feedback in maintaining systems within
7.16 maintaining
narrow limitsthe body in a state of dynamic equilibrium during exercise, including the
7.17 role of the hypothalamus in thermoregulation
7.18 know the
(details ofgross and microscopic
the ornithine cycle arestructure of theand
not required) mammalian kidney from the
how it is removed
7.19 bloodstream by ultrafiltration
the loop of Henle acts as a countercurrent multiplier to increase the reabsorption
7.20 of water with the action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), bring about negative
7.21 feedback
including control
the roleofofmammalian plasmaacting
peptide hormones concentration and blood
extracellularly andvolume
steroid hormones
7.22 acting intracellularly

Topic 8 Coordination,
know the structure Response and
and function of Gene
sensory, Technology
relay and motor neurones, including
8.1 understand
Schwann cells and
how myelination
the nervous system of organisms can cause effectors to respond to
8.2 know
a stimulus
the structure and function of a spinal reflex arc, including grey matter and
8.3 understand
white matterhowof the spinalimpulse
a nerve cord (action potential) is conducted along an axon,
8.4 including changes in membrane permeability to sodium and potassium ions
8.5 understand
including thethe role
role of of myelination in saltatory
neurotransmitters conduction
and acetylcholine
8.6 (ii)
the understand how
use of L-DOPA inthe
thepupil dilates
treatment ofand contractsdisease and the action of MDMA
8.7 (ecstasy)
cation channels and hyperpolarisation of rod cells in forming action potentials in the
8.8 optic neurones
8.9 understand
RECOMMENDED what is meant by thePRACTICAL
ADDITIONAL term habituation
Investigate habituation
know that the mammaliantonervous
a stimulus.
system consists of the central and peripheral
8.10 nervous
how phytochrome, auxin (IAA) and gibberellins bring about responses in
8.11 plants, including their
CORE PRACTICAL 18 effects on transcription
8.12 understand
Investigate how
the production
animals in germinating
is brought aboutcereal
nervous and
8.13 know
hormonal control and main functions of the cerebral hemispheres, hypothalamus,
the location
8.14 (CT)
pituitary gland,
are used incerebellum and medulla
medical diagnosis oblongata
and the of theof
investigation human
brain brain
structure and
8.15 function
contribute to ill health, including dopamine in Parkinson’s disease and serotonin in
8.16 depression,
know how drugsand to thebedevelopment
can of new
produced using drugs modified organisms (plants,
8.17 animals andhow
understand microorganisms)
recombinant DNA can be produced, including the roles of restriction
8.18 endonucleases and DNA ligase
8.19 understand how recombinant DNA can be inserted into other cells
8.20 know how microarrays can be used to identify active genes
8.21 understand
understand what is meant
the risks by the term
and benefits bioinformatics
associated with the use of genetically modified
8.22 organisms

Unit 6 Practical Skills in Biology II

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