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anage and there delines when ecuiy Bees moan de fin Py tutions for diene Pra corporates two pry Pb, s, fre quency steps— et from S to T (p) jer should st intial, what is the exicy;, = y things are now. "8 F should try to identi ive, structural dite! the teacher may engag ages the learner to devs the problem, the preceptor and the rd to the problem iden sd by collaboration and of the S-I-P model de- | step- (the problem) » mutual collaboration haps the head of the problem. dure Plan jer relationship ~ Assessmeni ment of jes Learning System _| Infrastructu Facilities {ery Short Questions-Answers Marks f) write two characteristics of hygienic drinking water taclty in schools. (waorrens ne 22 que characteristics of hygienic drinking water facility in schools— [shouldbe such that it can enhance overall health and hygiene gpiem of the school. 5 [should be helpful to improve the environment of the school fe eongenial to teaching-learning proc Dans do you mean by infrastructural facilities in school, WBUTTEPR, NBU-2017, WBUTTEPA. 2021, Gh The main task of school is to provide edi leksofprogrammes and activities. he success! panes and activities depends mainly upon th blngsin the school. The term ‘Infrastructure’ stan tes ofthe school. It is referred to buildings, ground Whis along with equipment essential for imparting education. ication which involves a ful conduct of these pro ne availability of PTO Js for the physical js, furniture and EE So | baled beans) OGG 228Scanves sev pinged oedipal y: at sls Wl 0 rps nn cli. Since he cy member vo a nha Boe crore = ais 7 can put oe a a tt Pres Pet eachers rust hove edecinte tronics © tribe sadent ‘caches rt 6160 sl sy 51 then Btitievs proper rence! ‘N Ser al en ame ec Preahers should have sound bn pportnity to collaborate and team fom y/o Gbeprmary Biko! the rrr er of tudents would mea 1 Reduced competion within s work hard to perform Ppa have tobe nel equipped is rn ng with adequts dni Fitichers should be enthusiast ofthe biggest motivator and this ot Poles ofthe learners sctivcly a there are too few stuido in th - hee rust bea heally relations Reduced exposure for students, Schoo is ft ina Babee teachers and the psec with others there ae only 3 students ho casa Pees shoud yo fone mac of nding reat fends, interacting with thes ond ewan Ipteral and special chen things is ofen reduced by that much We Mibcher must be aware of the dierent Bil and they rust also Kron about SP) Whee the special children can ber \SUBE Discuss tho roles ota para-eacher in schoo. i Teacher should be weil equipped int Bidens and mast have esseril ino Blucational Planning. i Chu? esponsibtty of Para teachers. ra-teachets will be more dedicated towards tho develop f the students as they ane mostly local He Tischer should be aware ofthe needs end Baden that can be reflected fi, They wil tke care of stclents learning and behavioral mo tons. lthe education systers meant Isles fom the above discussion that te ii they willbe involved in other school eelated task ‘Siotialawareness, teacher’ raining and acenta i ‘They will help Headmaster in manifolds to run the sch sal eldren have great impentance in the s iofthe integrated education. Bt nea "2 smoothly 451 Me can An Engaging Personality and Teaching Style : i Clear Objectives for Lesions =A grea each ct Jectves during each class. “df Effective Discipline Skil A great teeches has ees pline sl and ean promote postive behaviors and cha In Good Classroom Management Skills: 4 great teicher classroom management sks and can ensure goo susen havior effective study and work bits and ac respect in the classroon ¥. Good Communication with Parents: A g open communication with parents and Keeps thm ian. whats going on in the elasroom as far as eusiculum And other issues, They make themselves available fr phare lg meetings and email Wi High Expectations: A great teacher has high expectation students and encourages everyone to always work at tet deve vi. Knowledge of Curriculum and Standards : gies ech ‘orough knowledge of the schools curriculum and o:he dards they must uphold in the elassroom, They ensure thet mets those standard vil Knowledge of Subject Matter : This may seem obvi, Sometimes overlooked. A g as incredible kno pa Se tacng feeapport with Students: Benth Dove zrve ces? Sars Weed singer ten tho non caching se iedwihhe muscanc who asst the aa (Be tmmest the Heodmecter teachen, vend cscs ft Here nds of non sine [EUasiled and under qualia todas ¥) Be bit sated stat I. Sled non teaching Examinatio the frst level/ stage, | egabpainted to do the fllowirg ts (pene guard, night guard, sweepers, ho Atte second level/sage, Som ‘folowing tasks, for example (1) to rng the » Tetkeonorice board and convey te fhefeatlng learning materials uch SOME serps, question papers ei Abe tied leveVstage, one or more tha on people a 00 ~~ son ‘an be found in the schoo! at secondary rnin * pandicapped Describe he dts ot Hendra Piece cranny caters " OR, Doz tat bree of ender 22 Be es wantcyynt cc : the Administrative works ae done by hi general schools 1 be makes all responses todas (1s) a8 well He dnides and distributes ching sas acordiny yr 3 assistant teachers understand ther do id makes the ine table for cording to their needs (by discussing Wt oer YW Ahe regular teache thea role. The ee feeds of handicap responsibilities mo The regular teaches authorities mut ign character ped © tssy type auestions-answer s tegrated Education i Imwgrated education isan educational seing in wan children receive edueaton alongwith non-ssoles can tke Rather it complementary to eo : special edition Os and sometimes moderately handicapped children ole in fntegrated schools Severely handicined chan : rely handicapped chide are entoled in special schools can also be asmaecd in Schools after they acquire commiuicaton sl, daly be study sk and othe f re-requiste aks, li, 1.46 designed to provide equal educational : qual educational opportuni « hw tprovidestie to disabled children so hildeen at they may gro \. Itisan educational setting which promot n the disabled and INevels and redices the physical tionship beew nen equal participation in social etiv in whieh disabled on-dsabled peers MW. IC an arrangemen vil Te accepts tho disabled child as an nde living Ihe ve ae 2 hildren are consid Marks ft) eeeentoporuniies pe eat ae P chiliren with learning dsabiin WeBlind children who have completed prepa: fod ying, orfencaton and modi WE Desfehildren who bave acqu speech reading The scope of integrated education incu tediabled, counseling for paren salon level of education {SRA Wal are te obactives ot Spe Of Special Education Educalion? Wile he pcs bah Speial education as ihe sme obec Mellen resource develops heaton eld, nat al develope hndleap ‘Spocial ed the gener oman be and other mid sale efits for eduation of © individual differences : There 2 rindi difereices. nother wo dtlereat inter sndvidual tion is based on the following pee eatetent se speach 10 m2 Secs! mite ecatonalinsitcn bl participation: specal en ares pt forhaodi Cirvey se cumtnes tones van. fy schoo ree ie tr inportane of tine abe a 2... / "Wes Of democratic leaders c sre he am ti me ian pees vy, Facog! Af eae Fis of Geoprephical mas feta of prepared Ms escntal equipment elated Preamicatum of dierent ates a Pefhne ofthe authors and publner song win _ fobe listed ana kept 6 Question Hank te BE Gvesion Papers of previous Yea I Progess report of academe curiae howls be recorded Mle teachers ofthe school na r dprepicing and maintaining the registers bo fpeloned curriculum related records a Who are the members of Schon Maranng Commitee? IAPR Ntaaging Commie val Ehatrman wil be nominate The must be a graduate. (minim 1. Teachernisa Time ali pictur Boceremens Sendareeeenenee tis Comat card Crd oR}? eae ee oth chal cumin aed cd ig Bent a donne wi nin ic am re tea on gigi rer: ws ce Gerclopmes oro. Rs prior acdc. cr Cintas ed fr perict ar Mee ct cm rr shud ty Short Questions-Answers ark f&) Hp Bing se at ws ca ie Pettis be acest or sense ® PPSANi Academic Achievement ad Bene ‘ Wha ae te aise mann recor in 2 sco? Gea a eset odctg ten ° Ibemed uring ther seies. Properly kept i . is 2013) Klenifed some addtional and isportam resus Siblek Time-able : Sciook eme-rbles help Mesos rl Wes tr yd na dts Be rcgtinetn a school oa grew er . Fon dose =o Beef an nsiat am into school lle +f in Gprierent corres fovea for seater “a asnotie able in asec In of time-table ter» mS ovement subcommittee for the ‘sto take. No student would know which cl ould it be posible taken at what tine and un vette I Sibcommixiee for evaluation of exaniot [pmasimum schools, academic council Sore mentioned subcommee Structure of Academic Counci Mieacademic councl is being formed unt Soalmanaging commites. This council hs es equal distribution of work among teachers Tn ble indicates in a summary form the work cee ach teache sows te arent a work at ben alld ah ne fhe teachers It the narber of members shay 9 2 eso ste sven Feces oS 8 eeaIMIE a Seeledriguistionn of nie Iiponledae of theory of democracy: 1 rout ofschon tine abe al eg nen Ramen a and oe “Scr # manig poten oted armsterie sane che, _— aoa 1 Bie irecpect for authority : As ic te students’ Sof Government ae Aides etc. The members of this self govt. willbe elected by the age” BEGG saticivection ars seit dependence Sp actualy inition of ink a om sudens'selfgovt. Al actions should be intimated tothe acaders a acrk oviedge nce éiland in accordance with thelr permissions all p practices the habits necessary Tor sues Frudent leadership and incligent_lloweshp F feewho fs autocratic, arbiary in des Fbcommitments wil son be dacused Hower for whose vote school sufers, wi {Subcommittee for taxt book evaluation This subcommittee is formed with theee or five members sl "© Subcommittee for examination and evaluation (Personal responsibility is developed fore o declare the results within the stipulated time. To assist the academic eendly aid to new students counell thie ubcommitee is fotmegor conducting unit xs an B eeping schoo! plant nost& cea Lit of essential equipments related to L Sree eM cers Sigyertuse fie rete al Mil, Question Bank related to every subje . ere f FADD sens owen duet iy Ch? However, Olagboye 004) itn i 1 Adepoj (1958) & etal reasons or Importance of keepin udes the fact that school record tells th ful historical sources ad (199) school record the history ofthe school and ate useful historical sou fi. Facilitate continuity in the ack r i fect and enhance the provion of efetve guidance ad / counseling sevice pops nthe wil scadare coerce In. Provide information needed on ex-students by higher ad ober remaking by higher autho Wosher elated s aut as a ee. IB every schoo! Is required to keep an se funtofesch and every pupil on isl an Fpporisbased on these records, Thee facts falas they are the basis fr receiving IuRtords ae again essential for furnishing Reson with an overall picture ofthe scho fies and figures. Those data are wtlsed fr plansing games in bucigetary form. RA school has to maintain These records wil reveal Aandialso show the v (Bogramme. Where computer fy ~ fambe prepared manually with te 28 . Iinistrative soft sry 320 © essay Tye Questions-Answers tet responses 28 utter be sig, came. aT ee fay tre tapered Knee fast mine corms rector ee a mention OF IV ing ad hier du sot bythe School Serie Gammon for 8 Meco manag commie bs esa Eaton Depart and ulna spp ews ges feo! enadgcon ee peon, guard: accordin gor ile. Fortis pun A. Confation of JobiMaling the teaching and ont Preparation and approval of yu tf ats permanent at ele Job 7 Ay eo a, Aap school manaaing comme . a ile on rata pod provlonal ots ume ON Due ode of ny por s be unde taken onthe formance Arp tera dy ox hl nosy op a4 ef his prod pedis yee perenne I cnr of he nena cote ooo enue Or non teaching as sate during te provelens va fe ME en the schol managing comes low ap neasey fm Bing for overall development of shal: acon rsp for malig te obspemaner pete oC schoo one of ena v. Termination of teaching and nom teaching statis: Iran p anaging committe. For tis, prope lan manent of prosisional teaching and non teaching stall does that planning is require. nhs case th oflence and if the at oftheir ofence is proved then the hos layed by school managing commie in vr managing committee has the power to terminate them fra Preparation of annual report : Popes Analy their service For this purpose the sehool managing commie iiferenttasks done by the school in an cader has to follow the rues, recommended by the Board of Secon butthe years very much essential. The dest ee Performed bythe schools pven in thesch report Ais ‘ Pes eae Che? the foliowing principles have to keep in mi Tine-abe ‘ae onthe principles of 2 eal tne table careructon? a es. Len ny miele tlistice Tn asenine rok archi cob 2 Hi feocher ie aesned those subject Shea best qualified to wach, Ie ajine doesnot teach in more than to depute I Tepe of School +e ype of teed bey oe wor sg Beng ood for every teacher lesbo ool Far oe sal so Macey or cer asc WVisaive importance and Dilculy Vae of She ‘One more pict tha sto Boop ba eis tht speci Riatemacs and English, not beens ty a needs of a school ate 10 be taken into consideration while fa. Hpac because they are more diffical fog tne tbe sie thee are cers soil and econo it Departmental Regulation : General, te Sie Deparment Micdetermine the imporance of bjcin te deci ses length ofthe school yea and is tert wee Ghamand according, time i ated 0 ei se academic year starts ad whan tt ead the Garetion of the resample, in rural schools mote ime equ school diy and even the numberof periods fr each subj. pretcals. escent tha the school timetable isn agreement wih Co Wileidence of Fatigue: the cle offtqu: iat - ernment regulations reo of schol time-abe in» number os i, Amount of Tne Available: A timetables tobe famed beping fetgued at certain perio orn * ! in view te avaliable ime Le length of the school year an 0 psc but iis also sy number of holidays. For example, in a double hit schools te Bidetnite weakening of atenton » draon ofthe school day i ataly shore, affects earning gy 23 E Sites be Principle of Play and Recreat Maximum Utllzation_of Resources: While cooscin ources and avold wastage or under stir ll eo pin Chu} The Head aster hes to shoulder many edminitrve ona ational responsible that are a8 follow the Administrave works are done by him ; i He makes all the assistant teachers understand thet des and esponsblliis and makes the time-able fr diferent cass stents according othe needs (by discussing wit other teach rs) as wel, i Hi 3d distibutes all the responsibilities amo is accordingly ‘n. He monitors and supervise the works done by teacher ad Team pertinent knowledge; oom ssh once f SUNN Eh grennet tyes of Students eo. government so Ip edge of theory of democracy: Nex ae eyes ere mage pt a fe hand exper Taticats of law and order: Sens tave se edd, how to setup the goal of wl touche AL inteligent respect for authority : Ashes Beyer interest ashe spat of choot de fhadent obtain trl i electing tel epee r Palsles associated with assembly organza Fpaxmmes and financing 1 TP increasing set-direction and sel depender Gleave training of socal ving at scoot eel re is acral nation of miniature soci Hees the habits necessary for HPrident leadership and intelligent follonerhip: Tekder who is autocratic, arbitrary in decsion ma Tis commitments will soon be dss allowers for winose vote school sutors ‘own fault unten and conduct Children's Day Tese i Drives and Campaigns : a Safery (6) Better Ay, Ratorspeet,() School beauties | ‘9 Services Rendered by Council soning 35 iol bao Hhetetaon contain time ew Is Career of school and Personal Propesty + Organic ond confine ae THs ne-tabie AaPSiroure dept, promote care of desk, wall, sch! ns a cna what! pe reat 10" ad atc "| ~ i : Pear so that the teaching Learning proces 0 vit School gardening. and Landscaping + Organize and supers MlNMMpmaybe continved smoothly. For making is Zimpas Eemtifcnon project Beautiving classrooms cmni275 MMU gugeygr@alloeated among, he avalible txches ;etton in ei, vegetables and flower growing © RE las nc avabity of aca te bx National Emergency # Collection of funds and articles fo: vet i) gypatsubject 0 take necessarily his/her {are of favats promorion of relief drives organizing culturl Bee exo roe types of timetble maybe pepe. aug ee IRs ot so significant. Those are— ®@ DGimelSports Timetable : As the nae id She Discuss about various types of time-table. ‘ontains the different #s and sports played ‘eee a re ete in tne ston. is cnet Fincpal as well as the physical education te fs} Te school time-table is a chart which indicates all the activi eee Bomar er Pen EDD rrogae on ears sein oman sede: perry I etcoesen nom ee erp com record iva seceL tone Be cael pas kos dag Fea cot coe 7 pas eb ire comers ins Speen subcortecs are ae (resented evs ll ies to Us af Restos for long absence, if any Speen So eesponsibilry of france subecmmi te PhyscalMedical Report: (a) Heist (0) Weight (0) Coes Titan fe) Ears (0) Nove (g) Lungs, Liver and +e DSsicommitter for time table preparation ive eee j§ ie ochoal te Gaciyear and de eslsof periodical assessment in each bel IR prepares time table according to the govem Fe a sede ne cid suc = A Pe ase ex ofthe subj dass should also be noted. pistons ofthe students by discussing wth al Special cisabiity (1) General Health Sg 814 same (0 Setcomelie fr schon! adra trough proper committe wil he both he te © Subcommittee for examination and evaluation teachers have © be the members of ths subcrn: performed by this subcommites ae as felons Tee 2 Prepating the Academic calendar Jyand annual examin sanding the unit tet tions tothe teachers fr preparing quesuo sending the question papers for printing nectenns 1 Proof reading ofthe question papers sh wld be don. Ite of errors. 1 Invigator selection and notity performed, "© Handover the answer scrips tothe exa vallaion in due time Bur allo these tasks ae executed according othe inxructio aemic coun othe headmaster must be avare ofall hes © subcommittee for text book ection bea few assistant teachers and libr this subcommittee are as follows ection of proper text ook as per the stipulate analyzing tho curriculum thoroughiy. © Sending the lst of required books f ‘eademic council getting the approval werybody about tel duts abu by Baie fr the ee esi we eeetissubcommivierAirw nd ding Tommittes for educational tour feisibcommittee. Some subjecs aence, Ufe Science, c oe Gpefollowing tasks have to be per fonumittee before conducting » tou fe Planning of excursion according i Bacget calculation B Booking transport and arrangin ‘quirement. 1 Collection of subse Though this kind of venture ‘ames more friendly eats get proper exposure and pleasure o p Dilural subcommittes + Di roughout the ye. IP Taking medicines as per requirem: BF Gallecting money from cok ‘Bams are arranged on different observ Pablicday, indeperidence day, an

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