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1. Lidya andriani
NIM : 2305113245
you have explained what yoy know about famous people who become your idols. Can you
give a example of an attitude from your idol that you can apply in your daily life?
ANSWER : they are hard workers, in fact they are very hard on themselves, they are
definitely disciplined, responsible and good people

2. Ratu shabna
NIM :2305111402
of the people in ppt who do you think has had the most positive influence on you, or most
people? And why do consider this person to be the most influentral on most people?

ANSWER : of all that, I definitely choose Ust Adi Hidayat, because he is a religious figure
whose every word they convey is knowledge about the afterlife, because as Muslims of
course we have to increase our knowledge of the afterlife for future provisions.

3. Elga dwiana putri

NIM :2305111322
if your kpop idol held a concert in indonesian and it happened to be close to where you live,
would you come even though the ticket price were very expensive? And what would you say
and do if you were given the opportunity tp meer him person?

ANSWER : I'll save up and definitely watch it. and if I meet them I will be very happy, but
maybe I will scream and even jump up and down, because I really like them.

4. Fitria hardisti
NIM : 2305111380
from what is mentioned in the powerpoint, park jimin met kim taehyung when he was
attending korean arts high school who later become group friends in bts. So, how does he
adapt to the other members and how do they build chemistry within each member?

ANSWER :after their debut they lived together in the dorm and also with the other
members, every day they met and exchanged ideas with each other, this is what I think can
make them close

5. Algiovany junlandami
NIM : 2305113926
the discusion of the material you presented about famous people. What are you reasons for
choosing park jimin in this discusion and what makes you like him in term of his character or
ANSWER :he is my first idol, since I was in madrasah tsanawiyah or junior high school, I really
like his group and my bias is Park Jimin, every music he makes motivates me to be better and
stronger in this life.

6. Nayla syaqira putri savera

NIM :2305112454
as previosly explaned, park jiminis a member bts and has many awards in the music feild.
Are there any awards he has received outsides of the music field? If so, please mention on of

ANSWER : he received an award from his high school as an outstanding student, he was once
class president, and after college he was elected as president of the university on campus, so
not only was he talented in music and dance, he also excelled in academics and sports

7. Ayu komala iswandi

NIM : 2305135104
in idolizing someone, of course there is something positive or negative that will influence our
attitude, behavior or clothinv style. Explain what positive or negative things get you from
idolizing park jimin?

ANSWER : The positive side that I feel is that I am motivated to be successful like him, I work
hard, study hard for my dreams, and I enjoy watching or hearing his songs, and I am very
happy. while the negative side is that when I was still starting to like him, I was very
obsessed with him, until my ranking dropped at school, but I realized that wasn't good and
he also forbade me like that, that's why I left him.


NIM : 230511398
When you idolize someone,you will make them a role model and influence your life you will
inspired their achievemenis and words, my question is what the memorable quotes from
ustadz adi hidayat you can remember ? and how much the quotes give positive affect to
yourlife and your habbit ?

Answer : When you face a very big problem, you have to expand your chest, you have calm
your heart. and that influence was very big for me, and made me a better person


NIM : 2305112403
Nowadays, Kpop has become global in various countries, even in Indonesia itself, both in
terms of its drama and in terms of its music. Therefore, what is Ustadz Adi Hidayat's
response to Muslim women who idolize female Korean artists? Even though fellow women,
are there any prohibitions regarding this?

ANSWER : I don't know the exact reason, or what the response was, but as far as I know
Abdul Shomad in his lecture said that idolizing kpok idols is haram.


NIM : 2305135107
Adi Hidayat is an Indonesian ustaz who serves as Deputy Chair I of the Muhammadiyah
Central Leadership Tabligh Council for the period 2022-2027. My question is what lectures
do you remember from Ustaz Adi Hidayat ?

ANSWER : when someone feels worried when remembering death and he thinks about it at
that time and he knows he has shortcomings, and is aware that there are still many
shortcomings, but why can't he still be serious about the remaining time given?


NIM : 2305135114
What is the advice or message conveyed by ustadz Adi Hidayat in his lecture that you
remember the most or that touches your heart the most? Mention what messages ustadz
Adi Hidayat conveyed in his lecture ?

ANSWER : When you face a very big problem, you have to expand your chest, you have calm
your heart. and that influence was very big for me, and made me a better person


NIM : 2305112738
Why do you idolize Ustadz Adi Hidayat? Since when did Ustadz Adi Hidayat study Islamic
knowledge? And what lecture touched your heart the most?

ANSWER : because through Ustadz Adi Hidayat's lectures he was able to change my life for
the better. Ustadz adi hidayat started his education islamic study at madrasah tsanawiyah to
aliyah at darul arqam muhammadiyah islamic boarding school. When you face a very big
problem, you have to expand your chest, you have calm your heart. and that influence was
very big for me, and made me a better person


NIM : 2305112448
Give reasons why you idolize Ustadz Aldi Hidayat, and what would your response be if
someone said that his preaching was not in accordance with Islamic law ?

ANSWER : I will oppose it if it is not true and there is no evidence, and everyone must say
something because of science and a book of science.

14. NAME : Nur Aini

Nim : 2305112174


why did you choose Maudy Ayunda as your favorite character?What positive side can you
get from your favorite character? and what can you motivate your favorite character?

-Answer -

Maudy Ayunda is an inspiring example for the millennial generation because of her
dedication to education, extensive language skills, and success in the world of academics and

Women can do many great things. Don't be afraid and hold on to your dreams, like Maudy
Ayunda who didn't give up on achieving her dreams.

15. NAME : Dhea Rahma Safitri

Nim : 2305135118


Why do you idolize Maudy Ayunda? And what are the things that inspire the character
Maudy Ayunda so that you idolize her?


Because, seeing the beauty and the many talents that Maudy Ayunda has. She is fashionable,
famous, has a good voice, is smart, humble too.

What inspires him is mastering many languages, being the youngest speaker at international
forums, serving as head of speaker at the Oxford Economics Society, author of children's
books and being accepted at various well-known universities in the world.

16. NAME : Echa Efter Mareta

Nim : 2305113434

as we know, Maudy Ayunda was among the inspired characters in Indonesia, especially in
the field of education. so what makes you use Maudy Ayunda as your role model? and what
caused you to be inspired of Maudy Ayunda?


because Maudy Ayunda is a very inspiring figure, she is very unique as she always channels
positive energy, her time management is very good with a neatly arranged priority scale
which is why every goal can be achieved.

And because, seeing her beauty and the array of talents she has. He's fashionable, famous,
has a good voice, smart, humble too.

17. NAME : Dea Citra

Nim : 2305127014

- Question:

Maudy Ayunda is an Indonesia actress who has Made many achievement but in the
academic field and in hare career in the world entertainment. she is knouwn as an actress,
singer, model, activities and song writer. what inspiration values can be taken from Maudy

- Answer:

Maudy Ayunda is an inspiring example for the millennial generation because of her
dedication to education, extensive language skills, and success in the world of academics and

18. NAME : Indah Malinda

Nim : 2305112636


Maudy Ayunda has achieved many of achievements and successes both in the field of
entertainment,films and songs that she has created.So do you know how she got like that,
are there any daily habits of hers that we can imitate?


1.Wake up at 5 am

2.20-20-20 method

namely 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of self-reflection, and 20 minutes of learning such

as listening to podcasts, watching YouTube or reading books.

3. Motivate yourself to be more enthusiastic

19. NAME : Nasywa Dwi cahyani

Nim : 2305111415

What motivation can we take from Maudy Ayunda according to what is told, and what
should we emulate from Maudy Ayunda so that our live become more useful for ourselves
and many people?


We as women can also do many great things. So, don't be afraid and hold on to your dreams,
like Maudy Ayunda who didn't give up on achieving her dreams.

Study seriously at school because the results will not create hard work. Become an
independent person.

make the best use of your time.

teaches not to choose friends. Never forget to share and open yourself to various

20. NAME : Maulana alFatih

Nim : 2305113827


Based on the percentage you indicated you are attracted to Maudy Ayunda.What is reason
why you like Maudy Ayunda? Is there anything that differentiates Maudy Ayunda from other
artists in the country's entertainment industry that makes you like her more?


Because, seeing the beauty and array of talents that Maudy Ayunda has. Already
fashionable, famous, has a good voice, smart, humble too. Maudy Ayunda is an inspirational
example for the millennial generation because of her dedication to education, broad
language skills, and success in the world of academics and entertainment.

21. NAME : Nelvia

Nim : 2305112748


What achievement has Maudy Ayunda achieved? Where did Maudy Ayunda study? Name
three films in which Maudy Ayunda played? Name three men who staired in films with
Maudy Ayunda?


Maudy Ayunda's achievements

1. The first Indonesian student majoring in PPE

2. Earn 2 postgraduate degrees at once

3. Achievement in the world of acting and music

4. Enter the category of successful young people

from Forbes Magazine

- Study

* British School Jakarta

* St Hilda's collage

* Stanford university

3 films played

1.Untuk Rena (2005)

2.Sang pemimpi (2009)

3.Perahu kertas (2012)

3 men who starred in the film with Maudy Ayunda

1.Chicco Jerikho

2.Rizky Nazar

3.Afgansyah Reza

22. NAME : Nada Dwi Softly Dola

NIM :2305127012


Everyone has their own idols for various reasouns and thei own interest what interesting
things made you choose muhammad shammer shauqeen at you idol? what influence do you
get after idolizing him?


Im idolize Meerqeen because he is handsome , very kind, romantic,and like to help

The influence on me is that I become more diligent in praying because he likes worship, so I
am motivated to do good with everyone.
23. NAME : Nabila
Nim :2305112773
Can your idol have a positive impact on your life? try to mention what changes you
experienced after idolizing him, and give motivation what was conveyed by him that you still
remember to this day?

yes, the most basic change that I feel is that I am motivated to study and even work harder
to achieve my dreams and aspirations, I also try to follow my idol's positive routine every day

24. NAME : Ummu Huwaida

Nim : 2305112381

what makes a person famous? How do people invade the privacy of famous people? Do they
have any qualities that are different from ordinary people? In your opinion, were the
standarts, for judging who is famous, before better than they are now?


what makes him famous is the talent he has, there are things that often bring someone
down, what differentiates him from others is the talent he has, their strong desire to
succeed, and their perseverance in the journey of life, and as a lay person, judging someone
is a person's personal right, so if we think it is good, then it is good, and all of that is
according to our view of that person

25. NAME : Timbul Pasca Situmorang

Nim : 2305114569

A famous person is a person who is able to motivate and make other people admire him.
Which famous person motivates you the most and amazes you? And what makes you
motivated by him?

If asked who makes me motivated, it is certain that the four figures in our presentation are
famous people who make us like them and motivate us

26. NAME : Melda Hanum

Nim :2305113527


Famous people can definitely influence many people and everyone has a bad side In your
opinion, as a student, do they still deserve to be called famous people or idols if the bad side
of their life is known to many people and there are some people who follow their bad side?
Give your feedback.

Everyone has their own good and bad sides, because our idols are humans, it is certain that
they have bad sides, only the good can be seen, and it would be good if we judge someone
with good judgment, they dare to appear with many flaws, but these shortcomings are
covered by their sense of self-confidence and their persistence in their dreams.

27. NAME : Qorotu Aini Akroo

Nim : 2305112594

Among the many famous people, who is one of the famous people you idolize? Why do you
idolize him? And if we idolize him, it means that there is something from that person that
becomes your example, what is that thing that you emulate from him?


Maudy Ayunda.

Because he has achieved many presentations and successes.

Apart from her ability to sing and act, Maudy Ayunda also inspires people through her
seriousness in pursuing knowledge and her concern for educational issues.

28. NAME : Muhammad Haris Zul Fadli

Nim : 2305114305


What kind of attitude do the people you mentioned have, and give reasons why you like the
people you mentioned, and how to become famous like them


Humble and simple.

Maudy Ayunda is an inspiring example for the millennial generation because of her
dedication to education, extensive language skills, and success in the world of academics and

Continue to hone your talents with high dedication, learn continuously, be consistent and
disciplined, be creative and innovative, increase relationships in various fields, be modest
and believe in yourself.

29. NAME : Tiara Wirda Ningsih

Nim : 2305111411


What is your view on the influence of celebrities in society? And what positive values can
you take from your idols? And have you ever thought about becoming a celebrity?

The good influence is that people can imitate the persistence and hard work of celebrities,
but there are also bad influences such as imitating the free life of celebrities.

Positive value:fashionable, famous, good voice, smart, and also humble

Oh, of course.

Who doesn't want to be a celebrity.


NIM: 2305111407
Idolizing someone psychologically is normal. Many teenagers are amazed by their idol's
abilities or success, and want to be like their idol. But what if someone is very obsessed with
being like their idol? Can it have a bad impact??

ANSWER : The positive impact is that individual A can be motivated to imitate positive things
from his idol such as work ethic, principles, and hard work and achievements in his life.
The negative impact is that individuals become obsessed with being like their idols and
imitate trivial and unimportant things, which ironically happens more often


NIM : 2305127010
What motivation can we get from some of the figures described in the presentation and how
to apply it to ourselves and in our daily lives, explain in your opinion and which character is
more motivating from the several choises ?

Answer : we can practice good things or positive things from our idols in our daily lives, and
each idol must have characteristics to motivate their fans so each idol will definitely look
very good in the eyes of their fans

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